According to feminist Ellen Willis, feminism "is the cutting edge of a revolution in cultural and moral values...The objective of every feminist reform, from legal child-care programs, is to undermine traditional family values" (The Nation, 14 November 1981).
In a memo to Bernard Berelson dated 11 March 1969, Frederick S. Jaffe, Vice-president of Rockerfeller-sponsored Planned Parenthood, outlined measures to reduce United States fertility. Among the proposals were:
- 1. Restructure family - postpone or avoid marriage and alter ideal family size;
- 2. Encourage homosexuality;
- 3. Educate for family limitation; and
- 4. Encourage women to work outside the home.
In the event of this failing, he recommended the placement of "fertility control agents in the water supply" (Family Planning Perspectives, October 1970), partly accomplished with fluoridation of the water but also contamination of the atmosphere and food supply.
Feminism is not about equal opportunity. Illuminati-inspired and communist-sympathetic groups always pretend to espouse something like 'equality' that nobody can object to. Feminism is about undermining the social fabric. Pretending to champion an oppressed 'minority' is a well worked ruse.
In 1786, whistleblowers exposed the Illuminati Order and many of their secrets were published. On the subject of women, one Illuminati document stated:
"There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation...of standing up for will cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire for personal admiration" (James Wardner, Unholy Alliances: 1996, p.35).
Another Illuminati document, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1905) talks about eliminating the family and manipulating the masses:
"By cultivating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value...In this way we shall create a blind mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents..." (Protocol #10-5).
Communist dictator Josef Stalin wrote:
"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiriritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within" (see Important Books, #1, Henry Mackow, below).
Post-war feminism can be traced directly to the international central banking cabal. The Rockerfeller network funds and controls foundations, think-tanks, the Communist Party, the CIA and most intelligence agencies. For over a century their aims have been to decrease the population, increase goverment power (socialism, liberalism) and control our minds. The Rockerfeller Foundation funded the birth control and 'pro-choice' (abortion) campaigns, the development of the 'pill' and other contraceptives, the promotion of the homosexual revolution. All of these were intended to divorce sex from marriage and procreation and make sex the national pastime.
Nicholas Rockerfeller admitted to Aaron Russo:
"We created the women's movement, and we promote it. And it's not about equal opportunity. It's designed to get both parents out of the home and into the workforce, where they will pay taxes. And then we can decide how the children will be raised and educated."
That is how they control society - by removing the parents from the home and then raising the children as the élitists see fit. This is why they are implaccably opposed to home schooling
America and the West in general are already (2017) in an advanced state of collapse from within, in large part aided by a compromising, liberalised Church that has shot its own foot by adopting feminist values. And the biggest losers are the women themselves. The globalist, Illuminati élites have pretty much achieved their goals as we witness the complete collapse of society as a result of the destruction of the family, with feminism being one of their chief instruments in that destruction
As you will see in the articles below, Messianic Evangelicals are not against equal opportunity for women. The free agency of men and women is fundamental to our belief. Neither do we deny that throughout the ages women have been the victims of various oppressive, false, ultra-patriarchal systems (such as obtains in radical Islam) and that this oppression has simply played into the hands of the Marxist élites steering the feminist movement. Accordingly we are not opposed to first- and second-wave feminism achievements in the secular society, only the third-wave brand of feminism (femi-nazism) with its reverse descrimination and totalitarian mindset that has totally infested left-liberalism and neo-conservatism and virtually destroyed Western Christian culture.
"Youths oppress my people,
women rule over them.
O my people, your guides lead you astray;
they turn you from the path" (Isa.3:12, NIV).
The restoration of biblical patriarchy, alongside our revelations that the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is our Heavenly Mother and that women are called into their own parallel Priesthood Order alongside the men, is fundamental to the Messianic Evangelical work. Accordingly the feminist question must be - and is - addressed carefully and firmly. (4 August 2017)
Key: Art=Article | FAQ=Frequently Asked Question | Sc=Science | St=Sermonette | Occ=Occult | OB=Olive Branch | PCM=Patriarchal Christian Marriage | NCCM=New Covenant Christian Ministries | Sab=Sabbath | Sal=Salvation | 5Com=Five Commissions | AI=Apostolic Interviews
"Femininity is defined by a woman's love for husband, children and home. Masculinity is defined by power and leadership. Male power is the ultimate aphrodisiac for women. Men naturally seek power. Women want love. Thus, the heterosexual coontract (marriage) is the exchange of female (worldly) power for male power expressed as love. Women empower men by entrusting their power to them in exchange for love. Marriage channels male power into a socially constructive path: raising and supporting a family. Women cannot have it all. They must choose between love and power in the personal sphere. This is how heterosexuality works. An ideology that equalises power is designed to neuter heterosexuals. It turns women into men and emasculates men. It creates hetero homos - two sames instead of two complements, unable to bond"
- Henry Mackow, PhD., Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order (Silas Green, USA: 2010, pp.15-16)
Important Books |
1. Dr.Henry Makow, Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order - the Attack on Your Human identity (Silas Green, USA: 2010)     |
2. Dr.Judith Reisman, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences - The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme, 3rd edition (Institute for Media Education, Crestwood, Kentucky: 2003)  |
2. Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man, 2nd edition (Seven Fires/Pinter & Martin: 2008/2024)  - this is a secular view from the 1970's, though updated, with some good meat but also some bad bones that need spitting out with the help of a sound Christian commentator - to this end, NCAY highly recommends the reader utilises the YouTube channel, Far From Eden   in conjunction with reading this book as each chapter is accompanied by a very helpful commentary giving a biblical persepctive. |
Three cultural paradigms*
showing how the One World Religion is Evolving
Old Paradigm |
Transition |
New Paradigm |
The Bible reveals reality |
Science alone explains reality |
Feelings and experience prove reality (existentialism, feminism) |
Yahweh (God) is personal (loves us) and greater
than His creation |
Religion is a crutch, an illusion, the opium of the people (atheism/fascism/ communism/liberalism) |
An impersonal universal god (pantheism = occultism)
makes all things one (monism = satanism) |
Teach personal responsibility (accountability to Truth who is Yah'shua the Messiah/ Jesus Christ and Torah) |
Teach human rights (you are your own truth = self-worship and self-accountability) |
Teach collective duties, responsibilities or obligations (the state is Truth = Totalitarianism = no accountability = dictatorship) |
Don't tolerate sin (but love sinners) |
Tolerate all lifestyles (moral anarchism) |
Don't tolerate dissenters (zero tolerance = persecution = prison, torture and murder) |
Trust Yahweh (God/Elohim) |
Trust self (self as god) |
Trust the state (state as god) |
* A cultural paradigm is a social awareness,
a worldview, a pattern or framework for understanding reality,
a point of view that determines how the general public evaluates
good and evil, right and wrong. A paradigm shift
means a cultural transformation, a total change in thinking,
seeing, and evaluating social issues.
This page was created on 27 September 1999
Last updated on 23 February 2025
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