Welcome to NCCG.ORG and to one of the largest, most comprehenive and challenging Christian/Messianic homepages on the Web. It's sole purpose: to win souls for Christ, build the end-time Messianic Community (Church) and to prepare all true believers for the imminent return of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).
NCCG.ORG hosts several international ministries, sub-ministries, churches/assemblies and fellowships that share a common aim and are as a result closely interlinked (click the logos to go their websites). The main umbrella organization, New Covenant Ministries (NCM), is an end-time assembly of apostles and evangelists whose calling and stewardship is to bring the Universal Church into order by ministering to individuals, groups and congregations to encourage them bring their own lives and fellowships into order by preaching, teaching and setting an apostolic example.
Individuals and congregations moved by the Spirit to accept this ministry may choose two alternative paths:
- 1. Join the New Covenant House Church Fellowship (NCHCF), a loose affiliation of independent believers and congregations, who govern their own affairs, impliment those parts of the NCM program which they feel led by God to imitate, and who financially support NCM on the same basis;
- 2. Join the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY), consisting (ultimately) of Twelve model congregations or mother colonies, each led by an apostle, and under each of which of these are several daughter congregations. We believe that the twelve mother colonies will pass unharmed under divine protection through the Great Tribulation and will have, as their purpose, that of establishing the planet-wide theocratic administration when Messiah returns.
House fellowhips or larger congregations wishing to join NCAY would normally spent an acclimatisation period in NCHCF before finally committing to NCAY.
New Covenant Ministries was launched in 2001 though has been in the preparation since 1986 when its precursor was first called into being. It has undergone a number or reorganisations as its mission has been expanded and clarified by Yahweh, our Heavenly Father. The earlier website, known as New Covenant Christian Ministries (NCCM), is still available at NCCG.ORG.
New Covenant Ministries has, over the years, built one congregation of NCCG in Sweden (its headquarters), four Missions in Norway, one mission in the USA, 70 congregations in India, upwards of 30 congregations in Africa from Kenya to Benin, and fellowships with a number of independent congregations around the world exploring membership in NCHCF (Israel, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Phillipines, etc.), with a total membership of about 4,500, and receives many thousands of enquires each year. Only in the last few years has it received the commandment from Elohim (God) to increase its visible profile in preparation for its world mission. Most of these missions are today independent, deciciding not to pursue the whole NCAY program.
The task set before NCAY is so awesome in scale that none but Yahweh Himself can accomplish its mandate. It is beyond the ability and capacity of mortal men and organisations. To understand fully the scope of this work will require some investment of time in this site which contains many thousands of articles. For those of you who would like to study the site off-line, a CD-ROM is available.
New Covenant Ministries used to publish a regular journal called the New Covenant Witness which began publication in 1992, along with hundreds of other pamphlet and booklet titles. Subscribers to this journal also received the quarterly Collected Sermons containing the weekly sermons preached at the NCAY's headquarters in Sweden. Today most of our witness is done on-line and printing of hard-copy materials is done locally according to need.
In 1997 NCAY published a monumental work called the Olive Branch. This enormous book, numbering over one thousand pages, is a collection of revelations, prophecies, visions and Bible commentaries from the apostles and nevi'im (prophets) at NCAY that continues to be updated with supplements. It contains much of the blueprint for the end-time Messianic Community (Church) and serves as a resource for ministers at NCAY.
New Covenant Ministries runs a number of specialist sub-ministries for those trapped in the Occult, Mormonism, Islam, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholicism, and numerous other cults which we plan to add to, covering all the major world religions. Three of these are linked here.

Another sub-ministry of NCM is New Covenant Ministries for Homosexuals and Lesbians (NCMHL). Though ministry has been given to homosexuals and lesbians from its earliest days, NCM did not begin this specialised ministry until 2001.
Central to NCM's work is the training of the ministry. This is handled by a division of NCAY called the Chavurat Bekorot, the Hebrew for Community of the Firstborn, but which is more commonly known amongst us as the Holy Order. This is the organisation to which the Apostles, Evangelists, Eldership and Deaconate belong to and where they are trained for their several stewardships, and where they fellowship together for mutual support. It is the Holy Order, through the apostles, which confirms and sets apart the Pastors and Eldership of the local congregations of NCAY.
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A high priorty of Elohim (God) for His end-time Kehilah (Church) is the depaganisation of the Body. The fullness of an anointing of the Ruach (Spirit) cannot be made available until the MJessianic Community (Church) is purged of all false doctrines and practices. Time and time again pagans, occultists, New Agers and others accuse Christianity of borrowing from them. And to some extent they are right.
Accommodation with pagan ways is repeatedly condemned in the Scriptures and Christianity is saturated with them. What this means in practice is a return to the Kehilah's (Church's) Hebrew roots. What this does not mean is that Christians should suddenly become Messianic Jews. NCM has been given a very clear picture of what is involved in the restoration of the New Covenant House of Israel
. Material on this is scattered throughout the NCCG.ORG website but the Judah and Ephraim Pages are a useful place to begin.
Another area where Christendom has got to clean up its act quickly before it is swallowed whole my the New Age Movement is in the area of Music. Even some of the most conservative Churches have fallen headlong into this satanic conspiracy to paralyse the soul of man. So long as New Age and satanistic music fills our churches Christians will be deaf to the voice of the Spirit.
The deception in this end-time is so great that vast numbers of Bible-believing Christians have swallowed deceptive doctrine about the Rapture and have grown complacent. Millions of evangelical Christians are waiting around to be whisked out into the air and away from persecution. It won't happen.
Millions of others have been tricked into believing into a 15th century English translation of the Bible which they say is infallible. As a result they are closing to the door to the Ruach (Spirit) revealing precious biblical truths to them, and have become victims of a cultic spirit.
One of the results of poor translations and cultural prejudice reinforced by centuries of false tradition in the Body of Messiah has been the oppression and suppression of women. NCM presents a liberated vision of women as both ministers of the Besorah (Gospel) as well as properly subjected to their husbands in righteousness. Feminism and male macho chauvanism are the bane of the liberal and conservative wings of Christendom, respectively. The Women in the New Covenant Page gives a true perspective of the Christian/Messianic woman.
There are many excellent ministries in the Body of Messiah which tackle most of these subjects but there are none which have brought them into a comprehensive whole, such as is essential to the spiritual well-being and survival of the end-time Kehilah (Church). The e-book, The Final Gathering, attempts to do this and is to be found at NCCG.ORG.
With this very short introduction we bid you
to the website of NCCG.ORG.
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