Month 5:25, Week 4:3 (Revee/Shavu'ot), Year:Day 5937:144 AM
Gregorian Calendar: Saturday 31 August 2013
Earth Split
Vision of an Imminent Global Event
My heart is heavy as I deliver this message, but deliver it I must as the earth races inexorably to its ruin it sometimes seems. Though we shall probably know within hours whether the United States is going to war in Syria or not, I am grateful that my own nation's politicians have extricated our country from any such calamity by refusing to join the Obama gangsters. I do not know whether this war, which could so easily trigger a global conflict now that Russian President Putin has threatened to attack Saudi Arabia if Obama attacks Syria, and Pakistan (which possesses nuclear weapons) has said it will retaliate in return in Chechenya if Russia goes ahead, with Iran saying it will join in and attack the Israeli Republic, with China doing goodness knows what as the second most powerful global economy and with a military mushrooming in size - I do not know whether this war will take place or not. It may well just be a ploy to persuade the world to accept global government and global currency, or it may be an attempt to meltdown the fiat currencies of the world by panicking the stock exchanges. Any number of outcomes is possible. Certainly the proximity of US Labor Day on the first Monday of September is something to be considered in the equation of élitist planning.
But one thing I know and it's what Yahweh showed me in a vision early this morning which is why I am issuing this statement mid-week between sabbaths. Early this morning I saw a vision of the earth, or at least, pasrt of the earth. The ground was dry and without vegetation. And suddenly a crack appeared in it moving from a fixed point and away in the distance - not a huge crack, but one doubtless capable of moving on and widening further. Something big is about to happen and we will doubtless know about it within hours. I don't know what, only that I have forebodings. Get into prayer and do it now. And may Yahweh bless you all. Amen.
1 September 2013