Month 2:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5946:30 AM
2Exodus 9/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 1 May 2022
Rosh Chodesh 2022 II
Jericho Marches 2022 I
U.K. Visions & the Returning Tribes of Israel
Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah - we welcome the beginning of a new month (the second calendar month) and we welcome you to the first day of our traditional annual seven day Jericho March in which, inspired by Joshua's epic conquest, we bring before Yahweh the major obstacles that stand in the way of our progress toward fulfilling the Kingdom mandate. Today being Rosh Chodesh also means we are seeking Yahweh's face for instruction for this month in particular. Yesterday on the sabbath I laid before you some of our major concerns which we bring before our Heavenly Father for urgent resolution.
Year of Punishment & Vindication
Our Enemy is always the most dangerous when he is cornered and desperate for then he is likely to act irrationally and try to take down as many with him as he can. This is the year of punishment and vindication - punishment for the élites and vindication for the Bride and for the decent and honourable in the world, believer and unbeliever alike.
A Story About Strength
The story of the Battle of Jericho is about many things. For one, it is about strength. Faith, like a muscle, grows as it is used. The third chapter of the Book of Joshua is all about the Israelite crossing of the River Jordan into Canaan after Yahweh has told Joshua to begin the conquest of the Promised Land-proper. The east bank of the Jordan was already in Israelite hands, conquered while Moses was still alive. The river had swollen to flood stage because of all the spring meltwaters coming down from Mount Hermon in the north making it especially dangerous to cross.
The Second Generation of Exoduseers
This is the second generation of Exoduseers, desert bedouins, accumstomed to wilderness wandering and surviving on very little. They have never had to cross a large body of water before, the young ones never having experienced the miraculous Red Sea crossing which was 40 long years before. They had heard the riveting story of that incredible crossing, of course, but hadn't experienced it for themselves. They hadn't seed the waters piling up on either side to make a land bridge or felt the wet bottom of the Red Sea with their own feet or seen Pharaoh's army overwhelmed when the waters closed back together after they had reached the opposite bank. They hadn't had to exercise the faith of their parents but they had certainly experienced their parents' doubting, grumbling, complaining and sometimes outright rebellion.
Stepping Out of Comfort Zones
So they face this swollen River Jordan which is flowing like a torrent and they know they have to cross it. Only a madman would try to forge it at this time of the year and risk drowning. The holiest thing they know of is the Ark of the Covenant which is being carried by the lead group as they advance to the shores ready to cross and do the impossible. Yahweh's message to them is, in essence, this: 'I will lead you through but you have to get in the water first. You can't cross at a distance or be passive about it.' They had to overcome a problem we must all face and conquer - if not, then when we fail to exercise our faith, we should not be surprised when we feel that faith falling apart. You see, Yahweh promises us His strength, but first we have to step out of our comfort zone and take a risk for Him.
A Bizzare Battle Plan
But that was not the 'worst' of it. Greater faith would yet be demanded of the Israelites. Having faithfully followed the cohenim (priests) bearing the Ark and having witnessed Yahweh roll back the river into a mighty bank of heaving waters on the north side threateniong to break at any moment, and having crossed that River as their fathers has crossed the Red Sea in the generation before, they were required to become part of an untrained and poorly equipped, inexperienced army called to invest the mightiest city in the region, a city regarded as impregnable. Worse, on the eve of the battle their leader announced a bizzare battle plan not to attack the fortified walls of Jericho at all but to simply march round it in triumph blowing shofars as if it were already taken! Imagine how you would have felt on receiving such a weird and unheard of plan? Might you have questioned the leadership...and especially after 6 days when still nothing had happened?
Constancy and Perseverance
Which brings me back to a theme I ended yesterday's sermon with, namely, constancy. And to be constant you need perseverance and tenacity because whilst we are called to be constant, life most certainly isn't. It is full of both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. Perseverance may be said to be 'stubborness with a purpose' and in this situation it is continuing to obey Elohim (God) even when His instructions don't make a lot of sense or seem to be unproductive from our human perspective. Tenacity is the ability to hang on when letting go appears most attractive.
Giving Up on Yahweh
Miracles Don't Guarantee Faith or Spirituality
Now had they heard Yahweh thundering His commands as their fathers had heard Him do at Mount Sinai, it might have been a bit different, but on this occasion they were having to take the word of one fallible man. Not that their parents had done all that well after having witnessed many mighty miracles, amongst the greatest miracles ever seen by man, and even after hearing the Father's booming voice reverberating through the valley. All they had this time was the word of Joshua the Ephraimite. And though he hadn't done as many or as great miracles as Moses, he had been proven right with the Jordan River crossing, which was to prepare them for this next battle. So he did have spiritual credentials. This was, in any case, an obedient generation with stronger spiritual muscles than their fathers.
But seriously, I do have this question to ask you today because we stand at the cusp of similar things in our own day, and the question is this: how many times do we give up on Yahweh because He doesn't work according to our plan? How many times do our personal desires trip us up? We are entering such a time right now as I speak to you and things that I may have spoken to you in the past that have not yet happened, that seemed fanciful at the time, and have seemed less and less likely as the decades have gone by, well, they're about to happen, and some already have. Yahweh will give you a river crossing first to prepare you for big prizes like Jericho but you can not be a backseat observer.
The Quiet Doers
Today I am to share some unexpected visions I was shown yesterday morning but if they're to make sense to you, you have got to think outside the box and be ready for the unexpected...and more, to be prepared to do the unexpected. We are all going to have to step outside our comfort zones and dip our feet into the 'waters', whatever they may be, because they won't part until your feet are in them. You can't just cry out, 'Open, Sesame!' at a distance and expect things to happen by some special or magical act of creation. It doesn't work like that. You are to be an integral part of the parting - you have to be in it yourself just as it parts. That means, once again, trusting in the Elohim (God) of the 'last minute' until that expectation becomes routine and habitual and is no longer viewed by you as something rare and isolated. This has to become standard fare for the Remnant. You've got to think big but at the same time not let your imagination run wild as the charismatics do. No silly 'naming and claiming', no pompous 'decreeing', none of that boastful, arrogant, immature and presumptuous nonsense. I don't know how many dozens of times things have been 'decreed' over me that have never happened by sometimes well-meaning but often deluded believers. You just have to quietly step forward in faith and dip those toes of yours in when you receive the word. We are to quietly act and then witness the miracles.
Three Visions
I promised this would be another short address and so I will come right to the heart of the matter and to the point of Rosh Chodesh which is to hear a davar (word) from Elohim (God), remembering once again that this year is one of punishment and vindication, prophetically-speaking. Let me now speak of the three visions I was shown yesterday morning.
I saw, yet again, massively large flames. And in the middle of this scene the flames began to diminish in size but not go out, and where they were diminished I saw what looked like a dark, square portal. And in this portal images of individual souls flashed before me in an apparently never-ending stream, people who had died and who were in Sheol. One of them I recognised as Adolf Hitler for a reason you'll understand in a moment. These were deceased souls in spirit-prison awaiting their final judgment in the midst of the flames that both punish and purify. I do not know who all the other people were whom I could either not see clearly or who were strangers to me. These were the spiritual incarcerated souls of the dead and I suppose the fact that they were surrounded by flames all around them, as well as above and below, meant that there was no escape for them. Many there shall be who are alive right now who shall shortly be despatched there to await their fate. For them the flames are, or will be, hell.
Giving Up on Yahweh

After a brief pause a second vision opened up to me, and one which at first baffled and astonished me, for its location was the very bedroom I was seeing the vision in only in the visions I was mostly on the other side of the room. One of the two thick duvets, dynas or covers that I use in the winter to keep me warm at night was raised into the air and was turned end-on as though laying on a vertical wall, only it was in the air and not held there by anything. In other words, it had been rotated through 90 degrees and was standing suspended in space, and began to slowly move around the room until it came to a point next to a balcony above my head where it stopped and remained suspended. You will understand that was a vision and not happening in physical space as I was still under my actual duvet. Nevertheless it was sufficiently out-of-the-usual as to make me wonder what on earth it meant. So from a hot place in the first vision the location was one of room temperature, albeit still chilly.
Again, after a brief pause, a third vision opened up to me and I found myself looking at a forest in winter. The trees were thick with frost and some snow, and it was very, very cold indeed. Everywhere was wintery white. In the middle of the trees, vertically suspended in the air as the duvet had been in the second vision, was a very large Union Jack or British flag about half the height of one of the full-grown trees. It, too, like the duvet, was suspended in the air not touching anything. It was frosted over so much that you could not see the red and blue colours at all. It seemed to be suspended in frozen animation. And then something extraordinary happened, quite rapidly, and not as you would find happening in nature: the ice and snow began to melt systematically, starting at the top of every tree until it had reached the bottom and it was mostly all gone. This happened to all the trees at exactly the same time. This happened gradually without there being any visible melt-water, as though the ice had instantly evapourated as it melted. And then the visions came to an end.
A Winter for the British People
I knew instantly what the third vision meant. My country of Great Britain was soon to find itself in a very deep allegorical (and perhaps even literal) 'winter' in which it would appear that all activity was suspended. This would be a very unpleasant time out of which it would emerge or thaw very gradually. Trees are commonly a symbol of people, so this is a representation of the British people who are about to, or have already begun to enter into, a very deep allegorical 'winter' indeed, one more typical of Scandinavia symboplically-speaking than of the United Kingdom where winters are typically mild. And the way it happens will leave no doubt that something supernatural is afoot.
A Loss of Protection
The previous two visions add further information. The duvet represents a 'covering' or 'protection' which would be removed in punishment for the nation's sins. They will helpless to do anything about it. No political solutions will be possible and like the exiles of Judah in Babylon they will simply have to wait out their time of punishment until the thaw of Yahweh's mercy begins. The covering normally belonging to the Tribe of Ephraim would be moved until the nation presumably comes finally to its senses and remembers who it is.
Explaining the First Vision
The first vision has more to do with the personal aspect of punishment. Though there is a collective responsibility of a people as a whole, the righteous having to suffer along with the wicked as, for example, when there is a war (as the Ukrainians are now finding themselves in), there is specific punishment for the wicked to whom Yahweh will give His individual attention, removing many off the earth through undisclosed means. I am guessing, though I don't know for sure, that all the persons who appeared in the first vision has something to do with Britain; in the case of Hitler, he had been a major adversary of the country for six years during the Second World War, a war which bankrupted the nation and sealed the fate of its Empire.
World war 2 bankrupted the UK and paved the way to the end of empire
The Stripping of Britain and the United States
Thence world hegemony passed from Ephraim (Britain) to West Manasseh (the United States) who even now is undergoing its punishment and the stripping away of its unofficial Empire just as Britain's literal one was in 1945 and in the years immediately afterwards. If you have not seen the prophetic visions I was shown of America's stripping, be sure to read, Vision of the Fall of the USA and [Republic of] Israel.
The end of American global hegemony
Germany's Stripping and All the Tribes
The USA and Britain were called to be set-apart from 'foreign entanglements' as representatives of the Josephite tribes of Israel, as East Manasseh or Germany was in its turn and was stripped, first, in 1918 and finally utterly humiliated in 1945. It has since tried to rebuild its Empire incognito as the European Union (EU). This goes for all the other tribes too, including Reuben or France. Each of these nations were called to be lights on a hill and to represent Yahweh to the world as luminaries of the Israelite Commonwealth. Every tribe in disaspora has risen and fallen, including little Benjamin or Norway which from being the poorest nation in Europe between the world wars suddenly became the wealthiest in a very short space of time because of oil. Now it too is struggling, its financial collapse and a spiritual revival being prophesied by this ministry a quarter of a century ago. It's wealth has utterly corrupted it and smothered its Christianity which is the story of all the other tribes too.
Regathering the Tribes From the Nations
Rachel's sons, along with Leah's, shall awaken once more, but not as national entities whose day is over, ruined as they all are by utter decadence and corruption. Now is the time of the regathering of the Tribes out of these nations, and indeed, all nations, because they are to be found everywhere. America, and its client state in the Middle East, the false 'Israel', are both about to fall. The Ukraine, which I talked about yesterday again, is all part of this picture, because this is the origin of many of those falsely representing themselves as 'Judah'.
The Two Houses of Zerah-Judah & Perez-Judah in the Prophetic Picture
As I have taught you over the years, Judah has two main houses, five in all - "Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez (Pherez), and Zerah (Zara)" (Gen.46:12, NKJV). Some of you may be familiar with the two principal brothers, the twins Perez and Zerah, and the strange birth of the firstborn Zerah. Perhaps you remember the account of the scarlet thread? (Gen.38:28-30). Perez was the ancestor of David, Solomon and Yah'shua (Jesus) Himself. Zarah is little spoken of. he was born, and then not born, and then was finally born, all depicting a confusing succession story later on. Zerah is principally located in the north-east corner of Ireland known as Ulster [1], sharing that island with Dan who is also mixed in with the inhabitants of Scotland, Denmark, Poland, the Ukraine and elsewhere. But that, as they say, is a another long and interesting story all of its own for another time. The spreading out among the nations of all 12 Tribes is extensive and most believers interested in the Tribes are looking for them in the wrong way. You won't be able to 'see' them by 'looking' at them in search of racial characteristics for they are of all colours now! Suffice to say, that Dan and Zerah-Judah have been at war on that troubled Emerald Island for some time. One of my roots on my mother's side is in that territory, whose symbol is the red hand, so I am Ephraim on my father's side and Zerah-Judah on my mother's.
The births of Perez & Zarah of Judah
Marching for the Regathering of Israel
What has all of this to do with this year's Jericho March? This year we march for the regathering of the Twelve Tribes of Israel scattered throughout the nations from Argentina to Canada, from South Africa to Iceland, from India to Russia, and from New Zealand to Mongolia. This will take many years but it is time to begin finally. They are prisoners of their own ignorance as well as their own sinning. Those that belong to Yahweh because of their relationship to Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) are to be separated out from their unbelieving and rebellious kinsmen and gathered, and those who are not of the lineage of the tribes are to be gathered out too and grafted in.
The Keys are Relatedness and Obedience
This will be a great company from all the nations, whether they are core Israelite nations or not. The important thing is their relatedness to King Yah'shua (Jesus) their Messiah and to the King's Constitutional Law, the Torah. Ultimately it boils down not to genetics, which is only the spiritual vehicle, the outer shell, but to character. And it's certainly not about skin colour or phenotype. The secret of Israel is hidden in the Y-chromasome. Your tribe is determined by the males of each line. Israel is patrilineal (descent by the father) as well as patriarchal (father-ruling), a reason why the deep state has been attacking patriarchy so furiously and is trying to genetically modify us. Likewise the prince of each tribe does not have to be located in an area where his particular tribe predominates genetically. Indeed sometimes a prince from one tribe can be present in another tribal area altogether. We'll talk more of these things hopefully during this week.
The tribes are traced through the Y-chromosome
Pray for Messianic Israel...not the 'Messianic Movement' per se which is under severe judgment along with 'Christendom'...and for the gathering of the 12 Tribes. Let us ask Yahweh, as David did, saying: "Scatter Thou people that delight in war" (Ps.68:30b, KJV) which the Enemy uses to disrupt Yahweh's plans. I will have short messages for each of the next six days on these themes, Elohim-willing. Yahweh bless you all. Amen.
Continued in Part 2
[1] Do not confuse this son of Judah with other Zerah's mentioned in the Tanakh (Old Testament) who are from different tribes (one is from Simeon) or even from outside Israel. We sometimes call this one 'Zera' to distinguish him from the others of the same name.