Month 2:14, Week 2:6 (Sheshi/Kippur), Year:Day 5941:44 AM
2Exodus 7/40, Omer Count: (Sabbath #3)
Gregorian Calendar: Thursday 7 May 2020
Late Pesach 2020
Introduction to the Passover Season
Chag Smeach Pesach and welcome to Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon's annual observance of the Passover Season. Yet again we are a month late, the third time we have been forced to postpone and take advantage of Yahweh's offer of a late Passover [1] for those unable to make the main one. This time the culprit is the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. We had hoped to have guests by this time but with most nations still in forced lockdown and with the borders closed, and Swedes in voluntary self-quarantine, we are unfortunately unable to welcome guests from abroad and elsewhere in Sweden this year, much to our disappointment. This means that this year it will be a purely family occasion except for those members invited to join with us online for the Passover Seder later on. This is only the second time we have ever broadcast the Passover Meal live. We look forward to seeing MLT members this evening.
The 2018 Passover Prophetic Word Reiterated
We shall again be following the 2014 Messianic Evangelical Pesach Haggadah. May I also remind everyone of the prophetic word that Yahweh gave us in the middle of the 2018 Passover Haggadah when He told us that He wanted everyone to present to Him all the years past and to let Him wash away all the frustrations, sorrows, and sins in His blood - the 'accumulation of the years' was how He described it, remember? We were told to empty ourselves of our past and allow Him to supernaturally make radically new futures for His talmidim (disciples). I think we need to take that to heart so that as times get more difficult, we don't have the past to trip us up on top of the often unexpected new things of present.
We aim to continue with that instruction this year too. Indeed, this is really just another way of telling us to forgive our enemies for the wrongs they have done to us, ask Yahweh to forgive us for the wrong we have done to others, and then to forgive ourselves. Sometimes we can forget the last part and end up carrying burdens we were never designed to. We cannot forget the past but neither should we live in it. We were made to live in the present and hope for the future.
The Meaning of Passover and the Annual Festivals
Passover marks the beginning of the cycle of Yahweh's annual moedim or appointments. They tell a story of us as individuals, and as a community called Messianic Israel, and what Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus) did for us and how His work on the cross is supposed to impact us for radical transformation and change. It begins at Pesach (Passover) with a journey of deliverance from external enemies (in this case, the archetype is Pharaonic Egypt) as well as from internal ones caused by both our own sinning as well as by the hazzards of simply living down in this fallen and very dangeous sphere.
Retelling the Old Story
This evening we shall retell that story as the story of Moses and the children of Israel which gives us the basic tavnith or pattern of how Yahweh interacts with us as we seek to interact with Him. It tells the story of salvation from sin and from implaccable, mortal enemies. And, finally, it recounts the glory that comes from overcoming, of conquest of the flesh represented by Egypt and other enemies, and in particular, in recent memory a week ago, as depicted in the annual Jericho March. There are many stages to this fantastic journey as represented by the fact that there are seven annual festivals, two of which are of seven days' duration each, and lots of monthly and weekly ones. This rhythm of life, this marking in time the sacred events of history, from the Creation to the present, enables us to make sense of, and navigate successfully through, life on this planet.
The Present Time of Trial and the March to the Second Coming
The world has always been filled with challenges, instabilites, and dangers for mankind, but as we all know some of these are greater than others. We are passing through such a time of trial right now, one that's been building up for a few years but is now coming to a dramatic and somewhat painful head. The huge changes predicted over the last few years will continue to accelerate with battles between the deep state cult that runs this world (an 'evil empire', really) and lovers of freedom swinging first in one direction and then another until what Yahweh has ordained has been accomplished in this penultimate judgment of the world before the last one and the return of Messiah - the Second Coming. We are entering a critical phase with 2020 a 'key', pivotal year, that will determine the future course of the world. It's outcome will determine the shape of our lives in the years to come leading up to the Great Tribulation and the apex of every believer's desire - the return of Christ - to fix the planet for good. This means that the Passover Season this year will be one we will long remember as the battle against the Sabatean-Frankist Cult reaches its climax and its crimes are exposed for all the world to finally see. The world will no longer be 'fooled most of the time'.
The Significance of Passover 2020
Pesach (passover) has a special significance this year because like no other year in recent times we have needed a supernatural covering while death stalks the land in the form of deadly disease, murderous microwave radiation, poisons in the air and in our food, nano-technology capable of invading our bodies without our knowing it, or through compulsory vaccination, capable to making us ill, modifying our thoughts and behaviour, and even killing us...and a whole host of other nasty and scary things. If we are to navigate all of this and the frightening world Satan's minions have planned for us, we have to not only be alert but totally convinced of the protecting blood of Yah'shua (Jesus Christ), the Passover Lamb of Elohim (God), who delivers the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) from the destroyer.
The Nature of the Current Passover Season
In addition, while the world is upheaval, Yahweh will give the faithful Remnant a spiritual endowment or anointing. This will not be a spiritual toy with which to play but both a necessary protection for the assault as well as an instrument of judgment upon the adversaries. Immanuel Velikovsky once wrote classical books called Earth in Upheavel and Worlds in Collision in which he tries to reconstruct from earth's historical records and the evidences in space what the earth and our solar system might have once looked like before it arrived at its present configuration with its array of planets, moons, asteroids and comets. Our own world is in upheaval right now, with the light and the dark colliding head-on, as the Enemy seeks to re-establish control following a number of defeats, so there is a great struggle underway between good and evil. Our own revelations speak of this time in numerous places, most of them prophecies from the 1980's and 1990's. So we ourselves have been waiting for this day for 30 years or more and now it is here, we are as astonished as everyone else is because seeing something in the distance is never quite the same as being in the middle of the actual events. So the things we have to talk about are going to be a little different from previous Passover Seasons. More about that tomorrow.
So I will leave you to your Passover preparations. I pray you have a blessed Passover Meal this evening and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for the High Sabbath Service and first day of Late Chag haMatzah, the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Until then, may the grace and peace of our Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) be upon you all. Amen.
Continued in Part 2 (Chag haMatzah I)
[1] See, Secret of the Late Pesach: Yahweh's Provision for a Second Passover