The NCCG.ORG Website
is now ~80% Online again
but is still undergoing image

Estimated Date of Completion: Summer 2025

as of 11 March 2025 but NOT the Main Index Page (which will be uploaded last of all or most of the Images (which still have to be checked)


You can also find status reports on my Facebook page (see below) with the latest uploaded directory links.


  • 1. NCCG.ORG Archive on the Wayback Machine - mostly complete up to 23 March 2023, can be slow
  • 2. Reconstructing the Johannine Community IV - last key sermon before website was taken down
  • 3. Dynamic Creation Calendar - to calculate sabbaths, new moons & feasts for your particular location
  • 4. Is the Exodus Absolute Biblical Proof for the Creation Calendar?
  • 5. Order the Complete Up-to-Date Website offline - for a minimum donation of $10
  • 5. List of all NCCG.ORG Videos that are available online (see D below)


  • 1. Facebook (main social medium for as long as this is available)
  • 2. NCCG.ORG on MeWe (our eventual replacement of Facebook)
  • 3. Uncensored News on MeWe
  • 4. Gab (a backup to MeWe)

    We are also on X / Twitter.


    All our videos are still available online with Rumble our principle store:

  • 1. NCCG.ORG Rumble Video Archive of Sermons & Teachings (main channel)
  • 2. NCCG.ORG Facebook Video Archive (older videos)
  • 3. NCCG.ORG YouTube Channel (small sample only)
  • 4. List of all NCCG.ORG Videos (website)

    We hope to make all our videos available on a set of Flashdrives for offline viewing in the future.


    Reasons for the Outage

    Owing to hacker intrusion, the corruption of a large number of files and other related issues, the whole NCCG.ORG website was taken down on Tuesday 28 May 2024. The decision was made on 10 May 2025 to begin reuploading most of the website minus most of the main index page (which must be rewritten) and the images (which have to be checked against copyright claims before being re-uploaded or replaced - this may take a few months).

    The Archive

    Most of my sermons and teachings videos are still online (for now) at Rumble, Facebook and a smaller one on of short extracts YouTube.

    Retirement & Health Issues

    This coincides with my official retirement on 29 May 2024 because of serious health issues that make it impossible for me to act in my capacity as a minister any longer. Whether I remain in retirement or return to the ministry in the future will depend, in large measure, on whether Yahweh grants me healing or not (two have prophesied I would be healed) but as things are, I am unable to function in that capacity any longer beyond 'steering the ship' in the background for as long as I am alive.


    I shall also take the opportunity to make some improvements to the old website while I'm about it which has been in serious need of an upgrade now for some time. The last review was over 10 years ago and that took about a year to complete. I am advised that some coding needs to be updated to prevent further hacking attempts. This will now be done 'as I am able' in the months ahead. Meantime the old articles are being restored.

    How to Get a Personal Copy of the Website

    For those who would like to continue studying NCCG.ORG the complete illustrated during the maintenance period, the website is still available off line for those who would like to purchase a copy on a USB flash drive or DVD disk. You can then install the entire website on your computer to use as a personal resource offline. If you'd like to know how you can acquire a copy for a nominal donation to cover flashdrive and postage costs, click the link below:

    Internet Archive on the Wayback Machine

    You can find an older backup of NCCG.ORG that is up-to-date up to 25 March 2023. You will not find anything more recent than that, I'm afraid. Moreover, not everything was archived. So if it's older illustrated material that you want, then go to: The NCCG.ORG Website on the Wayback Machine (until March 2023). Be patient, as the loading time is quite slow.

    How to Get in Contact

    If you want to contact me, you can do that on Facebook at, email me at, or write to the P.O.Box address in Sweden listed at the bottom of this page. Facebook is by far the quickest as I am there daily as you may encounter delays of 1-2 weeks with the latter two. Should this Facebook be taken down or I be incarcerated in Facebook Jail for a while for the crime of telling too much truth, there is an IAT back-up group you can join too which is only used for anouncing new materials. I will still be making the occasional short video when I am well enough.

    Prayer & Blessing

    As always, I gratefully covet your prayers and intercessions. May Yahweh our Heavenly Father bless you and keep you in His precious Son, Yah'shua the Messiah/Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Christopher C.M.Warren (NCCG.ORG Overseer)
    First notification: 27 May 2024
    Last updated: 11 May 2025

    Copyright © 1987-2025 New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh
    All Rights Reserved - Alle Recht vorbehalten
    Box 120, S-671 51 ARVIKA, Sweden