Month 3:29, Week 4:7, Year:Day 5941:88 AM
2Exodus 7/40, Omer Count: 7 Sabbaths + Day #21
Gregorian Calendar: Saturday 20 June 2020
The Big NCAY Change
Moving from Samuel to Elijah
Shabbat shalom chaverim and welcome to the last sabbath of the third biblical month. In two days' time, on Rosh Chodesh, I have an extremely important prophetic message for a lot of different people, from those of the Remnant to the nations and to the leaders of the satanic cult that runs what we generously call 'the deep state' because it is neither deep nor hidden to Yahweh.
The Beginnings of NCAY in the 1980's
But today's message is about none of these. It's about us - 'Messianic Evangelicals' or 'New Covenant Christians' (members of the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh) as we've also been known over the years. We began in Oxford, England, in the 1980's, at an historical moment of time that witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall followed by the unfication (in part) of Germany, the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the further erosion of the Church in the West.
Between Two Force-Fused Worlds
For the last 30 to 40 years the whole world has been in a major transition that I liken to the reign of King Saul, Israel's first monarch. Just as he was trapped between the old Confederacy and the emerging Davidic Kingdom that would replace his, so the world was trapped between two ideologies - capitalist democracy and communist totaliarianism - that faced each other across an Iron Curtain. And it was wrongly assumed, with the fall of the USSR, that captitalism had won and communism had lost. In reality, the two have been fusing together into an ugly hybrid monster which will, when completed, in fact be the full dark blossoming of the Beast System prophesied in Scripture. A deadly war is being fought even as I speak for the soul of America to try and prevent that from happening.
The Transformation of Christendom into a Satanic Cult
A parallel series of changes has been happening in Christendom too. In the years we have been in existence, the Church or Messianic Community has been shifting ever more toward the 'left' and 'liberalism' causing two factions to form separate from one another. Unfortunately, the two factions are similarly merging to form a beast-image in the Body of Christ which will then efface Christendom completely, transforming itself into a full-blown, visible and murderous satanic cult. Only the Remnant will fully remain separate from it and refuse any kind of identification with it.
Our Lonely Five Commissions Walk
What have we been doing these last 35 years or so? We have been ministering, rather like the navi (prophet) Saul, in the two-faced Saul Kingdom which is neither one nor the other, with one foot in the Kingdom and another in the World. We have been neither here nor there, separated, isolated, and pretty much alone, trying to influence wherever we could in fulfilment of our Five Commissions. The building of a spiritual community has very much eluded us, for a variety of reasons, and inspite of several attempts, leading us at times to wonder what Yahweh was in actual fact doing. Many have come seeking, sensing the Light that Yahweh has dispensed through us by His grace, loving to 'talk the talk' but balking at 'walking the walk'. Pretty much everyone has wanted to do things his or her way.
Pressure to Join the 'Church of Saul'
These last few months we have had all kinds of people coming to us, people who know they have been led to us by revelation, with one man even being told directly by Yahweh, never having met us before, to listen to whatever we taught him. He disappeared, as most do, when they realise the sacrifice involved in actually becoming Remnant talmidim (disciples) of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)...just as many have wanted us to abandon our distinctives in order to be accepted and mingle more freely with the broad 'Church' and so, they say, be more effective. But again I have to say, most emphatically, we are not here to submit to the chaotic Church of Saul which is sometimes benevolent and sometimes murderous like that very confused and disturbed monarch.
The Three End-Time Prophet Types
There are three nevfi'im (prophets) who may be said to represent three of the phases of this end-time work:
- 1. Samuel;
- 2. Elijah; and
- 3. Elisha.
I would like to have had the time to describe in depth the nature of the ministries of these three men but I must keep to the principle message I was given last night for this sabbath assembly. I will leave you, if you are not already familiar with them, to carefully study the lives of these three avadim (servants) of Elohim (God).
Birth Pangs and the Last Day of Our Old Ministry
I am here today to tell you that today is the last day of our 'Samuel'-type ministry. In a way, it ended last spring at Aviv 1 but human beings being what they are, it can take us a bit of time to cotton on to what Yahweh is doing. Because we have been doing things a particular way for so long, it's hard to imagine anything different. Yes, we have had a number of phases of ministry, sometimes quite dramatic, over the past 30 or so years, that in retrospect we can properly view as difficult birth pangs. And as you know, a mother waiting to give birth has little idea, if it's her first time, of what awaits her. I suppose I have sort of 'known' everything was ending back March but like any birth, it's a very disorienting process when your in the middle of it. It has for me, at any rate, felt like dying, for which I know I was prepared when I had my operation back at the beginning of 2019 when I wasn't sure if I would make it or not. And there have been plenty of times since then when I have not been sure I would make it. So what happened last night was I finally admitted, in preparing this sermon, that the old is finally over.
Attempts to Destroy This Work
What does that mean practically-speaking? It does not, as I know some might hope, that we are suddenly going to become more like this or that particular Christian or Messianic group. To do that we would have to deny the very clear revelation I have been brooding over now for the better part of my life like a mother hen. If people want to jack in my work after I am dead and gone, I won't be able to do much about it, in which case Yahweh will raise others, but as long as I am alive, I shall be grasping the wheel at the helm of this vessel given to me, even if I have to do it alone. When I consider the number of people who have tried to destroy this work, I know that there must be something 'in' it for it to be hated so much. Why bother with such a tiny group? Why is it so upsetting? And as those of you who have been witnesses to the attempts made to sink this vessel over the years, including attempts to try and destroy my family, they have themselves, in every case, been the ones to sink. It's one of the many reasons why I know Yahweh is in this work. It's His, not mine - I am but a custodian, along with my brethren who have been faithful to the call.
The Prophetic Partnership of Elijah and Elisha
But now, following the next assembly at Rosh Chodesh, important changes will begin to happen, and the whole character of this ministry will be altering, not according to the ways of other churches, but according to the way Yahweh wants. I want you to consider the labours of Elijah and Elisha. These two worked together, the latter being the apprentice for the former, to eventually receive a double portion of his anointing. Elijah and Elisha represent the penultimate and ultimae generations of this work who must work closely together. Right now we have been as Samuel, which is why we have been alone...of necessity, until Saul was no more.
The Giant Resurrection Hole in History
Do not try to anticipate or direct what Yahweh plans to do. We do not control this work at any of its change-over points. You see, what it is that has to happen is, by comparison with right now, is what happened 2,000 years ago. Distinguished Anglican minister and theologian C.F.D.Moule (1908-2007) put it this way:
"...the coming into existence of the Nazarene, a phenomenon undeniably attested by the New Testament, rips a great hole in history, a hole the size and shape of the resurrection..."
Called to Do Greater Things Than Christ
Nothing, of course, can ever match the resurrection in terms of historical paradigm-shifting. Nevertheless, what is coming in our day is going to tear up much of the recorded history of Christendom over the last 15 or 16 hundreds of years. What's coming has not been seen since the days of Messiah, the apostles, Elisha, Elijah and Moses. What's coming will be an amalgam of all the ministries and powers of these, and more. Remember, remember what the Saviour said, and this time consider that maybe what He prophesied has been reserved for this time:
"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these..." (John 14:12, NIV).
Miracles for the End Times
Yes, great things have been done on and off over the last 1,500 or so years, but how many of these works were greater than the works that Christ or the apostles did? Now we are not here trying to boast in advance, for in truth we have absolutely nothing to boast about whatsoever, being as we are no more than muddy blobs of dust by comparison: nevertheless, He has willed the greatest things to be done at the end because of all the mountainous unbelief of the many and the great faith of the few.
Another Big Hole is About to Be Punched
So, yes, I affirm that Yahweh is about to punch another great big hole both into the history of Christianity and into the affairs of the nations. This means, inevitably, confrontation again, as 'Caesar' rises up to oppose Christ the King.
Returning to the Story
The Remnant has to get back into the original Story again, as N.T.Wright reminds us:
"The biblical drama is the heaven-and-earth story, the story of God (Elohim) and the world, of creation and covenant, of creation spoiled and covenant broken and then of covenant renewed and creation restored."
Restoring True Worship
The thing is, are you content for the Body of Messiah to continue powerless and continually steam-rollered by the devil's agents? And again, lest any be tempted to imitate or retry the failed experiments of Azuza Street or any other number of different revivals which eventually petered out, N.T.Wright points out:
"A healthy diet of worship needs far more that ecstatic utterances; it requires didactic (instructional) content, through prophesying, revelation, a word of knowledge, or a word of instruction (that is, spiritually animated teaching). Paul, not wishing to stifle spiritual vitality, is concerned that worship should be less ecstatic and more didactic."
Between Charismania and Calvinism
These days (in the evgangelical movement at least) we have churches that major in the ecstatic and minor in divine instruction, and we have churches that do the opposite - the first leads to the pandamonium of charismania and the latter to the sterility of Calvinism, to give two extreme examples. We have those who believe that biblical faith includes a sacrifice of the intellect, leading to mere hysterical superstition, and those who believe it's all intellectual, leading to an inedible damp cardboard religion.
Praying to be in the World of Elijah and Elisha
It's fair to say that we as Messianic Evangelicals have placed a heavy emphasis on both the didactic and the prophetic but what is still lacking is, I think, pretty obvious. We cannot be trapped any longer between two worlds like a Saul. We have to be fully in the spiritual world, first, of Elijah, and then the double portion of Elisha. I have been praying for that for years and starting to lose hope.
Progress Through Funerals
To get what we desire, you have got to first of all allow Yahweh to punch a whopping great hole into the traditions that have brought us thus far, and to do so supernaturally as He did when the resurrection of Messiah burst in on the world and released the incredible power we know as the First Messianic Shavu'ot or 'Pentecost'. But that has come and gone. Just as "science progresses funeral by funeral", as the physicist Niels Bohr cynically put it, so religion must often progress by the same means, unfortunately.
The Preachers Must Stand Aside
Old ways have to die off but this only usually occurs when men and women of power die off too, unless they lay themselves down voluntarily and are prepared for radical transformation. Sometimes we forget that the Bible is the Word of Elohim (God) in the words of men, just as the Gospel is interpeted and preached in the words of modern preachers. And if Yahweh is going to do a new thing, either those teachers have to stop and listen, stand aside, or be taken home so as not to interfere in what Yahweh is doing.
Abrahamic Sacrifice
I have very much felt that I was 'in the way' these last few months which is why I know things have to change in me and for me, as for, and in, you too. Yesterday at suppertime one of my sons brought up the Abrahamic sacrifice of Isaac in a discussion and what that means for us, and he was right to express his concerns as most of us do when we seriously contemplate what Yahweh asked of him. In what direction does our faith now have to be stretched so that Yahweh can make the impossible become possible? What capability have we not realised that we have latent within us because our faith has not been stretched enough?
Whose Faith Was Being Examined by Who?
The account says Abraham was tested so that Elohim (God) could see what kind of faith His servant had but remember, these are the words of men expressing the Word of Elohim (God). In reality, Elohim (God) already knew what Abraham was capable of and what he would, in fact, choose to do. It was Abraham who did not know, and he soon found out. Notice, though, that Isaac did some 'finding out' too, because this is an Elijah-Elisha situation in the making, just as Abraham's sacrifice was a type of what the Son of Man would actually do to pay for our sins. Abraham was the chief beneficiary of the experience, and he passed on that benefit to his son. The two were actually quite alike in so many ways.
Faith as Literal Descriptions and Useful Fictions
"Our beliefs," Bret Weinstein once said, "hover somewhere between literal descriptions and useful fictions," but once the fictions - our feeble approximations of reality coloured by our own imaginations have served their use, we must graduate to ever more literal descriptions. Just as a child, before he or she is introduced to astronomy, must be allowed to conclude that the sky is as far as reality extends, so Yahweh allows us to form approximations of reality that will serve us in the interim until our minds can be expanded.
Limits of Useful Fictions
You and I, my friends, have got to be prepared, in the days ahead, for major expansions of your minds, because the useful fictions become useless beyond a certain point. Just as flat-earthism must give way before the greater and more glorious domain of Yahweh's Creation can be appreciated, expanding our wonder and worship, so the infant, oversimplified theologies of the past must give way for the bigger picture of Elohim's (God's) Kingdom and what He has planned for the world (such as universal reconciliation). After all, if we remain true, we will be called to administer that Kingdom here on earth. That means being willing to become more responsible for in the adoption of more responsibiluty comes greater meaning in life, and therefore more security.
If You Truly Believed...
"Elohim (God) alone knows what you'd be if you truly believed," Jordan B. Peterson once said. Whatever you are now, it isn't all that He intends you to be - you will always be a work in progress, and you'll progress a lot faster the more you trust in Him. Therefore believe in the promise that we have been called to do much greater things but only as we are prepared to surrender as Abraham did, and to trust one another as Isaac trusted his father. By instinct we are monarchical, we want to be in control, we all want to be kings and queens, but that is a sure hindrance to what Yahweh plans. If He subsequently makes you one, all well and good, but don't aspire to it. Aspire, as King David did, to be a mere ussher in the House of Yahweh. Don't be seduced by the modern fads that are leading the world over the cliffs to self-destruction like lemmings.
Vision of the Flowering Bush
So let's now wind this up. In a series of visions that I saw a few days ago, most of which I will be sharing in a couple of days' time, I saw the balcony of a flat or apartment in a block in some city. A huge bush was growing on that balcony, concealing most of it, and it was completely covered in glorious bright, yellow flowers. None of the other flats or apartments had plant life of any kind. This was as "a bush in the desert" (Jer.46:6, NIV), and we all know Who appears in bushes! (Ex.3:2-4).
Dotted here and there, one in a town and two in a city, the Remnant are located like blossoming bushes to whom Yahweh has spoken and who He has called out. They will need to make a hasty exit at the appointed moment, when their time there is finished, so they must be prepared to make their exodus to the final gathering just as the children of Israel were at the first passover. So we are, today, saying goodbye to the old and preparing to move out in whatever way Yahweh calls us to. I said this year was the year of big changes and so it has been, is, and shall yet be. I look forward to seeing you at Rosh Chodesh for the special message and at Shavu'ot as we count the Omer, there being 29 days left. May Yahweh bless you all as you ready yourselves for the new things Yahweh is about to do, and has indeed already started. Amen.
Comments from Readers
[1] "I loved this message Chris. As I have said before, you are one of the very few that can teach me anything. This was so educational, informative but above all I believe inspired. I need to watch it again, too much to take in in one go. Thank you. It was also good to see you in good form and full of fire" (CS, England, 20 June 2020)