FAQ 379
The 'Mandela Effect'
Has the Bible Been Changed Supernaturally?
Q. Isaiah 11:6 says, in my King James Bible, that the wolf will live with the lamb - but isn't it supposed to be the lion living with the lamb?
A. All Bible versions, not just the KJV, say that the wolf will live in peace with the lamb:
"The wolf shall live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the kid,
the calf and lion and the fatling together,
and a little child shall lead them.
The cow and the bear shall graze,
their young shall lie down together;
and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
The nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp,
and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den.
They will not hurt or destroy
on all My qadosh (holy, set-apart) mountain;
for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Yahweh
as the waters cover the sea" (Is.11:6-9, NRSV).
This is a prophetic picture of the ideal, messianic king inaugurating a righteous society of peace and harmony which will spread throughout nature (also Is.65:25). The "holy mountain", though some think it to be a reference to the Temple in Jerusalem, is, in fact, describing the world-wide Kingdom of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). As you read further into the 11th chapter of Isaiah you will see that the restoration of nature is linked to the restoration of harmony between all the Tribes of Israel and indeed of all Mankind.
The fact that a wolf is depicted as living peacefully with a lamb doesn't, of course, mean that lions can't, or won't, lie down with lambs in the Milennium too, or any other combination of animals that were previously predator and prey for that matter. Indeed, the lion is mentioned, along with the leopard and bear, in the list of predators. What Isaiah 11:6 does not say, in any Bible anywhere, or in any Hebrew manuscript or in the Greek Septuagint (LXX), or in any literal translation in any language that I know of, is that "the lion will live with the lamb". That is a human invention.
This has led to at least one crazy snowballing conspiracy theory which has come to be called the 'Mandela Effect' or the 'Quantum Effect'. The absurd claim is made that some wicked men have acquired the power to go back in time and change the words of the Bible in order to deceive and confuse us. The argument goes that we all supposedly 'remember' the original - which allegedly said "the lion will live with the lamb" even though, they say, our physical Bibles and all Bible manuscripts have been altered by using the CERN reactor in Switzerland to create an alternative reality which has changed 'lion' into 'wolf'. Why would these evil people want to do this? Because, the logic goes, the Lion is Christ (Rev.5:5) whereas the Wolf is Satan (Jn.10:12).
As you read the whole passage in Isaiah, you will see immediately that the message is, as I said, that former predators would have their predatory nature removed and they would live in peace with their former prey. At that time all creatures will be at peace with one another, as they were in the Garden of Eden before the Fall, and all would become vegetarians again. Some people have problems with this, saying that lions (for instance), have mouths designed for predation - they are carnivores! And that is certainly true. Yet during the Second World War, German zoos could not afford to give meat to their carnivores because of the shortage of food, so they fed them greens. Lions actually ate vegetables and survived well enough throughout the war. So we know that it can be done. Carnivores can become herbivores.
To claim that the wolf is Satan and the Lion is Christ - and therefore the passage should read that the lion should live with the lamb - makes no sense whatsoever, on many counts. The Lion, in this prophetic picture, is a former predator, like the wolf, formerly ate Christ the Lamb but won't do so any longer in the new paradise, which is palpitable nonsense. This section is not a symbolic prophecy but literal. And even if it was symbolic, why couldn't the Lion = Satan? Isn't Satan also depicted as a roaring lion in Scripture? (1 Pet.5:8) The meanings of metaphors and symbols change throughout the Bible, with fire sometimes meaning judgment and sometimes meaning purification.
If I were fiendishly bent on wanting to destroy the Bible witnesses by using a time machine that would enable me to change its contents, I would not waste my time with Isaiah 11:6. I would go and change some fundamentally important doctrine like the Incarnation (by denying the Virgin Birth) or the Resurrection or the Deity of Messiah. Or I might change it to make the devil out to be the good guy. There is plenty of mischief I could get up to.
From what I have read about upset Mandelan Christians thinking Isaiah 11:6 has been tampered with, it has usually been KJV-Onlyers terrified that their beloved, allegedly infallible translation has been altered, thus rendering the Word null-and-void.
I admit I was baffled the first time this matter was brought to my attention because I, like so many others, had been led to believe that the Bible speaks of a lion lying down with a lamb in peace. Someone, a few centuries ago - deliberately or ignorantly (we'll probably never know) - must have mixed the animals up and the new duo of 'lion and lamb' somehow got repeated often enough to became implanded deep into the English-speaking conscience. Why, a whole denomination, and not a few local churches, use the lion, lamb and little-boy motif as part of their logo! Indeed, I belonged to one such church once that used this logo, and in some versions it even decepively references Isaiah 11:6.

The whole point of the wolf-and-lamb motif is to use contrast to highlight our greatest fears. The wolf, throughout history, has always played upon man's terror of the savage beast. The context is about the transforming power of Yahweh upon even those things we fear the most.
There is no doubt that CERN is being used to open demonic portals but there is no evidence that it is tapping into parallel universes, or causing them to 'overlap', which is the stuff of science fiction invented by evolutionists desperate to explain the impossibililty of life arising spontaneously without the intervention of a Supernatural Being. The 'logic' goes, that if there are an infinite number of parallel universes, then at least one of them must have generated life spontaneously. There isn't a shred of evidence for any 'Multiverse'.
There is, however, an invisible world in parallel with our visible one, about which Scripture speaks, part of which is inhabited by malevolent beings with an agenda of deception and destruction. The 'Mandela Effect' is just one of their lies in the end-times prophesied by Paul:
"Concerning the coming of our Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and our being gathered to Him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of Yahweh has already come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called Elohim (God) or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in Elohim's (God's) temple, proclaiming himself to be Elohim (God).
"Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Master Yah'shua (Jesus) will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the splendour of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the emet (truth) and so be saved. For this reason Elohim (God) sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the emet (truth) but have delighted in wickedness"
(2 Thess.2:1-12, NIV).
You cannot, in any case, go back in time and change history. To change one little thing is to change everything that comes thereafter. Yahweh would not permit His Davar (Word) to be changed anymore than He would permit someone to go back in time and threaten the birth of millions of people, and their decendants, rendering all their works null and void. It doesn't happen, it can't happen, and it won't happen. If Satan's agents had access to such technology they could go back whenever, and as often as, they wished, even back to the beginning, erasing the entire history of humankind.
Some KJV-Onlyers seem to be the ones pushing this nonsense the hardest because they themselves are operating under a massive delusion. Some of them are even saying that the punctuation and capitalisation of words in the King James Version has been changed by the 'Mandela Effect' to make that allegedly infallibly translated Bible look imperfect and corrupt.
Where did all this 'Mandelism' come from? We must follow the trail back to source. This whole imaginary phenomenon was created by a necromancer called Fiona Broome, who named it after Nelson Mandela, believing the South African President died in the 1980's when in fact he passed away in 2013. In case you don't know what a necromancer is, he or she is someone who contacts the dead for the purpose of predicting the future. In other words, the creator of the 'Mandela Effect' was a witch and what we are dealing with are unclean occultic ideas that have more in common with Harry Potter fiction than any sort of objective reality.
As a result, superstitious people, not grounded in the Davar (Word), are letting their imaginations run rampant and are seeing supernatural changes everywhere. The end will, inevitably, be to totally lose a grip on reality. They are not unlike people caught up in existentialism generally. They are a part of a post-rationalist frenzy no different from modern Antifa communists in the political arena who will not debate issues but who prefer to violently indulge in character assassination. Sadly, this spirit has gripped many 'Christians' too. What we are seeing is but a facet of a giant end-time cult of illusion.
Like another delusion, flat-earthism, Mandelism is expanding exponentially, like a giant tsunami just grabbing people who are not grounded in the emet (truth) of the Davar (Word) and the emet (truth) of proper science. If what these people believe is true, then our reality is constantly being changed by time-travelers interfering with our world. Everything from Alzheimers to our very thinking processes can have an alternative explanation. But think about it: if the Davar Elohim (Word of God) is no longer reliable, because it has been repeatedly changed by time-travelers or intersecting parallel universes, then what can we trust in any more? Who has a sufficiently perfect memory of the way things 'really' were before things were supposedly changed? It means we can't have emunah (faith) in anything. And this is the ultimate nihilism.
How many 'Bible verses' have you heard throughout your life that aren't actually in the Bible, imaginary verses that preachers have used so often that they have become embedded deep into our minds? I can think of a few:
- 1. Once saved, always saved;
- 2. God wants you to be happy;
- 3. God helps those who help themselves;
- 4. This too shall pass;
- 5. If you work hard, you'll be successful;
- 6. Just follow your heart and you can do anything;
- 7. Cleanliness is next to godliness;
- 8. Money is the root of all evil;
- 9. Name it and claim it.
A Bible teacher called Betty once confronted someone from the Mandela cult. No matter what she said, he would not be convinced. He said he knew his Bible well and remembered the way Isaiah 11:6 used to be before the time-travelers changed it, and no one could persuade him otherwise. So she asked him to do her a favour and look up Hezekiah chapter 17, verse 21. The man opened his Bible and started searching and searching. When he couldn't find Hezekiah 17:21 by flipping through the pages of his Bible he checked the list of contents at the front. Then he discovered that there was no such thing as any Book of Hezekiah [1].
You see, just because we think something is a certain way, doesn't mean that it is.
[1] Debunking the So-Called Biblical Mandela Effects
Further Reading
[1] The Post-Modernists: Seven Things They Need to Know
Comments From Readers
[1] "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this logical and informative article. I [will] now definitely IGNORE the Mandela Effect stuff, just as I ignore the flat earthers. Thank you!" (JMS, Australia, 23 June 2018)
This page was created on 1 May 2018
Last updated on 23 June 2018
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