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Month 10:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year Day 267
2Exodus 10/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 13 December 2023
Rosh Chodesh X 2023
The Heavenly Peace- & War-Maker
Overcoming Passivity to Wage Righteous War
with Important Prophetic Visions & Dreams


    Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. We are gathered here today to hear the Davar Elohim (Word of God) from the nevi'im (prophets), Video #V444 [1] in this series that began on 8 April 2018, as we enter into the tenth month and race towards the end of the current sacred year. Today's message is important - very important - for the last generation. That this is my 444th recording is not, I believe, an accident.

    Very Close to World WAr

    It's winter here in the northern hemisphere and so far it has been a harsh one with very low temperatures indeed and a lot of snow. Two violent wars are raging, one nearing its end (in the Ukraine) that has come close to becoming both a global as well as a nuclear conflict, and the second (in the Middle East) that could yet do the same. Both are the proxy wars of a dying civilisation now almost fully under the control of evil psychopaths, as Yahweh showed me in a vision nearly two weeks ago, on 1 December 2023 at 3.45 a.m.


    I saw a vision of a great tree standing alone in a wintery landscape. And from its branches, dead leaves were falling to the ground rapidly in vast numbers, like a rain shower. Within seconds it was stripped bare. That tree represents the once Christian West, now increasingly pagan, communistic and fascistic. Our 2,000 year-old civilisation is almost dead. But not quite.


    Two days' later, on 3 December 2023 at 7.25 a.m, I was shown another vision. Neatly arranged in dozens of white sacks perfectly stacked side-by-side and several layers deep, and standing on the back lawn of this place out of sight, was the best soil from that old civilisation started by our Saviour where the second war is now raging, waiting for the souls of the last generation to be planted in it when the spring comes. We - my generation - are the compost made from those falling leaves that is to be mixed into that soil for the final great work of Yahweh before the Second Coming which is yet some years away. I have done my best to preserve the best of the old world to pass on to the new generation of the new world-to-come. It is almost time for me to leave...it is almost time for many of us to leave, for our work is almost complete.

    It is Soon Time for Us to Leave You

    Before I get into today's main Rosh Chodesh message, it is important that you know these things. We are soon to go the way of the earth and then, you young ones, it will be up to you to take the baton we pass on to you. You will face many unknowns which even we could not prepare you for but you will also face many prophetic certainties because we have done our best to faithfully transmit these to you in our words. Do not despise them, for they are sealed, in many instances, in our blood and certainly in every particle of life in our beings. We have not left you empty-handed. This is our legacy to you. Use it wisely because you're going to need it. Therefore preserve this work, and preserve it well. That's what those sacks contain - what you need to plant the last Garden in the closing days of this Æon (Age) in. Do not neglect or scorn our legacy. It is what we were sent down here to do in order to prepare you for your tasks. Be the good stewards of what you have received.

    The Legacy of Mitar Tarabić

    The 19th century Serbian navi (prophet) from Kremna near Užice, Mitar Tarabić (1829-1899), one of Eastern Orthodoxy's greatest sons, prophesied the coming of this work in the late 19th century, along with the first two world wars (which he predicted with stunning accuracy) and the third one which is underway. He said that what we prepared would not really be appreciated until after we had gone. He was right. One of the Twelve of the last generation will be connected, as a sign of the truth of what I am saying, to an heir of this navi's (prophet's) nation, but more than this cannot be said here. An old adversary shall become the closest of allies so that the Remnant in the West and the East may be healed and reconciled and former enmity (hatred) brought to an end..

    The End of the West

    Brethren and Sisters, the West is over. It has run its course, had its opportunties to honour Yahweh but is now corrupted beyond recovery, and all that remains of our once great civilisation is the Byzantine East, which Yahweh has preserved for a season, in spite of all the terrible storms that nearly annihilated it at the hands of the so-called 'Religion of Peace' over the centuries. This will be for a purpose that you will come to understand later until it, too, is suddenly destroyed in a day leaving only the Remnant. The soil of the East, too, is to be found in, and added to, some of those sacks of soil in the vision. Use it well and not sparingly, for though there is much false tradition in the East, there is also much that is good.

    Triple Numbers and 7 December 2023

    This has been a very sobering last week for me, with many understandings being given that have eluded me all my life. We must take care of one another even if we ourselves were not always taken care of as we ought to have been by our fathers and mothers. Almost a week ago today Yahweh gavee some very powerful dreams that enabled me to resolve some personal matters. He woke me twice, early in the morning of 7 December, the first time at 1.11 a.m. and the second at 4.44 am. That's why, in part, I said this 444th video recording was significant. You are all familiar with 666 and 777, and perhaps even 888, but not with 111 and 444. When a number is tripled, it is divinised, a reason why 666 is so blasphemous because 6 is the number of man and 666 is the attempt to make man into a god, which he is not. 1 is the number of unity, primacy and beginning. 111 is therefore a divinely-initiated 'new beginning'. Similarly, 4 represents the number of Elohim (God) or 3, but plus 1, with one the number of beginning - thus 4 is the symbol of creation. Arranged as 444, this is divinely-initiated new creation [2]. And though New Creation began with Christ, who is is author, 2,000 years ago, it is moving into its next phase. 7 December was such a day. In those early hours of the morning after the two aforementioned prophetic dreams, I felt a great shalom (peace). The Enemy has been fighting it ferociously, attempting to send deceptions, because every next phase of New Creation brings him to closer to his own apocalyptic end.

    Elijah's Spirit Must Operate

    In those dreams, things were being wound up or concluded. Where our fathers or mothers failed us, Yahweh, through His human instruments, was rectifying and completing. For me, at any rate, and I hope also for increasing numbers of you, it will mark an inworking of the Spirit of Elijah which must come and must be exercised in its fullness before Messiah returns, even as it is written:

      "See, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says Yahweh-tzevaot (of Hosts, Armies), so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who revere My Name [Yahweh] the sun of righteousness (Christ) shall rise, with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be [literally] ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says Yahweh-tzevaot (of Hosts, Armies).

      "Remember the Torah-teaching of My servant Moses, the chuqqim (statutes, divine laws) and mishpatim (ordinances, judgments) that I commanded him at Horeb (Sinai) for all Israel [in all æons/ages].

      "Lo, I will send you the navi (prophet) Elijah before the great and terrible day of Yahweh comes. He will turn the hearts of fathers/parents to their sons/children and the hearts of sons/children to their fathers/parents, so that will not come and strike the land with a ban (curse) of utter destruction" (Mal.4:1-6, RSV/NRSV).

    Surrogate Spiritual Parents

    Most of us must step in as surrogate spiritual fathers and mothers in behalf those coming to Christ who were wounded by their parents when they should have been nurtured by them. When we fail in those assignments, we fail to fulfil the admonition of the Saviour, as voiced to Peter three times, to love and take care of one another. "Feed My lambs", "Take care of My sheep", "Feed My sheep", to the point that Peter was starting to get hurt and offended (Jn.21:15-17, NIV). As Paul also reminded the Corinthians, who were very spiritually immature and childish:

      "...though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus) I became your father through the gospel" (1 Cor.4:15, NIV).

    A Chronic Shortage of Adults

    There is a chronic shortage of real fathers and mothers in this postmodernist generation to the point that the world is rapidly filling with children in adult bodies. Fathers and mothers are a scarce commodity, a reason we need lots of patriarchs (like Paul) and matriarchs. Thousands of new adult converts are going to need parenting because they are still spiritual juveniles and are in no condition to properly raise children of their own. That is what Malachi was writing about in part - children need reconnecting to parents, even if they are physically adults, and quite commonly husbands will have to double up as fathers to their wives, and wives as mothers to their husbands, at least for a while, so that there may be harmony and peace.

    The restoration of nuclear families is critical to the Remnant's survival & prosperity

    The Remnant Must Be Awakened

    With that now said, I am bidden to share an important principle with you today to round off this message. This is not a subject I have ever spoken about in any great depth before but which must now be urgently addressed because of all the enchantments that abound that have sent most of the Body of Christ to sleep. Babylon is training children to remain children so that they can be better controlled and corralled by the State. The Remnant is slumbering still and must be awakened by loud trumpet blasts and shouting so that it may live to serve in this great end-time commission. It must yet be fully endowed with the Spirit of Elijah in the Third Wave Anointing. The 12 Tribal Heads will seek and find, but seek they must with the tools which we have been carefully prepared for them, and with urgency, for the time is short.

    Two Ways to Wage War & Make Peace

    We live, as should be obvious, in a time of perpetual war but mostly it is the wicked who are waging it. The righteous have fallen asleep but must awaken and wage war too. Some have awakened but most have not. There are two ways to make war - the one righteous and the other wicked - and two ways to make peace - the one righteous and the other wicked. Yahweh makes war and peace on true and righteouss terms, and Satan makes war and peace on false and wicked terms. Yahweh's war scatters the adversaries and brings about shalom, peace and well-being to the souls of those being saved; Satan's war persecutes and destroys the righteous and imposes a false, oppressive, suffocating 'peace'. The two ways of warfare and the two ways of making peace are entirely opposite to one another. Satan's peace-making leads to war, and Yahweh's war-making leads to peace. Isn't that ironic? So hear me out.

    War, Terrorism & Injustice

    Aside from Yugoslavia, and now the Ukraine, and the occasional communist or Moslem terrorist attack, Europe has been at peace since 1945, for nearly 70 years. And yet the war for souls has never been fiercer. There is a spiritual war of civilisations going on as I speak. Because Satan knows his time is short, hell has been working itself up into a frenzy, as he tries to multiply evil everwhere. Life continues to be full of injustice. We have all suffered from it. But may I respectfully suggest that we are not only at war but that if we are to successfully wage it we cannot languish in self-pity about life's injustices. We must not imitate the rising postmoderist culture of perpetual grievances and offenses. Malachi spoke of our enemies becoming "ashes under the soles of our feet" if we would get on the offensive. I am a witness to this. Defensive wars aren't won which means we must become an 'offensive' people if we are to prevail. And I don't mean waging physial war - we're not revolutionaries in that sense - but against spiritual principalities and powers (Eph.6:12).

    Our enemies are, and shall be, ashes under our feet

    Passive Indifference is to Lose the War

    These ruling spirits hold influence over every nation and culture on earth - what we mustn't do is surrender our own patch of turf to them because of passive indifference. The visible conditions of anarchy that we see spreading everywhere come from the dark side of the invisible world (Heb.11:3). What is the primary weapon of our offense? The divinely sanctioned truth that is the Davar Elohim - Word of God, the Torah, the Holy Scriptures. What is our main defence? The blood of Christ. These are key. These are the tools of our warfare.

    No Peace With Demons Allowed

    Do not be deceived by the false sentiment, 'We are supposed to be peacemakers like Jesus. The Lord hasn't called me to make war', many spiritually emoliated (excessively softened, not-strict-enough), neutered believers now insist. That's bunkum. That's like saying Yahweh has called me to use the New Testament alone, not the Old Testament (or if you're a Dispensationalist, mostly the writings of Paul only). We are absolutely to be peace-makers, of course, and lying at the core of our quest for Christlikeness is beyond all doubt the ministry of reconciliation and peacemaking. But this is a very specific kind of peace-making, not any old kind of 'peace-making'. We are not to become reconciled and make peace with demons - ever. They are not our responsibility in any way whatsoever. We are their implaccable enemies and we are to give them no quarter - ever - because they will give us none whatsoever. They want us believers either enslaved or dead. And that includes their human servants. They want all humans enslaved or dead, make no mistake about that. If you'd like to have that thought fleshed out a bit more, watch the movie, Independence Day, because the alien invaders are just like demons. There is a scene in that movie where a human military representative tries to find out from a captured alien how they can co-exist. 'What do you want from us?' the soldier asks? 'Die!' was the chillingly cold response back. That's the demonic mindset in a nutshell. You don't negociate with that. You defeat it and destroy it.

    Beware of Counterfeit Peace Programs

    Neither are we to make peace with the evil ways of the demons' unrepentant human followers. We are not to passively accept domestic violence, child abuse or human trafficking, to name but three examples. We are not to comply with government mandates to take poisonous chemicals into our bodies because they are Temples of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) (1 Cor.6:19), not demons' experimental laboratories for mass genocide. James makes the distinction between true peace and false peace very clear by saying that "the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (Jas.3:18, NKJV). Who are the peacemakers? Those who sow righteousness, not those with demonic agendas.

    Our Warfare

    Yet simultaneously, we are informed, that this very same "Elohim (God) of Peace" (Rom.15:33; Phil.4:9; 1 Thes.5:23) will also "crush Satan under our feet" too (Rom.16:20, NKJV). You don't give a nod of assent to that which you are supposed to crush underfoot. In other words, the shalom or peace we pursue definitely has a militant side to it. True peace only results when we have confronted and overcome our spiritual enemies. By contrast, the co-called 'peace' that follows from compromise with evil is no peace at all. I can still remember the 'peace' initative of the communist Soviet Union with the West which the young of my generation fell for because they did not discern the real Marxist intent which was their own society's destruction. I know, because the communists tried to recruit me as an educator in the UK by sending me lots of free books from Novosti Press in Moscow. Paul warned:

      "For when [people] say, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction comes upon them" (1 Thess.5:3, NKJV).

    The communist cry for 'peace' tried to conceal its true murderous agenda

    The Marxist View of 'Peace'

    There is a huge difference between biblical shalom or peace that comes from Messiah-trusting and Torah-obedience and the lukewarm unbelief and lawlessness which is best named passivity. Those who follow 'passive peace' live in perpetual compromise with Yahweh's enemies and with those attitudes and philosophies specifically designed to corrupt and destroy Christianity. Marxism, just like nazism, regards any religion, but especially Christianity, as the 'opium of the people' - a harmful drug. Communist 'peace-making' has no wish whatsoever to embrace or make common cause with the peace-making of Christians. They want to destroy our kind of 'peace' - utterly. This anti-Christian, secular 'peace' is not peace at all - it is bondage. It is tyranny. The same is true of the Moslem view of world peace or Dar-es Salaam. Moslem 'peace' is the complete, global subjection, and then eradication, of everything non-Moslem, when Islam alone dominates the planet entirely. In that respect, they are little different from Marxists with whom they often make common cause.

    The Moslem concept of peace-making is
    radically different from the Christian

    Yah'shua's Way

    Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was the exemplary peace-maker yet at the same time He directly and unapologetically confronted the advancement of evil. He did so, moreover, with unswerving righteousness and unsheathed spiritual authority. He did so with His spiritual sword drawn and at the ready. Christ didn't pacify the demonic realm - he made it quake with terror! Whenever He approached evil, demons howled in trembling dread. "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?" they cried out in desperation through their human hosts (Mt.8:29, NIV). The Messiah was at war, and they knew it, while He made shalom (peace) only with those willing to repent and reconcile with their Heavenly Father, no matter their background. Satan, on the other hand, makes war against those who wage holy war and seek the genuine peace that is the fruit of repentance, holiness and righteousness. He makes war with the spirit of warmongering.

    Supporting Anti-Christian Terrorists?

    If you are at peace with the militant enemies of Christ, you have made peace with the Whore of Babylon and are yourself - by your self-identification - a part of the satanic system whether you call yourself a Christian or a Messianic. When you identify with anti-Christian terrorists by, for example, supporting them in demonstrations, you have yourself become a proxy terrorist against your own people and the Messiah they serve. You have ceased being a believer but have joined the persecutors of the believers. You are committing spiritual suicide. Feeding crocodiles may save you from being eaten by them for a while but in the end they will turn on you too.

    Walk the Walk

    Your label - the self-identification badge you wear - won't, moreoever, save you. Putting a Christian bumper-sticker on your car or wearing a T-shirt with a Christian caption on it doesn't make you a Christian. Only your active faith makes you a Christian/Messianic because Biblical faith is always proactive, never passive. It is lived, not merely mouthed. When Christ exercised authority over every demonic hierarchical stratum up to Satan himself, He told His talmidim (disciples) to imitate Him, telling them that they would do even greater works than He did in their spiritual warfare (Jn.14:12). The first believers were trained to be frontline soldiers, not armchair talkers. They were commanded to 'walk the walk' and not simply 'talk the talk'. They learned spiritual discernment, understood biblical toqef or authority, and engaged in the battle of deliverance with perseverence. "...he who endures to the end will be saved," Yah'sua (Jesus) said, and more than once (Mt.10:22; 24:13; Mk.Mk.13:13, NKJV). 'Does that mean my original salvation is conditional upon perseverence?' you may ask. That's what the Saviour said, didn't He? Do you doubt Him? Do you think he got His theology wrong while the Calvinists got it right? 'So no once saved, always saved'? If you believe in that, you are not only gambling with your salvation but inviting the devil to send you to sleep spiritually and so make you a non-serving, useless piece of Christian flotsom.

    How the Believer Wages Godly War

    I know that we have this idea of Yah'shua (Jesus), drummed into us by lazy Christians and liberals, as being unconditionally kind and unfathomably gentle and generous, in the same way He is with the victim's of life's injustices; but understand this: Christ's compassion was also an act of war against evil. Did not John the apostle declare that "the reason the Son of Elohim (God) appeared was to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8, NIV) and not merely side-step it? Well, didn't He? You know He did. And that is one of the identifying marks of His talmidim (disciples) - we too are about peace-making but simultaneously about destroying the Enemy's work as well. And, you know, evil can be destroyed in a thousand different ways, not just in deliverance ministry doing dramatic, showy things like casting demons out.

    Weapons That are Mighty in Elohim

    If you have ever helped rescue someone imprisoned in sin or fear or demonic incapacity by pointing them to the Saviour and if you have ever exercised the toqef (authority) He has given you through the prayer of faith, you have engaged in spiritual warfare. You have acted as a warrior...not a murderous neo-conservative politician dropping bombs on your country's perceived enemies but by engaging darkness itself spiritually. You are exercising biblical, proactive emunah (faith) when you do that. You are fulfilling what Paul said:

      "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in Elohim (God) for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim (God), bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled ('complete' - NRSV)" (2 Cor.10:4-6, NKJV).

    The Effect of Intercessory Prayer

    In other words, not only is the pen mightier than the sword in "casting down arguments" (when your writings or speeches aren't being censored by nefarious agencies), but when you're obedient and possess the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), you have the right and duty to punish the disobedience of devils by overpowering them in the Name of, and by the power of the blood of, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and expelling them from the oppressed who choose to be delivered from them. "The days," says Paul, "are evil" (Eph.5:16) which means, metaphorically, that they must be redeemed for the sake of suffering humanity primarily in such a manner. We may not see how prayer intercession works with our physical eyes, but it is most certainly effective when done with a pure and fervent heart.

    The pen is mightier than the sword

    Women as Warriors

    These days in our modern 'woke' culture, but also, tragically, in the contemporary Christian culture, there have been women who regard warfare of any kind in a negative light, as something intrinsically 'male' and 'macho'. You hear them saying things like, 'I'm just a housewife, a wife, a mother. I don't have a war-mode'. That is nonsense. In every genuine mother is a Boadicea, a Joan of Arc or a Judith, who will to defend her young ferociously at the slightest hint of danger to them, a 'mamma bear'. Sisters, if your child became seriously ill, you would fight that illness with everything at your disposal, wouldn't you? You would fast and pray from your war-mode. If your marriage came under spiritual attack, you would go before Yahweh and war with fervency to defend it. The truth is, every woman knows how to fight because it's built into her by the Creator, empowered by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) which is female! All that's needed is something to wake it up because once the ladies begin to shift into war gear in the Ruach (Spirit), they're dangerous and you don't want to mess with them! Right?

    The Enraged Mother

    This war-mode is in all of us, including, and especially noticeable in animals, built into us by the Maker. You've watched enough nature documentaries to know that's true. We here know that's true in Sweden in the spring when young calves are out and about with their mothers. My mother and I once got attacked by a mother elk with her youngster simply because we were there and too close for her comfort. What ordinarily quiet, sweet, decent mother wouldn't become enraged and violently attack a rapist assaulting her child? I have seen the ordinarily most peaceable and sweet person suddenly arounsed into war-mode to defend the innocent and defenceless. Yahweh built that it into us because that is how He is too. In fact, He has a name for when He's in this judgment-mode: Yahweh-tsevaoth or Yahweh of Hosts/Armies. And it isn't just driven by an instinct for survival, but is directly linked to our love for people - for our families and nations. That's not a bad thing. I remember once when Yahweh showed me a vision of my young daughter and nearby a man was standing menacingly who meant to do her harm. I phoned her and told her not to get the bus home. I dropped everything I was doing, jumped into my car and raced into town and picked her up, ready if necessary to confront that man in spite of my physical frailness should there have been a necessity to do so. As it happens, prayer was enough to dissuade the man and he was nowhere to be found when I arrived.

    'Don't mess with mother-bear!'

    Prayer and Citizens' Arrest Rights

    How many people here have been interceding in prayer for the people caught up in the current wars in Ukraine and Gaza? Whether it is out of love for our local congregation, our local village or town, or even our own soul, we wage war to protect what we love. I often pray for our local village. The only time we become passive about such things is when there's something wrong with us, because we've been trained by the system to be self-destructive through the political undermining of noble values. Citizen initiative in actively restraining criminals is not only discouraged in our weak and enfeebled liberal society (we're expected to watch quietly until the police arrive...if they ever do) but we're even penalised. Today in our misguided liberal culture criminals have more rights than their victims! When I was young we were encouraged to take down criminals if we were able, make citizen arrests and intervene in crimes generally if we could while we awaited the arrival of the police.

    Unleash Your Spiritual Fight Mode!

    The point is this. If there is a natural fight instinct for the preservation of the good, there is a spiritual fight mode as well. It just needs to be awakened, submitted to Christ, and then unleashed against the Enemy. And quite obviously it is in the Enemy's interests to handicap and so subvert that natural instinct. He wants us to cower like sheep. When we allow genocides to take place around us unchecked, by no longer fighting for the rights of endangered citizens - for example, the unborn, the victims of rape, domestic violence, pedophilia, state kidnapping, and so on - you can think of hundreds of different situations I'm sure - then we have been defanged, disarmed and reduced to a state of dangerously useless passivity. When, as is now happening again today in the West, crowds of angry people, egged on by terrorists and racists, are chanting for the murder and extermination of a whole race of people who have already been through one genocide in recent history, having forgotten the horrific mass-murderings of the 20th century, then the right kind of fight has been suppressed and the wrong kind released. Then the devil has won.

    Love Makes Shalom-Peace and Righteous War

    If you have a love-mode, you also have a war mode...and that's true, unfortunately, of the hate-mode too...and I mean the real kind of 'hate', not the fake kind invented by politicians that calls good, evil, and evil, good. Yahweh has created the war-mode so we can protect the people we love. The fact that Satan has a war-mode to do wickedness against decent people is besides the point. The point is there is righteous and unrighteous warfare, and we need to clearly know the difference. If we have become passive because of Marxist societal dumbing-down or simply because of cowardice on our part, we need to repent for not loving people enough to be willing to fight to defend their well-being. Yah'shua (Jesus) fought for your well-being in Gethsemane and on the Cross at Calvary, giving His all out of passionate love for all mankind. We are called to pattern our lives after His. So let's make our warfare the righteous expression of our love, both for Christ and for our loved ones.

    The cross was also Yahweh's proactive war against evil

    Should Believers Fight in Wars?

    Once more we are living in a very dangerous time. The evil forces of genocide are arrayed against humanity yet again and against believers in particular. I am not going to get into the thorny subject of whether as Christians/Messianics we should take up arms and join the army to go off and fight in wars. Most wars are ungodly and serve evil agendas. As followers of Christ we are only to take up arms as a very last resort, to defend our homes and, if attacked by an aggressor nation, our countries. But be careful. Most wars are fought on Babylon's terms, because of commercial interests, the public being lied to about the real reasons for going to war. What we cannot become embroiled in is good-cop/bad-cop wars (where either our side is evil or both sides are evil) as the unthinking public are often herded into doing out of a misguided sense of patriotism.

    If in Doubt, Do Not Enlist

    My default mode when it comes to physical wars is scepticism - I want to be 100 per cent sure it's a righteous war first because I refuse to go and kill innocents, because, as General Sherman said, 'war is hell', and as General Smedley also claimed, 'war is a racket' - a means to make lots of money by the military-industrial complex. I wish to neither advance the interests of hell nor those or commercial war-profiteering and corruption as I am answerable to the Most High in such matters. So by default Messianic Evangelicals are pacifists with each individual having to decide for himself whether a national or global war is righteous or not and whether or not to participate. If in any doubt, do not go, do not enlist. Nearly all of them aren't. The home front is another matter. Likewise fighting for righteousness in prayer and by other non-violent means is a moral and ethical obligation for global and local concerns.

    Most wars serve only selfish commercial & evil political self-interest

    Overwhelmed by Exhaustion - a Worn-Down People

    The spiritual battle is not a little thing. Daniel records that at the terminus of the end-time Satan's chief weapon would be to wear down the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones). In other words, he would overpower [3] Yahweh's people by exhausting them through constant pressure and warfare (Dan.7:21, NASB). One of the reasons it is so essential for the Remnant to gather is that believers will otherwise be overwhelmed by exhaustion at the Enemy's unrelenting harrassment until they have no strength left to resist. To some extent we're already finding that to be true - I am constantly talking to worn-out believers who feel they can't cope with the pressure anymore. And it will get worse the longer we remain in Babylon, refusing to join the Last Exodus. It doesn't matter how valiant and brave you are if you don't have the strength left to continue resisting. That's why there will be so many martyrs amongst those who refuse to leave the system and gather to the divinely ordained places of safety.

    Until the Ancient of Days Returns

    Are there times you feel overpowered by the war storming our souls and helpless to continue resisting? Well if you do, know this: this wearing down and overpowering of the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) will continue "until the Ancient of Days (Yahweh) came and judgment was passed in favour of the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) of Elyon (the Highest One), and the time arrived when the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) took possession of the kingdom" (Dan.7:22, NASB).

    What Yahweh is Waiting for in Us

    In the meantime, there is a valuable principle we can learn that will lead to victory in all our battles. There will be times, like now for many, when we feel overpowered. Yet if we "endure to the end" of our individual lifespans (Mt.12:22; 24:13; Mk.13:13; Jas.5:11), if we climb higher into Elohim (God), if we refuse to lose our trust in Yahweh, a time will come when when the Ancient of Days - the Attiq Yomin - enters our circumstances. As He looks at our newly developed character, which has grown strong through perseverance, He will pass judgment in favour of our cause...but only when we have done these things. You see, our Heavenly Father looks at our character, forged in the fire of overpowering delays and battle, and says to us: 'Good, this is what I was waiting for!'. Until then, we will remain essentially on our own.

    Do Not Lose Heart

    So whatever your battle is right now, whether you are praying for your country or standing for your children, whether your cry for lost souls or for the end of some local or personal conflict, remember the words of Paul:

      "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary" (Gal.6:9, NASU).

    I think I can say, with some certainty, that this is the situation most, if not all, of you find yourselves in at the current time. Hold your position in the battle line until the battle is won, "because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" (1 John 4:4, NIV).

    Do not lose heart, remain in constant prayer & petition


    Go out in shalom (peace), fortified in your faith and wearing the full armour of Elohim (God) (Eph.6:10-18) for your ongoing warfare, and watch the Almighty deliver on His promises. Have a blessed month! In Yah'shua's (Jesus') name. Amen.


    [1] 444 = 4+4+4 = 12 = 1+2 = 3
    [2] For more on the biblical symbolism of numbers, see footnote #462 in the first edition of the Olive Branch 220, pp.508-509
    [3] Most versions render the verb "prevailing" (e.g. RSV, NRSV, KJV, NKJV, Amp.V, ISRV, ESV) or "defeating" (NLT, NIV, NeÜ), "overcoming" (NEB, Moff.), "winning" (LB), "proving stronger" (JB), "overpowering" (NASB)


    [1] Francis Frangipane, This Day We Fight! Breaking the Bondage of a Passive Spirit (Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan: 2005)

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    Last updated 13 December 2023

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