for there are many important keys there upon which we will be building here. May Yahweh bless you and keep you until next Shabbat. Amen.
Click here for Part 2
[1] Stephen E. Jones, Secrets of Time (God's Kingdom Ministries, P.O.Box 3929, Batesville, AR 72503: 1996
See Rapture When?
See Wikipedia British Mandate of Palestine
See for example Jews Against Zionism
See Our Amazing Bible: As Birds Flying - Jerusalem 1917
Edom was the nation founded by Esau, the brother of Jacob
See The Book of Yahsher is a pharisaic pseudepigraph that comes in a number of variants and, though it may contain bona fide historical material, is almost certainly a work of fiction.
Because he had defrauded Esau, so instead of obtaining a wife in the way Isaac did, he had to slog his guts out to get his. In this we see Yahweh's perfect justice for though Jacob was the more spiritual man of the two brothers, his method of obtaining what was rightfully his caused him much 'trouble'.
91 is a multiple of 7, specifially, 13 x 7, the age of the son of Esau when Jacob was dispossessed of his dowry. In other words, Jacob did not get the son of the originally intended wife (Joseph) until the proper atonement had been made.
The Jubilee or yovel is the year at the end of 7 seven-year cycles of Sabbatical years, the 50th year and is of extreme importance not only in understanding the management of time in Messianic Israel but also of Yahweh's justice, because the 50th year is a time of national dedemption.
Stephen E. Jones, Secrets of Time (God's Kingdom Ministries, Batesville, AR: 1996), p.152
Notice the number 13 again
Most traditions depict Joseph marrying when he was 30-43 years old and Mary when she was about 15. There could therefore have been as much as 30 years difference between them, if not more. See WikiAnswers, How Old Was Joseph When He Married Mary? Catholic tradition proposes an even greater age gap: "They lived forty-nine years together and had six children
A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse [betrothe] Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph
" (Catholic Enyclopedia, 1913 edition). It is quite likely, then, that the couple were engaged when Mary was as young as 12-14. One must bear in mind when considering such data and comparing it with modern times that boys and girls reached puberty at a much earlier age than they do today, and were certainly spiritually much more mature than modern young men and women. Even a couple of generations ago it was not uncommon for people to marry aged 15 and to get engaged even earlier (in the United States). Accordingly we, like most Christians and Messianics, and in view of the lack of maturity and plague of spiritual issues that have followed in the wake of mass godlessness in the West over the last half century, do not recommend marriage until much later. In most nations of the world today, 18 is recognised as the legal age of marriage without parental permission, with parental consent being required from 15/16 years of age. See Marriage Laws in the World by Age We believe this to be sound practice.
See Festivals
Author: Lev-Tsiyon
This page was first created on 6 February 2009
Last updated on 10 January 2017
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