Month 13:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5945:355 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Thursday 3 March 2022
Rosh Chodesh XIII
Russia, the Ukraine, Putin & the Élites
Three Prophetic Visions
Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and to the 13th and last month of the current year during this time of Penultimate Judgment.
Defeat of the Élites Imminent
This is the last month of woes before the Renewal of the Remnant gets underway. Listen carefully today and be aware for you have the privilege of witnessing history-in-the-making. Yahweh told you that you would see the élites defeated and that this creation calendar year of 2021-22 would be that time. You were also told many, many times that there would be no 'rapture' and no imminent Great Tribulationn or Second Coming...not for another generation, and that the false lawless and unanointed prophets would be humiliated. For contrary to what they are saying, Russia is not a 'trigger for Armageddon'. With each successive event you will see this to be so. You won't need to believe me or disbelieve me any more because history will be my witness for it isn't about me or my self-vindication anyway. I just want people to live in emet (truth) and not in fear.
A War to Stop More Genocide
I do not speak to you lightly today but with great sobriety. Five days ago was my youngest son's 19th birthday and on the same day we learned that President Vladimir Putin of Russia invaded the Ukraine at a precise moment in time when the élites are at their most vulnerable because of the daily mounting exposure of their global genocide program that will kill millions but not nearly as many as they had hoped for, or fast enough. But that is not their only front-line that is crumbling. This is the ongoing battle for world hegemony now transplanted from Syria (the latest victim) and onto Russia's own home turf.
One of the Most Heavily Infiltrated Countries in the World
The Ukraine is one of the most heavily élite-inflitrated countries in the world who, to use the apt description of Peter Hitchens, are using it as a battering-ram to try to bring down their main political rival in the world. That is why you will not stop Putin. He passionately loves his country and will restore much of the old Soviet Empire by the time he is finished, at least that part before Stalin started gobbling up more territories after the Second World War. You cannot stop him until his hour comes because he has an anointing, he is an instrument in the hands of Yahweh as Cyrus was of old. What Cyrus accomplished, destroying the status quo of his day and doing the unthinkable - bringing down Assyria, one of the cruelest, most powerful empires in history, and then Lydia - is similar to what Putin will accomplish. And it is well to remember that Putin, like Cyrus, is not averse to the occasional atrocity if it might serve a salutary purpose. He is no angel but an instrument of Judgment in the Creator's hand.
Understanding Putin
To understand him, and Russia too, which is a Eurasian country, is to understand the history of the ways of the east, which few Westerners do, even though Western nations have by no means been averse to comitting atrocities of their own. We have, like it or not, returned to an earlier age of strongmen-rulers. The day of liberal democracies is over, at least in substance if not in name. And as Cyrus presented himself as a model of righteousness and justice, with diktats couched in a moderate and gracious tone, so we find Putin essentially following the same pattern. Putin is a 'man of the age' that we are entering into right now with the Western Deep State overlords more akin to the brutal, cruel Saka savages whom Cyrus defeated and tamed in his own time, and even Assyria itself.
The West Got It Wrong
Western Christians all along had their eyes on the wrong man when Donald Trump was the President of the United States for a brief moment. He fulfilled his rôle to stop the Clintons from seizing the long-planned world throne, even though he was himself controlled (and still is) by a rival faction of the Cabal based in the City of Hagar, and will not - and cannot - 'save America' from its own judgment, even if he should per chance get into the White House again, if that's what Yahweh wants. That's already happening and nothing will stop that. You Americans listening to me today have President Biden because Yahweh put him there to preside as a proxy and public face for Barak Obama (and behind him the Clintons), albeit as a dumb and blind puppet, over the punishment of America for refusing to repent of its abominations - the holocaust of the unborn (if we were to honour each baby aborted since 1973 in the USA alone with a moment of silence, we would be silent for over 100 years), sexual immorality, tampering with the creation, political corruption, war-mongering, child-abuse/pedophilia, and much more. And because you were blinded by nationalism and your own self-righteousness, you did not understand what was going on. A similar fate awaits Europe and its own leaders' lust for power and empire. The EU wants its own army, Germany is hinting that it's about to accelerate its re-armament, and liberty is being crushed under the heels of a rampant, progressive, 'woke', postmodernist, neo-Marxist totalitarianism. Neither we Europeans nor the USA or Canada is any better or worse than the other. The classical liberal West began well enough in the 18th century and progressively yielded to more and more evil, accelerating at breakneck speed in the second half of the 20th century. That is why we are being judged and that necessarily means innocents will suffer too whether in war or in governmental repression. That is the price of free agency - freedom. It is why many good people are suffering and dying alongside the wicked.
Ongoing 'Wars of the Gods'
Understand that the present conflict has nothing to do with the Russian and Ukrainian people. They are but pawns in a bigger struggle being fought behind the scenes. It's not even about restoring the Russian Empire even if that may, in part, be what drives Putin who sees himself as a latter-day czar. One group of people isn't the good side and the other the evil side in this conflict. This is not about national 'sides' as in an international football match. On the human level, this is about preventing the Élites regain the advantages they enjoyed when the USSR collapsed and President Yeltsin presided over anarchy caused by massive corruption and an attempted Western élite takeover of the economy. On the spiritual level, which is what ought to interest us primarily, this is a war between the 'gods' - between the true Elohim (God), Yahweh, and the bickering 'kings' of the earth and the gods (territorial demons) that back (and control) them for evil gain. It has always been that way as the sham that is Western liberalism is peeled away will clearly reveal. and is revealing now. Governments are no longer independent sovereign entities but act in concert, doing as their deep state masters tell them.
Cyrus and Putin
For the last week I have been immersed in Persian history. This empire-breaker and empire-maker, Cyrus, was as extraordinarily a gifted fellow as Putin is. They were, and are, both brilliant strategists. Cyrus was no angel, of course, even though he was more enlightened than most, and certainly far more than the barbaric Assyrians, which is what made him popular amongst his new subjects, but he did recognise an authentic navi (prophet) when he saw one. The Medes and Persians were very superstitious, especially about dreams, as were the Babylonians (as we know from the interaction between Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar). When Cyrus conquered Babylon, as we discussed in our study on Sardis, he came across the prophecy made by Isaiah in chapter 45 [1], predicting his conquest of that mighty city, and as a result was disposed to later treat the Yehudi (Judahite, Jewish) captives in Babylon with kindness and permit them to return home to Judea to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus was an extremely intelligent man, as is Putin, and a great military leader, and has been grossly underestimated by everyone. Today's Cyrus is Yahweh's instrument of change and the breaker of the battering ram of the élites. This will, in the end, free Ukraine from deep state bondage. Watch him closely but pay especial attention to how Yahweh is using Him, something that's not going to be obvious to most Christians who have thick blinds drawn across their eyes acquired by uncritically accepting the deliberately placed false narratives told by their 'prophets' and Bible teachers in their churches. But you will only understand that if you see behind the 'official narrative' and what's really going on in the world. Few do, few will, which will, alas, lead them to make costly mistakes.
Now back on 5 February, nearly a month ago, Yahweh showed me a vision which I haven't shared until now. I found myself standing in front of an ancient tomb made of stone that was covered with inscriptions that I was unable to read as they were too far away. The large slab covering the tomb began to be raised very slowly by an invisible hand. I could hear it grinding because of the friction caused by its shere size and weight as stone rubbed against stone. When this stone was fully raised, it revealed a second stone behind the first which, I supposed, was about to be opened too. I was right up close and was a little frightened because I knew something monumentous was about to happen. But then the vision closed. Something was awakening, something very powerful. This all took place around 6.30 am that morning.
The tomb of Cyrus
Whitewashed Tombs and the End of the Western Cabal
The outcome of what is going on in the Ukraine is the first part of the full opening and exposure of the dark deeds of the Cabal. It's the first stone being raised. A second incident will follow, not now but at some unknown time in the future, the final and full revelation of what lies at the very heart of the monstrous beast system. As Yah'shua (Jesus) once said to another group of religious people who pretended to be one thing but were, in fact, another:
"For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness" (Matt.23:27, NKJV).
The more intelligent among the current élite leaders know the game is up for them, just as Hitler's Generals knew as early as 1942. But they will go for bust, just as Putin is, because like Hitler, as his Third Reich crumbled, they know their ending will not be a happy one. So they mean to take down as many people and as much of civilisation as they can before they meet their well deserved fate. Their only hope, which they don't believe exists because the dark powers have lied so often to them, is to repent and spare themselves the hellish fate that awaits them on the other side of the veil of mortality. The most important thing they can do it tell the truth to the world and so make some restitution for what they have done. It will go easier for them if they do.
About five hours later, on the same day, another vision opened to up me. I saw a large square plinth, a large block of stone, like an altar. In the middle of this was the statue of a man standing on a globe the bottom of which rested on the plinth. For some reason it reminded me, not so much, obviously, in appearance but more in substance, a little of the Altar of Zeus in Pergamum. To the right of this statue and on the ground a short way off was a man with a weapon in his hand. He aimed the weapon at the statue and fired it. The statue fell off both the globe and the plinth and crashed to the ground on its side a little beyond it.
Two Different Worlds, West and East
The meaning of the second vision is perfectly clear. The statue on the globe represents the globalist (and global) power of the Western élites - the cabal, deep state or whatever you want to call them, who, though largely hidden from public view, are worshipped as a god by a good many people (ignorantly for the most part), or at least the satanic power behind them is. What is the most common god worshipped by the masses today? One of the main ones (though not the only one) is undoubtedly 'Gaia', the ancient Cybele that we talked about two sabbaths ago. And Putin, whatever he is, at least claims to be an Eastern Orthodox Christian and has enacted Christian laws in Russia to protect the family and children against sexual predators, the very opposite of the Western élites who are hell-bent on destroying Christianity, innocence, family, gender, and life itself.
Putin Topples the Élites
The man with the weapon is Vladimir Putin whom the élites have both sought to consistently and relentlessly implicate in their own crimes and to destroy at the same time. He defeated them, first, in Syria, and is about to start a process that will unseat them completely at a time when they are at their most vulnerable. He will do to them what Cyrus did to Nineveh, Sardis and Babylon. And under the cover of the spotlight which is on Ukraine, other tinpot dictators will seize their chances to get up to mischief, just as King Croesus of Lydia once tried to do to Cyrus following the fall of Nineveh. Communist China for sure is wondering when and if it might now invade free Taiwan with the West distracted in Ukraine. I am not saying they would succeed, or that they would risk starting a global conflict by trying, especially as Japan is now allied to Taiwan, and Japan will almost certainly be forging closer economic ties to Russia as the West collapses. The allegiances are complicated.
The Defeated King Who Became a Loyal Counsellor
There are other historical parallels which I want you to be aware of. Cyrus had a good counsellor in the person of the vanquished King Croesus of Lydia whom He treated kindly. As a result Croesus became an honest and loyal counsellor to Cyrus. In his last campaign, Croesus advised Cyrus against the recommendations of his generals in the war against Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae. Croesus' advice was good but Cyrus perished in what would be his last battle on 4 December 530 BC but left Persia strong for his successor.
Be Careful in Making Prophetic Parallels
Now I am not necessarily saying everything in the life of Cyrus has to be paralleled by Putin's because that's not how prophetic cycles work which are often only very rough in their resemblances. You only have to compare the various antichrist rulers across the centuries to see that this is so. So we need to be careful. I just want you to be aware of other big players like China and the EU and what they stand to gain or lose in the present conflict. Germany, which is not modern-day 'Assyria' or 'Gomer' (as they are falsely accused of being by many ill-informed and prejudiced anti-German messianics and evangelicals), as a member of NATO, in particular is in a tricky situation because Germany heavily relies on Russian natural gas to meet its winter fuel needs since it went 'green'. Yet it is a puppet of the élites, not strictly speaking even a country but a corporation whose Federal Chancellor is but a CEO. This is probably why it is making intimations of rearming (ostensibly against Russia) in the same way Japan is (to face the challenge of Communist China).
Cyrus, conqueror of mighty nations
A Third World War and Albert Pike
Yah'shua (Jesus) said there would be "wars and rumours of wars" in the last days (Mt.24:6; Mk.13:7; Lk.21:9), remembering that the last days commenced with the New Testament period two thousand years ago, so this has been ongoing for two millennia. Nevertheless the war in the Ukraine is not insignificant because the stakes are so high. In some ways it is a clash between 'Assyria' and 'Persia'. (Note, by the way, how close Iran is tied diplomatically to Russia). Putin has warned NATO that if it tries to interfere he is prepared to defend Russia with nuclear weapons and you don't need me to tell you what a disaster for the world that would be if the conflict went nuclear. He's taking a huge risk (something Darius the Mede was famous for) because he's that desperate and believes he is on the right side of history. Do not assume, because senior Freemason Albert Pike said there would be three world wars that there necessarily will be three. The élites may want three but that doesn't necessarily mean they will get three because that is up to Yahweh to permit or not. Just because Albert Pike claimed to be prophesying doesn't mean he was a true prophet either, which he wasn't.
The Serbian Prophet Mitar Tarabić
I would be more inclined to listen to the 19th century Serbian prophet Mitar Tarabić (1829-1899) who was stunningly accurate about the 1st and 2nd World Wars and also predicted a 3rd World War in which "people waging this war will have their scientists who will invent different and strange cannonballs. When they explode, these cannonballs instead of killing will cast a spell over all that lives - people, armies and livestock. This spell will make them sleep, and sleep they will instead of fighting, and after this they will come back to their senses. We will not fight this war but others will do battle over our heads. Burning people will fall from the sky over Pozega (a town in Serbia)..." [2]. But that is for the future, if it's accurate.
The Importance of L'viv
What interests us now is the present and what our response should be. For the people of Ukraine, my heart goes out to them, simply because they are the pawns in a cynical power play between opposing forces. They are the élites' battering ram against Putin's Russia who stands against them and poses a huge threat to their plans. One of the cities I know well and love, L'viv (Lwów, Lemberg) was attacked in an air strike 5 days ago and is, as many of you know, where I was once called to evangelise [3], and whilst it is in the western most part of the Ukraine now (and the Soviet Union before that) it was historically a Polish and Austrian city, a grand melting pot between East and West. What happens here is prophetically significant in the relations between East and West as it is close to the Polish border and to the EU. If the Ukraine disintegrated, it could quite possibly be re-integrated into Poland, together with the rest of eastern Galicia, as an autonomous Ukrainian area, as Putin has stated Stalin was mistaken to take it off Poland and annex it to the Soviet Union. When Putin speaks of wanting to 'denazify' Ukraine he is principally thinking of western part of that country.
But now on to a much more important revelation because it is specifically about the Body of Christ in its current state. I have made that clear in the past and prophesied things that up to now have fallen on deaf ears. The best way I can describe this is by sharing a vision I was shown on 11 February at around 10.45 am. A vision opened up of an old grey-stoned church building such as you would expect to see in traditional Catholicism and Protestantism. I was shown the double wooden door leading into the building. It looked cold and lifeless. Instantly, there was a change and the double doorway was supernaturally lifted several feet off the ground to a higher position in the wall, about the height of two men, and leading to the doors was now a series of stone steps. At once I saw a blazing white light from behind the doors penetrating every hairline crack, giving some indication of the glory that lay behind them in the otherwise windowless building.
Singing the Songs of Ascent
What is the meaninng of the vision? It is very plain and simple. It is a spiritual representation of Churchianity - of the whole gammut of churches, from Catholic to Eastern Orthodox to Protestant and all their denominational spinoffs. Their doorways are at ground level, which represents the spiritual level of the world system, but Yahweh's place of worship was always, and remains, a temple, and is thus depicted in the Book of Revelation, beginning in Revelation 3:12 which we discussed last sabbath. Temple worship is much more elevated spiritually than what one might call 'church worship' which is lawless and impure, being on the same level as the world. There will be no 'Sukkot Anointing' in the churches until they have abandoned their false foundations and returned to the true foundations and 'sung' the Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) which means to enter into the Presence of Yahweh-Elohim by the correct Messiah- and Torah-centred divine tavnith or pattern.
The False Grey-Stone Church 'Prophets' Operating in the Dark
And as far as I can tell nearly all the professing 'prophetic voices' are speaking out of those old grey-stone churches which remain at ground-level with the world system, a reason I pay little attention to them. Most are lawless Pentecostals and Charismatics. Many of them revealed the source of their inspiration at the last American Presidential election when they prophesied 'in the name of the Lord' that Trump would be elected a second term and be re-inagurated in the White House. They assumed, because of the groundswell of popular support that he enjoyed, that he had to be re-elected, because that's what they wanted. He wasn't, irrespective of the fraud that went on. A true navi (prophet) would have forseen the electoral cheating and said that he had legally won but was denied his rightful place in the democratic process. They didn't. And these same voices are spouting nonsense about Russia and the Ukraine again.
The New Covenant Temple
One last detail about that vision. As I said, there were no windows in either building and that's because there the light of Elohim's (God's) House must come from within and not from without. You can't prophesy by mere analysis of what's happening on the outside. That is why the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple, which was a perfect cube, had no windows. It's light was Yahweh Himself. It didn't look outwardly to the world but inwardly to the the Mercy Seat - the Royal Throne - between the cherubim where heaven and earth met. It's why the New Jerusalem is symbolically depicted as a cube and why it is written:
"I did not see a temple in the city, because Yahweh-Elohim Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of Elohim (God) gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honour of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life" (Rev.21:22-27, NIV).
The New Jerusalem is depicted in Scripture symbolically as a perfect cube
The Spiritual Staircase of the End-Time New Covenant Temple
The pursuit of purity of heart is an absolute prerequisite to being a part of the end-time Remnant and that is why there is always a spiritual staircase of overcoming to be ascended just as there was one physically, and why there is a hill or mountain to climb to get to it! Thus King David proclaimed in the joy of his heart:
"Who may ascend into the hill of Yahweh?
Or who may stand in His qadosh (holy, set-apart) place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
He shall receive blessing from YahwehD,
And righteousness from the Elohim (God) of his salvation.
This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek Your face" (Ps.24:3-6, NKJV).
Seeking as Jacob Sought and Became Israel
We must seek as Jacob sought Him and overcome that we might become Israel - Messianic Israel, the pure in Heart. Do not, then, be deceived by the lawless ones, those who refuse Yahweh's Torah and continue to walk in their traditions expecting Yahweh to still honour them! Do not listen to any 'prophet' who behaves as these men and women because they are not called in the seven Ruachot Elohim, the Seven Spirits of God, and their words are an unclean mixture of light and darkness. You cannot just praise your way into the Temple of El Elyon, the Most High, but you must consistently and habitually walk a Torah walk until it becomes second nature, ascend Mount Zion and then ascend the steps into the Sanctuary whose light is that of the Father and the Son. I cannot put it plainer than that. That is why all the Pentecostal and Charismatic 'prophets' will fail because they demand to enter into His presence at the level of the world.
The seven Ruachot are represented as 7 doves above a menorah in the NCAY/MLT logo
Seven Steps of Ascent Through the Sevenfold Ruach haQodesh
There are seven steps to the temple and 'seven essentials' represented by the seven annual festivals over which the Seven Ruachot (Spirits) of Elohim (God) preside. Climbing the hill is the determination to overcome lawless ways that would prevent you making any ascent up those steps at all! All revelations and prophesyings made without ascending those seven steps are made in the Courtyard of the Temple and in these present times the courtyard is in the spiritual possession of the unbelieving gentiles as it is prophesied in the Book of Revelation (Rev.11:2)!
An Entirely New Covenant
And just in case anyone thinks I am saying we need to return to the Mosaic or Old Covenant to do this - which thing I have never taught - may I make it plain that we can neither return to the old Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood nor its Temple with its animal sacrifices and rituals, as some messianics suppose. We live in an entirely New Covenant in Messiah, a covenant that is not merely 'renewed' in parts (so it's not purely a 'Renewed Covenant'), but completely superceds the old one, because this covenant begins and ends in, and with, the Person of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). All Torah-obedience is within the context of trusting and obeying Him, to whom Yahweh has given all authority in this Æon (Age). Yah'shua (Jesus) did not come to abolish His Father's Law but to bring it to completion and therefore perfection, at the same fulfilling (and thus putting aside) all the preparatory ritualistic shadows and types. I say these things again for the benefit of our new listeners and readers so we have no misunderstandings.
Another Generation for the Old System to Die
Our ongoing study of the Book of Revelation over the next months will make all of this plainer. The Melchizedek Order cannot operate in the old lawless church system. It's restoration must of necessity - because of the slow learning curve of most people - take time because many veils of blindness must be drawn back, a reason we still need another generation to prepare for the Second Coming. The old system will not die until its devotees first see how impotent it is and then discern the lies they have been told, and learn to differentiate between the spiritual and the merely psychic, which is a major part of what this work is about. And that is the problem - most of this church system's 'prophets' operate on a psychic level, thinking it to be the Ruach (Spirit) and prophesying in the psychic. This has to be abandoned and the steps to the Temple of our Elohim (God) ascended properly and in order as laid out symbolically in the Seven Annual Festivals of Messianic Israel, which itself cannot be done without a sequential anointing of seven Ruachot (Spirits). There isn't just one 'Holy Spirit' with one spiritual characteristic. The Ruach (Spirit) is a seven-rayed, many splendoured beam of Light. This is the whole or complete Besorah (Gospel, Good News) of the Kingdom that leads to the final Yom Besorah or the Day of Good News. And before you can learn and experience it, there is so much to be unlearned from the teachings of the apostate churches.
New Players and a Shifting Front Line
Understand that we are fast approaching the final 'Scene' of the penultimate 'Act' if I might use the analogy of a play. You are seeing in the Ukraine a kind of 'Last Showdown' between the old powers. None of Churchianity's so-called 'prophets' have forseen what is about to happen. They are all stuck in their own false narratives about end-time biblical events based on some huge mistakes as to who or what 'Israel' is. They have been completely deceived by the counterfeit Israel whose foundation is a secular-marxist notion called Zionism. The global chessboard is about to be completely rearranged and new 'pieces' are going to appear seemingly out of nowhere which will in time align along two sides of a new battle front. Our current allies will become the final opponent as their philosophy mutates and turns into the real face of the Anti-Messiah or Antichrist. Though they appear benevolent and 'on-side' for the present, they in fact represent 'Caesar' as he really is. For, as Yah'shua (Jesus) taught, "whoever is not against us is for us" (Mark 9:40, NIV) but that does not mean that he who is for us now will not be against us in the future. Such are the ever shifting sands of religious politics. What separates former allies is ultimately whom each actually worships. The friends of Messianic Israel today will in most cases become the evolved enemies of Messianic Israel tomorrow, and this is as true of our Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox friends as it is of our New Age friends. So do not be naïve like the 'pop prophets'.
From Followers to Camp Followers
I have to say, in conclusion, that none of this fills me with any particular joy. In my own life I have experienced my dearest and most beloved become my enemies because they chose to abandon the Derech (Way) of the Master and resented me for not imitating them and doing the same. So many who claim to be His followers turn out in the end to be - how can I delicately put it - 'camp followers' (spiritual prostitutes); they're 'in it' for what they can get rather than what they can give, and are prepared to trade a future Wedding Feast for an immediately available "mess of pottage", in other words, they are willing to exchange something absolutely priceless and eternal (their birthright as sons and daughters of Yahweh) for something utterly worthless that provides immediate, temporary gratification only, as Esau did in exchanging his birthright for a bowl of soup (Gen.25:29-34). The prophecies of the 'pop prophets' may titilate for a while but once they prove to be vacuous and empty, as they invariably are, they no longer pychically stimulate and leave you feeling cheated and the false rapture prophecy of the late Mr.Harold Camping left his followers devastated.
The psychic is like a mess of pottage or bowl of poor man's soup compared to the feast that is the spiritual
Beware of the Christian Dabblers in the Psychic
These are exciting but dangerous times. Don't be lured by the seductive, showy psychic hogwash:
"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the emet (truth) and turn aside to myths (fables, fantasies). But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship...discharge all the duties of your ministry" (2 Tim.4:3-5, NIV).
Are We a Hair's Breadth Away from Armageddon?
So what should we expect now? Not Armageddon, not now any more than people were expecting it in Bosnia, Iraq (twice), Syria, or Libya, even if these crises certainly feel like Armageddon because of all the suffering soldiers and civilians on the battle fields of the Russian steppes and with the superpowers facing each other. The latest sanctions imposed on Russia are going to hurt the West more than Russia. The Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe and war there is going to mean less food this year. Expect food prices to double in the same way electricity prices have trebled because of the Covid-19 lockdowns and the foolish green policies of élite-controlled government. If you have prepped, you will be very, very thankful very soon, if not already. When this current war ends, it's going to be hard for those who were in the war zone, especially if it prevents sowing and harvesting this year, remembering that the coming biblical year (2022-23) is a sabbatical one in which we are not to sow or harvest anyway. Not that that will bother the lawless churches. How soon it will end I don't know. It might be over in days, weeks, months or even years, depending on the forces arrayed, the choices made, and the doors opened or closed. I can't imagine this going on for long, not when starvation confronts people.
A Grateful Jewish People
One thing I do know, and this has been clearly stated in the revelations over the years, Putin isn't going to leave with his tail between his legs. This is not the way of a Cyrus. He's here to stay until his time is up, like Cyrus of old, who died in battle far away from home aged 70. Putin is 69...but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Cyrus would be remembered by the Athenean writer Xenophon for his exceptional nobility of character and as the architect of a universal peace, eclipsing all other pagan monarchs, either before him or afterwards. Fot he was certainly the greatest pagan emperor who ever lived and one Yehudim (Judahites, Jews) remember with fondness for allowing them to go home and rebuild the Jerusalem temple and the walls of the city. Today's Jews in certain quarters of the Israeli Republic are no less grateful to this modern spiritual descendant of Cyrus who is opening a door for them to return from whence they originally came too in the (planned) event of disaster in the Middle East, whether successful or not. As one group of refugees leaves the Ukraine, another group takes their place, and so on, until everyone is positioned in the right place before the Second Coming. And there are many, many more layers to the grand plot than this!
Grace and peace in Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus) to you all. Amen.

[1] The pop prophets claim that one of the reasons Trump had to be Cyrus was that he was the 45th president of the USA by making an arbitrary chapter number association.
[2] The Burned Black Book: Prophecies of Mitar Tarabich
[3] See A Glimpse into Heaven: My Life Story and How I Came to Know Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)
Comments from Readers
[1] "Big power politics is a scary thing. It is run by the biggest of the big egos. The Russia and China alliance is seeing the creation of a multipolar, new world order. It won't make life any better for my part of the world. Australia is firmly in the grasp of the US / European old, new world order part of the world which is fast being ruled by a totalitarian governing class. I am not sure this will improve any time soon. i would like to be wrong" (JM, Australia, 6 March 2022)
[2] "World War I - Date: 22/7/1914 = 28+7+19+14 = 68 | World War II - Date: 1/9/1939 = 1+9+19+39 = 68 | Invasion of Ukraine - Date: 24/2/2022 = 24+2+20+22 = 68. Apparently 68 is symbolic of Helios (the sun-god)" (SJP, Ireland, 12 March 2022)
28 February 2022
As I was asking the Lord how to pray for Russia and Ukraine I went into a vision. Suddenly I was in the atmosphere along the border of the disputed territory. The Holy Spirit told me to decree and release “MERCY, MERCY, MERCY, MERCY” over the people, specifically the believers on both sides.
Then the Spirit took me down onto the land and I watched as war machines advanced into the Ukrainian territory. Suddenly the war machines turned into tractor plows. Their large circular blades dug deep into the soil and began to till the earth. I heard “full circle season” and I knew that unjust things done long ago had came full circle and a harvest of corruption was due.
I looked closely at the broken ground and realized that there were secrets that members of Ukrainian elite and government officials had attempted to bury that was being uncovered and drawn to the surface for the world to see by the tilling of the plow blades. I heard the words ‘Convolution’ and ‘mass exposure’ and “attempted cover up.” As this was taking place I watched as it appeared to be government angels follow behind the plows to collect the evidence and secure it for trials connected to multiple countries. America, UK, China, Sweden and Italy all flashed before me.
The Lord then had me to decree:
1. that everything done in darkness would be revealed in all the nations of the world.
2. that secrets in hidden places would be exposed and taken as undeniable evidence of corruption.
3. that certain government take-overs would be turned over and that God’s agenda with truth, justice and light would prevail.
As I finished the decrees I saw the ground that was plowed suddenly turn into a massive harvest field full of waist high wheat ready to be gathered. The Spirit of God said “Now ask me to send harvesters into the fields.” So I prayed “Lord of the harvest, send the harvesters into the fields of Russia and Ukraine to bring in a massive harvest of souls! I pray not one would be missed and that what the enemy meant for evil you would turn around and use for good! In Jesus name!”
I invite you to join me in these decrees and prayer over Russia, Ukraine and the nations as well. Do not be afraid, saints. The true and the false is all being revealed in this hour. Heaven knows the full story that the corrupted mainstream media will never tell you. Stay in your position of faith and do not give in to fear. God is going to turn it all around for his glory!
Also see Herman Rustad's vision, Prophetic Dream of the Fish Net