Welcome to the NCAY Audio-Visual resources register showing what is now available in video format. These live sermons and teachings are not available on the main website for the simple reason they take up too much server space but are, or will be, available on USB Flashdrive from New Covenant Press for a donation. The original written sermons will, of course, remain available without cost on the main website.
Each title includes the length of the video and the size, e.g. 51m/175MB = 51 minutes duration, 175 megabytes in size (rounded off to the nearest whole number). The date of issue of the sermon is given in a coloured box, e.g. 20180408 = Year-Month-Day = 2018 April 08 = 8 April 2018 (or April 8th, 2018 in the USA). If two dates appear, e.g. 20050528 (20180504), then the first date is the date of the original sermon or publication and the second, (in parentheses), is the date the article or sermon was broadcast on video. The format of the videos, unless otherwise stated, is MP4.
You can now (since May 2022) order the complete set of sermons on USB Flashdrive by mailing a new (blank) Flashdrive (500GB or more) to us together with a minimum donation of US$10 (if you are hard up) or (if you are not) for the full donation of $50 (or sum you can afford between $11 and $50) and we will mail the flashdrive back to you together with all the sermons uploaded to it. Donations can be made directly to a bank account or (if Swift or other service is not available to you) in cash by regular mail. A link will appear here in due course with instructions. Because of rapidly mounting inflation (May 2022), we may have to adjust the minimum donation, so keep abreast here.
Though we are continuing to make the website available on DVD/CD-ROM, this is no longer a practical medium for storing such large volumes of data that videos require. So they are only available on USB flashdrives for the present.
Videos are also available free on Rumble and Facebook for viewing and downloading. If you are not a member of either Rumble or our online Messianic Evangelical communities at MeWe and Facebook, you can sign up here. Please click the first link below for our latest online Rumble videos (where we currently broadcast) and the second for an older Facebook archive (where we no longer broadcast):
If you want to watch Sabbath sermons live-streamed, join us at where most sermons are broadcast around 10.40 a.m. or 1 p.m. (Swedish time/GMT+1). Be sure to check which day the sabbath day is on in any given month (we observe the biblical luni-solar sabbath) by checking the Creation Calendar and the Dynamic generator, or watch for announcements on the Messianic Evangelicals (ME) Facebook and MeWe groups. A complete archive of videos is available on the ME group.
Videos marked with ** or *** are unfortunately damaged and only partially complete
Click above to see all our latest online videos
Sermons DVD #1 (S01)
June 2018
SM001. 20180608 1. A Warning to Be Prepared and a Vision (14m/56MB)
SM002. 20180615 2. Yahweh's End-Time Remnant Community for the 21st Century (16m/49MB)
SM003. 20180624 3. Wisdom for a Price (19m/57MB)
SM004. 20180629 4. Looking for Yahweh's Annointed (16m/47MB)
July 2018
SM005. 20180704 5. The Communicators: Using Your Gifts and Skills to the Glory of Yahweh (4m/11MB)
SM006. 20180705 6. Idolatry (4m/15MB)
SM007. 20180713 7. The Ruach is My Comforter (13m/34MB)
SM008. 20180715 8. Introductiory Discussion on Annhilationism, Eternal Hell, Universal Salvation, Mollinism, Calvinism and Arianism (40m/122MB)
SM009. 20180719 9. Faithless Shepherds (6m/23MB)
SM010. 20180726 10. Appeal for the Life Giver's Children's Home, India (6m/22MB)
August 2018
SM011. 20180813 11. Universal Salvation (98m/322MB)
SM012. 20180830 12. Get Your House in Order Quickly! (6m/16MB)
SM013. 20181026 13. The Messianic Evangelicals: Who are We? (10m/34MB)
April 2019
SM014. 20190424 14. Who am I? Who is the Real Me? A Chag haMatzah (V) 2019 Message (16m/55MB)
May 2019
SM015. 20190521 15. Death-Bed Confessions: Are They Effectual? (43m/161MB)
SM016. 20190522 16. The True Biblical Doctrine of Grace - Part 1 (47m/155MB)
SM017. 20190523 17. The True Biblical Doctrine of Grace - Part 2 (18m/62MB)
SM018. 20190523 18. The True Biblical Doctrine of Grace - Part 3 (40m/151MB)
SM019. 20190524 19. Psalm 19: A Pastoral Message (34m/102MB)
SM020. 20190528 20. Elohim (God) Frustrates Us (3m/9MB)
SM021. 20190529 21. The Power of Choice is the Power of the Ruach (Spirit) (7m/25MB)
June 2019
SM022. 20190608 22. Which God Do You Worship? with a Warning Against the Occult (40m/149MB)
SM023. 20190613 23. Why I Prefer Preaching and Writing to Debating (26m/83MB)
SM024a. 20190620 24a. Living Within the Boundary of What You Believe, Part 1 (32m/109MB)
SM024b. 20190620 24b. Living Within the Boundary of What You Believe, Part 2 (40m/138MB)
SM024c. 20190621 24c. Living Within the Boundary of What You Believe, Part 3 (9m/31MB)
SM024d. 20190621 24d. Living Within the Boundary of What You Believe, Part 4 (15m/50MB)
July 2019
SM025. 20190711 25. Informal Chats I. The Four Evangelists: What Kind of People Were They? (23m/61MB)
SM026. 20190713 26. Informal Chats II. The Millennium: What's It Going to Be Like? (24m/62MB)
SM027. 20190715 27. Informal Chats III. Trusting in Yahweh When You Think You're About to Fall (35m/83MB)
SM028. 20190715 28. Informal Chats IV. Questions We are Asked: Links to Anglicanism (19m/57MB)
SM029. 20190719 29. Informal Chats V. The Puzzle of the Muddle That is Life (29m/86MB)
SM030. 20190720 30. Informal Chats VI. Racism, Nationalism, Globalism, Culturism & the Millennium (16m/46MB)
SM031. 20190721 31. Informal Chats VII. How History Gives Meaning & Purpose to Life (46m/117MB)
SM032. 20190722 32. Angel Tongues: The Latest Charismania (10m/29MB)
SM033. 20190723 33. Wrath of the lamb: Prophetic Warning & Vision (16m/44MB)
SM034. 20190727 34. North Korea: Pray for Persecuted Chyristians Everywhere (11m/21MB)
SM035. 20190728 35. The First Believers, the Spirit & the Law (42m/114MB)
SM036a. 20190729 36a. Sisyphus: Breaking Free from Labours of Futility - Part 1/3 (21m/55MB)
SM036b. 20190729 36b. Messiah: What is Messiah? (34m/46MB)
SM036c. 20190729 36c. Messiah: What is Messiah? (22m/55MB)
August 2019
SM037. 20190802 37. After the Long Night, You Will Bear Fruit in the Morning (24m/55MB)
SM038. 20190804 38. Manifesting His Name: It's Character That Matters (16m/35MB)
SM039. 20190806 39. The UFO Phenomenon: What is It? (21m/51MB)
SM040. 20190809 40. Phronema (18m/18MB)***
SM041. 20190816 41. Prophetic Warning! Get Your House in Order NOW! (34m/83MB)
SM042. 20190817 42. An Invitation to Join Our New Testament Phronema Studies! (4m/9MB)
September 2019
SM043. 20190912 43. Psalm 73: When You're Feeling Overwhelmed (22m/54MB)
SM044. 20190922 44. Doctors, Healing & Faith: Yah'shua Ben Sirach's Testimony (17m/42MB)
November 2019
SM045a&b. 20191118 45. Judgment and Grace (Isaiah 30:8-18) (12&24m/30&52MB)
SM046. 20191121 46. Enliven My Faith Through Wisdom (Baruch 3:24-28; 4:1-4; Ecclus.51:13-30) (18m/36MB)
December 2019
SM047. 20191207 47. Final Broadcast and Last Message of the Season (4m/17MB)
February 2020
SM048. 20200209 48. Special Message for the Coming 2020 Spring Dedication (37m/76MB)
March 2020
SM049. 20200305 49. Choosing Your Words & the Quest for Shalom (44m/107MB)
SM050. 20200306 50. The Dot and the Line: Will You Be Straight or Twisty? (4m/9MB)
SM051. 20200307 51. The Seven Openings: The Way to Conversion and Faith (28m/65MB)
SM052. 20200308 52. Raised Valleys & Flattened Mountains: The 25 Death Penalties (43m/88MB)
SM053. 20200321 53. An Informal Discussion Following the 2020 Dedication (33m/77MB)
April 2020
SM054. 20200411 54. A Prophetic Word from Hosea 4 and Vision of Christ (34m/84MB)
SM055. 20200417 55. Have You Been Rescued? What Salvation Is and Isn't (27m/65MB)
SM056. 20200417 56. Night of the Long Knives 2020: What's Happening in the World (36m/88MB)
SM057. 20200419 57. Spiritual Roots, Current Deep State Deception and UFOs (26m/70MB)
July 2020
SM058. 20200702 58. How Should Christians/Messianics Dress? (45m/134MB)
SM059. 20200705 59. Tranquility (2m/5MB)
SM060. 20200718 60. Special Invitation to Shavu'ot 2020 (7m/14MB)
SM061. 20200729 61. Postmodernism (17m/39MB)
SM062. 20200729 62. Critical Realism (17m/37MB)
SM063. 20200730 63. History (18m/50MB)
August 2020
SM064. 20200802 64. Critics I: Answering Personal Accusations (12m/28MB)
SM065. 20200802 65. Critics II: Fuel for Injustice - How a Hate Campaign Begins (20m/48MB)
SM066. 20200810 66. The Latter Rain: What is It? (34m/86MB)
SM067. 20200814 67. Down the Labyrinthine Ways: The Futility of Running from God (17m/34MB)
SM068. 20200814 68. All Creatures of Our Elohim: Are Animals Resurrected? (17m/34MB)
SM069. 20200816 69. The Summer is Over: A Prophetic Message (19m/42MB)
SM070. 20200816 70. Suicide: Grappling With the Consequences (21m/48MB)
SM071. 20200817 71. Lost in Mental Chaos: Planet of the Psychiatrists (12m/27MB)
SM072. 20200817 72. Chabad Messianism: The Non-Messianic Messianics (8m/20MB)
SM073. 20200827 73. Did Yahweh Create Time? Solving an Insoluble Conundrum (31m/94MB)
SM074. 20200828 74. Everything is Possible: Abusing Hyperbole in Scripture (10m/31MB)
SM075. 20200829 75. Zechariah: Are There Two Second Comings? (60m/149MB)
SM076. 20200830 76. Dangerous Churches: Avoiding Bad Christian Communities (10m/26MB)
SM077. 20200830 77. I, Rabbi: A Question of Respect and Titles (27m/54MB)
SM078. 20200831 78. Carry on Sinning: How to Continue Being Miserable (18m/45MB)
SM079. 20200831 79. Food for the Soul? Hiding from Pain Through Eating (8m/14MB)
September 2020
SM080. 20200901 80. Keep Your Clothes On! Remaining Alert in Yah's Temple (5m/13MB)
SM081. 20200901 81. Today, Tomorrow, and the Day After: In the Right Place at the Right Time (6m/18MB)
SM082. 20200903 82. Worse Before Better: Walking Wisely in Adversity (15m/35MB)
SM083. 20200904 83. Always in Such a Hurry: Learning the Leisure of Trusting (6m/14MB)
SM084. 20200905 84. Self-Sufficiency: Yahweh is Waiting for You to End It (13m/32MB)
SM085. 20200906 85. What Colour is Yahweh? Black Hebrew Israelites and Others (18m/43MB)
SM086. 20200907 86. Sarcasm: A Scriptural Analysis and a Personal Conclusion (18m/37MB)
SM087. 20200911 87. Life's Biggest Rocks: Learning How to Fit Them All In (8m/22MB)
SM088. 20200912 88. Test Yourself: Are You Actually in the Faith? (9m/22MB)
SM089. 20200912 89. Temple of Idolatry: A Prophetic Dream (12m/27MB)
SM090. 20200922 90. Doing It: Learning the Christian Life + Word on Covid-19 Vaccines (11m/29MB)
SM091. 20200923 91. Sprinkle, Sprinkle: How to Water Down the Gospel + Word on Baptism (10m/24MB)
October 2020
SM092. 20201020 92. Prophetic Vision: Clash of the Two Giant Waves Part 1/2 (6m/10MB)
SM093. 20201021 93. Prophetic Vision: Clash of the Two Giant Waves Part 2/2 (11m/22MB)
November 2020
SM094. 20201102 94. Joel's Dreams, Visions & Prophecy Revelation: Is It Applicable Today Yet? (22m/42MB)
SM095. 20201108 95. A Special Message Following the US Presidential Election (21m/38MB)
SM096a & b 20201110 96. A Special Message on Communing With Yahweh (31m/58MB & 35m/66MB)
SM097 20201111 97. Prophetic Dream on Ravi Zacharias & Prayer (2m/4MB)
December 2020
SM098 20201225 98. Special Christmas Address 2020 (30m/202MB)
March 2021
SM099 20210326 99. Special Passover 2021 Revelation and Invitation (1m/8MB)
April 2021
SM100 20210430 100. Introduction to Return of the Elijah Prophets (6m/43MB)
April 2024
SM101 20240413 101. A New Direction for the Ministry (22m/3.10GB)
SM102 20240420 102. Caverns of the Mind - Sharing a Vision as It Actually Happens (22m/3.0GB)
June 2024
SM103 20240617 103a-c. Rosh Chodesh IV 2024: The Clock Says Midnight (Vision) (11m/1.53GB, 19m/2.70GB, 11m/1.48GB)
SM104 20240617a-c 104. Prophetic Dream: Blessings Now as Temple Foundation Finished - Haggai 2:13-19 (22m/3.05GB)
SM105 20240618 105. Vision of the False Angel Masquerading as the Spirit of Christ (16m/2.20GB)
SM106 20240626 106. Discernment, Preparing and Surrenderíng to Meet Crises (31m/208MB)
July 2024
SM107 20240705 107. Mark 8: The Little Things That Leaven for Good or Evil (24m/***MB)
SM108 20240706 108. Rosh Chodesh V 2024: The Sovereignty of Yahweh - Psalm 115 (19m/***MB)
SM109 20240711 109. The Bible, the Book of 'Romans Road' & 'God Told Me...' (22m/***MB)
August 2024
SM110 20240805 110. Rosh Chodesh VI 2024: Prophecy, Prophets & Micah (22m/3.09MB)
SM111 20240813 111. The Sunk Cost Fallacy & Why So Many Believers Aren't Born Again (22m/3.14MB)
SM112 20240816 112. A Plea to All My Health-Decreeing Pentcoatsl & Charismatic Friends (22m/3.12GB)
SM113 20240818 113. Near Death Experiences & How to Interpret Them (22m/3.10MB)
SM114 20240827 114. Have We God the Gospel Back-to-Front? Why the Moedim Matter (22m/3.15GB)
SM115 20240831 115. The Five Commissions of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (22m/3.13GB)
September 2024
SM116 20240910 Preparing for Yom haKippurim (23m/3.15MB)
SM117 20240915 How Satan Infiltrates Music (21m/2.95GB)
October 2024
SM118 20241003 Rosh Chodesh VIII: Inner Healing & the Kingdom of Heaven (23m/3.16GB)
SM119 20241003 Language & the Importance of Comprehensibility in Evangelism (23m/3.16GB)
SM120 20241016 Vision of the Burning Hill, Psalm 24 (14m/1.97GB)
SM121 20241020 Taming of the Shrew, Christian Humanism, Tribulation, 2nd Coming, Israel & WW3 (23m/3.16GB)
SM122 20241025 The B'nei Elohim I: Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Nephilim & Ruling Powers (23m/3.20GB)
SM123 20241026 The B'nei Elohim II: Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Nephilim & Ruling Powers (23m/3.22GB)
SM124 20241030 Whom Does Yahweh Respect? The Problem with Denominations (23m/3.20GB)
SM125 20241031 Heart Connections: Communing with Elohim/God and Man (23m/3.21GB)
SM126 20241031 Rosh Chodesh IX 2024: Multiple Skills for a Collapsed Economy & Ministry (23m/3.21GB)
November 2024
SM127 20241104 New Beginnings (Ps.46:10): Important Prophetic Dreams and Visions (22m/3.02GB)
SM128 20241112 The Rechabite Covenant: Why It is So Importsant to us Now (23m/3.24GB)
SM129abc 20241117 Bible Translations: The NET, Boaz's Legs, John's Word & Job's Ruach (22m/3.12GB & 23m/3.23GB & 22m/3.02GB)
SM129abc 20241117 Bible Translations: The NET, Boaz's Legs, John's Word & Job's Ruach (22m/3.12GB & 23m/3.23GB & 22m/3.02GB)
December 2024
SM130 20241201 Rosh Chodesh X 2024: Churches & Bibles Changing - Lk.16:16-17 (22m/3.34GB)
SM131abcd 20241202 Holy Echad Marriage & the Mystical Marriage of Messiah, Parts 1-4 (23m/3.23GB & 21m/2.96GB & 23m/3.24GB & 21m/2.94GB)
SM132 20241206 Part Tithing Under the Old & New Covenants (21m/3.01GB)
SM133 20241207 Why Yahweh Compares Us to Sheep (20m/2.80GB)
SM134 20241207 Vision of the Remnant in the Storm & Developments in Syria (9m/1.20GB)
SM135 20241209 The Syrian Revolution: What This Means for Us (12m/1.67GB)
SM136 20241218 Vision of the Injured Eagle & Heavenly Comfort (5m/695MB)
SM137 20241225 A 25 December 2024 Greeting & Explanation (11m/1.53GB)
SM138abc 20241231 Rosh Chodesh XI 2024: The State of Modern Prophecy (23m/3.20GB & 23m/3.21GB & 21m/2.90GB)
January 2025
SM139ab 20250109 A World in Political Chaos: What's Going On? Parts 1 & 2 (23m/3.24GB & 1m/58.6MB)
SM140 20250123 Vision of the End Time Remnant Leaders: A Journey into the Future10m/1.36GB)
2. V-Series: SERMONS
The original materials may be found starting in the Ge'Chizzayon Sermons Series #8 and onwards
April 2018
V001. 20180408 Unmixed Fellowship: Friendship with Yahweh & the Redeemed (51m/175MB)
V002. 20180415 Overcoming Bad Rulers: A Life of Tenacious, Hopeful Faith (45m/170MB)
V003. 20180416 Jericho March I 2018: 23 April False Rapture Prophecy (37m/112MB)
V004. 20180417 Jericho March II 2018: Sleeping Peacefully in Yahweh (8m/24MB)
V005. 20180418 Jericho March III 2018: Angelic Hosts & Growing in Confidence (12m/37MB)
V006. 20180419 Jericho March IV 2018: You Cannot Do It Yourself (35m/111MB)
V007. 20180420 Jericho March V 2018: Nothing New Under the Sun (7m/26MB)
V008. 20180421 Jericho March VI 2018: Raise Your Voice Like a Trumpet (24m/67MB)
V009. 20180422 Jericho March VII 2018: Bold and Articulate We March On! (15m/45MB)
V010. 20180423 Messiah Within: Beethoven & the Blind Pianist (17m/48MB)
V011. 20180424 Prophecy Gone Awry: Rapture, Tribulation and Millennium (27m/68MB)
V012. 20180429 Late Pesach 2018: The Secret Behind Yah's Grace (6m/14MB)
V013. 20180430 Chastity & Pygmalion: Important Messages for the Remnant (58m/104MB)
May 2018
V014. 20180507 Do Not Be Surprised: Being Prepared & Forewarned (51m/145MB)
V015. 20180514 Wits' End: The Purpose of Being Taken There (41m/122MB)
V016. 20180516 Rosh Chodesh III: Vision of the Three Blind Men (26m/69MB)
V017. 20180523 A Theology of Failure: Of Worms, Men & Little Israelites (43m/132MB)
V018. 20180527 We Will Not Be Deflected: Abortion, the World & Betrayal (43m/155MB)
June 2018
V019. 20180606 Life Through Children: Translations & Mysteries Revealed (68m/264MB)
V020. 20180613 The Fear of Yahweh: Understanding Divine Tavnith's Core (57m/173MB)
V021. 20180614 Rosh Chodesh IV 2018: Prepare for War! (23m/61MB)
V022. 20180621 The Post-Modernists: Seven Things They Need to Know (76m/232MB)
V023. 20180628 The Path of Humility: What It Means for the Self (95m/278MB)
V024. 20180630 Amazing Graces and Free Gifts: Part 1 Unmerited Grace and Merited Favour (44m/141MB)
July 2018
V025. 20180701 Amazing Graces and Free Gifts: Part 2 Gifts vs. Free Gifts (45m/148MB)
V026. 20180701 Amazing Graces and Free Gifts: Part 3a Meshma'at Shebalev - Obedience from a Covenant Heart: Instant Salvation or Instant Grace? (82m/248MB)
V027. 20180701 Amazing Graces and Free Gifts: Part 3b Meshma'at Shebalev - Obedience from a Covenant Heart: Instant Salvation or Instant Grace? (60m/184MB)
V028. 20180702 Amazing Graces and Free Gifts: Part 3c Meshma'at Shebalev - Obedience from a Covenant Heart: Instant Salvation or Instant Grace? (57m/186MB)
V029. 20180705 Death & Resurrection: The Traveler's Inn & the Final Glory (59m/215MB)
V030. 20180712 Shavu'ot 2018: Time for Anointing & Harvesting (86m/330MB)
V031. 20180713 Rosh Chodesh V 2018: Time Runs Out, Visions Die Away (19m/64MB)
V032. 20180720 The Risk-Takers: The Wisdom & Folly of Waiting (81m/314MB)
V033. 20180727 Life After Death: Red Moon & Pet Dog Returns (73m/291MB)
August 2018
V034. 20180803 Establish Your Heart: The True Foundations of Love (61m/245MB)
V035. 20180819 The Kindly Heavens: Our Connections Across the Veil (77m/292MB)
V036. 20180827 Eternity: The Great Human Yearning (82m/237MB)
September 2018
V037. 20180902 The Earliest Vision: The First Believers & the Resurrection (75m/276MB)
V038. 20180909 Three Score and Ten: Last Chances May Be Ending (37m/116MB)
V039. 20180910 Yom Teruah 2018: The Overcomers of Thessalonica & the Rapture Doctrine (39m/147MB)
V040. 20180917 Shabbat Shuvah 2018: Maintaining a Cosmic Perspective (57m/212MB)
V041. 20180919 Yom haKippurim 2018 I: Between Justification and Sanctification (main sermon) (72m/291MB)
V042. 20180919 Yom haKippurim 2018 II: Concluding Neilah Prayers & Prayer Service (10m/31MB)
V043. 20180924 Sukkot 2018 I: From Corruption to Joy (54m/207MB)
V044. 20180925 Sukkot 2018 II: This is to My Father's Glory (5m/18MB)
V045. 20180926 Sukkot 2018 III: The Essence of the Festival (5m/16MB)
V046. 20180927 Sukkot 2018 IV: A Festival of Friendship (10m/36MB)
V047. 20180928 Sukkot 2018 V: Festival for the First Resurrected (13m/50MB)
V048. 20180929 Sukkot 2018 VI: Approaching an Important End (15m/61MB)
V049. 20180930 Sukkot 2018 VII: A Festival of Glory
October 2018
V050. 20181001 Shemini Atseret 2018: End of An Aeon, Start of a New One (36m/140MB)
V051. 20181030 The Kingdom Road I: Renewing the NCAY Work (32m/119MB)
November 2018
V052. 20181106 The Kingdom Road II: Revisiting the Old Romans Road (81m/315MB)
V053. 20181108 Rosh Chodesh IX: Vision of a New Storm at the Door (9m/31MB)
V054. 20181222 The Kingdom Road III: More on the Old Romans Road (79m/293MB)
V055. 20181122 The Kingdom Road IV: Works of the law & Righteousness (43m/131MB)
V056. 20181129 The Kingdom Road V: Journey's End...for Now (65m/250MB)
December 2018
V057. 20181206 Molinism: Reconciling Yah's Sovereignty with Man's Free Agency (30m/108MB)
V058. 20181207 Rosh Chodesh X: The Revelation of Romans 14 (65m/239MB)
V059. 20181214 The Way of Faithfulness: 1. Increase Our Faith, O Yahweh! (48m/135MB)
V060. 20190107 Pauline Universalism I: The Case for Cosmic Reconciliation (38m/116MB)
V061. 20181221 The Way of Faithfulness: 2. Justified by Faith in Messiah (42m/140MB)
V062. 20181225 The Deadly Blizzard: A Prophetic Warning (4m/15MB)
V063. 20190107 Pauline Universalism II: Phil.2:10 - Universal Submission or Salvation? (15m/46MB)
V064. 20181231 Glimpses of Heaven: Some Experiences Across the Veil (68m/239MB)
January 2019
V065. 20190103 N.T.Wright: An Evaluation (34m/121MB)
V066. 20190102 Personal Evangelism: The Messianic Evangelical Way (66m/259MB)
V067. 20190104 The Way of Faithfulness: 3. What Biblical Faith Isn't (73m/200MB)
V068. 20190106 Rosh Chodesh XI: Infused With New Life (94m/278MB)
V069. 20190107 Rapture 2019? The Latest False Rapture Prediction (8m/28MB)
V070. 20190113 The Way of Faithfulness: 4. The Assurance of Things Hoped For (34m/94MB)
V071. 20190115 The Three-in-One: High Octane Christianity for the Remnant (44m/160MB)
V072A. 20190120 The Way of Faithfulness: 5a. The Conviction of Things Not Seen (28m/74MB)
V072B. 20190120 The Way of Faithfulness: 5b. The Conviction of Things Not Seen (3m/10MB)
February 2019
V073. 20190212 Feasting with Solomon: A Little Wisdom for the Remnant (20m/53MB)
V074. 20190219 The High Places of Isaac: Dark Altars are Back With Us Again (54m/147MB)
V075. 20190220 The Reluctant Disciple who Couldn't Find Her Lover (8m/21MB)
V076. 20190220 Counsel for the Soul: Content With Your Inheritance? (9m/26MB)
V077. 20190226 I. Gospels of Convenience: The Phenomenon of Doctrinal Drift (50m/156MB)
V078. 20190226 II. Deliverance Ministry: Important Lessons from Derek Prince (54m/163MB)
V079. 20190227 To the Victor the Crown: But First Make a Right Response (14m/36MB)
V080. 20190227 Your Peace in Messiah: Preserving Shalom Even in Tumult (19m/58MB)
March 2019
V081. 20190302 Mind, Heart & Spirit: Understanding Inner Speech (33m/83MB)
V082. 20190305 Melchizedek: His Priesthood, Messiah & His People (76m/216MB)
V083. 20190307 Aviv 1, 2019: Nativity, New Year & Trouble (32m/92MB)
V084. 20190314 A Call for Unity in Christ: 1. The New Birth, Baptism & Communion (65m/197MB)
V085. 20190321 A Call for Unity in Christ: 2. Prayer and Nature Mysticism (83m/269MB)
V086. 20190328 A Call for Unity in Christ: 3a. The Authority of Scripture, Part 1 (85m/265MB)
April 2019
V087. 20190404 A Call for Unity in Christ: 3b. The Authority of Scripture, Part 2 (85m/344MB)
V088. 20190406 Rosh Chodesh II: The Two Yah'shua's Meet
(Jericho I 2019) (29m/113MB)
V089. 20190408 Jericho March 2019 III: Go North, My Son, Go North! (7m/24MB)
V090. 20190409 Jericho March 2019 IV: What Miracles Do You Need? (7m/MB)
V091. 20190410 Jericho March 2019 V: A Disciplined & United Company (22m/88MB)
V092. 20190411 Jericho March 2019 VI: The Land But Especially the City (14m/51MB)
V093. 20190412 Jericho March 2019 VII: The Judgment of Wickedness (23m/83MB)
V094a. 20190413 A Call for Unity in Christ: 4a. Holiness, Perfection & Sanctification (Part 1) (60m/224MB)
V094b. 20190413 A Call for Unity in Christ: 4b. Holiness, Perfection & Sanctification (Part 2) (12m/35MB)
V095. 20190419 Pesach 2019: Introduction and Greetings (2m/7MB)
V096. 20190420 Late Pesach Season 2019: Angry Beginnings of the Exodus (73m/259MB)
V097. 20190421 Yom haBikkurim 2019: Messiah is Risen Indeed! (69m/280MB)
V098. 20190425 Chag haMatzah 2019 VI: A Credible Witness to Mankind (Part 1) (52m/211MB)
V099. 20190426 Chag haMatzah 2019 VII: A Credible Witness to Mankind (Part 2) (50m/200MB)
V100. 20190427 A Call for Unity in Christ: Love-Ahavah-Chesed-Agapé (47m/166MB)
May 2019
V101. 20190504 The Jonah Enigma: I. A Tale of Unforgiveness (61m/53MB)
V102. 20190505 Rosh Chodesh III: Awakening the New Leaders
V103. 20190512 The Jonah Enigma: II. The 120,000 of Nineveh
V104. 20190519 The Jonah Enigma: III. From the Written to the Living (72m/258MB)
V105a. 20190529 The Jonah Enigma: IV. Canon Within a Canon - Part 1 (65m/234MB)
V105b. 20190529 The Jonah Enigma: IV. Canon Within a Canon - Part 2 (58m/207MB)
June 2019
V106. 20190602 Ancient Connections: I. The Phronema, the Word & Life (89m/324MB)
V107. 20190604 Rosh Chodesh IV: Visions of the New Harvest! (22m/77MB)
V108. 20190611 Ancient Connections II: Ordinary Meals That Became Sacred (76m/290MB)
V109. 20190618 Ancient Connections III: Pesach, the Master's Supper & Sukkot (67m/259MB)
V110. 20190625 Ancient Connections IV: Mark, John & the Lost Agapé Feast (68m/251MB)
July 2019
V111. 20190701 Shavu'ot 2019: Authority, Blessing & Judgment (69m/200MB)
V112. 20190710 The Shavu'ot Blessings: What the New Covenant Did to Them (66m/157MB)
V113. 20190703 Rosh Chodesh V 2019: Return of the Red Beast (22m/53MB)
V114. 20190717 The Right Balance: When to Rebuke and When to Show Kindness (65m/165MB)
V115. 20190724 The Moon-Landers: Earth, Heaven, Hell and Outer Space (50m/122MB)
V116. 20190731 Response to Adversity: Maturity and Appropriateness (47m/127MB)
August 2019
V117. 20190801 Rosh Chodesh VI: Black, Blue & Red Moons (24m/73MB)
V118. 20190808 Briah Chadashah: Introduction to Sermons Series #10 (59m/192MB)
V119. 20190815 Naming the Remnanteers: Steps Toward the Final Gathering (54m/127MB)
V120. 20190818 New Testament Studies 2: Introducing the Gospel of Mark (82m/227MB)
V121. 20190822 A Better Resurrection: The Weak Made Strong Through Faith (40m/95MB)
V122. 20190822 New Testament Studies 3: The New Era Begins (Mark 1:1-8) (64m/194MB)
V123. 20190829 The Holiness of Yahweh: Showdon in the Sinai (56m/166MB)
V124. 20190831 Yom teruah 2019: The Day of Christus Victor (74m/229MB)
September 2019
V125. 20190907 Shabbat Shuvah 2019: The Limits of Obedience to the State (90m/259MB)
V126a. 20190909 Yom haKippurim 2019: Rejecting the Mark of the Beast, Part 1/2 (68m/177MB)
V126b. 20190909 Yom haKippurim 2019: Neilah Prayers, Part 2/2 (5m/12MB)
V127a. 20190914 Sukkot I 2019: The Day at Last Has Come! Part 1/2 (14m/35MB)
V127b. 20190914 Sukkot I 2019: The Day at Last Has Come! Part 2/2 (27m/65MB)
V128. 20190915 Sukkot II 2019: 'Aliens' and the Sukkot Anointing (29m/68MB)
V129. 20190916 Sukkot III 2019: The Powers of the Age to Come (23m/62MB)
V130. 20190917 Sukkot IV 2019: Explaining Israel and the Jewish People (47m/114MB)
V131. 20190918 Sukkot V 2019: John vs. Cerinthus in Ephesus (25m/64MB)
V132. 20190919 Sukkot VI 2019: Between Righteousness & Wisdom (20m/48MB)
V133. 20190920 Sukkot VII 2019: Joy, Not Foom and Gloom! (5m/13MB)
V134. 20190921 Shemini Atseret 2019: The Flourishing Millennial Life (64m/206MB)
V135. 20190928 The True Believer's Goal: Obtaining & Retaining Salvation (69m/245MB)
V136. 20190929 Rosh Chodesh VIII 2019: Wolves Devouring Wolves (49m/171MB)
October 2019
V137a. 20191006 New Testament Studies 4: You Make Me Very Glad! (Mark 1:9-13) - Part 1/2 (22m/85MB)
V137a. 20191006 New Testament Studies 4: You Make Me Very Glad! (Mark 1:9-13) - Part 2/2 (45m/168MB)
V138a. 20191013 New Testament Studies 5: The Galilean Ministry Starts (Mark 1:14-20) - Part 1/2 (8m/29MB)
V138b. 20191013 New Testament Studies 5: The Galilean Ministry Starts (Mark 1:14-20) - Part 2/2 (63m/232MB)
V139. 20191014 Dr. Gregory C.D.Young: 14 June 1949 - 22 February 2016 (60m/139MB)
V140. 20191020 New Testament Studies 6: Authority and Power (Mark 1:21-34) (85m/277MB)
V141. 20191027 New Testament Studies 7: Prayer, Celebrity & a Leper (Mark 1:35-45) (75m/204MB)
V142a&b. 20191028 Rosh Chodesh IX I: Big Bang or Yahweh's Creation? (42+3m/146+9MB)
V143. 20191028 Rosh Chodesh IX II: Prophecy of the Two Great Winds (21m/53MB)
November 2019
V144. 20191103 New Testament Studies 8: The Son of Man & the Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12) (66m/186MB)
V145. 20191104 With Boldness & Assurance: Advancing Correctly in Our Gospel Walk (29m/82MB)
V146a+b. 20191110 New Testament Study 9. Levi's Toll (Mark 2:13-17) (56+27m/134+68MB)
V147. 20191111 Take Aim and Fire! Putting My Tozer Gun into Action (30m/68MB)
V148. 20191117 New Testament Study 10. Fasting, the Temple & the Bride (Mark 2:18-22) (83m/203MB)
V149. 20191124 New Testament Study 11. The Sabbath Controversies (Mark 2:23-3:6) (57+17m/151+40MB)
V150. 20191125 An Important Question: How Do I Know My Life is Right with Yahweh? (28m/57MB)
V151. 20191127 The Waiting Father & the Mystery of Suffering (39m/103MB)
December 2019
V152. 20191204 Matinée Apocalypse: Delighting in the Way of Yahweh (63m/139MB)
V153. 20191226 Rosh Chodesh XI: The Apostles, Prophets & Christmas - the Gifting I (34m/147MB)
January 2020
V154. 20200102 The Gifting II: Knowing Yah's Will Through Ruach Fruits (47m/211MB)
V155. 20200112 Greek Dualism & Gnosticism: How They Have Corrupted Christianity (42m/182MB)
V156. 20200120 Gideon's Smashed Idol: A Vision & Revelation for the Prophets (12m/28MB)
V157. 20200123 The Opened Door: John's Vision on Patmos (47m/104MB)
V158. 20200125 Rosh Chodesh XII: Visions of the Melchizedek Dedication (50m/107MB)
February 2020
V159. 20200215 Dedication Preparations: From Tozer to the Final Exodus With Counsel for Preachers & Teachers (76m/182MB)
V160. 20200222 In Pursuit of Peace: The Spiritual Secret of Thomas Haire (- unrecoverable m/MB)
V161. 20200224 Rosh Chodesh XIII: 2019 Coronavirus Vision & Warning (38m/90MB)
V162. 20200229 Coronavirus and 5G: More Prophetic Visions for the Body (27m/61MB)
March 2020
V163a&b. 20200302 At Peace With the Past: A Tribute to the Old Anglican Church (34&3m/83&7MB)
V164. 20200316 The Purging Fire Vision & A Gathering of White Horses (49m/101MB)
V165. 20200317 Vision of the United States: Hecate's Curse of the Black Triangle (7m/15MB)
V166. 20200323 Tests in Life: The End of an Epoch (39m/90MB)
V167. 20200325 Aviv 1 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle I - the Holy of Holies & Screen I (32m/55MB)
V168. 20200326 Aviv 2 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle II - Table for the Showbread (30m/69MB)
V169. 20200327 Aviv 3 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle III - The Menorah (41m/110MB)
V170. 20200328 Aviv 4 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle IV - The Altar of Incense & Screen II (49m/119MB)
V171. 20200329 Aviv 5 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle V - The Brazen Altar (44m/113MB)
V172. 20200330 Aviv 6 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle VI - The Brazen Laver & Screen III (50m/136MB)
V173. 20200331 Aviv 7 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle VII - The Dedication & Appearing of Messiah in the Tabernacle (39m/91MB)
April 2020
V174. 20200401 Pandemics & Assemblies: Obey the Government & Stay At Home? (29m/56MB)
V175. 20200407 Resurrection Narratives: 1. On Solomon's Side of the Cross (17m/40MB)
V176. 20200408 Resurrection Narratives: 2. It Really Happened Physically! (16m/36MB)
V177. 20200409 Resurrection Narratives: 3. The Incarnate Elohim is Risen! Yom haBikkurim 2020 (24m/67MB)
V178. 20200410 Resurrection Narratives: 4. The Reembodied Disembodied (25m/64MB)
V179. 20200411 Resurrection Narratives: 5. The Resurrected Saints in Jerusalem (20m/41MB)
V180. 20200412 Resurrection Narratives: 6. Martha's Resurrection (23m/44MB)
V181. 20200413 Resurrection Narratives: 7. The Very Present and Future Glory (24m/55MB)
V182. 20200415 The Second Heaven: The Resurrection Exposes the Occult (27m/49MB)
V183. 20200422 The Puzzle of Your Life: A Vision, A Life, A Future (35m/98MB)
V184. 20200424 Rosh Chodesh II: Jericho March 2020 I - Serious Questions All Must Answer (14m/30MB)
V185. 20200425 Jericho March 2020 II: Big Obstacles That Must Be Overcome (20m/49MB)
V186. 20200426 Jericho March 2020 III: The Divine Pattern Revealed (19m/48MB)
V187. 20200427 Jericho March 2020 IV: The Amazing Rahab! (24m/55MB)
V188. 20200428 Jericho March 2020 V: Marching Around Yourself (28m/66MB)
V189. 20200429 Jericho March 2020 VI: The Judgment of Beltane and Marx (7m/15MB)
V190 & V191a & V191b. 20200430 Jericho March 2020 VII: Israel's Deliverance, Jericho's End (55m/131MB & 5m/13MB & 1m/2MB)
May 2020
V192. 20200501 Tackling Depression: Counsel for Ministers & Depressives (57m/121MB)
V193. 20200507 Late Pesach 2020: Introduction to the Passover Season (11m/27MB)
V194. 20200508 Late Chag haMatzah 2020: O the Bliss of Right Living! (36m/86MB)
V195a & V195b. 20200509 Late Yom haBikkurim 2020: The Story of Two Scotsmen (22m/63MB & 52m/141MB)
V196. 20200514 Late Chag haMatzah VII 2020: The Awakening of Messianic Israel (65m/159MB)
V197a & V197b. 20200515 Artemis 5G: The Image That Fell From Heaven (13m/33MB & 33m/79MB)
V198. 20200522 Jeremiah's Return: The Death of Ravi Zacharias & the Raising of the Last Generation (34m/73MB)
V199. 20200523 Rosh Chodesh III: The Restless Red Ocean - Prophetic Vision of the Last Generation (17m/37MB)
V200. 20200530 Waiting on Yahweh: What to Do & How to Do It (30m/82MB)
June 2020
V201. 20200606 Philemon I: Why Social Justice Takes So Long (53m/125MB)
V202. 20200613 Philemon II: The Pauline Core of Gospel Living (54m/133MB)
V203. 20200620 The Big NCAY Change: Moving from Samuel to Elijah (53m/130MB)
V204. 20200622 Rosh Chodesh IV: Prophetic Word: Liars Will Be Silenced & a Message on the Worsening Anarchy (49m/113MB)
V205. 20200629 Borders of the Kingdom: A Look at Scripture & Politics (76m/209MB)
July 2020
V206a & V206b. 20200706 Bless Yahweh, O My Soul! Psalm 103 & a Vision of the Kingdom (25m/58MB & 5m/17MB)
V207a, V207b & V207c. 20200713 Beyond Sola Scriptura: Revival of the Apostolic Tradition & Phronema (20m/52MB, 27m/72MB & 7m/18MB)
V208. 20200719 Shavu'ot 2020: The Well-Worn Path, Judgment & the Blossoming of the Remnant (58m/135MB)
V209. 20200720 Historial Christendom: Division, Complexity & Restoration (93m/250MB)
V210. 20200721 Rosh Chodesh V 2020: Witnessing in a Postmodernist World (62m/160MB)
V211. 20200728 From Athens to Seattle: A Witness to the Postmodern World (59m/139MB)
V212. 20200811 Tablets of Stone: The Mysterious Second Set (45m/124MB)
V213. 20200818 The Kingdom of Messiah I: Challenging the Old Symbols (81m/187MB)
V214. 20200819 Chag haMatzah VI 2020: The Wild West of Today's Prophets (41m/89MB)
V215. 20200826 The Kingdom of Messiah IIa: Piping in the New Symbols - The Land, the Nation and the Family (50m/111MB)
September 2020
V216. 20200902 The Kingdom of Messiah IIb: Piping in the New Symbols - New Covenant Torah (59m/149MB)
V217. 20200909 The Kingdom of Messiah IIc: Piping in the New Symbols - The New Covenant Temple (53m/120MB)
September 2020
V218. 20200918 Yom Teruah 2020: Proclamation of the King's Judgment (59m/131MB)
V219. 20200925 Shabbat Shuvah 2020: Preparation, Repentance & Confession (35m/86MB)
V220a & b. 20200927 Yom haKippurim 2020: The Matthew 28 Key to the Remnant & Neilah Prayers (57m/140MB)
October 2020
V221. 20201002 Sukkot 2020 I: A New Feast of Tabernacles (25m/54MB)
V222. 20201003 Sukkot 2020 II: The Rosy Gospel of Joy (9m/22MB)
V223. 20201004 Sukkot 2020 III: Water-Drawing & the Wells of Salvation (13m/29MB)
V224. 20201005 Sukkot 2020 IV: The Lulav Journey (10m/23MB)
V225. 20201006 Sukkot 2020 V: Conquest of the Past (11m/24MB)
V226. 20201007 Sukkot 2020 VI: The Israelite Wedding (12m/24MB)
V227. 20201008 Sukkot 2020 VII: The Hidden Roots Tell All (24m/54MB)
V228. 20201009 Shemini Atseret 2020: The Beginning of a New Era - The Prophets True and False (23m/51MB)
V229. 20201016 Spiritual Equipping I: The Power and Dynamic of the Ruach (49m/116MB)
V230. 20201017 Rosh Chodesh VIII: Prophetic Counsel for the Times (30m/67MB)
V231. 20201024 Spiritual Equipping II: The True Charismata (40m/95MB)
V232. 20201031 Spiritual Equipping III: The Words Behind Baptism in the Spirit (74m/197MB)
November 2020
V233. 20201107 Spiritual Equipping IV: Baptised with the Spirit & Fire (64m/158MB)
V234. 20201115 Spiritual Equipping V: Baptism of the Spirit at Work (55m/106MB)
V235. 20201115 Rosh Chodesh X: The Miraculous 'Magic' Stool (16m/31MB)
V236. 20201122 Spiritual Equipping VI: The Seven Steps to Spirit-Baptism (65m/177MB)
V237. 20201129 Spiritual Equipping VII: Petitioning for the Spirit-Baptism! (35m/79MB)
December 2020
V238. 20201206 A 1 Corinthians 7 Study: I. Did Paul Promote Celibacy? (73m/170MB)
V239. 20201213 A 1 Corinthians 7 Study: II. Marriage & Divorce Issues (67m/161MB)
V240. 20201215 Rosh Chodesh X: The Road to Anarchy, Revolution & Civil War (66m/440MB)
V241. 20201222 A 1 Corinthians 7 Study: III. Circumcision, Slavery & Divided Loyalties (72m/483MB)
V242. 20201229 Persecution: I. Reasons and Responses (80m/538MB)
January 2021
V243. 20210101 A Prophetic 'New Year' Message - The Two Penultimate Woes (14m/93MB)
V244. 20210105 Persecution: II. Catalyst to Remnant Purification
& a Word for Pentecostals (77m/446MB)
V245. 202101125 Persecution: III. Collision of Two Gospels (36m/239MB)
V246. 20210113 Rosh Chodesh XI: The Little Elephant (40m/268MB)
V247. 20210120 The Great Division: A Biblical Response to the Current Crisis (55m/371MB)
V248a & b. 20210127 Return of the Elijah Prophets: I. Mari & the Ancient Pagan World (58m/131MB & 5m/14MB)
February 2021
V249. 20210203 Return of the Elijah Prophets: II. Samuel the Seer, Balaam & Deborah the Judge (66m/181MB)
V250. 20210210 Return of the Elijah Prophets: III. Early Israelite Prophetic Guilds (62m/413MB)
V251. 20210212 Rosh Chodesh XII: A Prophetic Message for the Last Month (32m/216MB)
V252. 20210219 Return of the Elijah Prophets: IV. Building Up a Remnant Identikit (60m/398MB)
V253. 20210224 Penultimate Judgment: Three Visions & a Timetable (27m/176MB)
V254. 20210226 Return of the Elijah Prophets: V. Nahum's Redcoats & the Book of Daniel (40m/268MB)
March 2021
V255. 20210305 Return of the Elijah Prophets: VI. The Book of Daniel II - True History or Forgery? (62m/411MB)
V256. 20210312 Return of the Elijah Prophets: VII. The Book of Daniel III - Its Historicity Proven (46m/307MB)
V257. 20210314 Aviv 1 2021: Judgment Year Messages - the Olive Branch (37m/244MB)
V258. 20210321 The Sabbath Before: Preparing the Passover Lamb (43m/93MB)
V259. 20210327 Pesach 2021: Introduction to the Passover Season with Two New Important Visions (29m/193MB)
V260. 20210328 Chag haMatzah 2021 I: The Principle of Mixing and Unmixing (66m/441MB)
V261. 20210329 Yom haBikkurim 2021: Why I Believe in the Resurrection (34m/225MB)
April 2021
V262. 20210403 Chag haMatzah 2021 VII: The Stone About to Strike & the Twelve Baskets of the Remnant (abridged) (40m/268MB)
V263. 20210411 Return of the Elijah Prophets: VIII. Actualisation of the Prophetic Word (63m/420MB)
V264. 20210412 Rosh Chodesh 2021 II - Jericho March 2021 I: False Messiahs & the Israeli State (14m/94MB)
V265. 20210413 Jericho March 2021 II: Enemy Agendas & Activities (18m/121MB)
V266. 20210414 Jericho March 2021 III: Roll Away the Reproach of Egypt! (18m/119MB)
V267. 20210415 Jericho March 2021 IV: Silent Before Elohim (12m/82MB)
V268. 20210416 Jericho March 2021 V: The Messianic Ark of the Covenant (10m/69MB)
V269. 20210417 Jericho March 2021 VI: Plinth of the Image of the Beast (13m/86MB)
V270. 20210418 Jericho March 2021 VII: "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down" (20m/134MB)
V271. 20210419 Return of the Elijah Prophets: IX. The Davar as Word & Action (47m/316MB)
V272. 20210425 Late Pesach 2021: Last Chance for Believers with an Important Vision (10m/64MB)
V273. 20210426 Return of the Elijah Prophets: X. Prophetic Timing & Location -
1. Amos, Hosea and Isaiah (50m/332MB)
May 2021
V274. 20210502 Late Chag haMatzah 2021 VII: The Time of Grace Has Ended - a Vision (5m/31MB)
V275. 20210503 Return of the Elijah Prophets: XI. Prophetic Timing & Location -
2. Micah, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Joel & Malachi with an Important Menorah Vision (34m/229MB)
V276. 20210526 Last Exodus, Overcoming the Egyptian Gods: Between Menorah & Cross - 2 Visions (80m/537MB)
June 2021
V277. 20210602 Faith, Hope & Love: A Vision with Insights from Paul (30m/200MB)
V278. 20210609 Transformation: 1. Choosing in Faith (42m/238MB)
V279. 20210611 Rosh Chodesh 2021 IV - The Deconstruction & Reconstruction of Biblical Authority (53m/355MB)
V280. 20210618 Transformation: 2. The Divided Self & How It Begins (37m/245MB)
V281. 20210625 Transformation: 3. Seeking the Face of Messiah (34m/230MB)
July 2021
V282. 20210702 Transformation: 4. The Importance of the Quiet Time (35m/232MB)
V283. 20210708 Shavu'ot 2021: Third Vision of the Blazing Fields (69m/461MB)
V284. 20210709 Transformation: 5. Knowing Elohim in Stillness (25m/168MB)
V285. 20210710 Rosh Chodesh 2021 V - The Beauty of New Covenant Zion (33m/217MB)
V286. 20210717 Transformation: 6. Impact of the Incarnation I (26m/174MB)
V287. 20210719 The Apostolic Way I: Important End-Time Visions (28m/185MB)
V288. 20210724 Transformation: 7. Impact of the Incarnation II (38m/257MB)
V289. 20210728 The Apostolic Way II: Riddles in the Time of Testing (38m/256MB)
V290. 20210731 Transformation: 8. Impact of the Incarnation III (40m/266MB)
August 2021
V291. 20210807 Transformation: 9. The Seven Destructive Veils I (32m/212MB)
V292. 20210809 Rosh Chodesh VI: Post-Penultimate Judgment Visions (23m/151MB)
V293. 20210816 Transformation: 10.The Seven Destructive Veils II (38m/256MB)
V294. 20210822 Transformation: 11. A Centrally Integrated Mind (32m/215MB)
V295. 20210830 Transformation: 12. The Affirmative Lifestyle (36m/237MB)
September 2021
V296. 20210906
Transformation: 13. The Emotional Dimension I (56m/379MB)
V297. 20210907
Yom Teruah 2021: Behold, It is the Judgment Hour! (42m/277MB)
V298. 20210914
Transformation: 14. The Emotional Dimension II (39m/261MB)
V299A&B. 20210916 Yom haKippurim 2021: World's Repentance or Judgment? (22m/148MB & 19m/126MB)
V300. 20210921 Sukkot 2021 I: The Elohim Narrative I & Bridge Vision (51m/338MB)
V301. 20210927 Sukkot 2021 VII: Zion & the Elohim Narrative II (39m/257MB)
V302. 20210928 Shemini Atseret 2021: Vision of the 12 Tribes Gathering (36m/237MB)
October 2021
V303. 20211005 Transformation: 15. The Physical Body & Health I (38m/251MB)
V304. 20211007 Rosh Chodesh 2021 VIII: Being Mindful of the True Prophets - A Study of the Epistle of Jude (80m/532MB)
V305. 20211014 Transformation: 16. The Physical Body & Health II (42m/277MB)
V306. 20211021 Transformation: 17a. Relationships & Corporate Metamorphosis (58m/387MB)
V307. 20211021b Transformation: 17b. Sealed for Tribulation (36m/241MB)
V308. 20211028 Transformation: 18. New Evangelists with New Values (59m/395MB)
November 2021
V309. 20211105 Rosh Chodesh IX: The Silence Before the Storm (31m/208MB)
V310. 20211112 Book of Revelation I: The Apocalypse Beatitudes - Part A (63m/425MB)
V311. 20211119 Book of Revelation II: The Apocalypse Beatitudes - Part B (73m/490MB)
V312. 20211126 Book of Revelation III: The Four Methods of Interpretation - Part A (62m/417MB)
V313. 20211203 Book of Revelation IV: The Four Methods of Interpretation - Part B (50m/332MB)
December 2021
V314. 20211204 Rosh Chodesh X: A Word of Encouragement (52m/346MB)
V315. 20211211 Abandoning Self-Will: 1. The Active and Passive Forms (51m/340MB)
V316. 20211218 Abandoning Self-Will: 2. The Challenge of the New Age (59m/391MB)
V317. 20211225 The Nativity Story: What Should We Do on 25 December? (65m/410MB)
January 2022
V318. 20220101 2022, Year of Decision: The House of Caleb is the Remnant (55m/365MB)
V319. 20220103 Rosh Chodesh XI 2022: Is the Vax the Mark of the Beast? (82m/550MB)
V320. 20220110 Book of Revelation V: The 7 Ruachot & the Lesser Yahweh (Rev.1:1-9) (54m/358MB)
V321. 20220117 Book of Revelation VI: The Ancient of Days & Son of Man (Rev.1:9-20) (49m/330MB)
V322. 20220124 Book of Revelation VII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 1. Ephesus (Rev.2:1-7) (65m/434MB)
V323. 20220131 Book of Revelation VIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 2. Smyrna (Rev.2:8-11) (56m/373MB)
February 2022
V324. 20220201 Rosh Chodesh XII: Ezekiel, Gog & Magog and Russia (50m/332MB)
V325. 20220208 Book of Revelation IX: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 3. Pergamum (Rev.2:12-17) (82m/549MB)
V326. 20220215 Book of Revelation X: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 4. Thyatira (Rev.2:18-29) (67m/446MB)
V327. 20220222 Book of Revelation XI: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 5. Sardis (Rev.3:1-6) (66m/439MB)
March 2022
V328. 20220301 Book of Revelation XII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 6. Philadelphia (Rev.3:7-13) (55m/364MB)
V329. 20220303 Russia, the Ukraine, Putin & the Élites - Three Prophetic Visions (56m/374MB)
V330. 20220310 Book of Revelation XIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 7. Laodicea (Rev.3:14-22) (80m/533MB)
V330. 20220310 Book of Revelation XIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 7. Laodicea (Rev.3:14-22) (80m/533MB)
V331. 20220317 Book of Revelation XIV: Between the Present & the Future I - Bishops, Pastors, Koinonia & Unity (96m/639MB)
V332. 20220324 Book of Revelation XV: Between the Present & the Future II - Clement & Ignatius, the Judaising Heresy & Hyper-Grace (72m/482MB)
V333. 20220331 Book of Revelation XVI: Between the Present & the Future III - Syriac Ignatius, Polycarp & the Patriarch-Apostles (66m/438MB)
April 2022
V334. 20220402 Rosh Chodesh I, Aviv 2022: The Gathering of the 12 Tribes Begins (39m/262MB)
V335. 20220409 Unto Us a Child is Born: In Jubilation We Celebrate the Messiah's Birth (41m/272MB)
V336. 20220416 Passover Season 2022 I: Chag haMatzah I - Purity & Obedience (91m/611MB)
V337. 20220417 Passover Season 2022 II: Yom haBikkurim - Resurrection Thunder & Lightning! (52m/344MB)
V338. 20220422 Passover Season 2022 III: Chag haMatzah VII - The Colossian Message of Thanksliving (82m/548MB)
V339. 20220423 As a Precious Seal: The Bride's Love, Honour & Loyalty with thoughts on the Sabbath & Tithing (35m/237MB)
V340. 20220430 Mishpat Yahweh II: Future of the War in Ukraine (34m/230MB)
May 2022
V341. 20220501 Rosh Chodesh 2022 II: Jericho Marches 2022 I, U.K. Visions & the Returning Tribes of Israel (31m/206MB)
V342. 20220502 Jericho Marches 2022 II: Israel, the Strange - Jacob's Family (19m/128MB)
V343. 20220503 Jericho Marches 2022 III: A Most Important Message (25m/169MB)
V344. 20220504 Jericho Marches 2022 IV: No Single Woman Can Ever Commit Adultery (but a Single Man Can) (18m/123MB)
V345. 20220505
Jericho Marches 2022 V: A Test of Faith & Your Economy (26m/175MB)
V346. 20220506
Jericho Marches 2022 VI: Pursue Yahweh's Perfection Always (31m/205MB)
V347. 20220507
Jericho Marches 2022 VII: Death of a Strongman (8m/54MB)
V348. 20220508
Remnant Gathering: The Call of the Elijah Prophets (31m/208MB)
V349. 20220515
Book of Revelation XVII: John, His Gospel and the Apocalypse (36m/239MB)
V350. 20220515a
Family Values: The Reason They're So Vital (49m/327MB)
V351. 20220522
Book of Revelation XVIII: An Introduction to Chapters 4 & 5 (42m/282MB)
V352. 20220529
Book of Revelation XIX: The Glory of the Throne Room I - The 24 Elders (Rev.4:1-6a) (73m/485MB)
V353. 20220531Rosh Chodesh 2022 III: Financial Collapse is NOW! Visions (14m/97MB)
June 2022
V354. 20220614
Book of Revelation XX: The Glory of the Throne Room II - The Four Living Creatures Part A (Revelation 4:6b-11) (84m/464MB)
V355. 20220616
The Rotten Core and the Only Way to Treat It (17m/111MB)
V356. 20220621
Book of Revelation XXI: The Glory of the Throne Room III - The Four Living Creatures Part B (Revelation 4:6b-11) (58m/386MB)
V357. 20220628
Book of Revelation XXII: Why the 'Set-Up' of This Existence? (60m/401MB)
V358. 20220630
Rosh Chodesh IV 2022: Fresh, Green & Bearing Fruit in Old Age (13m/88MB)
July 2022
V359. 20220707
Book of Revelation XXIII: The Glory of the Throne Room IV - The Lion & the Lamb, Part A (Revelation 5:1-7) (55m/368MB)
V360. 20220714
Book of Revelation XXIV: The Glory of the Throne Room V - The Lion & the Lamb, Part B (Revelation 5:8-14) (59m/391MB)
V361. 20220721
Book of Revelation XXV: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part A (39m/257MB)
V362. 20220727
Shavu'ot 2022: Why We Celebrate the Feast of Weeks & Sorting Out the Pentecostal Confusion (119m/799MB)
V363. 20220728
Book of Revelation XXVI: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part B (57m/378MB)
V364. 20220729
Rosh Chodesh 2022 V: Three Prophetic Visions from 1994 - The Great Reservoir, a Solemn Assembly & Persecution (47m/313MB)
August 2022
V365. 20220805
Book of Revelation XXVII: The Seven Seals I - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8) (77m/515MB)
V366. 20220812
Book of Revelation XXVIII: The Seven Seals II - Seals 5 & 6, Martyrs, Vengeance, Natural Disasters & Mars (Revelation 6:9-17) (80m/534MB)
V367. 20220819
Book of Revelation XXIX: Interlude I, Part A, Sealing the 144,000 - The Lamb's Élite Warriors (Revelation 7:1-8) (76m/508MB)
V368. 20220826
Book of Revelation XXX: Interlude I, Part B, The Great Rescue - The Great Multitude (Revelation 7:9-17) (62m/414MB)
V369. 20220828
Rosh Chodesh 2022 VI: A Question of Maturity & Following Christ (42m/283MB)
September 2022
V370. 20220904
Book of Revelation XXXI: The Seventh Seal & Silence in Heaven - Golden Censer & Earthquake I (Revelation 8:1-5) (46m/305MB)
V371. 20220911
The Mighty One Who Cares: From Quarks & Pet Animals to Monarchs & Galaxies (50m/334MB)
V372. 20220918
Book of Revelation XXXII: The Seven Shofar-Judgments I - The First 4 Plagues Begin (Revelation 8:6-13) (57m/380MB)
V373. 20220925
Worldwide Decision Time: The Greatest Treasure Earth Affords - Preparing for Yom Teruah (34m/224MB)
V374. 20220926
Yom Teruah2022: Fathers & Mothers, Sons & Daughters (40m/267MB)
October 2022
V375. 20221003
Shabbat Shuvah 2022: Last Chance to Repent before the Judge's Hammer Falls (36m/237MB)
V376a & b. 20221005 Yom haKippurim 2022: The Restoration of Forgiveness & Saving the Last Generation (80m/536MB & 4m/281MB)
V377. 20221010 Sukkot 2022 I: The Great Hope Draws Nearer (44m/291MB)
V378. 20221016 Sukkot 2022 VII: The Seven Days of Maturation & the Gospel for the Poor (27m/183MB)
V379. 20221017 Shemini Atseret 2022: The Festivals, Masculinity & the New Culture of the Remnant (48m/319MB)
V380. 20221024 Enduring to the End: It's a Question of Salvation (60m/401MB)
V381. 20221026 Rosh Chodesh VIII: Two Prophetic Messages - The Wheat Sheaf & the Olive Branch (47m/312MB)
V382. 20221031 The Pride of Life: When Ministers Exalt in Titles (9m/59MB)
November 2022
V383. 202211102 Book of Revelation XXXIII: The Seven Shofar-Judgments II, The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 1) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-11) (72m/481MB)
V384. 202211109 Book of Revelation XXXIV: The Seven Shofar-Judgments III, The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 2) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-11) (69m/460MB)
V385. 202211116 Book of Revelation XXXV: The Seven Shofar-Judgments IV, The 6th Plague & 2nd Woe - The Fiery Riders (Revelation 9:12-21) (57m/380MB)
V386. 202211123 Book of Revelation XXXVI: The Seven Shofar-Judgments V, Interlude II, Part A - The Little Scroll (Revelation 10:1-11) (66m/443MB)
V387. 20221124
Rosh Chodesh IX: Temptations & Knowing How to Deal With Them (40m/268MB)
December 2022
V388. 20221201
Book of Revelation XXXVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part B - The Two Witnesses: Part I - Measuring Rod & Temple (Revelation 11:1-2) (82m/550MB)
V389. 20221208
Book of Revelation XXXVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part C - The Two Witnesses: Part II - Moses & Elijah (Revelation 11:3-14) (80m/534MB)
V390. 20221215 Book of Revelation XL: The Mystery of the Court of the Gentiles with a Word on Christmas and Hanukkah (Revelation 10-11) (76m/510MB)
V391. 20221222
The Bible's Own Creed: Why the Scriptures are Adequate for Saving Faith (87m/580MB)
V392. 20221223
Rosh Chodesh X: O Pray, Not in Winter! Antiochus, Jerusalem AD 70 & the End - Vision of the Two Colliding Waves (37m/244MB)
V393. 20221230 Book of Revelation XLI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part A (Revelation 11:15-19) (58m/390MB)
January 2023
V394. 20230106 Book of Revelation XLII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part B (Revelation 11:15-19) (62m/133MB)
V395. 20230113 Book of Revelation XLIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Woman and the Dragon, Part A (Revelation 12:1-6) (84m/536MB)
V396. 20230120 Book of Revelation XLIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Woman and the Dragon, Part B (Revelation 12:1-6) (64m/430MB)
V397. 20230122 Rosh Chodesh XI: The End-Time Remnant & the Two Wives of Isaiah (65m/434MB)
V398. 20230129 Book of Revelation XLV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Angry Dragon, Part A - A Study on Satan & Yahweh's Archangels (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (58m/388MB)
February 2023
V399. 20230205
The Purpose of Life & the Doctrine of Imputation: Dealing with Life and Death (78m/520MB)
V400. 20230212
Book of Revelation XLVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Angry Dragon, Part B - Last Exodus & Cast Down From Heaven (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (83m/549MB)
V401. 20230219
Book of Revelation XLVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The First Beast, Part A (Revelation 13:1b-10) (56m/371MB)
V402. 20230220
Rosh Chodesh XII 2023: Total Surrender, Successful Resistance (48m/319MB)
V403. 20230227
Book of Revelation XLVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The First Beast, Part B (Revelation 13:1b-10) (87m/583MB)
March 2023
V404. 20230306
Book of Revelation XLIX: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Second Beast, False Prophet & 666, Part A (Revelation 13:11-18) (65m/437MB)
V405. 20230313
Book of Revelation L: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Second Beast, False Prophet & Dark Lamb, Part B (Revelation 13:11-18) (69m/458MB)
V406. 20230320
Book of Revelation LI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Second Beast & Triple-Helix DNA, Part C (Revelation 13:11-18) (85m/565MB)
V407. 20230322
Rosh Chodesh I - Aviv: Lev-Tsiyon's 2023 New Year Message - Vision of an Amazing Cleansing (67m/448MB)
V408. 20230329
Psalm 119:176 - I Have Not Forgotten Your Mitzvot (75m/499MB)
April 2023
V409. 20230405
Chag haMatzah 2023 I: Miriyam's Alabaster Jar & The Mystery of Messiah's Passover (36m/241MB)
V410. 20230406
Yom haBikkurim 2023: Vision of the White Chariot - The Resurrection & Better by Far Here (45m/303MB)
V411. 20230411
Chag haMatzah VII 2023: The Five Days After Yom haBikkurim - Preparing for the Second Coming & Eternity (66m/443MB)
V412. 20230412
Spiritual Birth of the Antichrist: Prophetic Dreams About the Two Beasts (38m/255MB)
V413. 20230419
Reasons for Faithfulness: A Testimony from My Heart With Thoughts on Watchman Nee (65m/437MB)
V414. 20230420
Rosh Chodesh II 2023: Jericho Marches XII 2023 - I. Awakening for the Battle Ahead (28m/185MB)
V415. 20230421
Jericho Marches XII 2023 - II. Satan's Challenge to the Last Generation: Facing Down Doubt and Unbelief (19m/124MB)
V416. 20230422
Jericho Marches XII 2023 - III. Overcoming Passivity, The Need for More Joshua's (30m/203MB)
V417. 20230423
Jericho Marches XII 2023 - IV. Separated From, Separated To - Breaking Out of Passivity With the Pre-Anointing (22m/143MB)
V418. 20230424
Jericho Marches XII 2023 - V. The Caravan is Moving On! Deconstruction & the Number 7 (22m/143MB)
V419. 20230425
Jericho Marches XII 2023 - VI. The Communal Covenant of Israel: Inducting the Remnant into Deeper Truth & Love (32m/213MB)
V420. 20230426
Jericho Marches XII 2023 - VII. Bringing the Walls Down: Grace and Works as One (38m/255MB)
V421. 20230427
Made Out of Love: The Universe Within & Our Place Within It (19m/124MB)
May 2023
V422. 20230504
Book of Revelation LII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part A: The True Followers (Revelation 14:1-5) (49m/325MB)
V423. 20230511
Book of Revelation LIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part B: Firstfruits, Firstborn & Purity (Revelation 14:1-5) (58m/391MB)
V424. 20230518 Book of Revelation LIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, Messages of the Six Malakim, Part A. Babylon & the Call to Endurance (Revelation 14:6-13) (67m/451MB)
V425. 20230520 Rosh Chodesh III: Facing the Storm with Wisdom (29m/194MB)
V426. 20230527
Book of Revelation LV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, Messages of the Six Malakim, Part B. The Great Harvest (Revelation 14:14-20) (66m/439MB)
June 2023
V427. 20230603
Book of Revelation LVI: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments I: Preparing the Final Plagues (Revelation 15:1-8) (55m/365MB)
V428. 20230610
Book of Revelation LVII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments II: The First Four Plagues (Revelation 16:1-9) (48m/320MB)
V429. 20230619
Rosh Chodesh IV: Final Warning to the West (31m/210MB)
July 2023
V430. 20230716 Shavu'ot 2023: Antichrist is Here & Judgment is Served - Ending one Chapter and Starting a New One (92m/618MB)
September 2023
V431. 20230915 Yom Teruah 2023: The End of the Penultimate Judgment (63m/424MB)
V432. 20230922 Shabbat Shuvah 2023: Teshuvah and the Year of Ten (31m/208MB)
V433. 20230924 Yom haKippurim 2023: The Penultimate Day of Yahweh's Wrath (2m/14.9MB)
V434. 20230929 Sukkot 2023 I: The Seven Ephesian Sleepers (58m/385MB)
October 2023
V435. Shemini Atseret 2023: The Millennial Manifestation & Presence - How the Second Coming Happens20231006 Shemini Atseret 2023: The Millennial Manifestation & Presence - How the Second Coming Happens (62m/133MB)
V436. 20231013 Book of Revelation LVIII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 1 (Revelation 16:10-21) (73m/488MB)
V437. 20231013 Book of Revelation LIX: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 2 (Revelation 16:10-21) (67m/448MB)
November 2023
V438. 20231105 Book of Revelation LX: Babylon the Great, Part 1 - A Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 17-18) (66m/441MB)
V439. 20231112 Book of Revelation LXI: Babylon the Great, Part 2 - The Whore Rides a Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17:1-8) (47m/312MB)
V440. 20231114 Rosh Chodesh IX 2023: The Patriarch Reuben - The Story of a Fallen Firstborn Son (53m/356MB)
V441. 20231128 Book of Revelation LXII: Babylon the Great, Part 3 - The Seven & Ten Kings (Revelation 17:9-18) (65m/408MB)
December 2023
V442. 20231205
Book of Revelation LXIII: Babylon the Great, Part 4 - Babylon's Plagues (Revelation 18:1-8) (59m/395MB)
V443. 20231212 Book of Revelation LXIV: Babylon the Great, Part 5 - The Judgment of Babylon (Revelation 18:9-24) (50m/332MB)
V444. 20231213 Rosh Chodesh X 2023: The Heavenly Peace- and War-Maker - Overcoming Passivity to Wage Righteous War with Important Prophetic Visions & Dreams (52m/347MB)
V445. 20231220 Book of Revelation LXV: Our Messiah Returns to the Earth - A Preliminary Overview of Chapters 19 & 20 (74m/160MB)
V446. 20231227Book of Revelation LXVI: Yahweh's Victory Celebration, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb & the Womanolatry of Babylon Exposed (Revelation 19:1-10) (61m/405MB)
January 2024
V447. 20240103Book of Revelation LXVII: The Beast Defeated, Part 1 - The Military Messiah, Royal Wives and Thighs (Revelation 19:11-21) (56m/373MB)
V448. 20240110Book of Revelation LXVIII: The Beast Defeated, Part 2 - Messiah's Conquest & Victory Through the Cross (Revelation 19:11-21) (29m/195MB)
V449. 20240119Book of Revelation LXIX: The Millennium - Reigning for 1,000 Years (Revelation 20:1-6) (65m/463MB)
V450. 20240126Book of Revelation LXX: Satan's Last Rebellion & Imprisonment (Revelation 20:7-10) (65m/433MB)
February 2024
V451. 20240202Book of Revelation LXXI: The Great White Throne Judgment - Salvation by Faith or Works? (Revelation 20:11-15) (73m/485MB)
V452. 20240209Book of Revelation LXXII: The Great Millennial Debate - with Notes on Hell, Tartarus & Darbyism (Revelation 20:1-10) (72m/477MB)
V453. 20240217Book of Revelation LXXIII: A New Heaven & a New Earth & the World After the Millennium (Revelation 21:1-5) (52m/349MB)
V454. 20240224Book of Revelation LXXIV: The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:6-21) (54m/262MB)
March 2024
V455. 20240302Book of Revelation LXXV: Elohim & the Lamb are There (Revelation 21:22-22:7) (76m/508MB)
V456. 20240309Book of Revelation LXXVI: 'I am Coming Soon!' (Revelation 22:8-21) (66m/438MB)
V457. 20240310 Rosh Chodesh I - 2024: Aviv 1 & The Journey Ahead (35m/233MB)
V458. 20240317 A Realistic Look at Life: The Amazing, Awful & Ordinary - The Gospel from a Philosophical Perspective (74m/492MB)
V459. 20240324 Passover Season 2024 I: Chag haMatzah I - Presenting a Well-Rounded Gospel to the World (83m/552MB)
V460. 20240325 Passover Season 2024 II: Chag haMatzah II. Yom haBikkurim - The Resurrection That Sets You Free (63m/421MB)
V461a&b. 20240330 Passover Season 2024 III: Chag haMatzah VII. The Spiritual Pattern Behind the Seven Days (69m/460MB & 6m/40MB)
April 2024
V462. 20240330Holy Spirit Baptism I: What Really Happened at 'Pentecost'? - Part A (47m/313MB)
V463. 20240416 Reconstructing the Johannine Community I: Ephesus, John the Apostle, and NCAY (79m/528MB)
V464. 20240423 Reconstructing the Johannine Community IIa: Introduction to the Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection I (49m/328MB)
V465. 20240430 Reconstructing the Johannine Community IIb: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection II (95m/635MB)
V466. 20240507 Reconstructing the Johannine Community IIc: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection III (89m/595MB)
V467. 20240508 Rosh Chodesh III 2024: The Divinity & Humanity of Christ: An Unnegociable Truth (35m/233MB)
May 2024
V468. 20240515 Reconstructing the Johannine Community IId: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection III (47m/316MB)
V469. 20240522 Reconstructing the Johannine Community III: The Three Epistles (60m/399MB)
V470a&b. 20240529 Reconstructing the Johannine Community IV: The Holy Mystery and Gift (82m/544MB & 63m/418MB)
July 2024
V471. 20240704 Shavu'ot 2024: Ephraim & Manasseh - the Egyptian Heritage (64m/429MB)
September 2024
V472. 20240903 Yom Teruah 2024: Will You Hear the Twin-Silver Trumpets in Your Soul? (22m/3.13MB)
V473a. 20240912 Yom haKippurim 2024 I: Applying the Five Atonements in Earnest (43m/316MB)
V473b. 20240912 Yom haKippurim 2024 II: The Neilah Prayers (34m/216MB)
V474. 20240917 Sukkot I 2024: No More Working Out, No More Enduring (22m/3.5GB)
V475. 20240918 Sukkot II 2024: Laughter, Cheer & Good Humour (23m/3.16GB)
V476. 20240919 Sukkot III 2024: Shemini Atseret & the Timing of the Sukkot Anointing Revealed (23m/3.16GB)
V477. 20240920 Sukkot IV 2024: The Mystical Marriage of the Messiah - What Does It Mean? (23m/3.16GB)
V478. 20240921 Sukkot V 2024: How the Festival Was Celebrated Anciently & Today (22m/3.15GB)
V479. 20240922 Sukkot VI 2024: The Mystery of the Cherubim in the Holy of Holies (23m/3.17GB)
V480. 20240923 Sukkot VII 2024: The Great Consummation & Ascension (23m/3.17GB)
V481. 20240924 Shemini Atseret 2024: How the Millennial World Will Be Governed & How We Will Live (23m/3.16GB)
Most of these materials are off-the-cuff recordings and do not exist in written format. Those that do have been linked back to the website where you can read an abridged form of them.
May 2018
SBS001. 20180511 1. Learning to Listen (1 Sam.15:10) (3m/9MB)
SBS002. 20180512 2. The Real Social Answer (Prov.22:22-23) (2m/7MB)
SBS003. 20180513 3. Yah'shua's Teaching on Money (Mt.6:19-21) (5m/13MB)
SBS004. 20180515 4. Is the Bible Really True? (Mt.6:19-21) (7m/23MB)
SBS005. 20180515 5. Take Time to Worship (2 Ki.17:36) (2m/5MB)
SBS006. 20180518 6. The Source of Spiritual Authority (Dan.11:32) (3m/10MB)
SBS007. 20180519 7. When Doors Close (Ac.16:6-7) (3m/10MB)
SBS008. 20180520 8. How Can I handle Temptation? (Mt.26:41) (6m/19MB)
SBS009. 20180521 9. Without Relationships We Die (1 Jn.4:20-21) (6m/17MB)
SBS010. 20180522 10. Exchanging Truth for a Lie (Ps.36:1-3) (3m/9MB)
SBS011. 20180525 11. Exposing Our Dark Secrets (Jer.17:9) (3m/10MB)
SBS012. 20180527 12. How Can Elohim (God) Be Personal? (Jer.22:16-27) (8m/23MB)
SBS013. 20180528 13. What Happens to People Who Never Hear the Gospel? (2 Pet.3:9) (16m/49MB)
SBS014. 20180529 14. Unshakable Roots (Heb.13:8) (2m/7MB)
SBS015. 20180530 15. The Issue of Pain (Jn.16:33) (2m/7MB)
SBS016. 20180531a 16. Who's Behind the Power? (Dan.4:25) (2m/8MB)
SBS017. 20180531b 17. Renouncing Lies (Is.28:15) (5m/11MB)
June 2018
SBS018. 20180601 18. Yah'shua's Wonderful Parting Gift to us (Ac.2:1-4) (7m/19MB)
SBS019. 20180602 19. How Can I Tell the Difference Between Right and Wrong? (Jas.4:17) (8m/25MB)
SBS020. 20180603 20. Accountable to Yahweh (Is.22:15-19) (2m/6MB)
SBS021. 20180605 21. The Two Yah'shua's/Jesus' (Mt.27:15-17) (9m/27MB)
SBS022. 20180607 22. The Humble Path to Greatness (2 Ki.3:11) (4m/10MB)
SBS023. 20180609 23. Wooing All Prodigal Children (Jer.31:3)) (3m/6MB)
SBS024. 20180610 24. OVERVIEW: Yahweh Has Got a Plan (Gen.18:1-23) (13m/38MB)
SBS025. 20180611 25. The Return of Glory (Dt.27:1-26) (9m/29MB)
SBS026. 20180612 26. The Will to Love (1 Jn.5-6) (4m/11MB)
SBS027. 20180615 27. Politics (Rom.13:1-3) (12m/36MB)
SBS028. 20180616 28. Longing to Be With Yahweh (Ps.84:1-2) (5m/16MB)
SBS029. 20180617 29. Seven Essentials: The True Tavnith That We Must Know (2 Tim.3:16) (11m/35MB)
SBS030. 20180618 30. Wisdom for Life's Hardest Questions (1 Cor.1:18-31) (7m/20MB)
SBS031. 20180619 31. A Vessel of Pure Gold (Job 23:10) (5m/15MB)
SBS032. 20180620 32. Healing People and Nations (Ezek.37:15-19) (11m/32MB)
SBS033. 20180622 33. Seeing With New Eyes (Rom.12:1-2) (6m/19MB)
SBS034. 20180623 34. A True Masterpiece (2 Sam.22:31) (3m/8MB)
SBS035. 20180624 35. Elohim the Artist (2 Ki.18:4) (3m/10MB)
SBS036. 20180625 36. Love That Does Not Look Away - the Poor and Needy (Jer.7:5-7) (8m/24MB)
SBS037. 20180626 37. The Weapons of the Enemy (Dan.10:12-14) (3m/9MB)
SBS038. 20180627 38. Saplings Can Bend (Prov.19:18) (3m/9MB)
SBS039. 20180629 39. The Righteous Shall Flourish Like the Palm Tree (Ps.92:12) (4m/11MB)
July 2018
SBS040. 20180706 40. Discouragement: Satan's Best Weapon (Jn.8:15) (6m/18MB)
SBS041. 20180707 41. Knowing the Enemy (Gen.3:2-4) (21m/59MB)
SBS042. 20180708 42. Offensive Warfare (Mt.16:18) (8m/25MB)
SBS043. 20180709 43. The Pursuit of Happiness (Mt.16:24-25) (9m/29MB)
SBS044. 20180710 44. The Little Things (Phil.4:6) (4m/14MB)
SBS045. 20180711 45. Is it OK for Believers to Have Fun? (Eccl.3:1,4) (7m/23MB)
3A. SBS-RhQ: Sub-Series on the Ruach haQodesh
SBS046. 20180714 46. RUACH I (1): Who is the Helper? (Jn.14:16-17) (11m/40MB)
SBS047. 20180724 47. RUACH II (2): Why Do I Need the Helper? (Ac.1:8) (12m/23MB)
SBS048. 20180726 48. RUACH III (3): Have I Already Received the Ruach? (Ac.19:3) (15m/61MB)
SBS049. 20180728 49. RUACH IV (4): Is the Helper 'He', 'She' or 'It'? (Rom.8:16) (36m/122MB)
SBS050. 20180729 50. RUACH V (5): No Need to be an Orphaned Believer (Jn.14:18) (13m/40MB)
SBS051. 20180730 51. RUACH VI (6): Could Anything Be Better Than His Presence? (Jn.16:7) (9m/28MB)
SBS052. 20180731 52. RUACH VII (7): The Explosion of Power (Ezek.36:26-27) (40m/108MB)
August 2018
SBS053. 20180801 53. RUACH VIII (8): Hungering and Thirsting for Something More (Lk.11:13) (29m/85MB)
SBS054. 20180802 54. RUACH IX (9): Accepting Yah'shua as the Messiah (Eph.4:8) (21m/67MB)
SBS055. 20180805 55. RUACH X (10): Deciding to Obey the Good Shepherd (24m/79MB)
SBS056. 20180806 56. RUACH XI (11): Inviting Yah'shua as Baptiser (20m/64MB)
SBS057. 20180807 57. RUACH XII (12): Being Willing to be Put to Work (16m/64MB)
SBS058. 20180808 58. RUACH XIII (13): Repentance and Baptism: Rising to New Life (36m/106MB)
SBS059. 20180809 59. RUACH XIV (14): Accepting Elohim's Grace (32m/107MB)
SBS060. 20180811 60. RUACH XV (15): How the Ruach Saved Me Time and Stress (13m/40MB)
SBS061. 20180814 61. RUACH XVI (16): The Ruach Guides My Actions (23m/64MB)
SBS062. 20180816 62. RUACH XVII (17): The Ruach Protects Me (19m/54MB)
SBS063. 20180817 63. RUACH XVIII (18): The Ruach is With Me in Every Situation (15m/41MB)
SBS064. 20180818 64. RUACH XIX (19): The Ruach is My Remembrancer (20m/56MB)
SBS065. 20180820 65. RUACH XX (20): The Ruach Gives Me New Desires (25m/69MB)
SBS066. 20180821 66. RUACH XXI (21): The Ruach Changes My Undesirable Habit Patterns (24m/73MB)
SBS067. 20180822 67. RUACH XXII (22): The Ruach Convicts Me of Sin (15m/41MB)
SBS068. 20180823 68. RUACH XXIII (23): The Ruach Values My Personhood (21m/64MB)
SBS069. 20180824 69. RUACH XXIV (24): The Ruach Teaches Me About Tears (20 m/52MB)
SM007. 20180713 (68). RUACH XXV (25): The Ruach is My Comforter (13m/34MB)
SBS070. 20180828 70. RUACH XXVI (26): The Ruach Teaches Me to Pray - Part 1 (24m/68MB)
SBS071. 20180830 71. RUACH XXVII (27): The Ruach Teaches Me to Pray - Part 2 (31m/96MB)
SBS072. 20180831 72. RUACH XXVIII (28): The Ruach Convinced Me of Aeonian Life (28m/80MB)
September 2018
SBS073. 20180903 73. RUACH XXIX (29): The Ruach and Authentic Simcha-Joy! (41m/106MB)
SBS074. 20180904 74. RUACH XXX (30): The Ruach and Authentic Emunah-Faith! (32m/79MB)
SBS075. 20180907 75. RUACH XXXI (31): The Ruach Enables Me to Love (30m/88MB)
SBS076. 20180907 76. RUACH XXXII (32): The Ruach Gives Me Vitality (14m/44MB)
SBS077. 20180914 77. RUACH XXXIII (33): The Ruach and Healing (40m/106MB)
SBS078. 20180921 78. RUACH XXXIV (34): The Ruach Gives Me Shalom (Peace) (27m/87MB)
SBS079. 20180922 79. RUACH XXXV (35): The Ruach and the 'Gift of Tongues' (43m/145MB)
SBS080. 20181001 80. RUACH XXXVI (36): The Ruach and Miracles (23m/62MB)
SBS081. 20181003 81. RUACH XXXVII (37): The Ruach and My Local Assembly (27m/79MB)
SBS082. 20181005 82. RUACH XXXVIII (38): The Ruach Brings Reconcilliation (32m/93MB)
SBS083. 20181006 83. RUACH XXXIX (39): The Ruach Cleanses the Body of Messiah (23m/69MB)
SBS084. 20181007 84. RUACH XL (40): The Ruach Brings Unity (30m/88MB)
SBS085. 20181008 85. RUACH XLI (41): The Ruach as the Channel for Yah's Power (22m/81MB)
SBS086. 20181108 86. RUACH XLII (42): Appendix: The Fruit of the Ruach is Faithfulness (10m/32MB)
End of Sub-Series SBS-RhQ
SBS087. 20200403 87. Making the Best of a Confusing World (Ecclesiastes 9:7-18) (31m/76MB)
SBS088. 20200404 88. Thoughts on the 'Rapture' (Matthew 24:37-41) (28m/69MB)
SBS089. 20200418 89. Come, Let us Return Unto Yahweh (Hosea 6) (36m/97MB)
SBS090. 20200704 90. The Bible Teaching on Suffering (21m/55MB)
SBS091. 20200803 91. When was the Sun Created? (18m/47MB)
SBS092. 20200803 92. The 'Mandela Effect': Has the Bible Been Changed Supernaturally? (17m/43MB)
SBS093. 20200805 93. Critics III: A Coward's Wound - Betrayal (15m/32MB)
SBS094. 20200805 94. Critics IV: Talebearing, the Gossipper and Lashon hara (23m/44MB)
SBS095. 20200805 95. Hebrews: Let Us Go In, Let Us Go On Out (16m/36MB)
SBS096. 20200807 95. Critics V: Debating & What We Think About It (10m/20MB)
SBS097. 20210405 96. A Short Introduction to Complimentarianism (18m/120MB)
June 2018
CBS001. 20180622 1. The Fire of Yahweh Part 1: Refinement, Hellfire and the Jubilee (59m/181MB)
CBS002. 20180622 2. The Fire of Yahweh Part 2: Olam, Aeons and Eternity (52m/163MB)
CBS003. 20180623 3. The Fire of Yahweh Part 3: Thrones, Kingdoms and Mountain Ascent (54m/159MB)
July 2018
CBS004. 20180703 4. The Babylonian Circus: Has the Torah Been Abolished? (29m/88MB)
CBS005. 20180721 5. How Do I Get Eternal Life? (23m/86MB)
August 2018
CBS006. 20180807 6. FLAT-EARTHISM I: An Introduction (29m/91MB)
CBS007. 20180807 7. FLAT-EARTHISM II: Fact or Fiction? (34m/102MB)
CBS008. 20180807 8. FLAT-EARTHISM III: Problems of Perception (55m/177MB)
CBS009. 20180807 9. FLAT-EARTHISM IV: Is the Earth Literally Fixed and Stationary? (17m/48MB)
CBS010. 20180807 10. FLAT-EARTHISM V: Rising of the Sun and Flat Earth (3m/9MB)
September 2018
CBS011. 20180926 11. Agency: Arminianism vs. Calvinism (43m/157MB)
October 2018
CBS012. 20181023 12. Calvin in America: The Puritan New England Experiment (Part 1) (49m/85MB)
CBS013. 20181023 13. Calvin in America: The Puritan New England Experiment (Part 2) (47m/82MB)
November 2018
CBS014. 20181101 14. The Kingdom of Elohim in the Gospel of Mark (Part 1) (52m/181MB)
CBS015. 20181101 15. The Kingdom of Elohim in the Gospel of Mark (Part 2) (51m/178MB)
CBS016. 20181220 16. In Pursuit of Purity (42m/124MB)
CBS017. 20190509 17. Gordon's 1,000: Is 'Yehovah' God's True Name? (27m/60MB)
CBS018. 20190527 18. Worship and Judgment: A Study from Revelation 13 & 14 (44m/149MB)
CBS019. 20190622 19. Revelation and Scripture (73m/261MB)
CBS020. 20190623 20. The Three Signs of Speaking in Tongues: 1. Judgment (39m/126MB)
CBS021. 20190626 21. The Three Signs of Speaking in Tongues: 2. Blessing and Authority (14m/43MB)
CBS022. 20191007 22. The Tanakh - Old Testament (85m/230MB)
CBS023. 20191022 23. The Virgin Birth (32m/86MB)
January 2020
CBS024. 20200116 24. Divine Love 1: Man's Invitation to Love (42m/182MB)
CBS025. 20200116
25. Divine Love 2: Man's Reversal of the Genesis Narrative (16m/38MB)
April 2020
CBS026. 20200420 26. Justification 1: Synopsis & Exposition (51m/137MB)
CBS027. 20200421 27. Justification 2: The Work of Accurate Exegesis (24m/63MB)
August 2020
CBS028. 20200822 28. The Sacred Ot of Hinai haAlmah: Understanding the Sign of the Virgin Mary (22m/53MB)
CBS029. 20210420 29. The 144000 (17m/115MB)
CBS030. 20210621 30. Scripture (43m/287MB)
CBS031. 20210803 31. Transformation (15m/100MB)
The original materials may be found on the NCAY FAQ Website
May 2018
FAQ001. 20180501 The Mandela Effect: Has the Bible Been Changed Supernaturally? (16m/42MB)
June 2018
FAQ002. 20180603 Salvation is of the Jews: What Does That Mean? (17m/54MB)
FAQ003. 20180608 Would Paul Have Written to Timothy in Hebrew or Greek? (9m/29MB)
FAQ004. 20180613 Can the Wicked Be Saved? Or Will They Be Annihilated? (21m/62MB)
September 2018
FAQ005. 20180921 What Does It Mean to have a Jewish Nature? (18m/63MB)
FAQ006 (384). 20180927 Why Do You Use the Word 'Christian'? (18m/71MB)
December 2018
FAQ007 (386). 20181221 Are Doctrines About the Fate of the Wicked a Salvational Issue? (39m/136MB)
October 2019
FAQ008 (387). 20191031 Numerology, Superstition and Bondage (8m/17MB)
FAQ009 (388). 20210421 The New Perspective on Paul (36m/237MB)
FAQ010 (389). 20210421 Is the Exodus Absolute Biblical Proof for the Creation Calendar? (93m/623MB)
FAQ011 (390). 20210423 Does Messiah's Death Disprove the Creation Calendar? (15m/98MB)
FAQ012 (391). 20200416 Did Christ Descend to Hell While in the Tomb? (15m/103MB) - 2 copies?
FAQ013 (392). 20210423
Does Paul Claim Yahweh Justifies the Wicked and Contradict the Torah? (6m/42MB)
FAQ014 (393). 20210213 Does the Word 'Jesus' Mean 'Earth-Pig' in Latin? (16m/105MB)
FAQ015 (394). 20210423 Do Messianic Evangelicals Have Their Feet in Both Camps? (5m/32MB)
FAQ016 (395). 20210423 What is the Difference Between the 900,000, the 144,000 & the Remnant? (7m/47MB)
FAQ017 (396). 20210929 Is It True That the Roman Emperor Constantine Created Christianity? (21m/139MB)
FAQ019 (398). 20220428 Why Do Some Messianics Call God 'Yahuah'? (27m/182MB)
FAQ020 (399). 20220831 What Kind of Messianic 'Evangelical'? Examining the Anglican/Wesleyan Connection (21m/136MB)
FAQ022 (402). 20230820 Women Prophets, Revelators & Teachers (m/MB)
FAQ023 (403). 20230904 How Can I Keep my job now that I have accepted the truth of the Creation Sabbath? (22m/145MB)
Some of the original materials may be found on the Norwegian Articles Website
N001. 20050528 (20180504) Alle de skjulte menneskene (29m/80MB)
N002. 20050511 Ukjente tunger (1 Kor.14:14-15) (6m/17MB)
N003. 1998 - 20180715 Ruin og Forsoning (Luk.15:12ff.) (63m/228MB)
N004. 1998 - 20190510 Dødbringende Celler (8m/20MB)
N005. 1998 - 20190530 Skandinavias opprinnelse (24m/75MB)
N006. 1998 - 20190620 Kartotekkortene
over Ditt Liv (10m/33MB)
The original materials may be found on the Swedish Articles Website
Sv001. 20180512 Kolosserbrevet 2:16 - Yahwehs Sabbat och Högtider i ljuset av en forntida irrlära (11m/34MB)
The original materials may be found on the German Articles Website
D001. 20180511 Prophetie über Dürre: Warnung einen sichern Waßervorrat anzulegen (5m/16MB)
Fr001. 20180511 Nouveau Départ (9m/28MB)
Fr002. 20200104 Le Cadeau II: Connaître la Volonté de Yah ŕ Travers Les Fruits de Ruach (16m/68MB)
GL001. 20190420 Chag haMatzah 2019 I: Israel, Judah & Jerusalem (m/MB)
GL002. 20190421 Chag haMatzah 2019 II: Universal Salvation (m/MB)
GL003. 20190422 Chag haMatzah 2019 III: Moedim as Prophetic Types - Part 1 (35m/91MB)
GL004. 20190423 Chag haMatzah 2019 IV: Moedim as Prophetic Types - Part 2 (51m/139MB)
GL005. 20190424 Chag haMatzah 2019 V: Moedim as Prophetic Types - Part 3 (41m/117MB)
GL006. 20190425 Chag haMatzah 2019 VI: Moedim as Prophetic Types - Part 4 (62m/208MB)
GL007. 20190426 Chag haMatzah 2019 VII: Dispensationalism, Rapturism, Darbeyism, Zionism & Other False Church Teachings (Part 1) (42m/156MB)
GL008. 20190426 Dispensationalism, Rapturism, Darbeyism, Zionism & Other False Church Teachings (Part 2) (50m/174MB)
GL009. 20200719 Shavu'ot 2020 Teaching: The Commandments in the Old and new Covenants (58m/151MB)
GL010. 20200720 The End Times in the Book of Revelation, the Torah and the Prophets (77m/163MB)
GL011. 20200721 Growth and Rewards in Yahweh (76m/155MB)
GL012. 20201004 Sukkot 2020: The Harvest (34m/58MB)
GL013. 20210331 Chag haMatzah 2021 IV:: The Mystery of the Four Gospels (35m/235MB)
GL014. 20210404 End-Time Kingdom Secrets in the Four Gospels (54m/363MB)
GL015. 20210711 Why is the Correct Calendar Important for Biblical Understanding? - Parts 1 & 2 (52m/347MB + 8m/56MB)
GL016. 20220424 The Five Biblical Æons/Ages, Æonian Life & Æonian Condemnation (51m/339MB)

11. BWS-Series: BIBLE WORKSHOP (in conjunction with New Testament Phronema Studies)
BWS001a. 20191008 The Gospel of Mark - Part 1/2 (8m/22MB)
BWS001b. 20191008 The Gospel of Mark - Part 2/2 (43m/129MB)
GV001. 20200216 Winter Reigneth O'er the Land (CS500) (1m/2MB)
GV002. 20200221 I Will Awake Early, I Will Praise Thee O Yah (CS342) (2m/5MB)
DOS001. 2020517 The Messiah Within Us and Around Us: The Daily Blessings of the Festivals of Yahweh (16m/41MB)
DOS002. 2020519 The Path of the Just: An Ever Brightening Journey for Yahweh's Own (10m/27MB)
DOS003. 2020519 The Messianic Complex: Letting Carnal Dreams Die in Yah'shua (6m/16MB)
DOS004. 2020521 Remain Planted in Him: The Dragon's Rage & the Work in Sweden (28m/75MB)
DOS005. 2020524 Invictus - Invincible: The Soul of Man or the Spirit of Yahweh (17m/42MB)
DOS006. 2020525 The Order of Melchizedek: The Rainbow Upon Yah's Head (11m/27MB)
DOS007. 2020526 Motivational Deficiency Disorder: An Excuse for Laziness (6m/16MB)
DOS008. 2020527 The Gospel of Self-Esteem: A Modern Heresy (8m/22MB)
DOS009a & DOS009b. 2020527 Honour Thy Parents: Honour & Obedience Contrasted (7m/18MB & 9m/27MB)
DOS010a & DOS010b. 20200527 The Shavu'ot Trilogy: Three talks-in-one based on Wrong Pentecost: Shavu'ot is Not in May or June, The Wrong Shavu'ot: The Winter Wheat Error Exposed and The Sacred Number 50: Make Sure You Observe the Right Shavu'ot (20m/48MB & 22m/56MB)
DOS011a & DOS011b. 20200529 Be a Man: Advice to Husband (15m/42MB & 16m/42MB)
DOS012. 20200601 Challenged or Changed? The Real Choice of Discipleship (10m/28MB)
DOS013. 20200601 Immersed in Messiah: What is the Correct Doctrine of Baptism? (10m/28MB)
DOS014. 20200604 With Eternity in Your Heart: Disposing of Personal Shrines (7m/16MB)
DOS015. 20200608 Doubting Yahweh: When We Stop Trusting in Elohim (15m/35MB)
DOS016. 20200704 Western or Hebraic? Discovering Your Cultural Roots (28m/81MB)
DOS017. 20210811 All the Hidden People (24m/160MB)
DOS018. Yom haKippurim 2013: Applying the Five Atonements in Earnest + new material (41m/276MB)
DOS019. 20220703 Hope (16m/110MB)
October 2019
ITS001a&b. 20210519 Every Micro-Decision Matters: Proverbs 23:1-11 - Parts 1 & 2 (23m/3.24GB & 11m/1.5GB)
June 2023
ITS002. 20230626 Blessed are the Peacemakers (Sabbath) (9m/1GB)
ITS003a&b. 20230627 Denominationalism & the Sin of Labeling People (23m/3GB & 1m/1GB)
July 2023
ITS004a&b. 20230703 The Wonder of Grace (Sabbath) (23m/3GB & 15m/2GB)
ITS005a&b. 20230710 Hearing His Voice in Prayer (Sabbath) (23m/3GB & 10m/1GB)
ITS006. 20230713 Psalm 73 - An Exposition (5m/0.7GB)
ITS007. 20230714 Psalm 45 - In Palaces of Ivory (20m/2.75GB)
ITS008. 20230717 The Divine Nature of Humour (Sabbath) (12m/1.7GB)
ITS009. 20230718 Love & Human Relationships (Rosh Chodesh V) (13m/1.9GB)
ITS010. 20230720 Artificial Intelligence & Social Media (9m/1.3GB)
ITS011a&b. 20230720 The Prophetic Perfect Tense Explained (23m/3.2GB & 3m/O.37GB)
ITS012a&b. 20230723 The Institutional Distortion of Truth & Theology (23m/3.24GB & 19m/2.68GB)
ITS013. 20230725 A Question of Money (18m/2.55GB)
ITS014a&b. 20230726 David Minors' Two Winds Prophecy Being Fulfilled (OB 7): Several Important Visions (22m/3.09GB & 21m/2.88GB)
ITS015. 20230730 Sav lasav, Sav lasav! Gibberish 'Tongues' are a Mockery - Isaiah 28:1-13 (22m/3.05GB)
ITS016. 20230731 'Go in Peace': A Matter of Conscience (22m/3.13GB)
August 2023
ITS017a&b&c. 20230801 Total Surrender, Part A (23m/3.24GB & 23m/3.24GB & 7m/1GB)
ITS018. 20230806 The Elohim: Who are They? (23m/3.24GB & 23m/3.24GB & 7m/1GB)
ITS019. 20230808 Total Surrender, Part B (20m/3.08GB)
ITS020. 20230809 A Word of Hope for a Stricken People (22m/3.13GB)
ITS021. 20230810 Water Prepping & fasting for the Autumn & Winter Troubles (22m/1.1GB)
ITS022. 20230811 Wealth & Presumption, Grace & Judgment (22m/3.06GB)
ITS023a&b. 20230812 Edessa: The Great Christian Centre in Syria (23m/3.24GB & 19m/2.66GB)
ITS024. 20230813 Baptism & the Meaning of Religious Rituals (22m/3.09GB)
ITS025. 20230814 Reminiscences on Class, Race and Work (22m/3.03GB)
ITS026a&b. 20230815 How to Witness Effectively: Paul & Barnabas in Lystra (Acts 24:8-20) (23m/3.24GB & 19m/2.68GB)
ITS027. 20230816 Vision of India: The Final Gathering in the Indian Subcontinent (22m/3.01GB)
ITS028a&b. 20230817 Rosh Chodesh VI 2023: Is Faith Blind? (23m/3.34GB & 16m/2.29GB)
ITS029. 20230818 A Question of True Honour: Integrity, Loyalty & Righteousness (OB 36) (16m/108MB)
ITS030a&b. 20230824 The Character of Yahweh: Knowing Our Heavenly Father, Part A (23m/3.24MB & 18m/2.47GB)
ITS031. 20230826 Let's Get Serious! The Terrible Danger of Passing Judgment on Yahweh (19m/2.63GB)
ITS032. 20230826 What are These Voices in My Head? Part A (22m/3.13GB)
ITS033. 20230827 What are These Voices in My Head? Part B (22m/3.14GB)
ITS034. 20230828 Psalms of Glory I: Temple, Torah, Body & Messianic Community (23m/3.17GB)
ITS035. 20230830 Bible Bathing I: Genesis-2 Samuel, Insights & a Vision of David (32m/212MB)
ITS036a&b. 20230831 The Character of Yahweh: Knowing Our Heavenly Father, Part B (23m/2.34MB & 20m/2.74GB)
September 2023
ITS037a&b. 20230902 Psalms of Glory II: From Temple to Cosmos (23m/3.08GB & 23m/3.24GB)
ITS038a&b. 20230903 Psalms of Glory III: Psalm 44 & Romans 8 (23m/3.24GB & 20m/2.79GB)
ITS039a&b. 20230907 Two Amazing Encounters with the Heavenly Mother: The Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) (23m/3.24GB & 19m/2.66GB)
ITS040a&b. 20230910 Psalms of Glory IV: Matter Matters - Psalms 19, 65 & 95 (23m/3.24GB & 19m/2.61GB)
ITS041a-c. 20230914 Psalms of Glory IV: Psalms of Glory V: His Glory Fills the Earth - Psalms 72 & 104 (23m/3.24GB, 6m/1.4GB & 8m/1.09GB)
ITS042. 20230918 The Echad Mystery of the Traveling Missionary's Shalom - Matthew 10:11-14 (22m/3.08GB)
ITS043. 20230919 Choosing Tranquil Shiloah Over the Euphrates Flood - Isaiah 8:5-10 (22m/3.12GB)
ITS044. 20230920 Psalms of Glory VI: Matter, Time & Space for Praise - Colossians 1:15-20, Psalms 29 & 104 (22m/GB)
October 2023
ITS045. 20231001 Psalms of Glory VII: Affirming Creation, Repudiating Pantheism & Dualism, Psalms 29 & 33 (m/GB)
ITS046. 20231003 Psalms of Glory VIII: The Justice of Yahweh, Psalm 94 (22m/3.14GB)
ITS047. 20231005 Psalms of Glory IX: Justice, Demon-Exposure & Deliverance, Psalms 95 & 96 (22m/3.13GB)
ITS048. 20231011 Psalms of Glory X: Sing Yahweh a New Song, Psalms 98 & 99 (21m/2.96GB)
ITS049. 20231012 Psalms of Glory XI: Yahweh's Kindness to Man & Animals, Psalms 145, 147 & 148 (22m/3.02GB)
ITS050. 20231015 Rosh Chodesh VIII 2023: Should I Support the Israelis or the Palestinians? (23m/3.17GB)
ITS051. 20231016 Tongues II: Glossists vs. Batalogists (23m/3.24GB)
ITS052. 20231017 Psalms of Glory XII: Bless Yahweh, You Rulers! Psalms 148 & 149 (22m/3.17GB)
ITS053. 20231023 Psalms of Glory XIII: As a Matter of Praise and Brutal Fact - Psalms 150 & 109 (21m/3.01GB)
ITS054. 20231025 Psalms of Glory XIV: Suffering in Hope, the Good Shepherd & Solemn Entry into the Sanctuary - Psalms 22, 23 & 24 (21m/3.24GB)
ITS055. 20231026 Psalms of Glory XV: The Positive Purpose of Mortal Matter and Suffering - Psalms 126, 19, 1 Corinthians 15, 2 Corinthians 3 & 4 (23m/3.23GB)
ITS056. 20231027 Psalms of Glory XVI: The Physical Body as a Template for the Resurrection - Psalms 19, 1 & 92, Mark 12:30 (22m/3.20GB)
ITS057 20231028 Psalms of Glory XVII: Character Transformation - Psalms 92, 112, 16, Daniel 12 & Philippians 3 (23m/3.21GB)
ITS058 20231106 The 10 Vitally Important Things I Must Believe or Do to Be & Remain Saved (23m/3.16GB)
ITS059 20231121 The Glow Stick: Reasons for Suffering (22m/3.01GB)
ITS060 20231231 No Highway in the Sky (21m/2.95GB)
ITS062 20240112 Rosh Chodesh XI: What are These Voices in My Head? Part D, Conscious-Awareness, Subconscience, Conscience, Bible & Ruach (22m/3.11GB & 22m/3.10GB)
ITS063 20240210 Rosh Chodesh XII: Make an Effort to Read the Writing on the Wall (21m/2.93GB & 22m/3.10GB)
ITS064 20240404 A Second Sabbatical: The Politicisation of Christian Doctrine & UFO Abductions (21m/2.91GB)
ITS065 20240406 Fissure in the Ocean: Vision of a Large Cramp (16m/2.24GB)
ITS066 20240409 Rosh Chodesh II: Jericho March 2024 I - The Nature of Christ & the Historical Creeds (22m/3.09GB)
ITS067 20240427 Why I Became a Buddhist (and Why I am Not One Now) (22m/3.10GB)
July 2022
HOT001. 20220703 HOFAQ01 How Do Human Spirits Communicate With Each Other? (24m/161MB)
HOT002. 20220704 HOFAQ02 What Does a Resurrected Body Consist Of? Part 1 (20m/43MB) & 2 (9m/59MB)
HOT003. 20220708 HOFAQ03 Ghosts, Spirits of the Dead, Demons & Psychic Sensitivity (37m/256MB)
April 2024
IGC002. 20240430 Garden Chats II: A Change in Direction (11m/1.50GB)
May 2024
IGC003. 20240501 HOFAQ01 Garden Chats III: The Narrow Way (15m/2.12GB)
IGC004. 20240512 Garden Chats IV: Defeat of the Élites, Doing Nothing, Raising Congregations (21m/2.98GB)
IGC005. 20240515 Garden Chats V: Converter - Translating Old Bible Languages to Modern Ones (22m/3.08GB)
IGC006. 20240525 Garden Chats VI: Announcement of Retirement (5m/786MB)
June 2024
IGC007. 20240605 Garden Chats VII: NCCG.ORG, Health & Wealth (17m/2.39GB)
IGC008. 20240623 Garden Chats VIII: Salvation & the Complexity of People (19m/2.67GB)
August 2024
IGC009. 20240828 Garden Chats IX: Times of Anarchy & Being Better Prepared (21m/3.0GB)
September 2024
IGC010. 20240910 Garden Chats X: Snakes, Slugs, Logging, This-and-That (**m/1.47GB)
October 2024
IGC011. 20241008 The Orchard, Temptations in Giftedness, Writters & Musicians (22m/3.06GB)
IGC012. 20241111 The Terrible Truth About Armistice Day (18m/***GB)
July 2024
ACTS01. 20240720 Book of Acts I: Introduction & Chapter 1 (21m/3.07GB)
ACTS02a. 20240727 Book of Acts IIa: Chapter 2 & the Prophecy of Joel (22m/3.09GB)
August 2024
ACTS02b. 20240808 Book of Acts IIb: Chapter 2 & I am a Pentecostal...and a Passoverist (22m/3.12GB)
ACTS03a. 20240803 Book of Acts IIIa: Chapter 3 & the Bandit Who Went to Church - Part 1/2 (22m/3.09GB)
ACTS03b. 20240807 Book of Acts IIIb: Chapter 3 & the Prince of Life - Part 2/2 (11m/1.54GB)
ACTS04a. 20240819 Book of Acts IVa: Chapter 4 & Speaking Truth to Power - Part 1/2 (22m/3.13
ACTS04b. 20240826 Book of Acts IVb: Chapter 4 & The United Order of All Things in Common - Part 2/2 (21m/2.95GB)
ACTS05. 20240826 Book of Acts V: Chapter 5 & Ababias, Sapphira, Holiness & Plural Marriage (22m/3.15GB)
September 2024
ACTS06a. 20240902 Book of Acts VIa: Chapter 6 & The Deaconate is Established, Cultural Challenges - Part 1/2 (22m/3.12GB)
ACTS06b. 20240902 Book of Acts VIa: Chapter 6 & The Arrest of Stephen, Deacons as Witnesses - Part 2/2 (22m/3.15GB)
October 2024
ACTS07a. 20241101 Book of Acts VIIa: Chapter 7 Stephen's Defence Part 1 - A Surprising Story (23m/3.17GB)
October 2024
ACTS07a. 20241001 Book of Acts VIIa: Chapter 7 & Stephen's Defence Part A, A Surprising Story (23m/3.17GB)
ACTS07b1&2. 20241010 Book of Acts VIIb: Chapter 7 & Stephen's Defence Part B, Moses & the Sanhedrin, 2 parts (22m/3.14GB & 23m/3.18GB)
ACTS07c1&2. 20241017 Book of Acts VIIc: Chapter 7 & Stephen's Martyrdom Part C, Moses & the Sanhedrin, 2 parts (22m/3.14GB & 22m/3.16GB)
ACTS08a1&2. 20241024 Book of Acts VIIIa: Chapter 8 Philip in Samaria, the Ruach haQodesh & Simon Magus, 2 parts (23m/3.19GB & 7m/989MB)
ACTS08b1&2. 20241024 Book of Acts VIIIb: Chapter 8 Philip, the Ethiopian & Azotus Travel, 2 parts (23m/3.17GB & 23m/3.23MB)
ACTS09a1&2. 20241109 Book of Acts IXa: Chapter 9, Saul's Throne-Chariot Vision, 2 parts (23m/3.23GB & 23m/3.22MB)
ACTS09b1&2. 20241115 Book of Acts IXb: Chapter 9, Paul & Ananias: A Disciple's Greatest Moment, Parts 1 & 2 (23m/3.22GB & 23m/3.24MB)
ACTS09c1&2. 20241122 Book of Acts IXc: Chapter 9, Paul, Israel, the Messiah & the Son of Elohim, Parts 1 & 2 (23m/3.19GB & 23m/3.23MB)
ACTS09d1&2. 20241201 Book of Acts IXd: Chapter 9, Aenas & Dorcas, Parts 1 & 2 (22m/3.14GB & 20m/2.82MB)
ACTS10a1&2. 20240106 Book of Acts Xa: Chapter 10, Cornelias & Peter: The Gentiles & 2 Visions, Parts 1 & 2 (23m/3.24GB & 22m/3.13MB)
ACTS10b1&2. 20241215 Book of Acts Xb: Chapter 10, Cornelius & Peter: Prejudice, Kashrut & New Covenant Torah, Parts 1 & 2 (23m/3.16GB & 22m/3.09MB)
ACTS10c1&2. 20241222 Book of Acts Xc: Chapter 10, Cornelius & Peter: The 7-Point Message & Second Pentecost, Parts 1 & 2 (22m/3.12GB & 23m/3.23MB)
ACTS11a1&2. 20241229 Book of Acts XIa: Chapter 11, Peter in Jerusalem: The Judahite-Gentile Controversy, Parts 1 & 2 (22m/3.09GB & 22m/3.10MB)
ACTS11b1&2. 20250107 Book of Acts XIb: Chapter 11, Barnabas, Paul & the Gentile Awakening in Syrian Antioch, Parts 1 & 2 (21m/2.99GB & 21m/2.95MB)
ACTS12a. 20250113 Book of Acts XIIa: Chapter 12, Herod Agrippa I & the Murder of James the Brother of John (23m/3.20GB)
ACTS12b1&2. 20250121 Book of Acts XIIb: Chapter 12, Peter's Miraculous Jail Escape: Rhoda, Angels & Sol-Sleeping, Parts 1 & 2 (21m/3.00GB & 23m/3.23MB)
ACTS12c1&2. 202501 Book of Acts : Chapter , (m/GB & m/MB)
Sermons and talks are broadcast weekly and stored on Social Media
Sample of Comments from Viewers
Other comments appear on the text versions of these sermons
[1] "Thank you for these broadcasts, although I missed Live Feed I am watching now! Please continue your broadcasts! I'm always edified by your teaching. Thank you Brother!" (LM, USA, 21 April 2018)
[2] "Thank you Yahweh and thank you!" (MT, USA, 26 May 2018 on #V012)
[3] "Thank you Pastor for reminding us that the Ruach haQodesh is HOLY" (AMN, South Africa, 1 June 2018 on #SBS018)
[4] "God bless you Brother Christopher and everyone here watching, and later viewers" (LM, USA, 12 June 2018 on #SBS026)
[5] "A great message for today's conditions" (ME, USA, 13 June 2018 on #SBS025)
[6] "Amen! God bless you! Great job!" (EBR, USA, 19 June 2018 on #SBS031)
[7] "That was absolutely amazing!" (PG, USA, 5 July 2018 on #SM005)
[8] "Thank you for that teaching" (SB, Uganda, 6 July 2018 on #SBS040)
[9] "Amen...exactly! Oh...I so needed this!! Thank you for this!" (LM, USA, 7 July 2018 on #SBS040)
[10] "You're a live wire! We're on the same wavelength...Listening in my caravan...Praise God brother! Amen! Undeserved loving Favour..leading to obedience. Amen Brother Christopher!" (MH, UK, 5 August 2018 on #SBS055)
[11] "Amen, a wonderful inspired word" (CS, UK, 28 May 2019 on #SM020)
[12] "I am thankful for all the teaching you have done here...I'm grateful! I learned a great deal from you. Thank you! We will miss you!" (EOE, USA, 7 December 2019)
[13] "Powerful message" (JB, South Africa, 11 April 2020 on #SM054)
[14] "Father Yahweh watch over and keep you. Bless you for your love and service" (MW, USA, 13 April 2020 on #SM054)
[15] "Good word!" (AB, Sweden, 17 April 2020 on #SM055)
[16] "Excellent analysis!!!" (GL, Sweden, 17 April 2020 on #SM056)
[17] "Thank you, brother, for a very good and important sermon. It was a confirmation [of] what the Holy Spirit has warned me about" (UG, Sweden, 17 April 2020 on #SM056)
[18] "You are on point! The Great Delusion going on right now in America. This message is timely for today! We need to hear this, especially in America right now. Because Americans are illiterate when it comes to what's happening right now" (EOE, USA, 19 April 2020 on #SM056)
[19] "This coincides with my own experience. The good news I'm hearing from believers and we are all testifying about all Yahweh has gotten us through over the years and the fact that we have been Blessed with his Mercy and Grace. Prayer is our Strength and Many of us are going thru tough times yet we are growing stronger. Thanks for all the wisdom you share, Christopher" (FP, USA, 20 October 2020 on #SM092)
[20] "WOW!!! What profound wisdom. Thank you and prayer for blessings for you for all you do and and sharing from the bottom of your soul. Your inspiration brought tears to my eyes and stirred my soul. My prayer is that your physical health will catch up with your spiritual health -- that would be a miracle from Yahweh. We all need and want you to ne healthy" (MW, USA, 11 November 2020 on #SM096a-b)
[21] "This is an outstanding video!! These civilizations from before the flood of Noah, were in many ways far more advanced than what archaeologists today will acknowledge!! Very well done!! There were civilizations here on earth before Adam was created. I also believe that Lucifer ruled over this domain before he fell. This earth and its civilizations were destroyed when he attempted to unseat the Most High. Check out Jeremiah Chapter 4, verses 23ff... Keep the [videos] coming!!" (RMcC, USA, 24 September 2021 on Bibliophiles #30)
[22] "This (talk on How Do Human Spirits Communicate With Each Other?) was very insightful. Thank you" (LYHA, USA. 9 August 2023)
[23] "Very good word, Brother (ITS020, A Word of Hope for a Stricken People). I pray Yah bless you and yours and provide always for all of you. Like Jeremiah, we must look to our true source of true hope" (RRB, USA. 3 July 2022)
[24] "What a blessing you are having (ITS035, Bible Bathing I: Genesis-2 Samuel, Insights & a Vision of David) and you have blessed us as well! Thank you!" (MM, USA, 30 August 2023)
[25] "What a beautiful and refreshing message! (ITS045, Psalms of Glory VII: Creationism vs. Pantheism & Dualism) Thanks for such a blessing!" (MM, USA, 1 October 2023)
[26] "Hey I watched your sermon this morning (ITS047, Psalms of Glory IX: Justice, Demon-Exposure & Deliverance, Psalms 95 & 96) and thought it was great" (SP, Ireland, 5 October 2023)
[26] "What a beautiful message (ITS049, Psalms of Glory XI: Yahweh's Kindness to Man & Animals, Psalms 145, 147 & 148) shared by a beautiful shepherd! May you be showered with beautiful blessings!" (MW, USA, 12 October 2023)
[27] "Well done, dear brother. I will gladly post this (ITS050, Rosh Chodesh VIII 2023: Should I Support the Israelis or the Palestinians?) on my FB page. Excellent. But then, we have come to expect this from you. Thank you for all your labors of love" (LS, USA, 17 October 2023)
[27] "Such an inspiring, encouraging and joyfully received message (SM101, A New Direction for the Ministry) that is somewhat an answer to prayers, but I trust and expect as Father Yahweh shared 'just started' toward your healing. Love you and praise Yahweh for you" (MM, USA, 13 April 2024)
[28] "Thanks. Very interesting and encouraging!" (SM101, Caverns of the Mind)! (JS, Germany, 20 April 2024)
[29] "Bless your shepherding" (SM110, Rosh Chodesh VI 2024) (MM, USA, 6 August 2024)
[30] "What a wonderful and constructive message! Bless you for sharing and caring" (ACTS02b, I am a Pentecostal) (MM, USA, 9 August 2024)
[31] "Most surely a blessing!" (ACTS03b, The Prince of Life) (MM, USA, 7 August 2024)
[32] "Thank you, Brother Warren, for your ongoing sharing of Spiritual Wisdom. Such a needed and timely shepherding talk. My heart and prayers and best wishes go out to you. We need you and ask with all humility for a miraculous healing for you. Much Love!" (SM111, The Sunk Coast Fallacy) (MM, USA, 13 August 2024)
[33] "Dear brother, your message is so needed at this time of apostacy and confusion among such movements. Such beliefs lead to building faith on sand and not the Rock" (SM112, A Plea to all My Health-Decreeing Pentecostal & Charismatic Friends) (AG, USA, 16 August 2024)
[34] "I just found you on Rumble today! I will be listening much more. I appreciate the deep grace and wisdom the LORD has deposited in you. I give thanks and pray you and your wife be given comfort and strength. Thank you dear Brother" (V462, Holy Spirit Baptism I: What Really Happened at Pentecost) (AG, USA, 18 August 2024)
[35] "LOL - yes and I appreciate every day you're here, & try to learn the principles of truth" (SM112, A Please to All My Health-Decreeing Pentecostal & Charismatic Friends) (BFM, USA, 19 August 2024)
[36] "WOW! Amazing Message" (ACTS04b, The United Order of All Things in Common) (MM, USA, 26 August 2024)
[37] "Thank you, Brother Warren, for blessing us with your excellent message of helping us who are trying to get this right, but have a long way to go. Each year I learn more, retain more, and become more determined to get more in rhythm with the Moedim. Thank you for all your enlightenment and wisdom. Blessing Galore, my friend and Brother in Yah'shua" (V472, Yom Teruah 2024: Will You Hear the Twin Silver Trumpets in Your Soul?) (MM, USA, 3 September 2024)
[38] "Brother Warren, thank you so much for your inspirational enlightenment! What a valuable teaching. You are such a blessing. May your love heal your heart (physically)!!" (SM116, Stewardship & Days of Repentance: Preparing for Yom haKippurim) (MM, USA, 10 September 2024)
[39] "WOW! Brother Warren, thank you for such a revelation. So inspiring that it manifested in tight throat and swelling anticipation in my veins. Blessings to you for all your devotional blessing to us" (V476, Sukkot III 2024: Shemini Atseret & the Timing of the Sukkot Anointing Revealed!) (MM, USA, 19 September 2024)
[40] "So insightful and exciting enlightenment. Thank you, and praise Heavenly Father for you!" (V477, Sukkot IV 2024: The Mystical Marriage of the Messiah) (MM, USA, 20 September 2024)
[41] "WOW! That is deeply sacred! Amazing enlightenment as usual. Thanks Brother Warren" (V479, Sukkot VI 2024: The Mystery of the Cherubim in the Holy of Holies) (MM, USA, 22 September 2024)
[42] "Brother Warren, such an important message and inspiring and illuminating teaching from you and inspiring and brilliant teacher. You are so blessed and we are blessed to have access to you" (V480, Sukkot VII 2924: The Great Consummation and Ascension) (MM, USA, 23 September 2024)
[43] "I can resonate with your message. When I woke up this morning I also heard that verse about being still. I have to confess I've felt a certain frustration- what are we doing?! But have also simultaneously felt a resounding peace. A peace that has led me into a place of prayerful worship where it just feels like...this is where I'm supposed to be right now, in this quiet place, waiting, being in His presence and letting Yahweh do what He is doing! We're not waiting for a new theology, but definitely a new ecclesiology- the former things are passing away, the new is waiting to happen, not by our hands or efforts, but entirely by His. I get the sense that everything we needed to do & learn has been done. Now we just wait for those seeds to grow...eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the sons of God as Paul put it. I'm also reminded of the dream & vision I had "the shattering of the messianic". The Holy Spirit has moved on from the old structures and ways" (SM127, New Beginnings (Ps.46:10): Important Prophetic Dreams & Vision) (SJP, UK, 4 November 2024)
[44] "Shalom, dear faithful brother! Yes, Abba will raise up a people for Himself, and isn't it written they will be hidden in the wilderness for a time? - [in] the uncultivated lands -- where man's system is weak or not there, but God provides. Thank you for the reminder to record the dreams etc we have received - that thought has also come to me, but I could not think who might be interested. Now I know! the young ones coming , they'll be interested. Hugs! We are sick, poor & old, so we have no status in the eyes of this world; that's to our advantage! didn't Yeshua come in disguise the first time, hidden? Aren't we to be like Him? At the right time all shall be revealed. Thank you again" (SM140, Vision of the End Time Remnant Leaders: A Journey into the Future) (BFM, USA, 23 January 2025)
This page was created on 20 April 2018
Last updated on 24 January 2025
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