Section 301
The Birth of Messiah &
Birthday Celebrations
The following statement by the Patriarchate replaces the original section (PWNC 710326A (487A) on Holy Week Dates which is therefore no longer binding on the members. For further details on the background to this change, please see the introduction to Section 82 [Kadesh-biyqah, Sweden].
1. In accordance with the revealed word of Elohim given in the Torah, New Covenant Christians shall observe the twelve weekly, monthly and annual moedim or appointments given by Yahweh (NC&C 82), and shun all pagan celebrations, traditions and practices, including those concealed under Christian masks such as Christmas (NC&C 28; 198), Easter, Lent, t.Valentine's Day, Halloween, Janus (New Year's Day), and so on.
2. As no observance of the birth of Yah'shua the Messiah is commanded in either the Old or New Testaments, this shall not be an obligatory statute nor be an official part of public worship.
3. Members shall be free, according to the dictates of their own consciences, to include marking the birth of Yah'shua non-liturgically at the time traditionally observed in the spring by the first contemporary New Covenant Christians at Pesach (Passover) provided this is done the following day and not at the actual Passover Meal - it shall not be observed during the pagan Christmas celebrations nor according to those pagan customs, patterns or ways.
Birthday Celebrations
4. The day of the birth of a child is to be celebrated with rejoicing and thanksgiving by New Covenant Christians according to scripture (Ps.127:3; Jer.20:15; Lk.1:57-58) and children should be blessed by their fathers or guardians according to New Covenant practices (NC&C 47; 48).
5. The annual celebration of birthdays is neither approved nor condemned in Scripture.
6. Nevertheless all the references to this practice are in a negative context, and refer to pagans and debaucherers like Pharaoh, Herod Antipas and an apostate King of Israel when the princes made themselves sick on wine (Hos.7:5).
7. The counsel of the Patriarchate has always been, and remains, that members should set a good example and not imitate pagan ways when it comes to annual birthday celebrations.
8. Such celebrations, whilst coming under the liberty of Messiah, should be done to glorify Yahweh and not to gratify the lusts of the celebrants (see footnote 693, p.760).
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Last updated on 25 October 2013
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