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Month 6:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5948:148 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 19 August 2020
Rosh Chodesh VI
The Wild West of Today's Prophets


    Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. Thank you for joining us on this first day of the sixth month for this special message.

    The Internet 'Prophecy Circuit'

    I don't know how many of you are following what I call the 'prophecy circuit' online these days but I am sure you are aware that there is no shortage of 'prophets' and 'prophetesses' out there predicting this and that. As you know I am not a cessationist - I totally believe that the spirit of prophecy has never been absent from the messianic Community (Church) even if it has been rarer at certain times of history than others because of sin and unbelief. On the other hand, whilst I believe that it is the right, privilege and duty of the head of every individual household in right relationship with Yahweh through Yah'shua (Jesus) to receive revelation and prophecy for his family, as the family cohen or priest after the Order of Melchizedek, which is the Priesthood Order of the New Covenant, and whilst I believe it it the right, privilege and responsibility of every individual in right relationship with Yahweh through Yah'shua (Jesus) to receive personal revelation for him- or herself for the daily decisions that have to be made, I do not believe there are many Elijah nevi'im (prophets) around in the world today.

    Power of the Prophets

    A quick word about these Elijah men of Elohim (God), if I may. An Elijah navi (prophet) is a navi (prophet) in Israel. Some, like Jonah, were prophets outside Israel, and in his case, was sent to Nineveh in Assyria. The navi (prophet) in Israel is a mouthpiece. When he speaks in the name of Yahweh, he has no doubt that 'the Davar Elohim' or 'Word of God' has come to him and that he must pass it on to others. In whatever way the divine message comes to him, and whatever method he uses to convey it (it can be spoken or even acted out a drama), he is a man to whom the holiness and will of Elohim (God) have been revealed. He contemplates present and future through the eyes of Yahweh and is a man sent to remind the nation (in the case of Israel) of its duty to Elohim (God) and to bring them back to obedience and ahavah (love). Elijah nevi'im (prophets) in particular back up their revelations by heavenly power and he in particular, you will remember, was known for calling down fire from heaven. Sometimes the Elijah nevi'im (prophets), like Moses, have the power to cause natural disasters, disease, seas and rivers to part, the ground to swallow up people, to cause it to rain or stop raining, and so forth, as they exercise the power of the Almighty. You know the many stories of the nevi'im (prophets) in the Scriptures. The most spectacular age of prophecy in which all of these things happened lasted about two centuries, when such displays were common place. That time is now returning again because it is a time of great wickedness where Judgment needs to be executed.

    All the False Prophets...

    For the last few months I have been jotting down in my calendar all the prophecies made by self-appointed and self-acclaimed prophets and prophetesses that I come across online, something I don't usually bother to do because I know that most of them are false. Yet even after they have been shown to be false, these dreamers and blabberers continue prophesying and misleading people. For example, one so-called 'prophet' claimed that on 20 April (4 months ago) that the sky would instantly go black in the middle of the day as the result of the use of some new super-weapon, and he even gave the time, as 13:30 or 1.30pm in Arizona. It never happened. I have quite a few written down for this month and the months to the end of December including predictions of presidential assassinations, Illuminati time maniplations, overthrowings of governments, and so on. I have long-range prophecies recorded of an asteroid striking the earth in April 2029, in 9 years' time, dates of the commencement of wars with certain countries, and so on. I have to say I believe almost none of them. And the number of Rapture dates that have failed I have lost count of over the years - the 'rapture raptors', as I call them, are always popping up and they're always spectacularly failing. Hardly any ever repent. Some of you may have read the immensely popular books by Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (for whom, incidentally, I have great respect as a rule) in which some of his prophecies that he made did not come to pass at the times he expected. That's pretty much the track record these days so I don't blame people for being sceptical or believers for being cessationists. These self-styled 'prophets' are not only making asses of themselves but making Christianity look preposterous, which is of course one of the Enemy's goals. And anything that messes with evangelism and the salvation of souls I have little time for, I must say.

    Torah Disobedient False Prophets

    Brethren and sisters, today I want you to stop and pause to consider a few things. For one, not all of these people are con-artists - many of them are devout, authentically saved believers with a heart for Elohim (God) who are convinced they are getting words, revelations and prophecies from Yahweh. Many are seeing visions and dreaming dreams, and simply assuming that dreams that look prophetic must be prophetic. My wife sometimes has the most incredible Hollywood- and epic-like dreams that you could make exciting movies out of but it doesn't mean they are actual movies. I am always teasing her about them. I have, however, noticed that most of the people claiming prophetic dreams and visions come out of the Pentecostal or Charismatic Movements - not all by any means, but by far the majority. And that is because they are 'continuationists' - they believe in all the gifts of the Spirit. And rightly so. However, nearly all of these 'prophets' are antinomians - they are lawless, rejecting Torah and walking in disobedience to the mitzvot (commandments). One of the functions of true nevi'im (prophets) anciently was to admonish the people to get back to obeying those mitzvot (commandments). How can you be a true navi (prophet) when you yourself are doing, or failing to do, the very things the biblical nevi'im (prophets) were calling the people to do or repent of!? That is a contradiction in terms. Therefore I will say, categorically, that no Elijah navi (prophet) is a violator of the Torah. It's impossible. And anyone who attacks Torah-obedience is by definition a false navi (prophet)! Let that sink in.

    Yahweh Will Speak to the Ignorant Out of Grace

    Furthermore, most of these self-appointed charismatic 'prophets' believe in a whole swathe of false doctrines like the 'rapture', speaking gibberish ('tongues') and the like which are themselves engergised by false spirits - deceiving supernatural demonic entities - who take tremendous pleasure in masquerading as the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). If there is one thing I have said time and time again over recent years it is this: Yahweh is not going to use such people for congregational, national and global prophesying! Yes, He will, of course, guide individually deceived believers operating in false spirits because of the false doctrines and traditions they have inherited or acquired from their pastors and other mentors because He loves them in spite of their errors because He shows grace - undeserved loving-kindness. He doesn't want these people overwhelmed by the world simply because they are ignorantly blind. He guards those who have a heart-love for Him even if they are at times theologically and spiritually messed up. Praise Yah for that generosity! Yes, He will give personal revelation and guidance to such Christians and Messianics that is sufficient for their daily needs because they would otherwise be overwhelmed. Yes, He will speak even to heretics and cultists out of love for them individually and for their families if they are walking in ignorance but genuinely love and trust in Him. We've all been there because we've all been ignorant and deceived at times, and maybe still are in some things. This I know from experience as a minister. He speaks to the most unexpected people. But - and this is a very big 'but' - I must underscore with a thick marker this truth for you: He will not reveal His global or national plans, or the plans for the Remnant, to anyone but the Messiah-trusting, Torah-obedient overcomers, those who have laid their all upon the altar of sacrifice and have been willing to forego personal glory or personal gain of any kind, who are willing to suffer for the King and His Kingdom, and walk in complete obedience to all the mitzvot (commandments) - both the written devarim (words) in Scripture and those spoken directly by revelation in the spirit of prophecy -- except on very, very, very rare occasions. Yes, there is always the rare exception, but it cannot be made into a rule, and Baalam is a good example. However, Yahweh seems only to use such heathens once if they fail to repent and convert, and especially if they turns against Yahweh's people as Balaam did, for which he was destroyed. So be very careful!

    Believers Receive False Revelations

    So I want you also to be acutely aware of these things. Most of you who know me already know all of this but there are many new people who do not, who must hear this when it comes to believers: not every supernaturally-originated dream or vision is from Yahweh. I know nearly all of you know that in theory but many who know that simply cannot discern. On a number of occasions, Yahweh has drawn back the veil for me and shown me demons giving sincere believers prophetic dreams and visions which they sincerely thought were from Yahweh because they were so dramatic, overwhelming and persuasive. I have even experienced demons trying this out on myself. The true nevi'im (prophets) have to learn how to discern through personal experience. That's why anciently there were Schools of Prophets. They needed preparation and training as overcomers and discerners. Not all of them, mind you, as some do seem to have been 'ready made', as it were.

    The Day I Was Fooled by a False Angel

    Let me tell you a true story. Some years ago I was quite ill (from the early stages of fibromyalgia, as it happens - when I now look back and compare that with my condition today, I could almost laugh as I had no idea what being really ill meant, but that's another matter). Anyway, I decided I would spend time alone with Elohim (God) sleeping in the room we have our devotionals and services in. As a space dedicated to Yahweh for prayer, like one other place in our home, I like to go there to find spiritual stillness and communion. So I was there sleeping, with the light on as it happens, and I woke up to find a man standing in the room not far from my bed. He was dressed in white robes and had every appearance of being a malak or angel of Yahweh. He was solid and tangible and moved about as he spoke audibly to me. He spoke with such authority and wisdom that I was enraptured. (This was about 20 or 21 years ago, I would estimate). He spoke of deep and lofty spiritual things, giving an astonishing discourse. This went on for over an hour. He knew a tremendous amount and was instructing me in the secrets of heaven. As this monologue went on (as he did nearly all the talking - I should have noticed that he wasn't really interested in me personally, but I didn't - please note, demons love to talk about 'deep mysteries'). The point is, my guard started coming down as I assumed I was in conversation with a heavenly being from my Heavenly Father. So there I was, just taking all this in, when suddenly he said something that jolted me into the realisation that I was being taken for a ride: "Yah'shua/Jesus," he said, "is the second-born son of Elohim/God". In an instant I knew he was lying, that this was a false angel, I rebuked him and commanded him to leave the room immediately. The next think I knew was he was standing outside in the garden peering in through the window opposite into the room he had just vacated (which was on the ground floor), evidently wanting to come back in. (It was pitch dark outside but the light from the room illuminated his face which was up against the pane). I then commanded him in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name to depart from our property as well as the room and he was gone. You see, demons just have to lie - they are compulsive liars. They may tell you a lot of truth but they cannot resist deception because that is what they get their pleasure from as they are driven by hate - hatred of Elohim (God) and hatred of all people, even those foolish enough to willingly serve them.

    Sceptical by Default

    I share this with you as an object lesson, as one seasoned in receiving visions, dreams, prophecies and revelations. Yet I consider myself to be ignorant of so much still. I had been listening to this entity from the dark realms for well over an hour. He was so convincing that he had me completely fooled, appealing to my love of knowledge. Admittedly I was not well and my guard was down but one thing this experience taught me was to be extremely sceptical of supernatural manifestations and to test them rigorously because all Yahweh's servants are bombarded with lies from the Enemy, round the clock. It's going on all the time, more so than at any time in history, because now high tech has been joined to all this spiritual garbage. We are being bombarded by 5G towers, satallites, and other mind-bending vices all the time. You know what I mean. That is one of the reasons we have to be completely alcohol-free as cohenim (priests) who are on duty in the temples of our bodies round the clock, 24/7, because alcohol distorts our spiritual sensitivity and opens doors. At this particular juncture in history we must be more alert than ever, because the deceptions are mounting by the day. I am, by default, therefore, highly sceptical of what I see, feel, hear, sense, or experience, that I know isn't 'me', let alone trust uncritically what other people see, feel, hear, sense, or experience and think is supernatural. People who regularly say, 'God told me this,' or 'God told me that' I treat with great suspicion and care. The veil between the world of spirits and this dimension is very thin for me personally and I can usually see into it without much trouble but I have been made aware that in the same physical space in which we live are multiple spiritual dimensions through which both dark and heavenly malakim (angels) move, including, I might add (on occasion) the spirits of the dead (whom we are forbidden to have contact with whom demons delight in masquerading as). Heaven and hell are both in the same physical space as our own world but in different dimensions, as I've mentioned to you more than once.

    Dealing With the Tsunami of Claimed Revelation

    So how are we to deal with the tsunami of pretended revelation, prophecies, dreams and visions circulating on the internet? Ask yourself why there are so many and whether you think Yahweh would have you trawling through oceans of this sludge, using your precious time, just to get a few morsels of light here and there? Is that He operates scripturally? Yahweh is not the author of confusion, Satan loves to waste our time, so what criteria should we use to sort through them, if at all? Yahweh is an Elohim (God) iof orderliness and whilst He may have several Elijah-type nevi'im (prophets) around at any one time, as He occasionally did in ancient Israel (though rarely more than half a dozen are mentioned as operating in the same area at the same time), there are never very many because very many are never needed. In New Testament times, the 'global' prophets were the 12 prophets, though you rarely hear of many of them execising this gift. John, Peter, Paul and one or two others like Phillip are the ones we usually hear about the most. Aside from what one might call 'family prophets' of the kind I mentioned earlier, the only other ones tend to be attached to local congregations, and their prophetic sphere is mostly therefore local, because that is the basic spiritual 'family' unit of the Messianic Community (Church). Thus we find mention of Agabus (from Antioch, Paul's home territory) who prophesied a famine (so the qodeshim, set-apart ones or saints could be prepped) as well as on another occasion prophesying to the apostle Paul, when he was visiting them, of the danger awaiting him if he returned to Jerusalem (Ac.11:28; 21:10), and also the four virgin daughters of the evangelist Philip who were local prophetesses (Ac.21:8-9). So prophets and prophetesses were around in New Testament times, but they were mostly local, and the Elijah-type ones seem to have mostly been confined to the apostles. Compare that with today's Church and there is a glut of prophetic claimants, most of whom are false, some local but very many who have a high public and international profile. Many of them are, quite frankly, either a menace or outright dangerous. So actually I do sympathise with the cessationists to a point. Part of me delifinitely leans in that direction, because it's common sense and level-headed.

    Do Not Despise Prophecies

    I repeat, I am sceptical of the vast majority of these - I'm sceptical even of myself because it's all too easy to get careless or make assumptions about callings we don't actually have. That's why I tell people to test all I say and never give me carte blanche. It's also easy for us to fall back into the flesh and think we're still in the Ruach (Spirit) if we have been careless in our devotions (like fellowship, prayer and Bible study). Does this mean we should take seriously all the prophecies coming out of the churches and the stand-alone folks online who typically aren't accountable to a local congregation (as they should be) or to anyone? How should we deal with them all as there are so many? With great care. What does Paul mean when he says:

      "Do not quench the Ruach (Spirit). Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good" (1 Thess.5:19-21, NKJV).

    Well, obviously, the apostle is saying that we should not despise proved, authenticated prophets and their prophecies. He is not saying listen to every Tom, Dick or Harry who claims 'God' is talking to him. There are plenty of nut-cases out there, plenty of demonised pretenders to the prophetic gift. Paul is not saying we should rummage through the garbage-can of all the false stuff but to check with trusted Elijah and local nevi'im (prophets), the older and more experienced who have handled such matters. That's my opinion. We don't have time to spend hours everyday rummaging through the internet wilderness, for one, and we are all called to be prophetic discerners in any case. We are supposed to have the gift of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit)!

    Unsolicited Personal Prophecies are Suspicious

    I don't ever go looking for personal prophecies or revelations for myself - it's my personal responsibility to seek the face of Yahweh - and I am very sceptical when others, whom I know nothing about, who do not have a reputation for reliability or credentials of any kind, make unsolicitied prophecies about me because in the past so many of these have proven to be utterly false. I was once told I would be a millionnaire. It never happened. I was told I would rise to a position of great importance in a particular denomination. It never happened. One or two have, but most haven't. I have seen 'prophers' people do great harm. One 'dial-up-a-prophecy' charlatan for $20 told someone I know that he would be given the 'mantle of Christ'. It puffed him up with so much pride that he went around claiming to be someone important in the Kingdom. He never was. One man I knew from the Assemblies of God laid hands on a woman dying of cancer and passionately prophesied in a meeting that God would heal her very soon. She died very soon after. Excuses were made to save his face, he was told not to worry by the elders of the congregation and to mark it down as 'experience'. Well, that's not how divine prophecy works. It's not a game. It's not a matter of trial and error. People can make foolish and rash decisions based on false prophecy. Think of all the Jim Jones' out there. That Assemblies of God man ought to have repented to the congregation who heard him lie in the Saviour's Name and have dealt with the truth that he was not called to be a navi (prophet) of Elohim (God)! He was eager to taste the gifts, he genuinely wanted the woman to be healed, but he was spiritually immature and self-deceived. It was not his calling and he was smitten with pride and fancied himself as a great man of Elohim (God). Others, as I said, are just con men trying to make money and/or gain a reputation as a 'man of God'.

    Gambling With Probabilities

    I have, on my wall calendar, all kinds of claimed prophecies for next month made by characters online, a lot of which are just guesses based on probability because these 'wannabe prophets' have heard of the probability, for example, of a 'second wave' of Covid-19 that will be used to permanently lock down the planet. It's possible but there is no guarantee this will happen. I don't doubt that the élites have plans and hopes for such eventualities but it is only Yahweh who will allow or forbid such things. I myself haven't been told. All I know for sure - and I have known this for some time - is that we must be fully prepped and be prepared to ride things out for a year or more away from cities, being ready to cut dependencies on state handouts and the like. That message I have been forcefully urged by the Ruach (Jesus) to get out for several years to the point of driving some people mad. I know an economic collapse is coming and it could be any week now. I also know that the élites are going to be defeated though to what degree and for how long I have no idea. Having acted on what I know, the rest I leave up to Yahweh. I will live by faith and continue with my Kingdom mandate. I don't trawl the internet for revelation and prophecy even if sometimes I come across something 'accidentally' that is important. I have other plans but I am certainly not going to announce any of those publically, not even to my friends. You should do the same. Starve the Enemy of information but by all means let his human agents know that Yahweh has already won, that he is defeated, and that he needs to repent or perish. Tens of thousands of his kind are going to be taken out by Heaven in the weeks ahead and he needs the fear of Yahweh put up him. I hope they soil their pants while they await, and then experience, their termination at the hands of a rightly angered and offended Creator. This I know something about because Yahweh has used me to speak such judgments over some very evil people who are no longer with us. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust... The day of judgment has now arrived for all of them, and not just for the hundred or so I have had to contend with over the years.

    The 'UFOs' are Back

    I know a lot is going on both in the dens of inquity and in the invisible world of spirits. I have been observing it. UFO activity is up, a tell-take sign that the Enemy is making another move, because these structures are being used as part of the physical matrix of population control. I photographed and videoed one of these 'Sentinels', as I call them, the other day and posted them online. Friends of mine have observed identical ones all over the world from Australia to America I have recorded lots of these sightings online, usually in the presence of multiple witnesses. I even had a newspaper man up from Stockholm a few years ago investigating the phenomenon. I have been observing and researching these craft now for the past 40 years. You'll find a close-up picture of the one I took the other day at the top of this article and a whole series of pictures I took of apparently the same one last night when it reappeared pulsating and jumping around the sky. So we're on the alert but leaving the management of all this in Yahweh's hands. I have seen what's inside one of these craft. Frankly, I'm not worried and not stressing out because I know Yahweh takes care of His own, those who love, trust and obey Him. I no longer expect anyone to believe me save those who have seen these things for themselves. I am not trying to convince anyone. If you think this is nonsense, then just move on. I do know they mean no good.

    Sequence of 12 shots of a UFO taken every 2-3 seconds as seen on 19 August 2020

    Time to Rapidly Finish Your Prepping

    If you have never done so, or only done so partially, please run through/check over the materials on our prepping website to make sure you have everything in order and are preferably out in the countryside away from the cities, but do what Yahweh tells you because not every place in the world will be the same. I can't stress the need to do this enough. Be ready by the end of the month, and for certain by Yom Teruah (Trumpets) on 18 September. I don't know for sure, but I suspect, it will be a particularly dangerous time between Yom Teruah and Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonements), that is, between 18 and 26 September. None of us knows for certain what Yahweh will allow or prohibit, and He certainly hasn't told me any specifics, nor do we need to know necessarily unless you are not where you are supposed to be, in which case you will need some specific, pin-point revelations which you should talk about online or to anyone who doesn't need to know. Do not accept any mandatory vaccines!


    May Yahweh bless you so that you are prepared "in season and out of season".

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "Thank you very much!!!" (GL, Sweden, 19 August 2020)
    [2] "I have no doubt that Jonathan Cahn has been deceived by false spirits as I have also. I have learned just as you have said. Everything must have an order and never contradict the written word" (EOE, USA, 20 August 2020).

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    This page was created on 19 August 2020
    Last updated on 20 August 2020

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