Month 3:15, Week 2:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5945:74 AM
2Exodus 8/40, Omer Count: 7 Sabbaths + Day #7/50
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 26 May 2021
Last Exodus, Overcoming the Egyptian Gods
Between Menorah & Cross: 2 Visions
Shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah, welcome, and may I first of all take this opportunity to once again thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, who has been praying for me my family's health - for myself and my wife as both of us have had, or are about to have, operations, and also for my brother-in-law with terminal cancer who is in need of massive intercession. It has been, and remains, therefore a very challenging time for all of us yet we serve a Heavenly Father who is very close. And should any of you currently find yourselves in desperate straits, then it is well to be reminded of just where Yahweh is even when we are finding is hard to feel or discern Him:
"Thou hast enclosed me, behind and before, and laid Thy hand upon me" (Ps.139:5, NASB).
The Challenge of Being Ill & Preparing This Sermon
We are taking another pause in our series on the Elijah Prophets as other things have cropped up. I have two urgent tasks before me today. As you may well imagine, Yahweh has not been silent since I last spoke with you before my last operation and though I have wanted to share some of the things He has shown me, I have been forced to take it very easy as I am still very weak. Writing, or typing, to be exact, is now really challenging but was impossible these last two or so weeks or more. Infact, as I semi-jokingly remarked to a friend recently, I have felt so weak that I have been able to do little more than call down fire from heaven! However, today's double message cannot wait any longer because of the way events are unfolding, Yahweh has enabled me to complete this rather lengthy message, so let's get into it right away.
The 1933 Transfer Agreement
Back in 1933, 88 years ago, when the nazis came to power in Germany and started persecuting the Jews using the apparatus of state, a little known event called the 'Transfer Agreement' took place in August of that same year [1]. It's little known because it was all conducted in great secrecy by German Jews and their allies abroad and only came to be known by the world during the 18th Zionist Congress in Prague of that same year. The Second World War blotted out the memory of this event for nearly 50 years. In response to the nazi oppression of their large Jewish minority in Germany, international Jewry united to start organising a financial boycott world-wide so that the National Socialist government could no longer trade. The goal was to bankrupt the nation if nazis would not relent and destroy the new totalitarian régime. So successful and effective was this boycott that the nazi government was fully expected to collapse during the winter of 1933-4. I believe it would have.
History Might Have Been Very Different
How history might have been different had the boycotters succeeded which they almost certainly would have done had it not been for a very determined minority for whom a state was more important than life and liberty. For certain, Germany would have been plunged into chaos again, as it had been in the Weimar Republic years, with the nazi party itself even factionalising, remembering that national socialism was a peculiar blend of communism, nationalism and capitalism, a bit like modern communist China. There might have been no Second World War but undoubtedly the Bolsheviks would have attempted a second invasion of Europe as they had once tried in the early 1920's but were pushed back by a newly independent Poland.
Realising Theodor Herzl's Dream
So what was this 'Transfer Agreement' that so effectively sabotaged the international Jewish boycott of nazi goods and services that was collapsing Germany's economy? Without going into too much detail, because I merely want to use this as an illustration in my main message, when the nazis froze all the assets and bank accounts of German Jews so that they could no longer have access to their money, in a bid to persuade even more Jews to leave Germany than already were, a faction of the Zionist Movement seized an opportunity to realise Theodor Herzl's dream of a Jewish state in Palestine. At that time, Palestine was a British Mandate, having been carved out of Ottoman Turkish territory following the defeat of the Central Powers at the end of the First World War.
Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism
The Complex Politics of British Palestine
The Jews were migrating to Palestine but only in a trickle because the British imposed strict quotas based on the potential immigrants' financial assets. Each one had to bring the equivalent of £1,000 into the country, which is about £20,000 in today's currency or about $28,300. When the nazis came to power and wholesale persecution of Germany's Jewish community began, the British were put under pressure to take large numbers of refugees into their Palestine Mandate. Whereas Jewish-Arab relations had been pretty good up to then, the Arabs, understandably, were not at all too happy about a massive influx of new Jewish settlers, and the British were concerned about the economic stability of the land. Palestine was at that time an agrarian land, there was little to no industry, and its main export was Jaffa oranges.
The Deal
Cutting a long and very complicated story short, a Zionist faction saw this as a means to getting skilled German Jews to Palestine to build up what was for them the future Jewish State. The deal they struck with the nazis - which was later marked, by the way, by the issue of a commemorative medallion in Germany by the Berlin newspaper Der Angriff when SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler visited Palestine: if the nazis were to release frozen Jewish assets, the Jews would be allowed to purchase Germany goods which would then be shipped to Palestine which the German economy badly needed because of the boycott, many thousands of Jews would be allowed immigrate and then 'cash in' those goods upon arrival in Palestine. That way the Palestinian economy would receive a huge financial stimulus, new skilled settlers, and start building the foundation of a future Jewish state. In short, certain Zionist Jews (not all of them, mind you) struck a deal with the nazis that would be of mutual benefit - the German economy would be saved from collapse and the Jews would be sowing into a future Israeli state and getting out of Germany.
Issued by Der Angriff newspaper to mark a joint Nazi-Zionist visit to Palestine in 1934
A Scandal
It's a little more complex than that, of course, which is absolutely why you should read Edwin Black's excellent book, but in outline that was what happened. It split Jewry down the middle and effectively scuttled the boycott movement. Nazi Germany survived, World War 2 and the Holocaust took place, over 19 millions people were killed in Europe, and half of Europe fell to the Bolshevik. The payoff for this 'sacrifice' was a successful and nuclear-armed Jewish state was born in the Middle East which remains there today. In short, Nazi Germany was allowed to survive and the Holocaust to proceed in exchange for a secure Jewish State. To many, that is a scandal (one of many involving the Zionists), but that's what happened, even though you will find strenuous denials in spite of the indeniable evidence.
Hitler as a Modern Day Pharaoh?
But my point is not to talk about politics, the origin of the modern Jews, or the Israeli Republic, or Zionism which you will find lots of articles about on our website. You see, during the18th Jewish Congress in Prague in 1933, an interesting argument was advanced by the Zionist Transfer Agreement party as they addressed, at great length, all the moral, financial and practical aspects of this nazi deal. Not surprisingly, the conference ended in total confusion. Some of the delegates compared the confrontation with Hitler to the confrontation with the Egyptian pharaoh. In those days of the First Exodus, as later in 1933 Europe, it was a question of freeing a stubborn and reluctant people from captivity, along with their cattle and goats and possessions.
German Jews Did Not Wish to Colonise Palestine
The German Jews were amongst the most nationally integrated Jews in the whole world. Many had converted to Christianity, and even more had abandoned their religion altogether and become secularists, and they were happy where they were until 1933. They had enjoyed a good life in Germany prior to the nazis and were very nationalistic and patriotic. Many fought bravely in the First World War for the Kaiser. Few actually wanted to leave Germany. It was home to them and the thought of leaving to colonise a tiny third world country surrounded by potential enemies was not at all appealing. Mostly it was the unskilled poor who wanted to leave but they were not wanted in Palestine either by the British or the Zionist Jews...for different reasons. For the British, it was because the economy could not support them; for the Jews it was because they needed wealth and skills to build agriculture and ultimately industry which impoverished Jews could not provide or do.
The Argument
The question raised by the Transfer Agreement Zionists in Prague was this - was Moses to refrain from negociating with pharaoh? If he had not negociated, they argued, the Israelites would never have made an exodus to Israel with the possessions needed to establish themselves. Hitler was the new pharaoh, the pro-Transfer people argued. The German Jews were the descendants of the slaves reluctant to depart. As in pharaoh's day, without negociation, they said, there would be no freedom, no Israel.
Transfer Agreement Zionists compared Hitler to Pharaoh to justify their nazi deal
Not Negociations but Plagues
But do you see the big flaw in their argument? - and mark it well, because similar voices will soon arise amongst Christians and Messianics in a different, though parallel, context, saying the same sort of thing. For all their biblical schooling, these well-meaning pro-Transfer Zionists forgot that Moses would not compromise and that freedom for the children of Israel was secured not by prizes, negociations or deals but by PLAGUES. After that the Egyptians were begging them to leave so that there would be no more plagues, and showered them with their gold and other valuables. In truth, it was the boycotters who more resembled Moses!
The Last Exodus Like the First
Most believers, I suspect, are expecting a clean, uncomplicated confrontation with the Deep State (many of whom, ironically, are Sabbatean-Frankist Jews) while they sit back, a confrontation that will result in the deliverance of believers and the defeat of the élites. But I have to tell you bluntly and most insistently, that those who are delivered from the modern-day pharaohs of the Penultimate Judgment in our day (and latterly the Final Judgment during the time of the last generation after my own) will only be delivered by the equivalent of heavenly initiated and delivered PLAGUES and not by negociations, compromises, and the like.
Sifting the True Remnant From the False
Those who seek to strike 'deals' and 'compromises' with the modern 'pharaohs' are NOT of the Remnant, because the Remnant consist exclusively of overcomers (Rev.2:7,11,17, etc.). They do not make deals with the devil or élites in the way that the Zionists bargained with Hitler - they do not compromise with the emet (truth). Non-Transfer Agreement Jews were rightly appalled by the wheeling and dealing of their Mapai brethren in Palestine, and with the very régime that sought their removal and eventual extermination. That is why I said, half-jokingly, at the beginning that all I have been able to do up until now is call down fire from heaven. The catapult of the Last Exodus, both for individual believers and for Messianic Israel as a whole, is PLAGUES called for by the Elijah Prophets and sent by Yahweh. There were 10 original plagues altogether, weren't there? Were they clean or messy? Think of the devastation left by the water turned to blood, the infestation of frogs, the trillions of lice or gnats, the wild animal explosion, the pestilence of livestock.
The Plagues of Judgment
You see, the 10 principle gods of Egypt had to be challenged and defeated in Moses' day before Israel could leave. This is first and foremost about the glory and vindication of Yahweh, not our deliverance, even though obviously the two are intertwined. And every member of the Remnant has to individually challenge and defeat, through faith, the 10 principle gods of this age (which are the same as the ancient Egyptian deities but with different names) if they are to have any sort of hope of leaving the bondage of the satanic system for their freedom, the outbreak of boils, the thunderstorms of hail and fire, the swarms of locusts, darkness for three days, the finally the death of all the firstborn. That was no quiet event!
As Egypt was utter devastated by the plagues, so shall the Babylonian world system
Will You Be Genetically Modified or Not?
Right now, as I speak, people everywhere - but believers especially - have to decide whether they want to begin the long-term process of genetic modification into the image of Satan through gene therapy shots disguised as safe 'vaccinations' and comply and risk serious illness and even death by surrendering to the demands of the élites through the governments they control, or to say No! and trust in Yahweh. That's the choice, put bluntly. And it's just one of many other tests to come and choices to be made before this 'dress rehearsal' crisis for the final test - the Great Tribulation - is over.
A Revelation Ten Years Ago
What is just starting now is preparation for that, spiritually and physically! Those Egyptian plagues were very physical indeed. Ten years ago Yahweh asked me three questions as far as the spiritual side of this crisis is concerned:
- 1. "Have you considered the Pharaoh of the Flesh in your own heart?"
- 2. "Have you considered that Yahweh might harden the heart of your flesh so that your ruach (spirit) will be prepared to finally renounce and relinquish the dominion of the flesh?"
- 3. "Have you considered that the Ten Plagues might be Ten Afflictions of Soul to loosen your attachment to the flesh?"
And then after a pause and much thinking, Yahweh said this:
- 4. "There is no breaking out of the soul before the dark night of the soul."
To Crucify or Not to Crucify the Flesh, That is the Question
If you are wondering why the Remnant is suffering so much at present, with no apparent end in sight, these are likely the reasons. Will you choose the way of the flesh or the Ruach (Spirit)? All of us must struggle with these questions. I certainly am. Fleshy attachments, the longer entertained and relied upon, become all the more hard to loosen and break the more you hold onto them. Paul said, to the chagrin of messianics in particular, yet also misunderstood by evangelicals:
"For I through the Torah (Law) died to the Torah (Law) that I might live to Elohim (God). I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of Elohim (God), who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not set aside the grace (underserved loving-kindness) of Elohim (God); for if righteousness comes through the Torah (Law), then Christ died in vain" (Gal.2:19-21, NKJV), and
"And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Ruach (Spirit), let us also walk in the Ruach (Spirit)" (Gal.5:24-26, NKJV).
Serious Illnesses
By way of illustration, let me share an experience with you. Four nights ago (22 May), very early in the morning (about 4 am) I awoke after a sleepless night because of pain. I was desperate for answers. Two operations later, which unquestionably saved me from death at the time, still left me plagued bodily because of other health issues. I was not only concerned about myself but for other family members, one of whom is dying of terminal cancer and another is plagued by a rare Chronic Pain Syndrome disease which means she cannot be touched without experiencing intense pain...and she is young with her whole life ahead of her but spends much of it in hospital. It's far worse than my Fibromyalgia. I had only had about 3 hours sleep (usually it's 5, if I'm lucky) and was desperate for a single word of guidance for some sort of relief.
Vision of the Cat in the Graveyard of 3's
At 5.45 am Yahweh opened a vision up to me. I was looking at a graveyard, but it was no ordinary graveyard. It wasn't flat, but more like a rocky area, yet also very green and pleasant. There were gravestones everywhere, higgledy-piggledy, not arranged in neat rows as one would usually expect, and the headstones weren't stone crosses or slabs but partially or fully upturned giant stone number 3's that looked like m's. And there, in the midst of these number 3 gravestones, was an ordinary cat, just standing there.
Erwin Schrödinger's Cat & Quantum Mechanics
My thoughts went immediately to the famous Schrödinger's Cat paradox. Those of you who are scientists will know that Schrödinger was a physicist who posed a quantum mechanical dilemma, because in answer to the riddle of the nature of energy, he posited that it consisted both of waves and of particles simultaneously, which appears on the surface to be contradictory but which is nonetheless the reality. Energy is simultaneously two different states-in-one. He imagined a cat in a sealed box accompanied by a vial of poison attached to a hammer. The hammer is hooked to a device that measures the quantum state of a particle. Whether or not the hammer smashes the vial and kills the cat hinges on that measurement, but quantum physics says that until such a measurement is made, the particle is simultaneously in both states, which means the vial is both broken and unbroken and the cat is both alive and dead. And so it is with us - the choices we make are consequential in both physical space/time, and in the spirit. A choice for truth leads to life, for falsehood leads to death, but until we make that choice we are, in a sense, both dead and alive as far as the potential outcome is concerned.
Schrödinger's Cat Connundrum
The Three Dimensions & Time
3 is the number of divine perfection and echad unity (Father, Son and Ruach/Spirit). It also represents the 3 dimensions of length, breadth and height. Yet we live in time, the 4th dimension, which Yahweh-Elohim does not, save in the incarnation and the resurrection. The Son of Elohim (God) took on fallen human flesh and conquered the temptations that arise through it, being tempted in every way like one of us (Heb.4:15), by living the Torah flawlessly - without sin, which no human has ever done, nor could ever do. He died for our sins in the graveyard that was Golgotha. There is no time for the dead. And to us who are alive in 4 dimensions, they appear not to exist at all.
All of existence is held in tension by the interrelationship between three aspects
A Universe of Order and Chaos
Now I realised this was a huge revelation for me personally for as many of you know I have been wrestling hard over the reasons the universe is set up the way it is. We are spiritual beings (3) born into time (3+1=4) into a dimension of great contradiction - a mixture of order and chaos leading to much confusion because of the intersection of two mutually antagonistic words which we shall for convenience here simply call the 'spirit' and the 'flesh', though they are far more than that, obviously. On another level, one world is perfect and the other is fallen, but we'll not grapple with that too much lest we get brain overload. In our mortal state many heavenly realities remain a mystery to us, and may even appear contradictory, and struggle though we may to understand those higher realities, we remain confused and must live instead by emunah (faith) - by trusting Him, confident that one day we will understand. Some things He does reveal to us in mortality but others must await the next life (See Ancient Connections I: The Phronema, the Word & Life).
The muddle of life is resolved by the under- standing that two opposing realities intersect
Crucify the Flesh
Paul said we must put the lawless flesh-nature to death by reckoning, or regarding, it as dead and instead choose to live by, and see by, the spirit-nature - by emunah (faith, trusting). We know the flesh is not literally dead, nor can it be before we shed our physical bodies, because we are able to revert back to it at will. To crucify the flesh is a metaphor for considering or regarding something as dead and no longer allowing it to have any power over us. In so doing, we instead turn to Christ for our strength, inspiration and simcha (joy). We have to take the flesh nature metaphorically to the graveyard. (This does not mean, as some claim, that we should mutilate our bodies).
This means leaving the flesh - the sinful nature - behind as represented beautifully in the ordinance of baptism by full immersion. We die to self in the watery grave and arise from it by taking on the Name of Messiah - His character, identity, and very chayim (life). That is why the ordinance of baptism is so important because it not only signals our entry into the Messianic Community (Church) and the outward manifestation of the Kingdom of Elohim (God) but it is our public declaration and covenant, before witnesses, that we aim to forsake the flesh and embrace the Ruach (Spirit) as talmidim (disciples) of Messiah. This is what the Gospel Life consists of in its primary meaning. We are baptised into a new reality, a new life with new meaning and purpose with Kingdom inheritance rights both on the new earth-to-come and in eternity. Thus Paul declared:
"I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Elohim (God), nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep (die), but we will all be changed - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: 'Death has been swallowed up in victory'" (1 Cor.15:50-54, NIV).
Baptism is door to the Kingdom & is potent with symbolism
Taking the Name in Vain
Back to the number '3'. The third of the 10 commandments is:
"You shall not take the name of Yahweh your Elohim (God) in vain, for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" (Ex.20:7, NKJV).
This mitzvah (commandment) is far more than not swearing by using the divine Name in a disrespectful manner, though that is obviously part of honouring haShem or 'The Name'. Remember that to the Hebrews a 'name' was a person's character and identity. Thus to impune the character of someone is also to take His name in vain - to abuse it. Upholding the honour and integrity of your personal and family name is therefore very important. 'Yahweh' is the Name of both the Father and Son who are Elohim (God) - the Father being the 'Greater Yahweh' and the Son being the 'Lesser Yahweh'. The Name 'Yahweh' means, in effect, 'the Eternal One' - 'I am that I am'. Calling Yahweh a liar, for example, is to take His Name in vain. Thus there are many ways that you can take a Name in vain. To insincerely represent yourself as a Christian or Messianic talmif (disciple), never having been born again to new life, by continuing to use the title 'Christian' or 'Messianic' to indicate your allegiance and loyalty to what is in effect simply just a picture in your head but not a living reality in your heart, is also to use or abuse the Name Yahweh (whether you know how to rightly pronounce it or not). To claim to be a believer whilst remaining unregenerated is to take the Name in vain too. Nominal Christians, consciously or unconsciously, are fakes, abusing the Divine Name by making it out to be something other than what it actually is, by failing to properlöy image it in their lives, something that can only occur sueprnaturally. And you will remember the Master's warning when He sternly said:
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' ('Master, Master' or 'Yahweh, Yahweh') shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Matt.7:21, NKJV).
Dying to Self
Not only is spiritual regeneration absolutely necessarily - being born again - but actually 'walking the walk' and not merely 'talking the talk'. The emunah (faith) that saves is, as I have said thousands of times, pro-active - it always leads to action in the form of living the Christian/Messianic lifestyle and doing the works of righteousness. It's Torah-obedient but - and this is where both messianics and evangelicals often get confused - righteousness is not, and can never be, generated by Torah-obedience in itself but by dying to self (crucifying the flesh and selfishness) and trusting in the Messiah, Yah'shua (Jesus), for everything. Righteousness can only proceed out of us from and through Yah'shua (Jesus). We'll come back to this in a moment.
Alef, Mem & Taw
For now, be aware that another level of meaning of the graveyard vision is that so many perish because they disobey the Third Commandment by taking the Name of Yahweh in vain. That is why the 3's were upturned to look like m's. M is the middle letter of the alphabet as is also mem in the Hebrew alef-beit. Messiah is the alef and taw ( ), the alpha and omega, the A and the Z, the Beginning and the End, because the resurrection world emcompasses everything and is spiritual, even as Elohim (God) is spiritual (Jn.4:24). We can't just be stuck in the middle - in the M or mem without the eternal dimension of Alef-Taw - to be in Christ is to be an A-Z person, both simultaneously, spirit and matter in the spiritual state rather than being neither here nor there stuck in the middle of nothingness, in limbo, in a kind of lukewarm neutrality. At least be hot or cold, for or against rather than trying to straddle both worlds with one foot in each (Rev.3:15-16).
Understanding the 10 Pagan gods
So, when you get the chance, please read about the 10 pagan gods whose claims and presumed 'authority' were felled by the Plagues of Egypt that I mentioned earlier, which, as I said, I gave a sermon almost prophetically about 10 years ago in 2011 (since we have been talking about the 10 commandments too) and you will discern, in addition to a light menorah, a dark tavnith or pattern, the dark side of the menorah (7-armed candlestick) or DARK MENORAH (click here to see more). More on the menorah in a minute, if we have time. We are already witnessing, in the current plague, one of the physical plagues from ancient Egypt manifesting itself, albeit in a new way.
Fake Remnanteers
Just as the Israelites found leaving their familiar life of slavery behind them difficult - and continued to do hanker after it even after they had miraculously escaped into the wilderness from Pharaih's army - so many of those seeking to become a part of the Remnant, unwilling to live by faith and take risks, will feel and do the same because the flesh is not fully crucified. Many will depart because they miss and yearn for their old creature comforts and false securities that the beast system offers them. They will miss all the mind-numbing and time-wasting entertainment, the fancy (yet poisonous) foods, the pharamceuticals, their modern appliances and familiar creature-comforts and much else including, because they are spiritually lazy, being told what to do for every facet of their lives.
"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us" (1 John 2:19, NKJV).
Only One Foundation
There will always be those who will leave when the going gets tough and that will be the proof that they were never of the Remnant - the Bride - because they wished to retain aspects of the fleshy life. It's the same with those who turn their backs totally on Christ too, as they will eventually be forced to do, if they choose to remain, or return to, Egypt after having left and deceived themselves into believing they were of the Remnant. The New World Order (NWO) will give them no choice but to be a part of the One World Religion or foreit their lives.
"For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Now if anyone builds ['a superstructure' - Barclay] on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one's work will become clear; for the Day [of Judgment] will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one's work, of what sort it is. If anyone's work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire" (1 Cor.3:11-16, NKJV).
We are going to conclude today's message with two visions I saw recently. The first you will hopefully all remember because I shared it with you in Part 11 of Return of the Elijah Prophets. As some of you may not have been present then, it's important I tell it again, through slightly abridged, but with some new insights because another vision I had in the hospital Emergency Room won't make sense without it.
Vision of the Unlit Flashing Menorah
So what happened on the morning of 3 May was this. I was desperately in search of pain relief and the rest that comes from adequate sleep and had tried a new medical stratagem that had failed. So by early morning I was desperate. As I arose at 8.40 am after an essentially failed attempt to sleep more, Yahweh opened a vision up to me, one that filled me with astonishment. I saw a very large menorah or seven-armed candlearbre standing on a plinth. I could not tell what metal it was made of, it could have been of either gold or brass, I suppose. Around it was darkness. There were no flames in the lamps at the top of each of the seven arms (that's very important to remember) but rather there were sudden flashes of light all around it bursting onto the scene and illuminating both the menorah and the darkened surroundings. I have made a picture of what I saw that pretty much captures the essence of the vision (see below):
The Many Light Bursts
Out of the main body of the menorah streaks of bright light were shooting out, twisting and turning in no apparent direction that I could tell, but again the surroundings were illuminated by all the light. And although the flashes and winding columns of fire were apparently random, I could tell there was some sort of a coordinating intelligence or purpose behind them, for together they created this awesome display. This continued unabated until the vision closed. Again, I repeat, the lamps of the menorah were unlit. This was the day before I was admitted into the Emergency Room of the hospital with heart failure.
The Heart Specialist's Sonogram
I gave a detailed preliminary interpretation at the time so I will just summarise briefly. For one thing, like so many visions, I was being shown my own medical condition which at the same time was simultaneously a picture of the worldwide Body of Christ. It wasn't until I was in the hospital that I got direct confirmation of the initial interpretation. When the heart specialist came to see me the following morning after my admission, he was doing an ultrasound sonograph of my heart. I was watching the screen with great interest as I wanted to see what the artificial valve I got got in my big open-heart surgery two years before looked like. I am still amazed at how hard that organ works in our body and all the stress we subject it to - it turned out to be a combination of that, caused in the main by chronic fibromyalgia, the stresses of life generally, and an over-prescribed drug that had caused the heart failure in the first place.
A Picture of the Heart of the Body of Christ and of the Father
When the heart specialist changed the mode of the sonograph to measure the voltages of different parts of the heart, I was shocked. It was flashing just like it had in the vision of the menorah, only positive and negative voltages were translated into colours - red and blue, as I recall! It was then I realised that the menorah was not only a picture of my own heart but, in the grander scheme, a picture of Yahweh's heart for us - or to be more exact, our irregular and dislocated heart response to Him! He wants so much for us to know His heart so that ours, when fully lit and balanced, will beat in absolute synchrony with His. He wants us to love as He does with the sevenfold love represented by the seven arms of the candlearbre by means of the sevenfold Ruach ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit) or Ruachot (Spirits) as represented by the seven annual festivals. The ordinances of ancient Israel were always, first and foremost, a representation of Yahweh's heart and character - who He was and how He redeems fallen man when man repents.
The Spluttering Motocycle Vision & Church Revivals
To, in part, explain the bigger picture Yahweh had also given me the vision of the man trying to kick-start a motorcycle, at first unsuccessfully, but finally getting the engine to splutter and then purr. This was in immediate answer to my request for an interpretation of the earlier vision which I saw before I went into hospital. The flashing lights of the menorah and the spluttering fits of the motorcycle unable to get started were depictions of revivals in history that had come suddenly and disappeared almost as quickly as they had started bringing spluttering flashes of light and truth what were eventually lost. We look at these revivals and we want them again, whether reformations by men like King Hezekiah and others, or spiritual renewals like the Methodist or Welsh revivals. They succeeded briefly and then faded, some lasting longer than others.
Man's attempts at revival without Torah are like a spluttering motorbike
The Plight of the United Church of Christ in Canada
Indeed I was looking at a documentary on the United Church of Christ in Canada (UCCC) which is as liberal and anarchic as they get with even some of the ministers openly admitting being agnostics and atheists. I was even more surprised to learn that it was a union of Methodist denominations in Canada. The Wesley brothers must be turning in their graves to see the unbelief, apostacy and filth of that denomination!
Denominational Flashes
All those flashes I had seen were also of denominations arising bearing the Kingdom in their wings, bearing fruit for a while and then either gradually, or suddenly, falling away - for a while they were filled with the Ruach (Spirit) and then died down and fossilised into dead institutions or were taken over by false spirits like the charismatics. Remember, that in the vision, the lamps of the menorah were unlit and the reason for that was because all of these groups were, or are, Torah-disobedient to greater or lesser extents. You cannot maintain a revival, sent by Yahweh in response to sincere, yearning hearts filled with a passion for Elohim (God) and lost souls, without a divinely ordained Torah-vessel preparwed beforehand, a reason we have had to spend so much time working on that ahead of the Sukkot Anointing. Every revival has been because of Yahweh's grace or undeserved loving-kindness. However, for the flow of grace to be maintained, there has to be consistent obedience too. The Final Revival in our day cannot be sustained without proper Torah-compliance. I repeat, proper restoration requires Torah obedience to back up a spiritual anointing but not to supplant or replace that anointing! So many Torah-obedient messianic congregations are dead, legalistic, letter-of-the-law institutions, and dead institutions either don't care what you do (lawless liberalism) or they try to get you to lift yourself up by your own bootstraps through more and more obedience and conformity but without the Ruach (Spirit), which never works (conservative legalism). That is why Christendom is constantly changing like a chameleon, trying to live by the occasional, temporary flashes of inspiration which cannot be contained because the vessels are lawless. But what Yahweh wants is a blazing menorah with seven lights burning in synchrony and all the time, as we're taught by the symbolic purpose of that candelstick in the former temple - see Mystery of the Holy Menorah.
Illustration from the 'Mystery of the Holy Menorah'
Be Strong and Endure
But that was not all. As I struggled to put all of this together in the hospital Emergency Room, reading my J.B.Philips New Testament when I was able, and praying nearly all the time, reviewing my own service as a minister over the years and wondering about the times I had gone wrong. As I was reading Luke 20:27 through to 21:28 where Yah'shua (Jesus) has to deal with the unbelieving Sadducees and then speaks about the inevitability of persecution that the truly faithful and obedient must walk through, and as I thought about the big operation I had had in 2019 knowing there was a 12 per cent risk I might not survive, and as I considered my failing heart and the need for another operation, I realised the odds were now stacked even higher against me. Though the second operation was a relatively simple one and only took an hour, unlike the first which took 9 hours with a 6 month recouperation period, I realised that I would henceforth be walking on a knife's edge what with all my other medical issues, as has proven to be the case. Yah'shua (Jesus) made clear what my objectives were:
"You must be vigilant at all times, praying that you may be strong enough to come safely through all that is going to happen, and stand in the presence of the Son of Man" (Lk.21:36, JBP).
Setting Ones Life in Order
I would have to fight for my life within - in my own body - and without - in a very dangerous world indeed. Many of you are in a similar situation to myself, if not worse. And even if your health is good, you must still deal with the ever growing evil that is in the world today as the West, in particular, becomes wholly post-Christian and embraces nihilist marxist postmodernism. I will admit that my time in the Emergency Room was very different to the first time I had heart surgery. The first time I had great confidence but now I was anxious to put everything right that was wrong in my life that I had failed to do before the big operation, just in case I should be taken home, and I knew I had to do it quickly.
Vision of the Rock
In the afternoon of 4 May, the second day, at 4 pm, when I was in the Emergency Room, I was in a state of utter exhaustion, the struggle gone out of me, and I simply yielded my spirit to Yahweh and began to doze off hitched to various monitors with a dozen cables attached to me. I have to say that of all the hospitals I had been in, this was one of the most comfortable and quiet. But I was not allowed to doze for long. Yahweh woke me up and instantly I saw a vision of a large boulder ore rock in the ground. Without a monment's hesitation, I declared aloud in my heart, "I build my house on the Rock of Christ" as a declaration of my intent and faith. At the same time - again instantly and without thinking - I declared, remembering what I had been reading in Paul's letter to the Corinthians - that our physical bodies...the physical bodies of believers...are an extension of His resurrected body, a picture of the Body of Christ that I had never really thought much about before, because like most of us we tend to focus on the allegorical (a sometimes unfortunate Catholic and Protestant habit), not realising that if the body is the literal Temple of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), as Paul says it is (1 Cor.12:16), then we must logically be extentions of His physical, resurrected body in some mystical way and not merely linked spiritually - so I declared by body was a part of His.
The rock and sure foundation in Messiah
Bought with a Price
Indeed, I had been reading these verses just before I started dozing off and the next amazing thing happened:
"Have you realised the almost incredible fact that your bodies are integral parts of Christ Himself? Am I then to take parts of Christ and join them to a prostitute? Never! Don't you realise that when a man joins himself to a prostitute he makes her a physical unity ('one flesh')? On the other hand the man who joins himself to Elohim (God) is one with Him in spirit.
"Avoid sexual looseness like the plague! Every other sin that a man comits is done outside his own body, but this is an offence against his own body. Have you forgotten that your body is the temple of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), who lives in you, and that you are not the owner of your body? You have been bought, and at what a price! Therefore bring glory to Elohim (God) both in your body and in your spirit, for they both belong to Him" (1 Cor.6:15-20, JBP).
Now obviously bad eating habits, drug-taking and the like are also sins against the physical body. The message that I got was that in the context of what was happening to my body in hospital was that I was physically and spiritually joined to Messiah and that I should therefore leave the rest, like any operation and healing - up to Him, my part, my responsibility, my stewardship being to take care of the body.
Vision of the Invisibly Assembled Cross
Anyway, at that point the most amazing - and for me, powerful - vision opened. I saw carved stones, rough but nevertheless perfectly fitting, start to pile up in a long column, placed by an invisible Hand, which grew into a large Calvary-type Cross. As the final stone was placed silently on the top, a HUGE translucent yellow flame - as pure as pure can be - ignited at the base of the cross and leaped quickly to its very top, steadily and permanently burning along the entire vertical column. It was the most beautiful flame I have ever seen.
The Menorah Behind the Cross
It was then I realised, most forcibly, that only the Cross of Christ could light that New Covenant menorah I had seen in the first vision; that the Cross, in other words, in giving your all to Christ, must unequivocably come first provided there is that will, commitment and resolution to be Torah-obedient once empowered to be so. Thereafter the menorah burns in the backround behind the Cross representing the sevenfold aspect of the unity that is the Cross with its singular flame. The menorah is a description of what the Cross contains, its structure, but it is the Cross that unifies and brings all into echad unity. The Cross, then, replaces the menorah as the PRIMARY symbol and reality of the spiritual life, the Torah taking second place. What unifies the two is baptism, replacing the Old Covenant ordinance of circumcision along with the whole ceremonial Torah. The New Covenant carries over those parts of the Old Covenant like the moral and ethical code, the sabbath and festivals, the food laws and the like that have not been wholly fulfilled and replaced (like sacrifices and the Levitical Priesthood) and places them behind the Cross - not separate from it, but quietly operating in the background, as I said.
The Dynamic Relationship Between Christ and the Torah
The revelation then started pouring out which I can only summarise, thanks to my admission to the Emergency Room of the local hospital as I reviewed by life and considered what was the most important. Yahweh explained to me that the Torah in the New Covenant is supposed to act like the autonomic, regulatory, motor nervous system in our bodies, whereas the Cross - the Word of Christ - was like the somatic nervous system. If it's truly written on the heart as it's supposed to be, we should not need to struggle to live it. Like the complex system of nerves and biochemicals that keep our heart beating, of which we are almost wholly unconscious, adjusting to chemical, mental, emotional and other sorts of stresses, so the Torah should be operating silently in our lives without a second thought, acting as a kind of continually operating spiritual reference manual to ensure optimal living, our pre-programmed conscience. Only when things start going wrong do we need to start consciously measuring our actions against the Torah, to see whether we have been disobedient in some way, so that we can repent and make adjustments. The Torah isn't the main thing - the Cross is - yet without it we can so easily start being deflected from the Cross and and to false lawless false saviours. Torah is the back-up system, the autonomic part of a life in Messiah and not the main thing we should be preaching about, talking about, and constantly measuring ourselves against to the exclusion of authentic living, a trap so many messianics easily fall into. Having said that, we are not given licence to break the mitzvot (commandments) - a life fully in Christ is reflected in a Torah-obedient life, our imaging beacon from the Father. Like our two nervous systems, you can't separate them. They must work together.
The Cross is the Main Thing
I apologise that this has been such a long message today but I hope you will agree it has been a very important one - with another family operation coming up in a few days, I will not be able to deliver a message as long and full as this for a while, so consider it an investment for the next few weeks and something for you to think on and chew over. I may even have to go back into hospital myself. But we have covered a lot and I felt it important to keep it altogether in one sermon and not make it two and be forced to make a big summary next time. There is such an intimate relationship between the physical and spiritual - Yahweh never meant us to separate them because our destiny is as physically resurrected beings on this planet, not as disembodied spirits in a whispy etherial heaven which, though very real and important, is but a stop-over on the way back to a new earth when history has been consummated. The Cross and the Torah are echad or one but the Cross must always have the pre-eminence over the Torah. It is the Chayim (Life) of Messiah that ignites and passes through it. The Cross, as evangelicals have long and correctly insisted, is now the main thing and always shall be, but it is not the only thing. If not, then the resurrection, as Paul said, is pointless:
"By this Besorah (Gospel, Good News of the Atonement and Resurrection) you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain" (1 Cor.15:2, NIV).
Basic Torah Rules for Beginners
Like the engine room of a ship which the passengers never see, or the heart beating in our body whose beats we don't usually bother to count to make sure everything is alright, so ought the Torah to be in our lives, pulsating in the background, supernaturally implanted there by the New Birth. We need its instruction to make sure everything is working 'shipshape-and-bristol-fashion' because of our tendency to 'wander', but our evangelism is Christ and the Cross (Olive Branch, OB 11:37). What is the 'Cross'? It is the 'Messiah Event' consisting of many parts and aspects like atonement, reconciliation, salvation, justification, etc., as represented by the several stones in the vision. Torah, on the other hand, is for discipling converts after afterwards, except for those few Torah starters that the Council of Jerusalem issued for those coming out of a non-Torah background (Ac.15:18-20,28-29; 21:25) with the emphasis on body-care:
"It is Elohim's (God's) will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is qadosh (holy, set-apart) and honourable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know Elohim (God)" (1 Thess.4:3-5, NIV).
Do What is Right
That Torah-less, lawless, lusty, uncontrollable world of the heathen, for whom sex is merely entertainment instead of the sacred act of divinely-appointed marriage, is, as I speak, perishing before our very eyes. What began as small breaches in the moral dyke of Christendom at the beginning of the Enlightenment, however imperfect, has resulted in a complete flooding of the world with evil. And now the world must reap the consequences. Only Yah'shua (Jesus) can save, and so it is Messiah we preach and exalt, to the glory of Elohim (God) the Father. So be alert and do what is right.
Brethren and sisters, it has been a long and at times very hard journey these past these 45 years, and it gets harder and more exhausting the older and more infirm I get. There is so much more that still needs to be done yet I fear I am fast running out of the strength required to complete it. Your prayers have been so gratefully appreciated over the years, and especially recently. I do not know how I will finish this - I am in a race against time, but I will continue to serve King and Kingdom for as long as I have breath. Now I must ask prayers for my wife who is the next to go under the surgeon's knife and for by brother-in-law whose need is greater than both of ours. Ah, how terrible is disease and death! But we shall endure it a little while longer and then, thanks to the work of Christ on the Cross, comes the resurrection and life eternal and free. Yahweh bless you all! in Yah'shua's (Jesus') blessed Name. Amen.
[1] Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Dialog Press, Washington DC: 2009) - this popular book, written by a Jew, and first published in 1983, and caused consternation both to the Jewish and world communities in general. This is a vitally important book in not only understanding modern Jewish history but in understanding the complexities of history. This book has appeared in 80 editions in 14 languages in 61 countries.