Month 7:1, Rosh Chodesh VII, Year:Day 5945:178 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Tuesday 7 September 2021
Yom Teruah 2021
Behold, It is the Judgment Hour!
Long Vanished Civilisations
Long, long ago, in the earliest days of human history, so distant in fact that our memory of it is all but erased, save in those ghostly, baffling monuments and buildings that have withstood the erosion of time and of the elements, a group of fallen malakim (angels) roamed the world posing as gods to mankind. Their stories are still told in such places as Central and Southern America, India, and in practically every ancient culture that has weathered the ravages of time. They had once been members of the Divine Council, or the Council of Yah's Elohim, high ranking spiritual entities, who fell for the lie that they could exist independently of Yahweh-Elohim, the Creator, and establish their own kingdoms without His direction, guidance or assistance.
Coming of the Gods
They possessed supernatural powers, for that is what the Creator had endowed them with, and still possessed light and truth. They had, however, been contaminated by pride and rebellion, and this virus had begun to eat into the fabric of their beings, gradually spreading - slowly at first, so that they noticed little difference to begin with, but eating more and more into their personalities as the centuries wore on. They tried to be benevolent gods at first, imitating kindness and piety, and presented themselves as the civilisers of men, bringing them out of their darkness caused long before them by the Fall. They dressed as they had always dressed, in long white robes down to their ankles. They were white, long-bearded, thick-browed and with large eyes. At first they condemned blood sacrifices, accepting only worship through the sacrifice of fruits and flowers.
The fallen Beni Elohim or 'gods' of antiquity tried to rule without Yahweh
Teachings of the Gods
They preached peace and not war, taught men how to use fire and to cook, grow crops, build houses and magnificent buildings of huge supernaturally-cut stones that fitted flawlessly together, and showed couples once again how to live together as man and wife as they once had before descending into savagery. When their subjects rebelled, they called down fire from heaven and burned them up as displays of their power, at first using this power sparingly. They purposefully arrived mysteriously over the water and disappeared the same way when they left, moving from land to land, and tribe to tribe, establishing their hegemony. With each failure to be the way the true Elohim (God) was, they grew more and more angry, revealing that they were not the true Beni Elohim or the Sons of God any longer, but the sons of a dark power. Instead of preaching peace and love, they began to instill more and more terror into the hearts of their subjects, demanding blood sacrifices, first of animals, and then of human beings. Their symbol was the serpent (a feathered serpent in the Americas) and it was by that, in various forms, that they were known and remembered.
Angels and Humans Fall in the Same Way
I mention this piece of little known history for several reasons. Firstly, to intrigue you and cause you to pause and think about the distant past, especially as it has been taught us in the standard narratives. Secondly, to make you aware that it is wrongly assumed that those angels or malakim that fell from their places of honour and glory did not become the demonic entities we know today all in one go, though doubtless some fell faster than others. They were not radiant beings of glory one moment and then of the darkest spiritual dye the next. They fell in the same way that we as human beings do when we reject Yahweh-Elohim.
Fallen Angelic Benefactors Demanding Worship
At first these fallen beings thought they could do what Elohim (God) did but without Him, and do it better, as rulers and teachers and the re-inventors of religion. Their objection to our Heavenly Father's rules, the principle cause of their fall, is that they refused to believe that His rule and His laws were the best, and thoughts that they could improve upon them...and do what He did, only better. They presumed to be what they were not, and never could be. So they rebelled and tried to set up a rival kingdom on earth - multiple kingdoms, in facts, because at length they became rivals of one another. Humanity had already itself rebelled and descended into darkness even without their help, thanks to the enticing of he who would become their own leader in the end, Heylel, or Lucifer the light-bearer, whom we call Satan, in reality haSatan in hebrew, or 'the satan', meaning 'the adversary' or 'opposer'. So these beings took the opportunity to 'help' humanity in order to win their affection and gain their worship, and they did this by impressing them with their superior knowledge, skills and powers. All they demanded was the worship rightfully due to Yahweh, just as Satan had demanded it of Yah'shua (Jesus) during the 40 days of His being tempted in the wilderness (Mt.4:8-10), because that is the chief craving of fallen beings. They wanted to be loved and adored.
When Man Demands Worship Too
Humans are no different. In their fallen state, they crave to be loved, and when they fail to be loving enough to be worshipped spontaneously, they instead demand worship by force. And when they cannot get this voluntarily, they demand it with threats and demonstrations of power. This same demonic urge has persisted in every generation, as proud, conceited men and women demand to be elevated into demi-gods, the same drive of these fallen malakim (angels). At first we think we are being benevolent, that we know better than our underlings, but by the by we inevitably fail to be like the Creator in our own power and so in frustration, and then anger, we turn to tyranny or, if we are wise, repentance, and start yielding the sovereignty of our lives back to the Creator. This is the history of the human race and the history of fallen malakim (too). The pattern of rebellion is exactly the same This is what happens when living beings turn away from Yahweh. And we - that is to say, the fleshy side of is - are incredibly devious. And we know how to shift blame away from ourselves.
Introducing Yom Teruah!
So with that rather different introduction to the one I usually give at Yahweh's festivals, may I say to you all, chag sameach Yom Teruah, chag sameach Rosh Chodesh and Shabbat Shalom! To this triple greeting announcing the first divine moed or appointment in the autumn (fall) season, made with twin-silver trumpets, may I also say welcome to all who are gathering with us today in obedience to the mitzvah (commandment) both here at MLT in Sweden and online.
Announcing the Arrival of Messiah
I told you the very brief outline story of the fallen watcher malakim (angels) because this is the ongoing story of the earth and the fallen heavenly realm. And we are, starting today at Yom Teruah, on the Day of Trumpets and of Shouting, about to witness a defeating of these gods and their duped human followers. It won't happen in a single day, week, or even month, because, though judgment can be, and often is, swift, it is more often than not a process involving lots of skirmishes and smaller battles that cumulatively bring victory. When judgment comes, Yahweh does it through His heavenly agencies (malakim/angels) and His earthly servants the nevi'im (prophets) on the earth because all these servants are themselves the Beni Elohim, the Sons of God, and members of the Divine Council on earth with the authority and power of that Council.
The Counterfeit Turns Evil
This day specifically, Yom Teruah, was given to remind us that on one such day at precisely this time of the year in the future, the arrival of the Messiah, Yah'shua (Jesus), His Second Coming, would be announced with much noise, to warn the earth of His arrival and of imminent final Judgment that will take place nine days later at appointed time or moed called Yom haKippurim (Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonements). That is why in Judaism the very apt tradition of 40 days of repenting before Yom haKippurim arose, called Teshuvah, so that, (a) believers are made ready to receive their King and Master, and (b) the is world reminded that judgment is about to fall upon it. When this final series of three autumn (fall) moedim (appointments) is over, and Yahweh's people have celebrated at Sukkot (Taberbacles), the Millennium, the thousand year-long Kingdom of our Messiah, commences at Sheimini Atsereh, a kingdom those fallen angels have tried numerous times to replicate in their rebellion and in their own power, but failed, so long ago in prehistory. And with each failure they have mutated and perverted the original intent even more so that instead of bringing forth an era of high civilisation and liberty they have instead brought chaos and bondage. We are supposed to be spiritually prepared for this day, our genuine Liberation by Messiah, at all times.
The Plan and Failed Rebel Imitations
Fast forward to today. We are now well into a judgment for the current wickedness of mankind in 2021 - not the final one some years hence when Messiah returns bodily, but rather the penultimate or last-but-one judgment of earth's history in which Elohim (God) makes some important interventions to prevent the planet descending into total chaos and anarchy which would otherwise be followed by global tyrannical dictatorship ahead of prophetic time. Once Yom haKippurim has passed, which is when judgment is executed, there comes the final celebration of the Redeemed at Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles or Booths), as I mentioned, which all the faithful keenly look forward to, because that signals the final end of worldwide tyranny and injustice and the beginning of a new and wonderful messianic æon, eon, epoch or time.
Don't Seek Out Human or Angelic Saviours
And though the world hasn't woken up to what's happening all around us yet, it is right now, as I speak, experiencing an unfolding genetic genocide that will forever change humanity, perverting the image of Elohim (God) as once before the fallen malakim (angels) tried by crossbreeding with human women, and only Yahweh can halt it as he did anciently by means of a flood. No human saviour using his own political and military clout, can stop this turning of the children of Adam into genetically modified organisms (GMO's), the ones that survive this latest holocaust. Yes, people are turning to fallen human deliverers as they once did to fallen malakim (angels) and as increasing numbers are doing again in the New Age Movement and elsewhere. This is both hazardous and foolish in the extreme. And they are doing this because they will not bow the knee to the true Creator, Yahweh-Elohim, and to His Son, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) who is the revelation of who the Father actually is and what He is like, and not their twisted respesentation of Him! And He is quite unlike those imperfect, egotistical fallen beings posing as gods and driven by the lust for power.
Trump is Not Saviour
And, I do have to add this footnote: please, please don't go and make silly word associations by saying the Day of 'Trumpets' means a new Day of Donald 'Trump' because many conservative Americans see him as a type of saviour-figure, a substitute for, or personal aid to, the Western 'Jesus' made in the image of man...I know some wannabee 'prophet' somewhere will come out with a foolish remark like that and try to cloak it with pretended religious authority, and start trumpeting the next Trump campaign as they once did before. Don't fall for it just because some of the things he says are true and some of the things he did were right. Remember, even those prehistorical fallen angels said some true things and did some right things. Trump is not a true believer and he is in any case controlled and steered by those who hate the true Messiah. He's just the 'good cop' character in the 'good cop/bad cop' setup the Enemy always uses. More about that in a minute if we have time. Unfortunately, nothing is as clear-cut as we would like it to be because corruption and dictatorial control is rising everywhere. We live in the new age - though in reality nothing is 'new' about it - of mixed and confused political agendas because the whole political system is irredemably corrupt. The best that can happen now is for its advancing boundaries be pushed back for a season whilst we await the return of Christ to utterly crush it to fine powder and blow it all away.
Reviewing the Spring and Summer Festivals
Because many of you joining us today aren't familiar with the annual festivals of Israel, or are a little rusty, let's briefly cast our minds back to last spring when this year of Penultimate Judgment began in earnest to understand the spiritual progression that these festivals represent. The annual festival year began in the moth of Aviv as we commemorated the drama of the deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt which was itself a pointer to the coming messianic deliverance from sin by Yah'shua (Jesus)h through His redeeming work on the cross. The agent of human deliverance is always, and exclusively, the cleaqning power released by the atonement of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) on the cross of Calvary. This atonement is cryptically enacted at the week-long Pesach (Passover) season when we remember the Lamb sacrificed to be our Covering from sin whose blood 'marks' the doorposts of our heart. This spring season of three festivals was followed by the receiving of the Torah (Yahweh's Law, Teaching) at Mount Sinai by Moses in the Arabian peninsular at the summer festival of Shavu'ot (Weeks, Ekatost or as it's wrongly called, 'Pentecost') which in its turn was a pointer to the New Covenant Messianic infilling of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) whose purpose is to supernaturally write the Torah on the hearts of all true believers so that we both know, and respond to do in His power, the mitzvot (commandments) which are the lifestyle and sign of the redeemed, and are equipped to do His will on earth.
The seven annual festivals of Messianic Israel
Sukkot, the Final Hope
Finally, we come the third, week-long celebration in the autumn (fall), the final harvest festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles), which still points to the New Covenant Marriage Supper of the Lamb), which is the joyful triumphant celebration of the final harvest of saved and physically resurrected souls in Messiah's Millennial (thousand year-long) Kingdom on earth.
A Future Blast of Trumpets in the Heavenlies
So at some point in the not-too-distant future the whole world will hear these twin silver trumpet blasts in the heavenlies and the shouting of faithful malakim (angels) and of the faithful who went before and know they are either going to be saved or condemned, depending on the choices they have made here on earth.
Satan's 7-Year 'Millennium'
When Yah'shua (Jesus) returns, it will be announced on this, the first day of the seventh month in Yahweh's lunisolar or Creation Calendar in some year in the future, which no man knows the date of in advance, not even Yah'shua (Jesus), the Son of Man, Himself but only the Heavenly Father. Satan and his fallen malakim (angels) can never produce a millennium of love and peace. Though they initially tried, and failed - many times - with various local, national or one world 'orders', these have never lasted, and their final attempt at a rival to Heaven's Melchizedek Order will last a mere 7 years, the first 3½ of which will appear benevolent through lying signs and wonders, with the last 3½ showing just who the lord of darkness really is when the mask of their original and actual intent comes off. In recent times Satan's 'millenniums' have manifested as Hitler's 12 year-long anti-Christian 'Thousand Year Reich' (1933-45) and Lenin's 74 year-long anti-Christian Bolshevik paradise in Russia (1917-91). We're now waiting for Mao's, so far, 74 year-long anti-Christian communist paradise in China (1947-?) to come tumbling down too.
The Year of Penultimate Judgment
Many today, both the weary and the scared, are hoping or expecting Christ to arrive at any moment now, and as you know I have been constantly and repeatedly told to tell people that what they, and all of us here, so much want - for Yah'shua (Jesus) to come back and finally put the world to rights by ending all the evil - is still some years off. However, what I have also been directed to say is that this particular biblical year of 2021-22 is the Year of Penultimate Judgment, a preview of, and preparation for, on a smaller scale what is coming within the time period of the next, and last, generation. That does not, however, mean that this Roman year of 2021 is unimportant because as I have been directed to announce for some time it absolutely is, as I keep reminding people, the year of Penultimate Judgment, a reverse mirror, if you like, of what is going to happen, on a smaller scale, on the final Day of Trumpet-blasting and Shouting. What happens now is a sort of training exercise for the Last Generation of Yahweh's servants even though the combat is with 'live ammunition' and is deadly.
No Turning Back Now
We are never going back to the way the world was before 9/11 but a brake on the progress of the satanic élites will be applied which will set their plans back many more years. This is to allow one last major evangelistic Torah-compliant revival, a powerful spiritual thrust to reach the unreached. The purpose is not to prolong the misery this world system has inflicted on us but to save souls and that will require hardship and sacrifice. So if you're only thinking of how to save your own wretched skin by yearning for a pie-in-the-sky rapture, then you have failed to understand...completely. The delay is solely for the benefit of the unsaved, to give them one last chance, and that requires us to be here to do the job, not some imaginary, spiritually inferior 'left-behinders'.
To Be Followed by a Sabbatical Year of Rest
It is no accident that next year, beginning in the spring of 2022, is a Sabbatical Year, a year of resting from the back-breaking labour of agricultural cultivation when the fields must lie fallow to allow them to recouperate and regenerate. It is the sabbath of the land. So next year there must be no planting of crops by Yahweh's people. Indeed anciently Yahweh would produce a double harvest in the sixth year (this year) of the seven-year Sh'mittah Cycle for Torah-obedient6 and Messiah-trusting Israel so that the farmers would have enough to tide them over until they could begin planting again and have surplas to share with, or sell to, those not in that industry. When this current crisis is over, we will all need a breathing space to heal and get strong once again, and that is all coming in Yahweh's good time. There is to be a Beulaland-type rest. In the meantime we must be strong and courageous and not compromise or lose our faith. Knowing what's happening will help so long as you don't listen to the false 'prophets' and their lying promises. Turn instead to the Davar (Word), to the true Elijah Prophets and listen to keenly to the Ruach (Spirit) at work in you. Our watchword this year in this time of trial and tribulation is: "Courage, mon brave!" - Have Courage, Braveheart!
Stop Listening to the Babblers
So today - Yom Teruah, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Shouting - is absolutely good news for the righteous and faithful but terrible news for the wicked and the lawless, disobedient believers. It is the sacred responsibility of every Elijah navi (prophet) to announce that, here and now, and not go making wild promises as is the dangerous habit of charismatics and others who try to vindicate themselves with their false gifts like 'tongues'. Yah'shua (Jesus) warned:
"When you pray, don't stammer/stutter/babble (Gk. battalogeo) like the heathen" (Matthew 6:7).
Afghanistan and World Chaos
There is a reason why there is so much chaos in the world currently, and why in particular Afghanistan has been deliberately allowed to fall to terrorists by the Western powers-that-be that once ruled it to, amomgst other things, protect their opium supplies. What has happen there was not by conquest on the part of the Taliban but by Deep State design. This wasn't just the carelessness of a bumbling old geriatric president with Alzheimer's because he has, and never had, any real power. He's just a helpless puppet, what Lenin called 'a useful idiot', as nearly all political leaders in the world are. So don't be too distressed over what has happened, and is now happening, politically and militarily - Yahweh is using Biden and his corrupt and incompetent régime to carry out His overall design and will in spite of the cocksure plans of the élites. So why have the élites forced this action leading to the chaotic American and allied troop withdrawl? There are two main reasons:
- 1. To distract the public from more important things like the mass 'vaccination' of the planet which is a designed or purposed genocide with massive population reduction in mind - the élites announced they were going to do this years ago but few paid much attention and saw it as idle boasting or dark humour; and
- 2. To sow more chaos in the world by allowing another terrorist state to emerge (in reality, rogue elements of the CIA have been sponsoring it, as they did the Mujahadeen against the Soviets in the 1980's) to threaten the stability of the central Asian region and to create more fear everywhere and most especially in the nearly totally post-Christian West as new waves of extremist infiltrated refugees inevitably follow tragedy of this kind. They want the people so fearful, cowed and distracted that they can complete their hoped for coup d'état without public interference or pushback but DON'T be afraid! Yahweh is in control and always has been! He has the last say - always.
A World in Turmoil
Yahweh's watchmen should not be surprised by any of this. Elohim (God) has not left us uninformed. Not only have the élites told us in advance what they plan to do, if you know where to look, but Yahweh most assuredly has been speaking to His servants the Elijah nevi'im (prophets). Satan has been doing the same thing speaking to false lawless 'Christian' and New Age 'prophets' which means there is inevitably much confusion in the Body of Christ. We shouldn't be surprised by that either. That's the normal fare of this world, isn't it? After the humiliation of the false 'prophets' over the their failed predictions concerning the re-election of Donald Trump in the 2019 American presidential elections, not only have they become a little quieter than usual but it's clear that they have no idea why Biden was allowed into office.
Yahweh is in Control
Remember, Yahweh is not powerless - He permits what He will so that His purposes unfold the way He wants and has foreordained them to and no-one can do anything about it. He's basically given the devil's agents enough rope to hang themselves with and the time needed for good people to expose all the nefarious scheming and plotting that's been going on for so long now. There's a tidal wave of truth pouring out now that cannot be stopped. And you all know what dictators do when their agents fail them - they 'take out' their own like the Epsteins of this world.
There is Purpose in the Apparent Chaos
Up until a week ago I wasn't sure what exactly we would be facing this autumn (fall), as if we aren't dealing with enough as it is what with the plandemic, lockdowns, compulsory vaccination and vaccination passports, economic stagnation and decline, increasing totalitarianism in Europe, Australia, America and elsewhere, an aggressive communist Peoples' Republic of China flexing its muscles and threatening Taiwan (Republic of China/ROC), an extremist Moslem régime in Afghanistan destabilising central Asia, increasing persecution of believers all around the world, and much more. But remember, this is judgment time and this is what we should actually be expecting, even though the Enemy, if he can get his way, is planning on doing a lot more than what we're seeing now - much more.
Two days ago Yahweh showed me a vision of an explosion high in the sky just beneath cloud level - I saw a huge flash and from the middle of this explosion I saw this black amorphous mass dissipating into the atmosphere. A few hours later I was shown another vision of row upon parallel row of what looked like red ECG readings, electronic emissions being purposefully and surreptitiously sent out into the world. Now we should not be surprised by any of this because we know that Yahweh removes His protective shield from those nations who reject Him. There has been such a cascade of revelation for the last few days that I can only share a little of it in the time remaining to me today. And some are not for public consumption.
There was a huge flash just beneath the cloud level...
The Reprieves are Over and There is No Turning Back
Firstly let me tell you why I now know that the 'breathing space' granted to the righteous (to give them time to be prepped and spiritually equipped for the troubles ahead), and the breathing space granted to the wicked (to give them time to repent and be saved if they so choose), prior to the Penultimate Judgment, is well and truly over. Time us up. Yahweh has been very generous to us, and I know the prayers of many qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) have been rising to heaven asking for more time and help.
Past Countdowns and Visions to Be Prepared
We have been granted extra time on many occasions - and as you know, I was personally expecting this year's events to occur a lot sooner than they did, at least five years ago in fact, even though Yahweh never actually gave me a specific time for the collapse but on at least three occasions told us to urgently prepare (recall the 'countdowns' He gave us, such as the one for America that ended on 9 October 2015). We have been shown much grace, much undeserved loving-kindness. I discussed this important breathing space in a very important sermon, Penultimate Judgment: Three Visions & a Timetable in which you may remember I was shown a vision last February of a clock showing two hours 'missing' - there was a gap between 11 and 1 - where linear prophetic time was, as it were, suspended:
The Missing Hours
You will also remember that you were given the interpretation of this vision pointing to the climax of the present troubles probably coming sometime at the end of the autumnal festival season which starts today, which means the end of this Roman month of September:
We Were Warned Years Ago
For those of you who have been following this ministry closely you will hopefully remember how you were warned multiple times of what was coming. Firstly, let me take you back to 2016 when I was shown a vision of the Dominos Clock (see below) with the clock reading about 10 minutes to 12:
Five Years of Warning Visions
This was informing us where we stood time-wise, five years ago, relative to the economic collpase that I have been predicting now for many years, and urging people to be prepared for both physically and spiritually. The vision depicted the way we this disaster would come about, by means of concurrent, linked events falling like dominos that would not be stoppable because of where all this would lead to. Yahweh has shown me lots of other visions of what would be happening leading up to today and you'll find many of these listed in the Visions website, a great many of which you will have noted have been, and continue to be, about fire - both the fire of judgment of the wicked and the fire of purification of the righteous.
The Stripping of the American Nation
Returning briefly to the current Biden administration and how, because of this man, America's reputation and influence in the world is rapidly crumbling: old allies are seeking protection elsewhere now, particularly in the Far East. Recall the vision I was shown 7 years ago in April 2014, of the American eagle stripped of its emblems so that it appeared naked, battered and weak - I reminded you of this vision back in February in a sermon I gave called, The Stone About to Strike:
Fall of the US Dollar
Countries have been selling US dollars for some time now as its value plummets, again as prophesied years ago, and are instead turning to other currencies, not that they will benefit from those new currencies like the Chinese Yuan or the €uro, because the whole lot will tumble together when any one of the major currencies falls.
The Futile Search for Strong Saviour-Leaders
There was an opportunity for repentance during the Trump administration but that opportunity has now passed. Like Judah in Yah'shua's (Jesus') day, people want a powerful, charismatic leader to make their country strong, independent and great again but without spiritual reform and repentance. It's the reason the Germans voted in Hitler in 1933. It's the same everywhere. People want strongmen rulers again to make them great and prosperous but they don't want Christ, and so the strongmen don't preach repentance and salvation, save in passing to capture the Christian vote, but rather prefer pompous, grandiose words and muscle-flexing to show how tough they are and, by extension, their voters. Hitler originally said he was protecting Christians and then turned against them. At first he said he was the protector of religion against the communists but when he came to power he turned on the churches. One of the SS mottos in the mid-1940's was the Marxist barb, 'religion is the opiate of the people' - sounds familiar? All modern American presidents pay lip-service to Christianity and then turn on it or support apostate versions of it.
But let me come to the most important revelation which I received on 25 August - some of the others will have to await another assembly as there isn't time to cover them all today. I saw a vision of a clock, this time made specifically of metal (symbolising solidity and unbreakableness), and the blank area between 11 and 1 was gone, the minute division markings having returned were marked. The hour hand stood at 12 and the minute hand stood a a few minutes past the 1, around 7- or 12-past, I can't exactly remember now. Then, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, the clock fell from the wall and was gone. In other words, the time (clock) is gone, the time for national repentance is practically over and judgment must now follow at Yom haKippurim on 16 September, nine days hence. It is now definitely time to bolt down the hatches and keep your heads low, as I announced in advance in 2016, and prepare to weather the storm just as those who experienced Hurricane Ida in Louisiana did recently. When governments take to themselves more and more emergency powers to meet crises their masters have engineered, or pushbacks by the populations they allegedly serve, and start rounding up their political opponents, you know it's time to drop out of view and to go to your prepped redoubts in the countryside if you're a city-dweller and for some reason are still there.
Repent and Be Ready for Yom haKippurim
Again, let me stress, that Yahweh is in control so the faithful need not panic but should go about their business as usual, fully prepped and spiritually equipped in the places they have been instructed to retire to. We will meet one more time at Shabbat Shuvah, the last sabbath in the repentance cycle, and the last one before Yom haKippurim when we will be fasting from sunset on the evening of 15 September and assembling to hear a special message on the morning of 16 September. Let us pursue our individual, family and congregational repenting with sincerity of heart, urgently, and with vigour. May Yahweh have mercy on us if we as Christians or Messianics have ever sought to imitate the ungodly, fleshy ways of those fallen watcher malakim (angels) in any way! We must let Yahweh finish doing His work on us and let Him have His way with the nations, and not resist or protest His decisions.
The stripping of unrepentant nations happening now
A Challenge to the Unbelievers and Backsliding Believers
To those of you who are not believers, or who are hestitating, wavering or are unsure, let me echo the words of George Bernard Shaw, whom I rarely quote but in this instance he said something profound and wise around 70 years ago:
"Why not give Christianity a trial? The question seems a hopeless one after 2,000 years of resolute adherence to the old cry of 'Not this man, but Barabbas' (Mt.27:15-23). Yet it is beginning to look as if Barabbas was a failure, in spite of his strong right hand, his victories, his empires, his millions of money, and his moralities and churches and political constitutions. 'This man' (Yah'shua/Jesus) has not been a failure yet; for nobody has ever been sane enough to try His Way" [1].
Maybe it is time, finally, for humanity to come to its senses, and to sanity, and to put His invitation to the test.
A Word of Encouragement
So let me conclude with a Scripture, from Psalm 103, a word of encouragement:
"Bless Yahweh, O my soul, and do not forget all His benefits - who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Yahweh works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed" (Ps.103:2-6, NRSV).
Amen? Amen!
May His grace and shalom (peace) go with you in this critically important days ahead. Don't be afraid but rest in Him, trust in Him, and watch and see. Amen
[1] George Bernard Shaw, Preface to Androcoles and the Lion (The Bodley Head: 1972), p.458
Comments from Readers
[1] "Thanks for the wonderful message of good news in this time of tragic circumstances" (MM, USA, 7 September 2021)