Section 10
Revelation on Elohim's Call
to the North Countries
Revelation received in response to a petition respecting the work of the New Covenant in Norway and Europe [Eigerøy, Rogaland, Norway, 24 April 1988].
1. The Davar Yahweh (Word of Yahweh) for the Assemblies of Elohim (God) gathering in the north countries and to all those who have desires towards Elohim and His Messiah:
2. Behold, I am Yahweh thy Elohim, yea, the Eternal Father, whose sons and daughters groan in sin in the land of Edom, which ye call the world.
3. I have loved you with an everlasting love, and have led you unto this land (Norway), that ye might be gathered against the day of vengeance, saith the Master.
4. But ye have been slow to hearken unto My voice, saith the Master, but have been quick to listen unto the precepts of men and unto the enticings of Satan.
5. And I have blessed you with riches, that in your repentance you might bless Tsiyon, which I, the Master, shall raise up in the nearness of time.
6. And in days past I have called you, and gathered you, O ye sons and daughters of Israel of the north countries, that I might try you, even as with fire, that you might be found worthy of the Kingdom.
The Ten Tribes in the North
7. O ye of the north countries, in whom doth flow the blood of thy father Jacob, forsake the perishable idols of the world and return unto Me, thy Father and thy Elohim.
8. Behold, ye people of scattered Israel in the north, even Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Iceland, Holland, Belgium and Switzerland, yea, and all the lands of the north wherein the blood of the covenant hath been scattered [11]: come ye unto Me and My rest, and I will confirm upon your heads the Priesthood of the Chavurat Bekorot (Holy Order) of Elohim, that once more ye may offer unto Me righteous sacrifices, even those of a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
9. Therefore, ye sons and daughters of Ephraim, Manasseh, Dan, Napthali, Asher, Issachar, Gad, Reuben, Zebulun and Benjamin [12] -- cast down your idols and receive unto yourselves the covenant of Elohim, that ye may be gathered together to meet your Redeemer.
Build Up the Messianic Community in the North
10. It is My will that ye build up local assemblies of My Community in the lands of the north, which ye shall then gather as a [firstborn] assembly.
11. Send out men of the Priesthood whithersoever My Ruach (Spirit) shall direct.
12. Behold, I am well pleased, saith the Master, that My children in Norway begin to receive My Besorah (Gospel), and I shall bless the land for their sakes, and for the sakes of their children, that the desolating scourge, which cometh, may pass them by, if they will hearken unto My voice and obey My mitzvot (commandments) in all things.
13. Let My word be published about, and sent from those cities wherein I have been received, saith the Lord, even Bergen, Stavanger, and Oslo. Send ye unto the inhabitants round about, to Haugesund, Christiansand, Arendal, Drammen, and to all the cities which are by the borders of the sea.
14. And send ye forth My Word unto Stockholm, Helsinki, Berlin, Copenhagen, Vienna, Amsterdam and London,that I may raise unto Myself righteous branches {assemblies, communities}, from Dan even unto the borders of Benjamin.
15. Forbid no man from coming unto Me, saith the Lord, for all are alike unto Me, black and white, bond and free, male and female.
16. Therefore withhold My Gospel from no man, but rather let the Davar (Word) be as a healing balm, to the blessing of all mankind.
To the Presiding Patriarch
17. My son, seek thou learning through study, and prayer, and emunah (faith), and I will bless thee in the calling whereunto thou hast been called [as Patriarch].
18. Thou shalt be a father unto these My people in the north countries.
19. Nevertheless, thou shalt abase thyself and learn more perfectly to be a son, for no man became a father before he was a son.
20. Remember, the least shall be the greatest in the Kingdom Heaven.
21. And thus, if thou wilt humble thyself all the days of thy life, and take virtue and holiness as thy raiment, behold, saith the Lord, I shall give unto thee a sword, and thou shalt divide rightly the Word, and speak unto My people words of wisdom, even unto salvation and eternal life.
22. Be thou perfect, even as the Father is perfect. Cleave unto Me, thy Saviour, and I shall give unto thee every needful thing. Amen.
To the People of the North Countries
23. O ye My people of the north countries, lift up a warning voice as an ensign, but not unto boasting.
24. Yea, ye shall be gentle and mild in all things, but ye shall also be firm as a rock, that ye may not fall.
25. Let the solemnities of heaven embrace your thoughts continually, and let Messiah the Deliverer dwell in your hearts, that you may be of Him, and He in you.
26. Let your hearts be filled with love for all people, and seek not to condemn those who reject your testimony, save ye be filled with the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), and I command it [13].
27. For that which ye seek to bind which is not My will, saith the Master, shall turn unto your condemnation.
28. Therefore remain humble and seek to be imitators of your Master, who died without protest that He might fulfil all righteousness.
29. Yea, follow Me, saith the Master, that ye might come unto the fullness, and unto the General Assembly and Community of the Firstborn (Heb.12:23).
To the Children of Zion
30. And now, verily, verily I say unto you, and to all who have desires for Tsiyon, that ye shall live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of Elohim (Dt.8:3).
31. I have given you a multiplicity of Scriptures [14] that you might be blessed, therefore study them that ye may be approved as wise and diligent servants. For behold, within them ye have the words of eternal life.
32. Unto whom much is given, much is expected (Lk.12:48); therefore, be diligent, and let not sloth overtake you in the hour that I would gather you, for those who are not gathered shall become a prey unto the enemy, who seeketh to destroy and to delay the coming of Messiah.
33. Those who approve themselves by diligent study shall be sanctified by-the-by, for they shall be given wisdom and intelligence whereby they might be saved.
Abandon All Foolish Traditions
34. Seek no longer after the traditions and foolish sayings of the world, but be ye conformed unto My righteousness.
35. Ye shall forsake the abominations and whoredoms of the mother churches who gave birth unto you, yea, even the churches of the Gentiles, for their fellowship is as death [unto the elect] [15], that bindeth the infant to the cradle, that it perish.
36. Yea, keep the Light which ye have received from them, but cast out the darkness, and their creeds, and their false doctrines, which I hate, saith the Master [16].
37. Ye shall drink pure waters from the fountain of scripture [17] wherein is My doctrine established.
38. And if ye shall teach more or less than this, saith the Master, ye shall be accursed.
39. Therefore be wise stewards, and seek Me while it is yet day, for there cometh a time of darkness, yea, even a very great darkness, where only they who are built on My Rock and My Righteousness shall see.
40. And, behold, many shall fall, even of the House of Israel, and great shall be their lamentation on account of the sores that shall infest their hearts.
41. Therefore, partake of My mayyim (waters), which are the mayyim (waters) of eternal life, that ye faint not and are not weary when the trumpet shall sound, and the malak (angel) shall declare:
42. "Gather ye unto Tsiyon: stand in qadosh (holy, set-apart) places, for your Redeemer cometh.
43. "And behold, He cometh in much anger, to punish the high looks of this people, and the stout hearts of their rebellions.
44. "Gather ye, gather ye, into the [local] assemblies, and when Messiah calleth, ye shall be gathered up [to firstborn assemblies], and it shall be said, as in days of old:
45. "'Zion hath fled!' And this that ye might be preserved from the tribulation, and dwell in safety with Elohim and the Lamb for ever and ever."
46. And it shall come to pass in that day that I, the Master, shall gather Mine elect from the four quarters of the earth unto the asemblies of Tsiyon, into firstborn communities of Light, that ye may more fully be sanctified unto redemption.
47. And I shall take hold of the weak man, and the faint woman, and the little child, and shall put them on the mount of the Temple.
48. And I shall fill their mouths with everlasting words, and their garments shall be Light.
49. And the children of Tsiyon shall rebuke kings and queens, magistrates and princes, and great shall be the tremblings of Babylon!
50. Yea, and Zion shall arise and be made secure, and My people shall singsongs of everlasting joy, and the earth shall be tamed.
51. But if ye are not faithful and not obedient, saith the Master, then ye shall have no promise, but shall be delivered unto the buffetings of Satan, who seeketh to make you his.
52. Therefore come unto Me, ye sons and daughters of Jacob, and I shall give you rest, and My Ruach (Spirit) shall abide with you.
53. He who receiveth Me receiveth Light, and it shall be well with him at the last day.
54. Come unto Me, that the fullness of the bonds of everlasting ahavah (love) may cover you as a robe, and holiness garnish you for ever and ever. Amen.
The Blessings of the Tsiyonic Quest
55. Blessed are those who have desires towards the upbuilding of My Community, saith the Master, yet there remaineth much sin and filthiness.
56. Yea, for all have fallen short of My glory, and all are called unto repentance.
57. Blessed are My servants who have wept sore tears for Tsiyon, for I shall justify them, that Tsiyon shall arise pure, and her abominations cast far from her.
58. Cease your adulteries and your intercourse with the darkness of the world: cease your worldly entertainments, and desires, and carnal appetites, which are a snare unto Tsiyon, and which do drag her down into bondage.
59. Clamour no more, O ye My people, for the idols and fleshpots of Egypt, which are a canker unto your souls.
60. Seek purity and wholeness or ye shall in no wise know Me. And those who do not know Me are not of Me, and those that are not of Me abide an exceeding great darkness, and great is their woe!
61. And they shall say that they knew Me, and that they did works in My Name, and shall seek entrance in.
62. But in that day I shall say: "I do not know you, and ye know Me not. Therefore, depart ye cursed unto the place that is prepared for the hypocrites and whoremongers of this world!"
Norway: the First Call
63. Let the work of gathering move apace, and let it begin in the land of Norway, for I shall build a City of Tsiyon in this land for the consolation of My people (Israel).
64. And, behold, I shall reveal the place of this gathering unto My servants in the Priesthood, that all may be done according to the pattern.
65. And ye shall call this the Assembly of the Land of the North of the Tribe of My People Ephraim, and it shall be an ensign unto the Ten Tribes of the land of the north.
66. And ye shall live all My torot (laws), saith the Master, that ye may consecrate unto Me a City of Light.
67. And if ye are faithful the city shall be called Kadesh, for holiness shall abide there;
68. And when ye have been faithful in the mitzvot (commandments) which I have given, behold, I shall reveal more, that a Qadosh (Holy, Set-Apart) House, even a Temple, may be built, that My presence shall dwell therein.
69. Therefore, rejoice in the promises that have been given unto you, O ye of the Assemblies of Elohim, and no more droop in sin.
70. Perform the tasks that I have given unto you, and I shall multiply you, and your Light.
71. Stand ye in qadosh (holy, set-apart) places: consecrate your homes unto Me; bless your little ones, that they may wax strong in your righteousness;
72. And grow into sons and daughters of the Qadosh (Holy, Set-Apart) One who is, and was, and ever shall be, worlds and dominions without end. Amen.
[11] After the destruction of the northern Kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians and their subsequent deportation, the inhabitants of the 10 tribes later scattered across the whole world, in most cases inter-marrying with non-Israelitish tribes. The revelation here identifies the blood of Israel as being located principally in the Germanic nations of northern Europe though other revelations, not published in this book, also identify the blood of Israel in the Slavic and Greco-Latin nations of Eastern Europe as well as in those nations across the world to which they were dispersed by war, hunger and the search for opportunity. Israelite blood has also been identified in Asian and African countries. This is important only as far as specific promises in the Tanakh (Old Testament) relate to them in the same way as other promises relate to the Judahites and the House of Judah in the modern state of Israel. It is more important to remember that the Gospel of Salvation is available to everyone on equal terms from every race and country and that those who, through the New Birth, become the sons and daughters of Messiah, also become the adopted sons and daughters of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In short, they become Israelites by adoption. There is no implied racism in this revelation or others that address this part of the world (see v.15) It is addressed to the north Europeans just as other revelations are addressed to other nations.
[12] The 10 tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel. They are sometimes collectively referred to as either 'Ephraim' or 'Joseph' or 'Joseph-Ephraim' in both the Bible and the revelations as Joseph was the head of this confederation.
[13] To be done with great caution and never presumptuously, and not to be done if there is the slightest doubt, remembering Yah'shua's (Jesus') reminder to His talmidim (disciples) that His mission was to save and not destroy when they wished to call fire upon an unrepentant Samaritan city. We shall ourselves be judged even as we judge others (Mt.7:1).
[14] The word "Scriptures" is used in several different ways in the Bible and can refer to: (1) a 'document' (Gk. gramma -- Lk.16:6; Ac.28:21); (2) the 'Law' (Rom. 2:27,29; 7:6; 2 Cor.3:6); (3) the 'Torah' or 'Pentateuch' ('writings' of Moses -- Jn. 5:47); (4) any writing for 'learning' whether sacred or profane (Jn.7:15; Ac.26:24); (5) 'the qadosh (holy) scriptures' (2 Tim.3:15); (6) 'authoritative writing' (Gk. graphé -- used 50 times in the NT to refer to the OT). A related Greek term, gegraptai, 'it is written', refers to legal pronouncements. Although the writings of the apostles became authoritative as 'scripture' later, the sense in which 'scripture' is used in the NT without question refers exclusively to the the OT since the Protestant Bible canon as such did not come into existence until three centuries later. (N.B. The Bible books nowhere prophesy of a future unitary canon called the 'Bible'). The sense in which 'scriptures' is used in this revelation is usually the Bible (OT and NT) but with provision for other authoritative documents circulating in the Messianic Community (Church). The latter are defined by the NCAY as the secondary canon which include the writings of some of the sub-apostolic fathers (Clement, Polycarp, etc.), the Olive Branch and other documents authorised by the Apostolate and accepted by the local assemblies in Conference.
[15] Comparitively speaking. Someone who has received much light will not desire to return to less light, for it will be as death to him.
[16] The churches are not identified but as many of the early members came, for the most part, from the Restoration (Utah and Missouri Latter Day Saint) traditions, there is probably some justification in pointing the finger at them. On the other hand, it is in the nature of virtually every revelation in the Olive Branch which speaks prophetically to be forward looking, anticipating a future readership, in much the same way as Bible prophecies have general application for even us many millennia later.
[17] In this instance it is almost certain that the Bible is being referred to.
This revelation was received on a cold spring day in a small cabin on the island of Eigerøya off the west coast of Norway and just south of Stavanger. And though this was not the first Norwegian revelation, one having been received a year earlier in the city of Bergen in answer to a petition for more understanding on the nature of the New Covenant Melchizedek Priesthood (OB 8), it ranks as the first and most important revelation about Norway for all Norwegians, being the commission of the work in that nation of the diaspora of Benjamin.
Though not the only nation where the ancient Israelite Tribe of Benjamin settled and intermarried with the indigenous peoples who preceded them, the modern-day land of Norway (North Way) has by far the highest concentration of Benjamites anywhere and, if we have understood the revelations correctly, is to be found in its purest form of any contemporary nation where the 12 tribes settled. This could be a reason:
- 1. Why this restoration work was called to begin in that country and is listed first, before Sweden, which is the where the Tribe of Naphtali is predominantly, though not exclusively, located (v.8); and
- 2. Why for nine years it was made the headquarters of the Israelite confederacy under the headship of Joseph-Ephraim, his brother (v.65).
The natural, fleshy temprement of Benjamin may, in part, explain why the mission to Norway was so short-lived, the earliest congregations there being plagued by rebellion, the third and final one of which resulted in the instruction to relocate to Sweden:
"Benjamin is a ravenous wolf;
In the morning he shall devour the prey,
And at night he shall divide the spoil"
(Gen.49:27, NKJV).
The tribal emblem of Benjamin
However, there is a more important side to Benjamin that is best exemplified by the apostle Paul, himself a Benjamite to whom we owe an immeasurable debt. But also, as is demonstrated elsewhere, it is our contention that the majority of the first apostles were Benjamites who are mislabeled Judahites by virtue of the fact that this tribe belonged to the political entitity known as Judea in which the Tribe of Judah predominated, thus tending to obscure Benjamin's identity. And as the national emblem of Judah was, and remains, a lion, this came to be simultaneously adopted by Benjamin because of its political union. This is possibly how the national emblem of Norway originally came to be a lion.
Five of the twelve tribes of Israel are compared to animals in Jacob's patriarchal blessings: Judah to a lion (v.9), Issachar to a donkey (v.14), Dan (Denmark) to a serpent (v.17), Naphtali (Sweden) to a deer (v.21) and Benjamin (Norway) to a wolf (v.27). Among the early Northmen or Norsemen, the migrants who formed the northern wing of the Saxon settlement of Europe, there were some who used the wolf as an emblem. Many of these settled in Scandinavia, giving their name to Norway and later to Normandy in France. Some of the Norman invaders of England also had the wolf as their emblem. Hugh Lupus (lit. 'Wolf'), nephew of William the Conqueror, used the wolf as his personal device at the time heraldry was first introduced.
Norway was to have given official recognition to the wolf as its racial emblem but was prevented from doing so by war. Just before the German occupation of the country in 1940, a monument consisting of a column with a lion at the top and with its base guarded by four wolves was under construction. The wooden prototype disappeared during the occupation although a photographic reproduction has survived (see above-right).
As a Rachel tribe, Benjamin forms part of the system of headship under Joseph-Ephraim and Joseph-Manasseh (West and East) of the Israelite Confederacy, and specifically is head of the Scandinavian and Norden nations under Ephraim. Beginning as the poor man of Europe between the wars, Norway has climbed the economic ladder of power and influence as the result of its being blessed with oil and is now one of the richest nations in the world.
Norway will eventually become the Israelite head of
the Scandinavian/Norden tribes under Joseph-Ephraim
That this work began in Norway (Benjamin) is therefore symbolically significant, even though the first attempt (1987-1997) was unsuccessful, and nor is the end-time work there by any means over. It has barely begun with numerous prophecies made about it both in this and other revelations. As is true of all the Israelite nations, Norway has sunk low into sin and apostacy, and once it has been humbled in judgment, with its wealth and power stripped away as with its West Manassan (USA) brother, the Remnant there will once more be gathered out and play their rôle in the Final Gathering and Last Exodus, and the Scandinavian headquarters be relocated to Norway once again.
Click the image for more on this much underrated and neglected tribe
Untamed, the Benjamite temprement is vicious and warlike, characteristics that have simply been rechannelled into different forms of aggression, mostly against its own people, by the secular, socialistic and feministic political system that currently steers the country. But the overcoming Benjamite, sanctified by Yah'shua (Jesus), is a godly force to be reckoned with and is unequalled. The most loyal and well as the most treacherous former members of NCAY have been Norwegians. The apostle Paul and Jonathan, on one side, and the unsaved Paul, King Saul and Abner on the other, represent these two extreems. Both the Viking and Norman invasions of England have resulted a very special connection between Ephraim and Benjamin, as also with West Manasseh through immigration to the USA.
Benjamin was historically a buffer zone between Ephraim to the north and Judah to the south. The Temple of Solomon was located in Benjamite territory, a matter of great significance, and another reason the work of the end-time restoration of the Twelve Tribes began in Norway and why a City of Refuge will be built there known as "The Congegation of the Land of the North of the Tribe of My People Ephraim" or "Kadesh" (v.63), meaning "holiness" (v.67), 'Ephraim' here being a reference to 10-tribed Israel as a whole with Ephraim as its chief.
v.1 Though northern European branches were only ever established in Norway and Denmark in the earliest days of the work, there were also investigators in Great Britain, Holland, Germany and Switzerland from the very beginnings, with the very first members joining in Oxford, England and seekers in Newcastle and elsewhere in the north, to which a mission was at length sent after the relocation of HQ to Norway.
v.2 The last mention of Edom in the Bible is in Malachi 1:4. This was the territory of the descendants of the unspiritual brother of Jacob, Esau, who was willing to trade his birthright for a bowl of soups. The Edomites were a perpetual thorn in the side of Israel, finally being outrightly condemned for rejoicing in Judah's downfall (Ps.137:7), pressing into Judahite territory before being overrun, first, by the Arabs and then by the Nabataeans. They were later forcefully circumcised Judas Maccabaeus and intermingled with the Tribe of Judah. The notorious Herods were of Edomite stock. The "land of Edom" is here used as a metaphor for the world system in which the tribes of Israel remain scattered and ruled. The Last Exodus will eventually see them removed from this gentile, globalist rule and relocated back the Promised Land once more viâ intermediary cities of refuge.
v.3 The Tribe of Benjamin was led to what would subsequently become the mountainous and sparcely inhabited land of the nation of Norway because it will be specially protected during there "the day of vengeance", conditions that are similar in neighbouring Sweden too. Norway and Sweden are especially protected lands for the era of the end-time judgments when the wrath of Yahweh is poured out over the whole world.
v.4 Though Norway has a 'Bible Belt' like the United States which sustained the spiritual life of the nation for many centuries, Christianity has markedly declined since the 1920's following the First World War even though Norway was not directly involved in that conflict. This has been marked throughout the Western world. In 1988 when this revelation was received, the afterglow of Christianity was still in evidence, but the 21st century has witnessed its decline into virtual obscurity.
Norwegian website link
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Last updated on 9 April 2022
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