
7 November 2022
Sections #1-100
SECOND EDITION 2013- (under construction)
#001: Vision of the Heavens Rolled Back, Part 1  
#002: Vision of the Stavanger Volcano 
#003: Revelation to Sadin 
#004: Elohim's Call to the Work  
#005: Instructions on Dress, Dance and Music  
#006: Revelation on the Master's Supper & Women's Head Coverings 
#007: David Minor Prophecy on Yahweh's Two Winds 
#008: Revelation on Priesthood Ministry and the Second Advent 
#009: Revelation on Wine and the Atonement 
#010: Revelation on Elohim's Call to the North Countries
#011: Revelation on the Virgin Birth I
#012: Revelation on the Kingship of Yah'shua
#013: Revelation on Homosexuality
#014: Revelation on the Unforgiveable Sin
#015: Revelation on Onanism 
#016: Revelation on the Building of Zion
#017: Revelation on the Church of God and the Church of the Devil
#018: Revelation on Patriotism
#019: Prayer for the Dedication of Denmark
#020: Revelation on Women's Priesthood I
#021: Revelation on the Virgin Birth II, Infant Baptism and the Bible
#022: Revelation on the Lord's Supper - Invitation and Challenge
#023: Revelation on Keys
#024: Revelation on Divine Intervention
#025: Revelation on Technology
#026: Revelation on Prophetic Expansion
#027: Revelation on the Apostolic Calling of Herman Rustad
#028: Revelation on Brumalia (Christmas) I
#029: Revelation on Fasting
#030: Revelation on the Orderliness of God
#031: Revelation on the Gathering to Zion I
#032: A Psalm of Praise I
#033: Revelation on Surrogate Motherhood
#034: Revelation on the Day of Desolation
#035: Revelation to the Lutherans
#036: Revelation on Honour
#037: Revelation on Women's Priesthood II
#038: Revelation on the Last Days
#039: Revelation to the Bergen Colony
#040: Revelation on Murder and Adultery
#041: Revelation on False Teachers
#042: Revelation to the Sluggard
#043: Inspired Translation of Mark 12:18-27 on Marriage
#044: The New Olive Leaf Revelation I
#045: Revelation to a Homosexual Christian
#046: Revelation on Raising Children
#047: Revelation on the Blessing of Children and the Sick
#048: Revelation on the Blessing of Firstborn Children
#049: Revelation on Preparation for Evangelism
#050: Revelation on the Gathering of Israel's Scriptures
#051: Inspired Translation (Midrash) of Acts 2:32-36 on 'Lord'
#052: Revelation on Over-Ambitious Leaders
#053: Revelation on the Gift and Calling of the Presiding Patriarch
#054: Revelation on Bible Translation Styles
#055: Revelation on Governments and Laws
#056: Revelation on Marriage, Adultery and Divorce
#057: Revelation on Debt and Zionic Homes
#058: Revelation on the Lord of the Second Advent I
#059: Inspired Translation of Mark 9:38-39 and 'Witnessing'
#060: Revelation on Women's Ministries and Translation
#061: Revelation on Scriptures, Idolatry and Salvation
#062: Revelation on Church Banners I
#063: Revelation on Knowledge, Doctrine and Wisdom
#064: Revelation on the Gift of Prophecy and Revelation
#065: Keys in Identifying Cultism
#066: Revelation on the Mary-Martha Principle
#067: Revelation on the Apostle Paul
#068: Revelation on the Twenty-Four Elders
#069: Revelation on Anna Katherina Emmerich and Nostradamus
#070: Revelation on the United Order of All Things in Common
#071: Revelation on Hair, the Law and Christ
#072: Revelation on the Ministry of Teaching
#073: Revelation on the Mode of Administering the Lord's Supper
#074: Revelation on Establishing Orphanages in India
#075: Revelation on Holy Orders, Ancient and Modern
#076: Revelation on the Unity of Inner and Outer Churches
#077: Revelation on Scripture: Both the Old and the New is True
#078: Revelation on Courtship, Morality and Marriage
#079: Revelation on Scriptural Canonisation
#080: Revelation on Discipleship and the Deeper Mysteries
#081: Revelation on Women and the Lord's Supper
#082: Yahweh's New Covenant Appointments or Moedim
#083: Revelation on the Holiness of the Lord's Supper
#084: Revelation on True and False prophets
#085: Revelation on Women in the Local Colony (1 Cor.14)
#086: Revelation on the Oneness of the Firstborn
#087: Revelation on Jacob and the Name of Israel
#088: Inspired Translation of Revelation 7:6 on 'Dan'
#089: Revelation on Great Britain and the Firstborn Gospel
#090: Prophecy on Great Britain
#091: Revelation on Half Truths
#092: Revelation on Pastoral Ministry
#093: A Call to Holiness
#094: Revelation on Depression, Suffering and Joy
#095: Revelation on the Gathering to Zion II
#096: Revelation to the Priesthood of the Church
#097: Revelation on Usury
#098: Prophecy on the Fall of the Outer Church
#099: The New Olive Leaf II Revelation
#100: Revelation on Philosophy versus the Cross
Sections #101-200
#101: Revelation on Evangelism and the Apostolic Call
#102: Revelation on Seventh Day Adventist Doctrines
#103: Revelation on the Gathering to Zion III
#104: Prophecy on Future Persecutions
#105: Revelation on the Dual Nature of God
#106: Revelation on the Call to Zion
#107: Revelation on the Church Called out of the Wildness
#108: Revelation to a Dying Women
#109: Revelation on Signs of the Devil and his Tactics
#110: Revelation on the Sacred Stewardship of Priesthood
#111: Revelation on the Lord's Sorrow for Fallen Ministers
#112: Revelation on Responsibility and Spiritual Growth
#113: Revelation on the Duties of Priesthood Ministry
#114: Revelation to the Oslo and Bergen Local Colonies
#115: Revelation on the Indian Orphanages and the Ministry of Deaconesses
#116: Revelation on Denominational Stewardship
#117: Revelation on the Origin of Viruses and Parasites
#118: Revelation on Apostacy from the Holy Order
#119: Prophecy on the Reunification of Germany
#120: Revelation on the Building of Nuclear Bunkers
#121: Revelation on Factionalism
#122: A Warning Against Gnosticism
#123: Revelation on Living God's Laws in Babylon
#124: Revelation on the Ministry of Prophets
#125: Revelation on Holy Fatherhood and Motherhood
#126: A Call to Prayer
#127: A Chinese Prophecy
#128: A Sri Lankan Prophecy
#129: Revelation on the Sin of Anger
#130: Revelation on Church Storehouses for the Poor
#131: Revelation to the General Conference of 1989
#132: Revelation on Satanism and the New Age
#133: Revelation on the Art of Witnessing
#134: Revelation on the Call of Herman Rustad to the Pastorate
#135: Revelation on Conditions for Church membership
#136: Revelation on the Exercise of Free Agency
#137: Revelation on Marriage and Truth
#138: Revelation on Order, Beauty and Sensitivity
#139: Revelation on House Fellowships
#140: Revelation on Evil Spirits
#141: The David Noakes Prophecy
#142: Revelation on the Required Repentance of Israel
#143: Revelation on the Tree of Life
#144: Revelation on Antichrists and 'Spirit Guides'
#145: Revelation on Plural Marriage
#146: Revelation on Celibacy
#147: Revelation on Funerals and the Nature of the Soul
#148: Revelation on Salaried Ministry
#149: Revelation on the Qualifications of a Modern Apostle
#150: Revelation on Pastors and Teachers
#151: Revelation to a Hesitant Disciple
#152: Revelation on Faith
#153: Vision of the Golden Spheres
#154: Revelation on the Spirit of the Resurrection
#155: Revelation on the False Doctrine of Reincarnation
#156: Revelation on Obedience Whilst Strong
#157: Revelation on the Golden Path
#158: Prophecy on Russia and Eastern Europe
#159: Revelation on Apostles and Missionary Work I
#160: Revelation on Midnight Prayer
#161: An Invitation from Christ
#162: Vision of the Dutch Woman
#163: Revelation on Blood Atonement and the Cross
#164: Revelation on the Wall of Partition
#165: Revelation on Gambling and a Prophecy on Las Vegas
#166: Revelation on Praise with Uplifted Hands
#167: The Great Lakes Prophecy
#168: Revelation on the Church's Temptations
#169: Revelation on Sorcery and the Last Days
#170: Many are Called but Few are Chosen: a Revelation
#171: Revelation on the Marriage Covenant to Christ
#172: Revelation to the Roman Catholics
#173: Revelation on the Lessons of Obedience
#174: Revelation on the Law of Betrothal
#175: Revelation on Spiritual Fatherhood and Motherhood
#176: Revelation on the Calling and Election of the Apostle Paul
#177: Revelation on Obedience and Sacrifice
#178: Revelation on Abortion and Repentance
#179: Vision of the White Mark and Devils
#180: Revelation on Hard Work
#181: Revelation on Politics and Governments I
#182: Revelation on the Binding Nature of Covenants
#183: Revelation: To Burn or Marry?
#184: Revelation on Human Nature
#185: Revelation on Wives and Unbelieving Husbands
#186: Revelation on Slavery
#187: Revelation on Contempt for Covenant
#188: Revelation on Preparing Spiritual Soil
#189: Revelation to the Seeker After Truth I
#190: Revelation on the Stonemason
#191: Revelation on Holiness and Authority
#192: Revelation on Missionary Work II
#193: Revelation on Rekindling the Fires in the Camp of Israel
#194: Revelation on Concubinage
#195: Revelation on Ordination to Priesthood 
#196: Revelation on the Christian and Nature
#197: Revelation on the Law of Dedication
#198: Revelation on Brumalia (Christmas) II
#199: Revelation on Circumcision
#200: Revelation on Spiritual Illumination
Sections #201-300
#201: Revelation on Purity
#202: Vision of the Heavens Rolled Back II
#203: Revelation on Ascending and Descending
#204: Revelation on Judging Extra-biblical Scriptures
#205: Revelation on the Sabbath Law
#206: Revelation on Taking the Gospel to Eastern Europe
#207: Revelation on the Parable of the Ten Virgins
#208: Revelation on the Temple
#209: Revelation to the Presiding Patriarch
#210: A Psalm of Praise II
#211: Revelation on Personal Covenants
#212: Revelation on Home Industries
#213: A Psalm of Praise III
#214: The New Olive Leaf Revelation III
#215: Revelation on Unborn Children and Spiritual Ecology
#216: Revelation on the Tradition of the Immortality of John
#217: Revelation to All Seekers of Light and Truth II
#218: Revelation to the Bergen Colony and Apostolic Power
#219: Revelation on the Prophetic Nature of Translation Work
#220: Revelation on Magic and Fortune-Telling
#221: Revelation on Levitation
#222: Revelation on Menstruation
#223: Revelation on the True Order of Prayer
#224: Revelation to the Jehovah's Witnesses
#225: Revelation on Priesthood Officers and Marriage
#226: Revelation on the Public Exposure of Sin
#227: Revelation to general Conference 1990
#228: Revelation to the Turks, Kurds and Armenians
#229: Revelation to a Young Unmarried Christian
#230: Revelation on Angels
#231: Revelation on the Three New Covenant Pilgrims
#232: Revelation on Abortion
#233: Revelation on Doctrinal Controversy
#234: Revelation on Simple Faith and Healing
#235: Revelation on Godly Patience
#236: Revelation on Dietry Wisdom
#237: Revelation on Righreousness
#238: Revelation on Pastresses and the School of Taphim
#239: Revelation on the Marriage Laws of Zion
#240: Revelation on Entertainment
#241: Revelation on the Devil's Own Prophecies
#242: Revelation on Visionary Symbolism
#243: Vision of the Whore of Babylon
#244: Revelation on the Mystery of the Second Coming II
#245: A Vision of Hell
#246: Revelation on Protection in Spiritual Warfare
#247: Revelation on the Patriarch-Prophets
#248: Revelation on Sacred Confidence
#249: Revelation on Missionary Work III
#250: Prophecy on Canada
#251: Revelation to a Young Girl
#252: Revelation to a New Member
#253: Revelation on Proper Outward Conduct
#254: Revelation on the Pastoral Office
#255: Revelation to Seekers of Light III
#256: Revelation on Faith and Works
#257: Revelation to a Young Deaconess
#258: Revelation: Blessed are Those who Come
#259: Revelation on Relations with Other Christians
#260: Prophecy on St.Petersburg (Leningrad) and the Middle East
#261: Revelation on the Patriarchate
#262: Revelation on the Dangers of the New Age
#263: Revelation: The Church's Five Commissions
#264: Revelation on Dress Standards
#265: Revelation on Today's Seeds and Tomorrow's Fruits
#266: Two Collections of Revelations
#267: Prophecy on Yugoslavia and the End Times'
#268: Revelation on the Stilling of the Storm
#269: Revelation on Gossipping
#270: Revelation on Disfellowshipment
#271: Conclusion of Book I
#272: Revelation on Vows
#273: Revelation: A Challenge to the Firstborn
#274: Revelation on Taking Advantage of Others
#275: Revelation on the Lord's Supper
#276: Revelation on the Three Steps to Marriage
#277: Revelation on the Blessings of Jacob
#278: Prophecies on Eastern Europe
#279: Prophecy on EFTA, the European Union and Berlin
#280: Revelation on Political Parties II
#281: Revelation on Diseases and Handicaps
#282: Revelation on Marriage Outside the Covenant
#283: Revelation on Discerning the Spirits
#284: Revelation on Dedication
#285: Revelation on Chastity, Alcohol and Tobacco
#286: Revelation on Adding to the Covenants & Commandments
#287: Revelation on Judges, Gods and Jehovah's Witnesses
#288: Revelation on Disfellowshipping the Sexually Immoral
#289: Revelation on Judgment and Church Courts
#290: Revelation on the False Practice of Astrology
#291: Prophecy on the Gulf War and Jordan
#292: Revelation: A Warning to Jordan
#293: Revelation to General Conference 1991 I
#294: Revelation on Spiritual Opportunity
#295: Revelation on the Baptism of Children
#296: Revelation on the Spirit of the Old Testament
#297: Revelation: The Bible is the Foundational Book of Scripture
#298: Revelation on the Greatest Love
#299: Revelation on the New Cutting
#300: Revelation on the Testing Fire for the Church
Sections #301-400
#301: Statement on the Birth of Messiah & Birthday Celebrations
#302: Revelation on Anna Katherina Emmericah II
#303: Revelation to General Conference 1991 II
#304: Revelation on the Glory of Prophets
#305: Revelation on the Joy of the Gospel
#306: Revelation on the Narrow Way of the New Covenant
#307: Revelation on Forgiveness and the Spirit of Elijah
#308: Revelation on the Redemption of Zion
#309: Revelation on the Human Treasure of Zion
#310: Revelation on Church Banners II
#311: Revelation on the Gift of Tongues
#312: Vision of the Temple I
#313: Revelation on the Mystery of Solomon and Sheba
#314: Revelation on Herman Rustad and the Apostleship
#315: Revelation on Spaking Evil Against the Covenant
#316: Vision of the Temple II
#317: Vision of the Temple III
#318: Vision of the Temple IV
#319: Vision of the Earthly Firstborn
#320: Revelation on Secretaries and Treasurers
#321: Revelation on the Deity of Christ
#322: Revelation on the Covenant of Zion
#323: Revelation on 'Holiness to the Lord'
#324: Inspired Translation of 1 Timothy 3:1-13 on 'Pastors'
#325: Revelation on Prayer
#326: Revelation: Seven Years for Kadesh
#327: Prophecy on Brazil
#328: Prophecy on Eastern Europe
#329: Revelation on the True New Covenant Priest
#330: Revelation on the Creation of the Central Bergen Colony
#331: Revelation on Christian Meditation
#332: Revelation to a Son of the Earth
#333: Revelation on Zion's Priesthood
#334: Revelation to the Double-Minded
#335: Vision of the Horse and Camel
#336: Revelation: Bless All True Christians
#337: Revelation on Material Prosperity
#338: Revelation on Interpreting Dreams II
#339: Revelation to a Sign-Seeker
#340: Revelation on Priesthood Purity
#341: Revelation on Baptism and Chrism II
#342: Revelation on Hospitality
#343: Revelation: Babylon the Great is Fallen
#344: Revelation on Eternal Firstborn Marriage
#345: Revelation on Churches in the Last Days
#346: Revelation on Hearing but Never Understanding: Isaiah 6
#347: Revelation on the Eve of Church Dissolution
#348: Revelation on the Rejection of the Church
#349: Vision and Prophecy of the Bergen Colony
#350: The Ukrainian Visions
#351: Revelation: The Two Birds
#352: Revelation on the Cultivation of Righteousness
#353: Revelation on the Establishment of Zion's Order
#354: Three Prophetic Visions
#355: Revelation on the Conditions for Gathering to Zion
#356: Vision of the Field with Tongues of Fire
#357: Revelation on How to Respond to Revelation
#358: Vision of the New Covenant Ship I
#359: An Angel Choir
#360: Vision of the New Covenant Ship II
#361: Vision of Christ's Empty Tomb
#362: Revelation to Scandinavia & Prophecy of the Third Rebellion
#363: Vision of the Two Rivers
#364: Prophetic Dream of the Olive Branch
#365: Revelation on the Witness of the Church Banner
#366: Vision of the Church's Betrothal to Christ
#367: Revelation: Norway Not to Be Abandoned
#368: Revelation on the Ordination of a New Patriarchate
#369: Revelation: Bergen Solemn Assembly Called
#370: Prophetic Resumé of New Covenant History
#371: Vision of the Rope of the Covenants
#372: Revelation to Horon
#373: Vision of the Stone Archway
#374: Vision of the Butterfly, Fly and Wasp
#375: Revelation to the New Covenant Children of Rechab
#376: Visions for Days of Persecution
#377: Three Meditations
#378: A Warning to Persecutors
#379: Vision of the Tornado and Headless Woman
#380: Revelation: The Church Admonoished
#381: Prophetic Dream of the Woman at the Airport
#382: Vision of the Three Waves
#383: Vision of the Second Wave
#384: Two Visions and the Parable of the Vineyard
#385: Revelation on the Rebels of Ephraim
#386: Revelation to the Twelve at Solemn Assembly
#387: Vision of the Golden Calvary Cross
#388: Revelation on the Judgment of the First Generation
#389: Vision of the Coming Spiritual Winter
#390: Vision of the Three Fields: The End of the First Harvest
#391: Vision of the Long Communion Table
#392: Prophetic Statement on the Restoration
#393: Vision of the Blue Flower and Hebrew Vav
#394: Vision of the Pyramid
#395: Vision of the Olive Tree Menorah I
#396: Revelation on Patience in the Face of Adversity
#397: Vision of Qinah and the Scuttled Ship
#398: Vision of the Church Mansion House
#399: Vision of the Railway Lines
#400: Vision of the Staligmite, the Church, the Woman and the Tree
Sections #401-470
#401: Vision of the Purple Jewell
#402: Inspired Translation of the Lord's Prayer
#403: Vision of the Trash Can
#404: Vision of the Flooded Land of Israel
#405: Vision of the House on Stilts
#406: Revelation on the Requirements for Entry into the Church
#407: Vision of the New Covenant Ship III
#408: Revelation and Vision on the Blessedness of Hope
#409: Two Visions of the Olive Menorah II & III
#410: Vision of the Holy Mountain
#411: Vision of the Six Doves
#412: Vision of the Distorted Brass Menorah
#413: Vision of the Three Silver Stars
#414: Vision of the Uprooted Tree
#415: Vision about the Internet
#416: Vision of the Los Angeles Orphanage Benefactor
#417: Revelation on the Shout of the Church
#418: Statement on the Book of Mormon and Mormonism
#419: An Inspired Hymn
#420: Revelation on Asserting Truth
#421: Vision of the Crashing Waves and Reims
#422: The B'rakhah: Blessing of Food
#423: Revelation on God's Orphanages
#424: Vision of Australia
#425: Revelation on Satan's Impeding the Olive Branch
#426: Revelation: Jesus is Knocking on Your Door
#427: Revelation on Making Plans
#428: Revelation on Why God Delays in Answering Prayer
#429: Vision of the New Covenant Ship IV
#430: Vision of Women Leadership on the Bridge
#431: Revelation onm Remembering the Commandments
#432: Vision of the Hold of the New Covenant Ship V
#433: Revelation on Sexual Purity
#434: Revelation to a Local Christian Evangelist
#435: Revelation to a False Pentecostal Prophet
#436: Vision of Adam
#437: Revelation on the Ship of the Covenants
#438: Vision of the Two Ways
#439: Vision of the Dove and the Windmills
#440: Revelation on Eternal Marriage II
#441: Four Visions: The Drowning Lion
#442: An Internet Vision: Covenant
#443: Revelation on Tattoos and Earrings
#444: Vision of the Camel and Rolling Sphere
#445: Vision of the Bridge of Noah
#446: Second Book of the Lord Jesus Christ
#447: Vision of the White Horse and Angel
#448: Voice from the Past: The Templars
#449: Revelation on Faithfulness and Persecution
#450: Voice of the Lord: Do not Remain on the Bridge
#451: Revelation and Visions on Joseph and the Last Supper
#452: Vision of the CD-ROMs
#453: Vision of the Stone Arch II
#454: Vision of the Index Card Room of Life
#456: Revelation of Coming out of Death and Vision of the Number 19
#457: Prophetic Dream of the Swedish Mansion
#458: Vision of the Propeller
#459: The Three Kolbotn Visions: The White Cross
#460: Three Visions: The Four Roads
#461: Vision of the Hand and Door
#462: Vision of the Sliding Door
#463: Vision of the Beautiful Green Valley
#464: A Fanfare of Visions for Zion
#465: An Account of the Discovery of Kadesh-biyqah
#466: Visions of the White T-Shirt
#467: The Kongsberg Vision of the End-Time Delusion
#468: Revelation on Female Angels
#469: Vision of the Budding Tree
#470: Conclusion of the Olive Branch I
New Revelations
The following revelations were received after the publication of the Olive Branch. Those which have been canonised will be published in a future Volume II of the Olive Branch. Canonised revelations have not been assigned a number but are catalogued according to the BCEA dating system (PWNC). Uncanonised revelations are not binding on members of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh. The following list consists only of a small selection of revelations, visions and prophecies recently received, and may be supplemented later.
#990201: Revelation on the Sabbath of Israel (canonised)
#990327A: Revelation on True and False Angels (uncanonised)
#990327B: The Bride and the Bridegroom (uncanonised)
#990328B: Revelation to the Church: The Princes and Princesses of Israel (uncanonised)
#990402: The Government of the Patriarchal Priesthood (uncanonised)
#990403A: Cells and Houses for the Pre-Tribulation and Tribulation Periods (uncanonised)
#990404B: Revelation on Mark 16:9-20 (uncanonised)
#990413: The High and the Low Roads (uncanonised)
#990415: Revelation on Male and Female Priesthood (uncanonised)
#990716: Revelation on the New Jerusalem (uncanonised)
#990729: The Church Weighed on the Altar: Two Visions (uncanonised)
#990804: The Abomination of Desolation Revealed (uncanonised)
#990822: To the Six Gathered at Kadesh-biyqah (uncanonised)
#990826A: The Israelite Conquest of Cannan (uncanonised)
#020521: Vision of the End-Time Colonies in the USA (uncanonised)
#050104: The End Times and the Apostles (uncanonised)
#131110: Vision of the Blue Altar of Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (uncanonised)
#210310: The Marble Pillar to the Olive Branch (uncanonised)
Bible Revisions
A small number of Bible revisions were made in the Olive Branch period and have been included in that book: OB 59 (Mark 9:38-39, NIV), OB 43 (Mark 12:18-27, NIV), OB 51 (Acts 2:32-36, NIV), OB 324 (1 Tim.3:1-13, NIV) and OB 88 (Rev.7:6, NIV), with some prophetic commentaries in OB 346 (Is.6:9-10, NIV) and OB 426:11-19 (Rev.3:18-22, JNT). A great many more have been made since the publication of the Olive Branch. As it is not certain whether or not these will be included in the Olive Branch, Vol.2, or published as a separate collection or as part of a New Covenant Version of the Bible, they are being kept separate for the time being.
#990405A: Restoration of Matthew 17:20 (NIV)
#990405B: Revision of Mark 1:2 (NIV)
#990405C: Revision of Mark 8:26 (NIV)
#990405D: Revision of Matthew 6:13 (NIV)
#990405E: Revision of Matthew 5:44 (NIV)
#990405F: Restoration of Mark 11:25 (NIV)
#990405G: Revision of Mark 13:33 (NIV)
#990405H: Revision of Mark 14:24 (NIV)
#990405I: Restoration of Mark 15:28 (NIV)
#990405J: Revision of Luke 2:29 (NIV)
#990405K: Revision of Luke 9:54-56 (NIV)
#990405L: Revision of Luke 11:2-4 (NIV)
#990405M: Revision of Luke 11:11 (NIV)
#990405N: Revision of Luke 14:5 (NIV)
#990405O: Revision of Luke 15:21 (NIV)
#990405P: Restoration of Luke 17:36 (NIV)
#990405Q: Revision of Luke 23:42 (NIV)
#990413: Revision of 1 Corinthians 12:1 (NIV)
Glossary of New Hebrew & English Words
used in the 2nd (Online) Edition
A large numebr of cosmetic changes have been made to the Second Edition of the Olive Branch to reflect messianic terminology. New Second Edition terms appear on the left and the old First Edition terms in (parentheses) to the right.
ahavah (love)
assembly (church)
Besorah (Gospel, Good News)
cohen (priest)
cohenim (priests)
Cohen gadol (High priest)
Community (Church)
congregation (church)
Davar (Word)
Devarim (Words)
echad (one, united)
fellowship (church)
Elohim (God)
Master (Lord)
menorah (candlearbre, seven-armed candlestick)
Messiah (Christ)
Messianic Community (Church)
ministry (church)
mitzvah (commandment)
mitzvot (commandments)
moed (divine appointment, festival)
moedim (divine appointments, festivals)
navi (prophet)
nevi'im (prophets)
qodesh/qadosh (holy, set-apart)
qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones, holy ones)
Ruach (Spirit)
Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit)
Tsiyon (Zion)
Yah'shua (Jesus)
Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)
Yahweh (Jehovah, LORD)
Yahweh-Elohim (LORD-God)
Yahweh-Tzevaot (LORD of Hosts, Armies, Sebaoth)
Typographical Errors in the 1st Printed Edition of the Olive Branch
The First Edition of the Olive Branch contains numerous typographical errors. We have decided to compile a database of these to facilitate the revision of the Second Edition. If you find any typos, please check with the list below and if it is not included, please contact us! Otherwise corrections will be directly incorporated into the Second on-line Edition here. Thank you.
p.165 (OB 75) - Intro (line 25-6) & v.1 - Siddur Kadeshim > Chavurat Bekorot
Articles and FAQ on the Olive Branch
Comments from Readers
- 1. "The Olive Branch is a life-saver!" (SW, Germany, 2 May 2014)
- 2. "I received the Olive Branch many years ago and love it!" (GL, Sweden, 2 May 2014)
- 3. "Always the O[live] B[ranch] speaks directly to and into my situation when I open it up" (SW, Germany, 18 October 2020)
This page was first created on 21 December 1997
Last updated on 7 November 2022
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