Month 6:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5942:148 AM
2Exodus 5/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 12 August 2018
Rosh Chodesh VI
The Divine Incense of Prayer
Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. I hope you will forgive me for delivering this sermon sitting down this morning but as many of you know I am finding it increasingly difficult to stay on my feet for any length of time. I am sorry I was not able to preach last sabbath but as I think you all know my health is progressively getting worse and I am finding it harder to do much of anything. So I covet your prayers and want to thank those of you who have been interceding on my behalf. More than once in recent times I have thought my time on earth was up so it is only by Yahweh's grace that I am still here. I don't know how this is all going to turn out or for how much longer I will be able to minister like this even.
The Need to Get Things Done
With so much to do, so much still undone, you will understand perhaps why I am more than a little anxious to get things done. As you all know I have been working on three very large projects: universal salvation, annihilationism and biblical concepts of aeonian time. Yesterday I finished the main introductory article on universal salvation. There is a lot more to write and preach about on this vital end-time doctrine and if Yahweh grants me the extra years - and I pray for these as Hezekiah prayed for an extension on his time - then I will have much more to say about this in the days to come. I was about to finish a piece on annihilationism yesterday, which I started at the beginning of June, but got a very clear revelation from Yahweh yesterday morning as I asked Him for His marching orders for the day to complete the material on aeonian time first. So Yah willing, I will have these done in the next few days.
Why are These Doctrines So Important?
Why, you may ask, are these so important? I have received a lot of questions from people over the years asking me why I bother with such (to them) 'peripheral' doctrines. Why 'restore' long forgotten teachings and invite more alienation from the Body of Messiah? The majority of orthodox Christians - Catholics, Protestants and Eastern Orthodox - believe that the wicked will be tormented - literally, tortured - throughout all eternity; and vast numbers of Messianics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians, and others believe they will be annihilated.
The Wickedness of Eternal Torment
In truth, I have been a universalist for as long as I can remember but I have never been led to articulate the doctrine, let alone develop a coherent theology. Why now? Because it is time. Why is it so important? Because the doctrines of eternal torment - and especially its Calvinistic spin off which says that the wicked never had a choice in the matter because their god has predestined them to eternal torment - and the doctrine of annihilationism, are absolutely disgusting and obnoxious, casting a slur on the ahavah (love) of our Heavenly Father. They are satanic doctrines through and through, having more in common with the devil than the Creator.
The Need to Know the Character of the True Creator
You see, we, now - and you younger ones, later - are going to face a seathing mass of humanity who have no schooling in Christianity at all but may have heard these false stereotypes of Elohim (God) as a cruel torturer with which to bash Christianity. The final battle for humanity, before Yah'shua (Jesus) comes, will be won only on the basis of 100 per cent true doctrine as to the true character of the Creator.
Why Should the Unbelievers Listen to Eternal Tormentors?
As the world becomes more demonised, insensitive, and cruel - and as love waxes cold - unbelievers are not going to be drawn to a Calvinistic deity who resembles their own dark gods; yet the Calvinistic deity demands that the, the unbelievers, should live a lifestyle of Christian charity opposite to that of their gods. Why should they?!
Death of a Culture
You will not be able to assume - at least here in the West - some sort of Christian cultural background on the part of ordinary people, because the light of that older culture will have all but been completely snuffed out. So those to whom you witness will have no reference points, no trained Christian moral conscience. You will not be able to appeal to a 'better nature' to which they have had no real exposure, or to those values I took for granted when I was young, because they will be done. They are going to have to see divine power and ahavah (love) manifested afresh. The battle for those values rages in the United States as I speak, the last real bastion of the old Christian world, whereas here in Europe it has been all but snuffed out. You will need to therefore witness of true love and the true nature of our Heavenly Father who does not torture the wicked for eternity.
The Creation calendar and Kosher Living
What, I have been asked, about other doctrines that we have been instrumental in restoring, or helping restore? I get complaints that the restoration of the Creation Calendar makes it impossible for people to get regular employment or to send their children to the institutions of learning which operate on the old Roman system, or to otherwise be forced to make compromises. Yes, that's a tough one. We have agonised with this one in our home to be sure, and still do. Just as eating a 100 per cent kosher diet is nigh impossible with all the food contaminents, so living the Creation Calendar within the Babylonian system isn't always 100 per cent possible. Simply calling believers to be Torah-obedient is enough to get most orthodox Christians to stand against you, though there is an increasing tolerance towards Messianics in some quarters as they grow in numbers.
The Ruach haQodesh and Patriarchal Marriage
What about our teaching that the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is female, that She is our Heavenly Mother and that there are Seven of her?! And worse, the 'horror of horrors', the fact that we have acknowledged the validity of patriarchal or plural marriage (polygamy) when families in Africa converting to the Besorah (Gospel) have come seeking entrance into the Kingdom. We don't turn them away, we don't force them to split their families up, or - worse - admit only the women but not the men as other churches have done and still do, or otherwise treat them as second-class human beings. This doctrine alone causes old-fashioned orthodox Christians to go into meltdown and you have no idea the obsenity and threats we have had thrown at us by 'Christians' for supporting this as am authentic, Elohim (God)-sanctioned biblical lifestyle, even if it's not for most believers, and even though we don't believe it will have any real widespread application until the Great Tribulation and the Millennium because Christendom isn't ready for it.
Hot Potatos and Golden Calves
These are several of the 'hot potatoes' that we have served to the Body of Messiah which have made most fellow believers shun and denounce us. And now we have added Universal Salvation to the 'shopping cart', challenging another orthodox golden calf, and an obnoxious one at that. I don't know how many times our people have moaned that we would have had a far bigger impact on the Body of Messiah if only we'd just 'drop' some of these doctrines. But they're missing the point. This restoration isn't principally for us - it's for the great number who are yet to come when the orthodox churches collapse, as they are already doing. The end-time Sukkot anointing and revival is not going where most think. That old vessel is largely done.
The Problem With the Churches
The late Francis Schaeffer, conservative Evangelical theologian, apologist and pastor (1912-1984) highlighted, a couple of years before he died, the problem with the 'Church' in his time, from the turn of the 20th century, which is that it "has only been seeing things as bits and pieces" [1]. This was his way of saying, in a round about sort of way, that Christianity was suffering from selective blindness caused by tolerance of sin. By turning a blind eye to permissiveness, pornography, Marxist indoctrination at schools, family breakdown, abortion, infanticide, euthenasia, and the like, the churches were becoming blind to more and more emet (truth). He would be shocked to see the state of the world 16 years on where people no longer know what gender they are, nor do they even have any sense of what objective reality is anymore, and millions believe the earth is flat. The postmodernist era is truly a frightening one to those of us who knew what the world was like 50 years ago, or the world of our parents which they told us about from a century ago.
Looking Back at Historical Setbacks
With each act of selective blindness to the problems of sin around them, believers have not only compromised with sin but adjusted their theology accordingly. For Schaffer, the rot had started in the First World War period, and he was right, because 1918 saw a major loss of faith in former Christians shell-shocked by the horror of a world war. The Second World War alienated most of the rest. But we must be more prophetic than looking no further back than our own life span, or the life span of our parents. I grew up with old folks who experienced the end of the 19th century and so I knew something of what their world was like, and their values. Institutions like the Church of England, for example, were strong, and were a part of the bedrock of their societies. I still read many of their great preachers and writers. And yet the rot was already there.
Darwinism and Evolution
Going even further back to 1859 when Charles Darwin first published his book, On the Origin of Species, that was roughly when the West first started challenging the creationist account of Genesis. Today his doctrine of origins, which requires no supernatural origin for the universe, is almost universally accepted by mankind. And though many have bravely countered the fairytale that is 'Evolution', it was left alone to its own unchallenged devices for far too long, enabling it to gain an almost immovable foothold. Only now is the doctrine tottering, propped up only by politics and big money.
From New Testament Times and the First Five Hundred Years
But 1859 was no more 'the' turning point in the decline of Christian culture in the West than 1918 or 1945 were. Apostacty has been with us, men twisting and perverting the Besorah (Gospel), since very Bible times. By the end of the first century AD it's clear from the Book of Revelation, the writings of Paul and the writings of John, that the Enemy was furiously trying to undermine the foundations of truth with Gnosticism, Talmudism and paganism in general, yet the doctrine of Universal Salvation - the teachings that everyone will be saved one day, albeit it on different timescales and with longer or shorter periods of punishment - remained in tact for at least 500 years before being crushed by the likes of Augustine. Only then did the doctrine of eternal punishment and torment raise its ugly head. And it has been here ever since.
What are Messianic Evangelicals Doing?
So why are we doing what we are doing? Why don't we just 'keep it simple' and simply go and join with other believers and share the basic Besorah (Salvation). Well, actually, we have always done that, and still do, and that - beyond any doubt - is the most important thing we do or that any believer can do. But what is the point of winning a soul for Yah'shua (Jesus) and then bundling him or her off to a church which will teach them that we have no free agency, that we are predestined to salvation or hell with no choice on our part, that the wicked will be tortured for ever and ever without reprieve, being held to a standard far higher than Yahweh's own Torah, or (if you happen to be in another denomination, 'annhilated' after being 'locked up' for a thousand years and judged), or whatever false doctrine is being taught. What sort of a steward would we be - and how would Yahweh judge us for doing so - if we sent a convert off to a church which believes that it is the 'one and only' true church or organisation on the earth (like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Catholics) and everyone else is going to hell? Or to a church for whom permissiveness is fine, for whom abortion is fine, for whom any number of sins is fine?
What is Yahweh Doing?
More importantly, we have to ask ourselves the question: IS YAHWEH GOING TO CREATE A QADOSH, HOLY, SET-APART REMNANT TO REPESENT HIM, DISPLAY HIS GLORY AND POWER, AND GATHER THE TRIBES BY PERMITTING SUCH FALSE DOCTRINES? To which I have heard the liberal response that Yahweh accepts where we are (which is true) but that we should not confront people with total truth in case it upsets or drives them away. I think not.
The Occultisation of the Church
Somehow I do not think that any of Yahweh's emet (truth) is dangerous, except to the father of lies. Patriarchy is not dangerous, but matriarchy and coheadship most certainly are, overturning the divine order of creation. Any and all forms of the occult are dangerous, and not 'just' tarot cards, ouija boards, spirit-channelling, horoscope-reading and the 'tame' stuff that is going on in the churches today. The Church has now become heavily occultised, lead and misled by false spirits masquerading as the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), spirits that promise health and wealth for a fee, spirits that say 'all you need is grace' but no repentance and no works of righteousness. I'll not list them here but the heresies are multiplying.
From Bits and Pieces to the Whole
That is why we need true doctrine, that is why we have been called to do what we have been called to do. We are not content with 'bits and pieces', we want the Whole, and to share the Whole with all those who have a passion for Yah'shua (Jesus) and a passion for Emet (Truth). More importantly, Yahweh has called us to restore it and then do it...alone for a while if necessary.
King and Kingdom
We are here to bear witness of the King and to seek the Kingdom first above all things (Mt.6:33) but you need to know what the King and the Kingdom look like first in order to discern them apart from all the false. Millions still don't see through all the false tongues that masquerade as the Ruach (Spirit). Millions still think it is OK to be antinomian or lawless and believe that following rules is over with, and so they follow their own fickle hearts instead. We need the whole picture and judging by some of the letters we get, there are a lot of happy seekers who have gone away from our website rejoicing, and can take the leavening emet (truth) with them to their own people and congregations.
An Unpopular Message
What we preach is not popular with the flesh so why should we be surprised when fleshy Christians and Messianics, along with the wicked, go for our throats? I'm not. I don't much like it, I still don't like it 30 years on, but I would never sell it for a mess of semi-paganised Christian or Messianic pottage. We don't force this message on anyone, we don't threaten anyone with 'hell' if they don't like us. We make it hard to join us but easy to leave. We don't believe in compulsion.
Some Must Work in the Sidelines
We simply do our best to let our light continue shining. We have our lots and portions to fill. Jeremiah was none to happy about foregoing marriage and preaching to a blind, stiff-necked and rebellious generation. His secretary was his only real brother and companion. I'm sure few of us would have chosen a John the Baptist-type ministry wearing sheepskin and eating only honey and locusts out in the wild. I have not enjoyed being stuck out in the Swedish wilderness, at least not when I have wanted to go out and evangelise. Now poor health keeps me a prisoner here for sure, unless Yahweh has other plans.
Personal Prophetic Words From the Past
I haven't received a lot of prophetic words for myself through others though there have been one or two over the years, often from complete strangers, as in the case of the couple in Kentucky. Amongst the the many things they told me was that Yahweh wanted me to step out in emunah (faith). Indeed, that is what we are all called to do. And we must continue doing so, allowing nothing to hinder us, including health or age. Yahweh is more than able to use anyone willing to present him- or herself. That's all I want to do right now. That's all he can do.
A New Prophecy Received
I mention this only because another navi (prophet) contacted me a few days ago, a complete stranger, who told me that Yahweh had given him these words to give to me:
"Yahweh has chosen you to stand before Him and serve Him, to minister before Him and to burn incense" (2 Chr.29:11).
A Message for the Messianic Evangelical Community
I believe this is a message not just for me but for all who have been called to this work, and wish to join or ally themselves to it. Incense here represent the confessions, adorations, and specifically the prayers of those in a covenant relationship with Yahweh.
The Meaning of Incense
Thus David would pray in the Psalms:
"May my prayer be set before you like incense" (Ps.141:2, NIV).
And when Zachariah was exceuting his office as cohen (priest), he entered the temple to burn incense. Significantly, we read further:
"And when the time for the burning of incense came, all the assembled worshipers were praying outside" (Luke 1:10, NIV).
And, of course, the Book of Revelation tells us that "the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones)" (Rev.5:8, NIV).
Prayers and Torah
So there is no doubt what incense represents. It is also clear that the prayers of those who resist the will of Elohim (God) do not ascend to Him. Therefore there is a relationship between the efficacy of prayer and one's personal dedication to Yahweh. Prayer is not a last-second, emergency tool for those who have entertained no interest in knowing and being obedient to the will of Yahweh, even as it is written:
"If anyone turns a deaf ear to the Torah (Law), even his prayers are detestable" (Prov.28:9, NIV).
Becoming Living Incense
We are called to burn incense before Yahweh, and that means to offer sincere prayers in true ahavah (love) and chesed (mercy) so that we can ourselves become living incense:
"Therefore be imitators of Elohim (God) as dear children. And walk in ahavah (love), as Messiah also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to Elohim (God) for a sweet-smelling aroma" (Eph.5:1-2, NKJV).
Diffusing the Fragrance of Salvation
By proclaiming Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and His Besorah (Gospel), we diffuse the thrilling fragrance of salvation to all those who desire to receive it:
"But thanks be to Elohim (God), who in Messiah always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Messiah to Elohim (God) among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from chayim (life) to chayim (life)" (2 Cor.2:14-16, ESV).
A Knowledge of the Truth is Vitally Important
Do you see how important it is to diffuse a "knowledge" of Yah'shua (Jesus) everywhere? In other words, we must be saying truthful things about Him which reflect the pure emet (truth) of Elohim (God) the Father - the emet (truth) about His character, the emet (truth) about His ahavah (love), and the emet (truth) about the nature of His judgments.
Does Eternal Torment Honour Yahweh?
Are we honouring Him and proclaiming this knowledge - this emet (truth) - if we declare that He is a sadistic torturer of the wicked whom He predestined to damnation or extermination through no choice of their own, but as a sovereign decision of the Most High? That is an abomination! There is nothing qadosh (holy, set-apart) in that! And if we are made in that entitity's image, should it surprise us that we come across as glassy-eyed fanatics devoid of true love? Should we be surprised if we drive people away? Not at all! Then our aroma comes to reflect the aroma of death, and not of chayim (life) as it is supposed to.
The Only Way to Give Yahweh Glory and Honour
Do you see how serious the business of proclamation is? When we do so in the flesh, preaching false doctrines, who then are we serving? But when we are proclaiming emet (truth) in the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), then the true ahavah (love) and perfect justice of Elohim (God) is perfectly reflected, and thence we give Him glory and praise! That is why we as Messianic Evangelicals must proclaim what we do, and why we cannot proclaim the doctrines of men. That is why we devote such time and effort to making sure our message is based on Scripture and not on tradition.
That Philippian Smell
I want it said of me, and of you, that we, in the words of Paul to the Philippians, "are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to Elohim (God)" (Phil 4:18, NIV). I don't want to go through religious motions, I don't want to be some actor in any religious theatre, but I want the real thing, the real Person, the genuine emet (truth), the authentic knowledge of Elohim (God), the true anointing, and I want to be pleasing to Him. I have been around long enough to see how it how various contrabant versions of the gospel are peddled in the churches and I want no part of them. That is why I personally do what I do because I have little time left, not much energy to speak of, and therefore no inclination to play at religion. I have no time for games. Life is too short, and eternity to big of, and toos erious, a matter to handle lightly.
Staking Everything
So I am coming before Yahweh today, in public, to make this declaration, to state my intent, so that all who are interested in becoming a part of this work know why it is we do what we do. I don't want to spent the rest of my life, in my autumn years, doing anything else - it's not worth it - which is why I am staking my life on what I am saying. So much is in the balance in what we do - our witness either brings chayim (life) or aenonian (age-long) death (1 Pet.2:6-8; see AeonianTime). No one in his or her own strength is adequate or competent to serve Yahweh in the ways, and with the power, that Paul witnesses of in his epistles.
We Serve Without Salary
It is for this reason also that we do not preach the Besorah (Gospel) for money. We do not profit from it. It isn't a business. It is not a career. We are paid no salary. We work to support ourselves and when we cannot do so any longer, we place ourselves in the hands of Yahweh and the generosity of the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones), without expectations and without demands, threats or cajolings. No one, then, can ever accuse us, and I am glad to say that very few over the decades have ever accused us, of being in the money-making business. Even my worst enemies know I serve for free. Paul wrote to the immature Corinthians:
"...was this my offence, that I made no charge for preaching the Besorah (Gospel) of Elohim (God), lowering myself to help in raising you? Did I take a toll of other congregations by accepting support from them to serve you? Then, while I was with you, I sponged on no one; anything I needed was fully met by our friends who came from Macedonia; I made it a rule, as I always will, never to be a burden to you. As surely as the truth of Messiah is in me, I will preserve my pride in this matter throughout Achaia, and nothing shall stop me. Why? Is it that I do not love you? Elohim (God) knows that I do" (2 Cor.11:7-11, NEB).
What Messiah Wants of Us
Brethren and sisters, we have got to be clean to do this work - squeakey clean! If our prayers are to count, we must not tolerate impurity, but make repentance part of our daily conversation with Heaven. We have to make an end to habitual and willful sinning. Yah'shua's (Jesus') most heart-felt wish was:
"Father, I want the ones You've given Me to be with Me where I am. I want them to see My glory, the glory which gou've given me, because you loved Me before the foundation of the world" (Jn.17:24. KNT).
To Be Echad
I want to be with Him again, and I want you to be there with Him too, and I want us to be echad (one) with each other and with Him, even as Yah'shua (Jesus) prayed:
"I have given them the glory which you have given to Me, so that they may be echad (one), just as We are echad (one)" (Jn.17:22, KNT).
May the incense of our prayers rise to the heavenlies and be accepted as we pray for the Father's intercession, to break all our chains and loosen all our cords - for physical healing, for restoration of broken hearts, and for new ways forward into the work of the Kingdom. As for myself, I ask for your intercessorty prayers today and over the next few days.. I must now go to directly to hospital as my condition has become critical. I am in the hands of my Elohim (God). I love you all. Grace and peace in Yah'shua our Messiah (Jesus Christ). Amen.
[1] Francis Shaeffer, sermon given on 21 February 1982