gathering points which He supernaturally protects from the Enemy's predations. The history of this place, Kadesh-biyqah, is known to many of you, and how the Enemy has sought to destroy it time and time again. We have our scars to prove it which is why but we and it look so run-down! To presumptuously gather in places and at times when and where Yahweh has not commanded is to risk much destruction. Therefore walking in His will on a day-to-day basis is paramount. To that end, our relationship with Him must be actively cultiuvated and be our #1 priority.
The Centrality of Family and Congregational Life
The Melchizedek Patriatchs and Elders, then, have their hands full on a continual basis, for theirs is a very demanding and responsible calling requiring much sacrifice. They can only operate effectively with the full backing of their wives, their families and the lay members of the assemblies they preside over. Without echad unity of purpose and action, they cannot manoeuver, or serve in the way they need to, and this is a reason why the Enemy seeks to cause as much disruption as he can by attacking and destabilising families and local congregations. Again, most of you know what we have had to go through over the decades, the woundings and the betrayals, to simply still be here as a living witness. The family and the local assembly is therefore key. They must be strong, organised Heaven's way, be full of love, be disciplined, committed and evangelistic. Family life and witness out of local congregations are the core of its life, and where these fail, it fails. Where these are absent, the Order can but stagnate, something the Enemy knows well, so little wonder the enemy attacks families and local assemblies with such fury, seeking to cause division wherever possible. That is why we lay such a heavy stress on Holy Echad Marriage and on Gathering into local congregations and communities for Kingdom service. No end-time work can succeed without these strong and vibrant.
As Old Empires Die & Old Churches Fade into Obscurity
A great deal has changed since I last taught this course in 2001. The Enemy is reorganising, old empires are waning and new ones are rising. America and Europe are in terminal decline and no charismatic president can ever make it great again. Russia and China are rising, as we have been prophesying would happen now for so long (e.g. OB 279). Old élites are being defeated and replaced by new élites as judgment culls the wicked in high places. Like chromosomes on a spindle of a meiotically dividing cell, the churches are separating out into two different camps, much like the increasingly polarisation of society itself. The West has arrived at a place not unlike the last days of the Roman Empire. This is profoundly unsettling for believers in search of constancy when Yahweh is in the business of violently shaking everything up. Marxism is once again on the rise, again as prophesied, but in new mutated forms (e.g. Postmodernism and Wokeism) that are ever changing, because satanic power is all its leaders are really interested in. Ideology is only a tool for them.
The United States is in terminal decline
Only the Spiritually Strong Will Survive and Prosper
Only the spititually strong will remain firmly attached to the True Vine which is our Messiah during these massive times of change and unheaval. Those who insist on clutching onto their old traditions cannot remain on the Vine for long which has patiently carried them up till now. There is a massive cleansing underway, a frighening prospect for most, but absolutely necessary for the prosperity of the Remnant. We are at the juncture where my generation is taking its leave and is urgently preparing the last generation for its spiritual birthing. As soldiers grow old they are retired from the front and are placed in the rear to train their replacements and new recuits. Today - 29 May 2024 - is my last day 'at the front' and this will be the last of my regular public sermons. From now on my task is to be almost exclusively devoted to training those who will take over.
The Need for Gathering
But this is not mere intellectual training. My purpose is not just theological instruction. That's mostly complete save for the know-how needed for the running of firstborn communities both at rest and on the march. Our testimony, if we are to be of any value to the last generation, must be the same testimony of the talmidim (disciples) of John which can be summarised in one statement:
"We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth" (Jn.1:14, NIV).
The Need for Mystical Echad Union
For John himself, this came about from actually walking and serving with the Saviour on the earth as a youth and being taught by Him of all His ways, a privilege none of us enjoys or can ever enjoy until He returns to the earth to once more dwell with His people. Our knowledge is, at best, second-hand, yet like Paul, who received a fresh revelation building on the old, we are privy to many of Heaven's deepest truths which are essential for the Remnant who aspire to the Holy City. And though today, as then, we have access to the same living Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) who taught Paul in his own wilderness, such instruction cannot be obtained by merely attending and listening to seven sermons. My instruction by itself is quite worthless; for without some kind of personal, transformative spiritual 'transfiguration-like' experience, by which means all true Johannine talmidim (disciples) actually come to 'know' Yahweh and one another in mystical union, there is no proper entry into the New Covenant Melchizedek Priesthood, and certainly no possibility of entering the Holy City when it 'comes' at the beginning of the Millennium. Remnant Christianity isn't solely personal Christianity but collective or communal Christianity. It can only 'happen' with physical gathering and fellowship. Meeting at ones personal convenience on the internet can never be enough - you don't make proper relationships that way.
The Rôle of the 144,000
Many years ago a brother came to us for fellowship and discipling in this School whose motives were not pure. People come up to this work for all kinds of different reasons and most leave it when their own agendas fail to gain traction because they don't match ours. This we fully expect. Of the many millions of candidates who have presented themselves before our Heavenly Father in the course of the last 6,000 years or so, only '144,000' and their families are in the end admitted. Of these, the bulk have already lived and died and have long since gone to be with our fathers in the world of spirits, awaiting the resurrection in order to join Messiah's train as He returns to the earth again. These are the Kings and Cohenim (Priests) spoken of by the apostle John in his Book of Revelation who have navigated the trials and tribulations of mortality and remained as the true and loyal companions of the Master (Rev.1:6; 5:10).
The 144,000
A Dismissed Pupil & a Vision
This brother, of whom I now speak, was not of such spiritual quality. After some years he was asked to leave the Order and told that his calling was elsewhere. We blessed him and sent him on his way. He joined some other ministry or church where he found his home that was more akin to his own spiritual leanings. A few years later Yahweh showed me a vision. The economic collapse had taken place and believers were passing through great affliction. Realising what he had lost, he returned in the vision to the place where he had been trained and asked to leave, hoping to be let back in. The sky was dark and ominous. He knocked on the front door of the Order. I opened it and stepped outside to talk with him. He explained why he had returned and asked to be re-admitted. I explained to him that the power to admit him was not mine, that only our Heavenly Father could do that. If he was worthy of the high and holy calling to be a Melchizedek Priest he would be able to enter on his own without being personally admitted by myself or any other member of the Order. Upon saying that, I went back into the building, closing the door behind me, leaving it unlocked. At once he took the handle, opened the door and attempted to cross the threshhold, only to find himself blocked by an invisible force. He tried to enter many times but each time failed. At length he became desperate, and began to cry and wail, begging to be admitted and find safety from the by now very dangerous world where he was outside. I could do nothing for I was not his judge, but rather the Almighty. After much crying he walked away dejected, and the vision closed.
How We Indentify Prospective Members of the Order
The Johannine Order is not a man-made organisation like a church denomination. It is the Holy Order of Messianic Israel. The Order in John's day, and in the years immediately after his passing, at length disappeared owing to apostacy. Aside from the occasional individual here and there over the centuries, the Order has not been organised again until our day as we prepare for the Final Gathering and commence the Last Exodus. It is not the creation of any man nor is it administered by any man. If it were, it would be false. It spontaneously forms when the elect gather, and specifically into 12 different tribal entities. It has its Priesthood officers, callings and stewardships. We teach and witness. Those who are called, come of their own accord. This is not a Christian 'seminary' or Jewish 'Yeshiva'. It does not advertise, recruit or market itself. We preach in the local congregations and online, and the called gather for training, make enquiry of their own, and each with his or her own story to tell of Elohim's (God's) dealings with them. It cannot be infiltrated by the Enemy. Those who are lukewarm are spat out, like the brother I mentioned. They either have the spiritual fruits or they do not. By this means the gathering takes place and the end-time Priesthood is raised. It follows in the Johannine Way - the Way taught by the Saviour to the young apostle John, and to Lazarus, to the three Mary's, to Martha, and to others who joined their august band. This is a unique fellowship unlike anything else in the world. No one comes into it by any other door than the Door of the Master's Sheepfold (Jn.10:1-6) - and that Door is the Master Himself (Jn.10:7-9).
The three divisions of the Holy Order
End-Time Gathering Numbers
I am often asked what sort of numbers will be involved in this Final Gathering. According to what has been shown to me, the elect of the last day comprise around 900,000 souls. Of these, 1 in 8 are men and 7 in 8 are women. Of the actual Holy Order apostolic leadership, 1 in 13 are patriarchs and 12 in 13 are matriarchs. Yes, there will be a huge gender imbalance, as prophesied (Is.4:1), hence, in part, provision being made for large families once again as in days of old. The rôle of women will therefore be very prominent indeed, a reason we have devoted so much time over the decades to preparing them for their increased responsibilities. Christendom is not remotely prepared for this, damaged as it has been by secular ideas of feminism and notions of co-headship in marriage infiltrating the churches. All these baneful influences have to be completely extirpated from the Remnant. I cannot say how many of the 900,000 elect will actually physically gather into the cities of refuge or how many will be called to remain in the churches and the world bearing witness there to the end, but I imagine it will be many. So I cannot say exactly how many souls will actually gather. That's something we may never know until the gathering actually happens. If the statistics given in the Book of Revelation are anything to go by, then a considerable number of these will be martyrs. We don't even know how many of the 144,000 will be on earth at the very end, remembering that the vast majority have most likely already passed on.
The priesthood callings of the Melchizedek Order
Strictness of the Way
The Johannine Community has a unified doctrine and practice. It's not a 'broad ship' like the Anglican Church and a number of other contemporary denominations. For the Johannine Community, all doctrine is essential because of its quest for the perfection commanded of it (Mt.5:48; 19:21; Phil.3:12; Col.1:28; Heb.10:14; 1 Jn.4:18). It's foundation is ahavah (love) and chesed (mercy) and its derech (way) narrow and strict.
The way to eternal life is strict
The Long Route
Those who come by the long spiritual route (the 'low road' in the metaphorical valleys), who are at first resistant to change, come through the local assemblies where they are taught the strictness of the way - the hard way - until their disposition to rebell and their failure to submit to Yahweh are either burned out of them or they leave and return from whence they came. These are they who are made believers by the preaching of men and the careful instruction of the Word. The route is longer but less demanding though far more risky. It's the route Lot took. It's the way of the lay membership who, though called, never aspire to serve in the Priesthood. It was for these believers that our gigantic website was mostly created, to help them navigate their way through the morass of truth and lies in the world.
The Shorter Route
Those who come by the shorter spiritual route (the 'high road' in the metaphorical mountains) have been made believers from the womb, like John the Baptist, and need no human instructors of the kind provided by the outer assemblies or are self-made pursuers of truth. These souls are walking closely with our Heavenly Father and are being instructed as they so walk. These are they who make themselves believers, on their own initiative who push themselves forward by self-will, through their own lives of consecration and sumbission to Elohim (God). The route is shorter but much more demanding requiring much more diligence and vigilence. It's the route Abraham took. It's the route Paul took. These are they who pursue Elohim (God) like a woman in love pursuing her man. This then is the meaning of the grotesquely mistranslated passage about eunuchs that I spoke to you about not so long ago. Let me remind you of the Aramaic original:
"For there are faithful ones (believers), which were so born from their mother' womb, and there are faithful ones (believers) which were made of man, and there are faithful ones (believers) which are self-made faithful ones (believers) for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. Whoever can accept, let him accept" (Mt.19:12, HRV).
Paul's service was driven by a passionate love for Christ
How Our People are Called for Training
If your heart is on fire by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), if you have stayed with me these last seven weeks, and if you believe our witness and accept the life of which we speak, then you are more than likely called into Chavurat Bekorot for Priesthood training. But you have to desire it with all your heart. If you are not, then either you are not called or are not yet ready. If the latter, do not be distressed, for each man and woman has his or her season to enter this calling. And those who are trying to take short-cuts or fake it, in order to infiltrate or secure a position of responsibility without making the required sacrifice, or who are trying to find refuge in the community without being willing to pay the price of submission, discipleship and service, will meet the fate of the brother I earlier described to you. Make no mistake about that.
The Necessity of Both Group and One-to-One Teaching
Let me give you one other illustration of how this works. Though we have group instruction like this in congregations and in priesthood schools, for the most part is it very personal on a 'one-to-one' basis. There is no way of 'hiding in a crowd' and becoming a metaphorical 'camp-follower'. One-to-one instruction is the way instruction mostly takes place over a period of time. It is not easy to get into this work but extremely easy to leave it (the reverse is true of a cult). A brother or sister will come to us, whom the Ruach (Spirit) testifies is called, and we will instruct him or her in lots of small stages. There are many keys to the Kingdom that we have received by revelation that we don't publish anywhere for reasons you will presently understand and not because of some dark motive as we're sometimes accused of. For the Patriarchate and their wives this is the way instruction is given. This is also the way the Eldership is trained beyond a certain point. Why? Because general instruction can only go so far.
The Oxford University Tutorial System
This is the way I was educated in Oxford University and it is very effective. We attended lectures every day and then we were given private tutorials with two or three tutors once a week each. By this means the tutors could both ensure we properly understood and ensure we weren't faking it! You can't learn by rote on a one-to-one basis. A good tutor will search you thoroughly. This both kept us on our toes and made sure we actually understood what we claimed we had learned. It was tough but effective. I did not enjoy it at the time but like any discipline I can look back now with graditude. It taught me to be thorough in my examination of all the evidence and to leave no stone unturned. It also taught me to be realistic and not get side-tracked by an over-active imagination. Imagination has its creative place to be sure, especially when it comes to innovation, but truth in particular need no 'innovation'. Truth is truth.
How NCAY Congregations are Organised into Cells
The way Elohim (God) has shown us how we are to both take care of and tutor converts and priesthood traineees is through shared ministry. Ultimately if the brethren and sisters are walking as they are supposed to be walking, everyone will be a teacher and a minister, teaching and ministering in accordance with their knowledge, competence and mandate. Elders teach and supervise Deacons, Deacons teach and supervise Sub-Deacons (trainee Deacons), Sub-Deacons teach and supervise full members, baptised members and catechumens (investigators) in cells in the house communities or churches. Thus the congregation is organised into Elders' Cells and Deacons' Cells (see below).
A Deacons' Cell (left) & an Elders' Cell (right)
The Method
Let us say I am speaking to a brother and he comes to the Holy Order asking for instruction. I will tell him to go away and pray to the Father and ask Him to tell him what He wants him to know. If he is genuinely walking with Yahweh-Elohim, he will return with a key of understanding that he has obtained by personal revelation that he has heard from no other place or no-one else. Having shared that key with me, which he believes he alone is privy to (since it is a private word of prophecy), he will then be greatly astonished to discover that we have an unpublished teaching on that very key which he is then given access to inside a temple or priesthood school. Sometimes it can be a whole book. Invariably he will return astonished, glorifying Elohim (God), because he has received confirmation not only that his revelation was true but given a whole set of other keys to fill out that revelation with completely with Bible studies to back this revelation up. By this means he will learn a more sure word of prophecy works.
The Discipline of the Firstborn
This is often how we work and by this means the firstborn sons and daughters are edified and brought to deeper truth. Both teacher and the taught thereby learn to live by personal revelation through communion with Yahweh our Father. It cannot be faked. Those who walk this way grow spiritually strong very rapidly. Often times what is shared with the student is something that has been painstakingly revealed to us over many, many years. This is also a testimony to me that I have not misheard Father and that we are both walking in emet (truth). It is one of the most exciting and personally satisfying ways to walk but it does require a priori spiritual discipline: proper submission, an active prayer life, diligent Bible study, fasting, and the pursuit of holiness. It means walking in the Ruach (Spirit).
Walking in the authentic Ruach is critical to both
admission to, and progress in, the Holy Order
The Difference Between Knowledge and Knowing
As you will perhaps by now appreciate, this kind of spiritual education is quite unlike the way 'education' is done in the state or public school system, the universities, and most especially the church seminaries where students are spoon-fed by professors and doctors of theology, memorise what they have been taught, and then regurgitate it their Sunday Schools and Yeshivas. Yes, we absolutely do very careful and painstaking biblical exegesis but in the case of the Melchizedek Priesthood this comes alongside the revelation to teacher and student. What you have mostly heard me preach and teach in public is that - Bible exegesis - but the Melchizedek Priestood is already 'in the know' because Father has already taught them face-to-face. They 'know' in their spirits. They don't simply 'have (brain) knowledge'. This is what the navi (prophet) Jeremiah meant when Yahweh said through him:
"'I will put My Torah (Law) in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their Elohim (God),
and they will be My people.
No longer will a man teach his neighbour,
or a man his brother, saying, 'Know Yahweh,'
because they will all know Me,
from the least of them to the greatest,'
declares Yahweh" (Jer.31:33-34, NIV).
The Danger of False Anointings
And though there are millions of Christians who believe this is already an actuality in their lives, their belief is for the most part pure fantasy, because they have not arrived at this stage of spiritual sanctification yet. They often imagine that they have the 'Spirit' when it is their own subjective flesh - or worse, demons from false anointings - speaking to them. Nearly all of these would immediately fail the tests of the Holy Order with everyone being found to be walking after their own imaginations and in their own delusion (2 Thess.2:11). You'll not find what I am here talking about today in any lawless Pentecostal or Charismatic Church, for instance.
The Most Intimate and Challenging Discipling Program
So if any of you have come here thinking you can just sit back and be passively spoonfed you are greatly mistaken. You are not only called but must also make the effort to "come to" the most intimate - and at the same time most challenging - kind of discipling program there is. You must come - 'present yourself' - to Christ and to the Order for learning as an aspirant wife presents herself to her husband as Ruth did to Boaz by sleeping at his feet (Ruth 3).
"But you have come to Mount Zion and to the [holy] city of the living Elohim (God), the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of malakim (angels), to the {General} Assembly (Community) {and Church} [1] of the Firstborn who are registered (written, recorded, enrolled) [as citizens] in heaven, to Elohim (God) the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Yah'shua (Jesus) the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling (Ex.24:8) that speaks better things than that of Abel" (Heb.12:22-24, NKJV).
Those who are called must come or present themselves
Like a Mountain Climb or Wrestling With an Angel
The fact that the journey is depicted as a "Mount" implies a climb and climbing is much harder work than walking. It's going to take effort, initiative, and determination - indeed all those qualities you would expect you would need to struggle - to "overcome". The imagery you're supposed to carry is that of Jacob wrestling with the malak (angel) at Peniel all night until sunrise:
"That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maidservants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, 'Let me go, for it is daybreak.' But Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me.' The man asked him, 'What is your name?' 'Jacob,' he answered. Then the man said, 'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with Elohim (God) and with men and have overcome'" (Gen.32:22-28, NIV).
The Struggle and Its Wounding
This is the exact opposite of the expectations of the lazy 'Once Saved, Always Saved' mentality whose false doctrine can find no justification anywhere in the writings of John. Indeed such are warned:
"We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through [proactive] faith (emunah) and patience inherit what has been promised" (Heb.6:12, NIV).
This is an epic struggle. Life on earth is a struggle. The overcomer forfeits his night sleep to overcome. He is determined not to give up. He must struggle not only with Yahweh but with men [who are adversarial to him] too, with both the heavenly and the earthly - the spiritual and the physical, with the whole spectrum of his being. This is total engagement. And there is a cost - a permanent witness, if you like, like the Saviour's own wounds in His hands, feet and side - the overcomer's wound is, metaphorically speaking, a 'dislocated hip' leaving a permanently visible 'limp'. This 'wounding' is a token - an outward reminder - of who you are because of what you were willing to do. Wear your badge of suffering for Christ for His glory.
We must overcome the flesh the way Jacob wrestled the angel
Connecting Upper and Lower
Consider the hip for a moment. What do you suppose it might symbolise? The hip is the connection between the upper and lower halves of your body and therefore points to many levels. It is the link between your conscious and unconscious being - your overcoming must extend to both until both are yielded to Elohim (God), for you will remember Jacob goes on to explain who, by proxy, he was actually wrestling with:
"So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, 'It is because I saw Elohim (God) face to face, and yet my life was spared'" (Gen 32:30, NIV).
Struggling With Friends & Adversaries
Perhaps you haven't grasped the scale and import of what is going on here. Jacob is our model, of the devious carnal man overcoming his fallen Adamic nature through engaging with Elohim (God) by proxy through a malak (angel) - here called a "man" - because many of our encounters with the divine are also through the agency of men on earth as well as malakim (angels) appearing as men. This was not Jacob literally engaging in a wrestling contest with the Creator of the Universe. Yahweh reveals Himself to us through human agents, both in blessing and in punishment. He sends us teachers to instruct us when we're cooperating with Yahweh, enemies to oppose us when we aren't cooperating with Yahweh. Blessings and difficulties are strewn across our way which Father both sometimes proactively orchestrates to enable us and permits through the instrumentality of others to chastise us. It's not, moreover, always obvious which is which, and that's where trusting Him comes in. Just because someone is suffering doesn't automatically mean they are sinners being punished - it can just as well be spiritual training. And that is why we should be very, very slow to judge others' struggles. Leave such judgment to the Father.
The Necessity of 'Poverty'
Resist the lies of 'Prosperity' teachers who say if you're poor you either don't have enough faith or are sinning. As I recall, Yah'shua (Jesus) and the faithful Apostles were all poor materially and poor in spirit or humble and that there is no shame or condemnation in either. Yah'shua (Jesus) taught both on at least two separate occasions:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit (humble), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Mt.5:3, NIV).
"Blessed are you who are poor (no money), for yours is the kingdom of Elohim (God)" (Lk.6:20, NIV).
This does not mean that you cannot be a high income earner or inherit wealth but it does mean we should never let that money stick to our fingers, as one preacher famously said. Yahweh raises wealthy people to bless the Kingdom with, appointing them stewards. He does not make His people wealthy so they can live decadent lives in opulence, owning mansions, swimming pools, fleets of expensive cars and private jets. He makes them wealthy in order to meet their basic needs and with the surplus to build the Kingdom and bless others.
The Symbol of Jacob's Dislocated Hip
So back to Jacob's dislocated hip. The hip is a fundamental pivot between upper and lower parts of the body, the conscious and unconscious, the spiritual and physical, and that often has to get 'dislocated', as it were, to straighten us out when we have wandered. If you've ever had a dislocated joint reset you'll know what I mean. The treatment is violent and painful but at least it's rapid - a sudden movement from intense pain to wellness. The hip is responsible for the correct balance of above and below. They allow you to 'move' through life so that you can manoeuvre and maintain your balance in life. Between the hips are our buttocks where we sit and rest. So the hips are a key area of overall integrity. The hip can denote stubbornness (if we refuse to move and navigate the way Yahweh intends), power (because they propel our whole body), immobility as the result of demonic hindrance (requiring deliverance or a drastic 'reset'), strength and most importantly of all, and as illustrated so well in the Jacob incident - a call to change from being self-reliant to becoming Elohim/God-reliant! Jacob became a new, surrendered man at Peniel and received a name-change to indicate that change - Israel.
Overcomers' Stones, Pillars & Names
John tell us in the Book of Revelation that, on the one hand, the overcomers receive a "new name" written on a "white stone" (that's 'Peter the Pebble' imagery) (Rev.2:17); and on the other hand:
"Him who overcomes I (Yah'shua/Jesus) will make a pillar in the Temple of my Elohim (God). Never again will he leave it. I (Yah'shua/Jesus) will write on him the Name of My Elohim (God = Yahweh) and the Name of the City of my Elohim (God), the New Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my Elohim (God); and I will also write on Him my New Name" (Rev.3:12, NIV).
The Blessings of the Overcomer
Are you getting the import - the scale - of this? What does the overcomer receive or become?
- 1. He becomes a pillar in the Temple of Elohim (God);
- 2. He will never leave that Temple (because he's a permanently ministering Cohen/Priest;
- 3. he will have the Father's Name, YAHWEH, written on him;
- 4. He will have the Name of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, written on him ("Yahweh-Shammah" /"He is there" - Ezekiel 48:35b or Eden-Astara'); and
- 5. He will also have the NEW NAME of Christ written on him ('Hephzibah-Beulah').
The Holy City or New Jerusalem
Israel's New Millennial Name
Recall that Israel is given a "new name" also at a time that can only be referring to the Millennium. That New Name will be given when the nations and their rulers see something in Yahweh's people that they have never properly seen before:
"The nations will see your righteousness,
and all kings your glory;
you will be called by a new name
that the mouth of Yahweh will bestow"
(Is.62:2, NIV).
The Overcomers' New Status
All of these names and inscriptions describe a present spiritual reality or personal condition of being, in other words, a new status. We're told what that new name is in Isaiah 62:
"You will be a crown of splendour in Yahweh's hand,
a royal diadem in the hand of your Elohim (God).
No longer will they call you Deserted,
or name your land Desolate.
But you will be called Hephzibah,
and your land Beulah;
for Yahweh will take delight in you,
and your land will be married.
As a young man marries a maiden,
so will your sons marry you;
as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,
so will your Elohim (God) rejoice over you"
(Is.62:3-5, NIV).
Marriage as the Condition of Joy & the Presence of Yahweh
Notice the marriage motif squarely in there because marriage is a condition of simcha (joy) - heavenly marriage is simcha (joy). Where Elohim (God) is, marriage is, because marriage is eternal, the literal and the allegorical, as I was at pains to point out to you in Parts 2c and 2d and indeed in practically everything I write about because marriage IS what the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, IS. It is precisely defined by its quality of 'eternal-marriedness' because that is the default Divine State which has been imaged down on us to pursue.
Marriage and the Holy City are one
Marriage is Divine Imaging, Divine Imaging is Marriage
What do you think the relationship is between Father Yahweh and the sevenfold Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) if not a Divine Marriage? When Yahweh made us in Their image ("Let us make man in our image, in our likeness" - Gen.1:26, NIV) what kind of marriage do you think He was talking about? The Royal kind, of course, the plural kind, which is why Yahweh is depicted both in terms of singuality ('El', 'Elah', 'Eloah') and (the more common) plurality (Elohim) because He/They are a plurality of Majesty, Glory and Persons. They're projected or imaged as a single pair (Adam & Eve) at first and then as Jacob and his four wives (the number 4 depicting earthly life, 4 also being 3+1, or New Beginning) and as King David and his seven legitimate wives (the number 7 depicting heavenly life and completeness), David being, you will remember from Psalm 48 that we discussed in Part 2d, the type of our Messiah. Should you be surprised, then, when at the beginning of the Millennium 7 women beg an honourable man - a man with a shem tov or 'good name' - to be his be his honourable wives like himself...and like the seven wives of David?
Human Tradition, Power & Persuasion
There is nothing random in any of this for those who have eyes with which to see who refuse to cement them shut when human tradition demands they yield to human conditioning, to think and act in the over-simplistic, babyish 'orthodox' way. They may call it 'historic Christianity' but that is only because they took possession of history by human 'might' and 'power' whether it be the apostate Gnostic sect or the Constantinian institutional state. History is only on the side of the apostates for a while - this is why Father has ordained a Second Coming by force, might and power. We fallible human beings, on the other hand, are not to usurp that divine prerogative but are to follow the injunction: "'Not by might nor by power, but by My Ruach (Spirit),' says Yahweh of Armies ('the LORD of hosts' - NKJV)" (Zech.4:6, NKJV). We are to let the Creator do the forcing when humanity as a whole refuses to repent. Meanwhile we humans are to use gentle, spiritual persuasion. Human force tends to lead to stagnation and stunting of spiritual growth because under such conditions we lack the wisdom to exercise the power of the Elohim (Godhead) righteously, save for a few called elohim, Yahweh's appointed rulers and leaders. Look at the dumbed down condition of the present generation and you will see what I mean for they are a product of social coersion and propagandistic brainwashing.
Yahweh's Delight & the Married Land
Do you also see the name(s) given in Isaiah 62 - the 'new name' - is actually several 'names' or depictions of the new millennial reality and status of Israel when the New Jerusalem finally arrives on earth. Up until this time Israel - and we're here talking about Messianic Israel (since Israel acquired a new status when her King arrived, whom, as we have seen in Revelation, will also receive a New Name). Those blood descendants of Jacob who rejected their Messianic King revert back to the old carnal name of 'Jacob' and losing the privilege of being called 'Israel'. Messianic Israel is first named 'Deserted' (like an abandoned city) and her land called 'Desolate' (the cultivated land having reverted to wilderness). These are both pretty good descriptions of the apostate churches today. But when her Master returns and He sorts out the mess, dividing the wheat from the tares and the sheep from the goats - Mt.13:25-33). Then Messianic Israel will be called 'Hephzibah' (the name, incidentally, of Hezekiah's known wife (2 Ki.21:1), which means 'my delight is in her', a picture of a husband's joy with his wife - the marriage motif again). And the land of Israel will be named 'Beulah' (which, remember, John Bunyan borrowed for his famous book, Pilgrim's Progess, to depict a scene in paradise and bliss, 'Beulah' being the Hebrew word for...guess what...'married'). Why does Yahweh call the City and Land "my delight is in her" and "married"? He tells us in verse 4, remember?
"For Yahweh delights in you, and your land shall be married" (Is.62:4b, NRSV).
Astara-Eden, a Marriage of City and Land
This, in a nutshall, is the ASTARA-EDEN PRINCIPLE, a marriage union of City and Garden or Land that together make up Paradise-regained on earth, the new Eden and the New Jerusalem combined. Satan loathes this as much as he loathes plural marriage, and not just that indeed but the whole idea and practice of marriage itself, because they stand against his dark kingdom of sterility, atomisation, singleness, loneliness, misery and death - which are his chief character hallmarks. And he has been busy ever since his fall trying to make humanity as sterile and lonely as he is. Look at the insanity, sterility and loneliness of the sick post-Christian, postmodernist, 'woke', unisexual, hermaphrodite culture around you today, where male and female distinctives were are first blurred during the Hippie Revolution of the 1960's when I was a young man and then reversed into a state of confusion today 60 years on where everything is now upside down. The West is sick and dying today because it has rejected both its Judaeo-Christian foundations as well as scientific rationalism.
The Astara-Eden Principle defines the Holy City
The Prophetic Rôle of Manasseh/Germany in History
Let me here share with you the keys to another mystery today as a parting gift to my brethren in the German lands who have been unjustly demonised because of a 12 year departure into satanic insanity between 1933 and 1945, and that concerns the Mystery of Joseph the Firstborn, and rival of Reuben (the deposed firstborn because of immorality) and of Judah (who has greedily wanted to be the firstborn and be the vehicle of the Messianic Seed). Joseph as "a fruitful bough by a well, his branches run over the wall" (Gen.49:22) is a complex story for he is One Nation, Two Nations, Three Nations and more. Yahweh created two tribes out of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, and then created two nations out of Manasseh, all of which would play leading rôles in prophetic history. Remember tribal Manasseh was divided into two when Joshua settled the Holy Land, with one half settling first on the east side of the Jordan River and one afterwards on the west side. Manasseh is the German people and for a thousand years was one nation known as 'The Holy Roman Empire of the Germans' (or 'The Empire' for short or 'First Reich') consisting initially of a few kingdoms and hundreds of tiny principalities.
The Long Divided German Soul
Through a long and complicated process the Germany nation split basically into two, the highly organised scientific and industrial Prussia (essentially Protestant) in the north and the dreamy musical and poetical Austria (essentially Catholic) in the south. Bavaria (Bayern), the Palatinate (Pfalz), Baden and Württemberg (and Elsaß-Lothringen or Alsace-Lorraine, which France/Reuben seized) are strictly-speaking 'southern-Austrian' but ended up in the north when they joined the Prussian-led 'North German Confederation', forming the new 'Germany' or 'Second Reich' in 1871. Prussia and Austria were, and are (even though Prussia doesn't technically exist any more) balances for each other, the Edenic Garden State of the south and the Astaran City State of the North, two vital aspects of the Manasseh/German soul. They will one day be reunited to be their whole self. When 'Frederic the Great' (Prussia) is united with 'Mozart' (Austria), as it were, they will be able to produce something resembling a Holy City but for now they are out of balance. As it is, their energies have been channelled into a EU totalitarian, parasitic 'black hole' which some claim is a 'Fourth Reich' since Germany dominates it.
The Strange Josephite Story of the United Kingdom, United States & Canada
One other interesting fact. Though the United States was founded by Ephraim (with Reuben/France creating problems in the north and Reuben/Spain in the south, exactly as they had done in Europe), German emigration eventually exceeded that from Great Britain making the United States a Manassehite nation, and therefore West Manasseh, with Ephraim/Britain retaining Canada. The United States is essentially a German colony as Canada is a British one in terms of settlers and at one ploint there was even discussion about making German that nation's language. Both Ephraim and Manasseh have been 'fruitful boughs whose branches ran over the wall'. Sadly, the UK, Germany, Austria, the USA and Canada along with the rest of the West are now in an advanced state of apostacy and moral degradation with the UK and Germany/Austria becoming rapidly deindustrialised. We are also seeing a split taking place in the NATO Alliance that will result in the American Joseph (Germany/Austria) become 'Astara' or a 'City State' devoid of light and European Joseph become an 'Eden' likewise devoid of light.
German Prophetic History
For those of you interested in prophetic history I can talk to you about this in greater detail another time. Suffice to say the Enemy has always tried to keep Germany and Austria apart, and Britain hostile to Germany/Austria and vice verse when they were natural allies as Germanic peoples and so operated in the Napoleonic wars against Reuben/France when that nation ran rampant through Europe causing chaos and destruction, initially fuelled by communistic-atheistic ideas. It was the Methodist Revival in England that prevented England/Ephraim going the same way, resisting and finally defeating France/Reuben with the aid of Prussia/Manasseh, not forgetting Russia's important rôle. I wish only to say in connection with all of this that the Joseph nations have now lost their moral authority because of mushrooming wickedness. Leadership is passing to Russia and China for a season in the run-up to the final Beast System's take-over.
PART II - Afternoon Service
With Knowledge Comes the Responsibility to Serve
Let us return to the Johannine theme as there is more I need to share with you before I go. All that I have taught you in these seven teachings are, as I have said, only introductions to the firstborn work that we have been called to. I think you'll agree that we have found so much we could talk about that there is never going to be enough time to plumb it all. Besides, we have to translate all this understanding into practical action now. We are not given this knowledge to simply consume upon our idle intellectual lusts. With knowledge comes responsibility and stewardship, the obligation to use it to the glory of Elohim (God) and for the benefit of mankind.
Will You Now Step Forward?
So I ask you this question: are those of you who have gladly received all this knowledge now, and indeed in the past (for I know many have been devouring our website over the years) - are you now willing to step forward and make yourself available for service in this end-time work? There is a lot of work to be done! None of what we do is for your entertainment or to simply satisfy intellectual curiosity. We are here to advance and continue with the Final Exodus and initiate the Final Gathering of the end-time qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones). Our task is a sober and exacting one. That is now our most urgent task - your, the last generation's - most urgent task, as my generation are taken home one by one. I will have reached my biblically-allotted 'three-score-and-ten' (70) years in a month's time so I do not know how much time I will be granted to remain (Ps.90:10).
Your Call
The Besorah (Gospel) of Yah'shua (Jesus) is an exciting thing, particularly when you dive deep enough into it to see the Whole coming together. The New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY), and its Priesthood Order, are here to announce an end to the confusion that has fragmented Christendom, not by claiming like various groups that we are somehow legalistically and organisationally the "one and only true church" (like the Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Mormons, Churches of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, some messianic groups, etc.) but by showing that Yahweh has given us the keys of understanding which have created something truly wonderful - a fellowship of believers in the Master of the same spiritual pedigree as the apostle John and the Ephesian Community (Church) which he presided over. We want to share that spirit with you for mutual service and edification.
The Holy Order's Counterfeits and Opponents
Unfortunately, there are not a few bogus claimants to this Johannine tradition. Most of them are tainted or defiled by occultism, Kabbalism and Gnosticism. In the year 2001, when I originally gave this teaching, we met another one who claimed to occupy the apostle John's shoes in the Apostolate. He was at first very convincing until he betrayed his true spiritual origin by denying the teachings of Paul. Satan's counterfeits always attack some part of the Besorah (Gospel) or one or more of the first apostles. This is the second or third pseudo-Johannine group I have come across that has lampooned the apostle Paul - and I have rebuked all of them, calling them to repentance. The authentic Johannine tradition accepts all the Bible and all its teachings as being the Davar Elohim (Word of God).
Anyone who rejects any apostle or biblical apostolic witness is apostate
Standing on the Word
As Messianic Evangelicals we stand unapologetically on the authority and truthfulness of the Protestant canon of the Bible, without compromise. We take all of its counsel, not just those parts we like, and in the matter of the New Testament, all 27 books. Moreover, any individual or group that claims to have knowledge of a "secret tradition" which ignores or contradicts even one verse of the Bible, be i the Book of Mormon (or its 'Sealed Portion'), Mary Baker Eddy's 'Science & Health', Book of Enoch, the Book of Jasher, the Gospel of the Essenes, the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, the Nazarene Acts of the Apostles, the Recognitions of Clement, the Book of Urantia, the Keys of Enoch, numerous Pseudepigraphical and Apocryphal works found in various canons of the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic and Ethiopian Churches, and many more books besides, is to be rejected as Holy Scripture. The apostles of the New Testament Community (Church) were, in spite of occasional circumstantial disagreements (like Paul and Barnabas - Ac.15:36), totally echad or one in their doctrine of Messiah. They may have struggled, as all believers do, to try and understand the whole picture, but understand it sufficiently they most certainly did. The apostolic tradition consisted of one Master, one Emunah (Faith), and one Baptism (Eph.4:5). Their teachings all agreed with one another. On this point we resolutely stand.
The Perfection Demanded of Messiah
As we have now seen in the six preceding teachings, and particularly the last one, salvation and sanctification do not occur all in one go. The first saving act of trusting in Yah'shua (Jesus) as Messiah (Christ) does not lead a soul to the literal perfection demanded of Messiah (Mt.5:48; 19:21; Heb.11:40) as distinct from the legal concepts of representational or substitutionary perfection which we obtain automatically through being joined to Christ by emunah (faith). If they do not rest on the seven essentials, the seven wells of salvation and spirit baptism that lead to the seven openings and the seven overcomings that John insists we attain before we can receive the most cherished blessings of all, then an incomplete Besorah (Gospel) is being preached. I wonder if you can remember them? Let's quickly run through them.
Believers Who Will Be Hurt at the Second Death
There are many believers who are going to be surprised when they are hurt by the second death (Rev.2:8-11). The idea that a believer is going to suffer in the next life is a wholly alien concept to some which they would probably in their unwise zeal mark down as yet another "heresy". Yet they never pause to ask themselves what John meant when he addressed the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) of Smyrna. They are so blinded by the junk theology that is circulating in the churches that they would rather deny the Davar (Word) than repudiate their own traditions. Let's just take a look at this verse to remind us of what is involved:
"...He who overcomes will not be hurt at the second death" (Rev.2:11; cp. 20:6,14; 21:8).
Will You Reject the Apostle John?
What's the the corollary of this? He who doesn't overcome will be hurt at the second death. Have you noted that? If you, as a believer, have not overcome the vices of the Smyrneans by the time you come to heaven, you are going to be HURT. Yes, you may be saved, you may be trusting in Messiah, you may be legally covered by the blood through faith, but unless you have overcome this problem you are going to suffer PAIN in the spiritual world. In short, you will be punished by your own un-overcome sins in spite of being legalistically covered by the blood. That's not my teaching. That's what Christ taught John. So unless you're going to start throwing more apostles out you don't like (as those Messianics who dislike Paul throw him out), and so break up the integrity of the New Testament, you have to embrace this teaching and not try to make it fit into some preconceived Calvinistic doctrine about election or 'once saved, always saved', or 'instant sanctification' upon conversion. These are all antinomian (lawless, anti-Torah), watered-down, make-believe, illusiory versions of the 'gospel'
Will you disagree with & reject the apostle John & his teaching?
Automatically in the Throne Room Upon Confession of Faith?
There is an extraordinary naïvité, if not presumption, in evangelical Christendom about what's expected of believers by our Heavenly Father. It's a bit like undergraduates thinking that so long as they gain admission to College that everything will be plain sailing and that an academic degree will automatically be waiting for them at the end of their stay. Gaining entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven does not mean that you automatically obtain the highest rewards. Being initially saved does not mean that you are automatically standing in the Throne Room of Yahweh in the Holy of Holies before the Almighty Elohim (God) of Creation having bypassed every entrance or gateway. You are given access to our Heavenly Father through the crucifed and resurrected Christ, yes. Heaven isn't just one room or mansion where everyone is herded upon accepting Christ - there is an uncountable number of them. Yah'shua (Jesus) Himself said so - and guess who brings this to our attention? The man-in-the-know - John, of course (Jn.14:12)!
Not a MacDonald's Take Away-Type Gospel
The Kingdom of Yah'shua (Jesus) is exceedingly large and complex with many divisions. In its essentials it is easy to understand and apply provided you are willing to die to self. But that's the big problem. People want entrance there whilst simultaneously retaining some sort of personal sovereignty over their lives. They are not too interested in a life-long spiritual struggle for the privilege of finally entering the Kingdom of Heaven 'body and soul', as it were. Our modern Christian/Messianic wants something inexpensive in the cost and speedy in the delivery - he wants a quick, cheap, take-away 'MacDonalds- or Burger King-type Gospel' that costs him practically nothing and which gives him everything instantly on a dispensing tray. John tells them in no uncertain terms: you are absolutely and terribly wrong. And if you don't wake up to reality you, the believer, are going to suffer enormously in the next life. His message, and ours, is not therefore popular. However, none of you are here because you like me especially (though I hope some of you do) but hopefully because you know what I am telling you in my capacity as an Elder in the Johannine Community is the emet (truth).
Access to the Kingdom of Heaven means relinquishing self-sovereignty
The Example of the Smyrneans
Let's not permit the difficult questions raised by this Smyrnean example elude or pass us by. Let's resolve any controversy surrounding it. The Smyrnean Christians/Messianics suffered affliction and poverty and because they were willing to undergo this trial of their emunah (faith), they are described as being spiritually rich (v.4). These Smyrneans were being slandered by unbelieving Judahites (Jews) not unlike modern Talmudic Orthodox Jews who are persecuting and even murdering true believers - Messianic Jews - in the so-called state of Israel today. Notice that the malak (angel) says of them that they claim to be Jews but are not, but are a "synagogue of Satan" (v.9).
There Aren't Two Peoples of God - Zionism is False
That's strong language. This one verse completely overturns a belief of about 70 per cent of the evangelical movement that the modern state of Israel is true "Israel" (Zionism) and that the unbelieving Jews who live there are true "Jews". Quite apart from the fact that the vast majority of "Jews" in the Republic of Israel aren't even descendants of Abraham and are therefore not biological or ethinic Jews at all, but rather are either religious or cultural Jews, the malak (angel) of Yahweh makes it perfectly clear that the only true "Jews" are those who are believers in Yah'shua (Jesus) who simultaneously have biological descent from Abraham...or who have been adopted into that family by ingrafting (like the Edomite Caleb). The only Jews or (more accurately) 'Judahites' or 'Yehudim' in Elohim's (God's) eyes are those who are truly Messianic. All the others who spurn the true Messiah are the synagogue of Satan because in their rejection of the true King of Israel they are signed up to the destructive satanic agenda. Therefore theirs cannot be an 'alternative' route to salvation, as Zionist Evangelicals claim. There is only One Derech or Way - Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus) - and that's the only way John again tells us (Jn.14:6).
There is only One Way to heaven, not two, and that is the Way of the Messiah
Apple of God's Eye or Synagogue of Satan?
Now I know that is probably too bitter-a-pill for an unconditional, idolatrous Israeli-loving evangelical to swallow because they uncritically regard all Talmudic/Rabbinical Jews, no matter their character or spirtuality (or lack thereof) as the uncontested "apple of Elohim's (God's) eye" (Dt.32:10). And yet the Bible says they are the synagogue of Satan! The only true Jew is a Messiah-believing Jew - all the rest, including unbelieving 'Gentiles', belong to Satan because they are unsaved. And yet some governments and thousands of Christian and Messianic organisations are sending piles of money to facilitate non-Israelite unbelieving Jews who belong to the synagogue of Satan to emigrate to the Promised Land (where they persecute the true 'Jews') and support them in every war they wage and every wave of oppression they unleash on their non-Jewish co-residents with money, weapons and political backing. Why one set of morals and ethics applies to one group of people but to not of the rest is really quite insane if you come to think about it, and is spiritually unconscionable. Anyone engaging in such duplicitous, double-minded behaviour (Jas.1:8) is surely setting themselves up for a kind of religious schizophrenia. We are, rather, commanded by the Saviour to treat all men and women alike, be they family or stranger, believer or unbeliever, Jew or non-Jew, friend or foe because only by this means can the love of Christ be demonstrated and spread.
To Be Truely Saved is be Spared the Second Death
To be truly saved in Messiah is to be willing to forego any imagined privileges we may think are our right simply by suddenly believing. It also means we must be willing, if called upon, to undergo the privations of the ancient Smyrnean believers for the sake of He who died on the cross for us. To be an overcomer worthy of the highest rewards heaven offers and to forego being hurt by the second death is to be willing to lay down our own life for the cause of Messiah. It has always been so, long before Zionism was conceived by secular, communistic Jews in the 19th century. If you're one of those cowards who is weak in the emunah (faith), who refuses to suffer for Messiah (Rev.21:8), then even though you will probably make it to heaven (provided you don't deny Messiah) you will have to pass through fire in order to get that faithlessness burned out of you. But even then don't be too sure because John warns us in the Book of Revelation that the cowardly are in the end numbered alongside "the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars". All these must experience dying a second time round, in addition to their physical death, "in the fiery lake of burning sulphur" (Rev 21:8, NIV). What is the "second death"? Hell, of course, or the Lake of Fire, are one and the same thing. These believers won't be with the qodeshm (saints, set-apart ones) of the first resurrection. They won't be back on earth during the Millennium for it is written:
"Blessed and qadosh (holy, set-apart) are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be cohenim (priests) of Elohim (God) and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years...Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death" (Rev.20:6,14, NIV).
Christians Passing Through Hell?
How many churches have taught you that believing Christians pass through hell in order to have the spiritual dross burned out of them? If that troubles you, consider this question: How else could a soul be purified to stand in front of a spotless Elohim (God)?
You Should Be Asking Many Questions!
A thousand-and-one questions ought to be buzzing around your minds now if this is new to you. Am I fully saved? Saved to enter heaven, but not saved enough to escape hell? I can just hear the choruses of "Heresy!" from those who know only how to parrot their traditions! All logic departs from them when cherished golden calves are challenged by the Davar Elohim (God's Word), revealing that the spirit which guards these false doctrines is demonic.
Paul's Fire-Refining Doctrine
Did you know that the apostle Paul plainly taught this very doctrine? Read it for yourself:
"For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day [of Judgement] will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved BUT ONLY AS ONE ESCAPING THROUGH THE FLAMES" (1 Cor.3:11-15, NIV).
When 'Hell' Acts as a Refining Power
Beware, Christian/Messianic, if you build your doctrine and life on anything which is not 100 per cent of Messiah. Even though your foundation may be the Person of Messiah - even though you may be trusting Him as your Saviour and claiming the covering of His atoning blood, if you have built your life on anything that is not of Him, it must be burned out of you. And how is it going to burn? You will pass through the Second Death. If what you have is pure and of Messiah you will come through unscathed. If you have impurity, it will be burned out of you violently. The Moslems are actually quite right in one respect - everyone passes through hell. They teach that everyone goes through and everyone comes out. Those who have more sin come out later. Those with less come out quicker. But where they are wrong is in saying everyone comes though - those who are not built on the foundation of Messiah - those who are not born again or spiritually regenerated - never come out! There they stay, at least until the Cosmic Jubilee and the end of the æon (age)! Only then, by the grace of Elohim (God), is Universal Reconcilliation effected.
Hell not only punishes, it also refines
The Stupidity & Insanity of the 'Once Saved, Always Saved' Doctrine
If we are unconditionally saved and sanctified just by passively trusting in Messiah, what would be the point of overcoming? According to the trash one hears in many churches, there is no need to overcome because we are all going to make it into the same glory. And the more extreme of them are even stupid enough to say that so long as you have received Messiah it doesn't matter what you do afterwards, even if you decide to become a child-abusing, blood-drinking, murdering, Yahweh-blaspheming, Christ-denouncing devil-worshipper. Though they don't usually think through the conseuqneces of their insane belief system, this is the logical implication of the "once saved, always saved" heresy. In any other context, common sense cries out against the monstrosity of such a doctrine! But such is the nature of delusion.
Does Christ Do Our Overcoming for Us?
Does a student who has once got into university have the assurance that he will always remain there until he gets a guaranteed degree? What nonsense. Students get expelled and students fail their examinations. Yet I guarantee that the demonically-inspired proponents of these pernicious doctrines will invent every sort of ingenious "explanation" as to why they don't intend to overcome because (for instance) Christ has allegedly done their overcoming for them. Mostly the standard answer is: "We bother to overcome simply to show our love of Christ, as a token of our salvation!" Well, you can believe that illogical explanation if you want to. In the end what matters is that you're overcoming and not sitting back waiting passively for the dying and rising Messiah to do your part. We are responsible thereafter to do our own choosing and living, whether it be a life with Him fully at the helm and to His glory or our own will and to our own glory.
We Cannot Save Ourselves Nor Overcome in Our Own Strength
Don't misunderstand (or indeed misrepresent) me. I'm not saying you can overcome in your own strength and I am certainly not saying that man can save himself by his own works or efforts. That's impossible. If that were so, Christ wouldn't be needed at all and the Cross would become redundant, a mere piece of showmanship. It's only the atoning Yah'shua's (Jesus') resurrection power that enables us to overcome. Obedience to the Torah (Law) in our own strength is, as we know, doomed to failure. Israel tried and messed up. Only by submitting ourselves as vessels to be filled by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) by yielding complete sovereignty to Messiah can we become overcomers and escape being burned in hell...for as long as it takes to get cleaned out. Why else would Paul tell the Corinthians what he did? That passage removes all ambiguity as to what I am saying. There is no "once saved, always saved" doctrine there...or anywhere in Scripture.
The Condition for Receiving the Crown of Life
The Smyrneans are told to "be faithful, even to the point of death" (v.10). What is their reward as faithful ones? "The crown of life" (ibid.). Are you expecting to inherit a crown of life by sitting back and doing nothing to overcome your propensity to sin? Do you know what the crown of life is? It is eternal chayim (life). It is the mark of one who lives for ever. Just pause and think. What if you haven't won this crown? What do you get then? Eternal chayim (life)? Of course not. You either get temporary life or no life at all. But Yahweh loves you too much to want you to become extinct so He has ordained that you shall pass through the fires of hell for your own good. If you won't get it the "easier" way in this life, you must get it the harder way in the next, and even then you, after you have passed through this purging, will not be entitled to the fullness but only the very minimum "as one escaping through the flames" while your house burns down all around you. Could Paul state that any plainer than he did?
The crown of life is eternal life
The 'Crown' That's Actually a Wreath or Garland
Understand too that this crown is not a royal crown (see Rev.12:3; 13:1; 19:12). It is not a kingly crown, but a garland or a wreath awarded to the winner in a Greek athletic contest (see Rev.3:11; 4:4,10; 6:2; 9:7; 12:1; 14:14). It is what you get when you successfully finish the race of life as a victor over sin through Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Are we surprised to find the apostle Paul teaching the same doctrine? Read it for yourself:
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown (garland) that will not last; but we do it to get a crown (garland) that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize" (1 Cor.9:24-27, NIV).
"I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders, for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain" (Gal.2:1-2, NIV).
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" (Heb.12:1, NIV).
Between Jurisdictional & Actual Salvation
Well, in looking at just one small passage in the Johannine Book of Revelation we have smashed into pieces a major false doctrine of modern Christendom. It may sit uncomfortably with you because of a defiled conscience, thanks to the ceaseless pounding of ecclesiastical indoctrination, but dare we ignore the plainly stated emet (truth) of Scripture? Do you as a Christian/Messianic want to spend some time in hell while you get your failure to act correctly in this life sorted out? Once again we see the difference between jurisdictional or legal salvation and the actual process of salvation leading to inner transformation (see the website on Justification). They aren't two different things which we can separate - we are not permitted to ignore the latter.
Are You Willing?
The Smyrneans were willing to be put in prison and to lose their lives for Messiah's sake. Are you? Are you willing to suffer prison sentences, as some ministers in Norway were doing at the turn of the century when I first gave this teaching, for speaking out against deviant sexual lifestyles and picketing abortion clinics? A Pentecostal pastor and friend of mine had served time for doing just that. Are you willing to risk your job by making the Name of Yah'shua (Jesus) and His salvation known? Are you willing to risk your life by refusing to denounce the Saviour for that false god who claims to represent the 'religion of peace' who demands the death, usually by beheading, of all those who either refuse to convert or who abandon their religion? We are all cowards at times, I know - Peter was briefly - but perhaps now is the time to get that straightened out? Perhaps it's time to abandon the false, infantile sugar-coated religion of the compromisers? It's time to get into that race and head for the crown (garland). I'm not saying this is easy but I am saying you can't wriggle out of it without becoming a compromised believer. For a day of testing will come.
Have You Understood the Wider Repercussions of Your Carelessness?
You may think that offering your life is all that you need to be willing to do but most don't understand the wider repercussions of that. Are you willing to become like the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) of Pergamum? They were willing to offer their lives as indeed the faithful witness, Antipas, did (Rev.2:13), and as faithful believers are today in Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Iran and elsewhere. They were willing, like the Smyrneans, to offer all. Or were they? Their congregation harboured corrupt teachers who adhered to "the teaching of Balaam". They encouraged eating unclean food and sexual immorality (Rev.2:14). Amongst these were those adhering to the Nicolaitan teachings. Do you know who the Nicolaitans were? Listen carefully because you'll see that this same wicked spirit has gripped the Church today everywhere.
The martyrs symbolically under the altar in the Throne Room
Nicolaitianism is Alive and Well Today
The Nicolaitans were compromisers. They taught that the liberty they enjoyed in Messiah gave them the right to practice immorality. In some respects, they were forerunners of the "once saved, always saved" crowd. There was a spirit of feminism [2] amongst them, sexual immorality, compromise with paganism and the cult of empire, and much else. They taught that the more they sinned, the more Messiah's grace increased. It was utterly perverse. It turned the Gospel into licentiousness. And there are Protestants and others today who still imitate them.
Your Ticket to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Will You Lose It?
I wonder to what extent that we modern Christians/Messianics have compromised with the pagan society around us? Most try to be politically correct, accepting feminism, sexual perversion, materialism, postmodernism, wokeism and almost everything else that is worldly. If you're one of that group, I've got bad news for you. You're going to be slaughtered! Messiah is going to fight against you with a long sword (Rev.2:16) which symbolises Divine Judgement (Is.49:2; Heb.4:12). The sword will be the sword of His mouth - you will be judged by His Davar (Word), the Scriptures. The Davar Elohim (Word of God) will condemn you in the hands of Messiah's faithful ministers. And what will you lose for not overcoming? The hidden manna, a sacred food available only to true believers (Ps.78:24) and the white stone with a new name written on it (Rev.2:17) that would otherwise have been yours. You might not think that a white stone is very important until you realise what it represents. Did you know that a white stone in ancient Hebrew culture was an admission ticket to a banquet or a wedding? This is your ticket to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! It's your entrance guarantee to Heaven, to the New Jerusalem, to the First Resurrection, to the Millennial world! This means that if you don't deal with these particular errors you're going to lose your salvation. And it's the modern politically correct "liberated" woman and her duped and cowered male supporters who are the most at risk!
Only the overcomers are the Bride of Messiah
Follow the Whole Counsel of Scripture
I could utilise the rest of this already long testimony, which could be my last...and I am preaching to you as though it were my discussing the seven assemblies (churches) in Asia Minor in detail but I will let you figure it out for yourselves - you can go to my detailed study of them in our Book of Revelation course. It is not good to be spoon-fed in everything. The Scriptures explain themselves perfectly well without my assistance if you're willing to accept them at face value, the way they were intended to be, by taking the whole counsel of Scripture, omitting nothing. But my point is this: Unless you are actually, actively, seriously, and on a daily, ongoing basis, working out your salvation in fear and trembling as Paul admonished the Philippians (Phil.2:12), and doing so as vigorously as an athlete trains to become a champion, you are in trouble!
Casualness Leads to Carelessness
Not only do you stand to lose your salvation if you're casualness leads to carelessness in your handling of so great a gift as Christ offers you, but you may also have to suffer terribly by passing through the Second Death before Yahweh will take you out of the hell you have destined yourself to through your disobedience. It is by His undeserved loving kindness, His unmerited favour and mercy or grace that he will finally transfer those rebellious ones into a kingdom of lesser glory than received by those who were faithful - than those who were obedient, than those who were true. Don't believe me, believe Paul - and if you don't trust in Paul, believe John. Believe all the apostles. They do not lie, they're not just giving their personal opinions. They are rather sharing what they received personally from the Master, and passionately so in love. Believe them. Believe Him. Then act. Don't mess around with these things, please? Get sober! Throw off the delusion! Repent of your man-made traditions and be set free.
Cocky and Over-Confident
The apostle John kicks over just about every pseudo-Christian/Messianic golden calf that can be found today. Perhaps that is why so many evangelicals prefer Paul who preaches, for the most part, the first stage of salvation, the initial trusting. That's the easiest part! Enduring to the end is the challenging part because then you have to confront yourself. Such are like those who work hard to gain admission into a College and then go to sleep. They wonder why subsequently they fail all their examinations. I've had students like that as an educator, some quite brilliant (and they knew it), but laziness cost them their examinations. Yes, they were astonished when they were failed! Don't be like them in the spiritual realm. They got cocky, over-confident, and deceived themselves into thinking that it would be a push-over to get Grade A's.
By the Blood of the Lamb & the Word of Their Testimony
Overcoming is your passport to a full and complete salvation. John reports hearing a loud voice in heaven saying:
"They overcame [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (Rev.12:11, NIV).
The Three Main Incredients of Overcoming
Here you have the three main ingredients to overcoming. And how the modern liberalised evangelical hates them! He especially hates any idea that he must obey any mitzvot (commandments) to be finally saved, but John leaves them no escape route: the true qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones), he says, are "those who obey Elohim's (God's) mitzvot (commandments) and hold to the testimony of Yah'shua (Jesus)" (Rev.12:17, NIV) - it's not a choice between the two, not 'either/or' but 'and'. Both. Which mitzvot (commandments)? All of them, of course, contained within the books from Genesis to Revelation and not just those in the New Testament. And as we saw last week, the most important commandment is to ahavah (love) in a qadosh (holy, set-apart) way. Without love you're nothing, just a loud noise (1 Cor.13:1).
Picking and choosing the commandments to obey or not obey is not an option
The Final Johannine Witness is Important
Paul's audience was Gentiles - pagans who had no knowledge of the Torah which had been the Hebrew legacy and mainstay for millennia. Even the patriarchs had it in some form. He taught the basics of salvation and left it for others to bring the new converts to maturity - to the whole Way of Yahweh. And John, as the longest surviving apostle, does just that for us, as you would expect of Heavenly Father's final apostolic witness. To know what the fullness - the final witness - of the Besorah (Gospel) of Yah'shua (Jesus) is we must go to the Johannine writings. Inevitably, because the last witness is just as important than the first...if not more so. He's the Taw, Omega, Z, Final or End witness of the apostles so we'd better sit up and listen attentively to him.
John's Witness as a Gospel Writer
As I pointed out in the very first part of this series, John writes in a completely different way to the Synoptists Matthew, Mark and Luke, of which two (Matthew & Mark) were, like John, amongst the apostles who walked with Yah'shua (Jesus) in the flesh,. None of these, however, were in the inner circle of the Three though Mark is the biographer of Peter, who was. This makes John's written witness the most authoritative of all the Gospel writers, with Mark (65-70 AD) the closest 'relative', as it were, to John (85-90 AD), though Mark is the oldest and John the youngest of the four gospels. The accounts of the Synoptists, whilst of course accurate, are not always complete and lack key material only to be found in John. The Synoptists are principally instructional/ecclesiastical/liturgical (Matthew), biographical (Mark) and historical (Luke), reporting events chronologically. As we have seen, John is not, in the first instance, interested in chronology or history. Events for him exist outside of the box called time and are merely cited to to illuminate the central message, which is evangelistic and theological, and so they are sometimes often employed out of sequence. So long as we understand why he does what he does, that's OK, and we must not seek to fault John for doing something he purposefully did not do.
The Testimony of the Master's (Lord's) Supper
We're going to end today's message, this series, and my witness, by taking another look at the Master's (Lord's) Supper, the most important Christian/Messianic ordinance of all, and to ask ourselves the question: why has John omitted parts that the Synoptists include? Which of the Gospel accounts is the most complete concerning this vitally important event?
The Betrayer at the Last Supper
You will recall in Matthew 26 and Mark 14, where the accounts of the Master's (Lord's) Supper begin, Yah'shua (Jesus) announces that one of the Twelve will betray Him. Mark mentions that the traitor will eat with Him (v.18). Only John mentions the fulfilment by Judas of prophecy, saying:
"He that eateth My bread lifted up his heel against Me" (Jn.13:18, RV).
and says that this is yet another sign that He is the Messiah (v.19). He then goes on to make this statement which is unique to the Johannine account:
"He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth Me (Yah'shua/Jesus); and he that receiveth Me receiveth Him (Yahweh) that sent Me" (v.20).
The last supper
A Contradiction in the Accounts?
After announcing there is a traitor in their midst, the talmidim (disciples) are sorrowful and each asks if he is the guilty one (Mt.26:22; Mk.14:19). Not John. Yah'shua (Jesus) replies that the guilty person is one of the Twelve and is the one who is about to dip in the same dish with Him (Mt.26:23; Mk.14:20). This cannot be so. If Yah'shua (Jesus) had said this out aloud as Matthew and Mark, at first glance, give us the impression He is doing, then Judas would have overheard and not dipped in the dish at the same time as the Master, would he? But the Gospel of John straightens the matter out and records:
"One of them, the talmid (disciple) whom Jesus loved [John], was reclining next to Him. Simon Peter motioned to this talmid (disciple) and said, 'Ask Him which one He means'. Leaning back against Yah'shua (Jesus), he asked Him, 'Master, who is it?' Yah'shua (Jesus) answered, 'It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it into the dish.' Then, dipping the piece of bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, son of Simon. As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. 'What you are about to do, do quickly,' Yah'shua (Jesus) told him, but no-one at the meal understood why Yah'shua (Jesus) said this to him..." (Jn.13:23-28, NIV).
Judas then leaves without saying a word.
When Peter Deferred to John
Now the Matthean account disagrees. According to him, Judas asked, "Is it I, Rabbi?" and Yah'shua (Jesus) replied, "Thou hast said" (Mt.26:25, KJV). The only way we can reconcile this passage is if each of the talmidim (disciples) came up to the Master privately to ask this terrible question and Yah'shua (Jesus) whispered His reply back so that no-one else could hear. The important point I am making here - and please note this carefully - is that Peter defers to John. Peter, supposedly the chief apostle, does not ask his question to Yah'shua (Jesus) directly but asks John to ask for Him - on his behalf. Either Peter was sitting next to John with Yah'shua (Jesus) too far away to ask the question secretly to not be heard by the other, or Peter acknowledges John's toqef (authority) as chief of the Twelve in some way, even if it's only anticipatory of the future leadership of John. John undoubtedly has the inward, spiritual authority, but he is still young and under tutelage. Nevertheless Peter senses the inner authority and, in this instance, yields to it, as on occasion Saul spiritually did to David when the latter was a subject and technically an outlaw in the king's eyes (1 Sam.24; 26).
Satan Enters Judas Through Bread
What is more interesting, in my view, is how Satan entered Judas. According to John, the devil took possession of Judas the moment he took the bread handed to him by Yah'shua (Jesus). I wonder how many people have paused to wonder at this, seeing in this bread the very opposite of the bread which the talmidim (disciples) were to receive from Yah'shua (Jesus) moments later. One bread 'contained' Satan, and the other Messiah (Christ). And the bread that 'contained' Satan had been dipped into an unnamed dish.
The Mystery of Judas' Bitter Dip
I am sure you are wondering what was in that dish. Indeed, I'm sure you're wondering whether the sign was given to all the talmidim (disciples) or just to John. This was without a doubt a regular Pesach or Passover meal and the dish Yah'shua (Jesus) dipped Judas' bread into was one of the Passover dishes. It could have been one of the small bowls containing salty water or a dish with extra bitter herbs in, the Haroset. I am sure that whichever one it was that was dipped into, it was bitter, symbolising the bitterness of Judas' slavery to the devil. Note too, if you will, that the name of the three Mary's, of whom I spoken much in this series because of their prominence, means 'bitter', and they represent all true talmidim (disciples) who must suffer bitterness at the hands of such satanically bitter men as Judas who betray both the Bridegroom and the Bride.
John Alone Never Asks if He is the Guilty One
I want you to notice that John, the Beloved Talmid (Disciple), never asked, "Is it I, Master?" because he knew he wasn't guilty of committing an imminent betrayal, which is why he doesn't mention this incident. He does not wish to imply that he is equal with the others in either their spiritual authority or their doubt. It is only Matthew, as we have seen, who records Judas' question and Yah'shua's (Jesus') confirmation.
Permission is Granted for Betrayal
Neither Judas nor Satan can act until Yah'shua (Jesus) gives the go-ahead. Messiah had all toqef (authority), even over the devil. This is important to understand. Yah'shua (Jesus) was never a hapless victim, but was always in full control of His situation.
Only John Tells of the Speculation Surrounding the Judah Incident
John, after recording Judas' hasty departure, then adds some material not recorded by any of the Synoptists. He records the speculation that circulated around the rest of the talmidim (disciples) as to what had happened in the Judas incident. Some thought that Judas was being condemned because he was pilfering the petty-cash bag (Jn.13:28-29). Only John notes that it was night outside and it was into that that Judas departed (v.30). Only John adds Yah'shua's (Jesus') next significant remark:
"Now is the Son of Man glorified and Elohim (God) is glorified in Him. If Elohim (God) is glorified in Him, Elohim (God) will glorify the Son in Himself, and will glorify Him at once" (vv.31-32, NIV).
John Omits an Account of the Last Supper!
These verses are remarkable. Not until Judas left that room, was filled with the spirit of Satan and officially expelled from the Twelve, was Messiah at that point glorified. The Synoptists make no mention of this saying. Indeed, what is more remarkable still is that John makes NO MENTION OF THE LAST SUPPER AT ALL. The Synoptists describe how Yah'shua (Jesus) took bread, blessed it, and told them to eat it as His body, and then blessed the cup and commanded them to drink the blood of the B'rit Chadashah or New Covenant for the remission of their sins (Mt.26:26-28; Mk.14:22-24; Lk.22:19-20) - indeed, this is the only part of the event that Luke records. Luke records what John omits. Why? Even Paul repeats this event in 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, with a slight variation at the end. Not so John. He carried on with his discourse (Jn.13:33-38) which the Synoptists make no mention of at all.
John makes no mention of the Master's Supper at all!
Is John Purposefully Concealing Something?
How could the Beloved Talmid (Disciple) leave out so crucial an event? He mentions Judas's betrayal but nothing of the Last Supper. It is inconceivable that the apostle would do this without a very, very important reason indeed. There is really only one possible explanation, unless you are a sceptic and think these stories were all made up and were poorly stitched together by inept Christians trying to manufacture a narrative after the purported events and as a result making a bad job of it. The only serious explanation is that Yahweh is causing John to conceal something that is not for public consumption (for whatever reason), just as he did in the story of the wedding at Cana that has left Bible students guessing ever since.
Paul Fills in a Gap in the Master's Supper Accounts
The answer is actually to be found in the Part 4 of the second teaching I gave you. See if you can remember what I told you about that occasion. Do you remember that there were two types of wine at that wedding feast? First, there was the natural wine provided for in the usual way from the grape of the vine, and second, the supernatural wine made miraculously by Yah'shua (Jesus) through the transformation of water. The natural wine was the same kind of wine that every Yehudi (Jewish) home procured on the Passover and is traditionally called the kadayss or 'Cup of Sanctification'. It is at this juncture that I want to read to you that little insertion Paul made in his letters to the Corinthians which is absent from the Synoptics. He writes:
"This cup is the new covenant in my blood" {cp. Luke, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured our for many" (22:20, RV), Mark, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is shed for many" (14:24, RV), and Matthew, "for this is my blood of the covenant, which is shed for many unto remission of sins" (26:28)} and then adds,
"this do, as oft as ye drink it, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME" (1 Cor.11:25, RV).
A Memorial...and Gaps in the Narrative
Are you with me yet? Only Paul indicates that this was something which the Messianic Community (Church) should continue as a memorial to Messiah. No such mitzvah (commandment) is found in the Synoptics...and the whole affair is entirely absent from the Gospel of John. Paul even omits that the blood is for the remission of sins!
A New Commandment...
In the gap left by John when, according to our expectations, he 'should' have been reporting the Communion meal, he goes on to report Yah'shua (Jesus) saying:
"A new mitzvah (commandment) I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My talmidim (disciples), if you love one another" (Jn.13:34-35, NIV).
John Takes a Major Detour into Profound Teachings
But we would, I think, be mistaken were we to think that this passage is a 'replacement' of the Communion event, as some are tempted to conclude. John isn't interested in chronology here - his purpose, unlike the Synoptists, is to focus on the central theme of discipleship. An entire chapter (Jn.14), wholly absent in the Synoptics, appears. Traditionally, those who try to harmonise the Gospels insert an historical event, the departure of Yah'shua (Jesus) and the talmidim (disciples) to the Mount of Olives (Mt.26:30-33; Mk.14:26-29; Lk.22:39) which John makes no mention of. Instead he discourses further in Chapter 15 about the True Vine, and in Chapter 16, and in Chapter 17, sharing some of Yah'shua's (Jesus') loftiest teachings. Only at the beginning of Chapter 18 does John join the others in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Taking the Master's Supper to a New Dimension
I would like to have analysed the material in those Johannine chapters the Synoptists ignored or were ignorant of but that must remain for another time, except I would like to say this: Yah'shua (Jesus) has not forgotten about the Communion event entirely - rather, He takes it into another dimension and talks about pruning vine trees to make sure that good fruit is produced (Jn.15:1ff). Instead of partaking of the grape juice in the kadaysh, Yah'shua (Jesus) talks of having His very life substance pass through them by being grafted on to Him as branches. He speaks of a common biological identity in what is usually exclusivly interpreted to be metaphor only. To enjoy that identity continuously, we must produce good fruit or be cut off and burned - no "once saved, always saved" doctrine here!
The new Johannine dimension - ingrafting & new identity
Only John Was 'in the Know'
To partake of Messiah means to be obediently about doing His works just as He was. We are to have His chayim (life) substance flowing through us. We must, in short, be of His blood. And when that happens, a change in relationship status occurs: we cease to be His servants and become His friends (Jn.15:9ff). To be a friend is to "know his master's business" (v.15, NIV) because to such He has "made known" to them "everything that I (the mortal Messiah) have learned from My Father" (v.15, NIV). Everything He had learned as a mortal human being - as man - through the natural human learning processes because He had to live exactly as we do. John knew what was going on at the Last Supper - the others were in the dark as is proven by their speculations after Judas departed. Of course Matthew, Mark and Luke didn't write about what happened - they, along with Peter and the rest, were entirely ignorant!
Not Communion/Eucharist
So why hasn't John recorded the two sacramental prayers along with the three evangelists and Paul? Because he didn't need to. Because those to whom His Besorah (Gospel) was addressed didn't need that instruction. They weren't participating in an annual, monthly or weekly memorial as Christians and Messianics do today when they take Communion or the Eucharist. They were partaking of something else.
The Natural Wine Will Always Run Out
The keys are all in Cana, brethren and sisters, if you'll just look carefully enough. There were two types of wine in Cana just as there were in the Assembly (Church) of Yahweh. There was natural wine, and there was supernatural wine. The natural wine ran out at a certain point and Mary, the mother of Yah'shua (Jesus), demanded more (Jn.2:1). What was Yah'shua's (Jesus') response?
"Woman, why do you involve Me...My time has not yet come" (v.2, NIV).
A Gap and a Non Sequitur
Then, that great big mystifying gap and an apparent non sequitur as though a chunk of scripture has been chopped out and lost:
"His mother said to the servants, 'Do whatever He tells you'" (v.3, NIV).
The Mystery Begins to Unveil
The time for that supernatural wine had not come. This is an ordinary wedding with ordinary wine. The Mystical Marriage of the Messiah (MMM) with mystical wine is not yet because Messiah has not, at this early state of His ministry, atoned on the Cross for the sins of mankind. The Old Covenant Mosaic æon (age) is not at an end yet. But Yah'shua (Jesus) is gracious and performs a miracle of enormous prophetic importance. He is not only referring to salvation through His blood in the sense that all Christians/Messianics have understood it to be so from the earliest times, but he is telling us that a very, very special wine is to be made at the end-time which will be the "choicest wine" (v.10). This wine is to be the fruit of Yah'shua's (Jesus') talmidim (disciples) which He explains in the Parable of the Vine and the Branches (Jn.15:1ff). This is the wine of the "much fruit" of the talmidim (disciples) - not fruit made from human hands, but supernaturally from the vine which is Messiah. Humans are branches of the vine. We are extensions of Messiah. As extensions we are to make fruit. Messianic fruit. Once we are in that business, "whatever you wish, it will be given you" (15:7, NIV). No conditions, it is automatic. (That offer is not, as most mistakenly believe, made to any old 'believer'). These are not, then, requests made by the unsaved or the unsanctified - they are requests made by those who are fully in Messiah, who abide fully in His will. "...My words remain in you", Yah'shua (Jesus) said (v.7), if we remain in Him. Again, no once 'saved, always saved'.
Natural or supernatural wine?
It Cannot Be Recorded
I am pressing you towards a great and wonderful revelation that belongs only to the end-time Remnant which has been hidden up from those who are not a part of it. I cannot spell it all out for you otherwise I would be defeating the purpose of its concealment in the first place. Some people hearing this are going to come to all sorts of silly conclusions because the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is not in them or because the soil of their hearts is untilled or the vessel of their souls is not yet deeply carved out by sufficient affliction. And they will never understand it unless they surrender 100 per cent in very substance and not simply by making 'declarations'. But it is there, waiting for you to pluck it off the Eyts Chayim or Tree of Life. Others will simply attack us accusing us of being 'secretive' and therefore 'cultic'. It is a simple matter to speak evil of someone or something you don't understand but not so easy to wriggle out of judgment when such engage in ungodly behaviour of this nature. Their own dried fruit is their reward. The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on.
Only by Complete Surrender and Obedience
There are, and have always been, two Messianic Communities (Churches of God) or Fellowships of Light, one of which is the Servant Class and the other is the Friend Class - one is the Petrine/Pauline Community (Church), and the other is the Johannine. The difference between the two is one of maturity, not disjunction or occultism. Spiritual maturity unlike physical maturity is a matter of choice. You are what you choose. The Johannine Community (Church) is the custodian of a qadosh (holy, set-apart) mystery and gift which is revealed only to those who are overcoming sons and daughters of Yahweh.
You Can't Steal, Buy or Threaten to Get It
Counterfeiters and fraudsters can claim to possess it but will always lack the tokens and fruits of its presence. The ungodly cannot steal it. Like extra manna collected outside the will of Elohim (God), it will go bad. Speculation about it is pointless - either you know, or you don't, and the only way you can know is through the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). Secret rituals or theology classes will not give it to you - don't go searching after 'Holy Grails'. That is the way of the flesh. 'Holy Grails' don't exist and we have no secret rituals or theologies. You're hearing it now, in this my last sermon. It's all in the Bible. Just search diligently with a view to complete surrender to Messiah and complete obedience (as Sarah was to Abraham and as all firstborn wives are to their firstborn husbands, calling them 'lord' - 1 Pet.3:5-6) and if you are genuinely surrendered and so belong to the elect, you will find it. If you're not yielded, you'll never get anywhere near it. You'll never be able to boast about it because you'll never be able to explain it to anyone but to those who have found it too and who then, in any case, already 'know'. You'll find it in no postal or online correspondence course so don't sent anyone money for it. You can't buy it. It's not for sale, as Simon the Magician discovered (Ac.8:9-24).
The Supernatural Communion That's Coming
The Johannine Community (Church) disappeared along with the apostle John. Yahweh did not renew the apostles after the Beloved Talmid (Disciple) died at the turn of the first century. He took his secret and his anointing with him to the grave but left clues in his writings for those who would be apostolic instruments in restoring it in the last days. Many false nevi'im (prophets) and apostles have come claiming it but never produced the tokens. The Master's (Lord's) Supper has been a memorial now for nearly 2,000 years. But the wine for that is about to run out. If you want the supernatural wine you have to go in obedience and faith to plain water in humble stone jars that the Master has made His own. The only valid communion after that must itself come supernaturally and have supernatural consequences for those who partake of it.
And so we come to the end of this series on the Johannine Community and indeed my own public witness whether for just a season or whether for this life I cannot tell as that is a function of health and healing which at present is an unknown. It has, either way, been, or will continue to be, a privilege serving you. I leave my work as seeds in the care of the Master for His planting and watering in those souls willing and able to receive it. For now the website is offline but if anyone wants to get a copy of it offline they should get in contact with me. "The grace of our Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Lord Jesus Christ) be with you all" (2 Thess.3:18, NIV). Amen.
2nd edition, 29 May 2024
3rd expanded edition, 30 May 2024 & 23 February 2025
[1] The Greek, "General Assembly and Church", is a translation expansion of the original Aramaic which simply reads "Assembly"
[2] See Henry Mackow, Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order (Silas Green, USA: 2010)
This page was created on 24 January 2001
Last updated on 23 February 2025
Endnotes Copyright © 1987-2025 NCAY - All Rights Reserved