Getting in Contact with Us
Thank you for visiting this website and for reading our materials. It is our hope that you have been, or will be, richly blessed by them. Many people wish to get into contact with one or more of our ministries after studying these pages. This page will help you contact the right people in the right way.
Unless there happens to be a local assembly (congregation) in your area, the quickest and easiest way to make contact with members, investigators and friends is to join the online Messianic Evangelicals Network. This is also the place where you will find the most up-to-date news including current sermons and articles before they make their way to this website.
We prefer questions on doctrine and practice to be posted in the Messianic Evangelicals Network rather than they be sent by email. This is also a good place for posting general prayer requests. Doctrinally-related emails are usually posted here and enquirers directed to read the answers in the Reception Group where competent ministers can answer you.
Because we receive so many enquiries daily, it will save you, and us, time if you contact the right person in the right ministry in the right country. Please therefore carefully follow the instructions that follow.
Since E-MAIL is the most common way people contact us, it is also the form of communication that can so easily clogg our processing system up, resulting in long delays. To this problem must be added the reality that malicious parties deliberately try to spam our email accounts and send virus-infected emails. Since we automatically scan for these please observe the following rules:
- 1. Never send attachments with your email - they are automatically rejected and deleted;
- 2. All our emails are received in ASCII (not Rich Text) which means we cannot see any pictures, font faces, or backgrounds - so write your emails in simple text only;
- 3. Put a sensible Header on your email - headers like "Hi", "Hello", "Wow!", "Greetings", "Urgent", "Please help me", or blank headers are often classified as spam mail and automatically deleted. Headers like "Enquiry from James Sanders on MLT" will be sorted first for answering;
- 4. Once you are identified as a bona fide enquirer, your name will be added to a special file so that you will be able to send attachments and write in Rich Text, etc. in the future.
If you have Yahoo, Hotmail or MSN E-mail accounts, please be aware of the following:
- 1. Because of hackers and malicious persons sending false and virus-infected emails in our name all over the world in huge numbers, @nccg.org emails of all kinds (the genuine as well as the fake) are frequently treated as spam or malicious mail by major internet providers and organisations;
- 2. If you use Yahoo, Hotmail or MSN email, be sure therefore to check your trash or spam folders before deleting them as you may find our mail has been sent there. If you find an @nccg.org there it is because these companies think our mail is spam;
- 3. To get around this problem, simply go to your email settings and declassify @nccg.org email as spam;
- 4. If we appear not to answer you, this is probably the most likely reason - we always answer genuine enquiries.
Enquirers tend to reflexly contact MLT Headquarters in Sweden instead of the respective national assemblies. Almost all email is routinely re-routed by us to the national leaders so writing to Sweden will simply cause delays - e.g. if you're from the USA, write to the USA! First consult the MLT National Assemblies and Missions directory before you get into contact or go to the webpage that deals with your continent or region.
The MLT website also contains many specialised ministries that may require attention from someone other than a national minister. Again, the place to start is the Messianic Evangelicals Network and get yourself known. If you are a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and/or have an MPD/DID problem, then a specialised ministry and a ME Deliverance Group is available once we have ascertained that you are genuine (do not apply here until you are invited) - there are many impersonators who are not seriously seeking for deliverance so we must screen out fakes. Get acquainted with the materials on our Deliverance Website and join the Messianic Evangelicals Network. WARNING: the Messianic Evangelicals Network is a public group and not all Group members are necessarily friendly or supportative of our ministry. Post a message marked PRIVATE to the Moderators and we will look into your needs after you have completed Deliverance Forms 1 and 2.
We get a lot of emails from independent churches and ministries wanting money. These are automatically referred to the national churches or to our sponsoring and funding pages for full information. MLT is neither a bank nor an association of affiliated churches from other denominations or beliefs and does not give financial assistance to other ministries, congregations or groups.
Quite often congregations or groups of congregations apply for association or full membership of MLT. Association with MLT is on two levels:
- 1. Membership of the
Josephite 1-House Echad Messianic Israelite Association (1MIA). This is for congregations who are in broad agreement with MLT and wish to publically indentity with us whilst remaining fully independent and self-governing. Members of 1MIA are bound by covenant only by the common Articles of Faith of the Association;
- 2. Full membership of MLT in which a congregation or group of congregations come under the full apostolic authority of MLT. To become fully integrated with MLT requires, first, membership of
1MIA. Accession to full-membership takes place over a 1-4 year period as the congregation phases out former unbiblical practices and harmonises is doctrine and practice with MLT. Full members have full access to all MLT resources.
 Postal, E-mail & Fax Addresses:
MLT, Box 120, S-671 23 ARVIKA, Sweden
Fax: +***********
This page was first created on 25 February 1998
Last updated on 1 May 2009
Copyright ©1998-2009 Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT) - All Rights Reserved