Month 2:14, Week 2:6 (Sheshi/Kippur), Year:Day 5945:43 AM
2Exodus 8/40 (Omer Count: Sabbath #3/7)
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 25 April 2021
Late Pesach 2021
Last Chance for Believers
with an Important Vision
Chag sameach Pesach kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah for those of you unable to attend Passover last month for whatever reason. I realise the several lockdowns have prevented most from traveling and I suspect it is still the same in which case I hope you will be able to celebrate this Late Passover at home with your loved ones and maybe one or two close friends able still to travel. I hope you will avail yourself of the sermons and teachings from that time if you were not then able to join us online.
Much Has Transpired Globally in 1½ Months
Although this is something I usually reserve for Rosh Chodesh I am going to use this occasion to review some of the things that I shared - particularly the two visions - as a preamble to the Pesach Season which you can find in the article, Introduction to the Passover Season because a lot has happened in the short space of one month. Last Rosh Chodesh we focussed on false Jewish Messiahs because this was also the first day of our Annual Jericho March so it's really been 1½ months - at Aviv 1 or the New Year - since I have said much about the Judgment Year Messages. I have also been banned by Facebook for a week for posting an image of a man who had a dreadful allergic reaction to one of the three 'vaccines' being peddled by one of the Deep State monoplies so I have a little extra time on my hands for a while.
On the Verge of a World War Again
On Aviv 1 I warned people to be careful of any dreams and visions they might be having - to carefully check their source - because of all the airwave frequency tampering going on and especially not to get discouraged as things would get worse. A month-and-a-half later we find the élites steam-rollering their program as fast as they can, especially with their plan to issue a 'vaccine passport' with which to control the movement and livelihoods of those who know what they're up to, and also with a resumption of their attempts to start another World War with Russia in the Ukraine. So there is potentially a great deal one could be anxious about were it not for the fact that those who know Elohim (God) know that He is in control and determines the historical outcome of events with His overlaying narrative. Where His narrative conflicts with that of the élites, the élites have to give way, as happened with the old witch of Arkansas.
The Wicked Powers Delayed
I have held back until now with sharing a vision I had four days ago because I knew this was sensitive information and had to be shared at the right time. Let's just say that the élites are very close to achieving their objectives which were delayed for four years by the Trump administration. You'll understand what that objective is when I share the vision with you.
Mid-morning on Thursday 22 April 2021 (CC 11th day of the 2nd month) I saw a vision of the front of a beautiful detached family house made of brick. On the top floor there were two windows, equidistantly spaced, and on the ground floor another window on the right side immediately under the one above it, and to the left a front door set into an alcove give a covering from the elements, the outer brickwork being arched. It could have belonged to any small family of independent means. As I was enjoying looking at this lovely little home set in its own small garden with a footpath leading up to the front door, the vision suddenly switched and to my consternation the whole of the front façade, including the front door, with the exception of the upper left window area, was completely cut off by a second wall made of large ugly grey blocks (about four times the size of a regular brick) of the kind one sometimes finds used for making foundations. This second wall was right up against the original, first one, like a second layer. I assume the rest of the house - the other three sides - were already covered though I did not see it. The whole house was being locked in. The thing about what I saw was the fact that I could see these blocks self-assembling on the upper level to begin covering the last remaining window, creeping from right to left. The whole of the house was nearly encased - entombed - so that no one could either get in or get out, and now the light was soon to be denied - blocked off - by the remaining blocks.
Symbolic Meanings
The symbolic elements of the vision should, I hope, be self-evident. It's a picture of what is happening to individuals, families and nations, a description of the totally unnecessary (yet maliciously deliberate) lockdowns, the disruption of family, social and national life generally, with the 'light of truth' being increasingly denied as Satan does what he is best at doing using his political, economic and religious slaves on earth - shutting it out completely. The assembling of the blocks from right to left is a clue as to the political direction that we are being taken into - into a new and horrible hybrid of communism and fascism that we see ripening in China. The world is being set-up for an alternative 'reality' that is no reality at all - an artificial reality. We're that close. And this Late Pesach is the final chance for believers still caught up in the lies of the system - depending on it as they are to take care of them - to finally make teshuvah - repent - so that they are not engulfed in the darkness about to overtake them. Because once you are 'entombed' in those blocks you will not be able to 'see' or discern, and all your freedom of movement - mental and physical - will be gone. And you don't want to be in that situation when the Penultimate Judgment is unleashed against the wicked.
Watch Out for May Day
Be on the alert, especially on May Day (1 May), which is a major satanic feast called Beltane, but also generally. The day after (2 May) is the last day of Late Chag haMatzah (VII). Also be aware that on the Creation Calendar 28 April was the day Noah and his family boarded the Ark of safety that he had been preparing most of his life.
I look forward to seeing you for the Sabbath tomorrow. May Yahweh bless and guard you all. Amen
Continued in Part 2 (Late Chag haMatzah VII)