Section 4

Elohim's Call to the Work
The following document is an extract from a collection of purported revelations not belonging to this ministry but served as a stepping stone for the founder when he was directed by the Ruach to it for personal guidance at a key moment in his life. It was first published in July 1989 but did not appear in the first collection of revelations, known then as the Covenants & Commandments, until 28 February 1992 where it served as an introduction or preface to the revelations, that began with the current Sections 2, 3 and 5, and would eventually become a part of the compilation known as the Olive Branch. It has been retained only because of its historical importance in the sequence of events that led to the birthing of the ministry. Its presence in the Olive Branch is neither an endorsement of the document in its original setting nor similar writings to it that belong to an entirely different religious paradigm and tradition. It falls into the same category as the pagan poetry that Yahweh used to inspire Paul in his message to the Athenians (Acts 17).
Whilst in prayer, the founder was led directly by the voice of Elohim to this collection of claimed prophetic writings (see Commentary below), and was told to turn to a particular chapter, of which the following is an almost word for word reproduction. The content, which accurately reflected his current situation as well as containing prophecies that were subsequently fulfilled in whole or in part, caused him to be filled with the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) which subsequently led him to begin the new ministry a little over two years later. The nature of the calling caught the founder by surprise and he did not at first understand the importance of it. Not until November 1986*, when the nature of the calling became clearer, were steps taken to begin the new work. After the hymn, Come, ye Thankful People, Come was sung, three souls knelt on the floor of the founder's office in 82 Banbury Road, Oxford - the founder, his wife, and an elderly Indian brother, V.Amirthaseelan (now deceased) - and, with the prior agreement and proxy voting of five other souls in Norway and the UK who could not be physically present, dedicated the work to Yahweh.
Shortly after receiving this instruction, the founder began a ministry of preaching in a local church (v.3-4). Difficulties with his family (v.2a) led the loss his wife and children in 1988, though he regained his children in 1990 (v.2b,8). From 1986 he was vigorously involved in the ministry (v.6) and established two missions in Norway (v.7) where the dominant theme was always the gathering to Tsiyon (v.10), today known as the Final Gathering. Persecution began in 1994 though the ministry was reviled from the beginning (v.11). And it formed the basis of the first gathering to Tsiyon (Zion) in the north countries (v.14) [Oxford, England, 27 June 1984].
*NCAY was organised on 21 November 1986 at 16:00, not at the Second Annual General Conference of April 1987 as some articles published by NCAY indicate owing to faulty recall and confusion between the first and second general assemblies - see commentary below. All revelations and articles published by NCAY are usually copyrighted from 1986 or 1987 as a result of this mix-up.
1. My son, blessed art thou because of thy faith in My work.
2. Behold, thou hast had many afflictions because of thy family; nevertheless, I will bless thee, and thy family; yea, thy little ones, and the day cometh when they will believe and know the emet (truth) and be one with thee in My Assembly.
3. Lift up thy heart and rejoice, for the hour of thy mission hath come; and thy tongue shall be loosed, and thou shalt declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation.
4. Thou shalt declare the things which shall be revealed unto Thee.
5. Thou shalt begin to preach from this time forth; yea, to reap in the field which is white and ready to be burned;
6. Therefore thrust in thy sickle with all thy soul; and thy sins are forgiven thee.
7. And thou shalt be laden with sheaves upon thy back, for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Wherefore thy family shall live.
8. Behold, verily I say unto thee, Go from them only for a little time, and declare My Word, and I will prepare a place for them;
9. Yea, I will open the hearts of the people and they will receive thee.
Establish a Ministry
10. And I will establish a ministry by thy hand; and thou shalt strengthen them and prepare them against the time when they shall be gathered [to Tsiyon].
11. Be patient in afflictions, revile not against those that revile.
12. Govern thy house in meekness, and be steadfast.
13. Behold, I say unto thee, that thou shalt be a physician unto the Messianic Community, but not unto the world, for they will not receive thee.
14. Go thy way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given thee by the Comforter what thou shalt do, and whither thou shalt go.
15. Pray always, lest thou enter into temptation, and lose thy reward.
16. Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with thee.
17. These words are not of man nor of men, but of Me, even Yah'shua the Mesiah, thy Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen.
The source of most of the material in this revelation from 1830, which has been cosmetically altered with messianic terminology like the whole compilation of revelations and statements in the Olive Branch (see the Supplement to the Preface), is Chapter XXXIV (34) of the Book of Commandments first published by the Church of Christ in Independence, Missouri, USA in 1960, that would eventually become a part of the revelations of a cluster of Restorationist churches - RDC 31/UDC 30).
For more information on the style of the Olive Branch, see the Commentary on Section 3, To Sadin, The Style of the Revelations. For more on the founder's brief involvement with, and departure from, the LDS Church from 1977 to 1980, please see the exposé sermon, Leviathan, and NCAY's website exposing the deception of Mormonism.
There are four areas of concern in continuing to retain this section in the Olive Branch:
- 1. It can lead to misunderstandings in the minds of readers not properly acquainted with the broad scope of the revelations that somehow Mormonism is being endorsed or sponsored by NCAY when the reverse is true - indeed its doctrines, practices and institutions were officially repudiated from 1992 onwards (see OB 102:5-16; 104:4-6; 245:5-9; 345:9; 370:103-104; 418; 440:20ff.; 445:5-9) and a website created in 1997 ministering to Mormons;
- 2. This is not a revelation for or about NCAY and its work, and is therefore of no practical value other than as an historical marker explaining one event on the path the founder took; and
- 3. It contains nothing of any doctrinal importance not already covered elsewhere in NCAY writings.
Accordingly, Section 4 has been red-flagged for removal by next Revelations Committee to an Historical Appendix or Footnote and will be replaced by a Statement explaining the background events of this time.
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This page was first created on 3 August 1997
Last updated on 16 March 2021
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