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Pauline, Messianic and Johannine

Why are the Johannine writings (the Gospel of John, 1-3 John and Revelation) so different in style, and on occasion content, from those of the other writers of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke, Paul, Peter, Jude and James? Why have theologians and scriptorians been so mystified by these differences? Do they differ because John had a particular audience in mind? Or was there more? Why does Paul sound so 'evangelical'? Why do James and the writer of Hebrews sound so 'messianic'? Why do Evangelical Christians and Messianics/Hebrew-Roots believers seem so different? Why this split? And was there a third Johannine tradition, separate from that which has been handed down through the orthodox churches (Protestant, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox) and Messianics, that was reserved for the Remnant of the last days?

Different Foundations for Different Æons

Our answer to this question of a 'third tradition' is 'yes' and 'no'; 'no', inasmuch as the basic gospel message of salvation is the same whoever you read in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament) and 'yes' because through John, the last of the apostles, Yah'shua (Jesus) revealed the shape, content and spirit of the Messianic Community that would be restored in the last of the last days in preparation for the Millennial Rule of Messiah. If Paul laid the foundation for the Messianic Community (Church) for the 2,000 years up until the very last of the 'last days' (which technically began with the mission of the mortal Messiah), John may be said to have been laying the groundwork for what would come much later...in our own day, the beginning of a new æon.

Our Mission

This entire ministry and its enormous website, not only resolved the differences between Evangelicals and Messianic (hance our moniker, 'Messianic Evangelical'), but just as - if not more - importantly, takes John's revelation and brings it to completion - a restoration of the original Grand Design of the Creator that will flourish in the Millennium, replacing the chaos that produced the tens of thousands of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Adventist, Messianic Jewish and other denominations, not to mention all the cults like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc, that have led to so much confusion in Christendom.

A Painful 2,000 Year-Long Process

All that ends here at the Johannine Community, which finally will replace - and is replacing - the mishmash called 'Christendom'. The Johannine Community is, will be, and is becoming, the end-time Remnant, the precursor to the Millennial Community of Messiah and the culmination of an agonising, and sometimes exhilarating, 2,000 year-long process of slow change. It has been a long journey because man is resistant to change, always keen to try his own alternatives, and is slow therefore to learn.

Origins of the Johannine Community

The term 'Johannine Comnmunity' was coined by scholars and refers to the practices, rituals and theology of 'Johannine Christianity' as a community that essentially arose in Asia Minor, the location of the '7 congregations' or 'churches' of Revelation, chapters 2 and 3. According to Harold W. Attridge, this community defined itself as a reaction to the militant Talmudic Judaism which sought to impose Pharisee traditions on the fledgling Messianic Community (Church). They cultivated an intense devotion to Yah'shua (Jesus) as the definitive revelation of Yahweh's salvific will. They understood themselves to be in intimate contact with the risen Christ and with one another, under the guidance of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). At the same time they were conscious of their relationship to other believers, who were already diverging in theology and practice from the apostolic revelation under the influence of pagan philosophers like Plato, with whom they hoped for an eventual union. They were very pious and explored new ways of expressing faith in Yah'shua (Jesus).

The Road to Apostacy

Over time, like the early Pauline (evangelical) and Jacobite (Messianic) groups, the Johannine believers began to have disagreements and splits, some moving in a proto-Evangelical direction and others more in a Messianic one. Historically, a radical reinterpretation and semi-paganisation of the Pauline School evolved into what we call 'orthodoxy' or 'historical Christianity' and by political means through the Roman Emperors (beginning with Constantine) they converted, marginalised. (and eventually destroyed) any who disagreed with them.

Evolution of the Johannine Communities

The history of Christendom is long, complex and at times tortuous, with the Johannine Community evolving over time to play a rôle different from the one that was originally intended for it. Some Johannine Christians achieved a respected rôle in the emerging orthodoxy and submitted to their episcopal authorities (bishoprics) whereas others did not and remained separate. One thing is certain: the early Johannine Community bequeathed a distinctive body of literature and estimation of Yah'shua (Jesus) that has survived the centuries, keeping the 'body politic' alive through all its tribulations and apostacies through such enlightened men as Thomas à Kempis (Catholic), The Wesley brothers (Methodist-Evangelical-Protestant) and many, many others. Wherever there has been a revival of piety and holiness, there something of the original Johannine spirit may be found. In the end, the beliefs, practices and spirit of Johannine Community were absorbed by Roman orthodoxy, surviving in the pious traditions of both the Western (Roman Catholic, with its Protestant split-offs) and Eastern (Greek Orthodox) Churches.

Johannine Community Apostacies

As the essays in this series will show, though, there was far more to the 'Johannine Community' than the promotion of Christ-centeredness and holiness in countering the destructive forces of anti-Torah lawlessness and the atrophying weight of institutionalisation that would produce the Roman Beast System. Other Johannine groups eventually apostacised into, or joined, various cultic Gnostic groups which leavened not only the orthodox Churches but Judaism too. The historical web is deep and complex and beyond the scope of this short introduction.

Ancient & Millennial Johannism

So when Messianic Evangelicals speak of the 'Johannine Community' we are really speaking of two things only:

  • 1. The assemblies, congregations or churches established by the apostle John (and maintained by his immediate successors, the 'sub-apostolic fathers' like Clement and Polycarp) and their spiritual 'culture'; and
  • 2. The precursor Remnant to the Millennial Zion that is separated and gathered from the compromised (and often radically apostate) mainstream churches and messianic synagogues (who typically teach ultra-graceism and ultra-Torahism, respectively)

Growing Up into Maturity

Not only has the 'Johannine tradition' been mutilated by the Catholic/Protestant and Eastern Orthodox/Coptic-Syriac branches of Christianity and refashioned by them to make them look 'orthodox' (witness the many versions of the writings of the early sub-apostolic fathers [1]) but inevitably there are differences between yesterday's and today's traditions occasioned by the long process of maturation. We have 'grown up' over 2,000 years which is a very long time indeed. Nothing is static. A lot of water has passed under the metaphorical bridge of history and lots of new light and truth have come from the heavens to supplement and perfect what even the first Johannine Christians did not know.

Maturation and Fresh Revelation

So this is not just a restoration of the first Johannine Community (assuming that were even actually possible) but in many ways a fresh revelation too in order to meet the needs both of our time and of the Millennial society that's coming. The story is ongoing, not paused in time. You can neither take a snap-shot of the first Johannine Community and say, 'that's how it was, and that's how it must again be' nor can you assume, like Mormons and others who claim to be 'restoring' the 'early church', that such is even desirable. We can no more return to our childhood than we can to the Garden of Eden. Both have gone - forever. Rather, we must turn to, embrace and build upon the adult version that's now being presented. The first and second centuries AD and their cultures aren't remotely like the 21st century nor will they be identical to the Millennial culture either, even if the similaries will be readily apparent. This we have to be realistic about. So we are not claiming to be 'the restoration of first century Christianity' or specifically of the 'Johannine Community' because that is neither possible nor desirable. This is something new but built on an ancient foundation that goes all the way back to Genesis and in the meridian of time to the Book of Revelation.

I Reconstructing the Johannine Community Sermons & Essays

This sub-site, originally created in 2017 and then overhaulted in 2024, is divided into several sections. The first, Reconstructing the Johannine Community (1999-2001), was begun as a series of primer essays as part of the training of the end-time Melchizedek Priesthood in the Chavurat Bekorot or Holy Order. In it, radically new concepts are presented to spiritually prepare the earliest NCAY members into moving into the fullness of the phronema or spirit of the community of the Millennial Zion - the way of life of the Holy City or New Jerusalem - for which the endtime Remnant is preparation. In April 2024, revelation was received to resume this series in order to fully integrate all that had been received and learned both before 1999 and in the subsequent quarter of a century, including the important truths taught in the Holy Echad Marriage website.

II. Johannine Essays

The second section, Johannine Essays, is the oldest of all NCAY compositions (1982-1983) - written five years before NCAY was organised - and are taken from the lecture notes of the founder when he was teaching theology as a private tutor in Oxford. Now updated since the organisation in 1986/7, these essays very much viewed the writings of the apostle John through the traditional lens of orthodox Protestant Christianity. For the New Covenant Messianic Evangelical work is a journey, a gathering together of old truth, the restoration of 'new' new or forgotten truth and their eventual integration into the millennial paradigm. Every work of Elohim (God) has a starting point, and in the case of NCAY, evangelical Protestantism, in particular, Anglicanism. These earliest essays provide a contrast showing the development of Messianic Evangelical thought over a 30 year period that both illustrates the importance of first, Evangelical, and second, Messianic foundational thinking as precursors to what would subsequently be revealed as uniquely 'Messianic-Evangelical'. For further orientation, see the website's Introduction and The Messianic Evangelicals.

III. Book of Revelation Exegesis & Commentary

The third section is the founder's Opus Magnum, the enormous 2½ year-long and critically important Book of Revelation course (2021-24), an in-depth commentary on the last book of the Bible arranged as a series of teaching-sermons in which a lifetime's ministry, understanding and revelation is gathered together and presented under the rubric of Johannine apocalyptic thinking.


[1] See the following 3-part Book of Revelation series, Between the Present & the Future, on the mutilated writings of Ignatius and other sub-apostolic fathers created by Catholicism to promote its claims to authority and doctrinal truth:

  • 1. I: Bishops, Pastors, Koinonia & Unity;
  • 3. III: Syriac Ignatius, Polycarp & the Patriarch-Apostles
  • A. Reconstructing the Johannine Community (2024)
    1. Ephesus, John the Apostle, and NCAY (Art)
    2a. Introduction to the Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection I (Art)
    2b. The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection II (Art)
    2c. The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection III (Art)
    2d. The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection IV (Art)
    3. The Three Epistles (Art)
    4. The Holy Mystery and Gift (Art)

    B. Johannine Essays (1982-1983)
    0. Introduction
    1. How Yah'shuah Brings Life to Men
    2. Symbolism of the Miracle at Cana
    3. The Samaritan Woman at the Well
    4. The Significance of Yah'shua's Healing Miracles
    5. The Doctrine of the Shepherd
    6. Background of the "I Am" Passages
    7. It is To Your Advantage that I Go Away
    8. The High Priestly Prayer of John 17
    9. The Theology of the Last Supper
    10. Who was the Author of John's Gospel?
    11. Rivers of Living Water
    12. The Ruach haQodesh and Truth in 1 John
    13. Loving the Brethren in the Gospel and First Epistle
    14. The Trial and Crucifixion of Yah'shua
    15. Two Signs Compared: Feeding the Five Thousand & Raising Lazarus
    16. The Resurrection Narratives and the Person of Yah'shua
    17. Yah'shua, the Temple and Torah in the Fourth Gospel
    18. Jewish Ideas and Teachings in the Johannine 'Word'
    19. Advocate, Antichrist & Truth in 1 John: Usages & Senses
    20. Light and Love in the Johannine Epistles
    21. Similarities of the 2nd & 3rd Epistles to the 1st Epistle & Gospel of John

    C. The Book of Revelation Series
    1. Preface to the Book of Revelation: Vision of the Book of Revelation (E) in Rosh Chodesh 2021 IX (Art)
    2. Book of Revelation I: A. The Apocalypse Beatitudes (Art)
    3. Book of Revelation II: B. The Apocalypse Beatitudes (Art)
    4. Book of Revelation III: A. The Four Methods of Interpretation (Art)
    5. Book of Revelation IV: B. The Four Methods of Interpretation (Art)
    Chapters 1-3
    6. Book of Revelation V: The 7 Ruachot & the Lesser Yahweh (Rev.1:1-8) (Art)
    7. Book of Revelation VI: The Ancient of Days & Son of Man (Rev.1:9-20) (Art)
    The Seven Assemblies
    8. Book of Revelation VII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 1. Ephesus (Rev.2:1-7) (Art)
    9. Book of Revelation VIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 2. Smyrna (Rev.2:8-11) (Art)
    10. Book of Revelation IX: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 3. Pergamum (Rev.2:12-17) (Art)
    11. Book of Revelation X: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 4. Thyatira (Rev.2:18-29) (Art)
    12. Book of Revelation XI: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 5. Sardis (Rev.3:1-6) (Art)
    13. Book of Revelation XII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 6. Philadelphia (Rev.3:7-13) (Art)
    14. Book of Revelation XIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 7. Laodicea (Rev.3:14-22) (Art)
    Between the Present & the Future
    15. Book of Revelation XIV: Between the Present & the Future I - Bishops, Pastors, Koinonia & Unity (Art)
    16. Book of Revelation XV: Between the Present & the Future II - Clement & Ignatius, the Judaising Heresy & Hyper-Grace (Art)
    17. Book of Revelation XVI: Between the Present & the Future III - Syriac Ignatius, Polycarp & the Patriarch-Apostles (Art)
    The Johannine Tradition
    18. Book of Revelation XVII: John, His Gospel and the Apocalypse (Art)
    Chapters 4-5
    19. Book of Revelation XVIII: An Introduction to Chapters 4 & 5 (Art)
    20. Book of Revelation XIX: The Glory of the Throne Room I - The 24 Elders (Rev.4:1-6a) (Art)
    21. Book of Revelation XX: The Glory of the Throne Room II - The Four Living Creatures, Part A (Rev.4:6b-11) (Art)
    22. Book of Revelation XXI: The Glory of the Throne Room III - The Four Living Creatures, Part B (Rev.4:6b-11) (Art)
    23. Book of Revelation XXII: Why the 'Set-Up' of This Existence? (Art)
    24. Book of Revelation XXIII: The Glory of the Throne Room IV - The Lion & the Lamb, Part A (Rev.5:1-7) (Art)
    25. Book of Revelation XXIV: The Glory of the Throne Room V - The Lion & the Lamb, Part B (Rev.5:8-14) (Art)
    An Overview
    26. Book of Revelation XXV: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part A (Art)
    27. Book of Revelation XXVI: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part B (Art)
    Chapters 6-16
    28. Book of Revelation XXVII: The Seven Seals I - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Rev.6:1-8) (Art)
    29. Book of Revelation XXVIII: The Seven Seals II - Seals 5 & 6, Martyrs, Vengeance, Natural Disasters & Mars (Rev.6:9-17) (Art)
    30. Book of Revelation XXIX: Interlude I, Part A, Sealing the 144,000 - The Lamb's Élite Warriors (Rev.7:1-8) (Art)
    31. Book of Revelation XXX: Interlude I, Part B, The Great Rescue - The Great Multitude (Rev.7:9-17) (Art)
    32. Book of Revelation XXXI: The Seventh Seal & Silence in Heaven - Golden Censer & Earthquake I (Rev.8:1-5) (Art)
    33. Book of Revelation XXXII: The Seven Shofar Judgments I: The First 4 Plagues Begin (Rev.8:6-13) (Art)
    34. Book of Revelation XXXIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments II: The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 1) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-12) (Art)
    35. Book of Revelation XXXIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments III: The 5th Plague & 1st Woe (Part 2) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-12) (Art)
    36. Book of Revelation XXXV: The Seven Shofar Judgments IV, The 6th Plague & 2nd Woe - The Fiery Riders (Revelation 9:13-21) (Art)
    37. Book of Revelation XXXVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments V, Interlude II, Part A - The Little Scroll (Revelation 10:1-11) (Art)
    38. Book of Revelation XXXVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part B - The Two Witnesses: Part I - Measuring Rod & Temple (Revelation 11:1-2) (Art)
    39. Book of Revelation XXXVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part C - The Two Witnesses: Part II - Moses & Elijah (Revelation 11:3-14) (Art)
    40. Book of Revelation XL: The Mystery of the Court of the Gentiles with a Word on Christmas and Hanukkah (Rev.10-11) (Art)
    41. Book of Revelation XLI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part A (Revelation 11:15-19) (Art)
    42. Book of Revelation XLII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part B (Revelation 11:15-19) (Art)
    43. Book of Revelation XLIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Woman and the Dragon, Part A (Revelation 12:1-6) (Art)
    44. Book of Revelation XLIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Woman and the Dragon, Part B (Revelation 12:1-6) (Art)
    45. Book of Revelation XLV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Angry Dragon, Part A - A Study on Satan & Yahweh's Archangels (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (Art)
    46. Book of Revelation XLVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Angry Dragon, Part A - Last Exodus & Cast Down From Heaven (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) (Art)
    47. Book of Revelation XLVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The First Beast, Part A (Revelation 13:1b-10) (Art)
    48. Book of Revelation XLVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The First Beast, Part B (Revelation 13:1b-10) (Art)
    49. Book of Revelation XLIX: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast, False Prophet & 666, Part A (Revelation 13:11-18) (Art)
    50. Book of Revelation L: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast, False Prophet & Dark Lamb, Part B (Revelation 13:11-18) (Art)
    51. Book of Revelation LI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Second Beast & Triple-Helix DNA, Part C (Revelation 13:11-18) (Art)
    52. Book of Revelation LII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part A: The True Followers (Revelation 14:1-5) (Art)
    53. Book of Revelation LIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part B: Firstfruits, Firstborn & Purity (Revelation 14:1-5) (Art)
    54. Book of Revelation LIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part A. Babylon & the Call to Endurance (Revelation 14:6-13) (Art)
    55. Book of Revelation LV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III: Messages of the Six Malakim, Part B. The Great Harvest (Revelation 14:14-20) (Art)
    56. Book of Revelation LVI: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments I: Preparing the Final Plagues (Revelation 15:1-8) (Art)
    57. Book of Revelation LVII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments II: The First Four Plagues (Revelation 16:1-9) (Art)
    58. Book of Revelation LVIII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 1 (Revelation 16:10-21) (Art)
    59. Book of Revelation LIX: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 2 (Revelation 16:10-21) (Art)
    60. Book of Revelation LX: Babylon the Great, Part 1 - A Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 17-18) (Art)
    61. Book of Revelation LXI: Babylon the Great, Part 2 - The Whore Rides a Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17:1-8) (Art)
    62. Book of Revelation LXII: Babylon the Great, Part 3 - The Seven & Ten Kings (Revelation 17:9-18) (Art)
    63. Book of Revelation LXIII: Babylon the Great, Part 4 - Babylon's Plagues (Revelation 18:1-8) (Art)
    64. Book of Revelation LXIV: Babylon the Great, Part 5 - The Judgment of Babylon (Revelation 18:9-24) (Art)
    65. Book of Revelation LXV: Our Messiah Returns to the Earth - A Preliminary Overview of Chapters 19 & 20 (Art)
    66. Book of Revelation LXVI: Yahweh's Victory Celebration, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb & the Womanolatry of Babylon Exposed (Revelation 19:1-10) (Art)
    67. Book of Revelation LXVII: The Beast Defeated, Part 1 - The Military Messiah, Royal Wives and Thighs (Revelation 19:11-21) (Art)
    68. Book of Revelation LXVIII: The Beast Defeated, Part 2 - Messiah's Conquest & Victory Through the Cross (Revelation 19:11-21) (Art)
    69. Book of Revelation LXIX: The Millennium - Reigning for 1,000 Years (Revelation 20:1-6) (Art)
    70. Book of Revelation LXX: Satan's Last Rebellion & Imprisonment (Revelation 20:7-10) (Art)
    71. Book of Revelation LXXI: The Great White Throne Judgment - Salvation by Faith or Works? (Revelation 20:11-15) (Art)
    72. Book of Revelation LXXII: The Great Millennial Debate - with Notes on Hell, Tartarus & Darbyism (Revelation 20:1-10) (Art)
    73. Book of Revelation LXXIII: A New Heaven & a New Earth & the World After the Millennium (Revelation 21:1-5) (Art)
    74. Book of Revelation LXXIV: The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:6-21) (Art)
    75. Book of Revelation LXXV: Elohim & the Lamb are There (Revelation 21:22-22:7) (Art)
    76. Book of Revelation LXXVI: 'I am Coming Soon!' (Revelation 22:8-21) (Art)

    D. Other Articles
    1. The Hebraic Roots Bible, A Preliminary Assessment: IV. The Style in Genesis & John - Part B: Gospel of John (Art)

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    This page was created on 16 June 2017
    Last updated on 15 May 2024

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