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Month 2:15, Week 2:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5942:44 AM
2Exodus 5/40, Omer Count - Shabbat #4
Gregorian Calendar: Monday 30 April 2018
Chastity & Pygmalion
An Important Message for the Remnant


    Shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el and mishpachah - grace and peace in Yah'shua (Jesus) our Messiah and may He enable me to share with you the messages He would have me deliver, as the table I must prepare for you is laid with quite a pot pourri of devarim (words), as one might expect with so much going on everywhere at the moment.

    Difficulties and Renaissances

    I was speaking with a brother in the UK a couple of days ago and he was bewailing just how complicated everything is. Aside from life being complicated in the general sense, sometimes our personal situations are awash with seemingly insoluble problems. It's particularly tough having to navigate your life through times when you cannot sense Yahweh's presence at all. And yet some of you are going through spiritual renaissances right now, and are truly blessed in the midst of ongoing trials and tribulations.

    Sowing Gardens and Fields

    I want to start simple today and tackle a number of questions in rough order of importance. The first is some very practical counsel, particularly for those of us in the northern hemisphere who are experiencing spring and are getting our gardens and fields ready for planting, or have already done so and are waiting for the sprouts to emerge. For it is written:

      "Those who till their land will have plenty of food, but those who follow worthless pursuits have no sense" (Prov.12:11, NRSV).

    Reminder of the Impending Collapse

    I mention this as a reminder of the extreme importance of being prepared for economic collapse - once again - and to seize this opportunity to urge you to get your larders stocked. I hope none of you have abandoned prepping - Yah for forbid that you have as you will dearly regret it! The times are very unstable and the reprieve we have been given in time for getting prepped may well be rapidly coming to an end. Had Donald Trump not won the US Presidential election I guarantee the collapse would have happened by now and we would be living off what we have stored. So let us thank Elohim (God) we have had more time! We need bumper crops this year. Remember to bless the land that you use for production, or whatever system it is that you use from hydroponics to aquaponics. I am just glad that I have this opportunity to get this message out again for those of you who are new to this ministry and did not hear my earlier warnings.

    At Harvest Time...

    In the context of gardening and farming may I remind you of the way to do this properly - in the spiritual way - so as to reap the maximum benefits:

      "When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be left for the alien (foreigner), the orphan, and the widow, so that Yahweh your Elohim (God) may bless you in all your undertakings. When you beat your olive trees, do not strip what is left; it shall be for the alien, the orphan, and the widow. When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, do not glean what is left; it shall be for the alien, the orphan, and the widow. Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt; therefore I am commanding you to do this" (Dt.24:19-22, NRSV).

    A Portion for the Poor

    In other words - translating this into our situation today - as you are prepping and harvesting, ensure that you save a portion for the needy and helpless, whoever they may be, for they will be around in large numbers when the system collapses and the food shelves are empty and fiat currency loses its value. Without the help of dedicated, sensible, hard-working believers these people may otherwise starve. We are to prep with generous hearts for those unable to provide because they did not know what was coming or could not otherwise afford to set food aside. Remember, that Yahweh typically blesses others through people. Governments will largely be useless as we see time and tine again whenever there is a catastrophe.

    Wisdom and Circumspection

    However, as I have said before, do not make known to others that you have stores or you will be looted. Do not anounce your giving. Better, if you are called to help, do so in a way and at a place that will not be linked to your store. Be wise, be careful, be circumspect. You won't be able to help everyone, nor should you try. Rather, help those whom Yahweh leads you to help. Learn to hear Him and learn to be obedient. Do not let your compassion overtake His instructions and so endanger yourself and your family.

    Sell All of Your Possessions?

    In that connection, may I point out something that is rather obvious - or ought to be to the one versed in the Scriptures - but which seems to be missed time and time again by believers? A few days ago I was reading a discussion between someone who was of the opinion that a circumstantial command was for all believers, namely, the counsel given by Yah'shua (Jesus) to the rich young ruler, when He said:

      "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me" (Matt.19:21, NIV).

    The Monks of Lhasa

    Since, it was argued, that we are all commanded by Yah'shua (Jesus) to be perfect (Mt.5:48), it follows, they say, that Yahweh wants all believers to sell everything, give the proceeds to the poor, and then go out into the mission field trusting in Yahweh for provision - for shelter, clothes, food, water, warmth, and so on. It does not seem to have occurred to the brother advancing this position that if all believers went and did this that there wouldn't be any believers left to provide for them, reminding what-to-me was was once the disgusting situation in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, where the majority of the population were monks who survived only by begging off the already impoverised farmers and herders. The monks refused to farm.

    The Way Yahweh Provides

    Yahweh cares for us, without a shadow of a doubt, provided we do our part, and that means taking the whole counsel of Scripture, included in which is the passage we began with today, addressed as it was to Israelite believers, admonishing them to work their land to ensure an abundance of food; and the second passage which admonished them to leave gleanings for the poor foreigner, orphan and widower. There is already a general mitzvah (commandment) in the Scriptures to work hard and save for the future. Yahweh gives us seasons of plenty so that we can prepare for seasons of need. So when it comes to provision, the message of the Bible is to work while we can, save what we can, share what we can, and in so doing trust Elohim (God) to meet our needs. And then there is contemporary revelation for this time which has instructed everyone to cultivate what land they have, wherever they may be, and start providing for themselves and gaining a measure of independence.

    Entitlement Attitudes

    I have said this before, and I'll say it again, and in the Name of Yahweh, because it is so important: do not have an entitled attitude - do not live in the expectation that others will meet all your temporal needs, refuse to grow food, and then devote all your time to ministry. There were, are, and will be specific occasions when we must go out into the world to evangelise while trusting Yahweh to give us provisions through others, but the instruction given to that rich young ruler was not necessarily a general rule for everyone: in context, it would have meant, had the man responded correctly, leaving his idol behind (which was money), devoting himself exclusively to the Yahshua's (Jesus) and His band of talmidim (disciples).

    Paul's Profession While an Apostle

    As far as missionary work is concerned - whether as an apostle, evangelist or missioner - this is a pretty good way to serve but be prepared to work too, as Paul was, and did, so as not to burden the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) amongst whom he served. When in Rome "he stayed and worked with them" as a "tentmaker" (Ac.18:3, NIV). As an apostle even he brought his trade with him and worked when he needed to.

    Work and Tithing

    There is a balance in all things. But the basic principle is work, save your surplus for yourself and ensure there is a portion for any needy whom Yahweh may call upon you to help. And I assure you there will be plenty of those after the collapse, as there already are in so many parts of the world today, so you will need to have a keen discernment as to who to help and who not to. In any case, the principle of tithing requires us to save a third of the tenth for the poor - the whole tenth is not for the ministry, not even two-thirds of a tenth. The remaining third is to be saved so you can celebrate and, when necessary, travel to the places where the annual pilgrim festivals are being celebrated.

    Making Money for the Kingdom?

    The second point-of-view expressed in the debate between the two Christian ministers was this: he believed that some believers were called to work in order to be 'cash-cows' (if I can put it bluntly) in order to serve the Body. I must admit that over the years I have swayed back and forth over this one. So the second minister recommended, in this particular discussion, those who had very well-paying jobs, stay with those jobs and use that money to fund missionaries.

    Two Interpretations of the Rich Young Ruler's Calling

    It is impossible for me to say what each person is called to do and it may be true that some people have a knack for making money and can can be a blessing to those whose service demands their full-time on the missionary field...if they're willing to part with it, and not become trapped by Mammon's snare like that rich young ruler. But as a general rule I believe it makes more sense to combine the two in some way because learning dependence on Yahweh is most certainly an important facet of discipleship. Therefore, I would suggest, the context of the encounter with the rich young ruler leads to two possible conclusions regarding his calling:

    • 1. It was for the duration of Messiah's mortal walk, which would have been three years or less; and/or
    • 2. The man may well have been called to be an evangelist for the rest of his life.


    I am not about to make a general rule because I think that has the effect of quenching the Ruach (Spirit) when Yahweh has definitely called someone to a position which we, in trying to be super-holy, might be tempted to judge 'unspiritual'. To give a parallel dilemma: over the years I have wrestled over the question of how far we should be involved in politics, or even at all, and our default or general line has always been, don't get involved unless Yahweh specifically calls you. Given the blatant wickedness of the system now - a system which is doomed to imminent judgment - I am not sure how effecive a believing politician can be unless he acquires very high office indeed and is not liable to the temptation of the abuse of power. But even if he does, he will likely be a prisoner of the system to some degree of another, as we see in the USA now. Unless we return to the strongman system of government, which is definitely on the rise, witness Russia, China, Turkey, and elsewhere, there is not much a believer can do in politics to alter the course of a nation. He or she might, however, be able to do something good locally.

    The Remnant Under Spiritual Assault

    That was one of the messages I was led to share with you this morning. The second, which I received a couple of days ago, was about the Remnant itself. One thing I have noticed about the faithful qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) at this time - and I am speaking of those who love Yahweh with all their might, mind and strength, and want nothing better to do than serve Him in whatever capacity they can as Kingdom-builders - is that they are all under tremendous spiritual pressure - indeed, 'assault' would be a better word. My counsel has been to stay under Yah'shua's (Jesus') covering until the current barrage is over, as you might shelter in a foxhole while artillery fire is raining down on you, and await your marching orders.

    A Message to the Remnant

    As I was praying and meditating about this, having had a talk with the British brother I mentioned earlier, I was led straight to this passage in the Tanakh (Old Testament) which I know to be a concrete message to the Remnant right now, today, which is waiting to be gathered:

      "I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob;
      I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel.
      I will bring them together like sheep in a pen,
      like a flock in its pasture;
      the place will throng with people.
      One who breaks open the way will go up before them;
      they will break through the gate and go out.
      Their king will pass through before them,
      Yahweh at their head"
      (Mic.2:12-13, NIV).

    Loyally Consumed in Yahweh

    Another brother whom I spoke with the day before, this time in the USA, who was pastoring a congregation in Arizona when I first met him, was directed to return to his home state, and took over a dying congregation there which eventually folded. He told me he was doing well, that Yahweh had him pretty much isolated from humanity at the present time, and that he had been told that Elohim (God) was doing this so that he could come to see and understand what it was like when his life was totally consumed in Him. I knew exactly what he meant for this is most definitely such a time for a lot of the Remnant's future leaders. Yahweh wants us to know Him, like never before in our lives, before He sends us out with our new commissions. And that requires some wilderness time spent alone with Him. He wants us in that place where we are utterly His without competing loyalties.

    Be Still and Know Elohim

    So in addition to the spiritual assaults following the undeniable spiritual invasion of the Courtyard that I have spoken about for three years now, we are called to really get to know Yahweh as perhaps we never have done before. He is waiting for all of us to stop striving and to listen to Him. He's going to do what He's going to do, there is none of us who can hasten or prolong that or find short cuts to where we think we must go. All we have to do is get onboard with His program. And if He tells us to first "be still and know Elohim (God)" (Ps.46:10), then that is what we must do. And if I might add to that some further counsel of David:

      "Be still before Yahweh and wait patiently for Him;
      do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
      when they carry out their wicked schemes.

      "Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
      do not fret -- it leads only to evil.
      For evil men will be cut off,
      but those who hope in Yahweh will inherit the land.

      "A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
      though you look for them, they will not be found.
      But the meek will inherit the land
      and enjoy great shalom (peace)"
      (Ps.37:7-11, NIV).

    Don't Fret

    So will you take that advice and not fret? Don't be worried, don't be annoyed, don't be discontent, because all of that is to fret.

    An Old Woman of Morocco Testifies About Contentedness

    As part of a series of what I call 'inspired concatenations', where multiple events driven by the heavenlies converge to build up a davar (word) that Yahweh wants me to share, a sister in Canada sent me the story yesterday of a very wise Moroccan grandmother of eight grown-up children and many more grandchildren, called Fatimah from Rabat. She was, by Western standards, living in primitive conditions in the countryside, having to draw her own water from a well and cook over an open fire. She was lively, happy, and energetic in her 90's, and still working hard and enjoying life. She said this:

      "I don't take any stress. I don't envy people. I don't hate people...If I still have so much energy at the age of 90, it's a blessing from God. I go to sleep at 8 pm sharp [and] I wake up at 6 in the morning and I start working straight away. Now at this age, I think about the afterlife more. Nothing stresses me in this life anymore ... [So] purify your heart, [and] it will free you from stress and lead you to live a happy life, no matter how simple your living is."

    Passionate About Your Calling in Yahweh

    Whatever Yahweh has called you to, He will give you a passion for it and inspire you to serve Him as a witness of what He can, and wants to, do. You know, I sometimes get complaints from my family because I write and publish so much. They think I am married to my computer and that I love it more than them. What they don't - and probably can never - understand is that when I am working for Yahweh I am supremely happy. I don't sit at a computer to entertain myself. I don't love computers. To me they're just a useful tool. I write and preach for one purpose only: to serve my Master and build His Kingdom, and He inspires me to do what I do.

    My Own Calling as a Writer

    Sometimes the Ruach (Spirit) is so strong that I will be dragged out of bed, or the rest room, or the shower, or whatever I happen to be or from what I happen to be doing, because Yahweh wants me to share with the world what He is showing and telling me. I keep a pencil and pad in many rooms so I can scribble down inspiration when it comes my way. Oh, and most rooms have at least one Bible in them too! So that is why I do this work. And when I was younger and healthier, I would produce two or three sermons or articles a day whilst doing my regular job, in break periods. I am not quite so productive any more but I still love what I am doing. And I am, I hasten to add, just as happy preaching and pastoring, if not more so. All I care about is doing what Yahweh wants.

    Laziness and Doing What You Love

    Now the energy which that Moroccan woman spoke about is in part the product of working hard. Laziness does not produce happiness, nor working at something you loathe, or which Yahweh is not in, because it is either ungodly or not your calling. Therefore finding your calling is one of the most important things you can do and should make a priority. Devote lots of prayer and Scripture study finding out. You may not need to pray 6-8 hours a day as Leonard Ravenhill used to, but you will have to invest time to do it. Satan will oppose, guaranteed, but you must stand your ground.

    Make an Effort to Properly Rest

    I am not suggesting you should become a fanatic either. Some people are workaholics and no good comes of that either. They work compulsively to void certain things or deal with various issues. Don't turn work into an idol but don't neglect it either. We were designed to work. Now that Moroccan grandmother didn't work herself to the bone either. She slept 10 hours every night! I'm lucky if I can get half that amount, but she clearly knew the value of sleep. Adequate rest is also part of the secret of wellness. So take plenty of rest. Use the Sabbath especially to rest the way it's supposed to be used, something not easy for ministers, obviously, who are often their busiest on that day serving their local assembly. They must make an effort to rest at other times so as not to burn themselves out or neglect their families. As a minister, I know it can be hard to manage time rightly. Also remember to ensure you have enough rest each day. A good general rule is to use a third of each day for regular work, a third for home life and time with Yahweh, and a third for rest, following on the tavnith principle.

    A Proper Balance Needed

    There is one other thing that that dear old lady stressed and that is what I want to end with today. She testified that purity was of the essence. So we have to have the right ingredients in proper balance: hard work, lots of rest and purity of life. I didn't mention that she spent time in prayer, did I? If you don't find the right balance - if you don't get the proportions right - then, as the Psalmist noted, things can go wrong:

      "In vain you rise early
      and stay up late,
      toiling for food to eat --
      for [Yahweh] grants sleep to those He loves"
      (Ps.127:2, NIV).

    The Importance of Purity

    I mentioned earlier that there has been a 'convergence of events' these last few days - the various friends who contacted me about various things and the things that Yahweh has spoken to me about. That's how He works so that we can see that only He could be orchestrating everything. One of the things that the Moroccan woman said was the importance of purity which brings me to the third message I have for you today.

    The Angel Delivers a Message to Me

    This last 'item' came straight from the mouth of a malak (angel), sent by Yahweh to me personally. This heavenly messenger appeared in a vision to me and though I couldn't see him - because he was slightly behind me to my right - I heard him distinctly. I can still hear his voice. The voices of malakim (angels) are all different, just as those of humans are, incidentally. He just said one word: "CHASTITY".

    Chastity Enjoined

    Chastity is mentioned only three times in the Bible, in the verb form, and all in the New Testament, though modern versions tend to use the word 'purity' or something like it. Chastity is not a word you hear very much in the churches and messianic assemblies these days for the simple reason it is such a rare thing and believers either don't care to talk about it or are ashamed. There are very few chaste people anymore because chastity is not something modern society either speaks of, or approves of. The world hates sexual purity because it wallows in filth.

    Three Uses in the New Testament

    In the three Scriptures that chastity is used, it refers twice to women's sexual conduct and once to the Messianic Community (Church) which is symbolically depicted as a married woman. Paul, speaking to the Corinthian qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) says:

      "I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Messiah" (2 Cor.11:2, NKJV, AENT).

    Paul as a Spiritual Father

    Here the apostle is speaking as a spiritual father presenting his converts to the Messiah who is their allegorcal Bridegroom. That's his job. That's the job of all true ministers - to present cleansed, purified believers to Messiah by teaching them how to live and admonishing obedience.

    A Greek Custom

    To understand why Paul uses this language you need to know a little cultural history. According to Doddridge, it was the custom among the ancient Greeks to have an officer whose business it was to educate and form young women, especially those of high society. It was his job to prepare these young woman for marriage, and then to present them to those who were to be their husbands. However, if this officer, through his own negligence, permitted them to become sexually corrupted between betrothal and the consummation of their marriage, he would be held to account for presenting her to her husband in a defiled state.

    The Accountable Minister

    This was the responsibility that Paul felt as he wrote to the Greek Corinthians. Indeed, he was anxious about the purity of the Corinthian assembly which, like all assemblies, was called to be "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" (Rev.21:9, NIV), because he knew he would one day be called to account if he did not present her pure and chaste to Yah'shua (Jesus) in Heaven.

    Advice for Titus

    This is not a small matter yet it seems to have become a minor matter to the churches and messianic assemblies these days. Ministers are, on the whole, neither concerned about sexual purity or chastity before and during marriage any more than they are concerned about teaching a Torah-obedient lifestyle to Yahweh's people who despise the world but adore the purity of holiness. In regard to the former, Paul tells Titus:

      "But as for you, [Titus], speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in emunah (faith), in ahavah (love), in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers, not given to wine, teachers of good things -- that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste (also NRSV) ('pure' - JNT, ESV; 'blameless' - ISRV; 'having pureness' - OJB), homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Davar Elohim (Word of God) may not be blasphemed. Likewise exhort the young men to be sober-minded, in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you" (Titus 2:1-8, NKJV).

    The Power of Chaste Conduct

    In the same vein, the apostle Peter said:

      "Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the Davar (Word), they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct ('when they see you conduct yourselves with chastity' - AENT) accompanied by fear" (1 Peter 3:1-2, NKJV).

    A Peculiar People Does Not Compromise

    There aren't many people who marry as virgins these days, whether inside out outside the Messianic Community (Church), so defiled have the world and the Body of Messiah become that in some respects they are virtually indistinguishable. Indeed, I was reading yesterday about a woman who decided to visit a number of churches and to ask them what their position on chastity was. She was shocked at their response. Most were too embarrassed to talk about it, knowing full well they were compromised and not living biblical standards. One deridingly advised her to look for a 'stricter' church as though this were something old-fashioned and contemptible. Indeed, so many churches do not expect celibacy before marriage anymore. They are only too happy to compromise with the world in this matter in order to be accepted. They don't want to appear 'peculiar' or 'different'. Yet Paul said to Titus:

      "Look[] for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great Elohim (God) and our Deliverer (Saviour) Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ); Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works" (Titus 2:13-14, KJV).

    Holiness and Peculiarity

    And Peter said:

      "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a qadosh (holy, set-apart) nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light" (1 Peter 2:9, KJV).

    A Pure and Chaste Generation Called

    The last generation - the generation of the Second, Final, or Last Exodus must be raised in purity. It must be chaste, both in its sexuality and in its relationship with Messiah. If my generation fails to raise our children in this way, because we are idolatrous and impure, then we will have failed miserably. Yahweh have mercy on us if we let you down! So I ask the last generation, please be better than us! Seek even higher than we did. Please accept our apology for the apology-of-a-generation that arose in the 1960's and afterwards which turned Christian values on their head, destroying all that was noble in the West.

    The Pygmalion Revelation

    Last night, as I was thinking about what the conclusion to this sermon should be, I heard the Ruach (Spirit) distinctly speak one word to me: 'Pygmalion'. Now I knew that a famous piece of classical music had this name and I also knew that Pygmalion was a character from Greek mythology but I knew nothing of the myth itself. So I asked my wife to look it up for me on her laptop.

    In Love With Your Own Idol

    All we need to know was that Pygmalion fell in love with a statue he had carved of a beautiful woman. He fell in love with an idol which he had fashioned with his own hands. What did the 60's generation fashion with it own hands? An idol consisting of free 'love' (so-called - in reality it was sexual immorality), drugs, self-absorption, self-entitlement, and rebellion against Elohim (God). My generation is a Pygmalion - all of us, even those of us who became believers - because like that first generation of Israelite exoduseers, we would not fully forsake that idol. We fell in love with a dead image and would not part with it. I only hope there are a few of my generation who are like Joshua and Caleb.

    What Will We Choose?

    That malakh (angel) who spoke to me, spoke only one word: 'Chastity'. He really didn't need to say any more, did he? Just as all the Ruach (Spirit) said one word to me: 'Pygmalion'. Such is the divine economy. Brethren and sisters, the Pygmalion in us has to die completely and we have to become pure and chaste otherwise we are not of the Remnant, otherwise we cannot take up residence in the Sanctuary but must remain in the Courtyard! What will we choose?


    I think of that lovely Moroccan grandmother and what an inspiration she was. Simplicity, purity, prayer, hard work, sensible sleeping hours, and lots of rest were her ingredients. I pray you will find and implement yours. Also be prepared against the day of collapse, which is coming, and make provision for those who cannot, through not fault of themselves, take care of themselves in the dark day:

      "With all your soul fear Yahweh ... With all your might love your Maker ... Stretch out your hand to the poor so that your blessing may be complete. Give graciously ...Do not avoid those who weep, but mourn with those who mourn. Do not hesitate to visit the sick, because for such deeds you will be loved. In all you do, remember the end of your life, and then you will never sin" (Sirach 7:29-30,32-36, NRSV).


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