{This article appeared in The Puritan Light, December 2002}
Over and over again (it never ceases), I hear these words: “I am praying for my husband to be a spiritual leader of our home.” This comes from wives in many homes across the great land we call America. I think you are going to be shocked with what I have to say.
This quintessential phrase, wanting your husband to be the leader, is hidden feminism!! The very core of it’s meaning is nothing less than “I want him to run things my way.” Tell the truth, dear one. Isn’t that what you really want? Ponder this in your own heart. Take a few minutes to delve into the deep recesses of your mind. Isn’t it true?
Feminism is the sin of rebellion. It brings a curse on your home. It makes everything miserable because it is self-centered, independent living. It is anti-Torah (Law). Oh, but you thought you were a good, sweet wife? Did you not? But I will pull it all out of you. I will search and scour and dig out that wretched sin in your life and the result will be pure blessings for your obedience.
Are you sick of suffering? Are you tired of having difficulty in marriage? Wouldn’t you like to have a faultless home life? If you are seriously interested in learning how to be a blameless treasured wife, take the time to pray and think about what I am about to tell you.
Scripture says clearly: Obey your husband in all things. Look at Ephesians 5:22-24. Read this like you’ve never read it before. “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Master (Lord). For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the messianic community (church): and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the messianic community (church) is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.” There is no excuse.
There is no:
- 1. Doing things behind his back.
- 2. No backtalk.
- 3. No belittling.
- 4. No tattling about him to others.
- 5. No rebellion.
- 6. No - “He needs to listen to me, he is wrong on this.”
- 7. No - “He is being unreasonable.”
- 8. No - “it’s not a big deal.”
- 9. No excuse, no if's, no and's, no but's.
[If you do any of these horrid things, you are a traitor to the Kingdom; and in another country, you would be arrested for treachery and conspiracy because you tried to usurp the authority of the King and steal his ruling throne. This is despicable!]
- 10. You will stop everything, out of respect, that he is displeased with - whether it be the way you dress, what you eat, where you go, how much time you spend on the phone, etc. Everything you do against him is a curse against you.
- 11. If he has things to do, and places to go, you will stop clinging to him like a foolish child and let him be a man. You will stop the selfishness of demanding his time and attention. Rather, you will give all these things to him during the time he is with you.
I want you to consider for a moment what it would be like if your husband was pronounced King of America. The country fell under his complete rule and everyone feared, revered, loved and obeyed him. Everyone, that is, except you. Do you know what would happen to you - execution.
Now don’t you dare tell me that he’s not doing his part. Don’t throw verses at me about what he is supposed to do. You are being selfish again! You are making excuses that are against Elohim’s (God's) HOLY AND SACRED TORAH (LAW). You are to obey in all things. OBEY.
Don’t even give me the “if” scenarios like: “What if he told me to murder someone.” We know we don’t submit to evil. Now be realistic. A man is not going to ask you to do that. You are just looking for an excuse to justify your desire to waste his money, to ignore his needs, to run the house on your own terms - all under the false covering you have of “being a good wife.” It is a lie. And until you stop these fables, and begin to treat your husband like the mighty King he is, like the ruler of your entire house, you will continue to have a curse on your home.
Think about the example you are setting to your children. Your husband should be served meals first. He should have all his needs met first. In some countries, a woman will rise when her husband enters the room. In some countries, the man has all rights to the children and if you acted like a hidden feminist there, you would be alone - without your children and without your home, simply because you would not OBEY IN ALL THINGS.
When you obey your husband, your children will obey and love him as well. They will also obey and adore you. I vow to you, dear wife, that until your prayer becomes “Lord, help me obey my man” rather than “help him to be the spiritual leader,” your home will continue to fail. Yahweh will NOT bless sin. Once you learn and do this, once you learn to nurture, serve, care for, obey and cherish that man like anyone would treat a POWERFUL, RICH, KING, he will miraculously become that amazing leader because he will realize that you have let go of your ruling tendencies and given him his proper place in the home.
“If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasure. But if they obey not, they shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge” (Job 36:11-12).
This page was created on 23 February 2025
Last updated on 23 February 2025
Published 1987-2025 NCAY