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Month 12:13, Week 2:5 (Chamashee/Teruah), Year:Day 5955:337 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 24 February 2021
Penultimate Judgment
Three Visions & a Timetable

2nd edition, 28 February 2021, with new calculations and table


    Shalom to all the Remnant seeking knowledge and understanding concerning the times and seasons so that they may be fully and finally prepared.


    Sunday 21 February, three days ago, I could not sleep as I felt very restless, I knew something was 'in the air', as it were, that something important was about to happen. So I arose at 5.20 am, took a very early breakfast, and retired back to bed a little before 6 am to try to catch up on lost sleep. I did not get to sleep for very long for within minutes I was wide awake looking intently at a vision of a wall clock (see picture above). The minute and hour hands of the clock were both pointed directly at 12 o'clock and I knew that this meant time had run out and Judgment was at hand. However, there was something very strange about that clock because between the numbers 11 and 1 it was completely blank - no marks to indicate where each minute of the missing 10 minutes lay, no larger mark for 12 o'clock position, and indeed there was no number '12' at all. It was as though all of that had been erased. An entire chunk of the clock had been cut away, and it appeared as if time itself had somehow vanished. Yet that missing 'chunk of time' was 'divided' by the two hands pointing at where the '12' should have been, bisecting this unmarked period of time equally into two halves. The vision lasted only a few seconds but was so intense that I knew it was of the utmost importance. I shared it with my family when it gathered for lunch and just after I had finished I glanced up at the wall clock and saw that it was at exactly 12 o'clock. Then I shared it with a few brethren and sat on it for two days waiting for the full interpretation.

    Missing Time, Lions and Wolves?

    What does this vision mean? And why has Yahweh given it in this way? I think you will appreciate the genius of Heaven by the time we have finished, I am always amazed how Yahweh is able to combine so many layers of truth into a simple picture. 2 hours are 'missing' and 10 minutes are 'missing' in parallel realms of time, yet the hands point at where there is now nothing. One hour/5 minutes have passed and another hour/5 minutes are yet to come. Time passes and yet it is not passing in the measurable way that we understand utilising various astronomical measurements. It seems to be suspended. The 'missing' hour/5 minutes has 'been', and another hour/5 minutes is yet to come and yet it too shall be 'missing', and also they are all 'one' unit of prophetic time divided equally in half. Further subdivisions are unnecessary.

    Mandela Effect? Time Travel?

    One of the brethren suggested I take a look at a Bible teacher on line whom he said speaks of the physical changing of time itself. He also made the bizzare claim, reminiscent of the more extreme of conspiracy theorists, that evil people have gone back in time to change things, including the Scriptures (the so-called 'Mandela Effect' that I have written about and thoroughly debunked). This man said that the 'wolf' lying down with the lamb (Is.7:6; 65:25) was a blasphemous parody and that the 'lion' would be 'returned' to lie down by the 'lamb', which is silly when you think about all the implications of time travel. He claimed that the 'Remnant' would remember but the rest of the world would not. We do not need to go down that trail which is a dead-end. Rather, we shall listen to that the Ruach (Spirit) says in Scripture.

    Two Judgments and Two Clock Hands

    Here is a key which most believers lack because they are convinced we are entering the final Great Tribulation. This is not, however, the correct prophetic track to an imminent Final Judgment but rather we must first proceed to a Penultimate Judgment or 'last-but-one Judgment' before the main apocalyptic events in Scripture can play out. And since prophetic events march in step to a divine tavnith or pattern, the Penultimate Judgment must therefore resemble the Final Judgment-to-come to some degree. The two 'hands' of the clock - the minute 'hand' and the hour 'hand' - are the metaphorical 'hands' of Elohim (God) that administer time. They represent, respectively, these two Judgments specifically - the Penultimate Judgment, which we are entering into now (the minute hand), and the Final Judgment which is yet to come at the end of the æon (age) when Christ returns and judges the world (the hour hand).

    Ten Kings and the Beast With Power and Authority for an Hour

    If you want to understand how this Penultimate Judgment is going to pan out, we now know. More is yet to be revealed but at least we have some key information now that gives us a clear outline. Keep in mind the two prophetic 1-hour periods or 'halves' (for the Final Judgment at the end of the Æon/Age) and two prophetic 5-minute periods or 'halves' (for this the Penultimate Judgment) of the last-but-one phase of the Æon/Age). It is written, concerning the very End that is yet to come:

      "And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. These are united in yielding their power and authority to the beast; they will make war on the Lamb and the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Master of masters (Lord of lords) and King of kings, and those with Him (the Remnant) are called and chosen" (Rev.17:12-14, NRSV).

    The Prophetic 'Hour'

    These are political and spiritual powers being spoken of. They will do this at the end of the Æon (Age) for an 'hour' (we'll work out roughly how long that is in a moment) and they will do this now - at this time - for a shorter '5 minutes' (and we'll work out roughly how long that is too). First, let's ask ourselves how long these symbolic units of prophetic time are - the 2 'hours' and 10 'minutes' in total? Daniel tells us;

    "The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. He (the beast) will confirm a covenant (oath) ('make a strong covenant' - NRSV) with many [nations/peoples] for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' (half-way through it, 'half of the week' - NRSV) he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] ('in their place' - NRSV) he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him" (Dan.9:26-27, NIV).

    The Two Parts of the Prophetic Seven

    Our purpose today is not to get into the historical event(s) being described here (like the possibility this might be referring to Antiochus Epiphanes) but to understand the use of certain numbers. That's for another time. Know this, though. 7 can be, as it it clearly is here, the scriptural number of 'covenant' or 'oath'. It's where the town called Beersheba gets its name from, meaning 'Well of the Seven/Oath'. Notice that it is divided in the middle making two periods of 3½. The really bad things happen in that second 'half' of 7, that second 3½. What is this '7' exactly? What are its units? Daniel tells us that too (again we are not interested in history today as much as we are in deciphering key symbols):

      "The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against El Elyon (the Most High) and oppress his qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) and try to change the set times and the torot (laws). The qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) will be handed over to him for a time (1 year), times (2 years) and half a time (6 months) (i.e. 3½ years in total)" (Dan.7:24-25) NIV

    Time, Times and half a Time

    Here we are told that the '7' represents 7 years which will be divided into two parts or halves, each half being 3½ years long. This pertains to the very end and the Final Judgment. The two halves of the period of time hidden between the 11 and 1 of the clock vision are therefore two periods of time each 3½ years long, each without internal divisions, remembering that the 'times and seasons' will be deliberately changed by the Enemy - we'll not attempt to explain what that means here as it's too involved.

    Prophetically Translated Months and Days

    These two equal time periods consisting of 7 years altogether are prophetic biblical pre-Flood Creation Calendar years consisting of 12 Creation Calendar months each of 30 days in length. Each 3½ year period therefore consists of precisely 42 months or 1,260 days each of which corresponds to one prophetic 'hour' - one between 11 and 12 on the clock, and one between 12 and 1 on the same clock.

    Understanding the 10 Prophetic Minutes

    However, we are not facing the Final Judgment right now which these Scriptures literally describe but rather the Penultimate one, or the one before it, which consists of a total of '10 prophetic minutes' divided in two, with the second '5 prophetic minutes' being the more terrible of the two, just like the second prophetic 'hour' or 3½ years. So 5 prophetic Penultimate Judgment minutes is equivalent to 1 prophetic Final Judgment hour, or 1/12th the length of Final Judgment time. Therefore one prophetic Penultimate Judgment '5 minutes' corresponds in real time to 3½ months; that's 7 months for the entire '10 minute' stretch of time between 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock on the clock. This tells you the length of the tribulation we are going to go through, the time when you absolutely must be in the right places ordained by Yahweh for you and your family, fully prepped and self-sufficient, which as we will see in a moment will be your 'hiding place' in the prophetic 'desert', as it were, while the Enemy does his utmost to destroy believers.

    Mapping Out an Outline of the Penultimate Tribulation

    What exactly will this 2x3½=7 months of penultimate tribulation look like, with the last 3½ months being the worst? Again Daniel furnishes us with much information in chapter 12 - remember this pertains to the Great Tribulation leading to the Final Judgment so what we are about to go thhrough will be a shadow of this using a different though proportionate timescale:

      "'At that time Michael [the Archangel], the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people - everyone whose name is found written in the book [of chayim/life] [1] - will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake (resurrection): some to everlasting (æonian) chayim (life), others to shame and everlasting (æonian) contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.'

      "Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others [2], one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, 'How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?'

      "The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by Him who lives forever, saying, 'It will be for a time (1 year), times (2 years) and half a time (6 months) (i.e. a total of 3½ years). When the power of the qadosh (holy, set-apart) people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.'

      "I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, 'My master (lord), what will the outcome of all this be?'

      "He replied, 'Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand" (Dan.12:1-10, NIV).

    Hidden in the Wilderness

    Finally, some of what was not told to Daniel is told to the first believers in the first century AD in the apocalyptic vision of John on the Isle of Patmos:

      "When the dragon saw that he had been hurled [3] to the earth, he pursued the woman (the Bride of Christ/Messianic Community/Remnant/Israel) who had given birth to the male child [4]. The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time (1 year), times (2 years) and half a time (6 months) (3½ years in total) [5] out of the serpent's reach. Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring - those who obey Elohim's (God's) mitzvot (commandments = Torah) and hold to the testimony of Yah'shua (Jesus)" (Rev.12:13-17, NIV).

    The Dedications of Messianic Israel & the Melchizedek Priesthood

    Notice that the Remnant is Torah-obedient and Messiah/Christ-trusting. We will now be experiencing this on a smaller scale and for a shorter period of time in this Penultimate Judgment - 3½ months instead of 3½ years. I will not say much more right now other than to remind you that we gathered here 7 years ago this coming spring for the Great Dedication of Messianic Israel at Pesach (Passover) in 2015; and last year in the same spring season but in 2020 - was the Dedication of the Melchizedek Priesthood for the Appearing of the Messiah at which time the Corona Virus lockdowns were getting underway, and we see the same cycle repeating this year. These years were years of spiritual preparation, of physical prepping and of getting ready generally for tough times. The last four or so turbulent years in particular have been showing us what to expect. Now it has begun in earnest. And when you know when something is, you know when it isn't. So make sure your lamps are trimmed and you have a good store of oil (Mt.25:7). You're going to need it.

    Great Trees Felled

    That time is now upon us. The political situation is changing rapidly, many false prophets were exposed at the US Presidential election when they predicted Trump would take office again on Inauguration Day when Biden did, and - if you have been wise - you will have ceased listening to the likes of these. (See The Two Penultimate Woes and The Great Division). Most of them are not repenting but doing damage control as best they can. They will not be allowed to succeed. Remember, remember that over the years Yahweh has shown me many visions of giant trees being felled leaving only their stumps, representing false leaders and prophets. Provided Yahweh puts a band of iron and bronze around those stumps in order to preserve them (Dan.4:15), they will recover, as Nebuchadnezzar recovered and became possessed of a right mind once more. Those who repent and cease their lawlessness and disobedience will get a second chance. Those who will not will not be heard from any more.

    Seven Months of Annual Festivals Ahead

    Now we know what the clock vision means, please, please remember that prophetic time does not work in the same way as physical creation time - that is why there was only one marker between 11 and 1 o'clock, and even that was not the same kind of 'mark' as the other marks around the clock delineating minutes and hours. So how these '10 minutes' unravel does not necessarily need to follow physical time patterns at all. All we know for sure is the approximate duration of the 'gap' and that there is a mid-way 'division'. That's it. So, yes, a lot of details have been left unsaid, and that is either because we don't know them all yet (and probably won't be until the last minute) or because they are not meant to be made public. We all have to learn to live by the Ruach (Spirit) and not hold onto the coat tails of our leaders when it comes to every little detail. The New Year is nearly upon us and seven months hence we will have passed through the seven annual festivas, ending in the autumn/fall divine moedim (appointments) representing the Appearing of Messiah (Yom Teruah), the Judgment of the wicked (Yom haKippurim), and the Great Celebration (Sukkot) [6]. So this is going to be a unique time for all! I will leave you to prayerfully think things out further. Re-read those passages of Scripture I have shared with you and ask Yahweh to explain what they mean in the present situation.

    Two More Visions - the Woman in Prayer

    The following afternoon two days ago, when I went to rest because I had slept so little the night before, and as I was about to sit down and take a nap, I saw two more visions. The first depicted a wintery scene in a small but very old and pretty village, and a woman, representing the Messianic Bride, wearing a prayer shawl, was slowly walking down the street in the snow, in deep prayer. Remember the promise made in one of the passages we read, that those of the Remnant who walk in obedience will be delivered. Though in the northern hemisphere spring is gradually approaching, prophetically this is going to be a winterworld of sorts. It is a time for the Remnant, gathered to their assigned assembly points (not the Final Gathering, I might add), to bolt down their hatches and to be in intercessory prayer. The Serpent may spew forth a drowning river but the earth will swallow it up in protection of the Remnant.

    The Leader Walking through Fire

    In the second vision I saw one of the leaders walking along the same road but further along ahead of the woman. Here there was, not snow, but fire. A long stretch of the road he walked was on fire which could not be avoided as it extended fully on both sides of the road, and it looked at first as though he would be consumed as his trousers were envelloped in flame. But as he emeged out of the fire further down the road, the flames on his trousers all went out instantaneously and he was seemingly unharmed. You may remember another scripture we read earlier which speaks of tribulation as a time of purification. All the leaders of the Remnant must walk through the fire of cleansing, purification and strengthening without exception.


    Please be assured that this Penultimate Tribulation is of fixed duration and will not last forever. Just be sure to ask Yahweh to grant 'whatever it takes' to get you put to rights. That's all I have to say for now. Do not be afraid, embrace the opportunity this time period will give you to more fully walk in Messiah. For those who obey the mitzvot (commandments) and trust in Yah'shua (Jesus), challenging though they may at first be, these will be good times. For the rest, judgment must inevitably follow; for the honest, sincere and repentant, restoration and reconcilliation. So until the Sabbath in two days' time, Yahweh bless you all to enlighten your minds and strengthen your hearts against the days ahead. Amen.

    The 2021 Festival Season is a good candidate for the Penultimate Judgment


    [1] cp. Psalm 69:28; Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:12,15; 21:27
    [2] The minimum number of witnesses required by Torah to validate an oath or covenant (Dt.19:15; cp. Dan.12:7)
    [3] Ezekiel 28:16; Isaiah 14:9; Luke 10:18
    [4] Isaiah 66:7
    [5] Daniel 7:25; 9:27; 12:7
    [6] Remember, we don't know how physical 'time' works in this scenario. It could begin in the middle (at 12 o'clock') and then work, first, in one direction ('towards' the 11), and then in the other ('towards' the 1) because there are no linear markers


    Special thanks to Silvan Wolf (Germany) for spotting a mathematical miscalculation made when I was very ill that resulted in this second (revised) edition.

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    This page was created on 24 February 2021
    Last updated on 28 February 2021

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