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List of Contents


Lev-Tsiyon's Qehillah (Called Assembly) is the founder's fourteenth and most recent collection of sermons, devotionals, prophetic words, teachings, articles and other materials and follows on from the thirteenth collection, Lev's Meshoa'ah Sermons (2022-23).

NCCG.ORG Articles & Sermons: 1987-
Lev's MLT Sermons & Discourses: 2005-2011
Lev's Daily Devotionals (1): 2010-2012
Lev's Moedim Sermons (2): 2012-2013
Lev's Kethuvim Sermons (3): 2013-2014
Lev's Shemot Sermons (4): 2014-2016
Lev's Qadosh Sermons (5): 2016
Lev's Qavod Sermons (6): 2016-2017
Lev's Panim Sermons (7): 2017
Lev-Tsiyon's Ge' Chizzayon Sermons (8): 2017-2018
Lev-Tsiyon's Netsach Sermons (9): 2018-2019
Lev-Tsiyon's Briah Chadashah Sermons (10): 2019-2020
Lev-Tsiyon's Malkut Sermons (11): 2020-2021
Lev-Tsiyon's Mishpat-Yahweh Sermons (12): 2021-2022
Lev-Tsiyon's Mesho'ah Sermons (13): 2022-2023
Lev-Tsiyon's Qehillah Sermons (14): 2023-

The moedim are Yahweh's weekly, monthly and annual appointments with His people who are commanded to assemble at these times to hear the words of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and elders of the local assemblies up to international gatherings.

The calendar arrangement is the same as in the previous eleven collections, with each month beginning at the conjunction of the New Moon, but also including the better-known Roman Gregorian calendar for convenience and easy navigation. Every writing includes the two types of chronological subdivision based on the biblical Luni-Solar Creation Calendar. Thus:

Month 1:8 (Aviv), Week 1:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year's Day 008

means the eighth day of the first month of the year (which is known as Aviv), the first sabbath of that first month, and the eighth day of the year. In this series, we have dropped the alleged Hebrew year since Creation as this is currently unknown, rabbinical traditions notwithstanding. Each sermon title below is prefixed by two numbers, e.g. 5:29 [16] which means the 29th day of the 5th bibilcal month and the 16th day of the corresponding Roman month (e.g. April).

This fourteenth collection resumes the theme of the Second Exodus (which began on 13 April 2014) and an entirely new phase of the Messianic Israel mission as it makes its way through the valley separating the messianic anmd evangelical houses and heads for the Final Gathering places and the Mountain of Yahweh, its final destination (see our Vision & Mission).

You are very welcome to send comments by joining in on our Discussion Networks where sabbath sermons and studies are posted weekly, new moon messages are posted monthly, and festival sermons posted annually, along with other articles as needed.

Make sure that you are meeting with Yahweh at the correct times by checking out our online Dynamic Luni-Solar Calendar with several useful features - no matter where you live in the world, it will give you an accurate calendar for your family and congregational assemblies!

If you would like to systematically study the Torah or First Five Books of Moses, please see NCAY's Torah Portions based on an annual cycle starting in the spring at Aviv 1.

As of April 2018, NCAY started making audio and audio-visual copies of sermons which have been given a catalogue number, e.g. V407. These are not available on the nccg.org website but may be ordered separately on DVD or USB-Drive from New Covenant Press or viewed at the current Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon Video Archive.


Annual and New Moon Festivals | Sabbath Sermons
Important Prophecy/Teaching | Other

Click here for previous Sermon Series


I Rishon haChodesh (Aviv, First Month)

MARCH 2023
01:01 [22] Rosh Chodesh I - Aviv: Lev-Tsiyon's 2023 New Year Message - Vision of an Amazing Cleansing
01:08 [29] Psalm 119:176 - I Have Not Forgotten Your Mitzvot V408

APRIL 2023

01:15 [05] Chag haMatzah 2023 I: Miriyam's Alabaster Jar & The Mystery of Messiah's Passover V409
01:16 [06] Yom haBikkurim 2023: Vision of the White Chariot - The Resurrection & Better by Far Here V410
01:21 [11] Chag haMatzah VII 2023: Chag haMatzah VII 2023 - The Five Days After Yom haBikkurim, Preparing for the Second Coming & Eternity V411

01:22 [12] Spiritual Birth of the Antichrist: Prophetic Dreams About the Two Beasts V412
01:29 [19] Reasons for Faithfulness: A Testimony from My Heart With Thoughts on Watchman Nee V413

II Shanee haChodesh (Second Month)

02:01 [20] Rosh Chodesh II 2023: Jericho Marches XII 2023 - I. Awakening for the Battle Ahead V414
02:02 [21] Jericho Marches XII 2023 - II. Satan's Challenge to the Last Generation: Facing Down Doubt and Unbelief V415
02:03 [22] Jericho Marches XII 2023 - III. Overcoming Passivity, The Need for More Joshua's V416
02:04 [23] Jericho Marches XII 2023 - IV. Separated From, Separated To - Breaking Out of Passivity With the Pre-Anointing V417
02:05 [24] Jericho Marches XII 2023 - V. The Caravan is Moving On! Deconstruction & the Number 7 V418
02:06 [25] Jericho Marches XII 2023 - VI. The Communal Covenant of Israel: Inducting the Remnant into Deeper Truth & Love V419
02:07 [26] Jericho Marches XII 2023 - VII. Bringing the Walls Down: Grace and Works as One V420

02:08 [27] Made Out of Love: The Universe Within & Our Place Within It V421

MAY 2023

Part C

02:15 [04] Book of Revelation LII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part A: The True Followers (Revelation 14:1-5) V422
02:23 [11] Book of Revelation LIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part B: Firstfruits, Firstborn & Purity (Revelation 14:1-5) V423
02:29 [18] Book of Revelation LIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part A. Babylon & the Call to Endurance (Revelation 14:6-13) V424

III Shleshi haChodesh (Third Month)

03:01 [20] Rosh Chodesh III 2023: Facing the Storm With Wisdom V425
03:08 [27] Book of Revelation LV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part B. The Great Harvest (Revelation 14:14-20) V426

JUNE 2023

03:15 [03] Book of Revelation LVI: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments I: Preparing the Final Plagues (Revelation 15:1-8) V427
03:22 [10] Book of Revelation LVII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments II: The First Four Plagues (Revelation 16:1-9) V428

IV Revee haChodesh (Fourth Month)

03:01 [19] Rosh Chodesh IV 2023: Final Warning to the West V429

Mostly videos only, ill health reasons

03:08 [26] Blessed are the Peacemakers ITS002
03:09 [27] Denominationalism & the Sin of Labeling People ITS003

JULY 2023

04:15 [03] The Wonder of Grace ITS004
04:22 [10] Hearing His Voice in Prayer ITS005
04:25 [13] Psalm 73 - An Exposition ITS006
04:26 [14] Psalm 45 - In Palaces of Ivory ITS007

04:28 [16] Shavu'ot 2023: Antichrist is Here - Ending one Chapter and Starting a New One V430
04:29 [16] The Divine Nature of Humour ITS008

V Chamashee haChodesh (Fifth Month)

05:01 [18] Rosh Chodesh V 2023: Love & Human Relationships ITS009
05:03 [20] Artificial Intelligence & Social Media ITS010
05:03 [20] The Prophetic Perfect Tense Explained ITS011
05:06 [23] The Institutional Distortion of Truth & Theology ITS012
05:08 [25] A Question of Money ITS013
05:09 [26] David Minors' Two Winds Prophecy Being Fulfilled (OB 7): Several Important Visions ITS014
05:13 [30] Sav lasav, Sav lasav! Gibberish 'Tongues' are a Mockery - - Isaiah 28:1-13 ITS015
05:14 [31] 'Go in Peace': A Matter of Conscience ITS016


05:15 [01] Total Surrender, Part A ITS017
05:20 [06] The Elohim: Who are They? ITS018
05:22 [08] Total Surrender, Part B ITS019
05:23 [09] A Word of Hope for a Stricken People ITS020
05:24 [10] Water Prepping & fasting for the Autumn & Winter Troubles ITS021
05:25 [11] Wealth & Presumption, Grace & Judgment ITS022
05:26 [12] Edessa: The Great Christian Centre in Syria ITS023
05:27 [13] Baptism & the Meaning of Religious Rituals ITS024
05:28 [14] Reminiscences on Class, Race and Work ITS025
05:29 [15] How to Witness Effectively: Paul & Barnabas in Lystra (Acts 24:8-20) ITS026
05:30 [15] Vision of India: The Final Gathering in the Indian Subcontinent ITS027

VI Sheshi haChodesh (Sixth Month)

06:01 [17] Rosh Chodesh VI 2023: Is Faith Blind? ITS028
06:02 [18] A Question of True Honour: Integrity, Loyalty & Righteousness (OB 36) ITS029
06:04 [20] Women, Prophecy and Revelation: What are the Limits of Their Authority? FAQ022
06:08 [24] The Character of Yahweh: Knowing Our Heavenly Father, Part A ITS030
06:10 [26] Let's Get Serious! The Terrible Danger of Passing Judgment on Yahweh ITS031
06:10 [26] What are These Voices in My Head? Part A ITS032
06:11 [27] What are These Voices in My Head? Part B ITS033
06:12 [28] Psalms of Glory I: Temple, Torah, Body & Messianic Community ITS034
06:14 [30] Bible Bathing I: Genesis-2 Samuel, Insights & a Vision ITS035
06:15 [31] The Character of Yahweh: Knowing Our Heavenly Father, Part B ITS036


06:17 [02] Psalms of Glory II: From Temple to Cosmos ITS037
06:18 [03] Psalms of Glory III: Psalm 44 & Romans 8 ITS038
06:22 [07] Two Amazing Encounters with the Heavenly Mother: The Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) ITS039
06:25 [10] Psalms of Glory IV: Matter Matters - Psalms 19, 65 & 95 ITS040
06:29 [14] Psalms of Glory V: His Glory Fills the Earth - Psalms 72 & 104 ITS041

VII Shibi'i haChodesh (Seventh Month)

07:01 [15] Yom Teruah 2023: The End of the Penultimate Judgment V431
07:04 [18] The Echad Mystery of the Missionary's Shalom (Mt.10:11-14) ITS042
07:05 [19] Choosing Tranquil Shiloah Over the Euphrates Flood (Isaiah 8:5-10) ITS043
07:05 [20] Psalms of Glory VI: Matter, Time & Space for Praise - Colossians 1:15-20, Psalms 29 & 104 ITS044
07:08 [22] Shabbat Shuvah 2023: Teshuvah and the Year of Ten V432

07:08 [22] Yom haKippurim 2023: The Penultimate Day of Yahweh's Wrath V433

07:15 [29] Sukkot 2023 I: The Seven Ephesian Sleepers V434


07:17 [01] Sukkot 2023 III/Psalms of Glory VII: Affirming Creation, Repudiating Pantheism & Dualism, Psalms 29 & 33 ITS045
07:19 [03] Sukkot 2023 V/Psalms of Glory VIII: The Justice of Yahweh, Psalm 94 ITS046
07:21 [05] Sukkot 2023 VII/Psalms of Glory IX: Justice, Demon-Exposure & Deliverance, Psalms 95 & 96 ITS047
07:22 [06] Shemini Atseret 2023: The Millennial Manifestation & Presence - How the Second Coming Happens V435
07:27 [11] Psalms of Glory X: Sing Yahweh a New Song, Psalms 98 & 99 ITS048
07:28 [12] Psalms of Glory XI: Yahweh's Kindness to Man & Animals, Psalms 145, 147 & 148 ITS049

Part D

07:22 [13] Book of Revelation LVIII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 1 (Revelation 16:10-21) V436

VIII Shemini haChodesh (Eighth Month)

08:01 [15] Rosh Chodesh VIII 2023: Should I Support the Israelis or the Palestinians? ITS050
08:02 [16] Tongues II: Glossists vs. Batalogists ITS051
08:03 [17] Psalms of Glory XII: Bless Yahweh, You Rulers! Psalms 148 & 149 ITS052
08:08 [22] Book of Revelation LIX: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 2 (Revelation 16:10-21) V437
08:09 [23] Psalms of Glory XIII: As a Matter of Praise and Brutal Fact - Psalms 150 & 109 ITS053
08:11 [25] Psalms of Glory XIV: Suffering in Hope, the Good Shepherd & Solemn Entry into the Sanctuary - Psalms 22, 23 & 24 ITS054
08:12 [26] Psalms of Glory XV: The Positive Purpose of Mortal Matter and Suffering - Psalms 126, 19, 1 Corinthians 15, 2 Corinthians 3 & 4 ITS055


08:22 [05] Book of Revelation LX: Babylon the Great, Part 1 - A Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 17-18) V438
08:19 [06] The 10 Vitally Important Things I Must Believe or Do to Be & Remain Saved ITS058
08:29 [12] Book of Revelation LXI: Babylon the Great, Part 2 - The Whore Rides a Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17:1-8) V439

IX Teshi'i haChodesh (Nineth Month)

09:01 [14] Rosh Chodesh IX 2023: The Patriarch Reuben - The Story of a Fallen Firstborn Son V440
09:08 [21] The Glow Stick: Reasons for Suffering ITS059
09:15 [28] Book of Revelation LXII: Babylon the Great, Part 3 - The Seven & Ten Kings (Revelation 17:9-18) V441


09:22 [05] Book of Revelation LXIII: Babylon the Great, Part 4 - Babylon's Plagues (Revelation 18:1-8) V442
09:29 [12] Book of Revelation LXIV: Babylon the Great, Part 5 - The Judgment of Babylon (Revelation 18:9-24) V443

X Ma'aser haChodesh (Tenth Month)

10:01 [13] Rosh Chodesh X 2023: The Heavenly Peace- and War-Maker - Overcoming Passivity to Wage Righteous War with Important Prophetic Visions & Dreams V444
10:08 [20] Book of Revelation LXV: Our Messiah Returns to the Earth - A Preliminary Overview of Chapters 19 & 20 V445
10:15 [27] Book of Revelation LXVI: Yahweh's Victory Celebration, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb & the Womanolatry of Babylon Exposed (Revelation 19:1-10) V446
10:19 [31] No Highway in the Sky ITS060



10:22 [03] Book of Revelation LXVII: The Beast Defeated, Part 1 - The Military Messiah, Royal Wives and Thighs (Revelation 19:11-21) V447
10:29 [10] Book of Revelation LXVIII: The Beast Defeated, Part 2 - Messiah's Conquest & Victory Through the Cross (Revelation 19:11-21) V448

XI Ashte haChodesh (Eleventh Month)

11:01 [12] Rosh Chodesh XI: What are These Voices in My Head? Parts C & D, Conscious-Awareness, Subconscience, Conscience, Bible & Ruach ITS061 & ITS062
11:08 [19] Book of Revelation LXIX: The Millennium - Reigning for 1,000 Years (Revelation 20:1-6) V449
11:15 [25] Book of Revelation LXX: Satan's Last Rebellion & Imprisonment (Revelation 20:7-10) V450


11:22 [02] Book of Revelation LXXI: The Great White Throne Judgment - Salvation by Faith or Works? (Revelation 20:11-15) V451
11:29 [09] Book of Revelation LXXII: The Great Millennial Debate - with Notes on Hell, Tartarus & Darbyism (Revelation 20:1-10) V452

XII Shenem haChodesh (Twelfth Month)

12:01 [10] Rosh Chodesh XII: Make an Effort to Read the Writing on the Wall ITS063
12:08 [17] Book of Revelation LXXIII: A New Heaven & a New Earth & the World After the Millennium (Revelation 21:1-5) V453
12:15 [24] Book of Revelation LXXIV: The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:6-21) V454

MARCH 2024

12:22 [02] Book of Revelation LXXV: Elohim & the Lamb are There (Revelation 21:22-22:7) V455
12:29 [09] Book of Revelation LXXVI: 'I am Coming Soon' (Revelation 22:8-21) V456


Continue here with:

Comments from Readers

If you would like to make general or specific comments please get in contact with us by email or on our discussion groups. Comments and discussions on individual devotionals may be found at the end of each devotional.

"You are a good Christian with much honour" (MW, Germany, 9 April 2023).
"I want to commend you for the way you keep producing new material week after week after week despite being ill with that horrible sickness. I appreciate it so much. I really don’t know how you do it. ‘You are a better man than I am, Gunga Din’ to quote Kipling. When I decide on a topic I want to study I always go check what you have on offer first. Your material is always part of our Sabbath day study material. My wife and I open up the same item from your trove on our iPhones and take turns reading through it. Sometimes we will run your Rumble presentation on one phone and follow the printed version on the other phone. We are truly blessed by your efforts. Thank you" (JM, Australia, 23 March 2023).
"...I will make your page, nccg.org a regular place of study. For me, your work has been overwhelming for me for some time. And like most, we tend to have an adverse reaction to new information, especially when it exposes deceptions about the TRUTH of HIS kingdom and beyond. So we will be chatting from time to time. You are an amazing creature, Brother. You have an incredible mind and intellect to be able to learn all of these things in your life time, scribe them, and make them all available for us. I'm sure your frustrations at man's unwillingness to search the scriptures daily to see if these things be so, is quite frustrating, considering all of your efforts to teach us, a people who are quite reluctant to learn anything new. So again, thank you. We will be in touch..." (LS, 23 March 2023).
"[You're] a Father, a friend, a Spiritual Authority, a Servant, I can go on and on and on..." (RKK, Kenya, 16 May 2023).
"Please know how much I praise Yahweh for His grace, guidance, mercy, protection and love for leading me to follow your precious spirit. Thank you for all you do and have done for His Kingdom" (MW, USA, 1 September 2023).
"Dear brother, I have been following your site and your teachings for years, because I share them almost one hundred percent. Maybe you are surprised that someone from Argentina follows you, but that is how it is. It seemed appropriate to tell you about it, so that you know what you have sown in these southern parts. My English is very elementary, so I am using a translator. We are getting older now ([I am] 75 years old), so take care of yourself and your health. And may Yahweh bless you and give you Shalom" (EGS, Argentina, 13 September 2023).
"I hold you personally in very high esteem as you know and think of you as the wisest man I've ever known with knowledge that far surpasses mine" (CS, UK, 5 November 2023).

Other Related Directories

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click here for the fifth series of moedim sermons

click here for the sixth series of moedim sermons

click here for the seventh series of moedim sermons

click here for the eighth series of moedim sermons

click here for the nineth series of moedim sermons

click here for the tenth series of moedim sermons

click here for the eleventh series of moedim sermons

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This page was created on 22 March 2023
Last updated on 9 March 2024

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