Donations to the Ministry
How to Contribute
MLT/NCAY does not believe in incorporation or registration unless absolutely required though in the past we have registered, and remain registered in some countries where the law requires it and this does not interfere with our operations. If you wish to support a particular national ministry (like South Africa) you should make your payments directly to that ministry and not to headquarters. You will find instructions on how to contribute on the separate homepages for national ministries. This page is only for headquarters (MLT) and the NCAY international ministry.
This is the preferred method from our point-of-view. Consult your bank for further help.
The following is our main & preferred account in Sweden (SEK):
Christopher C. Warren
Förenings Sparbanken
Account and clearing No: 8431930920045
IBAN Account No: SE4480000008431930920045
BIC/Swift address: SWEDSESS
Bank address: Westra Wermlands Sparbank, Västra Torggatan 1A, S-67132 ARVIKA, Sweden
If you need any more information (like personal addresses, phone numbers) for your bank protocol, please contact me by email or in an IM in one of our online discussion groups, viâ Skype or in Discord.
Other available accounts for EFT are:
Norway (NOK)
Christopher Warren
DNB Bank, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, N-0021 OSLO, Norway
IBAN Account No: NO74 0540 3816 037
Sending small sums by International Money Order from abroad results in large bank fees for us (about $20 per transaction) if we attempt to cash them here and thus results in large losses to the ministry and donor, unless they are IMOs. We cannot current receive US$ checks.
Another problem is cheques/checks that are too large - if these are in excess of SEK 10,000 in value, not only can processing take up to 3 weeks but an aditional flat charge of SEK 500 is made by the Swedish government.
We can process British (UK£), Norwegian (NOK), Swedish (SEK) and Euro (€) checks/cheques and IMOs only (sorry, no US$ or other currencies). Please do not send checks made out in other currencies. All checks/cheques & IMOs should be made out to "Christopher C. Warren" (not to MLT, NCCG, NCAY etc.) and sent to: Box 120, S-671 51 ARVIKA, Sweden. .
Please only send cash by Registered Mail and/or well concealed between postcards or cardboard taped together in non-transparent and/or thick envellopes. Preferred currencies (in order of preference): Swedish SEK, Norwegian NOK, Euro €, UK£ and US$ - other currencies are more difficult to exchange and result in large exchange fees. As there is a great risk of loss, we do not recommend this method unless the sums are small (i.e. less than, or the the equivalent of, US $50).
This account is NOT for ministry donations (NCAY/MLT does not have a PalPal account) but ONLY for personal sums for Pastor Warren:
Click the QR image for an internet link to go direct to PayPal online
This page was first created on 8 May 1999
Last updated on 7 February 2023
Copyright ©1987-2023 Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT) - All Rights Reserved