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Month 8:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5955:208 AM
2Exodus 9/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 26 October 2022
Rosh Chodesh VIII
Two Prophetic Messages:
The Wheat Sheaf & the Olive Branch

    Continued from Part 1


    Chag Rosh Chodesh Sameach kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon - grace and peace be upon all of you in the Name of Yah'shua the Messish (Jesus Christ), our Saviour and Deliverer, in whose Name I greet you on this the first day of the eighth month, Shemini haChodesh, at which time we are commanded to assemble to hear the words of the nevi'im (prophets). I have always imagined that the Millennial Shemini Atseret, with which we concluded the annual festivals nine days ago, would be such a time too - a day of instructions from the returned world's Navi (Prophet), Cohen (Priest - our Cohen Gadol or High Priest, in fact) and Melech (King, Regent), Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), addressing His subjects on such a High Sabbath preparatory to making a complete reorganision of the planet as a theocratic order the following Rosh Chodesh. So I have never fully understood why Shemini Atseret has come to be called the 'Last Great Day' in that it literally means the 'Eighth Great Day'. We'll have occasion to talk more about that perhaps next year - remind me if I forget!

    A Three Part Message

    The message I have for you all today is both for those of this congregation of Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT) and and also for those who have been following us afar off without ever joining us, whilst nevertheless giving us moral and prayer support over the years. We want you to know that we appreciate you too. This message, which I received a week ago today, a couple of days after Sukkot (Tabernacles), has three parts. The first part you received last Sabbath and the remaining two I will share with you today in the order in which I received them.


    Contemplating the Future of This Work

    It begins with the vision I saw on the morning of Wednesday 19 October 2022. I had woken up after spending the night in the Sanctuary where I find inspiration flows the most easily, I was contemplating the future - how much time I had left on earth in order to accomplish the gargantuan task set before me which, given my state of health and advancing years, now seemed impossible, the more so as we bunker down for winter during a fuel and financial crisis that will soon be a full-blown economic, and possibly social collapse in some places, as the results of the heavenly decress concerning the Penultimate Judgment rapidly unfold. I guess you could say, to be perfectly honest, I was having my doubts as to the possibility not only of completing this work but in seeing any sort of fruition after what seems to have been very many long years in the metaphorical wilderness.

    The Vision

    It was then that an intense vision burst open: First, I saw billowing clouds of fire which I have seen so many times now over the years in connection with the current judgment, only now the fire - though still active - was starting to die down and I could now see what lay behind the flames. Standing in a field was a lone stalk of wheat - a very large one that was heavy-laden with seed; and wheat, as you know, is the best harvest grain of Shavu'ot (Weeks) that involves a careful omer count to arrive at. Only this was not exactly like a natural wheat sheath: what I was seeing was the spiritual pattern that lay behind the symbol of it.

    Seed Like an Artillery Barrage

    On either side were seed shoots with at least three arms each, many of them. It was clear the wheat was fully ripe and before I even had time to contemplate what I was looking at, the seeds on both sides were being catapulted into the air at great speed and with some considerable force like machine-gun fire in every direction so that the air became saturated with them. They filled the sky with long streaks like multiple tracer-bullets that moved off into the distance as far as the eye could see - they just kept coming and coming in a never-ending stream. The sight filled me with tiqveh (hope) and simcha (joy) because I knew in my heart that what we now had, though it would get to continue to multiply during the rest of my life and in the hands of my successors, was more than adequate to accomplish in the world what Yahweh now wants doing...at least in seed form. And seed, as you know, rapidly changes and grows into its adult form when well watered and kept warm.

    Fruit of the Third Commission Fulfilled

    In a word, what I was seeing was a depiction of the fruit of the Third of our Five Commissions which is:

      "To plant the keys of the New Covenant in all churches and individuals who will receive them, that they may grow in grace and truth according to their willingness to be obedient thereto; that they may be prepared for the tribulations ahead and grow closer unto Me, their Master (Lord) and Deliverer (Saviour)" (Olive Branch 263:7-8).

    The Other Commissions

    If I have been hearing the testimonies of those who have been listening and reading our materials over the years, blessings have indeed been forthcoming from all that Yahweh has revealed through this work, though how this knowledge spreads thereafter we do not know. But apparently it has been spreading and leavening those it has come into contact with. This, however, is only one of five commissions given to this work. We have certainly been lifting up a prophetic voice too, which is the fourth commission, particularly in the lead-up to the current Penultimate Judgment, but also in other areas too. Evangelising and discipling are two of the other commissions with the 5th, Gathering the Tribes, I suspect we will be moving into quite soon. So take a look at the Five Commissions again sometime which were received as a revelation in the United States back in 1990, what's now Section 263 of the Olive Branch.


    A Multicoloured Background of Ideas

    This brings me to my second message. For the last 25 or so years, as part of our transitioning from our preliminary or preparatory form to the final one (remember we all of us have come from a wide variety of backgrounds - Lutheran, Anglican, Pentecostal, Baptist, LDS, RLDS, Worldwide Church of God, Jehovah's Witness, New Apostolic, Dutch Reformed, Methodist, Messianic, and so forth), we were instructed to put aside all revelations aside from the Bible for a season so that we would have an entirely Bible-centred and -focussed people. When you have people coming from so many different backgrounds it takes time to wean them off their old traditions and integrate them into a new paradigm. Everyone has their own ideas about doctrines and practices, everyone brings cultural assumptions along with them, and as always people bring sin issues with them too. Most of the early revelations dealt with such matters.

    Welding Together a New Body of Believers

    Even today some of the people are clinging to old ideas that may once have been regarded as 'secondary issues' but which now, as we move up into the rarified atmosphere of the spiritual mountains, will become a serious impediment. Ultimately, even 'secondary' things will matter as they grow in importance with changing spiritual realities. And, yes, one or two still cling to their old tribal allegiances in respect of certain doctrines which by the by will take them away from the main body if they aren't very careful. Dealing with false 'tongues' has perhaps been one of the greatest challenges for these are potentially a demonic Fifth Column, a reason I have been so strict about restricting them.

    Welding together a first generation Body presents innumerable challenges

    Stages of Spiritual Maturation

    That is why Yahweh has caused us to, as it were, pass through our own 'ages' or periods of development: infant, teen, youth, adult and mature adult. Those of you who have been with us from the beginning will know just how much we have changed and how strange that early mix was! Just try to imagine conservative and liberal ex-Mormons (LDS & RLDS), Lutherans, Jehovah's Witnesses and Pentecostals in the early mix, a recipe for potential disaster. And what held them together was a body of new revelations. It was a chaotic time because everyone had their own expectations. Factions arose and three attempted coup d'états culminating in what we call the Third Rebellion that effectively marked the end of the first phase of this ministry! You can't begin to imagine the pressures on the leadership who were themselves also coming out of, and having to deal with, their own respective backgrounds. It truly takes a generation, as it did in the first Exodus, to get false ideas burned out of ones system. And it takes nevi'im (prophets) like Moses to sort through that mess. The giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai was key to that process of coherent change.

    Vision of the Evangelical and Messianic Houses

    Broadly-speaking, we passed through two stages: an evangelical one followed by a messianic one, both of which which we were required to walk in, and between, for a season in order to be leavened and fashioned by the light side of both historical traditions and to give appropriate contrast - you need contrasts to be able to see things clearly. For those of you who may have forgotten, or are little familiar with it, I received an important vision and revelation concerning this work back in 2007, some 14 years ago. It is important that I refresh your memories of it (and perhaps inform some of you of it for the first time) so that you can better understand what has happened and what is now coming:

      "I saw a road heading through a valley towards some distant mountains over which it passed to some unseen final destination. It was a very narrow road, more like a path or country lane. Ahead of me was a small hamlet consisting of only two houses beyond which was a gentle descent into a valley and beyond that, the mountains. There was one house on either side of the road and opposite one another so that the road passed directly between them. Where the road was, there was much light (as along its entire length), as there was also in the valley beyond. There was an even brighter light coming from behind the mountains into which the road disappeared. Behind the two houses, and on either side of this little path, was first twilight and then complete darkness. The backs of the two houses jutted out into this darkness. As I looked closer I could see that the backs of both houses were crumbling into ruins so that in reality only about half of each house was habitable. As the vision ended I heard Yahweh speak: "Walk this road".

      "Upon the vision closing I knew that the two houses represented two systems of religious belief and practice. The house on the left represented Evangelical Christianity begun by Martin Luther and his associates in the 1500's (the Reformation) and the house on the left represented the Messianic Judaism and Israelitism started principally by Jewish converts to Christ from the mid 1900's to our day.

      "The solid side of the Evangelical House facing the road was bathed in the light represented the basic truths of the message of salvation: faith in the resurrected Christ and salvation by grace. The part crumbling at the back in the darkness represented all its false traditions in its many branches - its antinomianism (lawlessness), 'once saved only saved' heresy, false Sunday Sabbath, false pagan traditions (like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.), compromises with statism, Catholic creeds, Replacement Theology, churchianity, and so on.

      "The solid side of the Messianic House facing the road and bathed in light represented the ancient truths of Torah-obedience required of those trusting fully in their Messiah, Yah'shua (Jesus) including observing the true luni-solar seventh day Sabbath, the seven festivals of the Commonwealth of Israel, the creation calendar, dietry rules, etc.. The part crumbling at the back in the darkness represented all its false traditions in its many branches - its anti-Christianity (failing to recognise the hand of Yahweh in Protestantism over the centuries), attachment to false Talmudic doctrine and customs (including false festivals like Hanukkah), belief that the Israeli Republic is the restoration of Biblical Israel (it isn't - it's a counterfeit), its kabbalistic occultism, its heresies concerning the deity of Messiah, its racism (viewing Jews as superior to other people, including Ephraim) and its failure to acknowledge that Joseph is the leader of Messianic Israel, not Judah, and so on.

      "Our goal is what lies beyond that mountain which is far greater than anything ever brought forth by evangelical Christianity or Messianism even though it contains the indispensible elements of both of these houses. Though these two houses are not the literal House of Ephraim and Judah, which are distinct tribal entities, they are certainly symbolic of their attitudes and behaviours, weaknesses and strengths. We represent the New Israel that will be and we are currently at the point of that road passing between the two houses to the One House of Josephite Messianic Israel. To the truths of these two traditions Yahweh has added yet more which he has restored through us and doubtless through some others. This is our vision. This is where we are going" [1]

    Vision of the two houses defining a stage in our work

    Mining the Olive Branch with New Understandings

    We have actually since passed through this terrain between the two houses of evangelicism and messianism and effected the synthesis called of us. Along the way we learned how to see and cast out all the false beliefs from these traditions. We have been walking through the valley beyond the two houses for some time and are now heading for the spiritual high ground - the mountains. We have a solid foundation in the Protestant canon of the Bible now, the Scriptures recognised as divinely received, authoritative and binding on all Christians and Messianics everywhere and in all generations. But now we are called to rediscover, re-learn and re-implement the contents of the Olive Branch, the collection of Messianic Evangelical or New Covenant Christian revelations that have more-or-less been on ice now for a quarter-of-a-century. I am here to announce that we shall be returning to them for direction and preparation for the last leg of the current journey that is the Final or Second Exodus for it is these that will continue to shape, and provide the necessary vessel for, the gathering Remnant. For the older members, you will, I can predict, see the Olive Branch in an entirely new light because sufficient years have passed to provide the contrasts that weren't available back in the 1980's and 1990's. I believe you'll be able to mine a lot more gold from it now.

    The Messianic Evangelical gold mine of end-time revelations

    An Essential Tool for the Final Gathering

    For those of us who grew with the Olive Branch in our early days I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find - not only fulfilled prophecies that have lain dormant for nearly three decades but spiritual wisdom that in many cases we have acquired by taking the longer route by means of deep Bible study...as we ought to expect of material making the claim to be an expansion and elucidation of many Bible teachings, the interpretation of which believers have quarelled over for centuries. The Olive Branch is an essential tool for bringing unity to the Remnant for the Final Gathering and I know for a fact that many have been using it independently of us over the years and from a wide range of denominations.

    The Olive Branch Online and Off

    What this means in practice is that we shall also now be studying the Olive Branch over the years to come and I would therefore encourage you to dust off your copy, if you're not already using it, and resume the journey we were commanded to pause back in the 1990's. I myself began a commentary two years ago but was prevented from continuing because of personal health issues and other commitments but I aim to not only resume with the commentaries but, in the course of time, to get the rest of the revelations online. There is also the lengthy business of making the necessary cosmetic changes to the text so that it properly incorporates messianic terminology to reflect the present evangelical-messianic synthesis. Of the 470 published revelations, only about 110 are online with a mere 13 cosmetically updated with detailed footnotes and commentaries. So this project may take a few years to complete. In the meantime, the 1,074-page hardcopy version is available for a donation to cover printing costs and postage. We also currently have distribution points where you can physically collect your own copies in Sweden and Norway as this ia a very heavy book! Hopefully more collection points will be established as visitors take multiple copies back to their homelands for distribution and become agents for MLT.

    The New Covenant Christians

    So that is the second important message I am to deliver to you today: the Olive Branch is returning to play its originally intended rôle! However, with it - and with all light and truth generally - comes responsibility. Messianic Evangelicals - or properly speaking, 'New Covenant Christians' as they are called in the Olive Branch - are all pioneers:

      "Let the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) be known as NEW COVENANT CHRISTIANS, that I may set them apart from others who call themselves after My Name [Yahweh]. See that ye live up to the New Covenant, saith the Master, and I will endow the name (New Covenant Christian) with power" (OB 293:16-17).

    Chosen for Set-Apart Community

    Over the years so many people have been drawn to the work and in many instances some have asked, quite condescendingly and imperiously, where our nearest congregation is so that they can 'assess' it as though they were making an excursion to a supermarket to choose between a wide range of available products. This isn't Protestantism where you can 'pick and choose' and nor is it Mormonism, Catholicism or the Jehovah's Witnesses where you'll be 'damned' if you don't join. Yahweh can for sure use you as lone instruments but that isn't what He chose you for. We were all of us chosen for community, because the Body of Christ can only function rightly in community. We are to be a nation of twelve New Covenant Israelite tribes consisting of clans and families and we will not be able to gather until we are. And had the first Israel remained in Egypt much longer, they would have remained in slavery and been completely assimilated in the end - they were Egyptianised enough when Moses gathered them! They would have been wiped out as a nation had Yahweh delayed any longer.

    The Attrition Wars on the Denominations

    And that, brethtren and sisters, is pretty much where Christianity stands today. If it remains where it is - immersed in and daily leavened by, the cultures which have become second (and in some cases, primary) gospels competing with the the Gospel - it will be completely absorbed and assimilated. And many, many denominations already are. The Anglican Church in Britain is a prime example along with others like the United Church of Christ in America, or the heavily occultised charismatic groups. They're gone and so will all the others that do not gather out and abandon their false traditions because a ripening, followed by judgment, must inevitably come to all. When they start compromising in the fundamentals of the truth, they start splitting, and they carry on splitting until there are only tiny conservative groups left adhering to their original traditions. It's those false traditions that lay them wide open to attack and the ever more ingenious compromises invented by the devil until they disappear altogether, and often with their members losing faith altogether. It may take time but that's how wars of attrition are waged by enemies, let alone wars waged by Blitzkrieg. Either way, the destruction is great.

    No Ultimate Security in Christendom

    The emergency that Christendom finds itself in right now is the moment that Yahweh has had prepared all along for the Final Gathering and the Last Exodus. Most people must first see what their dead traditions don't give them, security being one of them. Look, I have all sorts of sentimental attachments to my Anglican upbringing - its hymns and some of its great teachers but I could never go back now, or to any of the other pit-stop churches I pulled up into to get some spiritual refuelling or repair work done in the past. Christians and Messianics need to get off that racetrack that simply goes round in circles and offers illusiory glories based on false premises. The race track is not real life - it's a kind of make-believe cyberspace in the physical world. Eternal hell-threatening theologies, ultra-grace lawless theologies, charismatic tongues-based practices and Sabbath-centred theologies aren't going to cut it - you name them, they're not going to get you out of the rut and into the glorious Presence. Most stuck there try to 'force the Spirit' which is impossible and what they end up with is a psychic counterfeit.

    The Sacred Set-Apart Troop

    There's a set-apart, separated, Sacred Troop on the march and you're called to be a part of it. You either stay in Egypt and content yourself with its delicacies as a slave or you pack your bags, forsake the 'land of delicasies and slavery' and head for the wilderness in the company of stout-hearted men and women! That's the minimum sacrifice you must make to leave the world system! The pressure on Yahweh's people will continue to mount in Egypt or Babylon or Gomorrah...or whatever you want to call it...until you are so squeezed that you must either bend the knee to Ba'al or leave. And the longer you wait, the harder it will be to leave.

    The Gathering Places are Not Listed in Any Directory

    The Final Gathering is starting now, albeit in tiny nuclear form, here and there. We're not the only people who have heard the call. The chief characteristic of the Final Gatherers is that their feet align with their talking. They're heading for several wildernesses now as I speak to you. Many of these little gathering places, if not most, will only be temporary - watering stations and travelers' inns along the way until they are called to pull up stakes again and move on to the next location. That's how ancient Israel made the First Exodus. Moreover, you'll not find them listed in any online Directory - you'll only be able to find them through personal revelation which means that if you're not seeking the Face of Elohim (God), if you're not trusting, not enduring the difficulties we must all face, and not obeying what you know to be true, you won't find them. It's that simple. I don't even know where some of these places are located even though I personally know those concerned. Indeed, I have specifically asked them not to tell me where they are going or anyone else still in the system. And when Yahweh directs you to set out to one of them, you won't know where you're going either - you will receive instructions sufficient for each day. And don't forget we live in a technological age so you will have to leave behind anything that can track you (like mobile phones, unless they have been reconditioned by experts) including any nanotechnology that may be in your bodies whilst jumping in your car and heading for Walmart or your nearest supermarket! Only the completely dedicated and loyal to Yahweh will make it out because this is not a short, simple journey, not inwardly or outwardly.

    Remote off-grid remnant gathering places won't be listed in any public directories

    Initial Gathering Points for Discipleship

    Yes, there will be places like our own dotted around the place where you can assemble to be discipled and prepared for the next part of journey, places which are listed in 'Directories' for now. We have made no secret of our location because we're supposed to be found. And for that reason, we have other kinds of 'security' which hostile elements have sought to breach - whether by force, unrighteous exercise of the laws of the land, or by more sinister, occult means - have come to bittery regret on account of the Spirit of Elijah that guards them. But at some point these beacons will be removed too. Preparedness, about which I have spoken so much, isn't just about physical prepping for one big event like economic collapse or world war: even more important than that is spiritual preparedness which means walking right with Elohim (God). If you're doing that, you have nothing to worry about. You'll hear Him when it's time to 'move'. But you'll need to be 'packed' and 'provisioned' (prepped) and ready to move at a moment's notice, as the first Israeles were at the first Passover, so don't go sinking deep roots as Lot's wife did in Sodom because this caused her great difficulties when it was time to leave, and with a tragic result.

    Having All You Need

    Brethren and sisters, you have all you need. With Bible in your right hand and the Olive Branch in your left, with the anointing of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and a rock-solid faith in Yah'shua (Jesus) - plus you have the main website as an on-tap teacher. With all of these things, and with a willingness to be obedient to all that Yahweh tells you through His Davar (Word) and through personal revelation, you'll be just fine. In addition to getting ready to plant vegetable gardens each spring (or all the year round if you're blessed to be living in a warm climate) and with perhaps getting a few chickens and other livestock (the importance of which, from now on, I cannot vigorously underline enough), we'll be mapping out a new program of study and discipleship this winter both on line and here for those in Europe able to reach us for short-term stays.

    The Fate of Those Who Would Not Leave the Cities

    If you haven't left the cities, as you were warned to do many times over the past few years, then a totally different order of survival will be required and you'll need to turn to groups in those situations to help you, because you will need support. A choice for the cities run by 'Big Brother' is a choice I would never make. You will need to be well-armed, well-supplied, healthy, and mobile, assuming you're allowed to even own arms in your respective countries, in which case your odds of survival are considerably diminished. The prepping website contains a lot of resources on that, assuming they're still on the Internet, unless you have obtained a copy of the website offline. Beyond that, though, you're on your own.

    The Schedule This Winter

    Given the circumstances, I cannot say exactly what the instructional content of each Sabbath and Rosh Chodesh assembly is going to be ahead of time other than to say that we will be resuming our important Book of Revelation course (so that we have end-time clarity) and we shall be starting a study of the Olive Branch too. You'll know the week beforehand, at any rate, so you can study ahead of time. In any eventuality, I would recommend you both start picking up your Book of Revelation and your Olive Branch and get stuck in. They're actually quite closely linked. Make notes and stay ahead is always the best policy. I want to make glood progress this winter, Yahweh and health permitting. So I covet your prayers for that.


    Until next Sabbath then, I pray that the undeserved loving-kindness and peace of Yahweh is with you, leading you, comforting you and protecting you in the week ahead. Keep up with us on social media where we will remain for as long as we can. Amen.


    [1] See the Essential Introduction and Our Threefold Vision and Mission: Reformation, Restoration and Completion

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    Last updated 24 October 2022

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