Register of New, Updated & Recent Articles & Websites (List #2) |
Because of the enormous size of this website and its rapid expansion since its inception, a register of new and updated NCAY articles and websites ('pages' or 'subsites') was requested by readers that showed a timeline. This was first attempted in List #1 (1998-2004) and resumed again in the current List #2 from 2018.
The reinstatement of the list was prompted by the increasing censorship of social media where new NCAY materials were regularly announced. For many, then, this Register/List has become the means to enable them to know what is going on in the hundreds of 'pages' or 'subsites' on NCCG.ORG on a day-to-day basis.
This list does not include minor updates like spelling or grammar changes or the addition of new articles in the registers because the new articles themselves are listed here.
If occasionally a new article is omitted by accident, as does sometimes happen, do get in contact with us and we will insert a notification!
2018 |
OCTOBER 2018 |
1 October. Shemini Atseret 2018: End of an Æon, Start of a New One |
8 October. The Passion Translation: A Preliminary Examination |
9 October. Righteousness - new website & introductory article |
11 October. Knowing the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit)  |
11 October. The Great Dedication |
12 October. Korea website  |
12 October. Mishpatim-Yahweh / Judgments of Yahweh website  |
13 October. The Spirit of NCAY  |
13 October. What is the Chief Identifying Mark of NCAY?  |
14 October. 10 Differences Between NCAY and Orthodox Christian Theology  |
15 October. A Concealed Mystery: 333, Theomatics and Gematria  |
15 October. Something Unique and Precious - The Messianic Evangelical Heritage  |
16 October. Parable of the Wheel  |
16 October. Apostles website  |
20 October. Seventh Day Adventist website  |
20 October. Elohimhead/Godhead website  |
23 October. Calvin in America: The Puritan New England Experiment |
1 November. The Kingdom Road I: Renewing the NCAY Work |
2 November. The Kingdom of Elohim in the Gospel of Mark (2nd edition)  |
8 November. Vision of a New Storm at the Door |
9 November. Is the Earth Literally Fixed and Stationary?  |
11 November. 100th Anniversary of the End of the First World War |
13 November. The Woman's Rôle |
13 November. Elohim's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will |
16 November. The Kingdom Road II: Revisiting the Old Romans Road |
22 November. The Kingdom Road III: More on the Old Romans Road |
27 November. The Kingdom Road IV: Works of the Law & Righteousness |
29 November. The Kingdom Road V: Journey's End...for Now |
2 December. Annihilationism |
6 December. Molinism: Reconciling Yah's Sovereignty & Man's Free Agency |
7 December. The Revelation of Romans 14 |
10 December. New Covenant Torah website, new introductory article |
14 December. The Way of Faithfulness: 1. Increase Our Faith, O Yahweh! |
15 December. NCAY Theology - Introductory article |
15 December. The Messianic Evangelical Heritage  |
15 December. Who are You? Explaining the Origins of NCAY  |
16 December. The Hanukkah website  |
17 December. The Five Commissions of NCAY - 3rd edition |
21 December. The Way of Faithfulness: 2. Justified by Faith in Messiah |
21 December. Are DOctoberrines About the Wicked a Salvational Issue? |
23 December. The Admirals: A Prophetic Dream & Vision |
25 December. The Deadly Blizzard: A Prophetic Warning |
26 December. Pauline Universalism I: The Case for Cosmic Reconciliation |
27 December. Numerology, Supertstition & Bondage |
29 December. Pauline Universalism II: Phil.2:10 - Universal Submission or Salvation? |
30 December. Glimpses of Heaven: Some Experiences Across the Veil |
31 December. N.T.Wright: An Evaluation |
2019 |
JANUARY 2019 |
1 January. Personal Evangelism: The Messianic Evangelical Way |
4 January. The Way of Faithfulness: 3. What Biblical Evangelism Isn't |
6 January. Rosh Chodesh XI: Infused With New Life |
7 January. Rapture 2019? The Latest False Rapture Prediction |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: A Complete Exposé (Book/Website) |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 1. What is Calvinism? |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 2. Why is Calvinism a False Gospel? |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 3. The Purpose of This Book and Website |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 4. The Elect According to Calvin |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 5. The False DOctoberrine of Total Depravity |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 5a. Can a Totally Depraved Man Test Himself? |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 6. The False DOctoberrine of Unconditional Election |
8 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 6a. Appointed to Eternal Life |
9 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 7. The False DOctoberrine of Limited Atonement |
9 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 7a. Did Christ Only Pray for the Elect? |
9 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 7a. Did Christ Only Pray for the Elect? |
9 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 7b. The Folly of John Owen |
10 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 8. The False DOctoberrine of Irresisatable Grace |
10 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 8a. No One Can Come to Me Unless the Father Draws Him |
10 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9. The False DOctoberrine of Perseverance of the Saints |
11 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9a. The Many Warnings of Scripture - WHY? |
11 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9b. Remain in the Vine or Be Severed From the Vine |
11 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9c. Branches Were Broken Off |
11 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9d. Lest I Be Rejected for the Imperishable Prize |
11 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9e. Be Careful Lest You Fall |
11 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9f. Hold Fast the Gospel, Otherwise You Have Believed in Vain |
12 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9g. I Am Astonished You are Deserting Christ |
12 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9h. Those Who Do Such Things Will Never Enter the Kingdom of Elohim (God) |
13 January. The Way of Faithfulness: 4. The Assurance of Things Hoped For |
13 January. Rapture 2019? The Latest False Rapture Prediction  |
13 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9i. Apostacising from the Faith |
13 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9j. Denying the Master Who Bought Them |
14 January. My Gospel: Testimony of a Messianic Evangelical |
14 January. Lev's Hot Potatoes: Hard Truths for the Remnant  |
14 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9k. Once Saved, Always Saved? |
15 January. The Three-in-One: High Octoberane Christianity for the Remnant |
17 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9l. Eternal Life - What Calvinists Don't Want You to Know |
17 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 9m. Nothing Will Snatch Them Out of My Hand |
17 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 10. If the Galatians Were Calvinists... |
17 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 11. The Revised Calvinist Version of the Bible |
17 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 12. Calvinist Judgment Day |
17 January. The False Gospel of Calvinism: 13. Quotable Calvinist Quotes |
19 January. The Zionism website  |
20 January. The Zion website  |
20 January. The Way of Faithfulness: 5. The Conviction of Things Not Seen |
27 January. The Miracles website - new introductory article |
9 February. Appointment at Örebro: Things Yahweh Showed Me Whilst at Hospital |
10 February. The Reluctant Disciple who Couldn't Find Her Lover |
11 February. Counsel for the Soul: Content With Your Inheritance? |
12 February. Feasting with Solomon: A Little Wisdom for the Remnant |
13 February. To the Victor the Crown But First Make the Right Response |
15 February. Your Peace in Messiah: Preserving Shalom Even in Tumult |
19 February. The High Places of Isaac: Dark Altars are Back With Us Again |
26 February. I. Gospels of Convenience: The Phenomenon of DOctoberrinal Drift |
26 February. II. Deliverance Ministry: Important Lessons from Derek Prince |
27 February. Mind, Heart & Spirit: Understanding Inner Speech |
MARCH 2019 |
3 March. The new NCAY Eternal Echad Marriage website |
5 March. Melchizedek: His Priesthood, Messiah & His People |
5 March. Melchizedek - a new NCAY website |
7 March. Aviv 1, 2019: Nativity, New Year & Trouble |
14 March. Call for Unity in Christ: 1. The New Birth, Baptism
& Communion |
19 March. Eternal Echad Marriage - a new NCAY website |
21 March. Call for Unity in Christ: 2. Prayer and Nature Mysticism |
28 March. Call for Unity in Christ: 3a. The Authority of Scripture, Part 1 |
APRIL 2019 |
4 April. Call for Unity in Christ: 3b. The Authority of Scripture, Part 2 |
6 April. Rosh Chodesh II: The Two Yah'shua's Meet
(Jericho March 2019 I) |
7 April. Jericho March 2019 II: The Shattering of the Messianic |
8 April. Jericho March 2019 III: Go North, My Son, Go North! |
9 April. Jericho March 2019 IV: What Type of Miracle Do You Need? |
10 April. Jericho March 2019 V: A Disciplined & United Company |
11 April. Jericho March 2019 VI: The Land But Especially the City |
12 April. Jericho March 2019 VII: The Judgment of Wickedness |
13 April. A Call for Unity in Christ: 4. Holiness, Perfection & Sanctification |
20 April. Late Pesach Season 2019: Angry Beginnings of the Exodus |
21 April. Yom haBikkurim 2019: Messiah is Risen Indeed! |
25 April. Chag haMatzah 2019 VI: A Credible Witness to Mankind (Part 1) |
26 April. Chag haMatzah 2019 VII: A Credible Witness to Mankind (Part 2) |
27 April. A Call for Unity in Christ: 5. Love-Ahavah-Chesed-Agapé |
MAY 2019 |
4 May. The Jonah Enigma: I. A Tale of Unforgiveness |
5 May. Rosh Chodesh III 2019: Awakening the New Leaders |
8 May. Gordon's 1,000: Is 'Yehovah' God's True Name? |
12 May. The Jonah Enigma: II. The 120,000 of Nineveh |
17 May. Yahweh - a new NCAY website |
19 May. The Jonah Enigma: III. From the Written to the Living |
26 May. The Jonah Enigma: IV. IV. Canons Within Canons |
JUNE 2019 |
2 June. Ancient Connections I: The Phronema, the Word & Life |
4 June. Rosh Chodesh IV: Visions of the New Harvest! |
11 June. Ancient Connections II: Ordinary Meals That Became Sacred |
18 June. Ancient Connections III: The Wedding Supper of the Lamb |
18 June. Sunrise to Sunrise: Day's Beginning - a new NCAY website |
25 June. Ancient Connections IV: Mark, John & the Lost Agapé Feast |
JULY 2019 |
1 July. Shavu'ot 2019: Authority, Blessing & Judgment |
3 July. Rosh Chodesh V 2019: Return of the Red Beast |
7 July. Sanctification - a new NCAY website |
17 July. The Right Balance: When to Rebuke & Show Kindness
24 July. The Moon Landers: Earth, Heaven, Hell and Outer Space |
31 July. Response to Adversity: Maturity & Appropriateness
AUGUST 2019 |
1 August. Rosh Chodesh VI
Black, Blue and Red Moons |
7 August. Lev-Tsiyon's Briah Chadashah (New Creation) Sermon Series #10 |
8 August. The Complete Messianic Evangelical
New Testament Phronema Study Series (NT Studies): 1. General Introduction |
9 August. Phronema - a new NCAY website |
15 August. Naming the Remnanteers: Steps Toward the Final Gathering |
15 August. Olsteen Prophecies? |
18 August. NT Studies 2. Introducing the Gospel of Mark |
22 August. A Better Resurrection
The Weak Made Strong Through Faith |
25 August. NT Studies 3. The New Era Begins (Mark 1:1-8)
29 August. The Holiness of Yahweh: Showdown in the Sinai
31 August. Yom Teruah 2019: The Day of Christus Victor |
4 September. Mark: Gospel & Themes - a new NCAY website |
8 September. Shabbat Shuvah 2019: The Limits of Obedience to the State - A Study of Romans 13:1-7 |
9 September. Yom haKippurim 2019: Rejecting the Mark of the Beast |
14 September. Sukkot I 2019: The Day at Last Has Come! |
15 September. Sukkot II 2019: 'Aliens' and the Anointing
16 September. Sukkot III 2019: The Powers of the Age to Come |
17 September. Sukkot IV 2019: Explaining Israel & the Jewish People |
18 September. Sukkot V 2019: John vs. Cerinthus in Ephesus
19 September. Sukkot VI 2019: Between Righteousness and Wisdom |
20 September. Sukkot VII 2019: Joy, Not Doom and Gloom!
21 September. Shemini Atseret 2019: The Flourishing Millennial Life
28 September. The True Believer's Goal: Obtaining & Retaining Salvation |
29 September. Rosh Chodesh VIII: Wolves Devouring Wolves
OCTOBER 2019 |
5 October. The Tanakh (Old Testament) - a new NCAY website |
6 October. NT Studies 4. You Make Me Very Glad! (Mark 1:9-13)
13 October. NT Studies 5. The Galilean Ministry Starts (Mark 1:14-20) |
14 October. Dr. Gregory C.D.Young: 1949-2016 - A Tribute |
20 October. NT Studies 6. Authority and Power (Mark 1:21-34) |
22 October. Was Yah'shua (Jesus) Joseph's Son? |
22 October. The Virgin Birth - a new NCAY website |
27 October. NT Studies 7. Prayer, Celebrity & a Leper (Mark 1:35-45) |
28 October. Rosh Chodesh IX I: Big Bang or Yahweh's Creation? |
28 October. Rosh Chodesh IX II: Prophecy of the Two Great Winds |
3 November. NT Studies 8. The Son of Man & the Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12) |
4 November. With Boldness & Assurance: Advancing Correctly in Our Gospel Walk |
10 November. New Testament Study 9. Levi's Toll (Mark 2:13-17) |
11 November. Take Aim and Fire! Putting My Tozer Gun into Action |
17 November. New Testament Study 10. Fasting, the Temple & the Bride (Mark 2:18-22) |
24 November. New Testament Study 11. The Sabbath Controversies (Mark 2:23-3:6) |
25 November. An Important Question: How Do I Know My Life is Right with Yahweh? |
27 November. The Waiting Father & the Mystery of Suffering |
4 December. Matinée Apocalypse: Delighting in the Way of Yahweh |
11 December. New Moedim Dates for 2020 on Main website |
15 December. Is the Exodus Absolute Biblical
Proof for the Creation Calendar? |
15 December. Rosh Chodesh website |
15 December. Creation Calendar website |
15 December. Sabbath website |
17 December. Vladimir Putin |
26 December. Rosh Chodesh XI: The Apostles, Prophets & Christmas - the Gifting I |
2020 |
JANUARY 2020 |
2 January. The Gifting II: Knowing Yah's Will Through Ruach Fruits |
4 January. Le Cadeau II: Connaître la Volonté de Yah à Travers Les Fruits de Ruach |
7 January. Ten Signs a Society is Satanically Possessed |
19 January. Gideon's Smashed Idol: A Vision & Revelation for the Prophets |
24 January. Calvinism Exposed, Some Messianic Consideration  |
24 January. The Last Exodus Website |
25 January. Rosh Chodesh XII: Visions of the Melchizedek Dedication |
1 February. Terminus & New Start: As Messianic Israel is Reborn, the 'Church' Must Die - With Visions of Pope Francis |
3 February. Does Messiah's Death Disprove the Creation Calendar? |
15 February. Dedication Preparations: From Tozer to the Final Exodus With Counsel for Preachers & Teachers |
22 February. In Pursuit of Peace: The Spiritual Secret of Thomas Haire |
24 February. Rosh Chodesh XIII 2020: The 2019 Coronavirus Vision & Warning |
25 February. Prepping website |
25 February. Equipping for a Coronavirus Pandemic |
29 February. Coronavirus and 5G: More Prophetic Visions for the Body |
MARCH 2020 |
2 March. At Peace With the Past: A Tribute to the Old Anglican Church |
16 March. The Purging Fire Vision & A Gathering of White Horses |
17 March. Vision of the United States: Hecate's Curse of the Black Triangle |
23 March. Tests in Life: The End of an Epoch |
25 March. Aviv 1 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle I - the Holy of Holies & Screen I |
26 March. Aviv 2 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle II - Table for the Shewbread |
27 March. Aviv 3 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle III - The Menorah or Lampstand |
28 March. Aviv 4 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle IV - The Altar of Incense & Screen II |
29 March. Aviv 5 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle V - The Brazen Altar |
30 March. Aviv 6 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle VI - The Brazen Laver & Screen III |
31 March. Aviv 7 2020: Raising the Melchizedek Tabernacle VII - The Dedication & Appearing of Messiah in the Tabernacle |
APRIL 2020 |
1 April. Pandemics & Assemblies: Obey the Government & Stay At Home? |
3 April. New CoVid-19 Coronavirus Plague Website |
6 April. Soul-Sleeping website  |
6 April. Johannine Community website  |
7 April. Resurrection Narratives: 1. On Solomon's Side of the Cross |
8 April. Resurrection Narratives: 2. It Really Happened Physically! |
9 April. Resurrection Narratives: 3. The Incarnate Elohim is Risen - Yom haBikkurim 2020 |
10 April. Resurrection Narratives: 4. The Reembodied Disembodied |
11 April. Resurrection Narratives: 5. The Resurrected Saints in Jerusalem |
12 April. Resurrection Narratives: 6. Martha's Resurrection |
13 April. Resurrection Narratives: 7. The Very Present and Future Glory |
15 April. The Second Heaven: The Resurrection and the Occult |
16 April. Did Christ Descend to Hell While in the Tomb? |
22 April. The Puzzle of Your Life: A Vision, a Life, a Future |
24 April. Rosh Chodesh II: Jericho March 2020 I - Serious Questions All Must Answer |
25 April. Jericho March 2020 II - Big Obstacles That Must Be Overcome |
26 April. Jericho March 2020 III - The Divine Pattern Revealed |
27 April. Jericho March 2020 IV - The Amazing Rahab! |
28 April. Jericho March 2020 V - Marching Around Your Self |
29 April. Jericho March 2020 VI - The Judgment of Beltane and Marx |
29 April. Jericho March 2020 VI - The Judgment of Beltane and Marx |
30 April. Jericho March 2020 VII - Israel's Deliverance, Jericho's End |
MAY 2020 |
1 May. Tackling Depression: Counsel for Ministers & Depressives |
7 May. Late Pesach 2020: Introduction to the Passover Season |
8 May. Late Chag haMatzah I 2020: O the Bliss of Right Living! |
9 May. Late Yom haBikkurim 2020: The Story of Two Scotsmen |
14 May. Late Chag haMatzah VII 2020: The Awakening of Messianic Israel |
15 May. Artemis 5G: The Image That Fell From Heaven |
22 May. Jeremiah's Return: The Death of Ravi Zacharias & the Raising of the Last Generation |
23 May. Rosh Chodesh III: The Restless Red Ocean - Prophetic Vision of the Last Generation |
30 May. Waiting on Yahweh: What to Do & How to Do It |
JUNE 2020 |
6 June. Philemon I: Why Social Justice Takes So Long
13 June. Philemon II: The Pauline Core of Gospel Living |
20 June. The Big NCAY Change: Moving from Samuel to Elijah |
22 June. Rosh Chodesh IV: Prophetic Word: Liars Will Be Silenced & a Message on the Worsening Anarchy |
29 June. Borders of the Kingdom: A Look at Scripture & Politics |
JULY 2020 |
3 July. The Bible Teaching on Suffering - new cover article |
6 July. Bless Yahweh, O My Soul! Psalm 103 & a Vision of the Kingdom |
13 July. Beyond Sola Scriptura: Revival of the Apostolic Tradition & Phronema |
19 July. Shavu'ot 2020: The Well-Worn Path, Judgment & the Blossoming of the Remnant |
20 July. Historial Christendom: Division, Complexity & Restoration |
21 July. Rosh Chodesh V 2020: Witnessing in a Postmodernist World |
28 July. From Athens to Seattle: Paul's Witness to the Postmodernists |
29 July. Postmodernism  |
29 July. Critical Realism  |
30 July. New Leader Article on the History Website |
AUGUST 2020 |
11 August. Tablets of Stone: The Mysterious Second Set |
18 August. The Kingdom of Messiah I: Challenging the Old Symbols |
19 August. Rosh Chodesh VI 2020: The Wild West of Today's Prophets |
26 August. The Kingdom of Messiah IIa: Piping in the New Symbols - The Land, the Nation and the Family |
2 September. The Kingdom of Messiah IIb: Piping in the New Symbols - New Covenant Torah |
9 September. The Kingdom of Messiah IIc: Piping in the New Symbols - The New Covenant Temple |
18 September. Yom Teruah 2020: Proclamation of the King's Judgment |
25 September. Shabbat Shuvah 2020: Preparation, Repentance & Confession |
27 September. Yom haKippurim 2020: The Matthew 28 Key to the Remnant |
OCTOBER 2020 |
1 Octoberober. Does Paul Claim Yahweh Justifies the Wicked and Contradict the Torah? |
2 October. Sukkot 2020 I: A New Feast of Tabernacles |
3 October. Sukkot 2020 II: The Rosy Gospel of Joy |
4 October. Sukkot 2020 III: Water-Drawing & the Wells of Salvation |
5 October. Sukkot 2020 IV: The Lulav Journey |
6 October. Sukkot 2020 V: Conquest of the Past |
7 October. Sukkot 2020 VI: The Israelite Wedding |
8 October. Sukkot 2020 VII: The Hidden Roots Tell All |
9 October. Shemini Atseret 2020: The Beginning of a New Era - The Prophets True and False |
11 October. Introduction to the Commentaries of the Olive Branch |
13 October. Commentary on Section 1 of the Olive Branch |
13 October. Commentary on Section 2 of the Olive Branch |
14 October. Commentary on Section 3 of the Olive Branch |
16 Octoberober. Spiritual Equipping I: The Power and Dynamic of the Ruach |
17 October. Rosh Chodesh VIII: Prophetic Counsel for the Times |
19 October. Commentary on Section 4 of the Olive Branch |
19 October. Commentary on Section 5 of the Olive Branch |
24 October. Spiritual Equipping II: The True Charismata |
31 October. Spiritual Equipping III: The Words Behind Baptism in the Spirit |
7 November. Spiritual Equipping IV: Baptised with the Spirit & Fire |
7 November. Commentary on Section 6 of the Olive Branch |
9 November. Commentary on Section 7 of the Olive Branch |
14 November. Spiritual Equipping V: Baptism of the Spirit at Work |
15 November. Rosh Chodesh X: The Miraculous 'Magic' Stool |
22 November. Spiritual Equipping VI: The Seven Steps to Spirit-Baptism |
24 November. Leader article of the History website |
29 November. Spiritual Equipping VII: Petitioning for the Spirit-Baptism! |
6 December. A 1 Corinthians 7 Study: I. Did Paul Promote Celibacy? |
13 December. A 1 Corinthians 7 Study: II. Marriage & Divorce Issues |
15 December. Rosh Chodesh X: The Road to Anarchy, Revolution & Civil War |
22 December. A 1 Corinthians 7 Study: III. Circumcision, Slavery & Divided Loyalties |
29 December. Persecution: I. Reasons and Responses |
2021 |
JANUARY 2021 |
1 January. A Prophetic 'New Year' Message - The Two Penultimate Woes |
5 January. Persecution: II. Catalyst to Remnant Purification & a Word for Pentecostals |
12 January. Persecution: III. Collision of Two Gospels |
13 January. Rosh Chodesh XI: The Little Elephant |
20 January. The Great Division: A Biblical Response to the Current Crisis |
25 January. The Narrow Door |
27 January. Return of the Elijah Prophets: I. Mari & the Ancient Pagan World |
3 February. Return of the Elijah Prophets: II. Samuel the Seer, Balaam & Deborah the Judge |
10 February. Return of the Elijah Prophets: III. Early Israelite Prophetic Guilds |
12 February. Rosh Chodesh XII: A Prophetic Message for the Last Month |
13 February. Does the Word 'Jesus' Mean
'Earth-Pig' in Latin? |
16 February.. New Links on the Islam website |
19 February. Return of the Elijah Prophets: IV. Building Up a Remnant Identikit |
24 February. Penultimate Judgment: Three Visions & a Timetable |
26 February. Return of the Elijah Prophets: V. Nahum's Redcoats & the Book of Daniel |
MARCH 2021 |
5 March. Return of the Elijah Prophets: VI. The Book of Daniel II - True History or Forgery? |
8 March. Yah'shua (Jesus) website - new leading article |
10 March. Olive Branch PWNC 210310, The Marble Pillar to the Olive Branch |
12 March. Return of the Elijah Prophets: VII. The Book of Daniel III - Its Historicity Proven |
13 March. Lev-Tsiyon's 'Mishpat-Yahweh' Sermons Series #12 page created |
13 March. Do Messianic Evangelicals Have Their Feet in Both Camps? A Question of Divine Names |
14 March. Aviv 1 2021: Judgment Year Messages - the Olive Branch |
21 March. The Sabbath Before: Preparing the Passover Lamb |
27 March. Pesach 2021: Introduction to the Passover Season with Two New Important Visions |
28 March. Chag haMatzah 2021 I: The Principle of Mixing and Unmixing |
29 March. Yom haBikkurim 2021: Why I Believe in the Resurrection |
APRIL 2021 |
3 April. Chag haMatzah 2021 VII: The Stone About to Strike & the Twelve Baskets of the Remnant |
11 April. Return of the Elijah Prophets: VIII. Actualisation of the Prophetic Word |
12 April. Rosh Chodesh 2021 II - Jericho March 2021 I: False Messiahs & the Israeli State |
12 April. Rosh Chodesh 2021 II - Jericho March 2021 I: False Messiahs & the Israeli State |
13 April. Jericho March 2021 II: Enemy Agendas & Activities |
14 April. Jericho March 2021 III: Roll Away the Reproach of Egypt! |
15 April. Jericho March 2021 IV: Silent Before Elohim |
16 April. Jericho March 2021 V: The Messianic Ark of the Covenant |
17 April. Jericho March 2021 VI: Plinth of the Image of the Beast |
18 April. Jericho March 2021 VII: "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down" |
19 April. Return of the Elijah Prophets: IX. The Davar as Word and Action |
19 April. What is the Difference Between the 900,000, the 144,000 and the Remnant? |
25 April. Late Pesach 2021: Last Chance for Believers
with an Important Vision |
26 April. Return of the Elijah Prophets: X. Prophetic Timing & Location - 1. Amos, Hosea and Isaiah |
30 April. The UFO website |
30 April. Return of the Elijah Prophets |
MAY 2021 |
3 May. Return of the Elijah Prophets: XI. Prophetic Timing & Location - 2. Micah, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Joel & Malach with an Important Menorah Vision |
18 April. Truth - Emet  |
26 May. Last Exodus, Overcoming the Egyptian Gods: Between Menorah & Cross - 2 Visions |
JUNE 2021 |
2 June. Faith, Hope & Love: A Vision with Insights from Paul |
9 June. Transformation: 1. Choosing in Faith |
11 June. The Deconstruction & Reconstruction of Biblical Authority |
18 June. Transformation: 2. The Divided Self & How It Begins |
22 June. Scripture website - new leader article |
25 June. Transformation: 3. Seeking the Face of Messiah |
JULY 2021 |
2 July. Transformation: 4. The Importance of the Quiet Time |
8 July. Shavu'ot 2021: Third Vision of the Blazing Fields |
9 July. Transformation: 5. Knowing Elohim in Stillness |
10 July. Rosh Chodesh 2021 V - The Beauty of New Covenant Zion |
17 July. Transformation: 6. Impact of the Incarnation I |
19 July. The Apostolic Way I: Important End-Time Visions
24 July. Transformation: 7. Impact of the Incarnation II |
26 July. The Apostolic Way II: Riddles in the Time of Testing |
28 July. The NCAY Leadership Page |
28 July. The East African Mission Page |
31 July. Transformation: 8. Impact of the Incarnation III |
AUGUST 2021 |
3 August. The Transformation Page with Leader Article |
4 August. Corona Virus Page |
4 August. Cancer Page |
4 August. Health Page |
7 August. Transformation: 9. The Seven Destructive Veils I |
9 August. Rosh Chodesh VI: Post-Penultimate Judgment Visions |
16 August. Transformation: 10. The Seven Destructive Veils II |
20 August. The RSTNE: Reasons to Be Careful |
23 August. Transformation: 11. A Centrally Integrated Mind |
29 August. Tithing Page - new leading article |
29 August. New material inserts |
30 August. Transformation: 12. The Affirmative Lifestyle |
6 September. Transformation: 13. The Emotional Dimension I |
7 September. Yom Teruah 2021: Behold, It is the Judgment Hour! |
14 September. Transformation: 14. The Emotional Dimension II |
16 September. Yom haKippurim 2021: World's Repentance or Judgment? |
21 September. Sukkot 2021 I: The Elohim Narrative I & Bridge Vision |
27 September. Sukkot 2021 VII II: Zion & the Elohim Narrative II |
28 September. Shemini Atseret 2021: Vision of the 12 Tribes Gathering |
29 September. Is It True That the Roman Emperor Constantine Created Christianity? |
OCTOBER 2021 |
5 October. Transformation: 15. The Physical Body & Health I |
7 October. Rosh Chodesh 2021 VIII: Being Mindful of the True Prophets - A Study of the Epistle of Jude |
11 October. Yahweh's Word Does Not Return Void |
14 October. Transformation: 16. The Physical Body & Health II |
21 October. Transformation: 17a. Relationships & Corporate Metamorphosis |
21 October. Transformation: 17b. Sealed for Tribulation |
28 October. Transformation: 18. New Evangelists with New Values |
4 November. Silence in Heaven: The 7th Seal Has Opened for Penultimate Judgment |
5 November. Rosh Chodesh IX: The Silence Before the Storm |
12 November. Book of Revelation I: The Apocalypse Beatitudes - Part A |
19 November. Book of Revelation II: The Apocalypse Beatitudes - Part B |
26 November. Book of Revelation III: The Four Methods of Interpretation - Part A |
3 December. Book of Revelation IV: The Four Methods of Interpretation - Part B |
4 December. Rosh Chodesh X: A Word of Encouragement |
11 December. Abandoning Self-Will: 1. The Active and Passive Forms |
14 December. The Glow Stick: Reasons for Suffering |
14 December. Global Warming Scam website |
18 December. Abandoning Self-Will: 2. The Challenge of the New Age |
25 December. The Nativity Story: What Should We Do on 25 December? |
2022 |
JANUARY 2022 |
1 January. 2022, Year of Decision: The House of Caleb is the Remnant |
3 January. Rosh Chodesh XI 2022: Is the Vax the Mark of the Beast? |
7 January. Book of Revelation website, new leader article |
10 January. Book of Revelation V: The 7 Ruachot & the Lesser Yahweh (Rev.1:1-8) |
17 January. Book of Revelation VI: The Ancient of Days & Son of Man
(Rev.1:9-20) |
24 January. Book of Revelation VII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 1. Ephesus (Rev.2:1-7) |
31 January. Book of Revelation VIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 2. Smyrna (Rev.2:8-11) |
1 February. Rosh Chodesh XII: Ezekiel, Gog & Magog and Russia |
8 February. Book of Revelation IX: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 3. Pergamum (Rev.2:12-17) |
15 February. Book of Revelation X: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 4. Thyatira (Rev.2:18-29) |
22 February. Book of Revelation XI: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 5. Sardis (Rev.1:1-6) |
MARCH 2022 |
1 March. Book of Revelation XII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 6. Philadelphia (Rev.1:7-13) |
3 March. Rosh Chodesh XIII: Russia, the Ukraine, Putin & the Élites - Three Prophetic Visions |
10 March. Book of Revelation XIII: The 7 Asian Assemblies - 7. Laodicea (Rev.1:14-22) |
14 March. MLT Website - main page and links |
16 March. At Peace With the Past: A Tribute to the Old Anglican Church |
19 March. Book of Revelation XIV: Between the Present & the Future I - Bishops, Pastors, Koinonia & Unity |
24 March. Book of Revelation XV: Between the Present & the Future II - Clement & Ignatius, the Judaising Heresy & Hyper-Grace |
31 March. Book of Revelation XVI: Between the Present & the Future III - Syriac Ignatius, Polycarp & the Patriarch-Apostles |
APRIL 2022 |
2 April. Rosh Chodesh I, Aviv 2022: The Gathering of the 12 Tribes Begins |
3 April. The Pig: Symbol of Uncleanness & Debasement |
3 April. Norwegian website: Kalender |
3 April. Norwegian website: Donasjoner |
3 April. Norwegian website: Barnehjem |
3 April. Swedish website: Kalender |
3 April. Swedish website: Donationer |
3 April. Leader article, Righteousness website |
4 April. Norwegian main page |
4 April. Swedish main page |
4 April. Afrikaans main page |
4 April. German main page |
4 April. Varför tror vi på Sabbaten? (Swedish) |
4 April. Isaraels sabbatsdag (Olivengrenen) (Norwegian) |
4 April. Yahwehs Högtider (Swedish) |
4 April. Yahwehs moedim: De årlinge bibelske høytider (Norwegian) |
4 April. Menigheter i Norge (Norwegian) |
4 April. Desperate Wives |
4 April. A World Without Cancer: The Story Of Vitamin B17 |
5 April. Zeitgeist Refuted |
5 April. New multi-version Bible Search engine installed |
5 April. ILMOITUKSIA...Uusia kirjoituksia kahdenelle-kymmenennelle vuosisadalle (Finnish) |
7 April. The main Teshuvah/Repentance website |
9 April. Unto Us a Child is Born: In Jubilation We Celebrate the Messiah's Birth |
10 April. Creation Calendar, Section 'In 705 BC the World Was Forced to Change Its Calendars...' |
12 April. Deliverance website |
16 April. Passover Season 2022 I: Chag haMatzah I - Purity & Obedience |
17 April. Discussion Networks website |
17 April. The Visions Index website |
17 April. Passover Season 2022 II: Yom haBikkurim - Resurrection Thunder & Lightning! |
19 April. Passover Season 2022 I: Chag haMatzah I - Purity & Obedience |
19 April. The NCCG.ORG Health Page |
19 April. Agency website: Arminianism (Provisionism) vs. Calvinism |
20 April. Science website |
22 April. Passover Season 2022 III: Chag haMatzah VII - The Colossian Message of Thanksliving |
23 April. As a Precious Seal: The Bride's Love, Honour & Loyalty with thoughts on the Sabbath & Tithing |
25 April. History website |
25 April. Wie ein kostbares Siegel: Die Liebe, Ehre und Treue der Braut mit Gedanken zum Sabbat und Zehnten (German website) |
28 April. Islam website |
25 April. Why Do Some Messianics Call God 'Yahuah'? |
30 April. Mishpat Yahweh II: Future of the War in Ukraine |
MAY 2022 |
1 May. Rosh Chodesh 2022 II: Jericho Marches 2022 I, U.K. Visions & the Returning Tribes of Israel |
2 May. Jericho Marches 2022 II: Israel, the Strange - Jacob's Family |
3 May. Jericho Marches 2022 III: A Most Important Message |
4 May. Jericho Marches 2022 IV: No Single Woman Can Ever Commit Adultery (but a Single Man Can) |
5 May. Jericho Marches 2022 V: A Test of Faith & Your Economy
6 May. Jericho Marches 2022 VI: Pursue Yahweh's Perfection Always |
7 May. Jericho Marches 2022 VII: Death of a Strongman |
8 May. Remnant Gathering: The Call of the Elijah Prophets |
14 May. Science website  |
15 May. Book of Revelation XVII: John, His Gospel and the Apocalypse |
15 May. Family Values: The Reason They're So Vital |
18 May. Calvinism Exposed website, new section  |
22 May. Rosh Chodesh III 2022: Financial Collapse is NOW! Visions |
22 May. Book of Revelation XVIII: An Introduction to Chapters 4 & 5 |
29 May. Book of Revelation XIX: The Glory of the Throne Room I - The 24 Elders (Rev.4:1-6a) |
JUNE 2022 |
10 June. Leader article, King James Version Only Website  |
14 June. Book of Revelation XX: The Glory of the Throne Room II - The Four Living Creatures, Part A (Revelation 4:6b-11) |
16 June. The Rotten Core and the Only Way to Treat It |
19 June. In Search of a Bible: Which Translation Should I Use?  |
19 June. Leader article to the Rapture website  |
21 June. Book of Revelation XXI: The Glory of the Throne Room III - The Four Living Creatures, Part B (Revelation 4:6b-11) |
25 June. Home Education main page  |
26 June. The Soviet Story  |
28 June. Book of Revelation XXII: Glory of the Throne Room III - The Lion & the Lamb (Revelation 5:1-7) |
30 June. Rosh Chodesh IV: Fresh, Green & Bearing Fruit in Old Age |
JULY 2022 |
1 July. The Origin of Martial Arts, the Fallen Angels that Taught Man, & the Original Source of All Knowledge in Which They Themselves Got Taught |
7 July. Book of Revelation XXIII: Glory of the Throne Room IV - The Lion & the Lamb, Part A (Revelation 5:1-7) |
14 July. Book of Revelation XXIV: Glory of the Throne Room V - The Lion & the Lamb, Part B (Revelation 5:8-14) |
14 July. Leader article of the Alcohol Website  |
21 July. Book of Revelation XXV: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part A |
27 July. Shavu'ot 2022: Why We Celebrate the Feast of Weeks & Sorting Out the Pentecostal Confusion |
28 July. Book of Revelation XXVI: Satan on the Earth - An Overview of Revelation 6-16, Part B |
28 July. Section 354 of the Olive Branch, Three Prophetic Visions |
29 July. Rosh Chodesh 2022 V: Three Prophetic Visions from 1994 - The Great Reservoir, a Solemn Assembly & Persecution |
AUGUST 2022 |
5 August. Book of Revelation XXVII: The Seven Seals I - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8) |
6 August. Leader article on Time, Summary of the 7 Æons  |
8 August. Links section of the Islam website  |
8 August. The Amazing Atheist Miracle on the Atheism website  |
12 August. Book of Revelation XXVIII: The Seven Seals II - Seals 5 & 6, Martyrs, Vengeance, Natural Disasters & Mars (Revelation 6:9-17) |
16 August. NCAY Discussion Networks page  |
19 August. Book of Revelation XXIX: Interlude I, Part A, Sealing the 144,000 - The Lamb's Élite Warriors (Revelation 7:1-8) |
26 August. Book of Revelation XXX: Interlude I, Part B, The Great Rescue - The Great Multitude (Revelation 7:9-17) |
29 August. Rosh Chodesh 2022 VI: A Question of Maturity & Following Christ |
31 August. What Kind of Messianic 'Evangelical'? Examining the Anglican/Wesleyan Connection |
4 September. Book of Revelation XXXI: The Seventh Seal & Silence in Heaven - Golden Censer & Earthquake I (Revelation 8:1-5) |
11 September. The Mighty One Who Cares: From Quarks & Pet Animals to Monarchs & Galaxies |
19 September. The Warren Family website (Queen's funeral)  |
20 September. Book of Revelation XXXII: The Seven Shofar Judgments I: The First 4 Plagues Begin (Revelation 8:6-13) |
22 September. The Islam Website, recommended books  |
23 September. What is NCAY's View on the CARM & Tektonics Apologetics Websites? |
25 September. Worldwide Decision Time: The Greatest Treasure Earth Affords - Preparing for Yom Teruah |
26 September. Yom Teruah 2022: Fathers & Mothers, Sons & Daughters |
OCTOBER 2022 |
1 October. The Hell Website, links & video  |
2 October. NCAY Discussion Network  |
2 October. The Universalist Website  |
3 October. Shabbat Shuvah 2022: Last Chance to Repent before the Judge's Hammer Falls |
5 October. Yom haKippurim 2022: The Restoration of Forgiveness & Saving the Last Generation |
10 October. Sukkot 2022 I: The Great Hope Draws Nearer |
16 October. Sukkot 2022 VII: The Seven Days of Maturation & the Gospel for the Poor |
17 October. Shemini Atseret 2022: The Festivals, Masculinity & the New Culture of the Remnant |
24 October. The OSAS (Once Saved, Always Saved) website  |
24 October. Enduring to the End: It's a Question of Salvation |
26 October. Rosh Chodesh VIII: Two Prophetic Messages - The Wheat Sheaf & the Olive Branch |
27 October. The Alternative News Media website listing  |
28 October. The Atheism website, new video  |
28 October. The Flat Earth website, new video  |
29 October. The Truth website, supplemental leader material  |
31 October. The Pride of Life: When Ministers Exalt in Titles |
2 November. Book of Revelation XXXIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments II, The Fifth Plague (Part 1) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-11) |
3 November. The Soviet Story/Communism website  |
4 November. The Flat Earth website  |
4 November. Spurgeon's Heresy: Confessions of a Hyper-Calvinist  |
5 November. Stewardship website, leader article  |
5 November. United Order of All Things in Common website, leader article & new links  |
7 November. OB Section 195, Revelation on Ordination to Priesthood |
7 November. OB Section 194, Revelation on the Law of Concubinage is Abolished  |
7 November. Supplement to the 2nd Edition, Olive Branch  |
8 November. Salt Covenants: Legalities - expositional comment  |
8 November. Main website: What Messianic Evangelicism is  |
9 November. Book of Revelation XXXIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments III - The Fifth Plague (Part 2) - Locust Nightmare (Revelation 9:1-11) |
16 November. Book of Revelation XXXV: The Seven Shofar Judgments IV, The 6th Plague & 2nd Woe - The Fiery Riders (Revelation 9:13-21) |
21 November. Messianic Heresies  |
23 November. Book of Revelation XXXVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments V, Interlude II, Part A - The Little Scroll (Revelation 10:1-11) |
23 November. Corona Virus website  |
24 November. Rosh Chodesh IX 2022: Temptations & Knowing How to Deal With The |
25 November. Genesis 1:1 and the Festivals of Yahweh - video on the Alef-Taw  |
25 November. Atheism website - material by John Lennox  |
26 November. Main website - new Google search engine installed  |
26 November. Of Liens & Destruction: An Important Prophetic Warning |
28 November. Florida in Flames: A Prophetic Vision and Warning |
1 December. Book of Revelation XXXVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part B - The Two Witnesses: Part I - Measuring Rod & Temple (Revelation 11:1-2) |
2 December. Book of Revelation website - new recommended Other Authors list  |
8 December. Book of Revelation XXXVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VI - Interlude II, Part C - The Two Witnesses: Part 2 - Moses & Elijah (Revelation 11:3-14) |
14 December. Perfection & True Names: Is the Name 'Jesus Christ' a Falsehood? |
20 December. Hanukkah website, new material on the occult number 9  |
20 December. The Bible & Creed website  |
22 December. The Bible's Own Creed: Why the Scriptures are Adequate for Saving Faith |
23 December. Rosh Chodesh X: O Pray, Not in Winter! Antiochus, Jerusalem AD 70 & the End - Vision of the Two Colliding Waves |
29 December. Seventh Day Adventist website  |
30 December. Book of Revelation XLI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part A (Revelation 11:15-19) |
2023 |
JANUARY 2023 |
6 January. Book of Revelation XLII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - The Song of Triumph, Part B (Revelation 11:15-19) |
9 January. The Eternal Marriage website  |
13 January. Book of Revelation XLIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Woman and the Dragon, Part A (Revelation 12:1-6) |
16 January. The Mysterious Hebrew Codes  |
16 January. Complete rewrite of the Bible/Torah Codes website  |
19 January. The History website  |
19 January. The Theology website  |
19 January. Are You Ready for the Millennium?  |
20 January. Book of Revelation XLIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Woman and the Dragon, Part B (Revelation 12:1-6) |
22 January. Rosh Chodesh XI 2023: The End-Time Remnant & the Two Wives of Isaiah |
29 January. Book of Revelation XLV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Angry Dragon, Part A - A Study on Satan & Yahweh's Archangels (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) |
1 February. Leader article, New Section E, Justification website  |
5 February. The Purpose of Life & the Doctrine of Imputation: Dealing with Life and Death |
12 February. Book of Revelation XLVI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Angry Dragon, Part B - Last Exodus & Cast Down From Heaven (Revelation 12:7-18/13:1a) |
19 February. Book of Revelation XLVII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The First Beast, Part A (Revelation 13:1-10) |
20 February. Rosh Chodesh XII: Total Surrender, Successful Resistance |
27 February. Book of Revelation XLVIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, The First Beast, Part B (Revelation 13:1-10) |
MARCH 2023 |
6 March. Book of Revelation XLIX: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, The Second Beast, False Prophet & 666 Part A (Revelation 13:1-10) |
8 March. New video, Gnosticism website  |
13 March. Book of Revelation L: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, The Second Beast, False Prophet & Dark Lamb Part B (Revelation 13:1-10) |
20 March. Book of Revelation LI: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, The Second Beast & Triple-Helix DNA Part C (Revelation 13:1-10) |
22 March. Rosh Chodesh I - Aviv: Lev-Tsiyon's 2023 New Year Message - Vision of an Amazing Cleansing |
26 March. Sisters & Rivals: The Leviticus 18:18 Key to Spirituality & Unity |
29 March. Psalm 119:176 - I Have Not Forgotten Your Mitzvot |
APRIL 2023 |
3 April. New 7th Edition of the Messianic Evangelical Passover/Pesach Meal  |
5 April. Chag haMatzah 2023 I: Miriyam's Alabaster Jar & The Mystery of Messiah's Passover |
6 April. Yom haBikkurim 2023: Vision of the White Chariot - The Resurrection & Better by Far Here |
11 April. Chag haMatzah VII 2023: The Five Days After Yom haBikkurim, Preparing for the Second Coming & Eternity |
12 April. Spiritual Birth of the Antichrist: Prophetic Dreams About the Two Beasts |
13 April. LDS Website  |
19 April. Reasons for Faithfulness: A Testimony from My Heart With Thoughts on Watchman Nee |
20 April. Rosh Chodesh II 2023: Jericho Marches XII 2023 - I. Awakening for the Battle Ahead |
21 April. Jericho Marches XII 2023 - II. Satan's Challenge to the Last Generation: Facing Down Doubt and Unbelief |
22 April. Jericho Marches XII 2023 - III. Overcoming Passivity, The Need for More Joshua's |
23 April. The NCAY East Africa Mission Website  |
23 April. Jericho Marches XII 2023 - IV. Separated From, Separated To - Breaking Out of Passivity With the Pre-Anointing |
24 April. Jericho Marches XII 2023 - V. The Caravan is Moving On! Deconstruction & the Number 7 |
25 April. The Messianic Evangelical Logos website  |
25 April. Jericho Marches XII 2023 - VI. The Communal Covenant of Israel: Inducting the Remnant into Deeper Truth & Love |
26 April. Jericho Marches XII 2023 - VII. Bringing the Walls Down: Grace and Works as One |
27 April. Made Out of Love: The Universe Within & Our Place Within It |
29 April. The UFO's website leader article - new video  |
MAY 2023 |
5 May. Book of Revelation LII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part A: The True Followers (Revelation 14:1-5) |
11 May. Book of Revelation LIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, The Lamb's Élite 144,000 Warriors, Part B: Firstfruits, Firstborn & Purity (Revelation 14:1-5) |
18 May. Book of Revelation LIV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, Messages of the Six Malakim, Part A. Babylon & the Call to Endurance (Revelation 14:6-13) |
20 May. Rosh Chodesh III: Facing the Storm with Wisdom |
27 May. Book of Revelation LV: The Seven Shofar Judgments VIII - Interlude III, Messages of the Six Malakim, Part B. The Great Harvest (Revelation 14:14-20) |
JUNE 2023 |
3 June. Book of Revelation LVI: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments I: Preparing the Final Plagues (Revelation 15:1-8) |
10 June. Book of Revelation LVII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments II: The First Four Plagues (Revelation 16:1-9) |
19 June. Rosh Chodesh IV: Final Warning to the West |
JULY 2023 |
1 July. Bouquet of Roses  |
4 July. Festivals Down-Under: Observance in the Southern Hemisphere (movie update)  |
6 July. Healing website  |
16 July. Shavu'ot 2023: Antichrist is Here - Ending one Chapter and Starting a New One |
AUGUST 2023 |
2 August. Islam website  |
2 August. Psychiatry website  |
4 August. Is Smoking a Demonic Issue?  |
17 August. The New Covenant Torah website leader article  |
20 August. Women, Prophecy and Revelation: What are the Limits of Their Authority? |
29 August. Yah'shua the Messiah and His Place in the Godhead - new references to the femininity of the Ruach  |
30 August. Swear Words: Why You Don't Need Them  |
4 September. How Can We Get Jobs That Allow Us to Observe the Creation Calendar? |
15 September. Yom Teruah 2023: The End of the Penultimate Judgment |
22 September. Shabbat Shuvah 2023: Teshuvah and the Year of Ten |
24 September. Yom haKippurim 2023: The Penultimate Day of Yahweh's Wrath |
OCTOBER 2023 |
6 October. Shemini Atseret 2023: The Millennial Manifestation & Presence - How the Second Coming Happens |
13 October. Book of Revelation LVIII: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 1 (Revelation 16:10-21) |
18 October. The Israel & Israelites website  |
18 October. What is a Jew?  |
22 October. Book of Revelation LIX: The Seven Vial/Bowl Judgments III: The Last Three Plagues, Part 2 (Revelation 16:10-21) |
30 October. Christian Denominations  |
5 November. Book of Revelation LX: Babylon the Great, Part 1 - A Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 17-18) |
7 November. Leader article of the Salvation webpage  |
11 November. Jakobs Trübsal
Teil 1: Die übergroße Sündhaftigkeit der Sünde |
12 November. Book of Revelation LXI: Babylon the Great, Part 2 - The Whore Rides a Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17:1-8) |
14 November. Rosh Chodesh IX 2023: The Patriarch Reuben - The Story of a Fallen Firstborn Son |
25 November. The Atheism webpage  |
25 November. The Alternative Media webpage  |
28 November. Book of Revelation LXII: Babylon the Great, Part 3 - The Seven & Ten Kings (Revelation 17:9-18) |
5 December. Book of Revelation LXIII: Babylon the Great, Part 4 - Babylon's Plagues (Revelation 18:1-8) |
12 December. Book of Revelation LXIV: Babylon the Great, Part 5 - The Judgment of Babylon (Revelation 18:9-24) |
13 December. Rosh Chodesh X 2023: The Heavenly Peace- and War-Maker - Overcoming Passivity to Wage Righteous War with Important Prophetic Visions & Dreams |
19 December. The Messiah's Birthday webpage  |
19 December. The Christmas webpage  |
20 December. Book of Revelation LXV: Our Messiah Returns to the Earth - A Preliminary Overview of Chapters 19 & 20 |
26 December. The Tongues webpage  |
27 December. Book of Revelation LXVI: Yahweh's Victory Celebration, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb & the Womanolatry of Babylon Exposed (Revelation 19:1-10) |
2024 |
JANUARY 2024 |
3 January. Book of Revelation LXVII: The Beast Defeated, Part 1 - The Military Messiah, Royal Wives and Thighs (Revelation 19:11-21) |
10 January. Book of Revelation LXVIII: The Beast Defeated, Part 2 - Messiah's Conquest & Victory Through the Cross (Revelation 19:11-21) |
19 January. Book of Revelation LXIX: The Millennium - Reigning for 1,000 Years (Revelation 20:1-6) |
26 January. Book of Revelation LXX: Satan's Last Rebellion & Imprisonment (Revelation 20:7-10) |
2 February. Book of Revelation LXXI: The Great White Throne Judgment - Salvation by Faith or Works? (Revelation 20:11-15) |
9 February. Book of Revelation LXXII: The Great Millennial Debate - with Notes on Hell, Tartarus & Darbyism (Revelation 20:1-10) |
17 February. Book of Revelation LXXIII: A New Heaven & a New Earth & the World After the Millennium (Revelation 21:1-5) |
24 February. Book of Revelation LXXIV: The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:6-21) |
MARCH 2024 |
2 March. Book of Revelation LXXV: Elohim & the Lamb are There (Revelation 21:22-22:7) |
9 March. Book of Revelation LXXVI: 'I am Coming Soon!' (Revelation 22:8-21) |
10 March. Rosh Chodesh I - 2024: Aviv 1 & The Journey Ahead |
17 March. A Realistic Look at Life: The Amazing, Awful & Ordinary - The Gospel from a Philosophical Perspective |
24 March. Passover Season 2024 I: Chag haMatzah I - Presenting a Well-Rounded Gospel to the World |
25 March. Passover Season 2024 II: Chag haMatzah II, Yom haBikkurim - The Resurrection That Sets You Free |
30 March. Passover Season 2024 VII: Chag haMatzah III - The Spiritual Pattern Behind the Seven Days |
APRIL 2024 |
10 April. Truth website - new book review section  |
16 April. Reconstructing the
Johannine Community I: Ephesus, John the Apostle, and the New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh  |
19 April. The Johannine Community website  |
19 April. Reconstructing the Johannine Community website  |
23 April. Reconstructing the
Johannine Community 2a: Introduction to the Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection I  |
24 April. When Apostles are Called: How Apostles Will Be Called In NCAY  |
27 April. What is a Liberal Christian? (FAQ)  | |
30 April. Reconstructing the
Johannine Community 2b: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection II (Art)  |
MAY 2024 |
7 May. Reconstructing the
Johannine Community 2c: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection III (Art)  |
8 May. Rosh Chodesh III 2024: The Divinity & Humanity of Christ: An Unnegociable Truth (Art)  |
15 May. Reconstructing the
Johannine Community 2d: The Mystery of Cana, Marriage & the Resurrection IV (Art)  |
16 May. School of the Elders website  |
17 May. Is Whether We Eat Kosher a Matter of Conscience Only? (FAQ) |
19 May. Bible Versions - new material on editions of the NIV  |
21 May. Are There Separate, Multiple Angel Tongues? (FAQ) |
22 May. Reconstructing the
Johannine Community 3: The Three Epistles (Art)  |
29 May. Reconstructing the
Johannine Community 4: The Holy Mystery and Gift - A GRAND FINALE (Art)  | |
JUNE 2024 |
17 June. Toplessness: Is It a Sin to Go Bare-Breasted? (FAQ) | |
JULY 2024 |
4 July. Shavu'ot 2024: Ephraim & Manasseh - the Egyptian Heritage (Art) | |
AUGUST 2024 |
24 August. Diary of a Patriarch, 24 August 2024 (Art) | |
14 September. Boaz: Was He Single, a Widower or Already Married When He Took Ruth to Wife? (FAQ) | |
19 December. Tongues for Beginners (Art) | |
28 December. The Problem with Facts & Challenging the Bible Canon (Art) | |
2025 |
JANUARY 2025 |
2 January. Warmongering: The Curse of Evil Men (Art) | |
3 January. Endling Loneliness: A Message (Art) | |
4 January. A Pentecostal Asks a Messianic Evangelical About Praying in Tongues (Art) | |
4 January. A Parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Art) | |
4 January. Was Deborah a Ruler? Exposing the Feminist Myth (Art) | |
4 January. Fake Trinity Verse, No Marcan Resurrection & Absent Woman Taken in Adultery (Art) | |
5 January. Husbands and Fathers as Family Priests and Teachers (Art) | |
5 January. I am a Pentecostal...and a Baptist, Evangelical, Seventh Day Adventist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Messianic, Congregationalist, Catholic, Orthodox, etc. (Art) | |
5 January. Is Christianity a Religion? (Art) | |
5 January. Men Want Peace of Mind in Marriage (Art) | |
6 January. The Sunk Cost Fallacy (Art) | |
6 January. Our Relationship to Yahweh Like a Wife's to Her Husband (Art) | |
13 January. Is the Heart So Desperately Wicked That It is Beyond Cure? (Art) | |
15 January. The Apple Seeds: The 7-1 Vision (Art) | |
17 January. The Showerhead & the Pearl: A Vision of the Millennial Kingdom (Art) | |
20 January. President Donald Trump: Vision of the Second Presidential Term (Art) | |
7 February. Visions of My Death (Art) | |
12 February. Women & Appearances (Art) | |
12 February. Legislating Christianity: Why State Institutionalisation Corrupts It (Art) |
12 February. How Christians Thought of Themselves in the Second Century (Art)
15 February. The Gadarene Swine: Why the Demons Were Expelled There (Art)
16 February. Ancient Egypt: Biblically Blessed or Cursed? (Art)
20 February. Beware of This Lie about Sexual Desires & Practices! (Art)
20 February. Is It True That Nobody is Saved Until the Final Judgment and Resurrection? (FAQ)
22 February. Leader article to the Yahweh website (Art)  |
23 February. Hidden Feminism: A Curse on the Home (Art)
MARCH 2025 |
2 March. The Cult of Mithra: Did Christianity Copy It? (Art)
6 March. Living Perfectly: Important Questions to Ask Yourself (Art)
6 March. Men as Protectors: It's Built into the Fabric of Creation (Art)
9 March. Vive la Difference! The Uniqueness of Individuals, Families & Nations (Art)
9 March. Transparency: How Much of Ourselves Should We Reveal..and to Whom? (Art)