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Month 2:21, Week 3:6 (Sheshi/Kippur), Year:Day 5941:51 AM
2Exodus 7/40, Omer Count: (Sabbath #4)
Gregorian Calendar: Thursday 14 May 2020
Late Chag haMatzah VII 2020
The Awakening of Messianic Israel

    Continued from Part 3 (Yom haBikkurim)


    Shabbat Shalom chaverim and welcome to the final day of Late Chag haMatzah and indeed of the late 'Spring' (now early Summer) Festivals or Passover Season of Messianic Israel.

    A Great Famine on Its Way?

    These 'delays' we've been having for a number of years feel almost prophetic, as though Yahweh is giving us a little extra time to get everything in order before the storm is unleashed. I fear a great and terrible hunger is soon to sweep over the globe, not of of the words of Elohim (God) (for that particular famine has been around a long time now) but a literal one. I hope I'm wrong. Again, please, if you have been using up your stocks doing the Covid-19 shutdown, please re-stock as soon as you can - don't delay! And if you haven't stocked at all, Yahweh have mercy on you!

    The Gospel as a Hobby

    We need today, on this last day of Late Chag haMatzah, to talk about some serious spiritual stuff and to make our religion real or more real than it has ever been before. I think for many people the Besorah (Gospel) is more like a hobby or interest tacked onto whatever else it is we are about in our usually busy lives. The one good thing about the difficulties that are mounting is that more and more people will turn to Elohim (God) in prayer. But this time we have to do a lot more - this isn't just a crisis that is going to pass because a whole lot of different crises are going to appear seemingly out of nowhere, one after the other, to compound the world's problems. This Covid-19 business, real though it is, is in reality a Trojan Horse for a rapid escallation of the setting up of the end-time Beast System. The first order of business is to defeat the attempt to compell the general population to be vaccinated with an untested, dangerous concoction that will be used to totally control the population.

    The Message

    Today's message was given me three nights ago so let's get into it, shall we? Here we go. The promises of much biblical prophecy, that are now vitally relevant to us - and I mean vitally quite literally - have been expropriated by the counterfeit Illuminati-created Rothschild Israeli State in the Middle East that belong rightfully to the true Israel - to Messianic Israel - to those who have submitted to the true King of Israel, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), to those who trust in Him implicitly, and to those who live by Messianic Israel's Constitution and submit themselves gladly to her laws (namely, the New Covenant Torah) and to her appointed cohenim (priests), the New Covenant Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek.

    Four Major Problems Preventing the Rise of Messianic Israel

    What, until now, may just have been interesting (or perhaps even uninteresting) theology and practice becomes central to a vibrant life in Messiah and as a Messianic Community (Church) in these dangerous times. What are problems preventing the true Israel from arising, apart from all the obvious ones like a lack of faith, love, and so on? The problems are as follows:

    • 1. Messianic Israel, like Israel and Judah of old, is still in exile and under the rule of Babylonian Law that holds sway in the various countries we find ourselves subject to, whose laws we are forced to submit to, save when they force us to violate Yahweh's Law (see The Limits of Obedience to the State: A Study of Romans 13:1-7);
    • 2. Messianic Israel's cohenim (priests) - the bishops, pastors, priests, padres, overseers, reverends, messianic rabbis, and so forth, have become corrupted by false doctrine, by submissing to Babgylon's ways, resulting in
    • 3. A divided Messianic Israelite nation that has fragmented into over 30,000 denominations, all with different constitutions, laws and bylaws, and some with even no laws save what their leaders order them to do or believe in; and
    • 4. Most of Messianic Israel does not even know, or want to be, 'Israel' but has rather chosen to embrace the Babylonian culture and its anti-messianic laws and mindset, and has become fully assimilated into it just as the Israelites in Moses' day were fully assimilated into the Egyptian culture of the day.

    A Final Gathering Essential

    And that, brethren and sisters, is why there has to be a Final Gathering or a gathering out from Babylon before there is a complete loss of messianic identity. (I am using the term 'messianic' here in the sense of believers or groups of believers who fully submit to Messiah in all His ways and not in the denominational sense, even though there is obviously a certain amount of overlap). The reason this Final Gathering is also called, and is a part of, the Last (or Second, Final) Exodus is because it has to be every bit as physical - eventually - as the First Exodus from Egypt under Moses, and every bit as mental, emotional and spiritual as it was during the 40 year Sinai wandering and purging under Moses too. And finally, there does have to be a restoration of the Promised Land to true Messianic Israel, as happened under Joshua, and its present inhabitants are not going to welcome us with open arms anymore than the Canannites welcomes Joshua.

    De-Egyptianisation Takes a Generation

    Yah'shua (Jesus) will not be returning the second time until all of this has been accomplished any more than Israel could enter the Promised land until it had become completely de-Egyptianised in thinking and behaviour. There has to be adequate preparation and there have to be nevi'im (prophets), like John the Baptist, leading the way in complete unity. Those who believe Israel was restored in 1948 or that we're going to walk into the Holy Land just as we are, or that we don't even have to bother to leave Babylon and go anywhere, or think they are going to be 'raptured' away and not have to be concerned about such matters, are frankly living in a mighty delusion. And that is why the message we bring is not popular, that is why the message we bring is more often than not, ignored and not even listened to, and that is why sometimes we are persecuted by those who ought to have been our friends because we stand our ground and won't be silent. That is why it takes so long to get Israel unified and on the move. That is why we have a good many years yet before Christ returns. You don't believe me? Well, just hang around and see but don't expect to find a back door into Israel at the last minute.

    How Many Israels, How Many Covenants?

    There are two other big problems we face that have to be resolved before larger numbers of believers can start moving forwards on the Messianic Israelite trajectory because until these problems are faced and overcome Messianic Israel won't be going anywhere soon:

    • 1. There aren't two different groups of 'God's People' - there isn't an unbelieving, apostate, anti-messianic, Jewish 'Israel' on the one hand with a separate 'mission' or 'covenant' all of its own, and the 'Church' on the other - Yahweh has never had more than one group of people at any one time and never will; and
    • 2. There isn't, on the one hand, a single covenant (the 'Old Covenant') that was 'renewed' by Messiah, nor are there two totally separate, unrelated, unconnected covenants - 'New' and 'Old' - on the other: there is a Former Covenant (now completely defunct) and there is a Present Covenant that is both totally new and renewed in parts.

    The Nay-Sayers

    I repeat, until these two truths are properly understood and embraced fully there is no going forward, no matter how many false 'pop' prophets arise claiming to be this 'Moses-man or that 'Moses-man', this 'apostle' or that 'apostle', this 'prophet' or that 'prophet'. All of these men (and sometimes women) are either deceived, deceiveres, or both.

    Getting Shavu'ot Right

    The next phase of the the annual cycle of moedim or appointments is the summer festival of Shavu'ot or Feast of Weeks, wrongly called 'Pentecost' by those who have got the Omer Count wrong. It's called 'Weeks' in the Hebrew, by the way, because the Omer Count begins with the counting of 7 sabbaths or 7 weeks which is then followed by 50 more days of counting, roughly 100 days in all. The religious world - Jewish, Messianic Jewish, and others - only count the 50 days, forgetting the 7 weeks or sabbaths gthat starts the count off, and then call it 'pentecost', pente meaning '50' in Greek. Whenever you see the Greek 'Pentecost' in your Protestant Bibles remember it translates the Hebrew word shavu'ot meaning 'weeks'. Why is the summer festival called 'Weeks' and not something like 'Weeks-Pentecost' if what we say is true? For the same reason Yahweh the Father is sometimes alone called Elohim (God) because He is the Head of the Elohimhead (Godhead). That is why Paul says:

      "...there is one Elohim (God), the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Lord Jesus Christ), through whom are all things, and through whom we live" (1 Cor.8:6, NKJV).

    Messiah is Both Elohim and Subordinate

    That doesn't mean that Yah'shua (Jesus) isn't Elohim (God), as some in the Jehovah's Witness family of interpretation misinterpret this to mean, it simply means that He is in subjection to the Father as the 'No.2', as the Son, and that therefore the Father, as Head of the Godhead, bears the title Elohim (God) in the primary sense, and may therefore claim, as He does in the nevi'im (prophets), that there is no other Elohim (God) than Himself:

      "Who has declared this from ancient time? Who has told it from that time? Have not I, Yahweh? And there is no other Elohim (God) besides Me, a just Elohim (God) and a Deliverer (Saviour); there is none besides Me" (Isa.45:21, NKJV).


    There is so much confusion amongst believers because of a failure to understand Hebrew echad or oneness theology. It doesn't mean, as the Jehovah's Witnesses and a good many messianics mean, that the Messiah is not Elohim (God) but belongs to some other division of heavenly beings, a reason why the Jehovah's Witnesses call Him 'a god'. It is simply a theological category statement. Likewise, the fact that Shavu'ot means 'Weeks' doesn't mean that there aren't an additional 50 days anymore than Yahweh is the one Elohim (God) means that Yah'shua (Jesus) and the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) aren't Elohim (God) too. Do you understand what I am saying?

    Assembling the Whole Covenant Community

    Why is getting the correct day of Shavu'ot (Weeks) so important? Apart from the obvious reason that we are commanded to assemble when Yahweh tells us to, which additionally means we must learn to use the right calendar, Shavu'ot is the time when we assemble to make, or renew, covenants with Yahweh as a collective people. If we're not there, at the appointed time (that's what 'moed' means) then guess what? We'll be making or renewing covenants at a time not appointed by Him, He won't be there to confirm those covenants, and we might as well be covenanting with thin air. That's not to say we can't make other covenants and vows at any time, it just means that the National Covenant is to be made at Shavu'ot and at no other time. And who are we to argue or complain if Yahweh doesn't turn up at a time of our own appointment?

    No Late Shavu'ot or Sukkot

    What would have happened if some of the Israelites had decided to turn up at Mount Sinai a month early and nothing happened? If the State says you have to pay your taxes by 1 April or 5 May (or whenever day is in your particular country) and you decide, unilaterally, to pay it in the middle of June, then guess what? You're going to get into trouble. Israel, as a nation, must make or renew her covenant together...there's no 'late Shavu'ot' as there is at Pesach (Passover), and no 'Late Sukkot' even though the Jews invented one and mutated it into a false festival and called it 'Hanukkah'. Think about it. Sukkot is the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, an actual day on the calendar, an actual event, and if you turn up for a wedding on the wrong day, guess what? You won't be attending any wedding except as a figment of your own imagination.

    Get Your Sukkot Appointment Correct This Year!

    Communal covenants have to be made as a community, and whether you like it or not, because you are so besotted with a particular man-made tradition, be it Jewish or Gentile, there are another three sabbaths plus 50 days to go before Shavu'ot this year making it (give or take a day, depending where you live) on 19 July this year. I don't know what Yahweh is going to do this Shavu'ot but if it's anything like what He did in the Spring Festivals this year, and given we now know 2020 is a pivotal year as far as the penultimate Judgment is concerned, we had better be assembled at the right time if we're at all serious about coming up to the Last Exodus and Final Gathering. (Please go to the Sukkot and Creation calendar websites to learn more about how to calculate the correct day for each moed).

    Directed to the Book of Nehemiah

    The text I particularly want to look at today is in the opening chapter of the Book of Nehemiah (which, remember, was once an integral part of the Book of Ezra, as Ezra was the author, the two becoming separated later) as it is germaine to our discussion today and, even more importantly, because this is what the Ruach (Spirit) specifically led me to as part of my evening devotionals before retiring three nights ago. As I was reading, the Ruach (Spirit) arrested my attention at verse 5 which I understood to be the passage in particular Yahweh wanted to draw my attention to and make it the centre of this sermon. This is the navi (prophet), living in exile in Susa (the winter residence of the Persian kings), praying intensely for the tough times the returned exiles were having in Jerusalem:

      "Yahweh, Elohim (God) of heaven, great Elohim (God) who must be feared, maintaining covenant and kindness with those who love you and obey your mitzvot (commandments)..." (Neh.1:5a, JB).

    Nehemiah at prayer in Susa, Persia

    Essential Elements for Right Relationship With Yahweh

    There are three important elements to being in right-relationship with Yahweh in this passage:

    These, Nehemiah knew full well, form the basis for the maintainance of the covenant, and he says as much. This idea of the linkage between love-and-obedience is central to the biblical witness and forms a key biblical concept known as covenant-love which leads to what theologian and historian N.T.Wright calls 'covenant-membership'. However, there are those - particularly Protestants (but also others) - who insist that commandment-keeping is not consistent with their understanding of the Besorah (Gospel, Good News) of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) because, they say, this was 'Old Covenant' and we are now 'New Covenant'. As I am now going to demonstrate, this conclusion cannot be right and must be rejected.

    The Original Promises Given to Israel

    If we go back to the beginning or formation of Israel in the former or Old Covenant we see Yahweh's very clear promise that if the people were Torah-obedient they would become the most important and powerful nation on earth. Every Israelite would come to see for himself that he was called by Yahweh's Name and that they would be blessed by Him. They would be 'the head, and not the tail', at 'the top, and not at the bottom':

      "...today Yahweh has proclaimed you to be His special people, just as He has promised you, that you should keep all His mitzvot (commandments), and that He will set you high above all nations which He has made, in praise, in name, and in honour, and that you may be a qadosh (holy, set-apart) people to Yahweh your Elohim (God), just as He has spoken" (Deut.26:18-19, NKJV - Evidence Bible/EB, p.265).

      "Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of Yahweh your Elohim (God), to observe carefully all His mitzvot (commandments) which I command you today, that Yahweh your Elohim (God) will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of Yahweh your Elohim (God): Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out...Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the Name of Yahweh, and they shall be afraid of you. And Yahweh will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which Yahweh swore to your fathers to give you. Yahweh will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And Yahweh will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the mitzvot (commandments) of Yahweh your Elohim (God), which I command you today, and are careful to observe them" (Deut.28:1-6,10-13, NKJV, cp.15:6 - EB p.267).

    Consequences for Covenant-Breaking & the Blessings of Restoration

    The Scriptures go on to say that that all of these blessings would be reversed if Israel disobeyed (Dt.28:25,43) but He also promised that when Israel turns again in repentance, with a renewed heart, that the promise would finally become true, the point being. this still hasn't happened yet:

      "Now it shall come to pass, when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where Yahweh your Elohim (God) drives you, and you return to Yahweh your Elohim (God) and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul, that Yahweh your Elohim (God) will bring you back from captivity, and have compassion on you, and gather you again from all the nations where Yahweh your Elohim (God) has scattered you. If any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under heaven, from there Yahweh your Elohim (God) will gather you, and from there He will bring you. Then Yahweh your Elohim (God) will bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers. And Yahweh your Elohim (God) will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love Yahweh your Elohim (God) with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live. Also Yahweh your Elohim (God) will put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you, who persecuted you...See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love Yahweh your Elohim (God), to walk in His ways, and to keep His mitzvot (commandments), His chuqqim (statutes), and His mishpatim (judgments), that you may live and multiply; and Yahweh your Elohim (God) will bless you in the land which you go to possess" (Deut.30:1-7,15-16, NKJV - EB, p.271-2).

    Erroneous Messianic and Christian Interpretations

    Many Messianics claim that none of these promises pertain unless you are actually living in the Promised Land, a reason they advise Messianics to immigrate to the Israeli Republic. Orthodox Christians (Protestant, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, etc.) say these promises no longer apply because the 'Church' is now Israel and the Church will remain where it is - they usually teach, as we have seen, that 'Israel' is a separate identity, the Jews, and that these promises apply to them only, and to those Messianic Jews living in the Israeli Republic and all other Jews when they eventually convert and immigrate too if they are still living in other nations like the USA.

    Israel is Centered in Messiah Alone

    Now, it is perfectly true, that not all the promises can be fulfilled completely outside the Promised Land. However, New Covenant Israel is a slightly different entity to Old Covenant Israel as all of Israel now centers in a Person, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) which means there is no Israel outside of Him. This is something Paul explains at great length though is often misunderstood by both Messianics and Orthodox Christians. Equally, the Orthodox Christians are mistaken because the Scriptures clearly teach a FINAL RETURN which will be accomplished by a FINAL EXODUS which means that true Israel - Messianic Israel, which is scattered throughout the nations - SHALL return. And we have declared that a 40 year-longish Return is already underway.

    The New Status of Israel

    The status of Messianic Israel today is therefore now the same as Israel as it was under the leadership of Moses while it was journeying in the Wilderness. And you all know the incredible things Yahweh did for Israel when she was in the Sinai desert when she was obedient.

    The Coming King Will Receive Obedience

    But let us establish the connection between the ancient tavnith or pattern and Messianic Israel today so that you can clearly see that what I am saying is the truth because there are various Pentateuchal (5 books of Moses) promises concerning the coming King who, the Scripture says, will receive the obedience of the peoples, and be Lord or Master over many nations as we see as early as Genesis:

      "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a Torah-giver (lawgiver) from between his feet, until Shiloh (Messiah) comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people" (Gen.49:10, NKJV - EB, p.74).

    The Pauline Understanding

    Paul, I believe, had this clearly in mind when he told the Roman believers:

      "Far be it from me, you see, to speak about anything except what Messiah has accomplished through me for the obedience of the nations, in word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of Elohim's (God's) Ruach (Spirit)" (Rom.15:18-19b, KNT).

    Confirmed by the Septuagint

    This is also, in my view, clearly born out in the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translation of Numbers 24:7 (which, remember, is far older than the mutilated Masoretic text that nearly all our English Bibles are based on) which reads:

      "There shall come a man out of his seed, and he shall rule over many nations..." (Num.24:7a, LXX Brenton)

    The Coming Universal Monarch

    So there is a consistent theme of a coming universal Monarch, from the earliest times, spoken of by the nevi'im (prophets). Moreover, since this is plainly Christ, as Paul realised, these promises are linked in Deuteronomy 30 to the theme of the return of Exile and the ingathering of the twelve dispersed tribes. Returning to Nehemiah 1, but this time further on in verse 8, the navi (prophet) Nehemiah prays, as recorded by Ezra:

      "Remember, I pray, the davar (word) that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, 'If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to Me, and keep My mitzvot (commandments) and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name'" (Neh.1:8-9, NKJV - EB, p.619).

    Only the Southern Tribes Returned from Babylon

    Only the two southern tribes (Judah, Benjamin and some Levites) returned from Exile in Babylon to the Promised Land, and then not all of them. The northern ten tribes have been in exile for over 3,000 years since carried away by the Assyrians. These returning Yehudim (Judahites) from Babylon were only to be scattered again by the Romans in the second century AD. And even if the Jews were the genuine descendants of Abraham and not a mixed ragtag bag of all the nations of the world, that would still not account for the scattered 10 tribes which are still in Exile. Or are they?

    The Calling of Israel

    Well, yes and no. All the promises pertaining to Israel have now converged on one Man, the Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus), and out of Him - and Him alone - can Israel now spring. He is the archetypal Israelite; election and salvation are now solely through Him. Yahweh originally chose Israel for the sake of the larger world - the nations, to be an example, a rôle she spectacularly failed in fulfilling. Election, the choice of Israel, was the focal point of of the divine purpose to act within the world to rescue and heal the world, to bring about what some of the Bible writers spoke of as the 'New Creation'.

    Judaism is Not the Old Testament Religion

    We must never forget that the original Israel failed and was metaphorically 'divorced'. Nevertheless Scripture promises that Israel will arise again. Non-Messianic Israel never did, modern Judaism in any of its forms is not Old Covenant Israel or its religion, not even remotely, in spite of its claim to be the religion of the Tanakh (Old Testament). It is a thoroughly occultised, pagan religion using the scriptural language of the former nation by which - knowingly or unknowingly - it has deceived the world, claiming to be the apple of Elohim's (God's) eye and therefore the rightful ruler of this world, and entitled to do everything is takes to achieve that aim, by fair means or foul. That is what the ruling deep state, Illuminati, Rothschild Sabbatean-Frankist cult believes, but by means of evil, not righteousness. It is not only non-Messianic but anti-Messianic in its character. And it hides under the false claims of the cult of Zionism, deceiving millions of Christians and Messianics alike.

    Old Israel is Dead

    This, then, is the central truth that must be understood. It is the core doctrine of the Remnant, the Last Exodus and of the Final Gathering. Yahweh is no longer working through 'old Israel'. That's gone, dead, buried, finished, but He is bringing Israel back, as it were, from the dead. Since Yah'shua's (Jesus') baptism, when Yahweh publically vindicated Him, declaring Him to be His Son and pleasing to Him in every way, Yahweh has acted afresh and in a way that nobody could have predicted.

    The Son of Man

    Yahweh acted decisively in history through a chosen Agent who is described in the Tanakh (Old Testament) as the One through whom Israel's Elohim (God) would be vindicated, exalted and honoured in an unprecedented manner. He is described in Daniel 7 as 'one like a son of man', a title Yah'shua (Jesus) deliberately used throughout His ministry, who is presented to 'the Ancient of Days' and shares His throne! There are hints of His deity everywhere.

    Yah'shua as Israel Personified

    The whole thrust of the New Testament is that the whole nation of Israel was summed up in, or represented by, one Person; Israel was 'crucified' on the cross of Calvary along with the atoning Saviour. When Yah'shua (Jesus) died, Israel died - the nation - and all those alive reverted back to being the sons and daughters of Jacob, as Jacob the patriarch himself had been before that monumental wrestle with the malak (angel) at Peniel, by the River Jabokk, and before he got His new name 'Israel'. 'Israel' is a spiritual condition. Israelites aren't 'born' in the fleshy way, but only through covenant and regeneration, the Covenant of Shavu'ot (Weeks).

    Æonian Matters of Time

    There was no longer any Israel on the face of the earth while Messiah lay dead in the tomb. When He arose, as the sinless representative of Israel, Israel was raised or resurrected too, in accordance with Ezekiel's prophecy. Yes, all the first believers were, as far as we know, Israelites under the Old Covenant, and were then reconstituted spiritually as Israelites under the New Covenant. From being members of an age-long or aeonian Mosaic, Aaronic or Levitical covenant, these new Israelites - who were also genetically sons of Jacob - became members of a New Covenant that is everlasting. And here you must be careful with English Bible translations and their liberal use of the word 'everlasting' and 'eternal' because more often than not they mistranslate the Hebrew word olam and the Greek word aionios. We don't have time to go into that now so I would invite you to take a close look at my website on biblical concepts of time.

    Ezekiel's Dry Bones and the Israeli Republic

    You should also study Ezekiel's revelation and prophecy on the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37. This is wrongly attributed by Zionists to the creation of the Israeli Republic in 1948 which is a counterfeit Israel, an Illuminati state calculated by its creation to deceive the world and especially Christians, to worship the soon-to-be-revealed Antichrist. Please, if you have never studied it, read my multi-part sermon series Jacob's Trouble which will remove the scales from the eyes of those deceived by Zionism.

    Becoming an Israelite Through Christ

    Ezekiel's vision describes the Resurrected Israel which is birthed through Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and through Him alone. You cannot come to Him as an 'Israelite' as some sort of badge of privilege (even if you are genetically related to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) but only as a sinner in need of redemption. When you are born again or spiritually regenerated by repenting and trusting in the Redeemer of Mankind, the Son of Man, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and continue to trust in Him, giving yourself to Him unconditionally for the rest of your life and forever, you become an Israelite - a Messianic Israelite - and as one, you are expected to obey Israel's Constitution and Laws, and to do as Nehemiah prayed, by

    • 1. Fearing Yahweh with godly fear and deep respect and reverance;
    • 2. Loving Yahweh with all your mind, body, soul, spirit and strength - your whole being; and
    • 3. Obeying His mitzvot or commandments, following His chuqqim (statutes) and mishpatim (judgments) in all things, the 'renewed' part of the Covenant. The remainder - the Aaronic part, the animal sacrifices and most of the ceremonial Torah - having now passed away, as explained clearly in the Book of Hebrews.

    Awakening Messianic Israel

    This is what the Remnant must understand and submit to, it is the only way Messianic Israel can awaken. Until she comes to this place, Messianic Israel will remain asleep. It will take time for this to happen. Illusions have to be popped, falseshoods exposed, lies released, all of which will start progressively happening as we pass through the penultimate Judgments of Yahweh that I have been warning you about for so many years. Again, I reiterate, this is the year - 2020/2021 (spring to spring) - when all that has been said will start coming to pass in a period of earth's history which will be looked back on as a time of tremendous upheaval. And like I have said, the coronavirus scare is but the beginning.

    A Big Changeover on the Next Sabbath

    Today we conclude our Late Passover Season with the last day of Late Chag haMatzah. Tomorrow we meet for the regular weekly sabbath. Tomorrow is a big change-over day in the unfolding cycle of events. For Christians, Messianics, and indeed the whole planet, personal worlds are crumbling as false foundations are shaken vigorously. Nehemiah's prayer becomes, I think, increasingly important in this time of global instability.

    Remembering the Promises and Preparing for Exodus

    Let is remember the promises given to the first Israel, principally to be found in Deuteronomy 30, and know that - although we are still in 'exile' in the nations - that we are spiritually on the move in the Last Exodus. The actual physical Last Exodus has yet to happen on any great scale, and won't happen for a few years - at least not obviously - because many Remnant believers will be moving house and in some cases moving country in order to be properly positioned for each stage of the Final Exodus which must be conducted by revelation but this time under a Melchizedek, not an Aaronic, umbrella and empowerment. Each stage will be revealed one day at a time, just as it was under Moses. Many moves may be involved, we will see, just be as prepared as the Israelites were in their exodus from Egypt.


    So stay alert, stay faithful, be renewed in hope as the Mighty Elohim (God) of the Universe progressively reveals more and more of Himself and His plans to you and me in the days to come. These are exciting times - challenging, yes, but exciting none-the-less. This is a privileged generation, to witness all of this and to be a part of it. Sadly, but of necessity, more and more of the old cadres - my generation - must continue exiting the stage, as Moses did in Moab, until it's all left up to the Last generation. There will be 12 Moses' to get you to the metaphorical 'east side' of Jordan, and 12 Joshua's and 12 Caleb's to get you across the river. I'll see you tomorrow, Yahweh willing, with the next instructions. Be blessed in Messiah and have a great last day of the late spring festival season. Amen.

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    This page was created on 14 May 2020
    Last updated on 14 May 2020

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