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    Section PWNC 050104

    The End Times and the Apostles

    Revelation received by the Presiding Patriarch on the end time, Apostolate, and establishment of the Firstborn Assemblies [Kadesh-biyqah, Sweden].

    The End time is Upon the Earth

    1. Thus saith Yahweh-Elohim, the Most High, who gathereth together the meek of the earth who have sought righteousness and emet (truth).

    2. Gather yourselves together, each to his own tent, and each to his own tribe, that I may restore the Confederation of Israel for the salvation of the elect.

    3. For I, Yahweh, have sounded the trumpet and alarm against all the fenced cities of Babylon, and against her high towers, which are an abomination unto Me.

    4. For it shall come to pass that I shall pour my wrath against all nations, and execute judgment upon the ungodly, even those who will not do good but pursue evil to their eternal destruction.

    5. Yea, verily, verily, I say unto you, the day of Yahweh is at hand, for I am coming to punish all such as are clothed with strange apparel, and who fill the land with violence and deceit.

    6. I am searching, yea, I am searching with a Great Light, for all those who will come up unto the Marriage Feast of the Lamb with cleansed hearts, which is their acceptable offering.

    7. And when I have found them, I shall gather them as wheat from amongst the tares, that they may be consecrated unto Zion.

    8. Nevertheless, they shall have days of trouble and distress, until all the dross in burned out of them, else they cannot remain.

    9. Behold, the day of wrath, of trouble, of distress, of wasteness and destruction, of darkness and gloominess, of clouds and thick darkness in the heavenlies, is upon you;

    10. For I am bringing distress upon all men, who are walking as blind men, saying and doing what they know not, because they have sinned against Yahweh their Elohim.

    11. And nought but repentance, even a broken heart and contrite spirit, which leadeth unto obedience to My Son Yah'shua and to My Torah, will save them, for I, Yahweh, come not unto those whose hearts are darkened.

    12. Therefore I say unto all those assaying to be a part of My Kingdom, both high and low, apostle and newborn: Repent! For the hour of gathering is at hand.

    13. And if ye will not repent, ye will not be gathered, but be scattered back into your mother, Babylon, and into her deadly embrace.

    14. I have heard the reproach of the ungodly and the revilings of the evil, whereby they have reproached My people Israel, and magnified themselves against their borders.

    15. Woe unto them! For in their pride and arrogance, they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of Yahweh-Sebaoth.

    16. I, Yahweh-Elohim, will be terrible unto them, for I will famish all the gods of the earth, and bring destruction upon the throne of evil.

    17. Yahweh hath spoken it, therefore hearken.

    The Calling of the Twelve Apostles

    18. It shall come to pass, and is coming to pass, that I, Yahweh-Elohim, shall call, and am calling, the Twelve apostles of the Lamb, to be the tribal heads of the remnant.

    19. And they shall be the captains of the twelve end time assemblies, each in his own place, according to the finger of the Most High.

    20. Each apostle shall stand alone in his own place as a tribal head, he and his family, and become the government of Israel for that tribe, and the place of assembly for that tribe, before and during the days of tribulation.

    21. Therefore he must raise up unto me, as an example for that tribe, a godly family in My Name in compliance with Torah, else he cannot stand.

    22. An apostle is a tribal pastor unto whom hath been given the keys of the government of Israel for his own tribe.

    23. Each apostle shall govern an end time assembly, and those who come unto that end time assembly shall be bound to him as his sons, grafted into him who shall be My representative.

    24. For behold, all government is patriarchal, and there has never been a time when I, Yahweh-Elohim, did not ordain patriarchal government, for such shall be throughout all time.

    25. And they who are bound to Mine apostles who are in Me shall rejoice over them with joy, for they shall be bound to righteousness, even the righteousness of the Son.

    26. And those who are sorrowful because of the world, I will comfort if they will subject themselves unto the holy government of Israel, otherwise they shall not be comforted.

    27. They shall no longer be ashamed of themselves, that they are grafted in, for they shall be orphans no more.

    28. They shall sing and shout, and rejoice with all their hearts, because they have come unto Zion and to the place where the Living Elohim dwelleth.

    29. The weary and the oppressed will lie down in their tent and be blessed

    30. Behold I have restored unto You, O House of Israel, a pure language (Zeph.3:9), even the language of emet (truth), that ye might call upon Me and serve Me with one consent.

    31. And ye shall bring unto Me your offerings, even your wealth, gifts, talents, and love, and bless My Bride, even my people Israel.

    32. There shall be no more afflicted and poor among My people, for all shall become the children of Light, cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb by emunah (faith) and by obedience.

    33. Thus saith Yahweh: I have called my servant Lev-Tsiyon to preside over the House of Joseph;

    34. And Joseph I have called to preside over the Israelite Confederacy, even as it is written.

    35. Therefore I will save the House of Joseph, and I will bring them back into My presence, even those who will repent and obey Me.

    36. Therefore I will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph, even as it is written (Amos 5:15).

    37. The House of Joseph shall be a fire and a flame, and none will survive who oppose him in the gate (Obad.18).

    38. And those who are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph shall be the first of the captives;

    39. And those who recline at their banquets in praise of sin and lawlessness shall be removed and shall be heard of no more (Amos 6:6-7).

    40. I have set My servant Lev-Tsiyon over the House of Ephraim, which is of Joseph, and I am about to set My servant Shem over the House of Manasseh, and they shall govern as one over the House of Joseph and over Israel.

    41. Therefore the right and the left feet of Joseph shall stand in their place, supporting the whole body.

    42. And they shall look up unto each of the other apostles, and declare unto them: "Whither goest thou?"

    43. And they will say unto them: "Unto Zion, for praise!" (Ps.65:1; 147:12)

    44. And Joseph shall say unto them (for they are as one voice): "Zion is in the wilderness, therefore go, each unto his own tent and tribe."

    45. And they shall direct them unto their places, to govern their tribes, and to be governed.

    46. Then Joseph shall say unto his younger brother Benjamin: "Come hither!"

    47. And he shall go unto him, and be subject unto him.

    48. Then shall they say unto him: "Thou art no more a ravenous wolf, but shall dwell in peace with the Lamb" (Gen.49:27; Is.11:6).

    49. Then shall Benjamin possess Gilead, and the balm thereof, and be at shalom (peace) (Obad.1:19; Jer.46:11).

    50. Therefore shall Benjamin be the last to be sealed of the tribes, even as it is written (Rev.7:8).

    51. Let the apostles purge their wives and their children as they themselves are purged, bringing them unto Me as tokens of their apostleship.

    52. And it shall come to pass that their children shall rise up and call their fathers blessed, and shall receive their inheritances, each in every tribe, both those of their flesh and those grafted in after the spirit.

    53. Let each apostle-patriarch build his house, and gather his sons around him in their own houses, each man under his own vine and fig tree (1 Ki.4:25), each with their wives and children.

    54. And this shall also be a sign of his apostleship, even his spiritual children whom he hath gathered for counsel.

    55. And if he hath no spiritual children in Zion then he is no apostle, for he hath not been fruitful, but buried his calling and not made his election sure.

    56. Therefore his apostleship shall be given unto another who bringeth forth the works thereof.

    57. Let each apostle stand in the gate of the House of Yahweh and proclaim the Word, saying:

    58. "Amend your ways and your doings, and Yahweh will cause you to dwell in this place.

    59. "Repent of your darkened hearts which are filled with bitterness and anger.

    60. "Cease to build your own kingdoms and seek ye first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His righteousness" (Mt.6:33);

    61. But if the heart of the apostle is darkened, and he seeketh not the Kingdom of Yahweh, how shall he say these things and not be counted as a hypocrite?

    62. Therefore he shall not say them, nor walk in his office, but be removed from his place.

    63. Behold, I am not pleased with the apostles in Benjamin, for the one hath waxed cold in his heart and the other hath fled his place and sought to appease his own heart.

    64. Therefore let the first repent of his dark thoughts and cleanse his heart before me, and I will hear his prayers and give unto him the righteous desires of his heart, and heal the woundedness and sorrows of the past and present.

    65. He hath blessed the House of Joseph and shall receive his reward, but hath cursed the House of Asenath and is not justified.

    66. Therefore let him make right his wrong and he shall once more be justified, as in days of old, and bless the Kingdom again.

    67. Let the second return to his place in the land of Benjamin (Norway) and gather My elect there, and obey his original commission, and not flee unto the land of Naphtali (Sweden) which is not his place.

    68. For though he hath sought to serve his fellow man, and hath been blessed therein, he hath forgotten the Kingdom, even the New Covenant, and hath fled therefrom, like unto Jonah.

    69. Behold, I sent unto him an enemy in Gibeon (Oslo) to stir him up to repentance, and to bring back his calling to remembrance, and be healed.

    69. Let him return and labour in his calling, casting all his care on Me, and I shall justify him, and give unto him companions for the work.

    70. He shall be cleansed and healed of the woundedness of his soul and be delivered, if he will turn unto Me in faith, nothing doubting, and be equipped for the ministry, else he will not bear fruit.

    The Promise of Jeshurun

    71. Behold, the Branch of Yahweh will become beautiful and glorious, and the qodeshim (saints) shall bring forth much fruit, yea, even comely fruit.

    72. And it shall be only as the filth of the daughters of Zion hath been washed away, and been purged by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning (Is.4:4).

    73. Upon every dwelling place and every assembly of Zion shall rest a cloud of smoke by day and a flaming fire by night for the defense of Zion (Is.4:5).

    74. Then shall Zion be called Jeshurun, and I shall pour water upon him, and he shall be satisfied (Is.44:2).

    75. And it shall be said of all people who are not destroyed by the avenger in the day of tribulation: "Behold, there is no one like the Elohim of Jeshurun!" (Dt.33:26).

    76. The humble shall stand and be blessed but the proud, and all who do wickedly, shall be as stubble and be burned up. Amen.


    1. Thus saith Yahweh-Elohim, the Most High, who gathereth together the meek of the earth who have sought righteousness and emet (truth).

    2. Gather yourselves together, each to his own tent, and each to his own tribe, that I may restore the Confederation of Israel for the salvation of the elect.

    The ideal form of government in Yahweh's Kingdom has always been the Tribal Confederacy under the leadership of Judges. This was the mode of Israelite government before the Israelites, under influence from the surrounding pagan nations, decided they wanted the pomp and glory of kingship (1 Sam.8:6ff). They were strongly warned against this by Yahweh's prophet, Samuel, but would not yield. The Kingship was therefore permitted but with warnings of the dire consequences of this pagan mode of rule. The Benjamite Saul was set aside as Israel's first monarch, quickly fell into a apostacy, and set the precendent for subsequent Israelite monarchies - only a small minority of kings were ever righteous, the rest leading Israel into heathenism, apostacy and eventual rejection by Yahweh.

    Anciently, as well as today, the Kingdom of Yahweh was a Theocracy. That Kingdom - also known as 'Israel', 'the Messianic Community', 'Zion', or 'the Church' - consists of twelve tribal divisions, each named after one of the 12 Tribes of Israel. The head of each tribe is a Judge, also known as an Apostle or a Patriarch, with the head tribe being Joseph-Ephraim. The Twelve Tribes are also organised into two sub-divisions, namely 'Israel' (consisting of 10 tribes) and 'Judah' (consisting of 2 tribes) which, under the New Covenant Assembly of Yahweh, are being united into a single 'Israelite Confederacy'.

    Each tribe is self-governing. The Tribal Heads together constitute the Patriarchy or Apostolate, the chief Judge of which is the tribal head of Joseph-Ephraim. At any one time three of the twelve judges or apostles make up the 'Presiding Patriarchate', the Presiding Patriarch being the tribal head of Joseph-Ephraim with two of the other tribal heads selected by him as counsellors. One of these, as we shall see presently, is always Joseph-Manasseh.

    Each tribal head or apostle is the head of an 'Apostolic Field', there being twelve divisions around the entire earth. Israel is currently in diaspora (dispersed around the world) though will regather to her tribal lands in Israel-proper during the Millennium. The 12 Tribes are both scattered as well as genetically interbred with the Gentiles as well as with each other. The Tribes today are identified chiefly by revelation since many of the new members of Israel are not by literal descent but by in-grafting. A biological family unit may, therefore, on occasion have members from different tribes owing both to genetic mixing over the centuries as well as the adoption criteria instigated by Heaven. In the case of women who may, for example, belong to a tribe different from their husbands, they become by marriage adopted into the husband's tribe. Thus a Benjamite woman marrying an Ephraimite man becomes, by matrimony, a member of the Ephraimite Tribe.

    Adoption into one or the other tribes is by the sovereign will of Yahweh, not a matter of personal choice, any more than birth into a tribe anciently was by choice. The first verse of this revelation reminds us that irrespective of which tribe one is adopted into, that which makes a soul an Israelite is meekness which is the necessary qualification for earthly inheritance (Mt.5:5). True Israelites seek righteousness and truth.

    In verse 2, each apostle is commanded to gather to his "own tent", meaning to his own apostolic field. For the tribal head of Zebulun, for example, this would mean establishing himself in the Netherlands which is the diaspora homeland of that Tribe. For the tribal head of West Manasseh, this would mean establishing his tent or home in the United States of America or Canada, and for the head of Benjamin, in Norway. Though apostles may travel in their evangelism and work generally, their tribal headquarters, and their home, must be in their own land, unless a dispensation has been given otherwise. For example, the current Presiding Patriarch, though of Ephraim (Britain), was commanded by Yahweh to begin the work of Israelite restoration first in Benjamin (Norway) and then in Naphtali (Sweden).

    3. For I, Yahweh, have sounded the trumpet and alarm against all the fenced cities of Babylon, and against her high towers, which are an abomination unto Me.

    From its earliest days, members of NCAY have been commanded to "gather out of Babylon". This means not only abandoning the habits, traditions, thought patterns and behaviourisms of the Babylonian system, but physically leaving the Babylonian cities themselves. For the apostles this means establishing their homes in the countryside, away from the world's cities, even if they will enter cities for evangelism and have temporary homes there.

    The Israelite 'city' would be a small village or town of independent dwelling places consiting of homes on separate plots of land, not living huddled together in flats, apartments or towerblocks. The antichrist Nimrod was the father of the first city state which he used to consolidate his satanic political power and impose rule over other cities, making the first worldly Empire. Wickedness, along with concommittant demonisation, tends to grow fastest and worst in such places, which is why the 'tent' or home of each apostle should not be based in such a place. Around this 'tent', which should be relatively isolated in the countryside, the apostle should gather his own family, physical and spiritual, to form a proto-Firstborn Community as a type of the final end-time Firstborn Communities. Though there will only be 12 end-time Firstborn Communities or Cities of Refuge, there will be many more proto-firstborn assemblies in which communal living and the establishment of Israelite villages in diaspora may occur.

    Verse 3 tells us that Yahweh is sending judgment against the Nimrodian cities of Babylon. This is the first warning for the godly to get out of them and to move into rural NCAY settlements.

    4. For it shall come to pass that I shall pour my wrath against all nations, and execute judgment upon the ungodly, even those who will not do good but pursue evil to their eternal destruction.

    The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York at the turn of the 21st Century was the first sign of imminent judgment against Babylon's cities. Various kinds of catastrophe, man-made as well as natural, will begin to strike cities as Yahweh passes a series of judgments that will eventually accellerate as the Tribulation Period arrives. Natural disasters (such as the giant tidal wave or tsunami that struck Asia in 2004/5) will increase in number. Wars will take an increasing toll on cities too. Terrorist attacks, such as have taken place in New York, Washington DC, Madrid and Moscow will escalate. The wrath of Yahweh is now upon the world.

    5. Yea, verily, verily, I say unto you, the day of Yahweh is at hand, for I am coming to punish all such as are clothed with strange apparel, and who fill the land with violence and deceit.

    That which provokes Yahweh's judgment is identified in verse 5. 'Strange apparel', a reference perhaps to Zephaniah 1:8, may also be translated as 'foreign clothes'. The reference here is to Israelites who imitate the customs and ways of the pagan nations. This would include everyone who names the Name of Yah'shua or Jesus as Lord and Saviour who continues in pagan practices such as Christmas, Halloween, etc., and who indulges in hedonism, adopts the music of the world, and in general imitates ungodly ways. This would, one supposes, include the dress patterns of the gentiles, especially that which is immodest or which promotes unisexuality or other forms of perversion.

    Two categories of believer are named here - those who imitate the ways of Babylon but especially those who are deceitful and resort to violence. One could name many institutions claiming to be Christian who not only are pagan to all intents and purposes in their habits and ways, scorning and shunning Torah, but who are untruthful and indulge in violence - psychic and/or physical - to further their own aims.

    6. I am searching, yea, I am searching with a Great Light, for all those who will come up unto the Marriage Feast of the Lamb with cleansed hearts, which is their acceptable offering.

    Verse 6 reitterates the clarion call of Yahweh to NCAY, repeated in numerous other revelations, to seek holiness and purity. Doctrinal correctness or even strict Torah-observance are meaningless if the heart is unclean. Therefore the first priority is purity of heart.

    The Bride of Messiah is not the same as those who have been born-again. The Bride is she who is consecrated by marriage vows to complete obedience and holiness. Such are those whom Yahweh seeks today for only a purified heart is an acceptable spiritual offering to Him. Naming His Name or belonging to an assembly or church is not enough. Yahweh is now keenly searching out all of those who passionately seek to have the kind of submissive obedience to Him and His Torah, in ahavah (love), as the true wife who obeys her husband in all things as to Yahweh Himself.

    7. And when I have found them, I shall gather them as wheat from amongst the tares, that they may be consecrated unto Zion.

    The pure of heart, who are of the Bride, will be the first who desire to leave the cities of Babylon and gather into Israelite settlements to escape not only the destruction of Babylon herself but her corrupting influences. Those who still love the cities and wish to remain in them are herein identified as not as yet having a right heart, for the tares, we must conclude, will remain for the most part in the cities where they will be burned. This is a veiled revelation telling us that the greatest judgment will take place in the cities where the tares will be burned up. Existing revelations speak of the total destruction of specific cities, by way of illustration of the worldwide destruction that will take place. New York and Las Vegas have been speficically identified as cities that will entirely burn, together with others that will be submerged under the sea by natural catastrophes - Stavanger in Norway and the coatal cities of California being examples.

    8. Nevertheless, they shall have days of trouble and distress, until all the dross in burned out of them, else they cannot remain.

    There will be no peace until Yah'shua returns. The catastrophes that occur are all a part of Yahweh's design to punish the wicked as well as to purge wickedness out of those called to salvation. Specifically, the apostles must be purged before they are ready to become tribal heads and start communities.

    9. Behold, the day of wrath, of trouble, of distress, of wasteness and destruction, of darkness and gloominess, of clouds and thick darkness in the heavenlies, is upon you;

    10. For I am bringing distress upon all men, who are walking as blind men, saying and doing what they know not, because they have sinned against Yahweh their Elohim.

    This revelation came in the aftermath of the tsunami that claimed the lives of over 150,000 people in Asia, shocking the world and provoking many for a while to reconsider the meaning of life. Many used this as an excuse to declare that either Elohim (God) does not care or that He does not exist. This distress is specifically aimed, verse 10 tells us, at those who are walking in spiritual blindness. People have no idea what they were doing because they have departed from the light of emet (truth).

    11. And nought but repentance, even a broken heart and contrite spirit, which leadeth unto obedience to My Son Yah'shua and to My Torah, will save them, for I, Yahweh, come not unto those whose hearts are darkened.

    The world continues to make excuses and rebell even after natural disasters such as the Asian tidal wave which struck Indonesia, Thailand, India and as far away as Somalia. Man is not able to explain these things, his conclusions always falling far short of the emet (truth). Verse 11 warns that only a broken heart and a contruite spirit are acceptable to Yahweh, for without these, a heart remains in darkness, lifted up in its own pride and arrogance. Repentance is the only way to to draw near to Yahweh, meaning that those who repent must change their life's direction and start obeying Yahweh's commandments.

    12. Therefore I say unto all those assaying to be a part of My Kingdom, both high and low, apostle and newborn: Repent! For the hour of gathering is at hand.

    13. And if ye will not repent, ye will not be gathered, but be scattered back into your mother, Babylon, and into her deadly embrace.

    Repentance is for everyone at all times because it is the natural state of one submitted to Yahweh. It does not need to be sorrowful, except for serious sin. Repentance for the most part is continually changing the direction of a soul's life until it is walking on the narrow way that leads to Heaven, and is no longer wandering off into side roads of sin and temptation. Since this revelation is chiefly aimed at the apostles, it is a reminder to them specifically to get their act into order before they can merit the loyality and obedience of those who will be subject to them.

    Those who refuse to repent will remain in the cities or return to them, to be smothered spiritually by them and burned up. This revelation is the first concrete indication that now is the time Yahweh wants people to gather out of the cities and into proto-firstborn communities. In a word, NCAY is not be to built in the cities but to gather Yahweh's people out of them! The presence of apostles in the cities of the world shall hereafter be for that express purpose only. The organisation of conregations in the cities is only to be temporary, to organise them for gathering, until they can order up their homes and worldly professions and prepare to leave. This is not to be done in haste but be carefully planned - the only ones who will have to leave in haste are those who have not responded to earlier calls when the time of Tribulation begins in earnest.

    14. I have heard the reproach of the ungodly and the revilings of the evil, whereby they have reproached My people Israel, and magnified themselves against their borders.

    15. Woe unto them! For in their pride and arrogance, they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of Yahweh-Sebaoth.

    16. I, Yahweh-Elohim, will be terrible unto them, for I will famish all the gods of the earth, and bring destruction upon the throne of evil.

    17. Yahweh hath spoken it, therefore hearken.

    Zion - the community of Messianic Israel in diaspora - has always been the object of the hatred of the world. The demonised masses have always sought the extermination of Zion whose presence is to them an irritating reminder of their lost condition and need to repent in order to be saved. The consistent response of the world to Zion throughout the ages has been persecution, mild at first, but more violent over the course of time. The children of Israel have always been strangers in the world when they have lived their religion properly and have excited the wrath and jealosy of Babylon.

    The punishment of those who persecute and do not repent is herein stated. Yahweh specifically opposes pride and arrogance. And in verse 16, He serves notice that their false belief systems will fail to nourish or support them in the day of tribulation and destruction.

    The Calling of the Twelve Apostles

    18. It shall come to pass, and is coming to pass, that I, Yahweh-Elohim, shall call, and am calling, the Twelve apostles of the Lamb, to be the tribal heads of the remnant.

    Many apostles have been called over the years but, at the time this revelation was given, only three remained true, and one has since been lost. The rest of the Twelve will now be called and gathered.

    19. And they shall be the captains of the twelve end time assemblies, each in his own place, according to the finger of the Most High.

    As indicated earlier, each apostle shall be established in his own tribal territory as its head, the tribal territories being designated by revelation. This revelation specifically identifies two territories - West Manasseh (USA) and Benjamin (Norway).

    20. Each apostle shall stand alone in his own place as a tribal head, he and his family, and become the government of Israel for that tribe, and the place of assembly for that tribe, before and during the days of tribulation.

    Apostles, like pastors, elders and deacons, must be family men to qualify for the apostleship. Those who are not married cannot govern a tribe because they have no experience of governing their own family. Like pastors, they must show their ability to govern their wives and children in a godly manner. Their families must be models of love, order, discipline, temperance and Torah-obedience. The training ground of the apostles is indeed the pastorate and with no exceptions is a man elevated to be a Judge in Israel - over a whole tribe - if he has not first managed to govern his own family and a local congregation, having begun and continued as a humble Deacon.

    21. Therefore he must raise up unto me, as an example for that tribe, a godly family in My Name in compliance with Torah, else he cannot stand.

    Here is the prime qualifying factor of an apostle. His family must be dedicated to Yahweh in obedience to all the mitzvot (commandments).

    22. An apostle is a tribal pastor unto whom hath been given the keys of the government of Israel for his own tribe.

    Biblical 'keys' refer to spiritual authority though there is a legalistic component too. The connection between the pastoral and the apostolic is clearly identified and defined. To be an apostle means to be a leader capable to effective and righteous government over others.

    23. Each apostle shall govern an end time assembly, and those who come unto that end time assembly shall be bound to him as his sons, grafted into him who shall be My representative.

    Since their are no orphans in Zion, and since the Messianic Community is largely build up by converts out of the world, then a massive ingrafting operation must take place as these people are adopted into the Israelite tribes. An apostle is a father of his people which means that he is the patriarch not only of his own biological sons and daughters but over those who are adopted into his tribe. This is no abstract paternity but intimate and responsible - the tribal head, like the ruler of a country, is responsible for all under his care as their father. In NCAY new converts are adopted into apostolic families, both whole families in themselves as well as singles coming alone into the Kingdom. An apostle must therefore have the maturity and experience to take care of this great body of people.

    24. For behold, all government is patriarchal, and there has never been a time when I, Yahweh-Elohim, did not ordain patriarchal government, for such shall be throughout all time.

    The divine system of patriarchy has been all but lost in the Christian churches of the world. Pastors are distant figures with little intimate spiritual contact with their parishoners. The parishoners are not, in any case, bound by life-long oathes of obedience and loyalty because church systems are not tribal. Once you know your tribe, that is your tribe for life. And whilst you may move around in your tribal territory, you are not expected to move out of it expect by marriage (when women of one tribe may marry men from others).

    25. And they who are bound to Mine apostles who are in Me shall rejoice over them with simcha (joy), for they shall be bound to righteousness, even the righteousness of the Son.

    If the apostle is not righteous then his government will be a tyrrany. The apostles are all bound by Torah and by the government of the Presiding Patriarch who even himself is bound by checks and balances. Every man of Israel is weighed annually at Yom Kippur, young and old, apostle and lay member, each in his own location. Each is strictly examined for imperfections and guided to repentance and reformation as is required. Aposles, like all priesthood officers, may even be suspended if they do not conform to the requirements of their office. All, therefore, are strictly bound over to righteousness and holiness.

    26. And those who are sorrowful because of the world, I will comfort if they will subject themselves unto the holy government of Israel, otherwise they shall not be comforted.

    Because Babylon is a devouring mother, those coming to Zion will largely be coming as spiritual orphans with little comprehension of what submission to spiritual parents really is. There is often a lot of resistence to this because of a lack of understanding of what true patriarchy is and because of fear of counterfeit systems which abuse the office. The submission of former spiritual orphans to their new fathers can be slow and painful and is a major pastoral ministry of the contemporary NCAY. Not all, as verse 26 suggests, will necessarily be comforted at first because they will still be bound to their false notions. Those who subject themselves in righteousness are promised comfort.

    27. They shall no longer be ashamed of themselves, that they are grafted in, for they shall be orphans no more.

    There are no fatherless or motherless single men and women in Zion. Everyone is adopted into an NCAY family who has no father or mother in the Besorah (Gospel) of Yah'shua where they are nurtured as well as directed in Kingdom service until they are married and are able to establish their own biological families.

    28. They shall sing and shout, and rejoice with all their hearts, because they have come unto Zion and to the place where the Living Elohim dwelleth.

    29. The weary and the oppressed will lie down in their tent and be blessed

    Patriarchy means covering - the spiritual protection of a father and mother in Zion. The vast majority of men and women raised in the world system know nothing of this and have becomed hardened and calloused because of the necessity to survive without protection. It is hard for them to trust anyone because they do not know what nurturing and protection are. The love of Yah'shua, within the vessel of biological families, allows trust to develop and spiritual growth to take place.

    30. Behold I have restored unto You, O House of Israel, a pure language (Zeph.3:9), even the language of emet (truth), that ye might call upon Me and serve Me with one consent.

    Verse 30 is an entirely new interpretation of Zepheniah 3:9 which speaks of the restoration of a pure language in the latter days. This has been interpreted by most to mean a literal language like Hebrew or some earlier form, and whilst such a language may indeed come into widespread useage in the Millennium (as English is today internationally) the prime meaning here is given to be the language of emet (truth). In Zion all is plainnness and emet (truth). Emet (truth) is the medium of communication in New Covenant Israel.

    31. And ye shall bring unto Me your offerings, even your wealth, gifts, talents, and ahavah (love), and bless My Bride, even my people Israel.

    Yah'shua hinted in a parable that the last men and women to come into His Kingdom would, in comparison to the world and its wealth, be the poor and beggars. Though regarded as the lower strata of society by Babylon, they are seen by Yahweh as having the potential for greatness in Zion. To be rich spiritually means nothing less than total consecration or the 'United Order of All Things in Common'. This was the practice of the Jerusalem Assembly in the New Testament Assembly where the tithing system gave way to a complete pooling of wealth to be administered by the apostles (Acts 2:44; 4:32). In the firstborn assemblies of NCAY, the United Melchizedek Order is lived, the Tithing System being operative outside these 'Israelite villages'. This does not, however, mean only a pooling of physical wealth. Zionic consecration is the pooling of talent, time and ahavah (love) too. All work together for the common good.

    32. There shall be no more afflicted and poor among My people, for all shall become the children of Light, cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb by emunah (faith) and by obedience.

    There are no economic classes in the Tribal Confederacy. All are equal in wealth - 'to each his need'. Sons work for their fathers in in days of old and the fathers are responsible for the voluntary redistribution of wealth in the village so that there are no poor or underprivileged. The amassing of wealth for personal aggrandisement is forbidden. The firstborn son inherits a double portion of his father's estate but is bound by New Covenant Torah to confer equally upon all his siblings. He is responsible for the care of his father's wife when his father dies.

    None of this works unless the patriarchal system is properly in place with its checks and balances. The keynote words in verse 32 are 'emunah' (faith) (in Yah'shua and His appointees) and 'obedience' (to Torah and its administrators).

    33. Thus saith Yahweh: I have called my servant Lev-Tsiyon to preside over the House of Joseph;

    34. And Joseph I have called to preside over the Israelite Confederacy, even as it is written.

    The human head of the Israelite Confederacy is always the tribal head of Joseph-Ephraim with Yah'shua the Messiah, the 'lion of Judah', as the overall Head.

    35. Therefore I will save the House of Joseph, and I will bring them back into My presence, even those who will repent and obey Me.

    36. Therefore I will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph, even as it is written (Amos 5:15).

    37. The House of Joseph shall be a fire and a flame, and none will survive who oppose him in the gate (Obad.18).

    The headship is given to Joseph (represented today by Great Britain and those adopted into her) because of his unique qualities of leadership, compassion and forgiveness. This is demonstrated by the life of Joseph of Egypt who received the headship after the biological firstborn, Reuben (represented today by France and those adopted into her), violated one of his father's wives.

    Notice that this revelation is not supporting the 'British Israel' heresy. Britain is not 'Israel' per se and nor is the British monarch the bona fide Davidic 'king' or 'queen'. (The British monarchy, like most monarchies, is, in fact, in a satanic bloodline). Though Britain is the Joseph-Epraimite 'nation' not all within her borders are Joseph, but only a remnant. Like all nations, Britain is mixed. The blood of the 12 Israelite tribes is to be found in all nations. Thus in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia, which own tribes containing the blood of Levi and Judah, respectively, future Levite and Judahite heads may one day be found.

    38. And those who are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph shall be the first of the captives;

    Joseph of Egypt was grievously persecuted and so have his descendants been ever since. Those who revile and persecute the tribe of Joseph are the first to fall into captivity.

    39. And those who recline at their banquets in praise of sin and lawlessness shall be removed and shall be heard of no more (Amos 6:6-7).

    As a tribe historically, Joseph has sunk into the depths of idolatry and depravity, and in that condition has been cast off by Yahweh. But when Torah-obedient and submitted to the Messiah, he becomes the jewel in the Israelite crown. Those who persecute Joseph when he is in right-relationship with Yahweh rarely come back to Zion again after opposing her because they are without excuse.

    40. I have set My servant Lev-Tsiyon over the House of Ephraim, which is of Joseph, and I am about to set My servant Shem over the House of [West] Manasseh, and they shall govern as one over the House of Joseph and over Israel.

    Shem was the Israelite firstborn name of Grant Robertson from the USA who fell away from his calling and now sleeps with his fathers. Because Joseph is a blessed tribe when rightly related to Yahweh (but cursed when he is not - he tends to be either good or evil with little inbetween) he has been given a double portion in Israel. Thus Joseph's two sons, Ephraim (Britain) and Manasseh (West Manasseh -USA/Canada, East Manasseh - Germany) were given double portions in the Israelite Confederacy. Though Manasseh was the biological firstborn, Yahweh designated Ephraim as the leader, "the elder serving the younger" for reasons known only to Himself. Perhaps in compensation, Manasseh owned a tribal territory twice that in size of Ephraim, on both sides of the River Jordan. Today the USA and Canada are far larger in size and more powereful than Britain, perhaps reflecting that original blessing. The USA (West Manasseh) did, however, rebel against the authority of Britain (Ephraim), dividing the two tribes, for Yahweh does not tolerate rebellion. The great wickedness arising in the USA, which usurped the rôle of Britain as the head of the two, may well be one of the reasons that great nation is sliding so fast into sin and destruction.

    41. Therefore the right and the left feet of Joseph shall stand in their place, supporting the whole body.

    In the restoration of the true Israelite Confederacy, the placing of Ephraim and Manasseh will be restored. Because they are so close to one another, however, they are, as verse 40 tells us, virtually to be seen as 'one', depicted symbolically as the two legs of the Israelite body. This was certainly reflected by the spiritual intimacy and harmony of these two tribal heads before the latter's passing.

    There has always been a special relationship between Britain and the USA as is befitting brothers and this will prevail in the days leading to the Great Tribulation and beyond it into the Millennium.

    42. And they shall look up unto each of the other apostles, and declare unto them: "Whither goest thou?"

    The headship of the Ephraimite and Manassehite apostles is herein seen to be regarded as virually one again as they summonse the other apostles. That they possess the overall spiritual direction which the other tribal apostles do not is intimated in their question to them: "Where are you going?" This is a reminder that the other apostles need to be subjected to Joseph.

    43. And they will say unto them: "Unto Zion, for praise!" (Ps.65:1; 147:12)

    44. And Joseph shall say unto them (for they are as one voice): "Zion is in the wilderness, therefore go, each unto his own tent and tribe."

    45. And they shall direct them unto their places, to govern their tribes, and to be governed.

    The other apostles know what they want but not where to go for it. They want to go to Zion to worship Yahweh. It is the responsibility of Joseph to direct them to their places.

    46. Then Joseph shall say unto his younger brother Benjamin: "Come hither!"

    47. And he shall go unto him, and be subject unto him.

    Benjamin was the brother of Joseph of Egypt, both being the sons of Jacob (Israel) and Rachel. He was somewhat favouritised because of this blood relationship but this is changed in the New Covenant of Yah'shua.

    48. Then shall they say unto him: "Thou art no more a ravenous wolf, but shall dwell in peace with the Lamb" (Ge.49:27; Is.11:6).

    Unlike his brother Joseph, Benjamin is possessed of very different qualities - he is described in his patriarchal blessing as a 'ravenous wolf'. This certainly described the Norwegian Vikings well before their partial conversion to Messiah. The Vikings were great conquerors but also the scourge of Europe, displaying well the qualities of a 'ravening wolf'. When not subjected to his brother Joseph, things do not go well for him spiritually. It is interesting that there has always been such a fraternal tie between Norway (Benjamin) and Great Britain (Joseph-Ephraim) in contrast to Norway's neighbour Sweden (Naphtali) which has always been more closely bound to Germany (East Manasseh).

    49. Then shall Benjamin possess Gilead, and the balm thereof, and be at shalom (peace) (Obad.1:19; Jer.46:11).

    In verse 48 the spiritual pacification of Benjamin takes place when he becomes subject to his elder brother Joseph again.

    50. Therefore shall Benjamin be the last to be sealed of the tribes, even as it is written (Rev.7:8).

    Benjamin (Norway) is the last of the 12 tribes to be sealed in the 144,000. Interestingly, NCAY began briefly (1986) in Joseph-Ephraim (Britain) and was transferred to Benjamin (Norway) where it was formed (1988-1997) before beging relocated to Naphtali (Sweden). The Besorah (Gospel) was largely rejected by Benjamin with the exception of a tiny apostolic remnant. This revelation would seem to suggest that the final gathering of the Norwegian people will not take place until the other tribes have been gathered first.

    51. Let the apostles purge their wives and their children as they themselves are purged, bringing them unto Me as tokens of their apostleship.

    The spiritual condition of the apostles' wives and children is the apostles' and no-one else's responsibility. Undisciplined and lawless wives and children are a sign that the apostle has failed to carry out his responsibility and duty as a husband, father and patriarch exercising true headship. In practice this means that he must completely turn against the Babylonian system and expunge it entirely from his family before he is qualified to lead and become a fatherly example to his tribe. It may mean, as Abraham did to Hagar, being especially strict to ensure that the promised seed of Emet (Truth) is preserved and multiplied. This does require harsh and often painful decision-making.

    52. And it shall come to pass that their children shall rise up and call their fathers blessed, and shall receive their inheritances, each in every tribe, both those of their flesh and those grafted in after the spirit.

    An apostle cannot neglect his home and call himself an apostle. Indeed, his home is the centrepiece of his tribe. When people come to see how the Besorah (Gospel) is lived, it is first of all to his home that they will come. The core of Zion is not therefore the local assembly or church but the apostolic home. The local assembly is simply a gathering of the apostle's or pastor's family, literal and spiritual.

    53. Let each apostle-patriarch build his house, and gather his sons around him in their own houses, each man under his own vine and fig tree (1 Ki.4:25), each with their wives and children.

    All Zionic leaders - indeed, all the fathers of Israel - are first and foremost home-builders. In Torah a man is not allowed to marry until he has first provided his betrothed wife with a house to live in. The length of the betrothal is determined by the length of time it takes him to accomplish this under the direction of his father. He is not allowed to fully marry her until he has established his home.

    Every man in Israel must labour with his hands and provide a home and bread for his family. Until he has succeeded in subduing the earth in a practical way he will be unqualified to lead spiritually. Basic work is where leaders learn to be focussed, dedicated and disciplined. A man who has not worked to earn his daily bread has not received the basic training to lead people. All the New Testament apostles had a trade until Yahweh recruited them full-time for the ministry, and occasionally they still had to work (as Paul did making tents) to make ends meet. To qualify as Shammashim (Deacons), Zaqenim (Elders) and others leaders of NCAY, men must be married and have a job unless (in the case of the latter) they are ill or retired.

    In verse 53 the expression "each man under his own vine and fig tree" is a Hebrew metaphor meaning that the man is of independent means. Also, as described earlier, it points to the fact that in Zion every family should have his own plot of land and stand-alone house. People are not supposed to be huddled together in apartment blocks and the like. An apostle must have his own plot of land and house and his sons (literal or spiritual), must have the same when they grow up and marry. As pointed out earlier, a man was not allowed to marry until he had fulfilled his Torah-obligation to do this first, though he might get betrothed beforehand.

    54. And this shall also be a sign of his apostleship, even his spiritual children whom he hath gathered for counsel.

    An apostle must have more than his own biological children - he must have spiritual children, those who he has either led to Yah'shua and/or nurtured them in discipleship. This is his pastoral rôle as a discipler. Conversion is in many respects the 'easy' part for discipling is a life-long process.

    55. And if he hath no spiritual children in Zion then he is no apostle, for he hath not been fruitful, but buried his calling and not made his election sure.

    An apostle, like Paul, has converts and spiritual sons and daughters whom he is discipling. The apostle therefore combines the unique rôles of evangelist and pastor.

    56. Therefore his apostleship shall be given unto another who bringeth forth the works thereof.

    Though apostleship is ideally a lifelong calling, like all priesthood offices it is contingent upon fruitfulness. An apostle remains head of his tribe for as long as he lives but if he becomes incapacitiated owing to old age or illness, he may pass the executive responsibilities of his office to his designate successor. This King David did to his son Solomon while he was still alive. If the apostle is unfruitful in his works, then it is the responsibility of the Presiding Apostle to call a new tribal head.

    57. Let each apostle stand in the gate of the House of Yahweh and proclaim the Davar (Word), saying:

    58. "Amend your ways and your doings, and Yahweh will cause you to dwell in this place.

    59. "Repent of your darkened hearts which are filled with bitterness and anger.

    60. "Cease to build your own kingdoms and seek ye first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His righteousness" (Mt.6:33);

    These verses proclaim the driving force of a true apostle - his business is not building something for himself but only for Yahweh. His first call - unpopular though it is (as all fathers know) - is to call his spiritual sons to repentance on a more or less continual basis. This he will do in ahavah (love) but firmness. He must not allow those with darkened hearts to enter into Zion but must confront them. Anger and bitterness are not permitted in Israel for these things allow Satan into the midst of the people. He must therefore teach repentance and forgiveness.

    61. But if the heart of the apostle is darkened, and he seeketh not the Kingdom of Yahweh, how shall he say these things and not be counted as a hypocrite?

    62. Therefore he shall not say them, nor walk in his office, but be removed from his place.

    The Messianic Scriptures (New Testament) records apostolic conflicts (Paul and Peter, Barnabas and Paul). Conflict in the highest ranks of the Kingdom is disasterous which is why it is not allowed to fester. Swift and decisive action is mantadory in Zion to stamp out demonic openings because the good of the whole is more important than the pride or selfishness of any one individual leader. Israel and Judah were repeatedly destroyed as nations by the bad leadership of their kings. Nobody is above discipline, including the Presiding Patriarch - thus we find the apostle Paul correcting the then Presiding Apostle Peter for departing from the emet (truth). Though Peter was a great man he was eventually superceded by James, himself superceded by John who respresented the ideal apostolic head.

    63. Behold, I am not pleased with the apostles in Benjamin, for the one hath waxed cold in his heart and the other hath fled his place and sought to do appease his own heart.

    The Benjamites, like Paul, had fiery tempers and could at times be most intemperate and unforgiving. Paul was an arch-persecutor of the Messianic Community before he was converted and pacified by the ahavah (love) of Yah'shua on the road to Damascus. NCAY was largely formed in Norway where it experienced tremendous persecution and internal rebellion. Two Norwegian apostles were amongst the original Six whom Yahweh chose to purge and lead NCAY into its world mission. They are here in verse 63 singled out for correction so as to free the Messianic Community for the next stage of its work. One of them was called to Zambia but never responded.

    64. Therefore let the first repent of his dark thoughts and cleanse his heart before me, and I will hear his prayers and give unto him the righteous desires of his heart, and heal the woundedness and sorrows of the past and present.

    65. He hath blessed the House of Joseph and shall receive his reward, but hath cursed the House of Asenath and is not justified.

    66. Therefore let him make right his wrong and he shall once more be justified, as in days of old, and bless the Kingdom again.

    67. Let the second return to his place in the land of Benjamin [Norway] and gather My elect there, and obey his original commission, and not flee unto the land of Naphtali [Sweden] which is not his place.

    68. For though he hath sought to serve his fellow man, and hath been blessed therein, he hath forgotten the Kingdom, even the New Covenant, and hath fled therefrom, like unto Jonah.

    69. Behold, I sent unto him an enemy in Gibeon [Oslo] to stir him up to repentance, and to bring back his calling to remembrance, and be healed.

    69. Let him return and labour in his calling, casting all his care on Me, and I shall justify him, and give unto him companions for the work.

    70. He shall be cleansed and healed of the woundedness of his soul and be delivered, if he will turn unto Me in emunah (faith), nothing doubting, and be equipped for the ministry, else he will not bear fruit.

    Of the 12 spies sent into Canaan by Moses, only two brought back a favourable report based on faith: Joshua (Ephraim) and Caleb (Judah). The others were filled with doubts and deep foreboding when they saw the opposition that would face them in the form of nefilim (giants) in any attempted invasion of the Promised Land. As a result, of the original generation that came out of Egypt, only these two men and their families were allowed to cross the River Jordan. Even their prophetic head, Moses, was not permitted to cross because he had been presumptuous in taking credit for a divine miracle. The ways of Yahweh are not easy.

    So it must be with modern-day apostles. The apostleship is not a rank but a duty and a calling. It means taking risks and exercising emunah (faith) in the face of, by human fleshy standards, impossible odds. NCAY has repeatedly defied the odds and simply gone ahead in emunah (faith). Where doubt has interposed, its work has either been slowed down or stopped. If NCAY is to perform its mission successfully, then it requires more than 2 faithful apostles but 12, because each apostle must be able to stand on his own, unaided by the others, to perform his rôle as a tribal head in diaspora. Those who refuse must at length be kicked out of their nests, to fly or crash to the ground. Leaders are not treated as others, for much more is expected of them - their rewards for success and the punishments for failure - because of the effect they have on those they are stewards over - are proportionately higher. This also goes for their wives and children who are expected to set an exemplary standard, as Sarah did for Abraham after she had been purged. Therefore the apostles are expected to select their wives from amongst the best women, as the Cohenim (Priests) of Israel (and especially the Cohen Gadol or High Priest) were obliged to marry virgins - in New Covenant parlance, those kept pure from the defilements of the world or otherwise - if they were defiled before - totally purged by fire.

    The Promise of Jeshurun

    71. Behold, the Branch of Yahweh will become beautiful and glorious, and the qodeshim (saints) shall bring forth much fruit, yea, even comely fruit.

    72. And it shall be only as the filth of the daughters of Zion hath been washed away, and been purged by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning (Is.4:4).

    In the New Covenant, apostles' wives are usually of such high spiritual quality that they are themselves called into the female equivalent of the apostolic office. NCAY apostles cannot pick their own wives but must be sufficiently purified as to be able to hear Yahweh clearly enough to pick their wives for them. An apostle cannot therefore serve with rebellious wives or children. The apostles' first responsibility, as stated above, is to get their own homes in order, and they must therefore first start with their wives. Isaiah makes it very clear that Zionic conditions cannot manifest until the wives are purged through the judgment and burnings of Yahweh. It follows, then, that apostles' wives must be extraordinary women themselves.

    Unique to all other assemblies, NCAY permits the ordination of up to 144 female apostles compared to ythe 12 permitted by the men. These female apostles have a vital mothering ministry to their husbands' tribes. The disproportionate number of women to men apostles is to be understood by the fact that the ministry of priestesses is largely local, standing and 'domestic' while that of the men is more far-ranging geographically. Women are almost without exception standing ministers until such a time as their children have grown up and started their own families. There is therefore no equivalent female order of Evangelists, who are Sub-Apostles, travelling ministers par excellence. Evangelists may be described therefore as 'travelling apostles' because in the Zionic system the tribal heads have greater 'domestic' responsibilities in their villages to which others of the tribe come to regular councils.

    Women ministers figure strongly in NCAY but only after they have been purged and are in complete submission and obedience to their husbands and to Yahweh and His Torah.

    73. Upon every dwelling place and every assembly of Zion shall rest a cloud of smoke by day and a flaming fire by night for the defense of Zion (Is.4:5).

    This is not the first time NCAY is promised the same kind of supernatural protection Israel enjoyed in the Exodus from Egypt because the end-time conditions internationally will parallel the same kind of affliction and slavery that will prevail in the end-time Babylonian one world system. These blessed conditions will only manfest when the men and the women are properly submitted to their respective heads.

    74. Then shall Zion be called Jeshurun, and I shall pour water upon him, and he shall be satisfied (Is.44:2).

    Jacob was renamed Israel - a 'prince of Elohim (God)' - because he overcame his carnal nature as a deceiver and learned instead to walk obediently in holiness and integrity before Yahweh. From that point on his large family was to become a blessing to the world and a template on which future generations could build. But not just he - his wives also had to end their petty rivalries and jealosies and learn to work in harmony and ahavah (love). His children too would have to learn this after years of parental mismanagement as we have seen in our earlier discussion on the life of Jacob's chosen successor, Joseph, and his brothers.

    The word 'Jeshurun', which appears in verse 74 and is a quotation from Isaiah 44:2, means in the Hebrew 'upright'. It is used of Israel as a future name in addition to the one given to Jacob, to describe the nation of Yahweh walking in perfect holiness. It appears four times in the Bible (Dt.32:15; 33:5,26; Is.44:2) but in one (Dt.33:26) it is used in a similar way to the way Yahweh was identified earlier as the "Elohim (God) of Abraham, the Elohim (God) of Isaac, and the Elohim (God) of Jacob" (e.g. Ex.3:6) - for now He is known as the "Elohim (God) of Jeshurun" with a promise:

      "There is no one like the Elohim (God) of Jeshurun,
      Who rides the heavens to help you,
      And in His excellency on the clouds.
      The eternal Elohim (God) is your refuge,
      And underneath are the everlasting arms;
      He will thrust out the enemy from before you,
      And will say, 'Destroy!'
      Then Israel shall dwell in safety,
      The fountain of Jacob alone,
      In a land of grain and new wine;
      His Heavens shall also drop dew.
      Happy are you, O Israel!
      Who is like you, a people saved by Yahweh,
      The shield of your help
      And the sword of your majesty!
      Your enemies shall submit to you,
      And you shall tread down their high places."
      (Deut 33:26-29, NKJV)

    Jeshurun, then, is the ultimate form of Jacob - the millennial Israel, totally upright and honest, and full of grace. He will dwell in safety because he dwells in the presence of the Most High.

    75. And it shall be said of all people who are not destroyed by the avenger in the day of tribulation: "Behold, there is no one like the Elohim of Jeshurun!" (Dt.33:26).

    Yahweh is known by His people and their conduct. Here the end-time Israel is known as the one who walks with the incomparable 'Elohim of Jeshurun'. They are described as escaping the avenger in the day of tribulation, which is a purpose of gathering this people in the end-time. The end-time Zion will be like the ancient city of Enoch which Yahweh took to Himself (Heb.11:5).

    76. The humble shall stand and be blessed but the proud, and all who do wickedly, shall be as stubble and be burned up. Amen.

    The revelation ends with a neat summary of the two kinds of people who will be found in the last day - those who will stand and those who will be cut down and burned up. Two qualities - one divine, and the other satanic - are brought to our view, and we are asked to choose between them: between humility and pride. In these two states are to be found the difference between heaven and hell.

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    This page was first created on 7 January 2005
    Last updated on 10 November 2013

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