Month 2:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5945:30 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 11 April 2021
Rosh Chodesh 2021 II
Jericho March 2021 I
False Messiahs & the Israeli State
Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and may Yahweh's blessings be upon all, and especially upon those who love the Saviour's second coming, on this the first day of the second month or the new year. This message is for those who believe that Israel's messiah has not returned even once yet.
The Non-Messianic Messianics
'Messianic' fever is at a high pitch these days, and I am not talking about those 'messianics' like ourselves who believe the Messiah has already been once already, two millennia ago, and who are expecting Him to return again very soon, at least within the lifespan of the young who are today alive: I am speaking of those who rejected, still reject, and will continue to reject, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), the true Messiah of Israel, up until the point when it will be too late to receive Him, at His visible Second Coming.
False Messiahs of the Past
My purpose is not to look at all the historically proven false messiahs like Simon Aroha (who led a revolt against the Romans), Ben Koziva (letter known as Bar Khockba who claimed he could intercept the stones shot by Roman catapults with one of his knees and shoot them back, slaying large numbers of Romans) and Shabbetai Zvi (who in the end converted to Islam), even the most recent ones like Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Hasidic Lubavitcher Rebbe, one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century. Though he himself never claimed to be the awaited Messiah, or, as one Jewish school of thought had it, that he was the 'messiah' for his particular generation, many of his followers did believe he was, with some even believing he is still alive. He died in 1994. But his messianic following has been slowly diminishing as the years pass by. (Read my article, Chabad Messianism: The Non-Messianic Messianics which I wrote 10 years ago).
The graveyard of 'the rebbe' covered in thousands of written prayer requests
'Messiahs' are Popping Up All Over the Israeli Republic
Some of you may have heard that there is a prophecy circulating amongst non-messianic Jews that the Messiah will make his appearing on Yom Kippur of this year, disappear for a year (goodness knows why), and then reappear on the following Yom Kippur of 2022. Another Ultra-Orthodox group says he has already come and announced this on 27 March. He has a long fancy name too (if I've understood it right): 'Yizkiahu Ben David Rav Shlomo Yehuda the Yanuka (The Child)' who apparently has said he would build the 'Third Temple' (see header picture).
Jewish Yah'shua-Rejecting Messianic Expectations
What exactly are these modern Talmudic Jews expecting of their 'messiah'? And does he in any way resemble the Messiah whom we know, love and proclaim, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)? Judge for yourselves. The expected messiah of Judaism is regarded as the saviour and liberator of the Jewish people whose rôle is to restore Judaism by enabling all Jews to observe all 613 mitzvot or commandments through building the third Temple in Jerusalem and then gathering all the Jewish people worldwide to the Land of Israel. So he will basically be a teacher and politician/warrior, a bit like the Maccabees. (There are about 8.8 million people currently living in the Israeli Republic of whom about 75 per cent are Jewish, which is about 43 per cent of world Jewry). By doing this, they believe, he will bring peace to the whole world.
False Messiahs Bring Catastrophe
It is an undeniable fact, though, that whenever Jews have thought that their messiah's arrival was imminent, or that he had actually arrived, the results have been catastrophic. And that's not just me saying that - various Jewish groups have themselves said this. Bar Koziva (Khockba) ruled for 2½ years and then claimed to be the Messiah. For his presumption, the Jewish nation was finally expelled from the Promised Land after a terrible massacre.
The Sabbatean-Frankist Zionists & Others
Back in 1984 one such modern group - from Gush Emunim - tried to blow up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem in order to build their temple, hoping to provoke a jihadi backlash (which would have been guaranteed) and so force a 'final show-down' with the Moslem world (which probably would have led to a world war). The whole Israeli project has destabilished the Middle East and the whole world. Many Jews, fearful that some new nutcase will provoke a nuclear war and wipe out the planet, are now claiming there is no messiah, just a 'messianic age' of peace. Christian Zionists, who are allies of the Jewish Zionists, don't realise that at least one branch of Zionism (the Sabbatean Frankists) wants and expects complete chaos by means of a global conflict and/or social disintegration which is why they, with others, have been foremost in promoting extremist ideologies like Bolshevism as well as even imitating national socialism. Read Edwin Black's book, The Transfer Agreement (1984) if you want to know the truth of these things. The collapse of Western (Christian) civilisation is all a part of the plan along with waging war with neighbours perceived to be a threat like Syria and Iran.
A 'Third Temple' All Ready to be Built
I am saying all of this for one reason only. With messianic fever reaching a high pitch amongst Orthodox Jews in particular, and with all the materials assembled in Jerusalem by the Temple Institute to build a third temple, and a Levitical-like priesthood all ready to recommence animal sacrifice according to the pattern of the Old Covenant, and with the late Rabbi Kaduri having concluded that 'Yeshua/Jesus Christ' was the true messiah after all, Zionist Christians and Messianics have been stirred up and strengthened in their beliefs that everything the Israeli Republic is doing is 'kosher' because it is 'restored Israel'. It isn't, and if you are not familiar with our teachings on this critically important subject, please take a look on our Zionism website.
Beware of Rabbi Kaduri
Please do not be fooled by the Rabbi Kaduri phenomenon - he did not have a true conversion. Six years ago I wrote a piece exposing the false messiah of Kaduri along with the false 'Yeshua/Jesus' he espoused - Rabbi Kaduri: Is His Prophecy True?. He was a false prophet however much he titillated ears of naïve and ill-informed Christian/Messianic Zionists and believers.
Rabbi Kaduri
Saved Israeli Jews and Arabs
For many years you have been told that the Israeli Republic is not Israel-restored in our time and that this state would be destroyed before the return of the true Messiah, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and the completion of the Final Exodus. True Messiah-believing Israelites will return to the Promised Land but not yet, and those Jews and Arabs who have received Yah'shua (Jesus), if they are obedient, will be preserved one way or another. But like believers around the rest of the world, they must be in the right place at the right time in the 'clay' parts of the clay-and-iron 'feet' of this end-time beast system. Survival depends on your obedience.
Destruction of the Israeli Republic
The message today is that the proclamation, yet again, of the false Talmudic messiah of Judaism is not only blasphemous but will, in due course, bring to an end Esau's claims to be the ruler the House of Jacob, as represented by the Israeli Republic, which is this failed patriarch's attempt to 'prove' himself according to the natural birthright his brother Jacob, with the connivance of his mother Rebekah, tricked him out of. This is all fully explained in the series, Jacob's Trouble, and in our book, The Final Gathering which are essential reading for this time of Penultimate Judgment. I am most of all concerned for Messianic Jews and Arab Christians in the Israeli Republic, that they be made aware that they too must find places of safety like the rest of us. I do not know when but the Republic they live in will be destroyed irrespective of whether it has nuclear weapons or controls key national governments or not.
The 'City of Hagar' or Jersalem (Gal.4:25) and the Moslem Dome of the Rock
To Believing and Unbelieving Jews and Arabs
So this is a warning to Jewish and Arab believers in the Republic of Israel, to make them aware of the ultimate fate of the Zionist State, and to urge them to seek Yahweh to know where they might find refuge in a time of destruction. And of course, at the risk of provoking Esau's and Ishmael's rage, to call the rest of the inhabitants to repentance and to turn to the true Messiah, Yah'shua (Jesus), who is to return to the land as the True King of True Israel and not the Rothschild puppet state which even now is probably the most 'globalised' (read 'NWO') country in the world, as proven by their handling of the Covid-19 'pandemic'. For when He returns the Second time it will not be as the meek and gentle Lamb but as the avenging Lion of the House of Judah. To claim to be messiah when you are not is a very dangerous thing to do indeed, a blasphemy, and as I said, catastrophe follows in the wake of such claimants.
Jericho March Aroud the Babylon's Iron Toes
Finally, this is the first day of the seven day-long Annual Jericho March which, as I said in the beginning, we have been doing for a decade now. In the days of Joshua, the objective was the massive fortified town of Jericho. Today the objective is far larger - larger for man but not for Elohim (God). Today's objective is the IRON-AND-CLAY 'FEET' portion of the Babylonian World System as it is today, and as it seeks to implement its final take-over of the planet, because once the toes have been struck, the feet will not be able to prop up the rest. And though we know some of the constituents of those feet, we do not need to know the rest of the diabolical elements that make it up any more than Joshua needed a blueprint of Jericho's walls. The Stone that will strike is not made from human hands but comes directly from Yahweh and we don't need to know how that works either, only that it does, and will, even in such a penultimate cycle as this one. Our eyes are on the Stone, not the feet.
We march around the Feet of the Beast this year for this is not His time. Yahweh bless you all. Amen.
Continued in Part 2