List of Contents
Lev's Qavod (Glory) is the founder's sixth most recent collection of sermons, devotionals, prophetic words, teachings, articles and other materials and follows on from the fifth collection, Lev's Qadosh Sermons (2016).
The moedim are Yahweh's weekly, monthly and annual appointments with His people who are commanded to assemble at these times to hear the words of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and elders of the local assemblies up to international gatherings.
The calendar arrangement is the same as in the previous five collections, with each month beginning at the conjunction of the New Moon, but also including the better-known Roman Gregorian calendar for convenience and easy navigation. Every writing includes the two types of chronological subdivision based on the biblical Luni-Solar Creation Calendar. Thus:
Month 1:8 (Aviv), Week 1:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year/Day 5934:008 AM
means the eighth day of the first month of the year (which is known as Aviv), the first sabbath of that first month, and the eighth day of the 5934th year since Creation. Each sermon title below is prefixed by two numbers, e.g. 5:29 [16] which means the 29th day of the 5th bibilcal month and the 16th day of the corresponding Roman month (e.g. August).
The emphasis of this sixth collection is the next stage of the Second Exodus (which began on 13 April 2014) which is the early glory (kavod) days of the Remnant as the world system collapses and a new order is established.
You are very welcome to send comments by joining in on our Discussion Networks where sabbath sermons are posted weekly, new moon messages are posted monthly, festival sermons posted annually, along with other articles.
Make sure that you are meeting with Yahweh at the correct times by checking out our online Dynamic Luni-Solar Calendar with several useful features - no matter where you live in the world, it will give you an accurate calendar for your family and congregational assemblies!
Finally, if you would like to systematically study the Torah or First Five Books of Moses, please see NCAY's Torah Portions based on an annual cycle starting in the spring at Aviv 1.
Annual and New Moon Festivals | Sabbath Sermons Important Prophecy/Teaching | Other
Click here for previous Sermon Series
VIII. Shemini haChodesh (Eighth Month) 5940
08:29 [28] Yahweh-Qavod: Astonishing & Magnificent Glory

08:30 [29] Jews First? No Teachers' Pets in the Kingdom
IX. Teshi'i haChodesh (Ninth Month) 5940
09:01 [30] Rosh Chodesh IX: The Courtyard Invasion Unfolds
09:05 [04] Genesis 1: How Old is the Creation?
09:08 [07] Futile Religion X: A Question of Proper Identity

09:10 [09] Spurgeon's Heresy: Confessions of a Hyper-Calvinist
09:15 [14] Futile Religion XI: Leaving the Self-Life Behind

09:16 [15] Flat Earth: I. Fact or Fiction?
09:17 [16] Flat Earth: II. Problems of Perception
09:18 [17] The Plecostomus Affair: A Revelation on Feeding the Mind
09:19 [18] New King James Bible: Why We Like It For Public Worship
09:20 [19] Matthew & His Gospel: A Vision and Some Observations
09:22 [21] Futile Religion XII:
09:26 [25] A Winter Solstice Message: Deception in the Midst of the Darkness
09:27 [26] The Word Made Flesh: I. The Prologue of John's Gospel
09:28 [27] Courtyard Deceptions: Prophetic Dreams and Visions
09:30 [29] The Word Made Flesh: II. John to the Greek Ephesians
X. Ma'aser haChodesh (Tenth Month) 5940
10:01 [30] Rosh Chodesh X: False Fire & Nephilim Genes
10:02 [31] The Word Made Flesh: III. Paul - The Scope of Study
10:03 [01] Pagan New Year Message: A Vision and Many Warnings
10:04 [02] Doing Theology: Why It is Necessary for Believers
10:05 [03] The Torah Puzzle: Theories and Realities Examined
10:08 [06] The Half-Hour Silence: Are You Ready Now For the Storm? 
10:12 [10] The Word Made Flesh: IV. Paul & Second Temple Judaism
10:15 [13] Futile Religion XII: Reactivating the Old Baggage 
10:16 [14] Two Baptist Churches: Dealing With Sexual Immorality
10:22 [20] World's Choice: The Great and Awful Delusion

10:24 [22] Donald Trump & 2017: Prophetic Visions & Revelations
10:29 [27] Yah's Jeremiahs: Readying the Remnant for Service 
XI. Ashte haChodesh (Eleventh Month) 5940
11:01 [28] Rosh Chodesh XI: The Island & Your Life Story
11:03 [30] The Division is Set: A Prophetic Word
11:05 [01] The 13 Scrolls of Ezekiel: Wrong Ordering, Wrong Eschatology 
11:08 [04] The Big Change: Two Visions of the Immediate Future 
11:15 [11] The Hardest Mitzvah: Why So Few Believers Obey It 
11:22 [18] Grace & Atlantis: Prophecies & Visions of Judgment 
11:28 [24] The Word Made Flesh: V. Paul's Newer Revelation of Elohim
11:29 [25] Kerygmatic Revival: A Call for Solid Biblical Preaching
XII. Shenem Asar haChodesh (Twelfth Month) 5940
12:01 [27] Rosh Chodesh XII: Surviving the Coming Tribulation
MARCH 2017
12:08 [06] Valediction: The Charm of the Golden Rod
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