Understanding Yesterday Through Today
A Report given in 1998
Only Yah'shua Saves
The central dogma of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY) is that Yah'shua (Jesus) saves, and that only Yah'shua (Jesus) saves. In the early days of this work, when revelation poured out of heaven so fast that it seemed it would never end, this central emet (truth) was sometimes neglected by the first New Covenant Christians who were caught up in the euphoria of what was happening around them. Aware of the tendency of people to quickly lose their focus and centre, the Master said in an early revelation:
"There are some of you with whom I am not pleased, for ye have received the...scriptures I have brought forth like unto idols; ye have cast away your old idols and received new ones, which thing is an abomination to Me. Ye should have grown in love for Me and for each other, for the centre of this New Covenant is not the new scriptures BUT YOUR MASTER AND SAVIOUR, even He who speaketh unto you now. Do ye suppose that ye will be saved by the [new scriptures]? Do ye still not understand? I give unto you more scripture that ye might surrender yourselves more fully to Me, and become living Scriptures, for this is the work of the Firstborn. Know ye not that [the new scriptures] shall pass away...? But if ye are founded in Me, the Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and the true pattern and doctrine of heaven, then your hopes will never be dashed, but ye shall arise in the morning of the first resurrection clothed only with the pure love of Messiah; and ye shall speak My devarim (words), for I shall be in you, and ye in Me...."
In 1988 NCAY was told what its foundational scriptures were:
"Ye have the writings of the New Covenant, even the New Testament, and they are true, for they bear witness of the words of Messiah and His acts."
Scriptural Approaches
From the very beginning of the Messianic Evangelical work the apostles and nevi'im (prophets) have taught the following:
- (1) That the highest verbal emet (truth) is the actual words of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) in the New Testament, for this is our historical witness of Elohim (God)-in-the-flesh. Therefore the actual words of Yah'shua (Jesus) are our first line of truth-statements;
- (2) Our second line of truth-statements are from those whom Yah'shua (Jesus) commissioned and personally taught -- His apostles -- whether in the flesh or (like Paul) by revelation. In short, the rest of the New Testament;
- (3) Our third line of truth-statements have been the revelations of Elohim (God) through His nevi'im (prophets) in the Tanakh (Old Testament). {We have included in the first definition the direct words of Elohim (God) like the Ten Commandments because they were written by His own finger};
- (4) Finally, our fourth line of truth-statements have been all the other scriptures we have used, especially the Covenants & Commandments or The Olive Branch).
Over the years the fourth category has been trimmed right back as their need has diminished. Their function, as was then stated, was to illuminate that which we already had in the Bible but which was not always easy to understand. As these truths became written into the hearts of the first generation of Messianic Evangelical ministers, so the written record of them disappeared, for their truths were repeated by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) in the words of Elohim's (God's) servants.
Misunderstanding Modern Revelation
Modern revelation is a controversial matter and it is not always readily understood. There were many misunderstandings in the early days of this work -- another good reason for ending the revelations so that future misunderstandings might be avoided. As Yah'shua's (Jesus') parables were often misunderstood by those not endowed with the spirit of prophetic interpretation, so too were many of the early revelations of NCAY.
One of the common causes of misinterpretation was the view which many of the first members brought with them concerning the nature of revelation. Schooled in the evangelical mind-frame which teaches that all the scripture is plenary and verbally infallible, explaining that revelations are more often than not conceptual, proved a daunting task.
Conceptual revelation is revelation in which the navi (prophet) chooses his own words (in his own language) as he tries to describe a 'concept' which the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) places in his mind. Sometimes he fumbles for words as he tries to match language with that which in effect transcends language. Sometimes he makes mistakes. The navi (prophet) himself is also a kind of filter, sometimes distorting the message by emphasising (or even exaggerating) one part of the concept which appeals to him whilst minimising another which does not. In other words, his 'translation' is, to some extent, tainted by his own desires and prejudices. It is only through experience that he learns to totally separate his own desires and expectations from the concept given him and thus render it in such a manner as to be virtually 100 per cent pure.
The Training of Prophets
Young nevi'im (prophets) easily fall victim to this, and thus their earlier attempts at speaking prophetically often appear weak and less convincing than that which they bring forth later in their maturity. In many ways 'young nevi'im (prophets)' are dangerous for they can become carried away by vain confidence and make statements which are a mixture of the Davar Elohim (Word of God) and their own. It is for this reason that nevi'im (prophets) in the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh are given intense training so that they may learn to discern and report accurately that which the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) gives them. Regrettably, the works of mature nevi'im (prophets) are often rejected because of the 'muddy' works of their earlier years.
When Scriptures Become Tainted
We define everything around us in terms of our philosophy -- religious or secular -- of life. Messianic Evangelicals come from many backgrounds but the first ones were mostly Mormons and Reorganized Latter Day Saints (Community of Christ). The Mormons amongst us used to define things in Mormon terms because they had Mormon theological and eschatological expectations. The later New Covenant Assembly of Yahweh has, by contrast, drawn most of its converts from an evangelical Christian background. As old Mormon ideas have been eluted out by new revelation, these members, in their turn, have brought with them their evangelical theological and eschatological expectations. Those from other backgrounds -- Eastern Orthodox, Jehovah's Witness, and others, have brought similar beliefs. As each of these have begun to experience the prophetic gift, so their revelations have been tainted to some extent by their former beliefs.
The spiritual lenses through which we observe and interpret life, scripture, revelation, etc.. are shaped, to some extent, by our upbringing, hopes, expectations and fears. Every one of us coming into this world comes 'pre-formed' but none of us are alike. Even as small children we see how different we are. We are influenced by our culture, our family upbringing, our likes, dislikes, fears, hopes, etc.. All of these things colour our vision of the world.
The Arduous Paths We Must Sometimes Walk
I began life ambivalent to Christianity but ended up hating it as a teenager. I have often speculated how I would have reacted if Yah'shua (Jesus) had appeared to me in person and not through the medium of a Chinese navi (prophet) when I was a little boy. My search for light and emet (truth) has been a long an arduous one. But only by wrestling with problems -- different theologies, teachings, etc., have I come to know what I do today. By constantly comparing and contrasting different teachings and getting to know the Davar Elohim (Word of God) in the Bible have I arrived at what I now know to be true today.
My testimony is not based on whether the early scriptures we used are true or not true because I do not measure emet (truth) in this way. I have never, for example, been able to open the Bible and say: "I know this book is true." I have never had such a testimony. I have never been told that a particular 'Church' or 'religious system' was 'true'. But I know for sure I have been gently led and guided as the Master has expanded my understanding of things. Sometimes Elohim (God) has spoken directly to me with His own voice. I was told that Yah'shua (Jesus) is Elohim (God) in this way. I wasn't even searching for this emet (truth) -- the deity of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was not something I was investigating. At the time I was studying Buddhism! But Elohim (God), in His wisdom, gave it to me at a time when I must have needed it. I do not question that need now -- it is one of the most valuable testimonies that I have!
Another thing I have discovered is that in order to study something out one has got to be 'in' it to some extent. I would never have learned what I did from Mormonism if I hadn't at one time believed. You can't learn anything if you are a sceptic. I could never have learned the plain and precious truths from evangelical Christianity if I hadn't believed in that. And before I became a Christian, or was even interested in knowing if Christianity was true, Elohim (God) taught me through the only medium I loved and believed in -- nature. He can only teach us in those areas where our heart is open. If our heart is closed, we will, ipso facto, learn nothing.
When I was a Mormon I believed. And because I believed, I grew. Those true principles I learned as a Mormon remain with me. Those which were not true -- a hefty chunk of my former beliefs -- have withered away. The Ruach (Spirit) never wrote them in my heart for they were but doctrinal propositions without true heavenly chayim (life) in them. The same has happened in my search through evangelical Christianity, Messianic Judaism, and many other systems of belief. The emet (truth) remains written in my heart, harmonised and integrated with what the Ruach (Spirit) has taught me previously. The rest has gone away.
Yahweh's "Strange" Ways
For one of our members the Book of Mormon was what got him out of the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was so starving for the Ruach (Spirit) that when he read the book he was filled with hope and fire! I myself was brought through an important stage in my 'heart-testimony' of Yah'shua (Jesus) through a film written by a communist (Passolini) and which was full of his personal interpretations. I have also been brought closer to Messiah through a Taoist book called the Tao Teh Ching. It is not, of course, a book of Christian emet (truth) but it contains aspects of Christian emet (truth) written in a style that appealed and ministered to me.
I have studied many books claiming to be scripture or from Elohim (God), so many I have lost count. And each time I see the Light shining out of the Bible. The books, films and oral testimonies of people who have leavened my soul were all a vital part of my journey into Messiah. They were not the emet (truth) itself, but pointers to it. And along the way I learned to discern the emet (truth) through the contrasts of different doctrines and teachings.
As Messianic Evangelicals we do not endorse every phrase, sentence, and verse of the Bible as being equal in light and emet (truth) to every other verse. Obviously not. Some words are those of Satan and his human agents like Job's 'friends', but Yahweh weaves them into the narrative to provide a contrast so may the emet (truth) shine more brightly. We recognise that some concepts speak more deeply to the soul than others. That the Bible is inspired as a whole we do not doubt but we do not believe it is equally inspired everywhere. For us it is not the words that are the central emet (truth) in any case, for they are but pointers to a person whom we can come to know for ourselves. That person is, of course, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).
When Scripture Speaks to Our Hearts
Every lover of the Bible will admit, I think, that different scriptures attract us at different times according to our needs and receptivity. When we are unhappy we seek verses that console us. When we are joyful, we seek those that bring forth our praises. When we are searching for doctrinal emet (truth), we seek out those which illuminate the mind. At different times of my life different parts of the Bible have shone more strongly than the others. As my needs have changed, so I am attracted to different parts of the Bible for spiritual ministry. And so it will always be. And as time flows by, so they all seem to blend together into a whole -- a synthesis -- reflecting the blending of the different parts of my soul into one, united whole. In time we come to experience Messiah as One or Echad, as opposed to an ill-fitting jigsaw puzzle of different thoughts and emotions.
When I look through the early revelations of NCAY I must say that 30-50 per cent of them do nothing for me now. But at the time these revelations were received I remember how much on fire I was, as were those who were with this work in the beginning. These revelations - at least the early ones -- were a vehicle -- a launching platform -- into better, higher, purer, nobler and more Messiah-centred realities.
The Lenses We Look Through
It is true that in the beginning we saw through the lenses of our Mormon backgrounds and, and it is true that some of the first revelations (no longer published) were coloured by those Mormon assumptions. We have never claimed the early revelations to be 100 per cent pure nor have we ever set them alongside the Bible, though the Ruach (Spirit) in some parts of it (like the New Olive Leave Revelations which remain published to this day) are every bit as powerful as some of the profoundest writings in the Bible. We were young, maturing nevi'im (prophets), making mistakes as we learned to lean ever more fully on the Master.
What many Christians and Messianics do not realise is that the Bible emerged in a similar environment. The Protestant Canon has been fixed for the past few centuries, and the Catholic Canon a thousand years before. But the books in the Bible which we take for granted to be scripture existed alongside dozens of other books competing to be the written revelation of Elohim (God). Though inspirational at the time, and doubtless of practical spiritual benefit to some as they spiritually matured, they have little attraction for us now for time has shown their comparative poverty in Ruach (Spirit) (not to mention their historical inaccuracy). Yet, in fact, many of the writers of the New Testament briefly quote from these apocryphal works like 1 Enoch! Though the books as a whole are no longer used, those parts which were inspired -- and many parts are most certainly inspired -- have been providentially clipped out and pasted into our canonical Bibles by the apostles and nevi'im (prophets).
Sifting Through the Revelations
What is happening in the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (1998) is not unlike that. Many of the early revelations are now no longer used but others -- as a whole and in parts -- have been clipped out and preserved by us because of their great spiritual worth.
I know many people will have difficulties accepting such a scenario. For them a matter is either 'fact' or 'fiction', 'truth' or 'falsehood', 'black' or 'white'. Alas, that is not the way things are in this mortal sphere, for such expectations belong to an immortal sphere which no man has enjoyed fully on the earth. Like it or not, most of life consists of different shades of grey -- of light mixed with darkness in different proportions. We "see but through a glass darkly." And if every man examines his heart honestly, he will find that it has grey patches. Some men's hearts may be greyer than others, but they are grey nonetheless. Only Yah'shua (Jesus) stands out as one whose heart was filled with pure Light where not a particle of darkness lay. That was what made Him sinless and therefore an acceptable substitute in Atonement.
For Pragmatism and Realism
Messianic Evangelicals are known, by those who understand them, as a pragmatic, realistic people, even though we have been over-optimistic and naïve at times. We are human, and cannot fully escape the frailties of the human condition, though at times it seems as though we do penetrate that immortal world and it feels as though heaven is on earth. Our endeavour, with Yahweh's blessing, is to make those occurrences more and more common, until they are commonplace.
Messianic Evangelicals have also taught that salvation is a process, even though that process is composed of definitive saving 'acts', like the time we are born again and accepted Yah'shua (Jesus) as our Master (Lord) and Deliverer (Saviour). We have understood that the growing-up processes we see round about in nature are not at all dissimilar to those which occur on the spiritual plane. Nature is, as one Christian writer once remarked, the Christian's 'other Bible'. And so it is. Yah'shua (Jesus) often likened the spiritual growth process of both people and the Kingdom (Church) to the transformation of a seed into a tree, or the physical growth of a child into an adult. One very popular illustration of this growth in NCAY is that of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, an illustration we have obtained from one ofour favourite revelations called the New Olive Leaf III.
Of Caterpillars and Butterflies
The early revelations of this Community were a rather special diet and not one we would care to eat again. Caterpillars chew only leaves. Butterflies sip only nectar from flowers. What a difference! A butterfly won't be attracted to leaves any more and I doubt a caterpillar would think much of nectar. In the same way most of us who have been with this work since its beginning no longer 'eat' the leafy revelations of the early phase of our growth, for we have moved onto a finer nectar-like diet. Some of those revelations were nectar indeed, and these we still feast on. But many belong to the past.
There is no doubt that the earliest revelations contain errors. That is inevitable. And that is why they have never been canonised even as secondary scripture. Like all writings, they must be tested over time and the parts of value extracted and preserved, and those of no further value discarded. This we have now done.
From the very beginning of this work we were advised that these things would happen. One of the earliest revelations says: "Be not so cautious that you cannot walk in emunah (faith), but neither be ye blind followers lest ye be led into a pit...There must needs be a balance in all things, even in faith in My servants. Therefore have I said: Try all things, hold fast to that which is true. And I, the Master, will bless and lead you, and grant you eternal and never ending shalom (peace). Amen" (Uncanonised revelation, Holy Order Collection).
In the same revelation it says: "Revelation need not be one hundred percent accurate, or of Me, to be of benefit to man. Thus let each weigh with wisdom the Oracles, visions, revelations, dreams and utterances of those that speak as if they speak from Me" (Ibid.).
And a little earlier: "...all revelation comes not only according to the openness of the minds of men, but also according to their interests, needs, and desires. Wherefore I, the Master, continually guide many, even though they do err continually in doctrine" (Ibid.).
And finally: "My revelations are received through the mind of men and are thus tainted by the beliefs of that man. Blessed are they that leave behind themselves to receive My pure Davar (Word), these will I bless." (January 1983).
The Foundation of the New Covenant Assemblies has been Laid
The nevi'im (prophets) have matured, and the new generation of nevi'im (prophets) who will arise in the Assemblies will similarly mature. Fortunately, the foundation of the Assemblies has been laid and it will never have to go through the growth phases -- with all the dangers that come through mistakes -- it went through before. The generation that lived through that time, blessed by experience, and mercifully corrected by the Master in the fires of humiliation and repentance, will teach these new nevi'im (prophets) what they have learned and thus prepare the path for them. One or two head-strong ones will, of course, go their own way, and make big mistakes [1], be ground to dust by the Master, and finally return to sit at the feet of the elder apostles and nevi'im (prophets). Some, who are too proud to repent, will go away and fall into a pit and never be seen again.
To a caterpillar, a leaf is the ultimate need, desire and emet (truth). To a butterfly it is not. I believe with all my heart that the revelations we received in the 1988-92 period administered to our needs at the time. It was not the whole truth and indeed contained things we did not need, and some things that were possibly not true. Leaves are still necessary even if we don't necessarily need to 'eat' them anymore.
The Scriptures and the Spirit
The early Assemblies was based very much on the witness of the new scriptures. NCAY today is based on something very different -- the presence of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). Today we do not witness of 'new Scriptures' or try to win people by our doctrinal statements (no matter how true they may be). Today we invite people to partake of the Ruach (Spirit) that is among us. And this, we have found, is the most powerful witnessing tool of all. For it brings the hungry soul into direct contact with the Derech (Way), the Emet (Truth), and the Chayim (Life), even the Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). It beings a living experience which can give him immediate ministry without the need of sifting through volumes of spiritual keys. The keys are used later when the mind begins to hunger for an explanation of what the heart is experiencing and the spirit knows to be true.
So in a very real way NCAY has been 'turned on its head'. Whereas before it said: 'Look, here are new revelations from Yahweh. Read them, and maybe He will bless you with His Ruach (Spirit)" (and sometimes He really did); today it says: 'Be with us a while. Sense what is happening here. Sense the presence of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). And when it has touched your heart, then look at the keys, that your mind might also be made free.'
Of course this is an over-simplification. No two people have identical needs and no two people are searching for identical things. But we can all be administered to by the same Ruach (Spirit).
Recently an ex-member sent a very long doctrinal, theological and philosophical treatise to some of our people in the hope of persuading them to leave our fellowship. He used the old ways of the caterpillar which has since vanished. Whilst those in the Fellowship who read his letter admired the eloquence of his words they knew in their hearts that what he wrote was not true. They were sipping a finer nectar while what he was offering them were diseased leaves.
Our Greatest Testimony
It is hard to write 'history' in this way for I am not following the 'historical method'. Beyond the death, burial and resurrection of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), which were physical, historical events, the rest of the Gospel is far too subjective in any case. Even though we believe we have a theology which is correct and internally harmonious -- which we can easily defend, and which (as readers of this magazine know) we do defend -- our greatest testimony is what we carry in our hearts, which is the final resting place of the New Covenant of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).
Just before I left my homeland for Norway in 1988, Yah'shua (Jesus) appeared before me at the end of my bed in a bright light. He was holding what looked like a huge rock about 1 meter square. The edges were rough and jagged. I knew that this represented the rock of emet (truth) that I would take with me to Norway. Since 1988 He has been polishing that rock, sometimes gently, sometimes painfully. But the core of New Covenant emet (truth) HAS NOT CHANGED and never will. Our foundation is the same. Our earlier scriptures and revelations, and much else, have been chipped away and the rock polished. In place of revelations received by (mostly) one revelator we have several revelators now. I personally feel more confident and secure in my beliefs now than at any time in my life. I have never felt so peaceful with the body of emet (truth) we now have which we have been so busy codifying in the new Constitution.
Caterpillar Droppings
If our enemies want to chip away at the early revelations -- which some are now doing -- they are going to find plenty of errors. I guarantee it! But who wants to look at the caterpillar droppings on the leaf when there is a glorious nectar to be sipped? I have studied the 'droppings' of religions and religious phases that have passed and I have found...droppings. 19th Century Mormonism is dead -- I have spent years trying to recreate it to find out the truth but I have never succeeded. Any one who tried to recreate the 1988-92 phase of this (or even the 1992-5 phase which is fast disappearing) won't find it. It's history. Why grovel around old leaves and droppings? (All of this seems like ancient history to us standing in 2018).
Your Call to Messiah and the Body
In the past we invited people, who were already believers for the most part, to read and pray about the revelations this Communist had received. If they obtained a testimony, as many did then (for that is how Yahweh gathered the very first members), they joined us. Today we do not do this. Today we do two things:
- (1) We preach the living Saviour, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and invite them to put their emunah (faith) in Him; and
- (2) We invite them to go to Elohim (God) and find out which part of the Body of Messiah -- which fellowship -- they have been called into.
We do not believe that everyone is called into this work, and actually have never taught that. If they receive the witness of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) that they are called into the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh -- as is today happening -- then we receive them into our family with open arms.
Our mission as witnesses is really that simple now. We are not too concerned about preaching doctrine or theology, though we have plenty of that. What we have now is not so much keys of knowledge (though we have plenty of those) but a living Ruach (Spirit). This is what the butterfly phase is all about. A soul seeking for Light really, then, has only two questions to ask himself:
- (1) Who is the Saviour of the world? and
- (2) Where, Master, do you want me to be?
Those of us who are in the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh today -- who have braved the wilderness of the early years, experienced the purging fires of inner struggle with the Master and outer persecution by people desirous to destroy us, know the answers to these questions. We have been through the theological debates ad nauseam and find no pleasure in them. To those who wish us ill, or who want to convert us to their ways, we say this to them: Bring your spirit to us that we may see it, not words with which to cloak that spirit. For we have learned to judge by the Ruach (Spirit) and not the words and philosophies of men.
Now I have found that Ruach (Spirit) I am at rest. My theology may not be perfect but I believe it is almost as perfect as it can get in this life. I am satisfied that the groundwork of this work has been laid according to Yahweh's will, for I have had so many confirmations of that now. In the weeks that lead to our Passover Week I believe the final touches will be made to ready it for its world mission.
To conclude this very brief and personal reflection of early NCAY history and the place to which we have come today, I will share a recent experience which has given me great joy.
A few weeks ago while sitting on the train to work I saw a vision (NC&C 393). This was three days before NCAY was to be split by a rebellion (itself prophesied some months before by two nevi'im (prophets) in the Assemblies independently of each other - myself and Brother Mjölsvik). I saw a beautiful flower made of four pale blue petals. As I watched this, the Hebrew letter waw (
) appeared alongside it. It seemed to burn a bright white before it faded away leaving the blue flower alone, until it too faded away.
I struggled for days to understood this vision but found no answer. Only today, on my way home, when I once again thought about it, did Psalm 119 flood into my mind, for it is divided up into sections, each one bearing one of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. I found Waw (
) which read:
"May Your unfailing ahavah (love) come to me, O Yahweh, your salvation according to your promise; then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in Your Davar (Word). Do not snatch the Davar Emet (Word of Truth) from my mouth, for I have put my hope in Your Torah (Law), for ever and ever. I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts. I will speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame, for I delight in Your mitzvot (commandments) because I love them. I lift up my hands to your mitzvot (commandment) which I love, and I meditate on Your decrees" (Ps.119:41-48, NIV).
As I read these words a glow was kindled in my heart. I felt the warmth of His ahavah (love), and I knew that I loved His Torah (Law)! At a time when His Torah (Law) has been vigorously attacked by former members (see Third Rebellion), I see even more clearly how right it is. The years of hard labour have not been in vain and even now the fruit is coming forth.
The New Covenant Church Assemblies of Yahweh are, at last, emerging from their pupa. In the space of only a couple of months, big changes have taken place within the hearts of every member. There is a great inner stirring. We now await, with excitement, to see the winged glory that will emerge, praise be to Him who created it, for ever more. Amen.
[1] As indeed occurred in the Third Rebellion (1995-6)
This page was created on 12 May 1998
Last updated on 5 March 2018
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