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Month 4:20, Week 3:5 (Chamashee/Teruah), Year 5935:105 AM
Omer Count Day 42/50
Gregorian Calendar: Thursday 21 July 2011
Back Door to Paganism
Abusing the Heavenly Mother Truth

    This devotional is principally dedicated to Christian and Messianic women
    who have discovered the truth about our Heavenly Mother and who are
    struggling with hostility from fellow believers and acceptance from New
    Agers, Occultists and others who do not yet know the Way of Salvation

    We are one of the very few Christian/Messianic ministries that openly proclaims that the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is our Heavenly Mother, and not some male being in the Catholic Trinity or (as many Messianics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Armstrongites, Christadelphians, and others teach) just an impersonal force of an all-male Binitarian Elohim (God).

    I have known this truth for a very long time - ever since I first saw the Heavenly Mother in vision - but have only made it public in recent years because of the very real concern I have that this teaching might become a back door into pagan goddess-worship for the spiritually weak and undiscerning. And I think it's for this reason that most believers shy away from the teaching, not because they don't think it's reasonable or right, but because they're afraid of getting lost in occultism or upsetting Godhead dogmas that are used as whipping boys to make them 'acceptable' as bona fide Christians - I'm sure you've heard the threat: "If you don't accept the Catholic Nicean and Athanasian Credes, you're cultic and are damned."

    The doctrine that the Ruach is our Mother is, naturally, very appealing to women, but not only them. Roman Catholicism filled in the Divine Female void by elevating the mortal Virgin Mary into that maternal position and in the process infused that organisation with yet more false doctrine and blasphemy, even now claiming that she was 'immaculately conceived' (the equivalent of a virgin birth miracle), is a 'Co-Redemptrix' or 'Co-Saviour' with Messiah, and an essential intermediary between mankind and Yah'shua (Jesus). As true believers teach that "no one comes to the Father except through [Messiah]" (Jn.14:6, NKJV), so Catholics teach that no one comes to Christ save through their 'Virgin Mary'. And like the ancient pagans who worshipped a demonic "Queen of Heaven" (Jer.7:18; 44:17-19,25), Catholics refer to her by the same and many similar titles.

    The Bible doesn't.

    Catholics do not, of course, actually worship the Virgin Mary but a demoness which they call by that Name. Her real name is Morena though she is also known by many others, including Artemis, Diana, Astarte, Ashtarot and Ishtar. It was their seduction by false pagan Canaanite mother worship (along with many other sins) that led Judah and Israel to apostacy, severing of the Covenant, explusion and destruction.

    I have noticed that many Christian and Messianic women who, having come to the biblical truth that the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is female and our Heavenly Mother, have been easily seduced by the counterfeits. The reason they are is because they never walked in divine tavnith. They're even giving Her names that are not biblical including those created by occultic Talmudic Jewish kabbalism (Shekinah - though a Hebrew word, it was borrowed by the rabbis from Chaldea and nowhere appears in the Bible),- which incidentally, teaches pantheism and reincarnation, pagan (the ones I have named, and others) and even their own. They're not only praying to the Heavenly Mother as a separate deity but even indulging in occultic practices such as trying to generate her 'resonance' or 'sound' through praying/chanting which, when it triggers off a body chakra (internal psychic organs) and releases powerful and intoxicating kundalini (psychic) energy, they then claim it is 'Her'. It isn't. It's the flesh.

    I have to warn people most soberly against such practices. The psychic is not the spiritual. The psyche belongs to the fleshy nature and perishes along with our bodies at death. It is not immortal. The Ruach (Spirit) ministers to our own ruach (spirit) and not our psyche! And how does She comes to us? By chanting? By doing rituals? Never! The Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) only operates on the human spirit of the one who is trusting in Messiah and seeking to obey the Father's mitzvot (commandments). Her chief function is pointing all to Messiah who points all to His Father and Her Husband! The Ruach (Spirit) never seeks independent worship of Herself and will not acknowledge it because Her function is completely tied up in doing the Father's will, just as Their Son's is.

    The Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) does not exist to give us fleshy, psychic titilation. She does not exist to give us an 'experience' for the sake of an 'experience' but to bring us into union with Messiah, who is the Redeemer. She points only to Her Son who has received His appointments from the Father. Her whole business is to bring hearts to repentance and to fill them so that they may have union with Messiah.

    Many Christians and Messianics, who get sucked up into the counterfeits and deceptions, end up doing things they would never have done before they discovered the truth that the Ruach is female and the Heavenly Mother. Suddenly they are going to pagans (who worship the 'Mother Goddess' who heads their pantheon) and to occultic kabbalistic Jews for 'worship ideas' and 'inspiration'.

    Those who are born again for real, experience the operation of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) even when they don't know who She is. Those of us who discover who She is don't suddenly get 'new' ways to worship or meditate unless we start taking our eyes off Messiah who is supposed to have the pre-eminence in everything:

      "He is the image of the invisible Elohim (God), the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the messianic community (church), who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence" (Col.1:15-18, NKJV).

    There is a real and serious danger of those coming to the truth about the gender of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) wandering away from the true gospel and embracing one of the many occult-influenced counterfeits especially if they do not know Torah or divine tavnith and are not walking in them. And I suspect that is why this truth has been reserved until these last days precisely because Christians are now starting to walk in Torah and because the doctrine of divine tavnith has been clearly revealed.

    Scripture never tells us to pray to or worship anyone other than the Father, Yahweh, even if on occasion Messiah did accept worship, as He did from Thomas (Jn.20:28). Yah'shua (Jesus), in His Model Prayer (the 'Lord's Prayer') teaches us to pray to the Father - not to any 'Father-Mother', or 'the Mother', or 'the Father & Mother', or even to Yah'shua Himself). Scripture makes it very plain that all the glory ultimately belongs to the Father. And since neither the Ruach (Mother) nor the Son seem to have a problem with this arrangement, but are submitted to their Head, neither should we.

    Naturally, this divine tavnith does not sit well with those infected by the false gender rôle-distorting doctrine of the feminists for whom a female Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) can become a very real temptation to abandon the plain biblical emet (truth) for neo-paganism. Many Christians who accept the Heavenly Mother doctrine, who are tainted by feminism, are not slow to adopt New Age practices. They even justify them by saying it's 'just a question of labels'. It isn't. It's about emet (truth) vs. lies. And if you believe lies, you automatically open doors to demonic involvement in your life, and it will get worse until you return to the "old paths" (Jer.6:16, NKJV) plainly revealed in the Bible.

    Remember also that 'feelings' and 'experiences' are not emet (truth). The Emet (Truth) is always defined by the Davar (Word, Bible). This is something women must be especially careful about.

    Another thing to be careful of is women who have been abused by men and/or fathers in particularly, whose picture of malehood and/or fatherhood has been badly distorted and who as a result find it difficult to relate to a Heavenly Father and male Deity, for whom a Heavenly Mother is an attractive substitute. We do not honour the Heavenly Mother by creating a position She does not, in fact, occupy and this can itself open doorways to other spiritual problems. Yah'shua (Jesus) is the healer.

    The Gospel does not change just because we discover new truths. It simply gets deeper and richer. Knowing that the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is our Heavenly Mother ought not to change how you pray or worship, but just deepen your ahavah (love) for Yahweh and your respect for the rôle of the Divine Female. For me, this revelation has established more than anything that Elohim (God) is FAMILY, not some remote, abstract, incomprehensible all-male trio that has no parallels in human experience but only in physical abstractions like the three different states of water. This does not mean that our ways suddenly become like His, for we know better (Is.55:8), but it does mean that we can now draw closer to our Heavenly Home.

    I have principally written this for Christian and Messianic women (and a few men) who tend not to clearly discern the occultic counterfeits. The enemy of our souls has a counterfeit for everything and he has big counterfeits for the divine female. Make no mistake about that. True, those who reject this doctrine can be harsh if not downright mean at times but this is no reason to reject what we and they already know, accept and love about the everlasting gospel (Rev.14:6) - the truths that the Heavenly Mother-rejectors espouse is still emet (truth) and frankly we would be better off with just that and no Heavenly Mother doctrine if our embracing the latter leads us into dirty spiritual waters and away from the true Messiah. There is not a separate 'Body of Messiah' for Heavenly Mother-believers, we're still part of the one Emet (Truth), and we must never seek fellowship with those pagans who likewise espouse some sort of 'divine female' because for them it absolutely does not mean the same thing as for Christians and Messianics - their worship is an abomination...still.

    The truth of the Heavenly Mother must never become a doctrinal hobby horse nor must it be allowed to cause unnecessary divisions. The Christian and Messianic worlds have got on well enough without it so we absolutely do not need to base any kind of self-validation or self-worth (especially if you are a woman) on whether fellow believers accept this doctrine or nor. If it was so important to basic evangelism it would have been clearly stated in the New Testament, but it was not. This is a jewel we can quietly carry in our hearts and share it with those who are open to it - we must never make it a test of faith any more than other Godhead formulations. The basic witness is Messiah as Elohim (God) Incarnate, Saviour of the Word, whom you and I can now know and experience His salvation. The rest, as they say, is gravy.

    Further Reading

    [1] Trinity: The Deity of the Holy Spirit
    [1] Yah'shua the Messiah and His Place in the Elohimhead

    Comments from Readers

    [1] Thank you for this. I share the concern. I am opposed to worship of Ashera or any other pagan “Divine Feminine“.

    I agree that the gospel does not change with the knowledge that the Ruach ha’Chodesh is feminine.

    I continue to believe in male headship.

    I continue to believe that the only way to the Father is through His Only Begotten. This last, I qualify via the revelatory typology of Adam and Eve. Like the first Adam, who was put into a deep sleep, his side pierced and, rib removed to build Eve, so also Messiah Yeshua was put into a deep sleep on the cross. His side was pierced. And, from that pierced side flowed two streams, water and blood. Both of which are symbols of the Ruach! The Comforter is to Messiah as Eve was to Adam.

    Romans 1:19-20 informs us that the things that were made reveal the invisible G_dhead. Nearly all creation is masculine and feminine. But, of all creation, Adam (and Eve) was made in the masculine image and feminine likeness of Elohim.

    In Genesis 2:23, the Hebrew word, “pa’am” means, “the second stroke of a count.” Adam was exclaiming, “This is the second one of me!” She was Adam’s “second self”. So it is with the Comforter. She is Messiah’s “second self”. In the Song of Songs 6:9, we read about the “Shulamite Woman” that “She is the only one of Her Mother.” And, in the Wisdom of Solomon 7:22, we read:

      Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 - "For Wisdom, the craftswoman, taught me. For She is a Spirit of intelligence, chodesh, , manifold, subtle, lively, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible ..."

    In Genesis 5:2, we read:

      “male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”Genesis 5:2.

    The Comforter was sent in Yahusha’s Name. She is His second self.

    Together, masculine and feminine, they are the Father’s and Mother’s “Only Begotten.”

    Messiah Yahusha taught us to pray, “Our Father which art in Heaven.” I am opposed to praying separately to our Mother or, separately to the only begotten Daughter. I am tolerant of praying, “Our Father and Mother in Heaven… in the name of Yeshua ha’Meshiach”.

    Again, thank you for this" (SK, USA, 6 August 2023)

    [2] "Amazing discovery! I'm the happiest person on earth now. Christianity makes sense, you know the devil likes running ahead. It took Mother to open my eyes at first 'cause at first I used to think that it was paganism" (SM, Zambia, 10 August 2023)

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