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Continued from the Introduction

The border line between vision and prophetic dream (sometimes referred to as a 'trance') is not always possible to distinguish in the Bible, and is so reflected in the biblical vocabularly of 'vision'. Messianic Evangelicals try to make a clear distinction between the two although this is not always possible when the experience occurs in that intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness.

In its broadest sense, a 'vision' may be said to be a visual and/or auditory event which reveals something otherwise unknown previously. Visions (along with dreams) are closely related in the ancient Near East in general. That which distinguishes the biblical variety from those claimed by pagan religions is their source, the one from Yahweh and the other from demonic entities deceitfully promoting the existence of other 'gods'. Distinguishing and discerning between the two is the difference between possessing the authentic, supernatural Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), the human psyche with its considerable capacity for imagination and fantasy, and the counterfeit, supernatural spirits of demons or fallen malakim (angels).

Visions (with prophetic dreams) were an accepted means of communication and revelation throughout the history of Israel and in the Messianic Community (Church). Visions occur throughout the Tanakh (Old Testament), in the Torah (Pentateuch), Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings). Though less frequent in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament), they are especially important in Acts and Revelation. Visions are related to, yet distinct from, other revelatory phenomena such as Theophanies (direct manifestations of God), Angelophanies (angel manifestations), and heavenly journeys involving the separation of spirit from body - in these, the emphasis is usually on the message conveyed or the secret revealed rather than on the image as in visions.

Visions may be classified into the following categories:

  • 1. Visions of the Deity or the Divine Council (Ex.24:9-11; 1 Ki.22:19-23; Is.6; Ezek.1:1-3,15; Rev.4:2-11);

  • 2. Visions of other scenes or events which require no interpretation (1 Ki.22:17; Jer.4:23-26, Ezek.8-11; 40-48; Amos 7:1-3,4-6; Zech.2:1-5; 3:1-10; Ac.16:9-10);

  • 3. Visions based on wordplays (Jer.1:11-12; Amos 8:1-3);

  • 4. Symbolic visions which require interpretation (Jer.1:13-19; Ezek.37:1-14; Dan.7-8; Amos 7:7-9; Zech.1:7-2:5; 5:1-11; Ac.10:9-16); and

  • 5. Allegorical visions found primarily in apocalypses (Rev.12,17).

The first two categories are further delineated by whether or not the Seer participates in the scene. You will find all five categories represented in the visions seen by the Messianic Evangelical seers.

Certain elements are common to all types of vision accounts. They are usually narrated in the first person by the Seer. As in dream accounts, there is often an introductory 'frame' which provides the information on the date, time, and place where the vision occurred. This is followed by the narration of the contents of the vision and an interpretation, if necessary. The account often concludes by noting the reactions of the visionary.

In the Tanakh (Old Testament), visionary experiences are usually identified by nouns derived from the Hebrew roots r'h or h'zh, the latter (hazón) describing the beholding of a vision by the Seer while in an ecstatic state (Is.1:1; Ezek.12:27). The former (mar'â, 'to see') means visions as a means of revelation (Num.12:6; 1 Sam.3:15). Some visions simply provide an occasion for an accompanying oracle. In these cases, the oracle carries the primary message, with the vision being secondary. In other instances, particularly in symbolic visions, the vision itself is the primary means of communication, often revealing future events.

The Messianic Scriptures (New Testament) commonly use the Greek hórama (Ac.9:10,12; 10:3,17,19), optasia (Lk.1:11; Ac.26:19; 2 Cor.12:1), and the more general term eídos found in the narration of vision experiences. They signify 'appearance' or 'vision'. The emphasis seems to be on the ecstatic nature of the experience, and the revelatory character of the knowledge, which came to the biblical Nevi'im (Prophets) and Seers. The experience points to a special awareness of Elohim (God) shared by the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) (e.g. Jer.1:11; Dan.2:19 ; Ac.9:10; 16:9), and to Yahweh's readiness to reveal Himself to men (Ps.89:19; Ac.10:3).

The circumstances in which the revelatory visions came to the Seers of the Bible are varied. They came in men's waking hours (Dan.10:7; Ac.9:7), by day (Ac.10:3), or by night (Gen.46:2). But the visions had close connections with the dream-state (Num.12:6; Job 4:13).

In the Tanakh (Old Testament) the recipients of revelatory visions were the nevi'im (prophets), 'writing' (Is.1:1; Ob.1; Nah.1:1) and 'non-writing' (2 Sam.7:17; 1 Ki.22:17-19; 2 Chr.9:29). But the outstanding examples were Daniel and Ezekiel. In the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament), Luke manifests greatest interest in visions. He reports, e.g. the visions of Zacharias (Lk.1:22), Ananias (Ac.9:10), Cornelius (Ac.10:3), Peter (Ac.10:10ff.), and Paul (Ac.18:9), although Paul treated visions with much reserve (2 Cor.12:1ff.). But obviously the biblical 'visionaries' were men of action and outstanding intelligence.

Biblical visions concerned both immediate situations (Gen.15:1ff.; Ac.12:7) and the 'far-off divine event' of the Kingdom of Elohim (God), as the writings of Isaiah, Daniel, and John testify. In this connection two passages in the Tanakh (Old Testament) are especially relevent:

    "The boy Samuel ministered before Yahweh under Eli. In those days the Davar (Word) of Yahweh was rare; there were not many visions" (1 Sam.3:1, NIV).

    "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint" (Prov.29:18, NIV).

In the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY) there has been a continuous flow of visions, revelation and prophecy since its inception in 1987, which is one of the signs of the Remnant. This register principally contains the visions seen by the founder, Lev-Tsiyon plus those of other members that have been released for public consumption. There are also one or two from outside NCAY . These are by no means all of the visions received by Messianic Evangelicals, but are the more important ones. Not all the visions of the Chavurat Bekorot (Holy Order), which run into the thousands, are for public scrutiny but are to be had in the Chavurat Bekorot (Holy Order) for the edification and instruction of the leadership.

(20 March 2018)

Visions Index I
Olive Branch: 1970-1997
(not inclusive of Prophetic Dreams)
OB = Olive Branch Revelations | = Key Visions Associated with NCAY's Mission
Dates arranged yyyy-mm-dd, e.g. 19700703 = 1970-07-03 = 3 July 1997
1. 19700703. Vision of the Heavens Rolled Back Part 1 (OB 1)
2. 19810400. Vision of the Stavanger (Norway) Volcano (OB 2)
3. 19890627A. Vision of the Golden Spheres (OB 153)
4. 19890715. Vision of the Dutch Woman (OB 162)
5. 19890910. Vision of the White Foremark and Devils (OB 179)
6. 19900100. Vision of the Heavens Rolled Back Part 2 (OB 202)
7. 19900511B. The Nature of Visionary Symbolism - a Revelation (OB 242)
8. 19900513. Vision of the Whore of Babylon (OB 243)
9. 19900520B. Vision of Hell (OB 245)
10. 19910516. Vision of the New Covenant Temple Part 1 (OB 312)
11. 19910602. Vision of the New Covenant Temple Part 2 (OB 316)
12. 19910608. Vision of the New Covenant Temple Part 4 (OB 318)
13. 19910616. Vision of the Earthly Firstborn or 144,000 (OB 319)
14. 19911016. Vision of the Horse and Camel (OB 335)
15. 19920900. The Ukrainian Visions (OB 350)
16. 19940521. Three Prophetic Visions: The Great Reservoir, Solemn Meeting & Persecution (OB 354)
17. 19940524B. Vision of the Field with Tongues of Fire (OB 356)
18. 19941007. Vision of the New Covenant Ship Part 1 (OB 358)
19. 19941202. Vision of the New Covenant Ship Part 2 (OB 360)
20. 19941217. Vision of Christ's Empty Tomb (OB 361)
21. 19950215. Vision of the Two Rivers: A Revelation on the Godhead (OB 363)
22. 19950501. Vision of the Church's Betrothal to Christ (OB 366)
23. 19950803. Vision of the Rope of the Covenants (OB 371)
24. 19950822. Vision of the Stone Arch Part 1(OB 373)
25. 19950823. Vision of the Butterfly, Fly and Wasp: Prophecy of One Man's Descent into Sin (OB 374)
26. 19950901. Visions for Days of Persecution: The Pyramid, Spider & the Giant Tree & Birds (OB 376)
27. 19950905B. Vision of the Tornado and Headless Woman: For Norway (OB 379)
28. 19950922. Vision of the Second Wave (OB 383)
29. 19950925. Visions of the Swarthy Man and Baby & Healing Leaves (OB 384)
30. 19951028. Vision of the Golden Calvary Cross and Spire (OB 387)
31. 19951116. Vision of the New Covenant Church of God's Spiritual Winter (OB 389)
32. 19951120. Vision of the Three Fields: The End of a Harvest (OB 390)
33. 19951123. Vision of the Long Communion Table (OB 391)
34. 19951213. Vision of the Blue Flower and the Hebrew Vav (OB 393)
35. 19951229. Vision of the Six-Faced Pyramid (OB 394)
36. 19951230. Vision of the Olive Tree Menorah (OB 395)
37. 19960105. Vision of the Dancing Apostate on a Scuttled Ship (OB 397)
38. 19960112. Vision of the Church Mansion House (OB 398)
39. 19960119. Vision of the Railway Lines (OB 399)
40. 19960123. Visions of the Staligmite, Church, Woman and Tree (OB 400)
41. 19960208. Vision of the Purple Jewel (OB 401)
42. 19960303. Vision of the Trash Can (OB 403)
43. 19960309. Vision of the Flooded Land of Israel (OB 404)
44. 19960402. Vision of the House on Stilts (OB 405)
45. 19960421A. Vision of the New Covenant Ship Part 3 (OB 407)
46. 19960423. Two Visions of the Olive Menorah (OB 409)
47. 19960424. Vision of the Holy Mountain (OB 410)
48. 19960513. Vision of the Six Doves (OB 411)
49. 19960515. Vision of the Distorted Brass Menorah (OB 412)
50. 19960516. Vision of the Three Silver Stars (OB 413)
51. 19960529. Vision of the Uprooted Tree (OB 414)
52. 19960608. Vision Commanding NCCG to Use the Internet (OB 415)
53. 19960610. Vision of the Orphanage Benefactor in Los Angeles (OB 416)
54. 19960708. Vision of the Crashing Waves & the Supreme Colonial Colony at Rheims, France (OB 421)
55. 19960809. Vision of Australia
56. 19960828. Vision of the New Covenant Ship, Part 4 (OB 429)
57. 19960829. Vision of Women Leadership on the Bridge of the NCCG Ship (OB 430)
58. 19960909. Vision of the Hold of the New Covenant Ship: The Olive Branch (OB 432)
59. 19961126. Vision of Adam Immediately After the Fall (OB 436)
60. 19961129B. Vision of the Two Ways
61. 19961201. Vision of the Dove and the Windmills (OB 439)
62. 19970117. Four Visions: The Drowning Lion, Leaping Flames, Damaged Propellor & Book (OB 441)
63. 19970227. An Internet Vision of the Covenant of Israel (OB 442)
64. 19970306. Vision of the Camel and Rolling Sphere (OB 444)
65. 19970320. Vision of the Bridge of Noah (OB 445)
66. 19970405. Vision of the White Horse and Angel (OB 447)
67. 19970510. Vision of the River of CD-ROMs (OB 452)
68. 19970511. Vision of the Stone Arch Part 2 (OB 435)
69. 19970514. Second Vision of the Bridge (OB 455)
70. 19970530. Vision of the Propellor (OB 458)
71. 19970604. The Kolbottn Visions: The White Cross (OB 459)
72. 19970610A. Three Visions: The Four Roads, Motorcycle, and Rain Drops (OB 460)
73. 19970610B. Vision of the Door in the Hand Palm (OB 461)
74. 19970619. Vision of the Sliding Door (OB 462)
75. 19970620. Vision of the Green Valley of Kadesh-biyqah (OB 463)
76. 19970624. Visions of Tongues of Flame, Menorah & Trough & Giant Bridge (OB 464)
77. 19970711. Vision of American Culture: The White T-Shirt (OB 466)
78. 19970713. Vision of the End-Time Delusion: The "Kongsberg Vision" (OB 467)
79. 19970714B. Vision of the Budding Tree (OB 496)
Supplementary Olive Branch Visions
80. 19980223. Visions of the White Horse, Nuclear Explosion and Forest Fire
81. 19980419. Visions of the Vatican & Prophesying Mice, Curse on the White House, & Falling Teeth
82. 19980428. Vision of the Six Trees & Missile Silo
83. 19990729. Vision of the Church Banner: NCCG Weighed on the Altar
84. 19990804. Vision of the Antichrist and Beast: The Abomination of Desolation Revealed
See the complete Olive Branch revelations

Visions Index II
in Articles & Sermons, 1997 onwards
(not in the Olive Branch)
Only a fraction of the visions received by NCAY have been published here.
If any have been missed from the main website, please contact us for their inclusion here.
1. A Vision of Discipleship: The Golden Sandals (1995)
2. Norway's Coming Financial Catastrophe: A Vision (1997)
3. The World System: A Vision Seen in 2000 (2000)
4. The Chinese Dragon: A Vision Seen in England (2003)
5. Vision of the Dragon and the Egg (2004)
6. Vision of the Evangelical & Messianic Houses (2007)
7. Visions of Shakings in the Land of Norway (2010)
8. The Yellow Tulip Vision: Happiness & Safety Behind the Gate (2010)
9. The Burning Table I: Vision of a Covenant-Breaker (2010)
10. Change Currency! Vision of Imminent Economic Collapse (2010)
11. The Beginning of the End: Vision of the Exploding Salt Shaker (2010)
12. America and Greece: Two Prophetic Visions About Liberty (2011)
13. The Spinning Pyramid: Three Visions on the Eve of Red April (2011)
14. Vision of the Burning Sky & Two Fireballs (2011)
15. The Giant Spiral Vision: Fresh Earthquakes & Flooding (2011)
16. Crossed Swords & Crescent: Visions of an Imminent Battle (2011)
17. The Veiled Woman: A Vision of the Mobilising Army (2011)
18. Two Startling Visions: The Circular Slab & Twin Metal Plates (2011)
19. The Flaming Maple Leaf: A Prophetic Vision About Canada (2011)
20. Visions and Overview: The Latest in the Visible & Invisible (2011)
21. Levelling the Ground: A Vision for Yah's Overcomers (2011)
22. The Man-Eaters: A Horrifying Vision of the Nephilim (2011)
23. The Three Feathers: A Vision of Our Witness (2012)
24. Pyramid & Mountain: A Prophetic Vision of Imminent Events (2012)
25. The Charging Lion: A Prophetic Vision (2012)
26. The White Pillow & Red Harvest Visions (2012)
27. The Golden Flakes & Fire: A Vision & Revelation to the Body (2012)
28. The Journey Home: I. Visions of Judgment & Gathering (2012)
29. An End & New Beginning: Vision of the Landing Space Shuttle (2012)
30. Amazing Vision of the Heavenly Apples (2012)
31. Vision of the Great Animal Chase (2012)
32. Violent PC Games: Vision & a Prophetic Warning (2012)
33. The Abiathar Vision: Becoming Living Letters of Messiah (2012)
34. Serpent From The Sea: A Vision of Imminent Trouble (2012)
35. Four New Visions: Skyscrapers, Ram, and Meteorite Shower (2013)
36. EU & NWO Visions: Timetables and Spiritual Powers (2013)
37. The Cypress Tree: A Prophetic Vision of the Bride (2013)
38. Chemtrail Powder Vision: and Vision of Two More World Wars (2013)
39. The Calling Given: Prophetic Visions and Happenings (2013)
40. Three Prophetic Visions: The Curtain and the Roaring Lion (2013)
41. Get Ready Now! A Warning Vision from Heaven (2013)
42. The Army of Elohim: A Vision of the Body of Messiah (2013)
43. Earth Split: Vision of an Imminent Global Event (2013)
44. Vision of the Blue Altar: The Three Tasks of Messianic Israel (2013)
45. Yahweh's Winnowing Fork: Two Prophetic Visions for Today (2013)
46. Alert Spain! Vision of a Disaster (2014)
47. The Four Eyes of Obama: A Vision of the American Dictator (2014)
48. The Bullet: A Prophetic Vision (2014)
49. Statue of Liberty: Prophetic Vision of the United States (2014)
50. The Sudden Collapse: Two Prophetic Visions (2014)
51. Romans: Vision of the Golden Ring (2014)
52. Vision of the Fall of the USA & Israel (2014)
53. Visions & Warnings: Hilary Clinton & the Fertilised Sun (2014)
54. The Golden Chalice: And Other End-Time Visions (2014)
55. Vision of the Russian Bear (2014)
56. Vision of the 24 Elders (2014)
57. The Three Thrones: A Vision of the End-Time Powers (2014)
58. Life and Everything: An Important Dream and Vision (2015)
59. The Three Pterippi: Important End-Time Visions (2015)
60. The Collapse of Sweden: A Prophetic Vision (2015)
61. The Ploughed Field: A Vision of the Cleansing of NCAY (2015)
62. The Great 2015 Dedication IV: A Vision of the Altar (2015)
63. Tabernacle Courtyard Vision & Covenant of Peace With MLT (2015)
64. Vision of Aaron: Covenant Committment and Obeisance (2015)
65. Queen Siltis: Visions of a Destroyed Airliner (2015)
66. Reconciliation & the Vision of the Menorah Goblets (2015)
67. The Striped Curtain: A Vision About the Outer Court (2015)
68. The Giant Roller: A Vision of the Current Destruction (2015)
69. The False Messiah: A Vision & Prophetic Warning (2016)
70. The Dominos Clock: A Vision Concerning Collapse (2016)
71. Masturbation: Vision of Spiritual Realities (2016)
72. Vision of Norway: Flooding of the Coastline (2016)
73. Vision of the Burning Tree & Judgment (2016)
74. Brazil & South Africa: Visions of Imminent Events (2016)
75. Death Knoll of the Bull: Vision of the Field of the 900,000 (2016)
76. Who is at Your Helm? Visions of The Imminent Storm (2016)
77. The Judgment of Hillary: Remembering an Older Vision (2016)
78. The Irish: My Experience and a Vision (2016)
79. The World System II: A Vision of Government Luxury (2016)
80. Big Changes: Vision of the Three Baby Dragons (2016)
81. As the Nation Unravels: More Visions and Revelations (2016)
82. USA & South Africa: Prophetic Visions & Dreams (2016)
83. Matthew & His Gospel: A Vision and Some Observations (2016)
84. Courtyard Deceptions: Prophetic Dreams and Visions (2016)
85. Pagan New Year Message: A Vision and Many Warnings (2017)
86. Donald Trump & 2017: Prophetic Visions & Revelations (2017)
87. The Big Change: Two Visions of the Immediate Future (2017)
88. Grace & Atlantis: Prophecies & Visions of Judgment (2017)
89. Vision of False Deity Arising (2017)
90. The Collie & the Lion: Vision of a Remnant-Aimed Deception (2017)
91. Barron & Donald: A New Vision of President Trump (2017)
92. Toe of Italy: Visions of What's Coming (2017)
93. The Fire & the Sheep: Vision of the Remnant in This Hour (2017)
94. Eyes on Korea: Two Visions (2017)
95. Thomas à Kempis: A Vision About His Book (2017)
96. The 567 BC Vision: & the Dangers of Modern Apostacy (2017)
97. Hillary Clinton's Fall: Another Vision (2017)
98. Vision of the Ouroboros & Great Panic (2018)
99. Warning Visions: The Trumpet & Spider's Web (2018)
100. Vision of Fires: An Imminent Global Event (2018)
101. The Whitsun Prophecy: A Vision Received on Aviv 10 (2018)
102. Rosh Chodesh III 2018: Vision of the Three Blind Men (2018)
103. Chastity & Pygmalion: Vision of the Angel (2018)
104. Rosh Chodesh IX 2018: Vision of a New Storm at the Door (2018)
105. The Admirals (2018)
106. The Deadly Blizzard: A Prophetic Warning (2018)
107. Gideon's Smashed Idol: A Vision & Revelation for the Prophets (2020)
108. Terminus & New Start: Visions of Pope Francis (2020)
109. The 2019 Coronavirus Vision & Warning (2020)
110. Coronavirus and 5G: More Prophetic Visions for the Body (2020)
111. The Purging Fire Vision & A Gathering of White Horses (2020)
112. Vision of the Jigsaw Puzzle (2020)
113. Vision of the Sumerian Cuneiform Tablet (2020)
114. Vision of the Ornate Brick Wall & Pearl (2020)
115. Vision of the Violent Storm (2020)
116. Vision of the Restless Red Ocean & Parachutes From Heaven (2020)
117. The Big NCAY Change: Vision of the Flowering Balcony Bush (2020)
118. Visions of Death & Exploding Kingdom Mountain & Tree (2020)
119. Visions of the Angel of Penultimate Judgment (2020)
120. Penultimate Judgment: Three Visions & a Timetable (2021)
121. Penultimate Judgment: Visions of Remnant Lions & Jezebel (2021)
122. Jericho March 2021 VI: Vision of the Plinth of the Image of the Beast (2021)
123. Jericho March 2021 VII: Vision of Sky Explosion & Jumping Sun (2021)
124. Late Pesach 2021: Vision of the Bricked-Up House (2021)
125. Late Chag haMatzah 2021 VII: Vision of the Flames (2021)
126. Vision of the Flaming Menorah (2021)
127. Visions of the Self-Assembling Cross & Flame Menorah (2021)
128. Vision of the Three Rows of Trees (2021)
129. Vision of the White Cross in the Billowing Flames (2021)
130. Shavu'ot: Third Vision of the Blazing Fields (2021)
131. Visions of the Green Frog & Crocodile, Garage Portal, Second of the Mississippi Territorial Spirit & Crocodile, and the Fiery Apostolic Road (2021)
132. Vision of the Post-Pentultimate Judgment - the Survivors (2021)
133. Yom Teruah Visions - Falling Clock, Giant Cloud-Level Explosion (2021)
134. Sukkot Visions - Angel Hand, Remnant Bridge & Tank (2021)
135. Shemini Atseret 2021 Vision - Vision of the 12 Tribes Gathering (2021)
136. Transformation 17b: Visions of the Fort Gate Sealing & Sea of Fire with Spikes (2021)
137. Silence Before the Storm: Visions of Trumpet in Cloud, Fleeing Truth-Denyer, Burning Rock, Crushing Burden of Sin & Reading Revelation (2021)
138. Visions of the Yah'shua, the Lake and the 20 Men & a new Arvika Flood (2021)
139. Visions of Tomb Slabs, Altar of the God of Globalism & the Grey Stone Church and Temple (2022)
140. Visions of Headless Man With Neck on Fre & Concentric Rings of Flames (2022)
141. Visions of Resurrection Power - the Concentric Circles (2022)
142. Vision of the Unfolding Global NCAY Scroll (2022)
143. Visions of Hell, the Suspended Duvet & the UK Flag with Wintery Scene (2022)
144. Vision of the Desert Elijah-Prophets Fortress (2022)
145. Vision of the Volcanic Eruption and the Tree (2022)
146. Vision of the Note Pad in Mouth (2022)
147. Vision of the Burning Man with the Face of a Lion (2022)
148. Vision of the Flames & Seed-Releasing Wheat Sheaf (2022)
149. When Liens are About to Destroy - Vision (2022)
150. Florida in Flames: A Prophetic Vision and Warning (2022)
151. Vision of the Attempt by the Demonic to Destroy the Second NCAY Covenant (2022)
152. Vision of the Two Colliding Waves (2022)
153. Visions of Paradise & Cleansing (2023)
154. Vision of the White Chariot (2023)
155. Visions of the Shafts of Light and the Sea Like Glass (2023)
156. Vision of India: The Final Gathering in the Indian Subcontinent - Video ITS027 (2023)
157. Vision of the Midnight Clocks Within Midnight Clocks - Video SM103 (2024)
158. Vision of the False Angel Masquerading as the Spirit of Christ - Video SM105 (2024)
159. The Apple Seeds: The 7-1 Vision (2025)
160. The Shower Head & the Pearl: A Vision of the Millennial Kingdom (2025)
161. President Donald Trump: Vision of the Second Presidential Term (2025)
Also see the Revelation, Dreams, Prophecy,
HEM and Mishpatim Yahweh Pages

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This page was first created on 3 April 1998
Last updated on 20 January 2025

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