1. The Mantle of Jesus |
2. When Not to Pray |
3. Our Appearance in the Resurrection |
4. A Book on Prayer |
5. Is Alcohol Consumption a Sin? |
6. What is a New Covenant Christian? |
7. Compulsion, Freedom and Conscience |
8. Good Preaching |
9. Corporal Punishment |
10. The "Holy Spirit Movement" and the "Toronto Blessing" |
11. The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Atonememnt |
12. The Rapture Doctrine |
13. When Does One Obey the Commandments? |
14. Teaching the Gospel at Different Levels: Historical Evidence |
15. The Angel Malachi: Of Angels and Men |
16. How Many Heavens Are There: One, Three or Seven? |
17. On Killing in the Old Testament |
18. Temple Worship and the Sacral Nature of Temple Clothes |
19. Finger Nails: Created or Evolved? |
20. How Do I Join Your Church? |
21. The New Covenant Christian Temple I |
22. What's the Difference Between B'rit Chadashah, BCEA, and NCCG? |
23. The United Order: Should There Be Rich and Poor in the Church? |
24. How Long Do New Covenant Apostles Serve? |
25. How Should a Christian Respond to Slander? |
26. What is Christian Mysticism? Is There Such a Thing in the Bible? |
27. Do We Need Apostles and Teachers in the Church of God Today? |
28. Who Has the Right to Interpret the Scriptures? Rebutting Existentialists |
29. Should the Church Have Leaders? |
30. Exposing a False "New Life" Teaching: Getting a "New Spirit" |
31. What Does It Mean to "Sing a New Song"? |
32. How Important is Correct Theology to Being Saved? |
33. How far should scientists go in trying to reduce the aging process in the body? |
34. Are Christians Secret Pantheists? |
35. Did Phinehas, the Grandson of Aaron, have an Everlasting Levitical Priesthood? |
36. Do Those who Reject the Gospel Go to an Eternal Hell? |
37. Are New Covenant Christians Fundamentalists? |
38. Is Human Pre-Existence Biblical? Critique of Calvinism |
39. Is There Eternal Marriage in the Resurrection? |
40. What Would You Say was your Church's Greatest Mistake? |
41. How Did Christmas Become Part of Our Western Tradition? |
42. Should We Be Allowed to Eat Pets? |
43. Was Salvation in the Old Testament by Faith or Works? |
44. Why are the Jews Always Persecuted? |
45. Should Christians Study the Gospel of Thomas? |
46. Will the Church be Organised in the New Testament Way in the Last Days? |
47. Should the Church Fellowship with Rebels? |
48. What is Your Position on the "Gap Theory" and "Day-Age Theory"? |
49. Was David's Sin of Adultery Minimised by God? |
50. Will the British Withdraw from Northern Ireland? |
51. Is the United Pentecostal Church Teaching the True Godhead Doctrine? |
52. Is the New Covenant Church of God Truly "Evangelical"? |
53. Is the New Covenant Church of God Truly "Charismatic"? |
54. What Truth is There in the Rumours About Your Church? |
55. Do the New Age Churches have a Better Scientific Grasp Than Christians? |
56. Is the Light of Christ the Same in Everyone? |
57. Where is the Justice in Our Birth Circumstances? |
58. Doesn't the Call to Witness Mean People are Saved by Our Works? |
59. Why should I Become a New Covenant Christian? |
60. Did the Charismatic Gifts End With the Kingdom Age? |
61. Is the Church Just a "Fellowship of Believers"? |
62. A Royal Nod to Homosexuals in Denmark |
63. Where Does Adultery Begin and End?: The Case of President Clinton |
64. Establishing the Truth Using Biblical Rules |
65. What is the Church's Position on Near Death Experiences? |
66. Did Adam and Eve Have Sex in the Garden of Eden? |
67. Are all The "Jews" in Israel True Jews? An Examination of the Ethnic Mix |
68. How Should Christians Select Marriage Companions & Where Do Marriages Go Wrong? |
69. Must a Prophet Speak in Tongues? |
70. Is Prophecy Inferior to Tongues? |
71. What is the Difference Between Testament and Covenant? |
72. What Part of the Body Do You Come From? Are You Evangelical? |
73. What's the Point of Another Denomination? |
74. Should the Church be led by a Prophet or by Apostles? |
75. What is the Church's Position on Common-Law Marriage? |
76. What is the True Sabbath Day? |
77. Should Women Teach in the Church? |
78. Is the Kingdom of God "Within"? |
79. Was Jesus Joseph's Son? |
80. Was the Bible Canon by Design or Accidental? |
81. The Hidden Dangers of Halloween |
82. How Satan Infiltrates Music |
83. Warning Signs of Satanism |
84. What is the Correct Name of the Church? |
85. Does God Care Whether or Not We Observe Christmas? |
86. Should Women Pursue Careers, Use Contraceptives, et alia? |
87. The New Covenant and the Virgin Mary |
88. Are We Saved by Faith? |
89. Dating in the World and in the Church |
90. The New Covenant and Ecumenicism |
91. The Christian and TV Control |
92. Witnessing from the Scriptures |
93. Ideas on Evolution and Creation |
94. Cain, Big Foot and the Bible |
95. The Law and Grace: Which are We Under? |
96. Love and the Law |
97. Is Jesus God? |
98. Verbal, Plenary Revelation |
99. In Love Outside the Covenant |
100. Sex and Marriage |
101. On Coca Cola |
102. Baptism or Chrism (Confirmation): Which Comes First? |
103. When a Whole Congregation Wants to Join the NCCG |
104. The Tradition of Sealed Scriptures |
105. Moral Believers |
106. God's Will and Human Free Agency |
107. Jesus's Seed and Creation ex nihilo |
108. The Nature of the Spirit World |
109. Conscience and Innocence |
110. The Diversity of Gifts in Denominations |
111. Near-death Experiences..and Other Spiritual Experiences |
112. The Nature of Angelic Beings |
113. Where Our Questions Come From |
114. Modern Music |
115. Should Christians Tithe? |
116. Baptism for the Dead? |
117. The New Testament Priesthood |
118. Baptism into the Covenant of Christ |
119. The Roots of the New Covenant Church of God |
120. The Book of Urantia (+ The Keys of Enoch & The Aquarian Gospel) |
121. Liberal Christianity |
122. Courage to Stand Alone |
123. Birthday Celebration |
124. A Restoration Church: The Spirit of Elijah [for Mormons] |
125. What Kind of Clothes Should We Wear? |
126. Ideal Motherhood or Brainwashing? |
127. God's View of Atheists |
128. Should We Criticise Other Churches? |
129. Is Sabbath Observation Still Required? |
130. Breast Cancer and Abortion |
131. The Alcohol Question |
132. Obedience is Better than Sacrifice |
133. Does Marriage End at Death? |
134. "Slain in the Spirit" and the "Toronto Blessing" |
135. The Fulness of the Gospel |
136. Overcoming the Adversary |
137. Is God Invisible? |
138. Absent Witnesses |
139. Is the Law of the Land our Protector? |
140. Signs of a True Christian |
141. Mysticism in the Gospel of Christ |
142. The Church: Pillar and Foundation of Truth? |
143. Forcing Ones Way into the Kingdom |
144. Consecrated by the Word |
145. Rejecting or Accepting Christ |
146. The United Nations: Whose Tool? |
147. Should We Drink Wine Instead of Water? |
148. Why Read the Bible? |
149. TV Evangelists |
150. No-one Can See God? |
151. Male Gentleness |
152. The Return of Christ: Soon? |
153. Jesus Will Return Suddenly |
154. 1995: A Critical Year? |
155. Re-adopting the Saturday Sabbath? |
156. Is The Kingdom of God Within? |
157. The Importance of Missionary Work |
158. The Advanced Culture of the Patriarchs |
159. Bible vs. Holy Spirit |
160. Why Modern Revelations Aren't Canonised |
161. Government of the Holy Order |
162. No Pre-existence for Job? |
163. Revelation by Lots? |
164. Will Another Jewish Temple Be Built? |
165. All Things are Pure to the Pure |
166. Intercourse and Uncleanliness |
167. Would a Married Jesus Have Been Sinful? |
168. What is a Liberal Christian? |
169. The Virgin Birth and Jesus' Marriage |
170. The Necessity of the Holy Order |
171. Wild and Natural Olive Trees |
172. Baptism into What? |
173. Is Jesus Elohim? |
174. Our Not Celebrating Christmas |
175. Too Small to Join |
176. A Question of Net Tithing |
177. Tithing and Business |
178. Is "Increase Tithing" Valid? |
179. Marrying a Common Law Wife |
180. The Parable of the Talents and Callings |
181. How A Wife Should Love Her Husband |
182. Salt of the Earth |
183. Why We Shun Politics |
184. The New Covenant's Distinctive Trait |
185. The Tenancy of Leaders: The Church Like a Pyramid |
186. Confessing the Faith |
187. A Relativistic Church? |
188. The Signs of Apostles |
189. Was Paul Single? |
190. The Cultivation of Beautiful Thoughts |
191. Concessions to human weakness? A Look at the Law of Moses |
192. Free Agency, Action, Trials & God's Will |
193. Authority and Priesthood |
194. Inner and Outer Church Approaches |
195. Covenants and Repentance |
196. Accepting the Constitution |
197. Temptations |
198. Knowing Knowledge |
199. Quoting Scripture |
200. Doing Ones Duty in Love |
201. Fearing Change |
202. The World's Cultures and Zion |
203. History and Centralised Ecclesiastical Authority |
204. The New Constitution (1995) |
205. The Gathering to Kadesh |
206. The Holy Order To Become More Public? |
207. Knowledge vs. Love |
208. Law Observance and the Fear of Death |
209. Pre-Mortal Calling to be New Covenant Christians? |
210. Extra-Biblical Early Christian Literature |
211. Was Paul Accompanied by Women Missionaries? |
212. The 1995-6 Reorganisation of the Church |
213. Christmas and Sabbath Day Observance |
214. Titles of Respect? |
215. The New Covenant and Its Leaders (Third Rebellion) |
216. Temples, Old and Modern (Third Rebellion) |
217. Church Leaders and the Law: Are They Needed Any More? (Third Rebellion) |
218. High Priests: Old and New (Third Rebellion) |
219. The Necessity of Scriptural Interpretation (Third Rebellion) |
220. Theological Training, Apostles & Torah (Third Rebellion) |
221. On the Covenants & Commandments |
222. The 6 April Birth of Christ: Shall We Abandon It? |
223. On Schism in the Church (Third Rebellion) |
224. Apostate -- An Abusive Word? (Third Rebellion) |
225. The Future of the Temple |
226. The Future of the Patriarchate |
227. Differentiating Old and New Covenants (Third Rebellion) |
228. The Ten Commandments: Whose Law? (Third Rebellion) |
229. How Many Christian Churches in the Last Days? (Third Rebellion) |
230. The Living Candlestick |
231. The Holy Spirit: One or Two? |
232. Line Upon Line.. |
233. Courtship in the New Covenant |
234. Waiting for Children? |
235. Is the Bible Infallible? |
236. Refuting False Teachings |
237. On Bishops |
238. Old Revelations |
239. The Rapture Question |
240. Confirmation and Catechumens |
241. The Spirits of Elisha & Elijah |
242. Is Debating Healthy? |
243. Sons of God or Angels? |
244. Spirit, Soul and Body? |
245. The Golden Text |
246. On Conscience |
247. Predestination or Foreordination? |
248. Why was Timothy Circumcised? |
249. An Imbalance in the Sexes |
250. Faith, Miracles and the Exodus (Third Rebellion) |
251. Cultural Acceptance vs. God's Truth |
252. Is the Tao Teh Ching Inspired? |
253. Is God Both Good AND Evil? |
254. The Use of Crucifixes |
255. Waking Up to God |
256. Questions About the Olive Branch I (Covenants & Commandments) |
257. Questions About the Olive Branch II: Kaliningrad, Czecholslovakia and Jan Schut |
258. Different Understandings of the Same Doctrine |
259. The House Dedication Ceremony |
260. Voting in Politics |
261. The New Covenant Church of God and "The New Covenant" |
262. 'Father', 'Lord' and 'God': What is the Difference? |
263. Does NCCG Celebrate an Open or Closed Communion? |
264. What is a "Firstborn Name"? |
265. Is NCCG Connected to the Worldwide Church of God or Church of God, International? |
266. Will Yahshua (Jesus) Always Reign Over Us? |
267. What is the Church’s opinion of Ralph Waldo Emerson? |
268. Was the Apostles' Creed Written by the Apostles? |
269. What is the Minimum Godhead Doctrine? |
270. What is the Book in Isaiah 29:11? |
271. What is the Chief Identifying Mark of NCCG that Makes it Attractive? |
272. What is the Official Church Policy Regarding the Use of the Divine Names? |
273. What are the Signs of the End-Times? |
274. Is there Such a Thing as Homosexual Genes? |
275. What is the Effect of Fervent Prayer? |
276. What is Fornication? |
277. Complaining about the Way: Is the Gospel too Hard? |
278. The Family and the Catholic Church |
279. Are We Saved by Baptism? |
280. Is Christ the Same Always? |
281. Being Content with what We Have |
282. Are There Animals in Heaven? |
283. Where is Your Church Growth? |
284. Mapping the Human Genome and Gene-Splicing |
285. Nephilim Activity After the Flood |
286. Noah's Ark and Monogamy |
287. Why Did God Allow Islam? |
288. The Honouring of Parents |
289. The Abuse of Dreams |
290. The Linguistic War of Salvation |
291. Three Models of the Church |
292. How Old is the Earth? |
293. Texe Marrs, the Clintons and the Next Pope |
294. Are Women Demonised During Menstruation? |
295. The Religious Faith of Evolution |
296. Absolute and Relative Morality |
297. Unisexual, Bisexual and Names in General |
298. Usury and Bank Accounts |
299. Romantic Fiction Books: Should We Be Reading Them? |
300. Haggis and Blood Sausage: Is it a Sin to Eat Them? |
301. Uniformitarianism Exposed in the Bible |
302. The Ethics of Killing to Save Life |
303. Capital Punishment: Is it Justifiable? |
304. Old Testament vs. New: The Theological Surgery that Kills |
305. What is a Cult? |
306. Dream Symbolism: Trouble in a Ministry |
307. The Structure of Olive Branch Revelations |
308. In Season or Out of Season? Action vs. Procrastination |
309. Questions about Tongue-Speaking and Exaggeration |
310. What is the Holy Order? |
311. Obedience to Leadership in the Local Congregation |
312. Does Christ Know The Day of His Return? |
313. What is the Johannine Communion? |
314. What is the Solution to the Confusion in Christendom? |
315. Why Our Materials are Copyrighted |
316. What is a Jew? |
317. A Question About Wine |
318. Wives Submitting to Husbands: How and When? |
319. The New Covenant, the Melchizedek Priesthood, and Torah |
320. What is NCCG's Official Position on Plural Marriage? |
321. Did We Have a Premortal Existence? |
322. Is it Wrong to Bow Down to People? |
323. A Question on the Post-Tribulation Rapture |
324. What is the New Covenant? |
325. When was the Sun Created? |
326. Unitarianism: One Person or Three? |
327. Which Bible Version Should We Use? |
328. The Acts 2:4 Experience: Are Tongues Necessary? |
329. Ceremony, Ritual and Physical Ordinances |
330. Understanding Biblical Periphrasis |
331. Pre-Existence in the Pseudepigrapha |
332. The Names of Deity
333. The Ten Virgins
334. The Woman in the Wilderness |
335. The Most Problematical Scripture and Understanding Paul |
336. The Receptor Tongue of the New Testament and the Saviour's Name |
337. Salvational vs. Non-Salvational Issues |
338. Confusion on Wine
339. James and the Twelve Tribes |
340. Vicars and Antichrists |
341. Reconciling Torah and Clean Foods |
342. Pre-existence and First Century Jewish Thought |
343. The Human Soul: Three Persons or One? |
344. Elohim, Eloah and Yahweh |
345. Names of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) |
346. What is the Sabbath Day For? |
347. Is NCCG "Élitist"?
348. What is a Woman's Authority in the Church? |
349. Resolving Honest Differences |
350. Watching Out for Concealed Occultism in the Movies |
351. The Bible Teaching on Soul
352. NCCG and the Number 333
353. The Olive Branch: Sweet or Sour? |
354. Yah'shua vs. Yahweh |
355. Is There Place for Righteous Anger? |
356. Can Christians Be Freethinkers? |
357. Has Baptism Replaced Circumcision? |
358. What is the Judaising Heresy? |
359. New Testament Mainstream View of Passover |
360. The John 8 Pericope: Does It Disprove the Luni-Solar Sabbath? |
361. Where's the Simple Verse? A Luni-Solar Sabbath Objection Addressed |
362. The Feast of John 5: Was it Purim? |
363. Is El Elyon the Name of the Father? |
364. Is Work Permitted on the New Moon? |
365. Sabbath Travel Problems: Two Neighbourhood Sabbaths & Defining Ones Place |
366. Does the Omer Count Disprove the Luni-Solar Calendar? |
367. Three Birth Theories: Was Messiah Born at Pesach, Yom Teruah or Sukkot? |
368. Women's Headcoverings: How Often Should They Be Worn? |
369. How Will All Israel Be Saved? |
370. Was Paul a Tallit-Maker? |
371. Aviv 1 and the Equinox |
372. All Things are Lawful? Paul's Teaching in 1 Corinthians 6:13 Examined |
373. Will Only the Tribulation Martyrs Qualify for the First Resurrection? |
374. Have the Original the Bible Manuscripts Been Edited? |
375. Is the Earth Literally Fixed and Stationary? |
376. Rising of the Sun and Flat Earth |
377. Flat Earth Hippodrome: Is the Flat-Earth Messiah Living on the Dome? |
378. Calculating the New Year: The Metonic Cycle and 13th Month |
379. The 'Mandela Effect': Has the Bible Been Changed Supernaturally? FAQ001 |
380. Salvation is of the Jews: What Does That Mean? FAQ002 |
381. Would Paul Have Written to Timothy in Hebrew or Greek? FAQ003 |
382. Can the Wicked Be Saved? Or Will They Be Annihilated? FAQ004 |
383. What Does It Mean to have a 'Jewish Nature'? FAQ005 |
384. Why Do You Use the Word 'Christian'? FAQ006 |
385. Michael McClymond: Is Universalism Really Gnostic? |
386. Are Doctrines About the Fate of the Wicked a Salvational Issue? FAQ007 |
387. Numerology, Superstition & Bondage FAQ008 |
388. The New Perspective on Paul FAQ009 |
389. Is the Exodus Absolute Biblical Proof for the Creation Calendar? FAQ010 |
390. Does Messiah's Death Disprove the Creation Calendar? FAQ011 |
391. Did Christ Descend to Hell While in the Tomb? FAQ012 |
392. Does Paul Claim Yahweh Justifies the Wicked and Contradict the Torah? FAQ013 |
393. Does the Word 'Jesus' Mean 'Earth-Pig' in Latin? FAQ014 |
394. Do messianic Evangelicals Have Their Feet in Both Camps? A Question of Divine Names FAQ015 |
395. What is the Difference Between the 900,000, the 144,000 and the Remnant? FAQ016 |
396. Is It True That the Roman Emperor Constantine Created Christianity? FAQ017 |
397. What are the 'Books of Abraham'? FAQ018 |
398. Why do some Messianics Call God 'Yahuah'? FAQ019 |
399. What Kind of Messianic 'Evangelical'? Examining the Anglican/Wesleyan Connection FAQ020 |
400. What is NCAY's View of CARM? FAQ020 |
401. Perfection & True Names: Is the Name 'Jesus Christ' a 'Complete Falsehood?' FAQ021 |
402. Can Women have Revelation and Prophecy for Others in the Body of Christ? FAQ022 |
403. How Can We Get Jobs That Allow Us to Observe the Creation Calendar? FAQ023 |
404. Is Whether We Eat Kosher a Matter of Conscience Only? FAQ024 |
405. Angel Tongues & A Monolithic Heavenly Language FAQ025 |
406. Toplessness: Is It a Sin to Go Bare-Breasted? FAQ026 |
407. Boaz: Was He Single, a Widower or Already Married When He Took Ruth to Wife? FAQ026 |
408. Is It True That Nobody is Saved Until the Final Judgment and Resurrection? FAQ026 |