The New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh is an evangelical Christian - Messianic Israelite (Hebraic-roots) fellowship of born-again believers in the Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) who obey New Covenant Torah (Law). It began in Oxford, England, in 1986 and was then known as the Restoration Christian Fellowship. Since that time it has experienced a number of name changes as it has matured, the last of which was the New Covenant Christian Fellowship or NCCF. It acquired the name, B'rit Chadashah Assembly of Yahweh, an amaglam of two others, in 1996 after the founder had the following experience:
"I saw a vision of a Hebrew Menorah made of freshly budding OLIVE BRANCHES...
"And the Word of Yahweh flooded into me, saying: 'Not by might, not by power, but by My Ruach (Spirit). You will succeed because of My Ruach (Spirit), though you are few and weak. Therefore no mountain, however high, can stand before you. For it will flatten out before you. And you will finish building My Temple with mighty shouts of thanksgiving
for Elohim's (God's) mercy, declaring, 'IT WAS DONE BY ELOHIM'S (GOD'S) GRACE ALONE.'"
That completed temple is the Messianic Community, the task of NCCG being to complete what has been built before over two millennia.

As a result of this experience and a wonderful outpouring of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) in April 1996, six souls united, by the grace of Yahweh, to begin the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY) in Bergen, Norway, and have since grown into many thousands of souls.
NCAY is the result many years of long, rigorous spiritual preparation. Its ultimate goal is the construction of twelve international self-sustaining spiritual communities built upon Christian/Messianic patriarchal principles which shall be the groundwork for the Millennial Zion and will pass protected through the Great Tribulation.
Other goals of NCAY include the planting of local assemblies (congregations) throughout the world and sharing the good news with all people of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and His Kingdom. NCAY has been strongest in India and Africa with a following in North America and Europe.
NCAY is not associated with, or derived from, any other church or group. It's members come from a rich and diverse background as either fresh converts from the world or from paganism, or as former Lutherans, Pentecostals, Baptists, Messianic Jews, Mormons, RLDS (Community of Christ), Anglicans (Presbyterians), members of Independent and indigenous churches, etc.. In some countries (like India, Kenya and Myanmar) whole congregations have converted.
During its long journey the nevi'im (prophets) of NCAY have, by the grace of Yahweh, brought forth over 1,000 modern prophecies, visions and revelations some of which have been published in a volume called, The Olive Branch which is now available to the public. The purpose of this collection is to prepare Christians/Messianics for the Millennial Theocratic Order that will prevail upon the earth when the Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) returns in glory. Hundreds of publications have been produced since NCAY's inception in English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Afrikaans, Telugu, and other languages in preparation for this important time, all of which will appear on this site eventually.
The Bible is its only recognised primary canonical book of Scripture though NCAY accepts a secondary canon consisting for use by its priesthood. These include some of the scriptures of the sub-apostolic fathers (such as Clement of Rome, Ignatius and Polycarp), some apocryphal and pseudepigraphical Old Testament works (such as Ecclesiasticus and the Wisdom of Solomon) and the modern revelations and prophecies found in the Olive Branch.
For the full story of the NCAY Logo (the Olive Menorah), click the button to the left.
NCAY is neither cessationist nor charismatic. It rejects the so-called glossolalia (ecstatic tongues) of the Pentecostal Movement and its charismatic off-shoots. It has considerable experience in prophecy, visions, dream interpretation, and deliverance ministry and has a highly developed theology. With the exception of its views of the charismatic gifts, contemporary revelation, and its rejection of the rapture doctrine, NCAY is probably closest theologically to the traditional Methodist Church (as it is Arminian) and the Messianic Movement (as it is Torah-obedient). It has many friends from most of the branches of Christendom.
For an extensive treatment of New Covenant doctrine and practice, please return to the
main page.
This page was created on 24 December 1997
Updated on 5 March 2017
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