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A. The Nature of Apocalyptic

The Book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse of John, is the last book of the Bible and is, for most Christians and Messianics, one of the least read and most difficult to understand. A few passages from it are well known and well loved (e.g. Rev.7:9-17) but for the most part modern 21st century readers find the book unintelligible. This is largely because the book abounds in symbolism of a type that that is no longer used and to which very, very few Bible students and exegetes possess the key. Yet this kind of imagery was readily comprehensible to those of the first century AD. This in part accounts for our difficulties. The author assumed that his readers would detect and understand his allusions and therefore he felt no need to make explanations. It is therefore up to biblical historians and linguists to supply the necessary information to enable those explanations to be accurately made, something we attempt to do in the articles in this Register.

The Book of Revelation belongs to a class of revelatory literature known as apocalyptic, from the Greek apokalupsis meaning a 'revealing' or 'unveiling', a 'drawing of the curtain aside'. It is the only book of this type in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament), though there are apocalyptic passages in other books like Matthew 24, and the visions of Daniel belong to the same class. Characteristic of apocalyptic is the thought that Elohim (God) is sovereign and that ultimately He will intervene in catastrophic fashion to bring to pass His good and perfect will. He is opposed by powerful and varied forces of evil, and these are usually referred to symbolically as beasts, horns, etc.. There are visions, malakim (angels) speak, there is the clash of mighty forces, and ultimately the persecuted qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) are vindicated. Much of this is conventional, which is why the first readers of Revelation would have understood it quite easily, but in the hands of many enthusiasts it has led to turgid and grotesque fantasies. Biblical apocalyptic is much more restrained.

Another difference between the Book of Revelation and the usual run of apocalyptic is that the author's name is given whereas apocalypses were usually pseudonymous. The writers of the latter (both Jewish and Christian) took names from the great ones of the past and ascribed their works to them. These are known as Pseudepigrapha, literally 'false writings'. However, with Revelation, the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) has made use of a recognised literary form. However, Revelation is not simply a conventional apocalypse which is why care must be taken not to lump it together with the pseudepigraphs - it has features of its own, and is a genuine prophecy, as the first three verses indicate.

B. Israelite Self-Awareness

The Israelites never forgot that they were Elohim's (God's) chosen people, and they never lost their faith and hope that some day this would be proved for all to see, and that they would become masters of the world, for they tended to think they were chosen for power and for glory rather than for service and responsibility, a weakeness and Achillee's heel that still dogs them, and other religionists, to this day.

At first they believed that they would become great when there emerged a king of David's line to lead them to conquest. This was the Messiah whom they expected, and they thought of him in human terms. As time went on they began to think in terms of a man possessing supernatural powers instead of a mere human leader. Their conquest by, and subjection to, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans made them realise their own smallness and the world's vastness and in time they began to see that their greatness could never be achieved by human means at all. Their small territory was only 120 miles from north to south, and less than 50 miles from east to west. So they came to believe, not in any human leader, but in the direct intervention of Elohim (God). The day would come, they believed, when Yahweh Himself would come striding into history and lead them to the greatness and glory they had originally and arrogantly imagined.

The belief emerged that all time was divided into two æons or ages:

  • 1. The Present Age, which is wholly bad and wholly under the dominion of Satan, and quite beyond cure and reformation; and
  • 2. The Age-to-Come, which was the Golden Age of Yahweh and of His people, Israel.

What they did not know was how to turn the one into the other. It would happen on the 'Day of Yahweh' ('Day of the LORD'), the great Day when Elohim (God) Himself would enter history. It would be a day of cosmic disintegration, when the sun would be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, when the mountains hurled into the sea, and when all order would become chaos. It would be a day of dreadful judgment, and then the new world would be born, and all would be well. That much they knew from the navi'im (prophets) of the Tanakh (Old Testament).

The 'Apocalypses' were the books in which seers and visionaries set out what they believed would happen on the 'Day of Yahweh'. All Apocalypses therefore tend to be unintelligible because they try to describe the indescribable, to express the inexpressible, to put into signs and symbols the terrors and the glories of the end time.

This is what the Apocalypse of John or Book of Revelation does but unlike the pseudepigraphs that came before it, and a few after it, saturated as they were in fantasies of the flesh rather than authentic revelation, its end is not the rabbinical vision of the 'Day of Yahweh' but the messianic vision of the coming again of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) in majesty, glory and victory. To paint this picture it takes over much of the imagery and the dramatic apparatus which had attached to the 'Day of Yahweh'. Tanakh (Old Testament) passages like Isaiah 23, Joel 2, and Zephaniah 1 are the basis of the picture. This is a typical characteristic of Apocalyse, describing the indescribable events which will happen when this world vanishes and a new world is born. We have only to see this to see that much of it cannot be taken literally. It is a poet's vision far more than it is an historical story, though it contains history too and is therefore both. It is the davar (word) of a navi (prophet) and a ro'eh (visionary, seer) (Rev.1:3; 22:9-10), and not only a literal timetable and description of celestial events-to-come.

C. Outline of Contents

The book begins with a vision of the risen Master, who gives messages to 7 congregations (churches), those in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea, a group of cities in the Roman province of Asia (1:1-2:22) that were the apostle John's 'field' or 'bishopric' (1:3). The messages rebuke these congregations where they have failed and encourages them on the path of Christian/Messianic service. Then come end-time visions of Elohim (God) and of the Lamb (4:1-5:14), after which we read of the opening od the 7 seals. As each seal is opened there is a vision recorded (6:1-17; 8:1). This leads on to the sounding of the 7 trumpets, with a vision recorded after each trumpet is sounded (8:2-9:21; 11:15-19). Between the 6th and 7th seals there is an interlude (7:1-17), and another between the 6th and 7th trumpets (10:1-11:14). John then records various wonders in heaven, a woman bringing forth a man child, and opposed by Satan (12:1-17), beasts opposing themselves to Elohim (God) (13:1-18), the Lamb on Mount Zion and His followers (14:1-20). Next the 7 last plagues are recounted. John sees 7 malakim (angels) with bowls, and as each pours out his bowl upon the earth one of the plagues follows (15:1-16:21). Further judgments are then denounced on the scarlet woman, and on Babylon (17:1-19:21) and the book concludes visions of the millennium, of the new heavens and the new earth (20:1-22:21).

It is uncertain how much of the book duplicates other sections. The recurrence of the number 7 makes it fairly clear that some, at least, of the series are described in more than one way. What is certain is that the book envisages terrific opposition to Yahweh and the people of Elohim (God), and that in the end Yahweh will triumph over every evil thing.

The Book of Revelation shows nothing of the Yah'shua (Jesus) of the Gospels but rather the warrior Messiah. It has been rightly said that Revelation is the most Judahite book in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament), and this is true. There is hardly anything in it which cannot be paralleled from the Tanakh (Old Testament), and is a testimony of the ongoing validity of the earlier writings, specifically confirmed by the mitzvah (commandment) to maintain Torah-obedience alongside faith in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) (12:17; 14:12; 22:14). The qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) are to sing a duet - the Song of Moses and the Lamb (15:3). Indeed, it calls Yah'shua (Jesus) the 'Lamb' more often than any book in the New Testament (e.g. 5:8; 6:1; 7:17; 14:1). But it is a strange, unfamiliar picture, for we hear of the wrath of the Lamb, the victory of the Lamb and the might of the Lamb. This is a 100 per cent Messianic Israelite picture. The great Israelite heroes like David were depicted as horned lambs. There is no gentleness, meekness and mildness here at all, only ineluctable, inescapable power because it specifically reveals to us the Omnipotent Deity of Messiah in Judgment.

What is the historical background to all this? When we read the Book of Revelation, we are at once struck by its attitude to the state because it is quite different from any other book in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament). The other books respect the state and tell believers to be good citizens (Rom.13:1-7; 1 Tim.22:2; 1 Pet.2:13-17). But in Revelation, Rome is the great harlot, drunk with the blood of the qodeshim (saints) and the martyrs, for in it Babylon stands for Rome (17:1-6). So what had gone wrong?

Bit by bit the Roman Emperor had come to be regarded as a god. He embodied the spirit of Rome, and in very gratitude for good rule people had first worshipped the spirit of Rome, and then the Emperor as the incarnation of that spirit. At first the Emperors were embarrassed by this, for they had not sought it. Rome stretched from Britain to the Euphrates and from the Danube to North Africa. What could give some some kind of unity to this vast polyglot (multi-racial, multi-racial and multi-religious) Empire which comprised most of the known world? The one thing that could unify it was Caesar-worship. So the day came, when once a year every citizen had to burn a pinch of incense to the godhead of Caesar and say, 'Caesar is Lord'. This true believers never would do. The Messiah, and Messiah alone, was 'Lord' or 'Master'. And that is why they were persecuted. If they had conformed and burned the incense and proclaimed Caesar's claimed deity, they could have gone off and worshipped anything. But they would not, and so they became what the poet, Sir William Watson, called "the panting, huddled flock, whose crime was Christ".

The Book of Revelation comes from that time when men and women had to choose between Caesar and Christ, between the State and Elohim (God), between false religion (or no religion) and true, when to be true to Christ was to be liable to die. Similar choices between the mandates of a murderous, despotic, genocidal ruler, or a false idolatrous religion and Christ upon pain of death, still have to be made today. That is why it hates Rome, and that is why it looks so eagerly forward to the end of the present evil æon (age), and the time when Yah'shua's (Jesus') enemies will be vanquished and Elohim (God) will reign for ever and ever.

D. Authorship and Date

Tradition affirms that the author was the apostle John and goes back as far as AD 140 to Justin Martyr and is supposed by Irenaeus and many of the other 'fathers'. The principle objection to this is the style of the Greek which in many respects is unlike the other Johannine writings. It is so unusual and sometimes shows such scant respect for the rules of Greek grammar that one is faced with two possible explanations:

  • 1. That John the Apostle was not the author but another 'John' (not the apostle), of unknown identity, with poor Greek language skills (the view of liberal scholars); or
  • 2. This is a translation from John's Hebrew or Aramaic by an unknown, unlearned Greek translator (the view of this ministry).

This book was obviously written at a time when the Messianic Community (Church) was undergoing persecution and difficulty. During the possible time for the composition of the book the two most important periods when this was so were during the reigns of Nero (AD 54-68) and Domitian (AD 81-96). The principle argument for the former date is Revelation 17:9-10a, "Here is the mind which has wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come" (NKJV). If this refers to the Emperors of Rome, then Nero was the fifth, and the writing would date from shortly after his reign. This is strengthened by the prophecy that "the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven" (Rev.17:11, NKJV). This appears to refer to the 'Nero-redivivus myth', the idea that Nero, though dead, would appear once more on this earth. Support is adduced from Revelation 13:18 which gives "the number of the beast" (NKJV) as 666.

Numbers were written in the 1st century, not with our convenient notation, but with letters of the alphabet. Each letter had a numerical value. By taking the numerical values of the letters making up 'Nero Caesar' in Hebrew (evidence, incidentally, that the text was originally written in Hebrew) we get 666. This explanation tends to be rejected by Greek Primacists who insist the book was originally penned in Greek, and not Hebrew or Aramaic, the mother tongues of the apostle John.

The later date is, however, attested by a number of ancient authors, such as Irenaeus and Eusebius, who state categorically that the book was written in the time of Domitian. This si supported by certain indications of a general type within the book, though not by specific allusions to identifiable events. Thus the book speaks of certain groups of believers as complacent and declining in spirituality (Rev.2-3). In Nero's reign the Messianic Community (Church) was still very young and vigorous. By the time of Domitian there is more possibility of development and of degeneration. Most scholars today are agreed that the latter date is to be preferred and this is the position of this ministry.

E. Interpretation

Four chief ways of looking at, and interpreting, the Book of Revelation are:

  • 1. The Preterist view;
  • 2. The Historical view;
  • 3. The Futurist view; and
  • 4. The Idealist or Poetic view.

These are discussed at length in the Book of Revelation III & IV: The Four Methods of Interpretation, Part A and Part B.

F. Conclusion

The Book of Revelation is as majestic as it is mysterious and magnetic," wrote New Testament scholar N.T.Wright. It is a book of profound theology, intense prophetic insight and dazzling literary accomplishment. Richard Bauckham, leading scholar in the field, has written that the Book of Revelation has "inspired the martyrs, nourished the imagination of visionary artists and hymn-writers, resourced prophetic critiques of oppression and corruption in state and church, and sustained hope and resistance in the most hopeless situations". It is one of the greatest theological achievements of early Christianity - we may not fully understand it but nobody can afford to ignore it. Satan takes it very seriously indeed because it records his own eventual doom and the eventual triumph of the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) whom he has been trying to utterly destroy from the beginning. We, too, should take it very seriously because it details how the present age ends and promises a new messianic one. What it says will happen.


[1] William Barclay, The New Testament: A New Translation (Fontana/Collins, London: 1969)
[2] Dr. L.L.Morris, Book of Revelation (IVP, Leicester, England: 1976)
[3] Tom Wright, Revelation for Everyone (SPCK, London: 2011)
[4] E.W.Bullinger, Commentary on the Book of Revelation (Kregel, Grand Rapids, MI: 1984)
[5] N.T.Wright & Michael F.Bird, The New Testament in Its World (Zondervan Academic, Grand Rapids, MI; 2019)

(7 January 2022)

  • A. The Present
    • Ch.1-3:
      • A1. One ascended Master
      • A2. 7 Assorted Lampstands
    • Ch.4-5:
      • A3. Creator & creatures
      • A4. Lion & Lamb
  • B. The Nearer Future
    • Ch.6-16:
      • B1. 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Bowls
      • B2. Devil, Antichrist & False Prophet
    • Ch.17-19:
      • B3. Babylon - Last Capital
      • B4. Armageddon - Last Battle
  • C. The Far Future
    • Ch.20:
      • C1. Millennial Reign
      • C2. Judgment Day
    • Ch.21-22:
      • C3. New Heaven & Earth
      • C4. New Jerusalem

(17 May 2022)

[1] "Thank you for your faithfulness in delivering such powerful and well delivered teachings. I am learning so much and feel blessed. I was miraculously led to your [video] channel. It simply popped up in my feed over 6 months ago and I've watched all your teaching on Rumble. Your teachings on Revelation have opened my spiritual eyes more than words could ever convey - truly a blessing!" (KB, USA, 31 May 2022)

A. The Book of Revelation Series
1. Preface to the Book of Revelation: Vision of the Book of Revelation (E) in Rosh Chodesh 2021 IX (Art)
2. Book of Revelation I: A. The Apocalypse Beatitudes (Art)
3. Book of Revelation II: B. The Apocalypse Beatitudes (Art)
4. Book of Revelation III: A. The Four Methods of Interpretation (Art)
5. Book of Revelation IV: B. The Four Methods of Interpretation (Art)
Chapters 1-3
6. Book of Revelation V: The 7 Ruachot & the Lesser Yahweh (Rev.1:1-8) (Art)
7. Book of Revelation VI: The Ancient of Days & Son of Man (Rev.1:9-20) (Art)
The Seven Assemblies
8. Book of Revelation VII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 1. Ephesus (Rev.2:1-7) (Art)
9. Book of Revelation VIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 2. Smyrna (Rev.2:8-11) (Art)
10. Book of Revelation IX: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 3. Pergamum (Rev.2:12-17) (Art)
11. Book of Revelation X: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 4. Thyatira (Rev.2:18-29) (Art)
12. Book of Revelation XI: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 5. Sardis (Rev.3:1-6) (Art)
13. Book of Revelation XII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 6. Philadelphia (Rev.3:7-13) (Art)
14. Book of Revelation XIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 7. Laodicea (Rev.3:14-22) (Art)
Between the Present & the Future
15. Book of Revelation XIV: Between the Present & the Future I - Bishops, Pastors, Koinonia & Unity (Art)
16. Book of Revelation XV: Between the Present & the Future II - Clement & Ignatius, the Judaising Heresy & Hyper-Grace (Art)
17. Book of Revelation XVI: Between the Present & the Future III - Syriac Ignatius, Polycarp & the Patriarch-Apostles (Art)
The Johannine Tradition
18. Book of Revelation XVII: John, His Gospel and the Apocalypse (Art)
Chapters 4-5
19. Book of Revelation XVIII: An Introduction to Chapters 4 & 5 (Art)
20. Book of Revelation XIX: The Glory of the Throne Room I - The 24 Elders (Rev.4:1-6a) (Art)
21. Book of Revelation XX: The Glory of the Throne Room II - The Four Living Creatures, Part A (Rev.4:6b-11) (Art)
22. Book of Revelation XXI: The Glory of the Throne Room III - The Four Living Creatures, Part B (Rev.4:6b-11) (Art)
23. Book of Revelation XXII: Why the 'Set-Up' of This Existence? (Art)
24. Book of Revelation XXIII: The Glory of the Throne Room IV - The Lion & the Lamb, Part A (Rev.5:1-7) (Art)
25. Book of Revelation XXIV: The Glory of the Throne Room V - The Lion & the Lamb, Part B (Rev.5:8-14) (Art)
An Overview
26. Book of Revelation XXV: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part A (Art)
27. Book of Revelation XXVI: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part B (Art)
Chapters 6-16
28. Book of Revelation XXVII: The Seven Seals I - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Rev.6:1-8) (Art)
29. Book of Revelation XXVIII: The Seven Seals II - Seals 5 & 6, Martyrs, Vengeance, Natural Disasters & Mars (Rev.6:9-17) (Art)
30. Book of Revelation XXIX: Interlude I, Part A, Sealing the 144,000 - The Lamb's Élite Warriors (Rev.7:1-8) (Art)
31. Book of Revelation XXX: Interlude I, Part B, The Great Rescue - The Great Multitude (Rev.7:9-17) (Art)
32. Book of Revelation XXXI: The Seventh Seal & Silence in Heaven - Golden Censer & Earthquake I (Rev.8:1-5) (Art)
33. Book of Revelation XXXII: The Seven Shofar Judgments I: The First 4 Plagues Begin (Rev.8:6-13) (Art)
34. Book of Revelation XXXIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments II: The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 1) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-12) (Art)
35. Book of Revelation XXXIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments III: The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 2) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-12) (Art)
36. Book of Revelation XXXV: The Seven Shofar Judgments IV, The 6th Plague & 2nd Woe - The Fiery Riders (Revelation 9:13-21) (Art)
37. Book of Revelation XXXVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments V, Interlude II, Part A - The Little Scroll (Revelation 10:1-11) (Art)
38. Book of Revelation XXXVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part B - The Two Witnesses: Part I - Measuring Rod & Temple (Revelation 11:1-2) (Art)
39. Book of Revelation XXXVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part C - The Two Witnesses: Part II - Moses & Elijah (Revelation 11:3-14) (Art)
40. Book of Revelation XL: The Mystery of the Court of the Gentiles with a Word on Christmas and Hanukkah (Rev.10-11) (Art)
41. Book of Revelation XLI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part A (Revelation 11:15-19) (Art)
42. Book of Revelation XLII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part B (Revelation 11:15-19) (Art)
43. Book of Revelation XLIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Woman and the Dragon, Part A (Revelation 12:1-6) (Art)
44. Book of Revelation XLIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Woman and the Dragon, Part B (Revelation 12:1-6) (Art)
45. Book of Revelation XLV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Angry Dragon, Part A - A Study on Satan & Yahweh's Archangels (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (Art)
46. Book of Revelation XLVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Angry Dragon, Part A - Last Exodus & Cast Down From Heaven (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (Art)
47. Book of Revelation XLVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The First Beast, Part A (Revelation 13:1b-10) (Art)
48. Book of Revelation XLVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The First Beast, Part B (Revelation 13:1b-10) (Art)
49. Book of Revelation XLIX: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast, False Prophet & 666, Part A (Revelation 13:11-18) (Art)
50. Book of Revelation L: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast, False Prophet & Dark Lamb, Part B (Revelation 13:11-18) (Art)
51. Book of Revelation LI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast & Triple-Helix DNA, Part C (Revelation 13:11-18) (Art)
52. Book of Revelation LII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part A: The True Followers (Revelation 14:1-5) (Art)
53. Book of Revelation LIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part B: Firstfruits, Firstborn & Purity (Revelation 14:1-5) (Art)
54. Book of Revelation LIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part A. Babylon & the Call to Endurance (Revelation 14:6-13) (Art)
55. Book of Revelation LV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part B. The Great Harvest (Revelation 14:14-20) (Art)
56. Book of Revelation LVI: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments I: Preparing the Final Plagues (Revelation 15:1-8) (Art)
57. Book of Revelation LVII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments II: The First Four Plagues (Revelation 16:1-9) (Art)
58. Book of Revelation LVIII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 1 (Revelation 16:10-21) (Art)
59. Book of Revelation LIX: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 2 (Revelation 16:10-21) (Art)
60. Book of Revelation LX: Babylon the Great, Part 1 - A Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 17-18) (Art)
61. Book of Revelation LXI: Babylon the Great, Part 2 - The Whore Rides a Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17:1-8) (Art)
62. Book of Revelation LXII: Babylon the Great, Part 3 - The Seven & Ten Kings (Revelation 17:9-18) (Art)
63. Book of Revelation LXIII: Babylon the Great, Part 4 - Babylon's Plagues (Revelation 18:1-8) (Art)
64. Book of Revelation LXIV: Babylon the Great, Part 5 - The Judgment of Babylon (Revelation 18:9-24) (Art)
65. Book of Revelation LXV: Our Messiah Returns to the Earth - A Preliminary Overview of Chapters 19 & 20 (Art)
66. Book of Revelation LXVI: Yahweh's Victory Celebration, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb & the Womanolatry of Babylon Exposed (Revelation 19:1-10) (Art)
67. Book of Revelation LXVII: The Beast Defeated, Part 1 - The Military Messiah, Royal Wives and Thighs (Revelation 19:11-21) (Art)
68. Book of Revelation LXVIII: The Beast Defeated, Part 2 - Messiah's Conquest & Victory Through the Cross (Revelation 19:11-21) (Art)
69. Book of Revelation LXIX: The Millennium - Reigning for 1,000 Years (Revelation 20:1-6) (Art)
70. Book of Revelation LXX: Satan's Last Rebellion & Imprisonment (Revelation 20:7-10) (Art)
71. Book of Revelation LXXI: The Great White Throne Judgment - Salvation by Faith or Works? (Revelation 20:11-15) (Art)
72. Book of Revelation LXXII: The Great Millennial Debate - with Notes on Hell, Tartarus & Darbyism (Revelation 20:1-10) (Art)
73. Book of Revelation LXXIII: A New Heaven & a New Earth & the World After the Millennium (Revelation 21:1-5) (Art)
74. Book of Revelation LXXIV: The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:6-21) (Art)
75. Book of Revelation LXXV: Elohim & the Lamb are There (Revelation 21:22-22:7) (Art)
76. Book of Revelation LXXVI: 'I am Coming Soon!' (Revelation 22:8-21) (Art)
Also see the Reconstructing the Johannine Community, Revelation,
Angels, Prophecy, Elohimhead/Godhead and Visions Pages

Key: Art=Article | FAQ=Frequently Asked Question | Sc=Science | St=Sermonette | Occ=Occult | OB=Olive Branch | PCM=Patriarchal Christian Marriage | NCCM=New Covenant Christian Ministries | Sab=Sabbath | Sal=Salvation | 5Com=Five Commissions | AI=Apostolic Interviews | Mini=Mini Study Guide | Sal=Salvation | Pat=Patriarchal Christian

B. Other Articles on the Book of Revelation
1. Matinée Apocalypse: Delighting in the Way of Yahweh (Art)
2. The Mark of the Beast: What is It?(Art)
3. Rosh Chodesh XI 2022: Is the Vax the Mark of the Beast? (Art)
4. Yom haBikkurim 2022: Resurrection Thunder & Lightning! (Art)
5. Chag haMatzah 2022 VII: The Colossian Message of Thanksliving (Art)
6. Sukkot 2022 I: The Marriage Feast of the Lamb - Revelation 19 (Art)
7. Sukkot 2022 I: The Marriage Feast of the Lamb - Revelation 19 (Art)
8. Rosh Chodesh XI 2023: The End-Time Remnant & the Two Wives of Isaiah (Art)
9. Spiritual Birth of the Antichrist: Prophetic Dreams About the Two Beasts (Art)
10. Shavu'ot 2023: Antichrist is Here & Judgment is Served (Art)
11. Vision of the 24 Elders (Art)
12. Reconstructing the Johannine Community I: Ephesus, John the Apostle, and the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (Art)
13. Reconstructing the Johannine Community IIa: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection I (Art)
14. Reconstructing the Johannine Community IIb: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection II (Art)
15. Reconstructing the Johannine Community IIc: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection III (Art)
16. Reconstructing the Johannine Community IId: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection IV (Art)
17. Reconstructing the Johannine Community III: The Three Epistles (Art)
18. Reconstructing the Johannine Community IV: The Holy Mystery and Gift (Art)
19. Sukkot IV 2024: The Mystical Marriage of the Messiah - What Does It Mean? - Rev.19:6-9 (Video V477)

C. Recommended Studies by Other Authors
1. John & Gloria Ben-Daniel, The Book of Revelation: A Commentary in the Light of the Temple (Beit Yochanan, Jerusalem: 2021) (Art)
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Recommended reading (2023)

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Last updated on 9 March 2025

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