Month 5:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5949:119 AM
2Exodus 6/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 3 July 2019
Rosh Chodesh V
Return of the Red Beast
Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. Welcome to the first day of the fifth biblical month. I'm afraid events conspired to prevent me from delivering a sabbath massage yesterday as I promised at Shavu'ot and perhaps after all there is a reason for that in view of the message I have for you today which came yesterday afternoon at exactly 3 pm.
Vision of the Parchments
This is the vision which Yahweh showed me suddenly, intensely and unexpectedly as I was sitting in my office chair. It was so intense that it shocked me, making me practically bolt upright. In the vision I saw a scroll like an old biblical parchment which was a creamy-brown colour indicating age. There was writing on it which I could not read save for one word which was written in large black capital letters. That word was "SIN". Then the vision changed and in place of the word 'SIN', and attached precisely at the place where it was written at the top of the parchment, was a military-style medal. The clasp and the ribbon were red and the medallion itself was also red with a golden communist hammer-and-sickle embossed on it. The medal with its ribbon were large, extending the length of the partly unrolled scroll. I have attempted to reproduce the vision as accurately as I can in a diagram which you will find on the website (above).
The Reward of Sin is Communism
This is the prophetic message that Yahweh has clearly and unambiguously given me: THE REWARD OF SIN IS COMMUNISM and that is what we are seeing now arising in the West in all its ugliness and deadliness. This should come as no surprise to you because I have been preaching this message for a very long time. Because the nations of the West have turned away from Yahweh-Elohim and His Son Yah'shua Christ (Jesus Christ), the reward they shall receive - the fruit of the rebellion that will be meeted out - is tyranny of communism. Europe and the West is going Red and will reap for itself the same punishment as other nations have who have come under its godless and murderous yoke. And those who lived through villainy of communism in Eastern Europe - from Estonia to Bulgaria - and in Russia, and briefly threw of its chains in the 1990's have been warning for years that something similar was arising in the European Union as well as the United States, but this seemed too foolish to Westerners at the time to believe. After all, they were 'the good guys', weren't they? And those east of the Iron Curtain 'the bad gous'? Not any more. Now the next generation has arisen who know nothing of communism in Europe who have swallowed the Marxist lies afresh. And as you will know from all the Russian prophecies, Russia will go communist again too.
The Communist Resurgence Prophesied in 2009
Ten years ago, in 2009, Yahweh showed me a vision of the Communist resurgence that would take place here which most in the West naïvely thought had been slain by a deadly political wound with the fall of the Soviet Union. If you're not familiar with the prophetic vision, please read it by clicking on the Soviet flag on the website:
The EU and the Kongsberg Vision
If you have never seen the movie, The Soviet Story (2008) please see it because I don't want anyone to be under any illusions as to what communism is. It's linked on the website. It bears no resemblance to the propagandistic mind version that you have heard in the West from the likes of Bernie Sanders and other like him. If you want to know what to expect, go to Portland in Oregon where Antifa virtually rule. That virus will spread. It is deadly - literally. And if you have never read the Kongsberg Vision which was seen in Norway some decades ago, not by me, and published by us in the Olive Branch in 1997 (OB 467), you will see how this revelation has almost become a reality in Norway as well as in Sweden and elsewhere in Western Europe. The whole EU is a covert Soviet State in the making in the guise of a liberal democracy. It's flag does't possess a visible hammer-and-sickle but it's there in the blue circle, and the colour isn't red yet but it will change viâ pink as the map of Norway changed colour in the Kongsberg Vision which you can read for yourselves afterwards.
We asked at Shavu'ot (Weeks) why there are delays in the fulfilment of prophecy. The answer, if it is genuine prophecy, is that Yahweh, in His grace, always gives us time to repent - to put our house in order before He executes judgment. The reason we don't have Hillary Clinton in the White House right now is precisely for that reason. Trump isn't going to rescue America and the West - that's not his calling. His is to give us a little more space, but not very much, and to bring certain characters to justice if the engaged mob don't get to them first when they discover the truth of how they have been lied to and abused. I'm sorry, there isn't going to be a turn-around so long as the majority won't repent. And like most Empires in its death-throes, it will eventually distintegrate. Therefore you have to be in the right state and location if you're in America and in the right country and area if you're in Europe, Australasia or Canada. South Africa is practically communist-now and will possibly disintegrate. Time is even shorter there what with all the communist-directed farm murders.
The ANC régime in South Africa has always been communist
Time is Up
Brethren and sisters, we have had a lot of time to prepare, a lot of time to repent to avert judgment, but as you have been told many times, the West refuses to repent, and judgment has only been further delayed because of the intercession of the righteous Remnant. The likes of Leonard Ravenhill calling Christians to repent have now largely gone - the Body will be the first to be judged - and now the message is to the unbelieving world. And every time I swear I am not going to give this message any more, Yahweh commands me to speak again because this message is like a fire burning in my bones and I cannot be silent. How can we be quiet when the salvation of so many souls is at stake? As it is written:
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of Elohim (God) is eternal life in Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus) our Master (Lord)" (Rom.6:23, NIV.
The 'Extra Time' is Ending Soon
We ought to have been deluged by now. We are in such a period of extra time now, with the metaphorical flood waters being held back to give us a little more opportunity to repent, be saved, warn others and be prepared. Most of the world, let alone Christendom, has no idea what's coming, do they? Not a clue and like the senseless, drunken prophets and priests weary with Isaiah going on and on again, you are fed up hearing me say these things over and over. They will reel and stagger, not knowing what to do or where to go. But I did not choose this vision yesterday. I had pretty much decided I has finished with this message. So what does it mean? It means that the wages of sin are about to be paid in full, starting with the architects and prime movers of the 'New World Order'. They will receive in kind what they have done to their nations and to the children of Elohim (God). The medal - the full oppression of communism - is what they are about to be 'rewarded' with, their salary for unrepented sin and unbelief. It was pinned to Scripture itself to spell out clearly the nature of the reward, who is sending it, and that they have had their opportunity to change direction. And only Satan's faithful soldiers - the leading lights, the pioneers, the politicians, bankers, and the like - get such 'medals', such recognition for 'services rendered', only these will be marks to enable the destroying malakim (angels) to target them. Now they will get their true reward. Watch Angela Merckel.
Angela Merckel, German chancellor, closet communist
Communism is the Last Step Before Raw Satanism
But the message is for everyone. Communism is the penultimate step to raw satanism, and that is because it is a system of almost total unbelief and idolatry. The hammer-and-sickle is on almost all countries' flags today even though you can't see it and that's part of the diabolical art of the dark side. Before, they openly paraded their banners but now they change the system but leave the old symbols intact to fool the people into thinking little or nothing has changed. But things have drastically changed. You can now be imprisoned for up to three years for disrespecting the EU flag and its anthem. People bow to the symbols of the Anti-Messiah or Antichrist without realising it; and equally, in doing so, they bow to the Anti-Messiah or Antichrist himself.
Yahweh Demands Sole Worship
Our Father in Heaven, the Creator of the Universe, Yahweh-Elohim, rightly demands all worship for Himself and His Plenipotentiary, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Therefore with Yah'shua (Jesus) who spoke these words to the devil, we shall declare:
"Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship Yahweh your Elohim (God), and Him only you shall serve" (Matt.4:10, NKJV).
Satanism is the worship of man - of himself - but ultimately the gods of satanism...its human leaders, the demons that empower them, and Satan the rebel malak (angel) whose slaves marked for destruction all the others are. It is a false set of elohim. The flesh-nature always draws the soul into unbelief and idolatry because that was its source. So the choice is ridiculously simple. Don't go and worship your country or its flag or your president or your political party or your career or your hobby or yourself as a substitute for Elohim (God). Get out of the self-entitlement way of living and into a life of devotion to the One who loves you so completely and unreservedly. Country and hobbies all have their proper places, but not at the top. Put them where they are supposed to be and give all the glory to our Heavenly Father, Yahweh-Elohim. Yahweh bless you in choosing right and may he set the captives who choose aright free. If you want counsel, get in contact with me afterwards. Amen.
What the US flag really looks like when you worship the Beast
Comments from Readers
[1] "Wow, so well said, my brother in Youshua - burns in my bones also and yet I often feel like a voice crying in the wilderness..." (ACEG, Australia, 3 July 2019)
[2] "Thank you for this" (LM, USA, 3 July 2019)