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Month 6:8, Week 1:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5942:155 AM
2Exodus 5/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 19 August 2018
The Kindly Heavens
Our Connections Across the Veil


    Shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. I am really pleased to be here again after being forced out of the puplit by health issues and wanted to begin to thank the hundreds of people who have been praying for me so much from the bottom of my heart. I am nowhere near back to where two or three weeks ago when this descent began and may never return but I can truthfully say I am not feeling quite so much at death's door and not so often, which I attribute to the grace of Elohim (God). I will stand in this pulpit for as long as I can so if I transfer to a seated position mid-way I hope you will bear with me and understand.

    A Positive Development From Illness

    There has been one positive outcome of all this health business that has been happened, possibly two. The first is that it has forced me, as these things do, to deal with with the reality of my mortality much more soberly and to reassess the things in life which are the most important to me. It has definitely meant a much closer time with Yahweh, and more often. We can get so busy sometimes that we find ourselves not spending nearly enough time with our Heavenly Father; and being the workaholic that I have been most of my life, this has forced me to make a greater effort to spend more time in prayer and meditation, get to bed earlier and not to burn the midnight oil writing, and to generally listen more carefully to the promptings of the Ruach (Spirit). One of the reasons I have been making a series of videos on the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) has been precisely because I want to shift my emphasis, not away from theology, but definitely more in the direction of proactive communion with Elohim (God). That has been the main positive development from all of this, as well as to let Yahweh have greater control of problems I have tended to shoulder too much myself.

    When the Veil Gets Thinner

    The second positive outcome of being seriously ill has meant that the veil that separates mortality from the immortal world beyond has been much thinner. As you know, we lost one of our beloved pet dogs a couple of weeks ago, and it has been both a surprise and a delight to have actually seen him no less than five times since his passing. Given that I have been writing a lot recently about the next life this has served to rekindle in me a keen interest in the set-up 'on the other side'.

    The Nearness of the Invisible World

    There is so much speculation about life beyond the veil, so much superstition, and so much error that one is grateful to be afforded glimpses like these. I wouldn't say I have learned anything new about the spirit world during the illness but I have definitely been reminded, and had confirmed, that the invisible world is in the same physical space as this one. I have seen Fred suspended in the air as well as lying on the floor next to me, and in the most recent experience, sitting on the bed. And I have been aware that he is as able to see me as I have been in glimpsing him, so I suspect he is 'hanging around' in what is familiar space.

    Contact With the Dead

    I don't want to give a compendium of these 'outer-worldly' experiences here, firstly, because I have had so many of them (and I wouldn't know where to begin), and secondly, because I don't want those who are grieving for lost ones to be tempted into seeking for such experiences. For there are, as you know, wicked and mischievous spirits who take particular pleasure in deceiving us and playing on our worst fears and unresolved issues. I can truthfully say that I do not feel the need to see any of these things, and probably on balance would prefer not to. We're on this world to deal with life here - we will have plenty of time to deal with life on the other side when that time comes. We don't get this life again - there is no reincarnation - so we don't want to waste our time, and possible get misled and ensnared, doing things Scripture tells us not to. We are not spiritualists. We don't contact the dead in order to 'comfort' anyone. All the comfort we need comes from interacting with the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), who brings us such assurance and comfort as we need about the deceased, and with accepting what Yahweh has clearly revealed about the next life in the Bible. I cannot stress enough the importance of sticking to His rules about these matters.

    Key Doctrines About Hell and the Afterlife

    I believe that the main reason I have been given permission to see so much beyond the veil over the years has been for one purpose only, and that is to lend verification to what the Davar Elohim (Word of God) says about the spiritual world and to defend the emet (truth) about the matter. That is why you will find me a vociferous apologist for the doctrines of consciousness after death, the reality of Sheol (or hell) with its Paradise and Prison compartments, the reality about universal salvation and the true heart of Elohim (God) toward all His creatures. This is why I am a vocal opponent of eternal torment of the wicked, of limited atonement and Calvinism, of annihilationism and of absolute predestination. I cannot deny both what I have seen and what the Ruach (Spirit) has revealed to me systematically over the years about all these subjects. We must get these doctrines correct if we are not, as a people, going to be waylaid by seducing spirits and keep the Body of Messiah divided. The Final Gathering is first and foremot about a gathering together of all emet (truth) and then of the Remnent people themselves who are united in and around that emet (truth). This is why I do what I do. It is what I have been called to do and why I get the strength and energy to do what I do.

    The Vastness of Both Universes

    The solution to all our problems is to be found in the here and now, not in the past, not in the future, and not in parallel dimensions. The created Universe is VAST and if you think the physical Universe revealed by the Hubble telescope and other astronomical instruments is huge, then I have to say that you have little or no idea how huge the invisible universe is! I have had multiple glimpses of it, worlds without end, living creatures without end. It is unspeakably vast and we are never going to grasp it all, even in a state of future immortality. Indeed our range of 'vision', whether physical or spiritual, is very, very narrow in this mortal sphere, and Yahweh has ordered it so deliberately, because we are not here in this life to do anything else but to develop character and to make choices that affect our future life in the eternities. If, by way of analogy, our existence, before birth, during earth life, and afterwards in the eternities, can be comparted to our education in school and college, then this life is but one class in one school but it's the most critical one.

    The Hubble telescope has revealed trillions of galaxies in our universe

    The Nature of Experience in Mortality

    Since most of us are only aware of what we can see, touch, feel, taste and smell, we tend to view life out of proportion and not to scale. As 60 year-olds we see so much more than we did when we were in our 20's and 30's, and those in their 20's and 30's see so much more than when they were infants. Our conscience has to expand, and it has to expand slowly and systematically. Things are a lot slower in this physical dimension but we tend to perceive much more detail and in much greater depth. It is one of those great mysteries. Even time changes during our short stay on earth. And as time speeds up as you get older, so you tend to see much more of the bigger picture. When you are small you are occupied with your immediate surroundings and the details thereof, the proportions of the different parts of the baby (big head compared to the body, large mouth, etc.) are different to those that obtain when one is mature. We have different things to learn in different proportions at different times based on both imposed limitations and granted freedoms. Who will deny that the physical body is limiting? But it also provides contrasts and therefore facets of awareness and therefore experience not available to us in the disembodied spiritual state. And so we need to make the best of both these limitations and freedoms.

    The Beginning and the End

    The eternal world from which we have come, and the eternal world to which we shall one day return, are one and the same, but very different from this terrestrial world.

      "In the beginning was the Davar (Word), and the Davar (Word) was with Elohim (God), and the Davar (Word) was Elohim (God)" (John 1:1, NIV).

    Trillions of Galaxies

    This physical world we inhabit is but one of trillions of worlds in trillions of galaxies, but it coexists with an invisible world that is equally large, if not more so. We are made to feel miniscule by our physical size in comparison to the Cosmos, but spiritually we have a much greater 'reach', if I can put it that way.

    A Vision of the Inner World

    I have often told of the extraordinary experience the Ruach (Spirit) once gave me when I was visiting my physiotherapist and lying on the floor doing some relaxing exercises. I used to take the opportunity to pray and meditate. On one occasion Yahweh opened up an extraordinary vision to me. I was taken inside a woman's womb and there, to my astonishment, was a whole world of the dimensions of the cosmos. Like the Tardis time-machine in the British science-fiction TV series (for those of you who may be familiar with this show), the inside was considerably larger than the outside, so the inside of this woman was millions of orders of magnitude 'larger' than the tiny space that is our physical bodies. I was astonished! I could see stars and galaxies ad infinitum. Yahweh, in that moment, impressed on my mind the importance of not measuring with the physical eyes alone, but to think and experience reality spiritually too, without losing perspective or any sense of proportion. We must deal with reality here first and foremost, because that is the reality we were purposefully placed into. It was, and is, no accident, and we are to complete our time here to learn and accomplish the things of Yahweh in this setting.

    One World Squeezed into Another

    I can only imagine what it must have been like for the Son of Elohim (God), Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), being squished into this biological 'Tardis' called a mortal, physical body. That is about a limiting as it can get for Deity, and yet that is what was done, deliberately, as an act of supreme love and sacrifice, to rescue us from the follies of bad choices made in a sphere where we more-or-less have the free agency to do as we please. The incarnation of the Messiah, in the Meridian of Time, is one of the supremely most important occurrences in cosmic history. In this act, two realities combined fully into one. And even greater is the mystery of the revelation that the Incarnate Elohim (God) was located in both realities simultaneously - while He was on the earth He was also in heaven, in the invisible world:

      "No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven" (Jn.3:13, NRSV).

    The Great Divine Stargate

    To borrow the imagery of Science Fiction again, if I may, Yah'shua (Jesus) became the 'Cosmic Stargate' linking this world with the one beyond. Moreover, unlike the science fiction movies which have multiple star gates allowing movements between different parts of the one, physical universe. This physical universe is singular - meaning there are no others. However, Yah'shua's (Jesus') 'Stargate', which was His flesh, linked not only every single point in the physical universe but every single reality in the spiritual universe too! The centre of reality and of existence was, and is, in one Person. That's how incredibly amazing and unique He was, "the only begotten Son of Elohim (God)" (John 3:18, NKJV). It is through this 'Stargate' that we gain access to the Father's reality.

    Yah'shua (Jesus) is the Great Cosmic Stargate to the Father

    Witnessing of the Ultimate, Real World

    You know, the whole fabric of our emunah (faith) rests on the fact that beyond this physical planet which we know (and even that knowledge is only partial), beyond planets and stars, beyond the realms of matter, space and time, is the real or ultimate world, the world of the Eternities, the world of Yahweh-Elohim and of the qadosh (holy, set-apart) malakim (angels), the world from which this and all worlds seen, and not seen, by the Hubble telescope, come. We very rarely, if ever, see that world. We cannot map out its continents and shores. Very few have ever seen a gleam of its golden cities, and most will never see them while alive in the flesh. But we believe all of this is around us from eternity, and He who came from thence - Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus) - has told us things about it which are adequate for our faith journey. And those of us who have been granted glimpses of it have not been so blessed in order to consume them upon our lust for knowledge, but to build up the emunah (faith) of the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones), as witnesses of what has already been revealed. That does not make us 'special' - it simply means we have been assigned certain teaching and witnessing responsibilities.

    The Infinitely Kindly and Friendly World

    It is extremely important that you know that the as yet invisible world beyond is not just an infinitely qadosh (holy, set-apart) world, but that it is an infinitely kindly, friendly world, and that those who dwell in it, are keenly interested in us on this side of the veil and want to see us succeed in the tasks that have been assigned to us.

    The Gallaries of Heavenly Onlookers

    Perhaps this may be uncomfortable for some of you, but it would not be inaccurate to say that the galleries of the unseen world are crowded with spectators watching with deep interest our life on earth. "We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses" (Heb.12:1, NIV), the writer of the Book of Hebrews tells us. And remember - this keen interest in, and love for, us that these heavenly beings share - both malakim (angels), those who have not been born yet, and those who are yet to be born - is keenly felt, and more so, by Yah'shua (Jesus), for whom this is, as it were, His native air.

    Fred Made Visible...Again

    Even our deceased pet dog, Fred, is keenly interested in what is going on, because we are still his family! Just two nights ago I woke up to see him sitting on the end of my bed, keenly looking into my eyes, as if waiting for something. Life goes on, on the other side, as it always has done, and always will do.

    The Appearance of My Dead Daughter Gillian

    Three nights ago, when Fred appeared to me for the fourth or fifth time (I have lost count), I also saw my daughter Gillian. Now Gillian was only very briefly in this world of matter, indeed, she was never born into it because my wife had a spontaneous abortion quite early on in her pregnancy. Had she gone to term, she would have been 11 or 12 today. Gillian was lying between my wife and I and was still very small. I was shocked because I could see that had I neglected her in prayer and love.

    Praying for the Dead

    Now I realise that this may shock those Protestants listening to me who will accuse me of being 'Catholic' for Protestantism says we are not to pray for our deceased, but did you know there is absolutely no doubt that the early Christians did pray for the dead [1], not to advance them in 'Purgatory', so-called, but because our prayers continue to apparently benefit them as acts of love. We do, after all, still maintain our spiritual connections, even if we cannot see them or communicate with them as we would with one another down here.

    Generational Soul-Ties

    I learned a great deal about the departed dead when I was at one time very active as a deliverance minister dealing with generational curses.

    We can be connected to our dead by good or bad ties and it soon became apparent to me, seeing the oppression of those living, that bad soul-ties must be cut or else we will still continue to be negatively impacted by our dead along with their demonic infestations. Ungodly soul-ties are a big enough problem with living people (which we don't have time to go into today) which is why we must break them with the dead so that they no longer influence us here. Sexual-emotional soul-ties, caused by promiscuity - fornication, adultery and perverse sexual activity - are some of the worse which is why they must be dealt with for both the living and the dead.

    We are Not to Try and Communicate With the Dead

    Now I hope you understand that in saying we can pray for the deceased I am absolutely not saying that we should try to make contact with them, talk with them or communicate with them in any way! When one sees such things as I did when I saw Gillian, it was with Yahweh's permission and by His will because He wanted me to pray for her so that she would know that she was still loved by her parents even though they were on the other side of the veil. That's all. She was, in any case, very little little. The important thing is that she is still connected to us, which is why she was lying between us.

    The Reconciliation of the Living and the Dead

    Which brings me to an important point: if you have lost a child by a miscarriage, an accident, or even deliberately by abortion, there are important things you need to do. I have always been commanded to name miscarried children in our family because naming them means they belong and you have parental responsibility. Without the naming, they become as spiritual orphans. Though they have the ministration of malakim (angels) and Elohim (God) Himself on the other side of the veil, they were nevertheless created to be part of families, and those family ties remain even after death. This is all a part of the reconciliation that must be accomplished through Messiah.

    Helping the Victims of Abortion

    If you have murdered your unborn, you need to repent and ask Yah'shua (Jesus) for forgiveness. Killing an unborn child deliberately is the greatest act of rejection that any parent could ever inflict upon a child - it is bad enough rejecting the unborn in your heart, but rejecting them by exterminating them is abominable. That is why child-sacrifice features so heavily in devil-worship and why so many hundreds of thousands of children go missing every year, to be abused and murdered in despicable acts of modern-day Moloch worship which is now widespread in this evil world. If you repent, and call upon the blood of Messiah to cleanse and forgive you, I promise you that you will be forgiven. Your next task is to accept the responsibility of parenthood by naming your aborted child and loving it in your heart. This is, as I said, all apart of the ministry of reconciliation which can start now, and had I the time, I could tell you one or two beautiful stories of mothers who had aborted their children being reunited with them in the ruach (spirit).

    Yahweh is Looking Down on Us Continually

    Our Heavenly Father is looking down upon our lives continually with much love and pain. Indeed, we are told by Yah'shua (Jesus) in the Gospel of Luke that amongst the "cloud of witnesses" ... "there is rejoicing in the presence of the malakim (angels) of Elohim (God) over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:10, NIV). Likewise, when it concerns little children, Yah'shua (Jesus) emphasises the close heavenly connection when He said:

      "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their malakim (angels) in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven" (Matt.18:10, NIV).

    The Great Interest of Abraham, Moses and Elijah

    We're told also of Abraham in that unseen life prophetically rejoicing to see the Day of Yah'shua (Jesus) here on earth (Jn.8:56) to which he was intimately connected, again because that other world is so interested in ours because of what is played out here. In the account of the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah, two of the greatest old-world qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones), representing the Torah (Law) and the Nevi'im (Prophets), respectively, came out from that Unseen life to meet their Master and speak to Him (Mt.17:1ff.).

    The Council of Yah's Elohim

    And what, do you recall, did they talk about with Him? Of Pharaoh and the Red Sea? Of Ahab and Naboth's vineyard? Did they talk about those things which had interested them the most in their earth life? Not at all! (And by the way, this gives the lie to the soul-sleeping doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses and others who say we have no consciousness after death). No, they too had also been caught up into that kindly interest shared by all the great souls in the Great Council of Yah's Elohim, with whom I have communed intimately, who are watching us from the galleries of the immortal world.

    They Saw the Work of Messiah in Advance

    They spoke of what would be accomplished at Golgoltha in Jerusalem, on the cross, and what that would do for all men and women on earth, and all those who had once lived on earth, and those who would one day live on earth, including ourselves in our day! This is what interested them. They were taking in the great drama of Redemption and of the Atonement because they knew what the Cosmic Impact of this would be through that great Cosmic 'Stargate' that Yah'shua (Jesus) had opened through the Incarnation.

    Heaven's Interest From the Earliest Times

    Now this was all compartitively recently, a mere 2,000 years ago in the case of Moses and Elijah. But Paul tells the Ephesians that this deep interest in us has been from the very beginning, that the coming of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was no mere afterthought on Elohim's (God's) part. It was, rather, the eternal purpose of Elohim's (God's) ahavah (love) and chesed (mercy):

      "Blessed be the Elohim (God) and Father of our Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), who has blessed us in Messiah with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as He chose us in Messiah before the foundation of the world to be qadosh (holy, set-apart) and blameless before Him in ahavah (love). He destined us for adoption as His children through Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace that He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redempion through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace that He lavished on us" (Eph.1:3-8a, NRSV).

    Predestined to Universal Salvation

    You see, our Heavenly Father was always caring. He predetermined - predestined - that Messiah should save all of humanity, that all the poor earth-children should be gathered into the arms of the Father in the end. The Plan of Salvation in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) has been from the very beginning:

      "He (Yah'shua/Jesus) was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through Him (Yah'shua/Jesus) you believe in Elohim (God), who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your emunah (faith) and tiqveh (hope) are in Elohim (God)" (1 Peter 1:20-21, NIV).

    The Incarnation Prepared in the Beginning

    As we keep all these things in mind, we shall better understand the biblical idea that every incoming of Yahweh into human expression is prepared in that Unseen realm before it expresses itself here in the Seen. This world is not the place where eternal things begin or are conceived. Everything is known on the other side of the veil for what it is, and long before the moment comes for its manifestation on this side of it. There, in that kindly world, in the far eternities, in Yahweh's loving purpose the Incarnation was prepared for all men and women and for our salvation.

    Experiences With the Unsaved Dead

    I guess what I have been trying to convery to you all today is the extraordinary love, kindness and patience of the Host of Heaven, from Yahweh-Elohim Himself, to the righteous malakim (angels) and to the righteous dead and those not yet incarnated. Our image has been, in part, spoiled by false doctrines invented by men designed to control believers and unbelievers alike by frightening the saved and by terrifying the unsaved into Heaven. In so doing, they have distorted the character of Elohim (God) and made Him into a semi-pagan deity.

    My Mother in Spirit Prison

    That does not, as I have said so many times before, mean that it isn't very, very bad for the wicked and for those who refused to believe. I have seen these people too including, most recently, my own late mother who was only a nominal believer and was very attached to fleshy things. Nevertheless she was very kind to people. When Yahweh showed her to me in Sheol she was not being tortured by demons with pitchforks but was totally alone in a very grey area, lost in herself. She was facing away from me so I could not see her face.

    The Wicked are Tormented

    I do absolutely believe that the wicked are in torment because the Scriptures say so but also because of the testimonies I have heard from others. I have never myself ever been shown someone in torment in vision that I can immediately recall. Do I believe demons torment them? I don't know how that works exactly, though I suspect the torment is mostly generated from within by the awful realisation of what it is they have done and the hopelessness of their trying to ever save themselves. I certainly don't believe in Dante's version of hell which was inspired by mediaeval superstition and downright nastiness. But I think it not unlikely that demons are involved in some way at some time. I can't say any more than that.

    Why Refuse Yahweh's Generosity?

    It is insane to refuse the generosity of Heaven but people do because they want to be their own gods as Satan and his malakim (angels) wanted too. Look where they are today - look where that initial decision took them in the end. They are the most depraved and evil entities in the cosmos. There is not, as far as I know, a particle of light left in them because they did not act in ignorance. They knew exactly what they were doing. The only thing they were ever ignorant of was their own mortality without Elohim (God). They really thought they were independent beings in the final sense, as do many foolish people who think they are unconditionally immortal. But that's a whole subject in itself.

    I Pray For My Parents

    Do I pray for my mother? Yes. Do I try to contact her? No, because it is forbidden, and there would be no point. Do my prayers have an impact? Honestly, I don't know, because I pray only in emunah (faith) and assume they do in some way. I have never been shown the fate of my late father, who was not even a nominal believer, but I still pray for him. I still honour both in life and in death. I have cut all ungodly soul-ties to them in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name but I have allowed the Master to have full control of what remains. As there is no discourse between me and my late parents, must never be, and cannot be until we are one day reunited in the same eternal reality, I don't have to worry about the impact of those remaining connections. All I know is that I am expressing my love for both of them, and for others, and resting my hope in Yahweh's ultimate plan for them all. Ahavah-love is never forbidden, because ahavah-love - the selfless love of Heaven - can never harm anyone. But my main interest is for the living, always. Those who have passed on are under the watchcare of others.

    What of Deceased Babies and Infants?

    What of small children and babies who died in infancy? Now of these I do have some very particular experiences and for these Yahweh has reserved a special place of light and beauty which I was shown about 30 years ago in vision when the infant of the family I was friends with asked me for ministry. There are no babies or infants in hell for they are too young to have been able to exercise any real agency, so the doctrine taught by Catholics and Lutherans that unbaptised babies are in hell I do have to reject totally. Baptism is only for adults, not for babies. Infant baptism is an abomination and a violation of free agency of will, which the very young are incapable of intelligently exercising.

    Dealing With the Leftovers of the Mediaeval Church and Judaism

    I have touched on a number of touchy and controversial areas today because it is important that the Remnant confronts the last surviving doctrinal bastions of error of the mediaeval Catholic Church which were inherited largely untouched by Protestantism. Messianism in its turn has inherited a number of the mediaeval errors of occultised Judaism which in their turn have to be squared off, such as soul-sleeping (which I mentioned earlier) and annihilationism, not to mention a deadly error amongst some such as denying the deity of Messiah. Sadly there are many outside Messianism who also still hold to Arianism, viewing Yah'shua (Jesus) as either solely human or only a semi-deity. But these are topics for another time.

    Rediscovering the True Character of Elohim

    We will never fully understand or appreciate the true ahavah (love) and character of Elohim (God) until we have disposed of those false teachings that tarnish His name - such as the doctrines of eternal torment, annihilationism, limited atonement - which drive decent people away from coming to Yah'shua (Jesus) because they see something of the wickedness of the Adversary in those false teachings. And for us, do any of us really want to continue believing lies about our Saviour and and in so doing poison our own relationship with Him? I do not wish to think ill of my Redeemer! If "we [want to] see Him (Yah'shua/Jesus) as He is" (1 John 3:2, NIV) when He returns, and be like Him, then we have to be willing to lose face, prestige and honour amongst fellow believers still caught up in damaging traditions. To do that we must confront the lies inherited from our forefathers, expunge them from our teaching and bear fervent witness of the emet (truth). There is no other way. Our reputation amongst men is not, in any case, important - it's Yahweh's reputation among men that matters.


    We are truly now in the 'Valley of Visions' - Ge'Chizzayon - and that started in earnest last October when I began this eighth sermon series. Our calling has ultimately always been to teach men about love and compassion, but we have always known that there would be many Judas's and hypocrites around and that such would cause us to have many ups and downs. Not one of these hypocrites has ever wanted, or will ever want, to know what real human grace is as revealed through the purity of the revelation of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). In time people will start to see how self-deceived they were and reject all the pollutions of the Enemy and come fully home. This is what the 19th century Serbian navi (prophet) Mitar Tarabić saw, and it is being fulfilled in our midst. We have so much more to learn about the ahavah (love) and chesed (mercy) of our Heavenly Father, and implement: that I wish to learn, more than anything else, and in so doing dispose of anything getting in the way of that. I really hope that you, and many more, will join with me - with us - as we continue this exciting adventure in the Valley of Visions. Amen.


    [1] See Dr.J.W.Hanson, Universalism: The Prevailing Doctrine of the Christian Church During its First 500 Years

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