"Since you did nt hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you" (Ezekiel 35:6b, NIV).
I hate warmongering...and those who pursue it have a LOT to answer for (this message is quite strong and not for the faint-hearted). The only winner of this brutalisation of men is Satan. NO ONE ELSE WINS. That is why I, an ex-army man, am broadly-speaking a pacifist. War, to be justified, should only be waged as a last resort in defence of ones homes. And even though war can, and does, bring out the best in SOME men it usually brings out the worst in as many, if not more. Even the survivors are destroyed for life. Veterans on ALL sides who acted honourably, forced into war against their will, should be honoured irrespective of the politics of their politicians who sent them to die for their own selfish (often commercial) ends. The warmongers need to be publicly vilified and brought to account.
I showed my sons the classic movie, All Quiet on the Western Front, so that they would be under no illusions.
The survivors of today's wars - Russians, Ukrainians, Israelis, Palestinians, Syrians and others forced into pointless conflicts - are going to be psychologically traumatised by what used to be called 'shellshock'. Yah have mercy. Wives, fathers, mothers, siblings and friends who have lost loved ones are going to be grieving the rest of their lives. The warmongers are the real terrorists...and by warmongers I mean those who wage war when there are legitimate peaceful solutions; but they don't care because human life to these scumbags is just flesh to be traded for political or economical advantage. The warmongers on all sides need to be thrown into a pit to fight it out among themselves. Of course most never would, they would strike deals to save their own skins because 'Number #1" is all they really care about. They are cowards.
I have written a great deal on what Christians should do when facing enlistment. The questions their consciences need to answer are hard, made more complicated by all the emotional manipulation of the warmongers' propaganda. War is a death cult that comes in many forms and not just on the regular battlefield. In many ways, the most despicable governments (who are usually motivated by graft) are those who wage war on their own citizens through a whole swathe of demonic devices, including food poisoning and non-essential medical interventions. We know, because they have openly declared it, that the élites want to murder 90 per cent or so of humanity in order to create their dystopian 'paradise' as they suppose. They are psychopaths whose destination is, unless they repent and publicly confess, hell. No two questions about it.
This current (2022-25)war in Ukraine and the ones in the Middle East and elsewhere must end now before everything spirals out of control into a nuclear holocaust. Our prayers and social media protesting in 2025 should focus on this. Man cannot govern himself without the true Elohim (God) in charge (not the false ones which are all fronts for Satan). But it's not just war itself that's the issue - that's too easy - there are WRONG-DOERS - AGGRESSORS - and there are those genuinely responding in SELF-DEFENCE who must be JUSTIFIED and the real criminals brought to account. And even that's not enough because at the root of ALL of this is SIN which is why Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is the ONLY real solution to war and the issues that lead to it.
Let us therefore identify the true culprit in this mess and not fall back on lame nationalistic or (so-called) internationalistic/globalist excuses. In war, wisdom, reason and compassion are the main casualties. We only had a Second World War because the First one wasn't resolved justly or with mercy, and we're only having this Third World War now because the Second wasn't resolved justly either. Think about it...one of the parties (the Soviet Union) in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal was itself a BRUTAL DICTATORSHIP guilty of worse war crimes than the nation being judged (nazi Germany) and even now that nation has not owned up to its forefather's crimes. You all know who I mean. So don't rush to make judgments. The history of causes is complex and the truth hidden beneath layers of the lying propaganda of the victors.
We have to collectively say we have had enough of all this wickedness and perversion. There has to be frank talking and NO cover-ups. Will it happen? The important thing is good people MAKE it happen or it never will. Or at least make a start because the wicked WILL by default cover-up the truth.
2025 is a YEAR OF ACCOUNTABILITY. The world is changing fast, sometimes for the good, sometimes for more evil. Be sure you're on the right 'side' - stay away from those 'sides' who MIX TRUTH WITH LIES. ONLY the WHOLE truth matters.
If you have never seen the movie, All Quiet on the Western Front, I recommend you do.