Section 11
The Virgin Birth is True
Received in response to a meditation on Luke 2:22-24. The truthfulness of the Virgin Birth Doctrine as compared with that of false teachers or 'dreamers'. The word 'dreamer' (v.3) is a scriptural term for a navi (prophet), true or false (see Dt.13:1,3,5; Jer.27:9) and in this context refers to a false navi (prophet). Anyone who defiles the flesh through sexual immorality, despises true authority, and reviles against dignity and honour is also known as a "dreamer" (see Jude 1:8). 'Manasseh' literally means 'causing forgetfulness' which can be both positive and negative (see Gen.41:51), and in its negative connotation refers to man's forgetfulness of Elohim's (God's) mitzvot (commandments). The Land of Manasseh refers to America, and thus the 'dreamers of Manasseh' refers to the false nevi'im (prophets) in that land to whom this revelation was originally addressed. The 'doctrine' of the dreamer refers specifically to the 'New Age' teaching that Yah'shua (Jesus) was conceived naturally by Joseph, His step-father, and not supernaturally by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) in what is known by all true Christians and Messianics as the Virgin Birth, a belief also held by liberal Christians who deny the supernatural and entertain atheistic beliefs [Oxford, England, 14 May 1988].
1. Blessed is Simeon who hath seen the consolation of Israel and the peace of the Gentiles, whom Elohim caused that he might depart with joy in his soul. Blessed of the Master is Simeon who hath been favoured of the master (Lk.2:25-32).
2. And now, My son, be thou not aggrieved, for I have spoken unto thee the truth of the matter of My birth, even that which thou callest the Virgin Birth.
3. Behold, thou hast the testimony of Matthew and Luke, yea, for thou knowest in thy heart that the doctrine of the dreamers is false; and the scriptures bear witness of Me.
4. For the dreamer knoweth not the ignorance of My earthly parents, for they were amazed at the things which Simeon spake concerning Me when I lay in his arms in the Temple.
Seek Truth Through Lowliness of Heart
5. O My son, My son, let not thy heart despair, for I love thee, and know thee, that thou seekest after My honour.
6. For, behold, all are puffed up in their pride and suppose that they know Me, but who knoweth My mystery?
7. Behold the beauty of the dragonfly and her music, doest thou comprehend even this?
8. Nay. I am lowly and meek, and gentler than the wings of a dragonfly, and My voice is finer than the hum of its wings.
9. I am Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), the eternal (everlasting) Father (Is.9:6), the beginning (Alef, Alpha) and the end (Taw, Omega), and what mortal man can comprehend even a fraction of My glory?
10. Behold, the fountain of thy tears is as honey to the tongue, and when thou art humble, thou abidest in Me.
11. Behold, thou feelest the sweet strings of My ahavah (love) -- cleave unto this always.
12. Beware of the sugary words of men who dress Me as the whore dresseth herself to kill, but listen unto the melodies of the perfect life {Christ}.
13. Be thou still, My son, and be lifted up in thy soul.
14. Praise Me, for I am worthy, saith the Deliverer (Saviour); come unto My rest, which now thou seest.
15. Yea, did I not place the seeds of such when thou wast young and tender?
16. And did I not water thee as a youthful stem, that thou mightest become a tree?
Hold Fast to Your Testimony in Times of Trouble
17. Behold, many storms have assailed thee, some of thine own making, and some of men whom thou didst trust but who betrayed thee.
18. Yea, thou hast cried unto Me, and said: "Why, O why, Master?" and I have answered thee that this was for thy good, that thou mightest know Me, and know that I have descended beneath thee to reveal My love for thee.
19. And now I say unto thee, abide by the testimonies that I have given unto thee, which are bathed in My ahavah (love);
20. For whatsoever is not bathed in My love is not of Me, saith the master, even Yah'shua (Jesus) thy Deliverer (Saviour).
21. Therefore feel after My love in all thy searchings and thou shalt know what is true, and discern the false spirits, remembering My revelations unto thee in times past, which were many.
Rejoice in the Master at all Times
22. Lift up thy feet, O Ephraim [1], and dance unto Me, for I shall fill thy soul with the gladsomeness of My love.
23. Yea, cry unto Me in the joy of thy knowledge of My love for thee, for am I not a kind and merciful Elohim?
24. Yea, My son, so sin thou no more, and let not thy heart droop in sorrow on account of thine afflictions.
25. For My love is greater than all, and I shall not disappoint thee; I shall lead thee through the valleys and up the mountains.
The Promise of Tsiyon Given
26. Stand, O son of man, on Pisgah (Num.21:20), that I may show thee the beauty of the Promised Land which I have prepared for thee if thou continue faithful in My Davar (Word).
27. Behold, the sparkling brooks, and the healed waters of the valley of Shittim (acacia trees - Num.33:49)!
28. Behold, the milk and honey of the land (Ex.3:8), and the golden oil which floweth from beneath the Temple! Doth this not make thee glad?
29. For I purposed that thou shouldst see Tsiyon, yea, thou and thy brethren who love Me, and thy family, and those whom I have given unto thee.
30. Therefore, thrust in thy sickle with thy co-workers in Ephraim, and behold, in this shalt thou find thy reward, yea, in bringing souls unto Me.
31. And unto the brethren and sisters in the covenant say: "The Master liveth! For He hath spoken peace unto My soul and revealed a portion of His love and kindness.
32. "Behold, He standeth at thy gate, O Israel, and seeketh entrance in.
33. "Beloved, let Him enter, that He may bless and heal you, even as He hath healed me in this my night of sorrows!
34. "Receive Him, and behold, let us be one with Him, and know His joy!"
35. And thus shall love abound in My Community, saith the Master, and by this love ye shall be united.
36. But if ye have not this love one for another then, behold, ye shall perish, for the man of Elohim cannot live by bread and water alone (Mt.4:4; Lk.4:4; Dt.8:3).
Preach Nothing but Messiah
37. Therefore, My son -- and all those who love Me -- preach nothing but Messiah unto this people, and exhort them to read of Me, and know Me through much prayer and good works, one to another.
38. Be graceful, and let honour be your garment; seek My righteousness and holiness all the days of your life.
39. And thus it shall be that Tsiyon shall arise in Ephraim, and all the children of the other tribes shall bring their gifts unto thee for the upbuilding of the twelve firstborn communities.
40. Go thy way, My son, and do as I have spoken unto thee, and by the by, thy family will pass through the Golden Gate of My city, and all the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones). Even so. Amen.
Forsake False Prophets and Teach the Truth
41. Forsake the dreamers of Manasseh and let Me work My act through them, and on them, that their vision may become clear, and their righteousness established again.
42. Speak sound doctrine, even My Devarim (Words), and the words of My shlichim (apostles) and nevi'im (prophets), as a witness against the dreamers and those who pervert My Davar (Word), that per chance they might repent and walk the strait and narrow path which leadeth to eternal felicity and happiness.
43. Depart not off the path into strange lands lest the wolf devour thee.
44. If the meat is bad, then drink milk, and by the by I will give thee fresh meat, saith the Master, and ye shall be made full.
45. Behold, the cup of salvation is poured forth on all who will believe in My Besorah (Gospel), which is plain and precious, even to the understanding of a little child, that sinners may be redeemed from hell and the repentant lifted up.
46. I have spoken in plainness and truth, saith the Master; do thou likewise, that all may know that My doctrine is plain and without guile. Even so. Amen and Amen.
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This page was first created on 3 August 1997
Last updated on 11 October 2020
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