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Month 1:15 (Aviv 15), Week 2:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year Day 015
2Exodus 10/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 5 April 2023
Chag haMatzah 2023 I
Miriyam's Alabaster Jar &
The Mystery of Messiah's Passover

      "Now the Passover (Pesach) and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Chag haMatzah) were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law (Torah-teachers) were looking for some sly way to arrest Yah'shua (Jesus) and kill Him. 'But not during the Feast (Chag),' they said, 'or the people may riot'."

      "While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the jar merchant (HRV, not 'Leper'), a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.

      "Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, 'Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money given to the poor.' And they rebuked her harshly.

      "'Leave her alone,' said Yah'shua (Jesus). 'Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to Me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have Me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on My body beforehand to prepare for My burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the Gospel (Besorah, Good News) is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her" (Mark 14:1-9, NIV).


    Chag sameach Chag haMatzah kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah! Welcome to the second day of the Passover Season and to the first of seven Days of Unleavened Bread which began at sunrise this morning, though you will remember that we stopped eating leavened bread at sundown the day before when we partook of the Passover Meal. It's the 15th day of Aviv, the Month of Blossoms.

    An Error of Timing

    Before we get into today's message, I need to make you aware of a problem that typically arises when we read our English Bible translations. There is some confusion amongst Messianics in particular as to when the Feast of Unleavened Bread actually begins, some saying it began yesterday evening (what they say is Aviv 15) and some today. This is one of many calendar issues that messiancs face because:

    • 1. They start each day at different times, the majority (incorrectly) at sunset and others (correctly) at sunrise (the rest of the world, i.e. the Babylonian system, starts each new day at midnight); and
    • 2. They either use the Roman Gregorian calendar (which measures time using only the sun) or a rabbinic Jewish hybrid (which measures the days of the week and the months in a continuous unbroken cycle using the sun, with the moon only being used to calculate the feasts)...both of which are wrong) instead of the (correct) luni-solar creation calendar which uses the moon (to measure the months or 'moonths') and the sun (to measure the days of the week within those moon-measured months).

    So if you are not familiar with these issues, it's important you resolve them if you're to completely understand what I am about to say today.

    The Error

    Let's now straighten out the mistranslation before we continue, as this is used by Jews in particular as a criticism of the reliability of the New Testament. All the Synoptic ('Same Point-of-View') Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) have a reading similar to the one I am going to read to you now from Mark's Gospel, chapter 14, verse 12:

      "On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Pesach (Passover) Lamb, Yah'shua's (Jesus') talmidim (disciples) asked Him, 'Where do You want us to go and make preparations for You to eat the Pesach (Passover)?'" (Mark 14:12, NIV; cp. Mt.26:17; Lk.22:7; Jn.13:1).

    Fixing the Error

    As it stands, this contradicts the Torah which says the first day of Chag haMatzah (Unleavened Bread), which is Aviv 15, started on the following day after the Passover sacrifice was offered on Aviv 14 (yesterday). How did this error result? Well, the Greek word protos, means "before" in this context and not "first" which even the most recent scholarly translations like the NRSV and ESV still get wrong because most Protestants don't understand the minutae of the Torah. How do we know that? And how did the error creep in? Again, this is an issue in translating from either Hebrew or Aramaic to Greek. The text should read, "And before the day of Chag Matzoth..." (RSTNE), meaning 'the day before', taken with the Aramaic Old Syriac and Peshitta, all the Hebraic originals read, "on the day before", as the Anglican Jewish scholar Schonfield also so translates. These all correctly place the crucifixion on Pesach (Passover) in agreement with John 13:1 & 19:24 [2]

    An Extra 'Messiah's Passover'

    This begs the important question: how could Yah'shua (Jesus) both eat the Passover with His talmidim (disciples) and be crucified, since he was crucified before Pesach (Passover) and there was anxiety on the part of His Jewish executioners to remove the body before sunset when the Passover began? The answer to that question, which has perplexed so many Christians and Messianics, is that Yah'shua (Jesus) held what was called a 'Messiah's Passover', a tradition held by many rabbis before the actual Passover. This is where the study of history becomes so important and why we maintain a critical realist approach to Scriptures.

    A Prophetic Foreshadowing

    Yes see, even to this day, and maintaining this ancient tradition, every orthodox rabbi has 'a Passover before the Passover', as a dress rehearsal on which to instruct his talmidim (disciples). You find this practice in the Lubavich movement when they gather the night before Pesach for what they call - and wait for it - what they call the 'Messiah's Supper', which specifically looks forward to the coming of the Mashiach (Messiah). And although there are some Jews who consider it to be an actual Pesach, it is officially only a 'preparation' or 'practice Passover' so they can learn how to do the rituals correctly. What we see happening in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament) is Yah'shua (Jesus) looking and acting as if it were the Passover, without it actually being the Passover. So this apparent contradiction to our Western mindset is perfectly well understood by the Hebrew mind which is why we stress the importance of adjusting our thinking to a Hebrew one. So technically speaking, the Passover Meal we celebrated yesterday on Aviv 14 was actually held on the Messiah's Passover by the talmidim (disciples) of Yah'shua (Jesus) the day before, on Aviv 13 in the New Testament accounts, a one-and-only exception which Yah'shua (Jesus) - both because of the practical necessity of having to have it the day before but as well as (and importantly) because had to do to fulfil a messianic expectation so that there would be no doubt that He was the expected Messiah. He did what many religious Jews expect the Messiah to yet do - He had the Passover a day early - in order to teach His talmidim (disciples) how to observe the Passover after He had left them...as a memorial also of Him as their Messiah, thus fulfilling the messianic meaning of Pesach (Passover)!

    Conflicting Calendars?

    And to that I would add a third reason He did this: He wanted those who attended the Last Supper - when they in the future attended the actual Aviv 14 Pesach memorial the day after the 13th - to link the two together in their minds as they would soon do, because at that time they had no idea what was about to happen at Calvary! Now previously I had thought the disjunction was caused by conflicting calendars (since the Sadducees and Pharisees observed slightly different calendars...the Sadducees at this time observed the biblically correct creation calendar and the Pharisees the new one evolved in the Babylonian exile), and that may still be a true reason; however, this new research shows that there is a far deeper and more important prophetic meaning for there being, in effect, a special once-off Passover for Messiah's talmidim (disciples) and one for the rest of Israel that particular year. And maybe a case that can be made for Christians and Messianics observing the Passover the day before the Jews did (but the Passover of which Jewish sect?) but I think it is safest to stick with the original Torah instruction. We have no need to meet the day before, as Yah'shua (Jesus) did because the following day He would be hanging on a cross (torture stake) and be unable to celebrate the regular one ordained by His Father. More research needs to be done into the conflicting calendars of the time and the prophetic significance of that. I suspect there is more to be learned and as we learn it, I will present it to you. There is always more light and truth to to be had out of both the Davar (Word) itself and out of the relevant historical research.

    Understanding Prophets and Prophecy

    Today, then, is Day #2 of the Passover Season with the actual Messianic Passover being held on Day #1, Aviv 14. What I think is especially interesting and important about this 'dress rehearsal' or 'matinée' Passover, if you like, is that it reminds us that Yahweh often does things 'in advance' for His closest followers...and hidden from the world at that. Now the man the talmidim (disciples) hired the upper from would not at all have been surprised they were holding a Passover one-day-in-advance because this was traditionally done by rabbis training their pupils, and Yah'shua (Jesus) was a rabbi. He would have assumed the Saviour was having a training session for His pupils. Neither should we be surprised, then, if and when the Remnant are given 'previews' of what the rest of the world only sees when the events themselves actually happen or predictions are fulfilled. This is called prophecy, or at least the foretelling part of prophecy - we are shown things in advance so that we can be instructed and prepared, as we were of the current penultimate judgment and of many other events over the years.

    A Private Affair

    So some (quite a bit, actually) appears in the Scriptures for the general instruction of believers (which unbelievers read too and typically misunderstand) and the rest is given in private. And the 'Last Supper' was most definitely a private affair, like the Mount of Transfiguration event which only Peter, James and John were allowed to witness as they were the leading apostles and needed to see the true glory of Yah'shua (Jesus) for Whom they would be the chief witnesses and for Whom they would die (John excepted, though they tried to kill him by boiling him alive in oil). Some of the things today's nevi'im (prophets) are shown are publically anounced as warnings, some are only for the inner circle of believers, and some the navi (prophet) has to keep to himself until given permission to share it later.

    Keeping Quiet at the Appropriate Times

    That is a particularly difficult thing to do because you want to share these things with someone. That's certainly been my experience, not only in holding back some prophecies but indeed holding back some teachings which the Body of Christ isn't ready for yet. The revelation given to me on who the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is, is a prime example, and it was hard keeping back such precious truth for so long. Today I can be more open about it because now there are hungry seekers for truth not hidebound by tradition. Now I know some people take issue with that but when you think about it objectively, isn't that what we do (or are supposed to do) with sex education? Such is not for small children, in spite of the wicked attempt to sexualise our children in schools right now, but only for when they are older so they can grow up in a state in innocence and purity. I am sure you can think of lots of other examples. There are some subjects I don't discuss in certain settings even now simply because the Ruach (Spirit) tells me that people aren't ready for them because they're still drinking spiritual milk and would choke on spiritual meat were they given it. Here wisdom is expected of those called to be Teachers in the Messianic Community (Church). In Africa, for instance, I can speak of many spiritual things that I can't do in the West because the West is so secularised now and has lost its wonder of the invisible world. By contrast, intellectual philosophising doesn't interest most Africans as it does us here in the West because Africans are by and large 'people of the moment'. We have much to learn and profit from each other, as I hope I have!

    The Festival of Purification

    This year, as I have said, is the beginning of a new era for us as Messianic Evangelicals and for the Remnant, even as a brother pointed out yesterday during the Passover Meal that 8 of us were assembled, the number of human passengers on Noah's ark. Everything changes, and is already changing, this year. But first we must finally learn the lesson of, and implement, the meaning of this festival of Chag haMatazah or the Festival of Unleavened Bread which I think we could justifiably call the Festival of Purification. It's the annual second moed (appointment or festival) after Pesach (Passover) itself (which is all about accepting Christ, our Passover Lamb, for salvation - making a choice for Him, a spiritual conception) because the first truth that must be emphasied and retaught again and again is that our initial salvation is not the end of the matter, just as conception is not the end of the human life cycle but its very start. It is the beginning. Salvation is past, present and future for each of us. We need to be disciplied, properly taught, and start putting our legal salvation - that comes from making a choice for Yah'shua (Jesus) - to work; and we do that by pursuing lives of holiness living the commanded Torah lifestyle.

    The Plan of Salvation Embedded in the Annual Festivals

    This table (below) I have drawn up should help you conceptualise this and all the other annual festivals. In the middle you have the festivals themselves, on the left the spiritual processes involved, and on the right the seven Ruachot or Spirits sent from Yahweh who preside over this spiritual growth and maturation process. You will find it on our tavnith website, one of the revelations Yahweh has given to us to help us visualise and so better understand his Plan of Salvation and why it is these festivals are so important in the New Covenant.

    Removing the Leaven of Sin

    There are precisely seven whole days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread because we have to spend the rest of our lives removing the leaven of sin until we stop sinning - until there is no more disposition or desire to sin because we finally see its destructiveness and futility, and the pain it causes Yah'shua (Jesus). You see, the Protestant version of salvation is only the beginning of salvation - what's covered by the first moed or appointment of Yahweh, the Feast of Passover, the first day or two of Chag haMatzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread) and Yom haBikkurim (Day of Firstfruits). Holiness-Christians who actively pursue holiness as commandment-keepers are on the journey represented by the symbols of this Feast of Unleavened Bread and aim to go further than those who don't.

    Then Comes the Day of Firstfruits

    Tomorrow, the second day of Chag haMatzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread), is simultaneously the feast of Yom haBikkurim or the Day of Firstfruits that celebrates the resurrection, the messianic equivalent of 'Easter' (which is a paganised version of Yom haBikkurim) and represents spiritual regeneration or rebirth in Christ..being 'born again'. To be born again requires a willingness to 'pass', as it were, through this the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread - it is the initial awareness and desire, having accepted Christ, to become a talmid (disciple) and live a pure life pleasing to our Heavenly Father. We are expected, after making a decision for Christ, to immediately start obeying and implement the mitzvot (commandments) that we know about and understand. Why? Because we love Him and want to honour Him. You'll find a summary, if you are a new convert, in the short scriptural presentation, The Way of Yahweh which many new converts have found really helpful as a primer.

    Continue to Work Out Your Salvation

    The spiritual rebirth occurs on Day #2 of Chag haMatzah, with the remaining 5 days representing the rest of your life doing what Paul said, "work[ing] out your salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil.2:12, NIV), figuring it out and working it into your being, like kneading bread, taking it to its completion, expressing it in the ongoing process of sanctification [3]. For as the Psalmist warns:

      "Now therefore, O kings, we wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. Serve Yahweh with fear, with trembling kiss His feet, or He will be angry, and you will perish in the way; for His wrath is quickly kindled. Happy are all who take refuge in Him" (Ps.2:10-11, NRSV).

    This 'fear with trembling' is not in any sense meant to be understood to be because of doubt or anxiety on our part but rather as active reverence and a singleness of purpose in response to Yahweh's undeserved loving-kindness (grace) toward us.

    The Woman With the Alabaster Jar of Expensive Perfume

    We started today's sermon with a quotation from Mark chapter 14 and that's where we're going to end. This event occurred two days before Pesach (Passover) at around the time, in the Old Covenant, when the sacrificial Passover Lamb was selected for sacrifice.

      "While He was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the jar merchant (HRV, not 'Leper'), a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on His head" (Mk.14:3, NIV).


    Yah'shua (Jesus) not only called this woman's act "a beautiful thing" (v.6) but also said that "wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her" (v.9). And has that not happened? Doesn't everyone who has read the Gospels know of her? Who was this woman? It was Miriyam (in Hebrew) or Mary (in English), the sister of Martha (Jn.12:3), possessing the same name as His earthly mother. More importantly, she is a type of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) by Whom we are anointed with spiritual gifts. And as many of you know, there is a tradition, still very controversial because it has been abused by Gnostics and other heretical groups, and runs counter to the teachings and practices of the Catholic tradition that spawned both the Eastern Orthodox and Protestant churches. What is that tradition? That Miriyam (Mary), the sister of Lazarus and Martha, was Yah'shua's (Jesus') wife (other traditions say it was Mary Magdalene), but we'll not go into that potentially divisive 'can of worms' today. At any rate, whether it is true or not it is not necessary for us to know at this time; it is not a salvation issue and is too strong meat for most, especially for those who exalt celibacy as the highest state of man and who believe we will all be single in Heaven [4].

    Pre- and Post-Crucifixion Events

    So why have I been led to cite this passage of Scripture? Because all things sacred require careful preparation. One of Miriyam's (Mary's) callings - and there were many as we know from the Gospel accounts - was to prepare Yah'shua (Jesus) for burial after His crucifixion. This she did in advance, as a prophecy of what was going to happen to Him (we talked about that earlier, how prophecy looks ahead of events), and as she would do literally with the other Miriyam (Mary) (Mt.27:61). Both Miriyam's (Mary's) "after the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week...went to look at the tomb" (Mt.28:1, NIV) so she played a leading ôle in the pre- and post-crucifixion events. John chapters 11 and 20 have more to say on this, at least in relation to Mary Magdalene.

    Disembodied But Preaching Still

    Today is Day #2 of our annual memorial of events that took place at Calvary for our eternal deliverance and salvation. During this time, Yah'shua (Jesus) was disembodied and we are told by Peter that He was not idle even in physical death:

      "He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Ruach (Spirit), through whom also He went and preached to the spirits (nefeshot) in prison (Sheol) [5] who disobeyed long ago when Elohim (God) waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built" (1 Peter 3:18-20, NIV).


    Tomorrow, Day #3 of the Passover Season, is the critical day of Chag haMatzah and we shall assemble again tomorrow for another message, the key Davar (Word) of the spring festivals. Then we shall assemble again for the seventh and last day of Chag haMatzah to discuss the importance of these four extra days following Yom haBikkurim (Day of Firstfruits). Yah'shua (Jesus) has been crucified and lies dead in the tomb of Joseph of Aramathea, His spirit witnessing to those who perished in the Flood who are imprisoned in Sheol; the talmidim (disciples) have lost all hope so two thousand years ago, this was a dark, dark day for them, just as we go through dark days, not understanding that Yahweh is about to do something quite wonderful. Therefore do not lose hope, whatever your current situation. Yahweh is more than able to redeem your situation! Trust Him and see what He does even then it seems all hope is lost. So until tomorrow, Yahweh bless you and keep you, in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name. Amen.

    Continued in Part 2 (Passover Season 2023)


    [1] The Hebrew for 'leper' is ga'rabba; in Aramaic the word for 'jar merchant' is garava - two very similar sounding words. A leper would not have been allowed to circulate in public, let alone own and live in a house in an urban area (for risk of spreading infection) and was so restricted by the Torah to a leper colony or somewhere apart from society. 'Jar merchant' therefore makes better sense, the more so since the context of the story is of a woman prophetically administering burial ointment from an alabaster jar.
    [2] As well as the Talmud (b.San.43a)
    [3] Matthew 24:13; 1 Corinthians 9:2427; Hebrews 3:14; 6:9-11; 2 Peter 1:5-8
    [4] See the Eternal Echad Marriage website
    [5] 1 Peter 4:6; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6; Revelation 20:1-3

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