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Month 3:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5942:60 AM
2Exodus 5/40, Omer Count - Shabbat #6
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 16 April 2018
Rosh Chodesh III
Vision of the Three Blind Men

    Continued from Part 1


    Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and may the grace of our Heavenly Father, through Yah'shua (Jesus) our Master, be with you on this first day of the third month and throughout the month ahead.

    Gathered to Hear the Prophets

    We have gathered here, as we do each Rosh Chodesh, to hear what Yahweh's nevi'im (prophets) have to say, even as it is written:

      "I spoken to the nevi'im (prophets);
      it was I who multiplied visions,
      and through the nevi'im (prophets)
      I will bring destruction
      " (Hos.12:10, NRSV).

    Why We Need the Spirit of Prophecy Today

    We have entered a time where we cannot survive or prosper without the spirit of prophecy and every single believer must walk in that spirit - whether it be for his own testimony of Yah'shua (Jesus) which can only ever be given as a witness to others by the spirit of prophecy, or for every patriarch as head of, and for, his own household, or for the authentic worship of the whole House of Messianic Israel in general, even as Yah'shua (Jesus) spoke to the apostle John in the Book of Revelation:

      "Worship Elohim (God)! For the testimony of Yah'shua (Jesus) is the spirit of prophecy" (Rev.19:10, NIV).

    For Protection and Witness

    We need the spirit of prophecy to alert us to all the dangers that surround us, and will surround us, spiritual as well as physical, during this Last Exodus and up until the time of the Second Coming and the beginning of the Thousand Year Reign of our Messiah upon the earth. Today, as anciently, we need the foreknowledge of Yahweh to stay ahead of the enemy and to be about our tasks. As again the navi (prophet) Hosea testified:

      "Jacob fled to the land of Aram;
      there Isael served for a wife,
      and for a wife he guarded sheep.
      By a navi (prophet) Yahweh brought Israel up from Egypt,
      and by a navi (prophet) he was guarded"
      (Hos.12:12-13, NRSV).

    Marriage, Preaching and Deliverance

    We see, then, that the spirit of prophecy is given by Yahweh to us in selecting marriage companions, escaping from bondage and in guarding us along the journey of life in this mortal sphere. I would say these were all rather important, wouldn't you? We all need to find the marriage companions Yahweh has chosen for us (to avoid disasterous marriages), we all need to break out of divers kinds of bondage (which is why pastors much preach the salvation message and deliverance ministers must administer deliverance), and we are all dependant upon Elohim (God) to guide us through life.

    Vision of the Fox

    Moses was, of course, the navi (prophet) who brought Israel up from Egypt and many a navi (prophet) guided our nation throughout the years. This very morning, just a few hours ago, around 6 a.m., I was awakened by Yahweh and shown a vision of the forest just behind our chicken coup, and there was a red fox. The moment it saw that I had seen him, he fled at great speed, dashing away as fast as its legs could carry him.

    The Shepherds of Israel

    Like Herod of old, whom Yah'shua (Jesus) called "that fox" (Lk.13:32), the fox is not only always on the lookout to seize, kill, and devour a member of Yah'shua's (Jesus') flock, but seeks to escape detection and to make a hastity exist once discovered. Therefore the shepherds - the fathers of families, the local pastors, and the apostles, must remain constantly on the alert to protect their families and the flock of Israel. And if Yahweh in olden times called nevi'im (prophets) to be available for the ordinary folk a minimum of five times a month - on every Rosh Chodesh and Sabbath - as well as to guide and guard the nation as a whole, how much more, do you suppose, is there a need to do the same in every age?

    Stripping and Sanctification

    Which brings me to today. The message I have for you this morning very much continues from the one I gave last sabbath in which we talked about being taken to our wits' end, as part of the process of being stripped preparatory to sanctification and a deeper and more intimate relationship with Yahweh.

    The USA, the Israeli Republic and Iran

    If you are a watchman as I am, you will be aware of all the current excitement over President Trump's revocation of the 'Iran Nuclear Deal', made originally by former President Obama, which was immediately followed by attacks made by Israel on Iranian troops stationed in Syrian bases. A lot of belicose noise is now being made about overturning the Iranian régime and going to war if necessary.

    The USA's New Embassy in Jerusalem

    In parallel, the United States moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem two days ago (14 May 2018) which has both stirred up political tensions in the Middle east and worldwide, as well as boosting to the cause of Zionism. So evangelical and messianic Zionists are very excited, since they see in these moves the continuing unfolding of biblical prophecy as they interpret it, and many of them are consumed by a murderous spirit to see Damascus destroyed (Is.17:1) and to bomb Iran. I continuen to be astonishef that those professing to be talmidim (disciples) of the Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would want to see anyone killed, especially as there are millions of believers living in Syria and Iran! And that is one reason Yahweh has raised up nevi'im (prophets) to rebuke this ill-conceived , blood-thirsty spirit.

    A Grand End-time Deception

    This Zionistic project is, though, as I have said so many times over the years, a massive deception orchestrated by Satan through the Illuminati élites to get the monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam to exterminate one another. Worse, in many respects, is the inevitable persuadion of Christians and Messianics to accept a false messiah that will result, an antichrist slated to arrive ahead of the true Saviour, Yah'shua (Jesus), through a Third World War which an attack on Iran proper is almost certain to provoke, if it happens.

    Jacob's Trouble

    For those of you new to this ministry and the revelation we have received, I'd like to invite you to make a careful study of our series called Jacob's Trouble so that you do not fall into the trap of aiding and abetting the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) and his agenda, which is the driving force behind Zionism, not tom mention getting his mark! The Remnant must discern clearly what is going on so as to be prepared for the imminent Judgment.

    Preparing the Remnant

    I have two visions to share with you today in connection with all of these things, by way of warning. As Yahweh promised in the beginning, saying He would not leave us clueless, so we are given sequential apostolic instructions through the true nevi'im (prophets) whose task is to prepare the Remnant throughout this challenging journey.

    Directions from Heaven

    The whole picture is not being given at once so as not to inform the Enemy of Yahwehy's movements, and not all can therefore be published online. What is shared here is only what I have been given permission to share, but it should be adequate for each family head to go to Yahweh in prayer and so get further instructions specific to their own families, for as I said last sabbath, this is still not the Gathering time. I am not here to tell you what to do. You have to get your individual and family marching orders from Heaven directly.

    The Nebuchadnezzar Warning

    Before I share the two visions may I remind you of what Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar about his prophetic dream? That is, not to assume that warning or judgment visions, dreams and revelations are necessarily directed against our enemies or prople other than ourselves, but may be directed at Yahweh's own servants as part of His desire to cleanse us too. These messages are for everyone who claims to be a follower of the Master.

    Vision of the Three Blind Men

    So let me start by sharing the most recent vision first, seen four days ago (on 12 May) as I was awakening. I was standing in the Courtyard of the spiritual Temple - remember, the spiritual temple, consisting of Courtyard and the Sanctuary, represents the whole Body of Messiah. Remember also that outermost part of the spiritual Temple - the courtyard - represents that part of the Body which is the most lawless, the least sanctified in Messiah and the most vulnerable to destruction. I saw three blind men, all dressed exactly a like, one behind the other, the ones behind clinging on to the one who was leading. They had no idea where they were going and they were following leaders who were as blind as they were.

    Brethren and sisters, this is the condition of those believers - and in particular deceived shepherds (husbands, fathers, pastors, and self-proclaimed 'apostles') who are still adhering to false doctrine and are still being led by false spirits. Many are self-proclaimed nevi'im (prophets). And incidentally, they were on the edge of the very forest where I saw the fox in my vision earlier this morning! Do you see who Yahweh works? Prophecies given here and there, at different times, and sometimes by different nevi'im (prophets), form a composite prophecy which can only be assembled by those walking in the Ruach (Spirit)!

    The Crazed False Prophetess

    How different all of this is from that which calls itself 'prophecy' which fills the charismatic movement! Yesterday I was watching a video of this crazed woman, dressed in white and brandishing a microphone like a totem, screaming her and working her congregation into a psychic frenzy, as she was lowered into a replica of the brazen altar of the Temple as some sort opf symbolic sacrifice. There were replicas of all the parts of the Old Covenant temple on the stage - and, yes, a stage of most apt because most modern 'worship' is just theatre for the goats. What blasphemy! What deception! Being worked into a frenzy is not being 'spiritual'! Being dramatic does not necessarily equate with the prophetic It isn't! It's a mockery, a counterfeit of the true Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God).

    The Petra Scam and a New Antichrist

    That one side of the deception. The other is much quieter, smoother and slimier. Another false prophetess, in spite of having already issued a false mitzvah (commandment) to gather to Petra in Jordan in the spring of 2017, and who is still there after her prophecy of a 'heavenly sealing' failed to come to pass because she got her astrological calculations wrong, is now confidently saying that Donald Trump is the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist), even though it was not so long ago that she was insisting that that honour belonged to her Britannic Majesty's grandson, Prince William. And this is the same person who denies the Divinity of Messiah and therefore the Incarnation, as so many false messianics now so. If anyone denies that yah'shua (Jesus) is Elohim (God), have nothing to do with them! They are tainted by that one false doctrine alone!

    So Many False Prophets

    So the first message is: don't go and goin the false nevi'im (prophets) at their false gatherting places, they who dabble in astrology and falsely read the planets and stars. This sudden craze for star divination hit the evangelical and messianic scene with the 9/23 Scam and which came to naught. Where there is no true prophecy what you end up with is people making very fallible calculations searching the constellations of reading Bible Codes, like the Jehovah's Witnesses who have got their prophecies wrong, in a big way, so many times now.

    Only One Way to Safety

    This is the thing: there are lots of such false nevi'im (prophets) around now, and they will multiply in number, as lazy, lawless believers seek out ministers who will not demand much of them, as they suppose, particularly in the areas of morality and doctrinal correctness. The lawless will naturally be attracted to lawless ministers, the blind to blind ministers, and so forth. There is only one way to safely navigate these modern seas, and that is through complete surrender to Yah'shua (Jesus) and faithfulness to His mitzvot (commandments).

    Vision of the Burned Storehouse and the Spirit of False Prophecy

    I'm afraid there is potentially very, very bad news for those who get sucked up into false prophecy, which is made plain in an earlier vision I received four days previous (on 7 May) to the vision of the three blind men. I saw a storehouse which a prepper had carefully prepared against the Collapse. However, the storehouse and all its contents was already burned to the ground, and all the carefully prepping was lost - the food, water, medicines - everything - was lost. The years of careful preparations was gone, all lost - in a moment. And standing next to this gutted building was a woman whom I immediatelty recognised as a demonic spirit. And though I hestitate to name her, I have no doubt she has something to do with the spirit of false prophecy.

    Flee from false Teachers!

    So if you are following false prophets or prophetesses, rebuke them and leave - immediately! Save what you can and get out because you will be ravaged and destroyed if you do not. You see, this may well be the fate of some of those who diligently obeyed the prophetic instructions to physically prepare but when awhoring after false prophets. I would hate to see any Christian or Messianic lose everything they had sacfrified and laboured hard for because they would not listen to the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) but instead insisted on following false teachers. Everything may be calm and have the semblance of being right at this moment but all of this can change within minutes.

    Getting Right With Yahweh

    I take no pleasure in having to say these things but I would rather have you up in arms agtainst me now for doing so and come to your senses in time, saving yourself, than seeing you led to destruction. For destruction most definitely lurks out there, waiting for you, like that fox in the forest. What madman is content to be blind, and follow the blind, when calamity bursts out all around?! The navi (prophet) Hosea goes on to admonish such:

      "Return, O Israel, to Yahweh your Elohim (God),
      for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.
      Take words with you and return to Yahweh;
      say to Him, 'Take away all guilt;
      accept that which is good,
      and we will offfer
      the fruit of our lips.
      Assyria shall not save us;
      we will not rise upon horses;
      we will say no more, 'Our god',
      to the work of our hands.
      In you the orphan finds mercy'"
      (Hos.14:1-3, NRSV).

    The Glory of Repentance

    Repentance is sweet, who shall speak evil of it? Who but the prideful will scorn her? Does not our Elohim (God) promise great and wonderful things to the repentant? If you know anything about the Book of Hosea, you will know of the sweetness that is in the heart of our Heavenly Father toward such, He who wishes us to be immersed in that very same fragrance that emanates from His heart and to so walk with Him in shalom (peace). Therefore He promises through that navi (prophet) Hosea:

      "I will heal their disloyalty;
      I will love them freely,
      for My anger has turned from them.
      I will be like dew to Israel;
      he shall blossom like the lily,
      he shall strike root like the forests of Lebanon.
      His shoots shall spread out;
      his beauty shall be like the olive tree,
      and his fragrance like that of Lebanon.
      They shall again live beneath My shadow,
      they shall flourish as a garden;
      they shall blossom like the vine,
      their fragrance shall be like the wine of Lebanon"
      (Hos.14:4-7, NRSV).


    Friends, time is running out, grace upon grace has been extended, but judgment is now lapping like floodwaters at your very doorsteps. May you seek Yah'shua (Jesus) with all your heart, repent of following false teachers and nevi'im (prophets), and learn to take responsibility as spiritual adults for your own revelation and your own communion with El Elyon, the Most High, instead of doing like the ancient Israelies of abrogating that to someone else. You will find Him for He rewards diligently those who seek Him. Amen.

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press

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    This page was created on 14 May 2018
    Last updated on 14 May 2018

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