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Month 7:8, Week 1:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5955:187 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 25 September 2020
Shabbat Shuvah 2020
Preparation, Repentance & Confession


    Shabbah shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. We are once more assembled on this last sabbath before Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonements) which traditionally is known as Shabbat Shuvah because it is the last sabbath before the Day of Judgment in this season of Repentance and Days of Awe known as Teshuvah.

    Obedience to the Totalitarian State During a Plandemic

    Those of you who joined with us last year at this time may remember we made a detailed study of Romans 13:1-7. We examined the controversial subject of The Limits of Obedience to the State. You might want to reread that or listen to the broadcast again (V125) because the information within it will help you fine tune your consciences so that you can make hard choices for the truth. And if you're following what's going on in the world with the rise of government totalitarianism following the Covid-19 outbreak you will know that very soon citizens may be forced, probably within the next few weeks before the American Presidential Election on 3rd November, to decide whether or not they should take a potentially very dangerous and medically useless 'vaccine' or suffer severe repression in consequence of rejecting it. This is on top of the rapidly growing persecution against Christians generally around the world and the threat to lock down the world again which will spell certain economic ruin for a great many nations. You may, therefore, be forced to put into practice a principle that most have hitherto been afraid to do in the face of imminent defilement of the temple of Elohim (God), your physical body. The élites have trained people to be docile and compliant but we must always remember our obligation to Yahweh. In the words of the apostle Peter, "We ought to obey Elohim (God) rather than men" (Acts 5:29, NKJV).

    Vaccination, Prepping andf Sitting the Crisis Out

    I want to ask you if have you researched your rights as far as vaccinations are concerned in your particular country? Are you aware of the threats your government have issued - like permanent quarantine, for example, if you refuse to vaccinate, assuming they allow you to say 'no' at all, in which case are you properly prepped to survive for a fairly longish period of time ...like a year? Some countries are saying that such people will not be allowed to go to work or use public spaces like malls, grocery stores and banks if they refuse to be vaccinated with the government's poisonous cocktail. Have you taken that into consideration? In some places there may well be full-blown revolution and anarchy so you need to be prepped anyway, like I've been telling you for years.

    Have You Left the Cities?

    Have you researched the legal documentation you will need if you are a nay-sayer? Do you know what questions to ask the authorities when they either demand you turn up at a vaccination centre for a Covid-19 shot or if the police or army comes to your door with guns pointed at you to make you have the injection? You know what they can be like - in some countries like the USA, UK, Australia and China they have already gone - or are going - into full Orwellian '1984 mode'. Do you have that place in the country all set-up so you can go there at a moment's notice (remembering not to tell anyone where you're going) - better, have you already left the cities and are you in your countryside retreat now with provisions for a year? (Remember, the folks in the cities will be the first to be coerced and rounded up if they resist). So you have a lot of thinking to do and preparations to make and precious little time now in which to do it. It may already be too late for some of you listening to me today.

    When Yah'shua Prophesied About Jerusalem

    All of this is biblical. You may remember in prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem, Yah'shua (Jesus) said:

      "Then people in Judea should run off to the hills, people in [the city of] Jerusalem should get out as fast as they can, and people in the countryside shouldn't go back into the city. Those will be the days of severe judgment..." (Lk.21:21-22, KNT).

    Do what Yahweh tells you and you will be OK.

    Two Main Reasons Why 'Believers' Won't Believe

    The majority of believers, let alone our non-believing friends and family, are going to find all of this hard to do for one of two reasons:

    • 1. Either because they are ignorant of the Davar Elohim (Word of God) and what is demanded of us as His talmidim (disciples) in order to be fully surrendered and in right relationship with Yahweh and under His divine covering which, all of which will be essential in these dangerous times; or
    • 2. They are, to put it bluntly, habitually disobedient (lawless) and have in consequence learned to no longer care and so won't concern themselves about Yahweh's will.


    The carelessness of the first position may not necessarily cost them their salvation but it will most certainly open them up to exploitation by wicked people and open them up to whatever it is the totalitarian system has planned for non-compliant believers. The second position is obviously far more dangerous since the disobedient are always gambling not only with their lives in this world (not to mention the lives of those they have responsibility for) but in the next also. So there are consequences.

    The Nature of the Autumnal Season Spiritual Activity

    I don't think it's any accident that a climax of the current crisis leading to the penultimate Judgment has been ordained by Yahweh to take place starting in the middle of the Autumnal (Fall) Festivals because this is the season of getting right with Him. It's also the season of intense satanic activity so if you have spiritual doors open on account of unrepentant sin you may find yourself under a great deal of pressure. If you are ignorant of these things then please check out my article, Satanic Feasts and Activities: Learn to Know Your Enemy. And finally (this is not a sales pitch as I don't make a profit on anything I charge for) you might want to get a copy of our website on DVD in case the Internet is fully seized and censored by the Deep State as social media are being right now and material like my own is banned, whether for a season or permanently. It may not come to that but, again, it's always wise to be prepared.

    The Sentinel UFO, Round #3

    I was made aware of just how precarious the situation we find ourselves is last night when I took two of the dogs out for their evening capers. It was a bit overcast as we had had stormy weather during the day so only a few stars were visible. I turned my head to a point in the sky where we have been witnesses to UFO activity and there, about three or four times brighter than the brightest star in our night sky, was our UFO, which I have photographed and filmed extensively. The last time I spoke about this particular 'Sentinel' object was last August. Anyway, when I saw it there in the night sky again, suspended bold as brass and clearly out of place, I got angry and swore: "It's that bloody thing again!" not believing anyone would hear me except the dogs who wouldn't care anyway. IMMEDIDIATELY I said that out aloud, within a split second, the UFO clean disappeared for at least 10 seconds and then reappeared in the same spot, something I have never experienced before [1]. I was a little shocked, though not much, as little surprises me anymore. I am still processing what happened as obviously there's a lot to think about. Anyway, immediately afterwards I took four or five still pictures and then a longish video clip so I now have this object properly recorded. We are not alone and we are most definitely monitored. I have seen these things in vision many times but this was with my physical eyes and physically recorded. As a trained scientist I know the importance of keeping accurate, recorded data. The thing is, that object responded to my voice and you can deduce what you will from that.

    Rapture in the News Again

    Finally, I notice, once again, that some of the 'rapturists' are making yet more false prophecies. The latest (does it never end?) is that the 'rapture' will take place by the end of 2020. So many deceived Christians, infected with the postmodernist virus to some extent and believing they are 'teacher's pets' in some way whom Elohim (God) would never let pass through tribulation and distress, have done nothing to prepare and are living their lives clutching to the equivalent of 'fools' gold', expecting a Sugar Daddy in the Sky to snatch them away to some heavenly Disneyland because, they believe, they're so 'special', more special than all those Christians suffering persecution, torture and death in China, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, India and many other places around the world already, never mind about the martyrs over the centuries. It grieves me that so many of these people run the risk of losing their lives or otherwise getting really badly hurt - unnecessarily - because they have believed in the Irvingite lie. The doctrine becomes especially dangerous now - more so than in the past, in spite of past tribulations like world wars, Spanish 'flu, and so on - because the evil powers have never been so close to attaining world dominion as today. Rapture believers have potentially so much to lose. If I'm wrong and the Rapture is a true doctrine, I have nothing to lose, have I, if I have prepared for tribulation yet I'm whisked away. Someone 'left behind' can make good use of my preparations, then. But the rapturist, who hasn't prepared because he's expecting a fairyland-type scenario in which he will be flown off somewhere to another world and out of trouble, if he's wrong, what's going to happen to him? You can figure that one out for yourself.

    Straighten Things Out

    I wasn't sure whether I should share this message with you today, but I thought I might as well as I had already prepared some notes. There's nothing really new I have to say today, I said it all last week. The only think I want you to do - all of us - is to carefully examine yourselves before Yom haKippurim which is in a little over a day's time, and to straighten things out with Yahweh through repentance. Yah'shua (Jesus) warned:

      "Imagine a strong man, armed to the teeth, guarding his palace. Everything he owns is safe and sound. But supposing someone stronger comes and overpowers him, and takes away the armour he was trusting in - then he can help himself and start giving the booty away. If you're not with Me, you're against Me. If you're not gathering with Me, you're scattering" (Lk.11:21-23, KNT).

    Giving Your Life to Christ

    Are you secure in Christ? Have you really given Him your life, which means not prioretising anything before Him, lawful or unlawful, good or evil? Have you lapsed and need to get back on the straight-and-narrow path? Now's absolutely the time to do fix things. If you've never given your life to Him for real, this would be a good day to do it. You need to make a public confession of your faith, with your mouth, before two or more witnesses, because He commands it:

      "If anyone acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heaven" (Mt.10:32, NLT).

    With the clear understanding that if we wdon't, He won't.

    The Nature of Confession

    Confession has two sides to it: it is an acknowledgement of guilt and it is gladly acknowledging allegiance to Messiah and His Kingdom. Confession takes the lid off, opens the window, swings wide the door, revealing what is within - sin or faith. When we acknowledge the ugliness of sin, it is embarrassing and sometimes painful to take the lid off. Ironically, many find it almost equally embarrassing to reveal their deep-seated emunah (faith). Perhaps the embarrassment is in letting others see deep into our lives. Perhaps it is a reticence to reveal something personal, whether good or bad. But confession is a necessary part of knowing Elohim (God) and being freed from sin and guilt. It's also a necessary part of knowing others and having others know us. That is what we are going to do collectively at Yom haKippurim but we must first start with ourselves individually:

      "Praise Yahweh! I will thank Yahweh with all my heart as I meet with His godly people" (Ps.111:1, NLT).

    The Promises

    We have His promises:

      "If you confess that Yah'shua (Jesus) is Master (Lord) you will have eternal life" (Rom.10:9, NLT).

      "If you confess your sins Elohim (God) will forgive you" (1 Jn.1:9, NLT)


    May Yahweh bless the rest of this Shabbat Shuvah - let's view it as urgent preparation time for Yom haKippurim and assemble before Him with clean hearts and renewed minds. Blessings upon you all in Messiah's Name. Amen.


    [1] I have experienced it instantly vanishing but never returning to the same spot. On that occasion I was actually filming it. It was at a completely different location on the other side of the house.

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    This page was created on 27 September 2020
    Last updated on 27 September 2020

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