Month 3:16, Week 3:1 (Rishon/Pesach), Year 5935:072 AM
Omer Count Day 8/50
Gregorian Calendar: Friday 17 June 2011
Seven Essentials
The True Tavnith That We Must Know
Continued from Part 1
Every talmid or disciple of the Master Yah'shua (Lord Jesus) is an Emet (Truth)-Hunter. However, there is more to Emet-hunting than assembling pieces of emet (truth) - it is also essential to assemble those pieces in the right order and, if this is an array, getting them in the right tavnith or pattern too.
Yesterday we took a look at the seven essentials on which we stand as a ministry, at those things which can give us confidence and boldness in our witness to the world so that we can sound a clear and certain trumpet to assemble into battle. We saw that it was important that a witness of ahavah (love) must always preceed a witness of fear and that this emet (truth) is attested to in the former and latter annual festivals. But we must be more specific and, like an army, make sure that the divine plan is executed in correct sequence.
So today we shall rearrange the Seven Essentials into the correct order of battle:
A. The Three Emunah (Faith, Trusting) Principles
1. We will not doubt the absolute emet (truth) of the Written Word of Yahweh, the Bible (2 Ti.3:16)
This is the first of the principles which I think every evangelical will recognise because Yahweh uses the written Scriptures - the Bible - to reveal what Emet (Truth) is, and through that, what His Character is, what His capability is, to enable us to seek the Kingdom first and do everything in the Name of Yah'shua (Jesus) and what that does and doesn't look like, to seek Yahweh's approval rather then men's, and to seek Yahweh with all our lev (heart). When we get this one wrong, it will affect all the other essentials as well. Divine tavnith is not subjective but finds its objective reality in the Word.
2. We will not denegrate Yahweh's character (Ps.34:8)
There are a coupple of reasons why this essential must come second in importance. Before anything else, we need a real lev (heart) revelation of Yahweh's character in order to be saved - a revelation of both His perfect justice, and the judgement and destruction that is meant for us as rebels, and His amazing grace in giving Yah'shua (Jesus). His character also defines how He uses His capabilities - He can do anything, but there are things He will not do because of who He is. His character defines His Kingdom, and what it means to do things for the Kingdom and in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name. When we believe lies about His character, we invariably respond by sinning.
3. We will not doubt Yahweh's capability (Jas.4:12)
This third principle very much connects to our dependance on Him and His provision. If we do not, or will not, believe in His capabilities to move or to provide - not only in the bigger picture, but in the specific situation we are faced with - we will sin, either by trying to do things in our own strength or by trying to turn to other means or sources to do something; or we will be paralysed in fear, hesitating to step out in the obedience He has called us to. Principles #2 and #3 are very much locked tohgether.
B. The Four Works or Response Principles
4. We seek the Kingdom of Elohim (God) before all else (Mt.6:33)
This is an outflowing of truly believing #1, #2 and #3 with a regenerated lev (heart). By believing Him and what He has done in Messiah, we begin to seek Him and His Kingdom first. If He is not the center of what we are doing and seeking, we are sinning. There is a paramount need to seek Him and His reign - His toqef (authority) and Kingdom, and to be submitted to that - in everything in our lives.
5. We seek to do everything in the Name of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) (Col.3:17)
Seeking to do everything in Yah'shua's (Jesus') name also connects to #4 and doing everything for Elohim's glory. #1, #2, #3 and #4 define this step - of what it means to do everything in Yah'shua's (Jesus') name, of what surrender and obedience to Him are and aren't.
6. We seek Yahweh's approval rather than men's (Gal.1:10);
This principle connects very much with #4. If you are seeking the Kingdom first then His approval is all that ultimately matters.
7. We seek to do Yahweh's will with all our lev (heart) (Eph.6:6)
Yahweh justly demands our all. We have been purchased with Yah'shua's (Jesus') blood and are therefore owned by Him, completely bought. Therefore we cannot give what is His to another. He wants us either completely hot (completely His) or completely cold (completely the enemy's) and nothing in between. 'Lukewarm' is never OK - it is adultery, and therefore only deserving of being spat out (Rev.3:16). Our choice is black or white and nothing inbetween. We either go for all or for nothing at all. The double-minded are unstable in all their ways (Jas.1:8) and can never, therefore, be confident or bold in his witness.
The first 3 principles connect to emunah or faith and decide whether we are, in fact, believing the Emet (Truth) or not. The remaining 4 principles are the response to what we actually believe or trust (as James explains, the response or actions that come from true emunah or faith). When there is a problem with one of the last 4 principles, it always connects back to a problem with the first 3. When we have true emunah (faith, trusting) - when all these are being walked in - our levatot (hearts) and minds will be steadfast - steady in a humble confidence in Elohim (God), as David testified. When we and our levatot (hearts) and minds aren't stable and steadfast, and we are filled with fears, anxiety and vain imaginations, it connects to these things not being in place - a place where true emunah (faith, trusting) is lacking!
Continued in Part 3