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Month 2:6, Week 1:5 (Chamashee/Teruah), Year:Day 5942:35 AM
2Exodus 5/40, Omer Count - Shabbat #2
Gregorian Calendar: Saturday 21 April 2018
Jericho March VI 2018
Raise Your Voice Like a Trumpet

    Continued from Part 5

    Trumpets, Penny-Whistles and Frogs

    I love the way Yahweh picks His illustrations and symbols. They help us form a sharp picture in our minds uncluttered by fantasy. When He ordered the navi (prophet) Isaiah to "raise [his] voice like a trumpet" (Isa.58:1, NIV), He didn't have a shrill penny-whistle in mind or croaking frog. Emet (truth) has to be delivered in a particular way, whether by a navi (prophet) or a preacher.

    The Anointed Preacher

    There are a number of Christians and Messianics who are of the view that the day of the preacher is over. They have a number of excuses that could only have been invented in our post-modernist world of the 21st century. 'Preachers become the centre of attention instead of Yahweh', I have heard said. Some - probably far too many - do, and before you know it, you have a personality cult. But that doesn't invalidate the preacher, because when he is speaking under the anointing of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) that is Yahweeh speaking!

    Headship vs. Chaos

    The 21st century world is badly infected with 'group-think'. It's particularly bad here in Sweden, which is a crypto-communist society, where there seem to be endless meetings to discuss things. Group feedback is important and I agree that everyone in a local congregation should be involved, each according to their giftedness. But there must always be a head minister just as there must always be one father in a family. The moment you start making everyone co-equal in authority, there is chaos.

    Yahweh's Executor

    Before the Battle of Jericho Yahweh did not call for a committee or board of elders and deacons to discuss strategy. Instead, He sent the pre-incarnate Messiah and gave His executor, Joshua, a revelation on what to do. Then Joshua informed everyone else and they did it.

    When Committees are Useful

    Now if you're planning to hold a village fête where organisers are offering their voluntary services, then a committee is the right thing to have. Then they become important, they foster sharing and mutual respect, and the community comes together as one. There is no doubt that the Body of Messiah is like that at certain levels and at certain times. But when it comes to preaching, giving prophetic Rosh Chodesh messages, and the like, then committees and group-think impair the work of the Kingdom because not everyone has the same gifting, discernment or calling.

    Unity vs. Pandamonium

    It wouldn't matter if everyone was truly of one mind and heart (2 Cor.3:11). And most certainly we are commanded to "make every effort to keep the unity of the Ruach (Spirit) through the bond of shalom (peace)" (Eph.4:3, NIV) but I do wonder sometimes if modern Christians and Messianics truly understand what that means. And were this the reality of the Body of Messiah, then there truly would be "one Master, one emunah (faith), one baptism; one Elohim (God) and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all" (Eph.4:5-6, NIV) but we all know (or ought to know) that there are over 34,000 denominations in the world and their numbers are steadily growing! And the reason is, again as we all know, because there isn't a unity of the emunah (faith). It's pandamonium.

    The Elohim of the Jericho Campaign is Not a Liberal

    Contrast this with the Jericho March and you will immediately see that there is plainness, unity, order, discipline and structure. Strict instructions were issued by Yahweh to not deviate from the plan! And when one man, Aachan, later disobeyed the instruction not to loot, the whole nation suffered defeat at Ai and Yahweh's anointing was gone. Not until they removed the blot from Israel did the anointing and Yahweh's Presence return. Do you believe in this Elohim (God) or is yours more 'liberal'?

    True Disciples Do as They are Told

    The seven days of marching around Jericho were disciplined because the marchers were true talmidim or disciples. Discipleship means to be under discipline. The Israelites marching around Jericho did not blow penny-whistles like some lawless Antifa protestors trying to down out the voices of those who disagree with them, they weren't spinning rattles like football supporters, beating drums or heckling the Canaanites or generally making a big noise. Shofar's were blown in the prescribed manner and on the seventh day a massive shout was raised in the prophetic tradition - like the clear, unmuddled sound of a shofar:

      "Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet" (Isa.58:1a, NIV).

    The Object of the Method

    There you have the method. What about the object?

      "Declare to My people their rebellion, and to the house of Jacob their sins" (Isa.58:1b, NIV).

    When Rebellion Arises

    The solution to a lack of unity is not democratising the local congregation and getting a majority vote. Yahweh expects unanimity with His purpose and direction. To do that, the people have to be confronted with their attitudes. The bottom line is always a matter of dealing with that spontaneous sort of rebellious tendency that always arises out of flesh-centredness:

      "For day after day they seek Me out;
      they seem eager to know My ways,
      as if they were a nation that does what is right
      and has not forsaken the mitzvot (commandments) of its Elohim (God).
      They ask Me for just decisions
      and seem eager for Elohim (God) to come near them.
      'Why have we fasted,' they say,
      'and You have not seen it?
      Why have we humbled ourselves,
      and You have not noticed?'

      "Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please" (Isa.58:2-3, NIV).

    The Way to Achieve Unity

    'Oh, but that's all legalistic Old Testament stuff, things are done differently in the New Covenant!' is a typical retort. Well let's see, shall we? What is the way that the unity Yahweh demands is to be achieved? What's Yahweh's formula? What's Yah'shua's (Jesus') formula? How is this to be achieved in a congregation? Let's see:

      "It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be nevi'im (prophets), some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare Elohim's (God's) people for works of service, so that the body of Messiah may be built up until we all reach unity in the emunah (faith) and in the knowledge of the Son of Elohim (God) and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Messiah" (Eph.4:11-13, NIV).

    Follow the Black-and-White

    In other words, what authentic apostles, evangelists, prophets and so on do is what results in unity of the emunah (faith). It's printed plainly in black and white. That's how Yahweh does it.

    So How is One Called?

    Now the solution to unity isn't obviously just going around and ordaining people to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. The Mormons, Pentecostals and a number of other denominations all do that and they all teach and do different things, and sometimes those differences are radical. Giving yourself these offices does not equip you for these offices or enable you to prosecute them in Yahweh's favour. You have to be "called by Elohim (God), just as Aaron was" (Heb 5:4, NIV) which does not mean that you have to be called by someone claiming to be in authority like a policeman who himself was not called the biblical way. The Mormon leader Joseph Smith claimed he was given authority by angels and by dead men like John the Baptist, Peter, James, John and Elijah, even though Yahweh does not confer authority through malakim (angels) and dead men. He gives it Himself, with signs following.

    False Ways to Find Unity

    This does not, incidentally, let Pentecostal, Charismatics and others off the hook. Those claiming these offices do so claiming Elohim (God) called them 'by the Spirit'. Sometimes they invent incredible stories. But does the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) call apostles in this denomination or that denomination when these denominations contradict each other and the Davar (Word)? What sort of a testimony would that be of the discipline and order of the Creator? What if they propagate untruths? Who, after all, is the author of lies? One of the biggest heresies in Evangelical Christianity these days is being spread like a cancer by charismatics who teach that Yah'shua (Jesus) was born as a human being alone but not as Elohim (God) as well. And then you have the bulk of Christendom who have no apostles at all or who have 'look-alikes' like Cardinals and Popes. As I speak, the Roman Catholic Church is doing all in its power to unite Christendom under its false umbrella, drawing all the religions of the word beneath its soiled skirts.

    No Commonly Held Office Higher Than Pastor on the Earth

    Whether we like it or not, this is important. I will tell you that I do not personally believe that there is any legitimate commonly held office on the face of the earth higher than a Pastor right now. Flocks need heads, however imperfect, however doctrinally confused, and I'll explain why.

    The Mess of Modern Theology

    Theology has been in a mess for a long time now and restoration cannot take place in a single day. The necessary salvational emet (truth) is all plainly written in the Bible but so much of it is hidden from those who do not have the Ruach (Spirit). You cannot read and understand all the Bible without a fullness of the Ruach (Spirit).

    Every Nook and Cranny Must Be Cleansed

    Here's the difficulty - and I spoke of this only the other day - we none of us get a fullness of the Ruach (Spirit) until we have fully repented of all our sins and not just a chosen selection that we feel we can do without. Further, we are blind to many of our sins because they've never been exposed. We have to ask for them to be, precisely so that we can discern better! So getting cleansed out so that the Ruach (Spirit) occupies every nook and cranny of our minds and hearts can, and does, take time.

    Blowing Your Own Theological Trumpet

    It is because we are not purified that we cannot properly discern. This is important to understand. So many believe the lie that just because they have made a profession of faith that they are born again, totally cleansed of sin, and can discern perfectly. They believe their every thought and feeling is from Elohim (God). We can claim we were 'born again' on such and such a date - and I am not going to dispute anyone's encounter with Yahweh because it's highly personal - but I do beg you not to assume that you can suddenly discern everything correctly. Plainly it isn't true otherwise born-again believers wouldn't have so many contradictory beliefs and join so many different denominations whose very existence testifies against unity. Why, there is disunity within congregations! Everybody is blowing a different trumpet to some degree. That is not the picture we get in the Jericho marches and that's not what we should be doing.

    What is Essential Doctrine?

    We have to be honest here and grapple with reality. I have a lot of good friends from many denominations and we are united on lots of essential thing ... there's a problem in itself because not everyone agrees what is 'essential'! We are still divided over all sorts of fundamentally important things such as the correct sabbath day, which calendar to use, whether the festivals are still commanded, whether we have free agency or not (the Calvinist/Arminian debate), what Israel is today, whether there's going to be a rapture or not, whether pentecostal/charismatic-type tongues are the genuine article, and so on and so on. There are hundreds of areas of disagreement which would not exist if there was true unity.

    Let's Agree on One Thing

    I would very much like my friends (who are not Messianic Evangelicals) to agree with me on one point at least today, and that is judgments on matters that don't require an immediate answer are always open to shifts of nuance, if not outright reversal. Unity can never - and must never - be forced. We're not Christian jihadists demanding the spiritual equivalent of decapitation of those who don't agree with us. How many of us have changed theological position over the years? All of us, I don't doubt.

    Time and Space to Grapple With Truth

    We need time and space to work things out with the limited anointing we currently have. Now I am not making an excuse or claiming that we can just let things be and just 'agree to disagree' indefinitely because that is to state that we don't really believe unity is possible until Messiah returns. I don't agree with that. I'm sorry, but we don't have that luxury. In my experience, far too many people know the emet (truth) but are either too lazy or too scared to change because of the consequences in terms of a radical change in lifestyle and what others may think of, or do, to us.

    The Necessity of Unity

    Unity can and must exist before Yah'shua (Jesus) comes back because there is a Second Exodus to complete and unless the people are firmly behind their leaders, as they were anciently behind Moses and Joshua, they will not succeed. The Remnant demands unity beyond a certain point. We may be uncomfortable with that but it absolutely does have to happen. That's the mid-point marker of Shavu'ot (Weeks, 'Pentecost') - it's where it starts - but it must come to full maturity by the autumn (fall) festivals spiritually-speaking.

    Two Requests

    I am asking two things of everyone today:

    • 1. Don't hold fellow believers to their current vision or view of things - grant them the freedom to change their minds either toward or away from you. That liberty is essential if there is to be spiritual growth. Agree to disagree in charity, but:

    • 2. Don't use that as an excuse to yourself stop searching, struggling and overcoming, or engaging constructively with others who disagree with you, because Yahweh most definitely expects that of us - all these congregational offices are supposed to exist to promote the active journey toward unity.

    There Must Be a Restoration of Apostles First

    When Restoration begins is must begin with authentic, anointed apostles, not people who have taken the office upon themselves because they 'think' or 'feel' Yahweh has called them, or because someone else has claimed a 'revelation' for them (be very careful of those), but because Yahweh really has called them, as He did Paul! Those apostles will be totally united in doctrine and practice that will be in perfect alignment with Scripture. This gathering will not take place in public - they must be prepared as the Apostle Paul was. All Remnant apostles must have long 'time-alone's' with Yahweh, often lasting years, in order to be sorted out.

    An Example of How Unity Was Established in a Day

    I had one such experience not so long ago. Out of the blue, a Dutchman called Frederick Simons came and visited me here in Sweden. He was an evangelist and pastor. When we met we were about 70 per cent agreed. In the space of one day we were not only 99 per cent agreed but had formed a deep fraternal bond! Yahweh had prepared us both, quite independently of one another, and then he found our website and started filling the missing gaps in his understanding. We met one more time in Amsterdam and then he was gone - Yahweh took him home. But it was an object lesson for me on how Yahweh was working, and is going to work, with the Remnant. All I am saying is that Yahweh can, and does, bring unity quickly if the parties are submitted to Him and properly prepared, but it does require hard work.

    No Apostles on the Earth - Yet

    I don't believe there are any anointed apostles on the earth - yet. I believe there are some nevi'im (prophets), but not many, and that 99.99 per cent of those calling themselves 'prophets' are false or have misidentified their gifting and calling. You only have to look at the quality and accuracy of their prophecies to see that most are simply playing at being a navi (prophet). And most of them mutter like the heathen using false tongues. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't apostles with the calling which is, as yet, unmanifested, but there aren't hundreds or thousands of them as you might suppose looking around at all the people who give themselves that title.

    Twelve Apostles Maximum

    There have never been more than 12 apostles on the earth at any one time. John was the last of them, and all were personal witnesses of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) while He was alive in the flesh, with the exception of Paul who met the resurrected Messiah in Person many times after His resurrection. There will be 12 more apostles for the Final Gathering and when they have been called and anointed and are performing exactly the same kind of miracles as the first apostles, and more, then they alone will have the authority to call pastors, and thence pastors will call elders and deacons, according to the proper order. That is Yahweh's order.

    Many Counterfeit Apostolic 'Anointings'

    Like I said, I believe a lot of people have been called to be apostles and nevi'im (prophets) but none of them have yet been properly anointed. But there are plenty of counterfeit anointings around - too many - and they are deceiving millions. It is a very dangerous thing to hang on to these because they are demonic in orgin. That's why so many 'Christian' miracle-workers resemble occultists and satanists in the things they do with the dark powers they undoubtedly possess. It's mostly showy and real salvation is not preached. I have spoken to you of these people in the recent past.

    A Total Reshaping

    The Jericho March is a model given to inform us of Yahweh's proper discipline and order. The "restoration" (e.g. AENT, OJB) spoken of in Hebrews that must take place is also called a "reformation" (e.g. KJV, NKJV, NASB), a "refreshing" (HRV), "setting things right" (NRSV), and a "new order" (NIV, RNAB) in some translations (Heb.9:10). One version says Elohim (God) will "reshape the whole structure" (JNT, CJB). That's a good way of putting it. The whole vessel - mind, heart, spirit and bodily behaviour - has to be reshaped, not just of the Remnant as a whole, but each individual member too. That's what an Exodus does. That's what happened to the children of Israel in the Sinai wilderness and that's why the first generation had to die out because it was unwilling to be reshaped.

    The Sukkot Anointing

    Far too many believers are taking their inspiration from the world and, in particular, from secular politics and academia. The Satanic Order - and believe me, it is a highly (if murderously) disciplined one - has fatally leavened the whole lump of Christendom which is why there now has to be a complete separation and a restructuring. You can see the full ripening of iniquity as the churches descend into greater and greater apostasy. And that's what people like me are doing - calling people out and offering them a complete redisciplining, restructuring, reformation, refreshing, and restoration because unless that compliant vessel that follows biblical tavnith (pattern) is properly in place, it cannot be a vessel for the Sukkot Anointing that is reserved for the Remnant.

    Those Who Loathe the Sayings of the Remnant

    I'll tell you up front that those not of the Remnant will loathe most, if not everything, I am saying and turn away. They might not even even 'see' or 'hear' the words because of the spirit that is driving them. But then the Remnant will at some point probably loathe some of what I say too, that is, those still clutching onto the ways of the flesh and the traditions of men. Many of them will turn away but they will come back. And some - the Joshua's and Caleb's of this final gathering - will want to turn away but hang on and allow Yahweh to do His work in them.


    So now you know who we're looking for and now you know why so many turn away and why we are not some mega-church pandering to people's unredeemed natures. We are very much a John the Baptist kind of work...for the moment. And so we shall continue until Yahweh orders a change of course. See you tomorrow for the last day of the march!

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "Thank you for these broadcasts, although I missed Live Feed I am watching now! Please continue your broadcasts! I'm always edified by your teaching. Thank you Brother!" (LM, USA, 21 April 2018)

    Continued in Part 7

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    This page was created on 21 April 2018
    Last updated on 21 April 2018

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