PWNC 990327A
On True and False Angels
Revelation on the nature of angels, heavenly and fallen, and how to identify them. Demonic demonstrations of power will become more frequent in the coming time of wickedness [Cranleigh, Surrey, England].
1. Never at any time have I, the Lord, permitted an angel to reveal his name unto the children of men, save it be the angel of My presence, even Gabriel (Lk.19,26), and this only unto Zechariah and Miriyam {Mary}, even the father of the messenger and the mother of the Son of God; and Michael, the Archangel (Jude 9; Dan.10:13,21; 12:1; Rev.12:7).
2. Behold, no other angel of God may reveal his name, for it is secret (Judg.13:18), and shall not be given unto the world until the consummation of all things and the fullness is amongst men.
3. And this that men might not worship angels, which thing is contrary to the will of the Father, for all honour, glory and majesty belongeth unto Yahweh-Elohim.
Beware of False Angels
4. Thou shalt beware of false angels, which are legion, who seek their own glory, and are fallen.
5. For false angels have appeared at sundry times, deceiving multitudes of souls, and have done so since the time of the Great Rebellion.
6. Therefore beware, for such come with many lying signs and wonders, and have been, and shall yet come, until the rebellion hath been crushed under the heels of the Son of Man at the end of the age.
The Substance of Angels
7. Hearekn unto no angel who giveth thee his name, for this he doeth for vain glory, that he might ne honoured and worshipped.
8. Neither shalt thou ask an angel his name, for this is neither meet nor expedient, nor shall thou believe him if he proffereth a name, for all [true] angels are sent in the Name of Yahweh, which Name they shalla dore and worship.
9. Neither shalt thou ask for his hands [to touch], for some angels are of spirit, and some are of more dense substance, and many there are who appear in vision and touch the spirits of men who so believe that they have been touched in the flesh, when they have not.
10. And many appear in dense form, having the ability to materialise for short periods of time.
How to Challenge an Angel
11. Tgou shalt challenge all angels in the Name of Yahweh through His Son Yah'shua the Messiah {Jesus Christ}, and thou shalt worship the Most High God with all thy might, mind and strength.
12. If the angel is from God he shall remain and glorify the Name of Yahweh-Elohim through Yah'shua the Messiah {Jesus Christ};
13. But if he is of the devil, he cannot remain, and shall flee.
14. Only by this key, and by the key of the Word, shall ye discern the spirits, and not be deceived.
15. And the key of the Word is the Word of God, even the Scriptures, which false angels shall eek to alter that they might corrupt the message, and tickle the ears of unregenerate men.
16. Therefore be ye true unto the Word of God, for the Word is sure, and shall not return empty
unto the Most High God.
17. And the Word is the Son, and the Son is of God, and the Son is God. Therefore they are one.
False Angels Throughout History
18. Thou shalt not hearken unto the false and lying words of the dark angel who appeared unto Mohammed who calleth himself "Gabriel", nor unto the nephi who calleth himself "Moroni" {who appeared unto Joseph Smith} and who hath appeared unto many throughout the ages in India, America, and in other places;
19 Who appeareth as an angel of light with sweet and flattering words with which to lead the sons and daughters of men astray, who hateth My Word, the Bible, and who seeketh to corrupt it;
20. Neither shalt thou heareken unto the "Enochian Demons" who are abroad in the New Age Movement, and are nephilim like unto Moroni, and have spoken unto Joseph Smith, J.J.Hurtak, and "Levi", and many others, who believed them, and have written perverse words in My Name, for they were deceived. Therefore hearken well!
No True Angel Accepts Worship
21. Remember, belovèd, that no trye angel of God will accept your worship, but will confess unto you that he is a fellow servant of the Most High, and shall say: "Worship Yahwehm and none else" (Rev.22:9)
22. Therefore if he accepteth your worship, he is not of Me, saith the Lord.
Demonic Wonders Shall Increase
23. The time cometh, and is already upon you, when demonic wonders shall multiply, for the devil knoweth that his last hour is at hand;
24. Fear not, belovèd, for if ye will exercise faith and be obedient unto My commandments, doing them without doubt or fear, then behold, I shall be with you, and ye shall not be deceived.
Return of the Nephilim
25. For verily, verily, I say unto you, that the Watchers shall return, even the Nephilim, who were once before disobedient in the days before the flood, and shall walk upon the face of the earth, and shall work many abominations in the name of truth, love, peace and security.
26. Marvel not at their power, nor be swept away by the awe and stupidity of the children of men who shall believe them, but stand firm in the Word, being alert unto the Spirit of Promise, who shall do all things for you, until I come. Even so. Amen.
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Last updated on 17 April 1999
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